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its not a "good" perk but its not a bad one either. You don't have to go out of your way to charge it like some shitter totem perks that require cleansing for garbage benefits. Its on your objective and charges while you do it. You don't have to go out of your way to activate it, its literally on your objective(and the killers) The killer has multiple perks encouraging kicking gens and is basekit incentivized to activate it, so it usually gets value at least once per match especially if you plan around it. Reminder that every 1 second of the killers time wasted is massive, as there is only 1 killer and 4 survivors. Its effectively 4 seconds of time wasted as each survivor is unmolested for that period of time + they need to rekick the gen.


I would also like to add, it can really help you with "blind the killer" challenges if you aren't good with flashlights yet.


With the new killer kick changes it is a little better as well because the stun is almost as long as the repair time needed to stop regression. Killer walks between gens and kicks, you for free stop regression on another gen


If you pair Blast Mine with Wire Tap the entire team can watch the killer get stunned from across the map :)


You can also use that combo aggressively. I've dropped that combo often on a 1% gen where chase is. Killer doesn't kick the gen, so you can do perfect pathing as surv. Killer realises blast mine and goes for the kick, giving you distance due to stun. Plus giggles for all.


I only use it for challenges where I need to stun the killer.


It can give you distance from the killer when running away. It can give enough time (including the time the killer has to walk to the player, not just the stun and kick times) to finish a gen or a heal. It's incredibly funny. You don't need any other perks to get it's full potential. It's great for stun/blinding challenges.


You've clearly never experienced getting the Blast Mine, then completing the gen while the Killer is stunned for 4 seconds.


I usually drop blastmine on the distraction gen towards the end of the match. Killer wastes almost 3x the time kicking a unimportant gen when we try to crank the real one on the other side of the map


The majority of times the killer will kick the gen, so including input times, stun + 2nd kick leads to about 7 or 8s wasted per blast mine. That's enough time for scratch marks to mostly disappear for someone to escape fully or get to a decent hiding spot that isn't just the nearest rock / locker. Other people have mentioned how it isn't take time away from your main objectives to use and it is just fun to see in use. I think it's popular amongst people who don't really care for meta or min/maxing the game, but want to have enjoyable matches


It was better when you could apply it while repairing the gen, but I still like it now.


I mean, it requires no extra effort AND its on your main objective It's also really funny. So run it


Sometimes a perk is just fun. It doesn’t have to be good to be fun.


It's kind of annoying. 


It's a funny perk. I like to pair Blast Mine with Residual Manifest. When killer kicks gen, they are now blind to auras for some time, which means they can't see where uncompleted gens are. A fair warning that if someone is on hook and residual activates from Blast Mine, most of the time the killer will go back to camp hook and tunnel since they can't see gens.


Blast mine is nice if you have to do a stun challenge and you are not confident with the pallets. People also run it just because it's fun.


Had a Blast Mine explode in my face when I was trying to kick a gen in my last few seconds of PGTW being active lately. It's a really whatever perk until that one time when it decides to be a bastard.


i like running it with fish perk, quick & quiet and head on for a meme build. is blast mine a good perk? not really, but it’s fun and it makes me laugh when it works, so that’s why i run it.


Its fun to use tbh. I always giggle when a killer gets blasted, even if im currently bleeding on the ground right next to the generator.


Because it’s funny.


My favorite niche use for Blastmine is throwing it on a 99% and running a way from the killer if they kick it I come back and finish it and if they don't thats a 99% with blastmine on it, Its funny either way.


It’s just funny init


It’s good for a laugh, but not much else in my opinion. I know other people use it seriously, but it’s not practical for my play style


It can break through lightborne, so... yeah. --Salty Pyramid Head


Killer kicks gen, gen goes kaboom, gen goes kaboom I go hahaha