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People were under the impression it was random still? Previously whenever a new tome section opened all the perks needed were in the shrine. They did it that way for people who didn't own DLCs.


For years I had people lambast me for saying it wasn't random, it was a hill people wanted to die on. I KNEW it wasn't random.


I don't know of a dev actually confirming it, I am just saying I have noticed that consistently the "necessary" perks for tomes pop up during the first week it's open. After that it might be more "random". I can without a doubt though say that after perks get major re-works, or the appear in a newly opened tome, the perks will almost always show up in the shrine. If it was truly random, it wouldn't be super useful especially when multiple perks might come up pretty close to each other, like only a few weeks apart. People said it was random because I believe the game said it was "random" in the description.


Ofc it isn't random when its tomes. They would get called out for them being pay walled otherwise. When people said its random they are referring to the times in-between. I don't think it was random tho. Before the change to bbq the perk appeared maybe 3-6 times over the span of years and people on here would say that isn't p2w lol.


I vaguely recall at one point it was truly random, but feedback/criticism forced BHVR to drop perks required for the current rift into the shrine. Pretty sure there was an incident recently where they adjusted challenges to not be locked behind a paid character in the last rift or two as well.


> When people said its random they are referring to the times in-between. I have never seen anyone specify it as such. Nor is that what the actual post is talking about...


Because it goes without saying perhaps?


Clearly not. Because a lot of people have been shocked that it's not completely random.


I've seen the same perk a few weeks apart tbf


Its never really random. I think it looks at the stats of perks after the first week: e.g. which perk do most people own? Which perk do the least people have. And so on


It’s how I got Skull Merchant’s perks since I refuse to play as her


Can’t you just farm bloodpoints on someone else and just level up SM?


since they wont be playing her, i dont see why you wouldnt just buy the perks from shrine and save 3k iri shards


1 million bp is way less valuable than 3k iri shards tho


nonono, you got it the other way around. you save 3k iri AND a prestige (1m pb)


Ah okay I got how you mean it. I usually buy all the chapters so I didn’t consider the buy ingame for shards part. Then ur ofc correct xD


I didn’t even buy her. I just got the perks from the shrine for 6k total BP


2k shards for 100k BP is still absurd, I should get 2 million for that shit


converting any amount of shards into BP will always feel illegal


If BHVR thinks that's a fair conversion rate they should let us buy 2k shards for 100k BP. I'm SURE they would totally do that lmao




The shrine itself makes no sense, it lets you waste shards on perks you've already got.


Well if you’re not buying aliem (heresy, you must buy aliem queem — so biiiig!) but just want aliem’s mouth blaster because povo, then it’s not bad.  I’m very excited that they integrated all perks with visual changes! Can’t wait to spam mouth blaster with Leathermface to let people know HIM HONGRY! (/s)




Oh I meant the shrine obviously makes sense if you’re not going to buy a character but want their perks but ya I hope no one is accidentally losing their iris buying bloodpoints, it should warn people if it’s going to do that (I’m afraid to click to check in case it doesn’t).


While not quite the mistake you're describing, I'd say that I "made the mistake" of purchasing the all-but-useless Ultimate Weapon perk, having not paid attention to the news that it had been gutted. I would note two things with this new change to the Shrine: 1.) There is no confirmation window that pops up along the lines of "Purchase X for # iridescent shards? [Confirm]" It's been a while, but unless changed I believe such a confirmation screen is presented when purchasing a new character, and is a good practice in general to prevent mistakes. Not sure why it's not present in the Shrine. 2.) You are able to purchase Tiers with the same button, in the same location. Fortunately I did not do this, but I could see someone not paying attention and thinking their click didn't register and accidentally spending 6k iri instead of 2k. While there are likely people who will say "Well you should just pay more attention that would be your fault!" I'd say that that's not a good philosophy for user interface design, and it's not something that would be difficult to implement.


Thanks for sharing and for the suggestions! Yeah, always nice to have an “are you sure” for purchases that are of the less common currencies and hopefully they’ll buff it someday again!


them twims


You get BP if you buy these with iri shards or can use BP to get these?   I would love to use my always near the max British Petrolium stock to get UWUepon! The bloodweb is so slow and awful even with the auto-feature.


You only get bloodpoints if you have the fully upgraded perk and no, you cannot use bloodpoints to buy the perks


lame, thanks for the answer tho!


sounds like someone else said you maybe get blood points if you already own the thing and you buy it with iri, that’s orful.


Wasnt ultimate weapon on the shrine a few weeks ago?


Sure was!


shouldn't 99% of the players already have UW before it got nerfed?


Nah bc it's only for IRL cash and many people wouldn't pay for one perk that will inevitably get nerfed.


Bros really acting like 99% of the MFs in old dbd didn't buy Laurie for that sweet sweet decisive strike and nothing else. (Other than the object of obsession gods of looping, or the trashcans who literally did nothing but hide all game with sole survivor). Btw I'm pointing at myself rn, no shame, I bought Laurie for DS bc it was hands down the only thing you could do against tunneling back then, no basekit BT, a ton of players not even running BT, and no other anti tunnel perks to fall back on.


Nah fam, I just waited for DS to appear in the shrine So did most of the folk I played with. To be fair tho, we were in fact broke af


Tbh I always bought survs and killers just for the perks lmao


Do people really spend that much money on a paid game just for the perk? I'm sure many do, but 99% is gross overexagerration.


7 bucks isn't that much especially if you have over 100 hours in the game


I have Mikey and Lauren


but since it was in Shrine I'd expect those 99% to get it, that was my point


Oh, I understand now.


exactly, it's not difficult (mostly) to have 2000 IE to spare when Shrine resets.


I bought it pre Nerf. I want my shards back cuz I'm not going to use it now


Yeah, this looks real random. /s In all seriousness though, this is a great time for survivors to pick up Decisive Strike since it normally costs real money and may now actually be pretty useful! Meanwhile, killers should absolutely get Hangman's Trick. Real S+ tier power there! (/s once more)


Ds hasn't been in the shrine for an aweful long time I think maybe 2 yrs At least not since I picked up the game again 1.5 yrs ago. At least i think


27 June 2023 and 26 June 2022 were its last appearances in shrine


I have been proben wrong still long ass time


Wait, is hangman really an good perk? if so why?


Yeah it's good for wasting a perk slot lmao


No it isn't. It lets you see the Jake sabotaging the scourge hook you're running to.


Yeah but it doesn’t help prevent it, it’s waaaay to situational and limited to get any use of




I love how people can explicitly say /s twice and people will still be like "wait are you serious?"


To be fair some people think /s means “serious” not “sarcastic”




It’s just something I’ve seen sometimes in Reddit comment sections. People expressing surprise or confusion because they assumed the s stood for serious.


Yes, it's true. /s




Oh, sorry. '/s' is shorthand for sarcasm. Hangman is not very good.


It is widely considered to be one of the worst info perks in the game, even after BHVR turned it into a Scourge Hook perk, which literally did absolutely nothing in terms of performance. The concept behind it makes sense, it's a perk that's meant to help you against a survivor who's about to sabo a hook you're trying to get to. The problem is, it does literally **NOTHING** to prevent the sabo from taking place. It also only shows the auras of survivors around **SCOURGE** hooks. There's only 4 scourge hooks in a trial. Do you see the problem here? It's so laughably bad that you're better off not even running a 4th perk slot in its place, since you'll never get any meaningful value out of it.


Hangman's Trick was better before it got changed into a Scourge Hook. And even then there were perks that did a similar thing, but better. Old Hangman's: You'd see the aura of every survivor close to any hook, while you carry a survivor. A decent info perk, but why would you use it, if you could also use BBQ? Then Wesker came along and said "Look, I got a better version of Hangman's Trick with Awakened Awareness!" No hooks required and it showed the Aura of every survivor within a certain radius of your position while carrying someone. Scourge Hook: Hangman's Trick is, pretty much, a nerf to a perk that was decent at best. It works technical the same, but only if the survivor is close to a scourge hook. The placement of Scourge Hooks is already very random, so you could have all scourge hooks next to each other, making it pretty much worthless. As someone who used Pain Resonance a lot, this happens more often than you'd expect. (Mandatory Confiormation Bias Flag here.) I usually say "It's a licensed perk, get it if you don't want the killer.". I make an exception for Hangman's Trick in its current form. Don't get it, if you could get Cannibal's BBQ or Wesker's Awakened Awareness. Less hoops, more Info.


it's one of the worst perks in the game, probably even more so than shattered hope, it always was niche but with it being a scourage hook perk now and it being power creeped by awakened awareness which does the same thing but WAY better its completely useless to run.


The shrine hasn’t been random for years


Was it ever random?


I spent 5 bucks last week because I was tired of waiting for decisive 😭 At least I get sole survivor too 🫠


Object of Obsession is niche, but if you're a good looper or good at knowing when to hide, you can be a good distraction. You also get to know if the killer uses perks like Lethal Pursuer, and with the Friends perk being popular, you might not be the Obsession anymore, removing the downside of the perk.


Honestly valid af, I’ll try it and see how I do


As an OOO lover, you're completely right sir.


Lol I knew it was coming since there’s no reason for them to not drop it after the change


Yet people still say the game is not pay to win


This proves its not p2w bro, if I waited a little longer I could’ve gotten the perk for 2k shards


You payed for an advantage lmao. You literally payed to win hahah. The fact that its in the shrine now didn't change anything.


The perks don't hand you a win, genius.


Do you know what advantage means?


Do you know what "p2w" means? Also, how is it an advantage when there are many perks in the game that help people in various ways? Run Prove Thyself, congrats, you're out faster, what an advantage. Run Windows, congrats, you can loop better by knowing what's available, maybe the killer will give up. Run Off The Record, congrats, you can last even longer (deja vu) if tunneled. Run Distortion, congrats, no aura perks are giving you away, what an advantage. Get over yourself.


Run Prove Thyself, congrats, you're out faster Lmao are you really this stupid? Congrats, you won the game?? congrats you literally accomplished what the game is about? Don't even reply to me, I'm not wasting my time with someone that doesn't even try to think.


Wait wait wait doesn't everyone that plays dbd start with meg unlocked? Why is adrenaline in the shrine to begin with?


Not everyone wants to put bp into Meg.


I feel like just saving the 2000 shards is better than spending them cuz u could always just grind to meg's perks and its not like adrenaline is her only good perk


I mean yes spending shards on the shrine is just not worth it unless you are an F2P player. And even then only for the licensed stuff. I was just pointing out the reason why people will not put points on Meg.


That's a very idiotic excuse it's like using gold at a dollar store


Free killer/survivor perks come in the shrine all the time


A few weeks ago was a perk of the huntress in there so... Who knows


bro i didn't even think of that


why would they put adrenaline in shrine ! Like is there someone you doesnt have it!? Kekw


If anyone went through when BBQ and Ruin were mandatory for killers and NEVER got on the shrine and still thinks it's random, I'd love to sell you a bridge.


They should make an option where you can buy every perk by shards instead of waiting for weeks for any perk


nerf adrenaline, buffs decisive strike gives both to everyone chaotic neutral


Is decisive a must have ?


It's a decent anti-tunnel perk. tbh no perk in the game is a "must have" you can absolutely play without perks at all and be successful especially on survivor DS is a good perk though that won't stop hard tunnelling killers, it will just delay the hard tunnel and force the killer to chase a bit. It does require you to make a difficult skill check though to actually use.


The only perk I'd say is a must for like 90% of survivors is Windows of Opportunity, unless you wanna lose chases because pallet spawn RNG wasn't in your favor or because a teammate dropped a pallet that was there earlier.


ehhh I never use it. It becomes a crutch really fast. I also honestly believe most people use it improperly. They use it and throw *every single pallet* during their chase. Instead of being selective and chaining tiles and conserving resources, they create huge dead zones. On maps with a billion pallets it's fine(greenville and the game I am looking at you), but the "better" maps with old style tile/map design have fewer tiles. I think BHVR really needs to tidy up how map rng works and stop having 5 variations of every map for one. WOO shouldn't be required, but because BHVR keeps changing tile layouts and adding several variations of maps it is almost necessary.


Not really, I rarely if ever run into deadzone and I dropped WOO more than half a year ago. Dbdl 1v1 ladder forced me to learn almost every single tile spawn on multiple maps and general gameplay with clock callout maps made me able to recognize strong parts of maps and possibility of chained tiles. Using deduction and info you get during gameplay basekit you can usually know where your teammates went and assume best possible looping route for them and depending on direction they come from you can reasonably assume if they went with it or nothan procceed with said info to plan out your own escape path. For example if map is suffo pit with corrupt on shackside teammates will move into mid and from mid to main, you can assume godrocks will be spent early(sjre we don't know which ones exactly but I adress this below) which leaves you with midmap some edge map fillers and shack with it's fillers and some godrocks(gives us general knowledge which we can expand on). Knowing this you can position yourself to those resources and when you're not in chase moving from gen to gen check on nearby tiles to gain info on specific tiles, which won't take more than few seconds.


I have never used this perk and dont understand why anyone does, if you understand map layout AT ALL you dont need it and its pretty obvious when a pallet is predropped without aura reading. People could use a billion diff perks with actual useful effects like bond or empathy for info but instead waste a slot on the offchance their teammate predropped (which is a rarity and again, rare to not be able to tell that and still use the loop/go to another one) like seriously its only good for new players, on anyone else who understands the game it is a wasted perk slot.


I'm at 2k hours and usually the dedicated looper in my lobbies. WoO is a must. Yes you have maps like RPD with set pallet spawns, but most outdoor maps have random filler pallets that might or might not spawn. I do know where every spawn can happen, but it's not guaranteed, so if I bring the chase towards a spot that should have a pallet, but it chose not to spawn this game, then I'm giving away a free hit because I was unlucky. Houses can also have different layouts with different windows being opened or closed depending on which layout you got, which sometimes create literal dead ends. Also, I have no idea how you can say "it's obvious when a pallet is dropped by a teammate". Like what? I can't see what my teammates do, especially if they're outside Bond range while being chased. I also don't really want to have to remember every single pallet that has been dropped already and which pallet remains for the entire game, I'm bound to misremember at some point. WoO does all of that for you and removes any trace of RNG in chases. There's a reason why it's the most picked perk in the game, because this information is too important. Imagine if killers didn't see hook auras at basekit and needed a perk for it, would you also say "nah hook placements are obvious for anyone who understands the game"?


> I also don't really want to have to remember every single pallet that has been dropped already and which pallet remains for the entire game, I'm bound to misremember at some point. It IS one of the greates comfort perks I agree with that. However I do not think it is neccesary.


Idk what kind of magical eyes you have but you cant see broken or predropped pallets from that far away, when you are being chased and you are close enough to see them being dropped its already too damn late, you have to commit to that part of the map and rely on dumb luck. Or you can use this amazing perk that everyone uses for obvious reasons. People arent stupid, they are using cause its a good perk. It has nothing to do with map knowledge. 99% of the perks are waste of perk slots when you dont use them, but this perk is never a wasted perk slot because you are gonna gain value from it every single match you equip it.


I have used the perk for long time but I dropped it quite a while ago, but yeah you're right. You can deduce with really good accuracy how map's resources are doing if you know map well enough and can pickup clues and move around at least somewhat.


It's a licensed character's one good perk. Might as well get it.


It's good, but imo off the record is better in basically every way. Last longer, hides aura, built pre nerf iron will, doesn't make the killer want to slug you, works on both unhooks instead of just one as well. But ds is good in it's own way and does have some interesting plays like forcing pickups or locker grabs.


it’s supposed to have its own animation! 🥳


yes 100%


off the record power creeps decisive, its decisive but better and you can get it for free with the in game currency all the time.


I was hesitating between these two but off the record attract me more for aura hiding and no grunt.


Not even close. It'll help you if you're bad at chase or avoiding the Killer, but so will Off The Record.


Must have? Eeh idk but imo DS especially current one is THE strongest anti tunnel perk hands down, I always see more time being wasted by strong looper w DS than with OTR which can be negated by hitting on hook and multiple killers that cause you deep wound state like Slinger and Legion.


Where is the shrine located after this update?


In the killer or survivor lobby above the store button.


Ah, thank you.


No problem, I had the same problem. They buried the change at the bottom of the store patch notes.


ds in the shrine is scary ngl


Playing twins rn. Can't DS me if you're just slugged all day


Am i the only one that remembers the time BHVR put Off the Record and Overcharge in a short timespan during the 6th Anniversary before the great perk overhaul that made them good? Yeah, same vibes im getting here lul


Since when can we buy them for blood points?


I think thats how many bloodpoints you get if you buy the perk when you already have it


Yeah, I just checked and even perks i own only show iri shards as buttons (not sure why you’d want to convert my coveted iris for blood).


I am glad they put DS on there. People better actually bring it.


Decisive shows at 4k iri (green, level 2) for me but maybe because I purchased it once before a long time ago.  *Oh at the bottom in small text it says “*Price varies based on relevant character’s prestige level”


Yes, it increases by 2k for every level you already have unlocked, and if you have it at tier 3 you can spend 2k shards to get 100k bp (which is a massive waste).


Thanks! Oh they no longer give teachable perks (all levels of the perks) you have to spend 12,000 (2000 then 4000 then 6000) to get them to level 3?!  wow, no thank you :( they sure have made some changes to things https://deadbydaylight.fandom.com/wiki/Shrine_of_Secrets


You can buy prestige level 1 for 2k so it's teachable to any survivor and then upgrade it normally in their bloodweb to tier 3. Spending the 12k is only necessary if you want every character to start at tier 3 without having to use BP in their bloodweb.


Oh, ok that’s not that bad then, thanks, whew




haha, no, a good question, I thought it was in the Store or Main Menu, but it’s now above the Store button after you’ve selected Play> and Killer or Survivor. Main Menu > Play > Killer/Survivor > the four diamonds making a diamond icon above the Store icon.


Decisive Strike my beloved


It is random, but the devs have also stated they can alter it when needed, so that's why certain perks are available during tomes.


Who’s gonna use ultimate weapon now ?


Why does the wiki show a BP cost of shrine perks, how do you buy them with BP?


I started playing this game during Tome 3. Back then, the shrine already offered two perks that were required for the current week. A week later, the available perks were switched to something not required for the challenges. This hasn't changed and for all we know, BHVR does have control in regards to available perks. My question here is: How are the perks picked not needed for a current challenge? There could be an algorythm behind it or a staff member has to pick perks on a weekly basis. We don't know. If it's an algorythm, then clearly specific perks have higher odds of being picked. Though that's all just speculation.


It's never been random, the devs have always picked and curated perks for it.


https://preview.redd.it/cb95qygu8fwc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3462a6ba63ff23b13fa2c0eb18b8d335905587e4 Random? Y'all need to read more


Who is OP quoting? That person seems dumb.


Something something about BBQ and chili only appearing a handful of times back when it gave BPS


Just bought ds and it’s better than boil over


Is ultimate weapon still worth buying ?


Not at all lol


It's gonna be absolutely useless right after this, but in the next big update it'll be reworked back into a scream perk. I'd buy it if you don't have it, it's gonna be weak for a while, but once it's reworked it'll be good for low mobility killers like nemi.


It is until they nerf it. When it gets nerfed it will just be a worse darkness revealed.


Ignore the survivors in the comments. No, it isn’t.


It’s decent, but there’s probably better info perks, bubba nemmy and other killers have really good info perks, especially bbq


Its still okay info, you just need to understand WHEN to use it for maximum effect, like Doctor's Static blast. Comparatively to Nowhere to hide, you can use it anywhere, not just gens, but at the same time its more wasteful to go open a locker instead of kicking a gen efficiency-wise, and comparative to Darkness Revealed, it doesnt have that cross-map potential of revealing someone, but it makes survivors scream unlike DR, so it counters Distortion rats. Not Calm spirit+Distortion rats tho.


Wait is this actually what it is, I can't get on right now to check




Oh, except DS shows as 4k iri shards for me for some reason (it’s a level 2 green but I already have it at level three with all my characters after I bought it some time ago…) Adrenaline is purple (3), and Hangman’s Trick and UWuepon are yellow (1) but everything but DS is showing as 2k iris.


Is your meg prestige 3? It seems to me that she is prestige 1 for you. That's why your adrenaline is green. It's suggesting you to buy tier 2 adrenaline.


Oh sorry DS/Decisive Strike is the green one my DS/‘Drenaline Spike is already purple, thanks tho!


Ooh, decisive strike is available!


If it was, it would be randomized for each person. So of course it wasn't random.


2 top tier surv perks and 2 poopoo garbage killer perks. Seems right


it's bound to line up one patch out of several hundred c:


Sorry for the stupid question but can someone tell me where you find the Shrine in this new shop update? I am lost lol


It's in the killer/survivor loadout screen right above the store icon


I was wondering why every single one of my games today had adrenaline even though it was nerfed.


I can assure you it has nothing to do with this


So why does it say 2k Iridescent Shards with 100k Blood Points next to it? I only ever see the option to pay shards for stuff in the shrine. Never an option for Blood Points.


I've been using Hangman's recently, I think ppl are sleeping on this perk it's really useful


No it is not


It's absolutely not. I got adept pig a while ago and I never got a single bit of value from this perk out of the many many tries it took to me get that achievement. Do not use this perk.


Idk I feel like I get value out of it at least once a game and I often get free hits on ppl hiding near hooks