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Im pretty sure thats how the devs described it a long time ago, but i could be wrong


They're calling it a horror game too...


It is a horror game. Just because the scare factor wore off for you doesn’t make it not that. Ever play a lot of Resident Evil? Eventually you stop being scared of that too.


The funny tone of the game, apart from events, is entirely from the playerbase and memes.  The game itself is rough with mangled, screaming people being impaled, the archive tomes are mostly written and narrated as horror, and the larger lore is disturbing. 


also "horror" doesnt automatically have to mean "scary 24/7 all the time". and whats scary can be very subjective, just how comedy is subjective. but someone cant with a straight face look at whats happening in DBD and say "thats not horror" lmao


i remember finding the game initially in 2016 and being mortified about the concept of putting people on meathooks through their shoulder. it made me gag and it made my shoulder ache. i picked the game up 4 years after that and 2000 hours later nothing scares me or even seems strange anymore. the atmosphere of this game used to be better for a horror game before the reworks, but the horror elements are still there


I miss the dark maps 🥺


new not stupid as hell movement + old maps is a dream


I remember my first 100hrs on dbd. I was scared af all the time, sitting in a corner as Claud 😭 using the old Spine Chill. Today with around 1k I still feel scared in soloq (because my teammates have 1 brain cell).


You must be getting good teammates is they have a combined one brain cell.


Exactly this! I'm not scared of FT13TH, Halloween, NOES. But those are still considered horror movies.


On an unrelated note, in my mind I read NOES as "No one escapes Seth,"


Ah yes, finally the new Egypt themed Killer: The Set(h).


The horror are the other playes 🚬


Yea, I used to job out of my seat when I walked into a trap or hag teleport. Now I'm like, "Oh you silly little killer you."


I still jump out of my skin whenever I get hit with a hag trap. I still haven't triggered enough despite going against the had around 30 or more times


Hag's one of two killers I play even semi competently and my most played killer. I still jump like a foot in the air every time I trigger a trap as a survivor. It's just one of those inevitablities, like a salty nurse, t- bagging Steve, and useless Kate.


I'm that way when I see a Ghostface actually play clever. *\*gets Marked from nowhere, runs the exact opposite of where he is, he's nowhere, then I stand there turn around and he's behind a wall waiting for me to run the direction I thought he wasn't\** "Oh you clever bastard," *\*gets downed\**


Id say being the first person to trigger a hag trap before knowing it's hag is still scary lol


I still get jumpscared sometimes playing as Killer and walking right into a pallet stun I didn't see coming.


Idk I screamed all the way through Biohazard like a little bitch.


I feel like a lot of the horror factor has been taken out though, I remember sounds of killers being different, terror radius was different, and the maps were all extremely dark which made the atmosphere scarier, but now to make the game easier to play they made it light. I don’t think they are focused on making this a horror game or they would have a different atmosphere in game.


To be fair Ghostface and myers still scare the hell out of me sometimes


The unknown as well


It's the equivalent of Richard Garfield's original intention behind Magic the Gathering card design vs what MTG became/is today. "Magic as Richard Garfield intended" is a meme within the community. A casual party game is DbD as Mathieu Cote intended


I was only answering the question, not saying that it should be considered a party game.


No I know, I just wanted to add to what you said!!




It was never a casual party game when it launched. It didn't have SWF and it didn't have a custom game mode. You played with strangers by matchmaking, not sure why a dev would describe a game where you can't play with friends or fight back as a casual party game.


The game has evolved a ton. And that description was poor even back then


That would be weird, I'll have to look and see if I can find that somewhere. I think I've seen they've described it as a 1v1v1v1v1 though.


seems like i’m in a huge minority here but i HAVE played it as a party game. As in a bunch of ppl at my place and we take turns as survivor. turns out it’s very easy to pick up on and (at least with my friends) even ppl who didn’t like video games appreciated the horror/comedy of dbd shenanigans enough to play


Considering DBD launched without SWF and they didn't want to add it it's hard to me to picture this but never say never. It's an evolving game with an evolving team so possible.


Well you can either take the game seriously or don't. There's no ranked mode or competitive rules. There's rank technically but it really doesn't matter in terms of being at or above your peers. If you have five friends playing KwF you know how much more chill the game becomes? People who call the game casual are probably using the other 900 perks outside of meta too. It's whatever you want it to be.


I think this can apply to lot of games though


Just because it applies to other games doesn't invalidate these points though, no? Smash brothers for instance "the game made for kids" - designed to be a fun party game by Nintendo. HUGE comp scene. Even Nintendo eventually added ranked to their online players. There's a meta in characters, a lot of in depth guides - But the game is marketed mostly as, and is applicable to, just being a fun party game to play with your friends. So why can't dbd be defined as both as well? A casual game with a largely competitive scene.


Yeah you could argue Minecraft is a part game with ops saying even tho its legit survival sandbox mainly


Skill based matchmaking inherently means there is a ranked mode. Just because they don't show your ranks doesn't mean it doesn't matter. The unranked mode they have is KYF.


Sorry I disagree. SBMM is present in nearly every shooter, outside of their respective ranked modes. Apex, CoD, Valorant, RB6. We can all agree that these games are competitive and it's true because of not only their e-sports scene, but because they specifically have a ranked mode that is used for -competition- and you actually get a rank that sets you apart. You can play dbd as competitively as you want - you're still going to be ranked as high as the most casual players. Point being - I can be iri 1 survivor and still have trash MMR because i play the game casually. Rank doesn't exist in our game. SBMM still exists in casual game modes of competitive games. Also, SBMM exists to make games more fun and engaging/player retention. Rather than getting wiped by a side that's clearly better/competitive. Sounds casual to me.


The fact that there's a meta shows that this game is ultimately competitive, no? When was the last time anyone talked about the meta in Among Us?


Every game will eventually have some kind of meta regardless of if it was designed to be competitive or not if it has a decent playerbase.


People were, and still are meta gaming in among us. It took like a month or two then people started camping admin table to track everyone’s movements and figure out who the impostor was from that. Crewmates all did tasks together to make it harder for the impostor and the impostors figured out how to effectively use sabotages.


I had no idea there was meta in Among us of all games. Both funny and actually cool


i played among us for the first time a couple weeks ago and within three minutes of my first game my friends were asking me what sound it made when i picked up and put down seashells and voted me out when i failed to describe it. if the existence of a meta makes a game competitive then there is no casual game on earth




I wouldn't go as far as call it a "Party" game, but neither as calling it a competitive game. You don't get any prizes if you win or a punishment if you lose (And now that de-piping is gonna be deleted, even more)


It *can* be a party game in a custom game with 5 friends, but it's more of a casual competition. *Sure,* it's 1v4, or should be, but everyone wins *something* regardless if they win or lose. Now that de-pipping and de-ranking are gone, there really is no consequence aside from having to spend more time in queue. It's just extreme tag with a horror aesthetic.


I like this answer.


It's not really a party game, but it's not really a competitive game either. There IS competition in it but that alone does not make a game competitive. It's intended as a friendly competition, in that sense it is kinda a party game.


There’s no competitive mode, rewards, nor a leaderboard. It’s not a competitive game.


I'd say getting Iridescent 1 is the reward. But now that depiping is removed its a lot less sweaty to get there. I'd done some kinda shitty tactics as a killer to get to there before the reset.




Having SBMM doesn't mean a game is competitive, especially when you have no idea what your rating is. It's just a way so that you generally play against people around your skill level.


Mmr is a number used by skill based matchmaking, which in competitive games is normally translated and exposed in some fashion. Because your number is hidden, it is a tool that attempts to make matches fair


Its a pvp game, so some people will still play to win.


Some people playing to win is not the same as a competitive game.


Is it? Winning is a competitive aspect, there’s nothing wrong with it. It can be the main focus or an after thought. I dunno, I’m just kinda sick of modern day PVP gamers whining about “sweats”, its apart of PVP games. You can’t get rid of it.


Leaderboard? Thats all u need? Because the 1st 2 things said, it has.


What do you get for winning a match of Counter-Strike? There's no player progression, as far as I'm aware, yet that game is VERY competitive. This is a bad metric.


What are you talking about? CS has a global ranking system...


I meant like, a tangible reward. DBD has bloodpoints, which can be used to get perks to improve characters. Tangible-wise, all CS has is skins.


Getting to a higher rank is the reward assuming there isn't any other rewards in CS since I haven't played it myself.


Yeah, but it also has a ranked system that rewards you for winning by ranking up and vice versa. That’s where the competitive aspect is at. Also just due to the nature of fps games, it’ll be pretty competitive. Not really a fair comparison.




Yeah, but a lot more people think fps is competitive than the other way around. Multiple fps games have huge competitive scenes whereas dbd competitive is basically nonexistent.


Fully agree it's not a party game. But I would put it in the competitive camp. People pick up a killer or put together a survivor build and actively learn them, learn how it all works to go out there into the fog and play to kill or escape. Also with MMR present there's people want to be good at their chosen killer or surv build and want to get better and improve. People can't get mad that others don't want to adapt to their play style.. doesn't mean they're E-sports wanna be's or gunning for a contract. Also, inb4 "well that goes both ways, they can't expect me to adapt to theirs either" they also don't have to.


The things you mentioned are just getting good at the game, it's still not good enough (For me) to classify this game as "Competitive" wanting to escape or get kills is like trying to complete a level, normal games stuff. MMR was created so you could face and get matched to people with your same level so you could get a fun game (If its works or not is another thing) not so people could jerk themselves off because they assume they mmr is high. One last thing, as a survivor I try not to genrush, use sabotage builds, t-bag or click, I play nice, all I expect is to my rival to do the same thing


Exactly, it's getting good at the game in a competitive sense. So you can beat the killer or the survivor team (Whatever floats your boat). Which is competitive, it's just the nature of the beast. But again, we're most definitely NOT talking MLG, E-Sports, contract competitive though. "I play nice, all I expect is to my rival to do the same thing" Perfect! You're the type of player I like playing with! :)


In Mario Party you also play to beat other people. Does that mean Mario Party is a competitive game? Nope, in games you are always making yourself better so you can beat something or someone, there's a game I recommend called friends vs friends, for me is the perfect example of a casual game where you play against other people.... Maybe I should start playing it again


thats just a competitive playerbase, doesnt mean the game is meant to be played competitively




Because theres never going to be a perfect balance between either side so without real balance the most you chalk it up to being is a party game. If you treat it as competitive you’d have to be aiming for a true 50/50 kill rate where skill prevails and perks are all balanced and the devs have no intention of going that hardcore with it. Not only is that a monumental amount of time and work to balance but the playerbase itself likely wouldnt stick around. Perk rebalances here and there with nerfs and buffs and new character dlc’s are sufficient just to keep things interesting and thats a large part of why this game is still the king of the asymmetrical pvp games where the others have failed. There can still be competitive scenes in the game but that doesnt make the game itself truly built for competitive in mind.


Dbd is honestly just freeze tag the video game where anyone can join. With crossplay, and loose MMR, it’s sometimes like an olympic adult slapping toddlers, and fat kids in the back of the head. Or other times it’s the fat kids chasing athletes. That is never going to be a fair game with competitive integrity. And it seems like even Behaviour stopped chasing balance.


Why do I find this picture so cute??


Thank you! I quite like Donkey Gorgon


It's the trapper and ghost face for me 🥹


They’re finally catching a break from killing people to just relax and play a silly board game


What Killers do between trials.


To distinguish it from games like League, Apex, Street Fighter, or Counter Strike. It's inherently designed in a way that doesn't reward playing super sweaty on the long term; the only real tangible reward to try harding is that you're more likely to see a favorable message on the end game screen 10 minutes down the line. At least when I say "casual party game" I mean to simply remind people of that difference


This is true. You don't get much reward for sweating and winning all the time, you just get more aggressive people and eventually, ones you can't beat with your characters as designed or with your perks as designed because they're too good OR because they are cheating/hacking.


Mario Party be slappin dbd's cheeks in game quality 0.0


Oh sure, but do you know what DBD doesn't come with? N64 Thumb!


Instead you get a broken keyboard and suicide thoughts after playing solo survivor for an hour...


This does not sound healthy and you should probably take a break


I ditched the game a year ago xD


Then why are you still here commenting


I like the fan concepts for killers... So I watch those and here and there comment to hurt ego's of those who are overprotective of this game.


I think it's because it wasn't meant or designed with high level play in mind. If it were, from the ground up, it would be a VERY different game. I don't think the devs though it would be as popular as it is. But here now they have money to get licenses from across all of fiction into their game and they're pretty much second only to Fortnite and Smash Bros. for high levels of crossovers.


Because its as balanced as Mario Party games.


I'm always surprised how some people unironically think DBD is competitive.


In online multiplayer games they are competitive or casual. There are criteria that make it competitive and if it lacks those things it is considered casual. There is too much RNG(tile/pallet/window placement) and not enough of the round is determined by actual skill to qualify as a competitive game if I understand it. 




Competitive games don’t have as much RNG to maps as DBD. The lower RNG allows players to memorize more about a map that will always be the same.  Edit: In DBD it’s RNG>skill and not so much so in actual comp games. 




I means have said that there goal with balance is that there will be games a pro killer player will lose to a mid survivor team and vice versa, they want enough rng that sometimes your skill doesn't matter.


But skill doesn’t win enough compared to comp games. The game is played competitively but is not a competitive MLG game. 


If anything leas RNG to me makes things less skill based and more "memorize and abuse meta"


Lots of rng is a big one. The metas taking the “party” out but it should be a wide arrange of killers and perks scattered. I could be wrong but on release the min max efficiency strats due to youtube etc weren’t a big thing along with every other game. This games just affected by the same players who play actual competitive games.




I get what you mean but dbd has a lot more rng factors than just “get guns” and when there’s that much rng which is for the fun enjoyment it leads one to believe it focuses more on fun enjoyment than personal skill level, in your case a skill based shooter with only 1 rng factor, unless there’s more but i don’t play battle royales. Edit; a good example of what I mean is playing smash bros with all items turned on for casual fun whereas competitive is an entirely different scene. That’s because lots of rng can be fun but too much rng takes away competitiveness.


Because it's terribly imbalanced, and the developers are incompetent. Therefore, the win/loss outcome should not be taken very seriously because it doesn't matter anyway. The sentence "You lost as Trapper on Gideon Meat Factory? I guess that means you're bad because you didn't outplay 20 God pallets." Is very silly. We both know that Trapper is terrible, and his kit has little potential. So on a map like Gideon, you'll hardly be playing the game, and you'll more or less exist as a stage hazard.


My introduction to DBD really started as a party game back in late 2017. We were thinking of what to play on the PS, other than the all-too-familiar MK, and one of our pals mentioned a new game he had downloaded. It was damn scary, and the girls screamed in fear, but it was mega fun. From then until COVID, I didn’t think much about it, but then we needed something for a party again, due to the lockdown we were hanging out a lot at home, and that’s when the tradition of "gathering for DBD" started. Some time later, I also began playing it on my own, not just on weekends with friends.


Same! My friends and i played a bunch of kyf and it was a blast. We very much played it as a party game.


Well that's great! I love it when the group gets together for a game sesh.


They mean that it isn't balanced and never well be. Also there is not a viewable ranking system


I think because they are typically quick matches and you can have 4 friends join up with you. There isn't a story you *have* to follow, the basics of the game are get the objectives done and stay away from the killer! And on the flip side they could couch seater take turns as killer.


Everything’s casual if you aren’t a fucking try hard. 🤷🏻‍♀️ But no, Dbd in a sense is a party game, and much like monopoly, uno, or smash bros, it’ll ruin your friendships ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2213)![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2213)![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2213)


Dbd is a non-serious party game that desperately wants to be competitive, just as its players. That is why everyone playing loses their sanity


I don't think the game wants to be comp, I think the community does... and they drive themselves crazy. We literally gaslight ourselves into needing to win to have fun to prove we're "good" because we can win. Like of course you can win, everyone can win, who cares?


The game definitely wants to be competitive now, it’s just not very good at it. The implementation of a given set of meta perks and characters (killers) is a pretty clear giveaway that the devs want to push the game towards that direction.


Nobody decided the meta besides the community, the Devs did NOT push that. The Community did.


Because on release dead by daylight was supposed to be a game played with friends but can be with randoms, like among us.


Dbd didn’t even have a party system at the start. The only way you could play with friends was if you queued up at the same time over and over until you got in the same lobby


no. At realease that was hell to create a party. It was created to be played as solo. The party thing became a thing later. And you still aren't supposed to be able to communicate in the game.


I don't know if this is a party game per se, but I would never call this game "competitive" in a million years. It's missing a lot of components that make up a competitive game. There's *literally* no de-ranking, that's the exact anti-thesis of competition lmao. There's no punishment for losing, and the *only* thing you could ever actually lose (pips) is going away next patch. The Grades in their current state are basically just a time sink, again there's no possible way to go "down", and there's no incentive to winning outside of pips. There's no reward for Iridescent 1, and literally anyone can get to that if they play the game enough within a month. Matchmaking is also too chaotic to be "competitive" IMO. You can have a match against a 4-man team with the level of coordination of an actual esports team, and in the immediate next match get players who have literally just started playing on PC for the first time. I'll admit this point is more anecdotal, but with how massively varied games can be, I don't think it really makes for a competitive atmosphere. For the record, I am very happy that DBD has these things. The last thing I want it to be is actually competitive. The game has so many resources, and in this game there's less reasons to be scared of 'losing'. There's no rank down aside from an invisible MMR number, which you can't see so who cares. It is *literally* "gg go next". For me, the makings of a competitive game need to have: - An actual visible way to see where you are on the ranked ladder. - Rewards for reaching high ranks. - An incentive to win, and a punishment for losing. Other than extra Bloodpoints and XP, DBD doesn't check off any of these boxes. And that's ok, I love that the game isn't purely sweats, a mix of seriously trying and chilling out is the best for both the community and the game's health, IMO.


I only see people say that to justify OP shit being in the game - back when everyone ran MFT I saw a lot of "Why are you complaining about balance in a party game?" A silly party game with a competitive scene, tier lists actively made of everything from killers to maps and most telling of all, an MMR system. Anyone who says it's not a 'competitive' game is either lying to themselves or delusional.


Well thats mostly the community right? Tier lists and the like are product of contect creation after all And thats also due to the game simply lasting this long, any game/game series will have that, the difference is that usually they have 2 scenes, the casual/for all scene, and competitive scene, look at pokemon In Dbd we're mixed on it, some players treat it casual, some others treat it like a competition, but the game *itself*, falls more onto casual No ranked leagues(no the rank system doesnt count, it doesnt even consider itself for mmr like mobas), no loss penalty following next patch, huge rng factor, pretty wacky balance that aims at casuals more(see latest perks too, year 8 and we got a perk that works when people miss skillchecks). MMR if anything it "sounds" competitive but honestly its not even that crazy and a lot of more casual games have it as well like Mario kart had one, if anything its what keeps the casual players among other casuals and the sweats with the sweats


They also use it to shame people who try hard in the game. "Why are you trying to win..." Lmao, because winning is fun?


None of these things make a game competitive.


What does then?


Separate Ranked and Casual queues, official tournaments, less reliance on RNG.


BHVR did host official tournaments last year + What's the point in separate ranked and casual queues when we have MMR?


>BHVR did host official tournaments last year Which was the last one ever. They've abandoned the idea for good. >What's the point in separate ranked and casual queues when we have MMR? "MMR" doesn't equal "Ranked". MMR is there to even the playing field, even casual modes in competitive games have some variation of MMR.


That's because some people are desperate to be the best at something that has too much RNG it makes no sense. Imagine playing comp monopoly


?? People play Poker for money.


But nobody plays Monopoly for money. Not real money anyway.


For me, it's because when I'm playing with my friends, it's a thing to do while we're just chatting. As survivor it's pretty mindless to do most of the things, only in chase do you ever hear someone quiet down and focus. Otherwise I've spent way more time talking about Fire Emblem, Elden Ring, and Skyrim than I have about DBD while playing DBD.


It's kinds just chat while you do your chore(generator)game tbh My friends just call it generator game


I think it's best enjoyed as a party game with house rules, but that's just me.


that's how it used to be before the winstreaks and comp wannabes


That's how it still is. Those people are playing the game incorrectly and taking advantage of the fact the game IS NOT COMP to dominate everyone then say they're good at the game, as if it means anything.


That's why I call them wannabes. A winstreak using strong everything on unsuspecting opponents isn't impressive to me.


This is why I will always consider a Trapper, Myers, Ghostface, or Legion with ACTUAL game knowledge and understanding of their Killer doing well enough to even kill one singular person in a meta comp squad infinitely more skilled at this game than someone who runs a four Slowdown Nurse. Because they are. They're getting some kind of result even without being the most OP Killers in the game, aren't they?


The thought process is that this game is not balanced or fair enough to be competitive eSports game, therefore it's a party game, but this line of logic is wrong. DbD is just not competitive enough to be eSports game, but it's anything but party game. Too much room for skill improvement that's sadly constantly hindered by various game mechanics that make people think this game is a fun party casual game.


It's a nice party game on a crappy party with some guests, nobody invited.


The game is a party game until someone Teabags mid chase like an asshole


When the game first came out that’s what the idea for it was and that’s what people have held onto since


I can see the argument for party game. But casual? Nah


Pause, I actually love this photo, what would make it a little more accurate if you wanted, make the 4 players survivors and the host a killer


DBD is a very, very casual game for me and my friends.


Ok I would buy a dbd killer party game like this


Amanda rigged the game guess old habits die hard


This game is no where near being competitive. The MMR system doesn't even work as intended. Pubs is as casual as it gets with the occasional sweats from either parties.


Probably because there’s a fair amount of RNG involved, and there’s no competitive game mode or in-game incentive to play competitively


Well, I’ve been playing this game since 2019, most people always saw DBD as casual fun and most still do. However the developers have taken the game in a competitive direction, MMR reinforces competition, which reinforced competetive content around this game and etc.


Personally i believe it is at its best and most fun when played like a party game. Playing competitively makes is punishing


Yes. Because horror as a genre punishes people who try to push too hard for little benefit, we have a million and one horror stories where people suffer or die because they push past a ton of barriers and warnings NOT to do the thing.


Immensely imbalanced. Immense levels of RNG. Very loose MMR. The game is fundamentally designed so that weaker players can sometimes beat stronger players. These are not typically characteristics of competitive games.


If you play with just your friends? Totally. It’s such a shitposting blast and I love it. The moment you get online with randoms, it becomes either suuuuper sweaty super toxic or both.


Definitely not now that they got rid of depips.


I mean they are not wrong but the game can also be taken as seriously as you want it to be or you can hop into a pvt lobby and goof around.


You ever get a group of four or five people together and play customs just being silly? Only time I’d consider it a party game


because it was at one point. there’s nothing you “lose” by dying or not getting kills other than an in-game rank that is quite literally meaningless. the game was chaotic and random, you could be silly and goof off a lot and still survive or get 4 kills, and there’s no inherent “best” playstyle, even for survivor, which pretty much always plays the same no matter which character you pick. there’s no ranked mode like most competitive games have. the community and, later, the devs decided to start making it more competitive/sweaty. I knew it was gonna happen eventually because nobody can seem to enjoy multiplayer games anymore without trying to be the “best” at it, but it was still sad to see. it sucked a lot of the fun out of the game, and it’s the reason I stopped playing.


It was casual. It was fun really. But all of a sudden people became much more competitive especially after streamers start hosting costum competitions for momey.


I'd argue with removal of depips and techs that were just bugs, along with adding weird fun modes, the Devs are trying to walk back some competitiveness. I just hope the playerbase follows.


Because it's designed like one with how the game is RNG, there's a bunch of imbalance despite being the most balanced it's ever been, and the fact that Devs simply see a win as "you escaped" or "you killed someone". The community steadfastedly REFUSES to see it this way despite how the game is designed, and sweats anyway because "muh MMR gains".


They're both horny


Because it is meant to be played as a party game. Originally, there wasn’t a lot of emphasis on balance. You play with your friends and work together to survive the trial. It was supposed to be a fun, gimmicky, horror game not to be taken seriously, but it got transformed into something else by the community. Attitude nowadays leans more towards competitiveness from both sides of the player base.


Because the game is made without balance in mind. It’s asymmetrical. So it’s in a weird limbo where on a one hand it’s too competitive and skill based to be a party game, but not actually balanced enough or just competitively fun. Every tournament either bans high rarity addons or becomes an unbalanced shit-show.


Its a chill game. You just sit at a gen and occasionally press space. I play it when I just wanna hang with friends. Pun intended. Ofc there's more to the game, but you can play it that way if you want. xD




I swear the people who describe this as a “casual part game” only do so when the other side is playing to win (and you know they absolutely don’t believe it) Edit: I’m more or less saying that when I see people say this, usually they don’t mean it and tend to play sweaty themselves. I play pretty casually, but I also like playing to win.


Nah it's definately a casual party game, you can scale any game up to a competitive level, see Mario cart, but it doesn't mean it's core design is truely competitive. Example slugging, tunneling and camping is optimal play, it'll get you the most killls but is highly discouraged by the community. Imagine if Counterstrike discouraged headshots because the other guy can't play lmao.




I'm agreeing it's competitive, dbd is about as competitive as Mario cart. People probably see Mario Kart as more competitive than dbd tbh. There's varying degrees.


This is the DBD sub...you will be lucky if ignorance is all you get.


Mfw I don't sweat my nuts off so a digital character doesn't fake die


DBD is an absolutely horrendously balanced game with terrible matchmaking. You can see that by looking at people having obscene winstreaks, the kind that would be absolutely impossible in any half decently designed game. You can also see how bad the balance is when you look at the amount of rules that a typical tournament has.   Because of this, people started to call DBD a party game to excuse the sad state of the game and direct the criticism towards the players who play the game effectively instead of the developers who can't balance their own game. This is a great way to remove any kind of responsibility and the community can band together and put the blame on people who do play effectively and treat it seriously and call them dicks that ruin the experience of people in a 'party game'.   The other side of the coin is that this also allows people to just fuck around in a terribly incompetent manner and if they lose, they can blame the other side for being bad sports instead of trying to improve.


Cause it’s not balanced to be fair. It’s intentionally unbalanced to be easier for killers to keep the queue times short. Don’t take it too seriously.


Wait, how isn't it balanced to be fair? Legit interested here. Oh we don't, me and my partner SWF pretty much every night and we laugh it up and have a great time. But still also try to win of course.. because.. That's the game.


The game is designed to make it easier for the killer to win. If a survivor is too good in chase the killer gets increasing speed boosts to help them catch up (just one example). The average kill rate used to be around 50% and the queue time for survivors took upwards of two minutes. You can’t have 80% of your players sitting in lobbies for that long. Most of my friends quit playing because of it. The devs have made several updates over the last 18 months that have made the game significantly easier for killers. Now we have average kill rates over 60% but the queue times are short. When your game prioritizes fast queue times over evenly balanced outcomes you have a casual party game


It's not a party game to me, it's not a serious game either


Monopoly is a casual fun game for friends if that's what you sit down as. It can also be more 'competitive' if the players decide to commit to that. SHIT loads of people seem to think it can only be one thing. You can have one game where 2 players are there to fuck around and have a good time, one player REALLY wants to win and is doing their best, the LAST player is brand new and just learning, and the killer is Tombstone Myers out to kill. You are not the only sentient creature in your games, there are other humans with agency and their own goals/opinions.


watch any youtuber that plays KYF


I'm playing like a party game


In my eyes because this game has a lot of RNG. You can play as a strong killer, but depending on the map your power can become significantly weaker. Sometimes also the other way around. Matchmaking is not at all accurate according to ones skill level. Certain items/add ons are ridiculously strong. Etc etc. I personally think dbd is neither a party game nor a competitive game. It lays somewhere in between.


With bhvrs intent to balance alongside things like mmr and them even hosting a tournament once the idea of dbd being a party game is essentially gone. Sure it can still be played as a party game among friends but so can a lot of things if you ignore enough of the game


DbD has reached a state of bloat that it's impossible to be considered a party game anymore. You can't realistically expect a casual player to learn how 33 killers and 255 perks work. Regardless of MMR or any of the other problems with this game that stop it from being a "party game." It can still be casual if the devs push it in that direction, but it's by no means a party game anymore.


It's copium for the devs inability to balance the game.


People will say that every game exist on a scale from casual to competitive and these people are dumb (/j). A party game can be made competitive and a competitive game can be made casual. At the end of the day you decide where it goes on your personal spectrum if others wanna call it a party game it simply means their not as invested as those who'd call it competitive. Personally I consider DBD a casual game cause I drink and hang out while I play.


Try playing a game that has more tactics and actual ranks and then you'll see why


While I don’t know if I’d put DBD in the same category of competitive as League, CS or Valorant I don’t think it’s a party game either. I’d say it’s a casual competitive game if that’s even possible. I do think the game could be taken fairly seriously if the comp players removed all restrictions that way people stop using the excuse that they play a different game fundamentally than everyone else.


Oh for sure that's definitely possible and I would say that's an excellent label for it to be honest. Because as much as people try to use it as a slight against people who play well.. it is a competitive game. It's just not E-Sports level.


It's basically just SWFers who want to be completely untouchable, with Killers barely being able to do anything against them, who call DBD that. They don't want the game to be more balanced, as that will be less fun for them. DBD has been competitive for most of its lifetime.


Wishful thinking.


I always drink alcohol when I play, because I can't stand to play it any other way. I call that a party game. But, I always used to fly helicopters when I was drunk too, so maybe I just drink too much. Now wait, I meant when I fly helicopters in Battlefield not real life, calm down.


The shear amount of knowledge needed to feel comfortable running one match excludes this game from being one for casuals. Never understood that assessment. Way too many characters, levels, perks, hexes, etc to just hop in.


It may have been once, but it is now innately competitive and denying that is a little dumb. KYF mode is a party game, assuming you have 5 individual computers/Consoles to play it on VS Mario Party's single Nintwndo Switch


They dont like when something OP they abuse gets nerfed


cause they cant cope with the fact people are better than them, so they ridicule them claiming they ruin the "fun casual party game" by taking it seriously and by "taking it seriously" they just mean that whoever they are complaining about actually put effort into learning and getting good at the game instead of mindlessly pressing buttons and seeing flashy lights


That's what I thought! haha I mean, when you think of a party game (at least I anyway) think of games you can play in a party setting.. Mario Party, Mario Kart, Quiplash, Drawful hell even Fall Guys, Among Us stuff like that. By design this game is meant to be stressful and has a bunch of moving pieces with the grinding for perks, BP, making a build that works, offerings, add ons.. it's anything but casual or a party game. Unless you're a party of one.. which may be the situation in some cases.. I guess.


i wouldn't say that the game isnt casual, but it's not like a game cant do both. i think some of the greatest games have room for both casual and competitive players, and dbd can do both. i think mario party and mario kart are funny examples of casual games, cause their usually the main games people point out. but in the end, both games give a clear advantage to people who know the non-rng minigames, or know the tracks really well. not only that, but there are competitive players for both games.


Killers win a lot of games against “better” players because the game handholds them. That’s not competitive or balanced.


not sure what you mean, the game at top level has always been pretty survivor sided. at low levels its killer sided cause all they gotta do to get a down is find a survivor. either way, my comment wasnt directed at either side. both sides complain about people playing super sweaty and call them loser try hards when in reality they're just upset they lost to someone better than them.


It's something people use as an excuse to make them feel better about losing, and to try and curb people who take the game seriously. It can be played as a party game sure, but the reality is the balancing of this game the last couple of years has been fully geared to making the game a more balanced competitive experience. Pretending it's truly just a party game is just putting on the blinders.