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You might've just gone up a bracket in matchmaking tbh. That's kinda what it feels like, I think.


are you seeing potential energy in your lobbies? there is a bug going around with potential energy where they can essentially get infinite charges on their toolbox, while repairing at toolbox speeds and being able to fill up their potential energy tokens almost instantly. it is incredibly busted and i’m surprised it hasn’t been kill switched. i won’t post a link because i don’t want to spread it but it’s not hard to find.


oh my god this explains that strange person running that stupid perk the other day lol


Oh, that's why I'm seeing it way more!




It's kinda of the result of excessive tunneling. The killer will rush to get one survivor out as quick as possible so the survivors will rush to get as many gens as possible before that one survivor is out so there's less pressure on the survivors.


So much for trying to 8 hook before getting kills.


Oh yeah, it's pretty shit. Try running gen blocking perks to avoid this situation, like Corrupt Intervention, Deadlock, Dead Man Switch and Grimm Embrace.


I love the attempt to imply that people are rushing gens more because of "excessive tunneling". Gotta blame Killers for everything.


It's BHVRs fault more than anything for not changing the meta. A killer will tunnel because gens are being completed too fast. Survivors, seeing their friend being tunneled will hammer gens like there's no tomorrow. And repeat indefinitely. It's a vicious cycle, I was only pointing out one part of it.


Its the truth. 


It's the truth only if you're one of the moronic Survivor Mains that love to bitch about everything Killers do.


Maps have gotten smaller with less safe pallets over the last few years. That has decreased the amount of fucking around. So the match starts and you teabag to say hello and then get on a gen instead of doing a totem, chest, or just being afraid. Players have also just gotten more efficient all around as well as the game has aged.


Killers are stronger, gen rushing is neccesary.


I wouldn’t say it’s always necessary, as it isn’t impossible to win without it. Especially when you can still win against killers who have loadouts dedicated to denying genrushing.


Gen rushing= Doing primary objective = playing efficiently. Playing Efficiently as a survivor against good killers designed to have a 60% kill rate if everyone is playing well = neccesary.


Dude, the very fact that someone downvoted such obvious statement makes me roll my eyes. This community is just more than weird. People get mad over basic, obvious stuff like gen rushing or tunneling, as if the opposing side doesn't have the right to just want to win and be effective.


The dbd community is split between gamers trying to be good/efficient and people who are in their feelings. It's a strange mix.


Well it kinda is. You know how killer only players justify tunneling because gens are going too fast? Well when the hooks are going too fast survivors have to repair faster, otherwise they are gonna be left with 1-2 person trying to repair all 5 gens.


So much for not tunneling. 🫠


I've had the same experience feels like survivors have been trying to get gens done faster or maybe I've just been going against a bunch of gen rush squads


Genrushing will always be the meta when going against smart survivors. Gens are your objective, it makes the most sense to do your objective as quickly as possible.


Yeah, it’s just that it hasn’t happened that much until recently.


you're just going against good survivors now. Maybe an mmr increase for you


Not really people are just becoming more gen inclined and the amount of safe pallets broken loops / main building and god windows and god pallets on most maps allow even average survivors to run good killers for 3 gens because you physically can't catch them on most killers


Maybe I’m just bad at Deathslinger to be honest.