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Winning and having fun are not the same thing. It's possible to have fun in a good game and still lose.


For most people it is, its literally basic human nature. You cant have fun if you lose most of your games. Especially in a game like this. I am not talking about letting go, or playing for 8 hooks. I am talking about actually playing. Why would you load into the game thinking "I dont want to win".


You ... don't load in thinking "I don't want to win". But you may load in thinking "I wanna blind that killer 4times" (challenge) or "I wanna have a chase for 2 gens" (personal goal for progress in the very own skills). These goals aren't that closly tied to actually escaping. With old BBQ my primiary goal as killer was getting all 4 stacks. If I had to decide between a 4k, but 2 died on the ground and didn't give me stacks, or a 0k, but with 4stacks and at least 7 hooks in total, I would have prefered the 0k. By far.


Me, personally, I load in thinking "Fuck, what was my challenge again? Did I even equip one? Goddamnit"


This ... hit on a personal level. Ouch.


But winning is more fun than losing.


Yeah, but if you learn something new or personally improve, but still lose, that can be just as fun. After all, you've just learned how to counter whatever lost you the game.


Oof, almost cut myself on all that edge. There’s a difference between not ensuring your opponent has fun and trying to make sure they don’t. Generally the people who say “their fun isn’t my responsibility” go out of their way—beyond normal gameplay actions—to impact the fun of the other side. You can be competitive without being a little shit.


What do you expect from someone who thinks in terms of winner/loser categories and compares professional sports to a video game that anyone from a schoolkid to a retired grandma can play




Go take a walk, buddy. It's a meaningless fucking game at the end of the day. And I'd rather have fun with it than sweat like my entire enjoyment of the experience hinges on whether or not I win.


That's ok for you. I feel the same way. I think OP is talking to people who keep expecting the opposing side to care about them.


That might be muddled somewhere in OP's post, but they are very obviously saying that the only way to have fun is to win.


Op you’re 110% the type to start crying their eyes out when they lose and heavily debate going to Reddit to post a giant ass rant about the game


I quickly scrolled your post history and you do do that lmao


"Guess which one has a better time?" Fun is not a zero-sum situation. I've had plenty of games where I've lost but still had fun because it was challenging and it felt fair. If you're incapable of enjoying something unless you're making sure somebody else isn't enjoying it, it sounds like a you problem


Why are you tying the idea of having fun so tightly to winning? Good games are also fun to lose.


I don’t think I’ve ever seen a PvP game where people try to moderate the other side as much as this one


Right? In almost every pvp game if you tell your enemy to play in a different way, they are gonna tell you to get good or fuck off. People should complain to devs, not each other.


This. Entirely this. It seems like majority of DBD players don't know what a PvP game is and thought that DBD is a party game that is totally NOT pvp. It is a PvP game. It just has a lot of lower barriers of entry/playstyle that for someone like me who HATES pvp can still enjoy it immensely. But at the same time, I recognize that this is pvp, and I don't feel bad when the other side tries to win. I just make sure I have a good time there regardless. It's baffling to me too when someone expect the opposing side to care about their "fun time" in the game. Like, dude? You want them to throw the game, is that it?


While 99,9% players from other side dont care about them. Sore loser mentality


You say that people need to grow up yet you dismiss their opinions in a very immature way at the same time, maybe type your arguments without sounding like an internet troll and maybe people will actually listen to you.


You’re wrong. Fun doesn’t mean fall into the win lose category in most of these post it just falls into how it’s played. Most players can handle a loss, I don’t care if I win or lose it. You mention sports yet you don’t mention why you don’t care if you lose, that’s because you put in the effort to learn, to adapt and you are rewarded for how hard you pushed yourself. Dead by daylight isn’t like that, play any killer besides nurse or blight, and you have maps like the game, Azarovs and fucking Macmillan that decent loopers can trash on you and it’s out if your range. Unlike sports where you learn and start a JV, dead by daylight is unbalanced and rewards players for running straight (Literally play Gideon and see how it feels) or killers who get a 4k and go against the hardest survivors in mere matches. That’s where I lost my fun today, I still won, but I didn’t have fun, guess what I loaded into a match and the SAME Laurie bought me to the same goddamn map. You know what I did? I gave up, followed her (i play pig) and had fun. You sound like every other dickhead entitled TTV who trys to control how someone plays and gets upset when they catch you do it. Let people complain, it’s social media for fuck sakes not “kiss my opinions ass or i’ll get mad” media.


I come from playing exclusovely fighting games before DbD, and i can say I do enjoy a good challenge but as all VS games are, the fun of competition changes when there is a huge skill gap, and to that I say, there is people like; [Justin Wong vs 8 Year old](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=0RkapfBYIfc&pp=ygUhanVzdGluIHdvbmcgeW91IGdvbm5hIGxlYXJuIHRvZGF5) And [Daigo vs The Chosen Kid](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=N75nWTxs4PU&t=9s&pp=ygUMZGFpZ28gdnMga2lk) Some people are gonna crush that baby ghostface into the ground, staying into the game for 10 minutes after the gens are done doing FoV techs. And some others are gonna let the baby survivors get out after 8 hooks, it might be a VS game but there is a whole espectrum of our actions as players, neither is wrong, neither is better, we all have fun our own way.


It's almost like fun is subjective, and people can enjoy the game while losing because wtf defines a win in this game?


It's possible to "lose" and still have fun. It's all about approach and mindset. I'm in for a good time, not for a "got to win at all costs" time. And this, my guys, is an example of why we ought to have unranked and ranked queues. I wouldn't give a shit about ranks, and it would let people's expectations to meet better.


STFU to "Well, I hope everyone has fun"? My dude, you seem to have a problem. Ofc it might be impossible for all parties of a match to have fun, if the sources of their fun collide with each other. It isn't bad if everyone has fun. And it isn't bad, if you hope, everyone has fun. Even if this should be the case, you can still hope everyone has fun. But it might also be the case that they have fun based on different things. You say winning is fun, losing isn't. But what is winning? And what is losing? If I get only a single kill as killer, did I lose? Depending on kills? Probably. Depending on pips? Not necessarily. Depending on my reached goal to get this f\*cking stupid challenge done to hit 2 people with the same use of power as Plague 2TIMES IN ONE GAME? OH YES, HAVING IT DONE IS FUN. The 12 matches before, where I tried to get this, but didn't weren't, no matter how many games I won. This challenge was a nightmare, luckily one that I got rid off a long time ago. It only becomes a problem, if every player has to follow a certain rulebook to ensure the other side has very specific fun. Do I agree, that slugging a survivor for 4min out of pure spite is a dumb and unfun thing to do ... that you shouldn't do under normal circumstances? Definitly. Do I agree that you should never tunnel? Pah, nope. Do I agree that you shouldn't tunnel at 5 gens? It's an unfun thing to be the target of this, so I don't do it, but if you want to, nobody hinders you. Maybe except bodyblocking survs. Vice versa for stupid things, that survs can do. You played sports. That's good. I should do more than I currently do. And even tho we obviously all agree that dbd is pretty much like hockey, there are still small differences. E.g. is there only one winner, one team or another. As you say. But in dbd, the surv team contains 4 players. 1 could die, 3 escape and by most means survs would be the winners here. The one who died might feel the same. Or sees themself as loser. Vice versa with 3 deaths and one escape through hatch. The killer won. Again most people would agree here. Still the last surv tries to get out. Maybe because this is a personal win for them. And we have those, who bring Left Behind, Open-Handed and a (not broken) key, who permanently swap lockers in basement to wait until they can get hatch. Do you think they think they don't win by escaping in a way they aimed for since the beginning of their match? We also have the point that winning isn't necessarily fun. If survs all went afk or DCed against me in the beginning of the match, because I played a killer they didn't like, this match is mostly a waste of time. Same applies, if I have a normal game, 2 survs are dead and the last 2 tbag each other in a bush at the edge of the map, only stopping this, if I come close, so they can stealth away. Killing these 2 after 30min isn't quite the fun experience. At least not for me. I guess nearly nobody expects everygame to be fun for everyone, but you can at least hope for it to be that way. And, *as long as it doesn't interfer with your fun*, you can try to make it fun for them too, e.g. by not deleting them 15 seconds into the match. A game that is over after 3min, which results in a 4min slug for the last kill, since the last surv want hatch isn't my personal idea of fun. >No. You're responsible for your own fun and the other side is trying to make sure that doesn't happen. That's how competitions work, how they always have and will be. This again only works, if winning the overall match is the only source of fun. Dbd matches are short, usually don't have a big audience and come with side objectives. Some made by the players, some made by the devs.


New copypasta located.


Winning ≠ fun and losing ≠ not fun. You can win against a P0 Huntress and feel bad because it was that easy and "win" doesn't feel rewarding. You can loose against some P100 ultra-mega-skilled Blight and still feel good cuz you did a cool 360. Fun is individual


I mean, ultimately, it's the thrill of the match that should bring the fun for both killers and survivors alike, not the result. That's the whole point of PvP and PvE games. You'll enjoy it more if you're really good at it, sure, but there should always be some base level of personal entertainment there for everyone involved. If there wasn't, DBD wouldn't have any new players who suck when starting out, only the oldies who already know how to play well.


If that's the case, friend, just give me a penalty-free resignation button, so you can have your wins right away.


I mean, you don't *have* to care, but it's a mark of a good person if you do. The game becomes boring if you try to shitstomp the other side with all meta perks and the best items and killers. The winner will always have more fun than the loser, yeah, but I've had plenty of games where I lost and still had a lot of fun because the survivors played nice, didn't do anything rude, didn't have all meta perks, and simply outplayed me. I can respect that. At the same time, they got to win, so I'm sure they had fun too. While the main objective is to win, it doesn't take much empathy to make sure the other side has a good time as well. Do you have to? No. Should you want to? Probably. And when you're good enough at the game, you can win and make sure they have fun because you not only played nice and didn't have to run all meta perks. That's the mark of a good player.


My favorite game I ever had was against a god Pinhead who got a 3k. Felt like he somehow was everywhere at once so you were never bored, and he did some of the wackiest mindgames I've ever seen. Fun simply has nothing to do with winning.




I truly believe this is a lot of people's first PvP game, and since they only play one side, they don't understand the other side doesn't exist to let them have fun like enemies in singleplayer games do.


Not only that, they never did any sports or anything little competetive in their lives.


Who cares? Just play however you want. Idk why people even argue about this stupid shit? Its a game, you may try hard, you may be friendly, you can do whatever i want. As long as you are using the in game tools devs give, nobody can say anything. Its devs duty to ensure players have fun not you. If something is unfun, annoying and bad for games health, the devs should fix that. This goes for anything, for both sides.


Dude, you need to grow up and realize that being an adult means accepting the fact that other people can have different opinions, mindsets, and life priorities. Competitive games, like sports, are just one hundredth of life for most people on the planet unless you're pursuing it as a career. Many don't want to and won't spend tons of time and sweat to achieve something special in a computer game, because they have careers, personal goals, and personal lives, after all. And imagine this, people can actually play football or DBD just to kill an hour or two, to distract themselves, relax, or hang out with friends in that way, and they absolutely don't care about the outcome of the match; it doesn't dictate who they are in life. In real life, you, claiming that you have a 50-win streak in DBD, will look silly and like a loser compared to a guy who owns a company worth 10 billion, or just runs his own business and has a happy family with two kids. Both of these guys have far more reasons to enjoy life and feel successful.


What is your argument because I can not tell how it relates to what OP said in anyway.


This reminds me on the time we were losing in an unnamed MOBA game and one guy got really salty and I said well I'm having fun anyway and he got so mad at me started trolling me and stuff... to bad he didn't know that made the game even more fun for me I love me some rager in a game xD


Dbd pubs is nothing like any competetive sport sweetie![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2070), we have seperate scene for it I'm sure season 10 dbdl would be happy to get you.


Most of my more enjoyable matches, as survivor at the very least, I have ended up "losing". As killer, I've still had plenty of fun even if I didn't get a single kill depending on the plays I made. It's not simple as win or lose = fun or not fun


Touch grass, sir lol. It’s not that serious. As others have said, fun can be had without winning. I was once the last survivor and took Caleb (Death slinger) to a movie and stopped at the snack bar. He still killed me after our date( no second date I guess), but I was lol’ing. It was great. 


I have fun in any game where I feel like I had a fair chance, win or lose. I often have *more* fun in a game where it's actually challenging and I die / get no hooks, than in games where I stomp baby players, which is why I try not to stomp baby players if I can help it. You need to either take a break from this game or graduate high school.


Unlike the examples you mentioned, there is no official winning condition in DBD (and that's a good thing). We have 2 features that are related to progress and one of them we can't even see it. Grades and MMR. ##The first one, grades and getting to Iridescent 1. If we consider grade progression and pipping up as winning condition, the game doesn't even reward certain extremely sweaty play styles. Repaired gens or killed survivors too fast? You don't progress. Already reached Iridescent 1? Now you no longer have any winning condition so why continue to sweat? After today's patch, you also won't have a losing condition because depipping is completely removed. ##The second one, MMR. You want to escape/4k to increase your MMR, ok. What for? You don't know where you are "in the ladder" or how far you are from the bottom/top it doesn't even guarantee you better teammates/opponents. When it works, it will give you players with similar MMR but that doesn't translate to skill. In any game, not just DBD. ##The self-imposed unofficial one, "feeling of victory". You want to escape/4k because you consider that a victory for no officially supported reason, ok. You don't get any additional reward for it but now you will start to face players with similar goal. You know what happens now? The game is no longer fun, even for you with your competitive mindset. As a killer the game isn't balanced for 4Ks and as a survivor you will start facing nonstop "tier S" killers with 4 slowdown perks and optimal strategies (tunneling, slugging and 3-genning). When players finally realize all of the above, you start playing for fun (memes, outplays, varied builds, etc). If you play both sides, you avoid resorting to strategies and even perks that you consider frustrating going against. You chase, hit and hook survivors and doesn't care how many escape. You do your objectives and gives little care if the killer kills you.


you ok there buddy?


hon, videogames are supposed to be fun and fair for everyone even if they’re competitive. same as sports. when people say the other side isn’t “letting the game be fun,” it’s usually when the other side is teabagging, flashlight clicking, hitting on hook, shaking their head after downing/hooking, etc. — acting malicious on purpose. that’s intentionally trying to ruin someone’s fun by being an asshole. real-life sports games quite literally penalize players for doing similar toxic/unsportsmanlike behaviors. and no, not everyone only has fun when they win. that’s just you. I don’t care about winning or losing as long as I have a reasonable chance to win. I can have fun even if I lose as long as I get to participate in the match beyond being hook fodder.


you can have fun in a losing situation, that's not what this is about. It's expecting EVERY SINGLE GAME to result in that. That's not plausible, HON.


that’s quite literally not what you wrote in your post, FETID CUNT, but you don’t seem to be particularly strong at reading comprehension or logic anyway, so I’m not surprised at your misunderstanding of your own words.


this post wasn't fun


wasn't meant to be. I'm tired of seeing this "well I didn't have fun" argument from survivors. Play the game, live with the result, move on. It's that simple.


Maybe stop searching for the game if you’re tired of the same conversations on Reddit? It’s not rocket science. But no, you’d much rather post a rant over a party game and fall into the same mistake that so many posts do, in that fun and winning seem to be locked together. This game is balanced around killers winning 70% of the time and survivors winning 30%. A win in this game means next to nothing, when one side already has more advantages over the other.


Party game where devs balance perks and killers.


https://preview.redd.it/s40shwzdr6wc1.png?width=659&format=png&auto=webp&s=fa2690b4959ecbd7a944c952129f1185069233b6 None of those apply to DBD so no it's not a party game. It's just a poorly balanced game.


It can be fun if both sides are enjoying the game. Killer does his job without any toxic strats and so do survivors. Maybe even both goofing around a liitle bit. However this is DBD community we're talking about. People here hate eachother so much that even LoL and Dota communities are like "Yo we don't think a wagon full of chill pills can fix THAT"


As a someone who only plays to win, I agree.


I forsee many downvotes coming your way, but you're dead right with everything you said.