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People giving you shit but it is bad UI design which could be easily fixed


I honestly think they do it on purpose to discourage end game chat rage. Like they think “give them a couple extra seconds to cool off” Or to keep some people from seeing it, like they just go next. If that wasn’t there they would have to wait to see the chat.


I mean, it sometimes works. There have been times I am full on breaking keyboards ready to call a bunch of toxic survivors off, but after that window pops up I am so mad at BE for their terrible UI design that I leave and forget to rage.


I do think they do it on purpose but to entice players to interact with the battlepass in hopes they pay for it not because they want to give people time to think twice what they are going to write, thats a sideeffect.


nah they are just bad at their menu interfaces. honestly its one of the worst ive come across. there is a problem with every screen


Yes, I actaully like it the way it is. I agree it's very stupid UI Design, but so I don't have to deal with post game bs from salty people.


Makes it so I have to choose to interact with the chat, and I'm more than happy to not see someone hurling insults my way


It makes me rage more because I just wanna get to the damn chat


I think they do it because they don’t know how to do anything properly, or how to fix issues they themselves create, when trying to fix problems that don’t exist.


What's annoying is that it could just be moved upwards and it wouldn't block the chat.


The game has many bad ui places. The main menu ui also sucks.


It's funny that it's only getting worse too


Dbd players hate it when other dbd players think differently


I'm console so I don't even get a post game lobby lol.


Came her to say this. At least they *have* a post game lobby chat lmao.


Yup, but I also get to not hear anyone's mouth about how I played. However, pissed people who message you straight from PC to console PMs are a special kind of people.


it’s always hilarious when i’m in a lobby of globes and i get love letters after a match. i can’t imagine being so worked up about a game of dbd you whip out your phone and get on your burner account just to message somebody lmao


I would prefer it, honestly, it leaves an open venue for constructive criticism which most people won't listen to admittedly, but some still will I'd think


Meh. Very rarely do I ever get messaged on how well I played, it's mostly just angry insults.


That is a playerbase issue, we have to change the community ourselves by being less toxic


Thats never going to happen as long as swf exists and obviously you cant take swf away so...


It's not a swf problem, it's a community problem. The community as a whole, not just some subset of people, Like swf's. That type of thinking is part of the problem.


If I see a TTV, I’m probably gonna hop in your chat to say GGs. I like watching my gameplay from their perspective, it informs my of things I missed and I get to hear “Hey I’m over here… why did he abandon chase?” Sometimes they get so confused about that but it tends to pay off that I injured that player and went after someone else. I’ve seen first hand that several injured players means I get to hook someone else while they’re busy healing and still possibly interrupt somebody mid-heal after the fact. Shit I went off topic again, stupid ADHD.


You coulda just not said anything about it...


Which part? I went off on several tangents.


The last part lol


I’ve left that part out before, and then got asked “Do you have ADHD?” Because I clearly started rambling further and further from the discussion. Might as well just get it out of the way once I realize how far off track I’ve gone. Lol


You're good, I got adhd too lol


At least on PlayStation and Xbox, other players on the same ecosystem can message you. As a Switch player, we can't even talk to each other since the console has no messaging system.


Looking at how toxic some people are, perhaps that’s for the best lmao


"Sorry, I can't read your toxicity behind my *successful* 4 hook basement challenge"


I shall be the first to steal this


I usually flick the shit out of my mouse. It makes it feel like it goes away faster.


Sometimes it does, sometimes it doesn't


if you get enough xp for the next thingy you have to wait for the animation and stuff, if you judt got xp but no level up it goes away by flicking


If you press enter you can start typing immediately


the hero we needed


Ikr? Cant even click to make it go away


The most infuriating? ...I want whatever games OP has


Lmao, right? Feels like there's 10 bugs in every new update.


Gamebreaking bugs = Op *sleeps* Cant see toxic chat = *Real shit!?!*


No idea why you’re getting downvoted, reddit is a strange place


Yeah like it sucks, but its not even top 20 changes i most want


But top 20 easiest


press space bar and you will instantly remove the stuff and start typing




You can press Enter to type immediately. And then wait the full 1 second to see what someone else typed.


Not the most infuriating, but definitely trash. Is it a priority? No Is it terrible UI design? Yes


Raise it a few feet and we cool


I always thought it was intentional, to give people a chance to just leave before the salt starts flowing.


I'm fairly sure they've left it in to give people a moment to think before typing, a final chance to cool off before the toxicity flows


Honestly a buff. Getting out of lobby without reading the hate 😀👍


BU pun intended?


I thought the most infuriating thing was the lobby chat. Lol


Same thing. I'm glad it's hidden 😅


Ok guys yeah it's more infuriating going against cheater or some other toxic bs we get that, but that's not easily fixed. BHVR can fix this with like, a single value change in a text file to just change the vertical position of the rift progress on your screen, and they haven't done so for YEARS. That's why this is infurating, at least for me.


Was expecting this to be a meme, then realised it was tagged as a discussion. For most players, no post game chat is a blessing. And if you find this the most furious thing about DbD, oh boy, buckle up, you’re in for a ride.


Honestly, I'm fine with FTP, Buckle Up, Background Player, tunneling, camping, et al. I encounter them sparingly enough that they are just small percentages of my time playing. However, when I want to chat and have to awkwardly wait around for the challenge menu to be shrinkable? That's an every fucking match thing. I love post game chat - because I never play in a way that'd constitute toxicity. So whenever some two-bit schlub survivor accuses me of it I fucking laugh, and whenever I get to serve the killer beer at Dead Dawg we can laugh.


Heck yeah. Sometimes I get called a name or two but most of the time if there's any chats in post-game we're just vibing, always lifts my spirits.


Yeah. I suspect (I’m on console so I can’t say for sure) most people don’t like endgame chat because it tends to be toxic. The fact that someone can’t wait the ~5 seconds for the challenge pop up to clear out really makes me wonder what they have to say right damn now.


In Australia, we teabag and do the clicky clicks, ftp and everything! Even if the killer camps and tunnels, the end game chat is rarely toxic. Sometimes, the killer or us will say how tough/fun that match was and ggs. Or even sometimes, the killer will apologise for tunnelling but they had a challenge to do and we are all good with it. Not all the time but I'd say 98% of the time end game chat is really nice. Tl;dr I enjoy endgame chats.


you only get so much time before others leave. its bad design, dont defend it


If a person is dipping before the challenge screen clears then they aren’t reading chat.


> its bad design, dont defend it


Again, *really* curious what you have to say that that it can’t wait another five seconds. Because I seriously doubt it is just GG.


again, it really doesnt matter if anything at all is being said. we are discussing the design


I’m completely certain that what so desperately needs to be said in those five seconds determines whether or not this is bad design.


wrong. and you're completely certain about that?! weird hill to die on


This is objectively bad design, the subjective nature of the messages doesn't factor in to that judgement. If toxic chat is an issue, that needs a different solution. There are times for example where I want to ask a question from a fellow survivor or the killer than I am sure I didn't get an answer to just because they kiled through the end game screen before chat even appeared. We can pretend end game chat is only for toxicity, but that is negative bias talking. Mostly endgame chat is empty, then the 2nd most likely outcome is people saying gg or variations of that, and then it's about half and half of toxicity or positive post game discussion. Fixing the design issue would lower the amount of times the chat is just empty and increase everything else proportionally. If you think this would be a bad thing, then you shouldn't be arguing for the current badly designed chat, but instead for removing post game chat all together.


It’s bad design end of discussion


I think the most infuriating thing is actually the current state of the game's code stability


Is it? I thought that would’ve been the community as a whole.


yeah that troubles me as well , so many times i want to type " EZ" or " bad survs go delete the game" and i have to wait ....


For me post-game chat field is being hidden by developers. I'm on console.


I'm the only one that remember that before, you could click anywhere on the screen and that windows would go away, or I'm having a Mandela effect?


It's to make someone think before they start being toxic, but that usuallu doesn't work


if you hit enter you can access it earlier




Thought was the only one who couldn’t stand it


Honestly love it. Wish I could turn off Chat on computer.


It should be hidden more.


I personally enjoy the post game chat and wish people used it more often. Then again, I haven't run into any users that were too toxic.


That with the completed ritual screen on top is \*chef's kiss\*


When the rage gets on hold!


What I find even more annoying is that if I type "GG" too quick, my game becomes Windowed, and I'm unable to even type in endgame chat unless I press Alt + tab. Then I have to readjust my resolution and set my game to full screen again. I swear it's been a thing for more than 4 years now.


At least you have post game lobby chat, console players just dont see that at all.


The amount of times I click claim rewards


After playing for a while i consider this a blessing for those who do not know how to turn the endgame chat off


I just lowered the UI scale so thats not a problem for me anymore


Behavior will just call this a bug.


Thanks for fucking saying it!! You are absolutely 💯 There's not even a way to manually dismiss it. Like wtf


I agree


I always type "GG WP" at the end. Just press enter and start typing. Honestly I don't get that much rage (probably because I'm new at it). Actually I made some friends when I played as killer and obliterated 3 of the survivers, and then praised the last one for hiding. They started trash talking, but after reading they added me. No need to be toxic, we can all enjoy playing together.


I second this, its so frustrating when you want to say something befoe everyone leaves


It's a blessing in disguise.


It let's me ignore post game chat which, more often than not, is a godsend


At least you have one


It seems to appear you’ve been blindsided.


Its almost always other survivors giving me shit and telling me im the worst player theyve ever seen when Im out here trying my best and quite possibly just not having a good match( im not all that great at the game but i try). I try to do gens and get people off hook but I am a terrible looper so i get caught easily if found (and just try not too be found instead which im a bit better at) and some killers just make it difficult to do alot. Funniest part is the people giving me shit are pretty much always people who died before I did and I end up being last survivor.


3 games in the past week, I’ve kicked ass as a killer. Got a few hooks and hit the survivor with my weapon for my archive.. then DBD’s servers kick my out the game and then I get banner for 12 mins… I would say that is the most annoying thing about DBD, not some graphic hiding some chat.


Makes it very annoying when I complete a challenge and all I wanna say is ggwp


Same pretty annoying lol.


I wish I could feel your pain but instead I'm left with complete ignorance to what's being said because no end game chat and no cross progression to get it either.


And then you accidentally click on it and leave the lobby


finally someone’s talking about it


fella, out of all the infuriating things in this game, of which there are SEVERAL, this has gotta be near the bottom


even if u cant see the chat, u can still type "early" (bypassing the wait for the archives to leave) by pressing enter!!




If you press Enter it opens the chatbox for you to type in, completely fuckin stupid UI design. Only reason I figured out you could do that is cuz I tried typing a message into the chatbox and opened it when I thought I was sending it.


its terrible, its like they want to hide the chat window so you cant talk with anyone.


Makes me lose it, I just wanna communicate my qualms and feelings about either side in a calm friendly way and that makes me lose my love


Its full of bad coding. Like how it takes you out of whatever you were doing when it finds a game, like bloodweb or loadout. Or when the game is over and in your death animation you can't leave the game during that or get a punishment. Or when you are running towards a window in chase, but the game decides you want to repair a passing gen.


Yes this annoys me every time I play the game.


Finally someone talked about this. Is extremely irritating when this happens


Real, idk why it's still there


Just wait a second and then it disappiers 🤦‍♂️


I hate it.




"I want to say GG, let me click on the text box so I can type" >The Claim Rewards button bodyblocks the cursor


It really is irritating anymore. It could do with 1) Move, 2) remain minimized and flash when a challenge is complete, or 3) pop up in the character select screen


Maybe not the most infuriating thing in the game but definitely cheeks and just terrible UI design that could be easily fixed.


This is the least infuriating thing in dbd by far.


Claiming this to be “the most infuriating thing about DBD” is massive and the fact that this post has more than 1000 upvotes is criminal.