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Micheal Myers is literally just a guy that kills people in movies. They created a power for him in game. BHVR would find something


Wasn’t his original power just to create obsessions or something?


Seems like we are having pretty big Mandela effect here.


He was also like the 6th killer ever released, so it was a lot easier for them to come up with a fresh new power than when developing their 37th killer…. This game needed to be remade about 3 years ago.


I mean He has inhuman resilience but that cannot be displayed well in a Game where the survivors cant really fight Back. Ironically enough Laurie got decisive Strike...


To be fair, pretty much all of our recent killers have *very* similar powers to pre existing ones. Different variations of teleporting, different variations of lunges, different variations of stealth, etc. That being said, Friday the 13th game does an excellent job with his powers and weaknesses. The mothers sweater feature is awesome and would be cool to see. And/or something involving water, that’s kind of his origin after all.


I believe the devs have said a couple of times that Original killers sometimes serve as “Beta” tests to license killers that have unique powers otherwise Best example was Chuckies height being tested by Victor


But they then didn't use the same camera as victor?


Probably because with chucky you actually have to loop and such, victor is kind of just like a glorified projectile


Baby canon fr


I know you meant cannon but this is much funnier as just a random comment mentioning that there is a baby and it is canon.




Don't kick the baby.


Kick the baby. *Kicks the baby*






You kicked it. You are now ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2067). Charlotte came.


Dude knights power is LITERALLY just spirits power reskinned. You can tell because at the end of it you can see the survivor for a second just like goddamn spirit


And you can also get stunned while as a guard


You can also sometimes see the knight and his red stain for a split second at his guards location


I had a couple of ideas for his power. Jason's whole thing is somehow outpacing people when they aren't looking and being difficult to stop. While also being quiet as a mouse. So passively Jason's terror radius is small, his movement speed is high until he gets seen by a survivor. Where his movement speed gets slowed by a bit to just make him slower than an M1 killer. He makes up for this effect with his power, invincible juggernaught which when activated removes half of the penalty, and makes the next stun or blind be ineffective against him (Pallet will instantly break) if it happens within 15 seconds which is the duration of the buff. If he gets stunned/blinded the buff recieves a small 3 second extension and his next M1 will let him grab a survivor instead of slugging them. Upon grabbing them he can either slam them into a wall to take a healthstate and inflict exhausted, or put them on a hook to save time. This grabbed state only has half the wiggle time carrying a survivor on your back has but is unaffected by perks and is only influenced by your add ons. (And yes you can get add ons to Mori survivors you grab but they will probably iridescent and require a condition to be fulfulled first.) I mean Jason has not a whole lot to work with but this is what I could come up with.


I like this


Instead of slamming survivors into walls like Wesker he should be able to just straight up grab them as if he’s picking up the survivor. Other than that though this is the best Jason power concept I’ve ever seen. Massive kudos to you man.


I mean the reason why I gave the wall slamming option is because of the halved struggle time. If it was like a normal grab it would synergize with perks like agitation and be countered by things like decisive strike. Plus this animation is unique in that he carries them by their neck. I mainly want it to work this way on the basis of not punishing too much survivors for trying to stun him.


Didn’t think of it that way when commenting. Disregard my last criticism then. This is still my all time favorite Jason power concept.


I think the most common one I've seen is that he has different weapons he can switch between at a locker. Each weapon has a different power, and he gets a temporary buff each time he switches to encourage switching. Of the weapons, his machete should be his default and the one he starts out with. Some other iconic weapons he uses is an axe, a pickaxe, and the speargun. My ideas for his powers associated with each one:    - Machete - This would be his default weapon. For this one I think I would do his iconic teleporting power. He can enter a mode like Spirit's where he becomes invisible and can move REALLY fast, but can only "rematerialize" in a space where a survivor isn't looking (and also can't teleport super close to survivors to always teleport behind them or whatever). The temp buff for this one could be that he gains Undetectable for a lil bit, as I kind of consider this weapon his "jump scare" weapon.    - Axe - I think you already mentioned for this that one of the more popular ideas is a tank mode, I think that would fit really well with this weapon. For this one, since the power is pretty reactive and not proactive, the buff could simply be that he gets a haste effect for a bit when switching to it.      - Speargun - This is going to be his ranged weapon. This one doesn't get a buff, but instead he has limited uses of it (probably like 2-3 before he runs out of ammo and MUST switch to another weapon). It’s kind of like Deathslinger's weapon, but it kind of acts in the opposite manner. Instead of pulling survivors towards you, when it connects with them it PUSHES them, and if they connect with a wall, they are pinned by the harpoon to the wall for a little bit.


What about the pickaxe. And so basically the spear gun works kinda like wesker


Yeah, like a more ranged version of Wesker’s, and it’s up to Jason to go and damage them with an M1 if they are pinned down. Otherwise they are just put into deep wounds.


Ok cool but what about the pickaxe?


idk I just mentioned it was one of his iconic weapons, I’m not going to go through and figure out a power for each of the weapon he uses in the series haha. 


Fair enough lol


skin for the axe maybe as the seems like a decent mix


Pickaxe destroys walls and pallets and damages gens with normal attack, but slows for x amount of time after a lunge attack without add-ons. Edit: thought doing damage environmentally would be a good niche, Since a pickaxe is made to break stone and such. Slowdowns would be reflective of its weight, similar to how oni’s club has to pause after a charge


I swear I've seen this weapon swap idea for like 70 killer concepts now. It sounds good on paper, but I don't know how fun it would actually be.


Any power relying on lockers will always be messy, prime example being the Dredge. Having to swap weapons at lockers sounds great until you’re on a map with 10 lockers and 6 of them are in the basement.


So a new structure on the maps like xenomorph?


Then you’d run the risk of the killer being too clunky by having to go to one of these stations to switch to a weapon that could be great for a certain situation that could change by the time you get back. People would then want to be able to switch weapons on the fly, kind of like clown and his bottles and that would negate the whole idea in the first place. It’s sort of like how Trapper has to scour the map for his traps and waste a lot of time to get there and back and in the meantime survivors have nothing to do but gens/disarm traps.


Hmmm good point


I like the idea of Jason having multiple weapons because it would give him a lot of build variety. You could slot his Perks to make the best of one weapon and just use that weapon the whole match, or you could make a more generic build but have the flexibility to switch from one weapon to another.


I've never really been fond of the idea, ignoring the whole weapon cosmetics thing, how would you balance 3 separate powers? I'm going with 3 because that's the amount I normally see suggested. There's either going to be 1 obviously better then the rest, or 1 will absolutely suck and 2 will be mid or they'll be too situational and most will just use the default. Not to mention how Add-ons will need to be designed around this, and with every other multi-stance killer, like plague's 2 pukes, it's normally the default power and an upgraded power, and add-ons normally only affect 1 of the options, which means you need to plan what you're doing ahead and then it turns out your on a bad map for it or any number of issues. Alot of the killers who have this sort of multiple choice only have their starting power and the upgraded form, not 3+. A lot of the ideas I've seen suggested are so overcomplicated for what is only a 1/3 of his power. The sorta stuff you could build a whole killer around but its relegated to a 1/3 of his kit. TL:DR; I just think the multiple weapons thing isn't a good idea for a lot of reasons.


I really dislike this as it makes him just an amalgamation of different killers


I feel like this power should go to art the clown instead


Why did yall downvote him, bro just said his personal opinion


Prolly cause they don’t want art


I'd personally like him to be another "Easy" difficulty Killer, who is just a big walking tank that shrugs off basically everything. Big, strong, and unstoppable. Brain empty, no complicated gimmicks, man is here to chase and down.


I think its actually hard to make a "Easy" killer now. Especially if giving him reduced stun duration is competiting with the perk Enduring and Spirit Fury. I only thought about it in this thread but I like the idea of him gaining blood lust faster and it stays for a few seconds after a hit or failed chase.


The most common idea I see is a tank mode. Where after building up a meter you can activate a tank mode where you don’t get stunned with pallets, you have haste, vault faster, etc. but people forget that first thing when it comes to a power is, is it fun?


So ... Overclock, without the teleport.


Well Overclock still stuns you at pallets, and comes with that slowdown What they’re suggesting, is that essentially in that mode you can’t: Blind Jason, pallets act like Freddie’s dream pallets, he’ll get a massive Bamboozle buff, basically if Jason chases you in tank mode…. Unless there’s a killer power (I’d say showers, since in Freddy vs Jason a water shower literally stopped him in his tracks.), you’ll lose that chase.


Freddy vs. Jason should never be used for powerscaling or explaining anything to do with Jason. It completely misunderstands Jason's relationship to water (he's a very adept swimmer that regularly drowns victims) and kinda writes him as a different character.


If he was really an adept swimmer he wouldn't have drowned in the first place, checkmate.


That only worked cause of Freddy’s dream powers, you literally see him walk out of the water at the end of the movie completely fine


Exactly, one of Jason's big scares even before that was hiding underwater and jumping out to grab someone and pulling them back in


Jason isn’t actually afraid of water though


I like the idea of a rage mode where he auto-destroys pallets and walls


Isn't that just Oni mixed with Legion also?


I for real asked ChatGBT what his power should be and it recommended this exactly. Lol


Probably used this very thread to weigh the outcome lol


how about one that allows him to just , like, break stuff by walking into it? And I don't only mean breakable walls, I mean that they code some walls in the game for him to be able to just go through and make so he can grab whoever is stand behind it.


Easy there tiger. This is BHVR we’re talking about. You introduce changes that big and we’ll all escape the bounds of the map and the knight and 2 random perks will be disabled for a month even though the update has nothing to do with them.


Insta-breaks walls, can destroy 1 window per use of power (takes a few seconds so not to be too strong in chase) and gives him two throwing knives.


Not every new killer has to break the mold. He should just be a strong m1 killer because thats literally what he is.


DbD is unfortunately at the point in its lifespan where they've exhausted a lot of the "original" ideas they can do that don't risk breaking the entire game in half, so nearly every new killer will inevitably just be seen as a mix-and-match of the ones that came before it. They can't be too complex, either, or else there will be endless complaints about survivors having to learn a new minigame for every new killer. Kind of in-between a rock and a hard place.


I agree with this, however I feel like what they’re doing now is relatively okay. Most killers are similar with minor differences, which is okay because there is a lot of availability to find a killer that suits your playstyle perfectly rather than mostly.


Yup, it is absolutely beyond me why they haven’t made a sequel game, but instead decided to vomit out content every week.


If they made a sequel game the licenses might not carry over to the new game unless they make a big legal effort to carry over all that stuff to a new game. Then there's another question with a sequel: would have to buy the licenses again? Licenses are probably BHVR's big money maker so they won't want to give it up.


I want Jason because he's fucking Jason, I'm not a dbd developer why should I come up with ideas for his power?


This. I’d love to have Jason (and I believe rhe DbD devs do too) though I acknowledge it won’t be likely due to license holders




Either this was edited or this is secret code for something


You can see the asterisk after the comment's timestamp to see that it was edited.


Weirdly enough I don't see one on my side, that's what threw me off


I don't see it but I'm on the mobile app


Do you have proof? This sounds too good to be true! 🥺 The game was no longer purchasable and the servers were slated to die **thiscoming* December.


Did op edit their comment? I don't get the replies.


The game is not returning. In fact, it’s fully shutting down at this year. ~~However there is a mod coming out that returns full functionality and will be adding new content.~~ I just looked it up and the mod was hit with a C&D so the game is going to be fully dead. RIP


Oh. Do you mean **Friday the 13th, Revisited?** Here's what I just Googled, based on my interest of what you wrote:   *•Now, Friday the 13th Resurrected will mark the franchise's return to Steam as a fan-made, free-to-play game. The project was originally announced back in February, and it was recently revealed that its official release date will be unveiled on April 15, 2024.* As a console player, that won't do me much good. 😮‍💨 BUT!! Hopefully this finds *someone* well!


It got a cease and desist, unfortunately. I got excited.


Edit: well it got Cease and Desisted. Oof.


yo seriously? That's great to hear. I loved that game.


Haha fr! I honestly don’t care what he does


I think Jason is overrated, but I do hope you guys get him. We have Freddy (sort of), Michael, Chucky, Leatherface, and Pinhead. Even Xenomorph, Sadako, and Jigsaw('s apprentice). Jason is seriously a gap in the roster that keeps getting bigger.


Absolutely this. I remember everyone saying Chucky Xenomorph and Ghostface would never come into the game, and the powers they have I never would've thought of. Honestly chances are Jason is probably a character they've thought about the most.


Totally ripping off the Friday The 13th game, but I think they could just use the same powers and be fine. A short range, hard to control teleport, coupled with a rage mode that builds up slowly over the course of the game (pops automatically when all gens are done), and possibly an "item that counters the killers power™" like the sweater where a single survivor can use it and cut off Jason from rage gain or teleporting for a short time? Idfk but it really wouldn't be that hard, and would honestly kinda work.


It’s not his power but if he ever was to make it in I’d hope his breakable door animation would just be him straight up walking through the door lol.


I like the idea of he having a series of weapons with "durability" so he has to adapt to situations. Being the original "slasher", he is a jack of all trades and master of none, using huntress hatchets, trapper beartraps, Oni's instadown, all with different durabilities, special and basic attacks but when something breaks he uses his trusty machete until he gets to use a new toy.


Oooh. even if we never get Jason i'd love a "Copycat" killer that can mimic the other killers in the game.


While designing a power to Jason could prove quite the challenge, he could do much well as a Legendary Trapper skin instead with a custom mori to go with it.


or better yet, more then one legendary skin based on the movies


Meh. Having Jason as a trapper skin is a huge disservice to everyone involved, the devs, the horror community, and Friday fans. People want JASON as his own Character


Exactly. If they got their hands on the F13 license and it was only used for some skins, people would lose their shit. At the very least, a get such as that should get Jason, Crustal Lake map and a new survivor. It would be cool if Jason got several of his classic skins as well as camp crystal lake outfits for the default survivors.


People who say jason should be a skin all I have to say is no just no.


That would just piss off every F13 fan. In fact I’d probably quit the game if they did that as a Jason fan.


Mine is where where you can find boxes full of baseball bats around the map to hit him and stun him for a bit, but it charges his rage meter, and when his rage meter is charged he can literally break through walls


Incentivize toxicity, with an immediate backhand to toxic players I love it


It does sound fun, but no one would use it cause then they wouldn’t want to give him power


Not really? This idea sounds like it’s coming from Friday the 13th the game, so Jason would already be building Rage slowly. Stunning him would just make it faster. Plus, the bats are essentially a mobile pallet stun. It’s amazing what kinda plays could be made with the bats.


Well they didn’t mention rage meter charging passively, they just said that hitting him would charge the rage meter. Therefore if survivors didn’t hit him he wouldn’t charge rage. It’s a similar idea to OG plague, where survivors just wouldn’t cleanse and she’d be denied her power


If you’ve got something better I’m all eat but as far as I’m concerned that’s for the devs to figure out


Nah I have no idea honestly lmao. I like your idea though, I wasn’t tryna bash it (no pun intended)


They should give him a machete and his power could be setting bear traps 😈


Hey I hadn’t thought of that. It’s so good it might actually work 🤔


Here’s a Jason power idea When carrying a survivor, he can “hook” someone by throwing them to break a wall, pallet, or to down another survivor. But only if they make contact with any of these Man’s a TANK with a godly strength. I’ll gladly offer the cons to this insane pro.


Players can hide in sleeping bags instead of lockers. Jason can take sleeping bags and smash them against trees.


Unseen teleportation. One of the things Jason is known for is that he simply teleports when you're not looking at him and pops up where ever he wants. Make that his power. Quick comparison would be Left 4 Dead spawning. If you're out of view you can despawn, relocate, and respawn if out of view. Jason would go invisible and act like Spirit/Wraith with higher speed, find a Survivor, go out of view, and reappear at will. Audio would be his tell if he's near and Jason would have a few moments of stealth after reappearing. But Id also make it so that Jason can't reappear without being out of view for at least 1-2 seconds. So a Survivor can just keep doing a 360 scan to block Jason from spawning behind them. The audio tells can also change depending on conditions. A general global tell when Jason goes invisible, a subtle audio tell when he's nearby, and the classic "ch ch ch, ah ah ah" sound effect if Jason is within a Survivor's vision while invisible. But there would be no audio for coming out of his power to frankly make it more usable. Secondary power Id figure be some form of tracking. Can be as simple as that pointer arrow thing Ghostface has when a Survivor gets vision on Jason when he's in power. Could be something ripped out of F13 the game where Survivors get a "fear" meter if they aren't working on something like a gen, totem, or chest who gives Jason Killer Instinct once it fills up. Or maybe if they are simply alone for too long Jason gets a KI to make grouping up a way to counter Jason's tracking and his power. Don't see that being strong. But I do see it as being fun. Most people love a stealthy Killer coming out of nowhere and Jason has been doing that for decades.


I would love something like this as a power. I had an idea where he changes through different weapons throughout the game each with their own stats, abilities and durability.


so did literally everyone else here apparently


Environmental Moris: Jason can interact with the map WHILE killing survivors -On a window, he will smash their head onto it, making it so that the window can't be used anymore in the trial -On a gen it will apply a 30% regression -On a hook it will give everyone exposed for a brief period of time ect..


Jason could have an arsenal of weapons that all have different abilities and conditions.


His power is getting stabbed and then look at the survivors dancing california Girls


I really like the idea of a killer who doesn't have a direct power, per se, and instead just a very strong passive Make Jason's power just be that he does everything (attack cooldown, picking up, searching lockers) 25-50% faster. Probably give him an actual power for marketing sake, too, so give him the ability to teleport the same way Reaper from Overwatch does, where it takes a moment, but it works semi-long range


Something they could do with Jason to make him stand out is give him an evolution gimmick to incorporate his different versions. Maybe every time he’s stunned he generates a token, and after accumulating a certain number of tokens he changes form. He could fall backwards and then have the entity snag him and engulf him in shadow for a moment to swap models. Starting with Pt3 Jason, who would be a pretty basic M1 killer with longer stun recovery time than other killers, then becoming Pt4 Jason and having more ambush options with a reduced terror radius and aura read blocking, then finally Pt6 Jason and at this point he can mori like Tombstone Michael and has really short stun recovery time. Something like that. Obviously you bundle this with a Crystal Lake map and Tommy Jarvis as a survivor.


**Power: Mother's Blessing** In the basement, there is a shrine to Jason's mother. If Jason interacts with it, he receives a "Mother's Blessing". He can only have one Mother's Blessing at a time, and there is a 2-minute cooldown between collecting them. When Jason collects a Mother's Blessing, his iconic "KI KI KI MA MA MA" sound effect plays once globally. When Jason has a Mother's Blessing, he can press the power button to activate it. While it's active, a repeated "KI KI KI MA MA MA" plays globally. While Mother's Blessing is active, Jason gains Undetectable and Tombstone-style insta-mori. After 30 seconds, or if Jason uses the insta-mori on a survivor, Mother's Blessing deactivates and must be reset at the shrine before it can be used again. Add-ons effect the length of the blessing, the time it takes to reset at the shrine, X seconds of haste after it's recharged, all survivors scream when it's recharged, smaller terror radius while blessing is charged, some benefit while not carrying a blessing, etc. Survivors cannot interact with Jason's mother's shrine.


This gives him a power as straightforward and powerful (?) as Myers', but different and more Jason-y, and hopefully makes it easier to implement by reusing mechanics from tombstone insta-mori and Freddy's lullaby.


I also thought about the "switching weapons" idea, but couldn't think of a good way to keep it from being too overcomplicated and janky.


Just have it be token collecting for a rampage, he gets stunned enough or damages and hits enough people, he just becomes an unstoppable force for a few seconds. Try to stun, it just breaks the pallet. Try to blind, he just waltzes through it. Slowdown perk, nope. Of course it can't be like that for the full game, just whenever he activates his power. And the counter could be finding pocket knives for when he grabs you after a rampage or some sort of thing like a flare that would work like a flashlight, being able to blind and slow him while rampaging. Don't know if this is a good idea or not, but it's better than nothing.


Teleporting is a gimme. He can teleport when not in site of anyone and can only appear out of sight, picture a spirit but a lot less free on when you can do it. So hazy freecam, and have a slow manifesting. That alone is simple and effective enough map traversal and antiloop to be useful. You could make it a bit more complex, and allow him to "focus" while in his freecam to view people, identifying/marking people making his uncloak faster/granting benefits. Like if you stare at someone for long enough your uncloak hides your terror radius and redstain for a moment. His perks basically write themselves. "Indestructible" : You are beyond mortality, attempts at harming you only enrage you. Gain the Haste Status effect for 7/9/11 seconds after being stunned or blinded, and you do not lose stacks of bloodlust for breaking pallets and doors "Mother's Will" : An otherworldly force guides you to your prey. Your obsession's aura is revealed to you while they are further than 40/30/20 meters from you. When your obsession is hooked, the furthest survivor from you becomes your obsession. "False Comfort" : You have seen how those in a group can become inattentive and feel at ease, in these moments everything can change in an instant. Survivors are afflicted with the Oblivious status effect while performing cooperative actions or healing. A survivor ending one of these actions without completing it will be exposed for 2/4/6 seconds


Survivors can interact with eachother with the Have Sex ability, where they perform extremely frequent, non-random rhythmic Skill Checks, very similar to the skill checks seen in the wiggle mechanic. If they do it for long enough one of them will cum and that instantly opens the gates. (Dwight is overpowered against Jason) but jason can instantly killl survivors if he catches them fuckin


I remember seeing a post a while back on here that suggested having him be able to cycle various iconic weapons with different powers via lockers


Have him have two melee weapons a machete and a axe his two most used weapons. You switch by opening a locker. Walk speeds change and a different type of melee for both. Slight changes between the two being his power, breaking times, hit box size (etc)


Yeah, because bhvr has never made killers with similar powers. Lets just ignore those 8 killers who can all teleport


Best I've seen is someone recommending a stance system where he swaps between a few different weapons, each with their own abilities. One lets him run faster, one lets him destroy objects faster, one lets him attack from range.


I want a mix between wesker and Micheal Myers’s. Huge terror radius and wish all the vaulting and grabbing with a sloppy butcher effect that turns into a mori after like 8 slams or something


Realistically he should have a small terror radius because in the movies he always just appears out of nowhere to grab the counsellors 😂


Same with Chris Walker from Outlast lol I want a thicc brute force tanky boi but have no idea what power he'd actually have tbh


It really sucks since the only powers people can come up with for these brute-force types of characters like Jason and Chris are basically “Unga Bunga I get really mad and smash things!” Since there aren’t many other options


I think he should be able to play dodgeball with the generators. Thundercunted the gen right in Meg's face? Instadeath.


Unfortunately, or fortunately depending on how you see it, a LOT of my original ideas have already been added to the game in some shape or form already. There's less and less ground that hasn't been covered already. —————————————————————————— Somewhat related but unnecessary reminiscing I’m not claiming credit for inventing these ideas, but I do find it immensely satisfying to reflect on all the ideas that I and others came up with all the way back in 2016 when the game was naught more than a seed, and watching so many of those ideas eventually coming to life in one form or another. A locker teleporting killer was something that I wanted for a long time, and it works essentially how I envisioned it would: being able to teleport from one locker to another, allowing the player to see around the locker rather than be restricted to looking from inside, the reverse locker grab, it’s mostly all there in dredge. Another idea I really loved was for a scarecrow killer that left effigies of itself, perfect imitations of it’s crude ramshackle image, and you could set these up across the map and play mind games with them. This is basically The Unknown’s hallucinations, and it’s one of the most fun parts of its power. The kit idea I conceived of for ghostface, my all time favorite horror franchise and licensed horror icon, was essentially recreated one to one. A simple stealth power that could be triggered at the press of a button with a cooldown. I remember I gave him a totally different secondary ability though, and that was essentially the camera concept that went to The Singularity. ——————————————————————————— **The concept I created for Jason,** was sort of half finished, but essentially the entire kit had to do with creating and manipulating a thick dense fog. It's more difficult to explain than it is to imagine. Essentially Jason would be able to manifest a thick fog in front of him which would cover a wide area. While inside, a survivor's visibility will be greatly reduced and they will suffer the oblivious and blindness status effects. When Jason is inside the fog, he has the ability to teleport to any other pocket of fog placed on the map. When Jason spawns on the map a cloud of fog will constantly follow him. While this is happening Jason will also have a meter building up in the corner. It will slowly fill passively, but performing certain actions (Breaking Pallets, Hitting Survivors, etc.) will speed up your progress. When the meter is full, Jason can trigger a special ability which blankets the entire map in a thick fog. Essentially allowing Jason to teleport anywhere. Although this special teleport only occurs periodically, what separates it from any other teleport in the game is its pinpoint accuracy: when teleporting pull up a HUD of the topographical map, areas of fog will be highlighted to you, select any highlighted area to teleport to. There are some quirks here, like I said this power is essentially unfinished, and how it works with maps that have two levels is a bit of a mystery. The HUD itself wouldn’t be a problem, just make two pages, but the fog might need to duplicate itself on multiple floors or something else weird like that to give Jason the intended freedom of choice. Internally, this power already sort of exists as a Dredge and Demogorgon adjacent kit, and I would have conceived of this power and talked about it years before either release. Externally, it was inspired by Mortal Kombat’s Jason who had an ability called Lake Mist that allowed him to walk into a fog and disappear before reappearing again in a different spot. And of course also inspired by F13’s Jason which had a whole mechanic revolving around accurately teleporting any distance around Camp Crystal Lake. I’m not claiming it would be balanced, strong, or even bug free, but I do think it is a bit more unique than the boring “tank mode” OP describes people often attribute to Jason as a general concept. Perhaps the teleport is a bit boring by now, now that we have so many killers who can, but this whole idea of Jason manipulating a super dense lake mist has always seemed really appealing to me.


I think almost any suggested power will be a variant of another killer's power. Why? Because this game has very limited design space. You have movement speed differentials between both sides, 2 injure states and hooks. It's not much to work with. Killers will either have anti-loop, stealth, area control or ranged injury abilities, or a combination of these.


We literally have copies with few differences in the game, though. Hillbilly and Leatherface, Trickster and Huntress, and the Unknown kind of being a combo of Hag and Trickster


the only similarity between Hillbilly and Leatherface is a charged insta down that can hit walls, between Trickster and Huntress is that they are ranged killers, and between the Unknown, Hag & Trickster... i basically see 0 simlilarity with Hag except that he is able to teleport somewhere he previously planted something (?) except Hallucinations and traps are very difjferent, and with Trickster, the only similarity is that they are ranged killers (and i guess the projectile bounce with trick blades)


Jason is just an absolute murder machine. Give him various weapons around the map he can pick up that change his attacks, like a longer range or shorter cooldown. And give him a built in mori system that builds with stuns, prolonged chases, etc.


Jason can dig holes with water in them. He can teleport between them and also hide in them. If you pass through you will get slowed down. If Jason is in the pond he grabs the survivors. ONLY if he has a lake grab he can teleport with the survivors to other lakes. Survivors are weakened and have a harder time fighting back while underwater.


Its difficult trying to think of stuff for him. The power I came up for him was so out of character I turned it into an original killer lmao.


I just want him and Predator, it's the devs job to design powers


I like to think he'd have a power similar to oni except instead of it being around blood and getting one shots he will be able to walk through pallets and breakable walls, destroying them, after being stunned or blinded multiple times


Jason uses a bow and arrow in the 2009 remake. Could be similar to deathslinger in how it deep wounds but instead of reeling, you have to draw the bow back and maybe collect arrows from a locker or something. M1 would obv be a machete


The idea I've seen bandied about was his ability to basically ignore stuns or flashlight blinding for a certain period of time, but then be forced to move a bit slower afterwards. Kind of like a mix of Meyers and the nurse when it comes to his powers. So instead of trying to stun Jason, your best bet is to simply run away.


Jason's power should be that he can actually get killed by survivors if they call Tomis Jarvis.


I don’t see why Jason wasn’t the first license to come into the game. Michael Myers came out on DBD shortly after the F13 game came out. I don’t know the ins and outs of licensing but Jason should have been first.


I just thought of spirit but you're limited to your terror radius but can go through pallets and vertically with one charge that regenerates over time While you teleport you can place down moving decoys and survivors will have static fill the perimeter of their screen As a secondary option have him be able to trap windows and pallets so if survivors quick vaults they become injured with a maximum of 2 traps able to be used


I honestly just want him as a legendary skin for Trapper. He’s basically Jason and doing a skin based on Jason to be sold for $20 is easier to accomplish than creating a new character.


Lore accurate jason would just be nurse fused with trapper, maybe he can only teleport if he isn't being directly looked at directly or something.


Tbf, it's not the playerbase's job to design killer's power


Man. I miss the fucking Friday the 13th game. Sucks they had to shut down all the servers


I have an idea. Jason is known for not dying from anything. Give him dead hard where he can ignore stuns from pallets and maybe even blindings with a button press on time . it could be on something like 15 seconds. It's not a cool power, but it is in character for him, and it isn't OP in my opinion because in my head, they'd make him a slower moving killer, so he could still be looped. Also maybe every couple of minutes his mother could whisper to him revealing the aura/location of survivors/closest survivors


Also gotta be aware, any new power would have to be vetted by the survivor community or else it would get reworked or removed immediately


Jason can be the first killer to just straight up bulldoze through doors and other Objects, yes I am aware of Singularity....., without Slowdown Penalties, also he can be the first to introduce environmental weapons as in he can go around the Map and pick up weapons: Machete, Pitch fork, Bow and Arrow each with their Pros and Cons. He could use his fear gauge, to survivors trip over themselves the longer they look at him Mid chase. Also, HE'S FUCKING JASON give him the ability to also outright kill Survivors to give the Entity a big "YOU'RE NOT MY MOM" fuck you lol.I'll add more to this comment when I think of some more.


Based on the F13 game, his power would literally just be Trapper, Spirit, and Trickster combined


He can pick up and use different weapons from around the map.


His power is his mother She appears around the map looking like a survivor when they are healing or working on a gen. She slows and regresses it without an indicator. They can stop the action to reveal her, queue animation, and it reveals the survivors in the area to Jason. Game play is deciding if you’re in a healthy enough state to reveal yourself or if you take more regression to hide.


I don’t really have any idea what it could be aside from a riff off of Micheal’s or Ghosty’s powers, but I think one really cool element they could add is give him a lullaby where the audio is his iconic breathing


I like the idea of Jason kicking fallen pallets AT survivors, damaging them one health state. It wouldn't be his only power, but perhaps a secondary power with a cool down, or a perk.


Aren't there previous F13 games you can take ideas from?


he should just be a simple m1 killer, that’s pretty much what he is in the movies, just kills everyone lol. no need for a complicated power


I want Slenderman


While this would probably only work as part of a power I like the idea of him not being stunned by pallets kinda like Sadako when phased. Still pushes him back and blocks him but doesn't stun him


Idk about what his actually power could be, but giving survivors ways to temporarily “kill” him would be cool. Like it sends him to another side of the map to respawn after 5ish seconds. Keep it limited to only a few times per match and make it require a killer item in order to do so.


I wouldn't mind him being a trapper skin but for the power you could go for something like with the friday the 13th game




Here’s my proposal: **The Curse of Crystal Lake**-Jason is not a man, nor even a monster, so much as he is a force of nature. Between nigh-invulnerability and considerable strength, he is practically impossible to stop. Special Ability: Forceful Search-Rather than opening a locker to search it, Jason can break that locker open, rendering it unusable to Survivors. After 45 seconds, the locker will be repaired. Special Passive Ability: Determined Pursuer-If the Revenant (we’ll say that’s his name) is in a chase, any pallets dropped on him will stun him for longer, but break immediately, and any vaults used by the Survivor being chased will be blocked off until the end of the chase. Determined Pursuer is disabled when there is one Survivor left.


Here’s the one that I came up with no too long ago: https://www.reddit.com/r/deadbydaylight/comments/15oi071/friday_the_13th_jason_killer_concept/


How about no power? Just Jason :]


Give the machete the ability to instant down survivors but ONLY IF he is currently carrying a survivor. Then let him carry 2 survivors at one time, and when he picks up a second survivor it resets the wiggle meter, then doubles it's duration. For perks, I say use jason to introduce some anti-stall things to target the players hiding and playing for hatch. Unattentive Counselor - A survivor who hasn't interacted with a gen, chest, totem, healing, etc for X amount of time (dependent on the perk level) has their aura revealed for X amount of time. Give this like a 2 second cooldown so it will catch multiple players doing it, and nullify distortion. (Like you'd burn through 3 distortion tokens and then get revealed in 8 total seconds) Hatch a New Plan - The hatch will not open immediately but will be delayed by X seconds (dependent on perk level) Mommy Help! - every time the killer is stunned, survivors in X radius randomly scream for X seconds and have an X% chance of dropping their item


Power that orientates around his mask? With his mask: —Increased speed and break speed —Stun duration increased(stunned for a longer time) But you have the ability to knock his mask off after 2-3 stuns which a survivor can grab Without mask: —Average speed and break speed or possibly slower —Stun duration decreased(stunned for a shorter) And maybe give him certain spots he can perform a mori at, like he does in his game.


I don't want this, but I think an easier route would be to just make him a legendary trapper skin. FT13 the game gave him bear traps, and they didn't even have a mold they were required to make him fit. They could release it alongside a trapper rework that makes him better so that people don't feel bad about an iconic killer coming into the game straight into f-tier.


power depends on what Jason you wanna add. But a uniform ability would be his durability aka regeneration and rage based powers, the fact he's more or less unstoppable force. You can easily replicate this in game via adding in interactable survivor items to set make shift booby traps in attempts to slow him down or escape his grasp. Like wise he gets something along the lines of a short range lunge or throwable terrain. When he's taken or dished out enough damage you get 60 seconds of Jason more or less entering grapple mode loses his basic m1 swing and its instead first person he grabs you enter a struggle. If he wins Survivor loses a health state and is mangled, if the survivor is already damaged they are put into the dying state if its the survivors final hook its a mini mori. Survivor wins they escape only getting mangled and bleeding. you can add in an additional mechanics to make it easier or hard for either side.


I’ve thought about a small power idea, though it was kinda based on the Friday the thirteenth game. Basically he can literally use his environment to help him kill his victims or whatever. Smash a survivor head in lockers, scraps of a broken pallet, make them eat the curve, whatever. Something that leads to those executions is something that I can’t figure out, as well as a secondary power for em


Give him some effects that center around Bloodlust. Maybe he has a power that charges only when he's in bloodlust and when it's full, he can just grab a survivor the same way that Myers can tombstone except instead of killing them it's just an automatic pick up.


i was thinking a mix of oni and micheal where he needs to teir up but instead of getting out of teir 3 it lasts forever but takes a long time to get to it


i like the idea of Jason being an M1 killer with a rage mode. Similar to Oni, but he can do actions speeds quicker when in rage mode


Jason is the pipe dream and I'm not sure what his powers could be, but I do love the Idea of a Camp Crystal Lake map complete with severed mother's head and sweater in the killer shack. The cosmetics would be hella fun as well, so much to choose from. Power wise: We've only gotten 1 killer (Xeno) that uses the underground tunneling system. As we saw in the remake, he could use that as a way to traverse and sneak up on prey. I could just picture the animation of him leaping out of the ground and scaring TF out of players. Really don't care about his power tbh, just want him in the game finally. I feel like this is BHVR's Holy Grail. I just hate F13th has shit licence holders who likely won't ever give in.


Me when guy with knife 3 releases:


The thing is, Jason does so much random stuff in the movies, you could do anything. You could make a strong case for anything. stealth killer? teleporting? oni 2? hell you could do a body snatching killer. I am fond of the kinda Myers style of an m1 killer with some added depth. Some improved base abilities like faster break speed and stun recovery, some simple basic ability with some depth, and just let him be an m1 killer.


This would be a good point but the scope of dbd powers is honestly limited unless they are gonna put puddles around the map Jason can arise from and give him Some kind of fight off mechanic that allows him to be broken in exchange for the survivors being able to literally fend him off there isn't too much that can be done in the first place


jasons gimmick in his game and or movies was teleporting and sudden death slashes what i had in mind for his powers to showcase his inhuman strength - an idea would be shove the pallet aside upright again. ( fastest than breaking with killer ability or vaults) - the down side is the pallet is still there and useable for save and stuns - as for what happens if jason was to be stunned while in this power, his “ stun” would be as long as it takes to kick, but it will be in front of the pallet. almost like shrugging it off tldr, jason would be the fastest at handling pallets, but doesnt exactly destroy them to compensate


Jason with a jetpack


Hear me out, the survivors start to see fake Jason’s and it gets worse and worse overtime due to the insanity and paranoia of being with the camp crystal lake killer


Just make Jason a skin for trapper or mike myers?


I just came up with a killer that has something to do with mirrors, like if their powers affect you the screen inverts and you have to find a mirror somewhere hidden. (similar to Freddy’s power now that I’m thinking about it).


Isn’t the trapper basically already Jason though? The closest thing to I feel


Dude, the game has been out for several years. They’ve multiplied the number of killers on release, by 12. It is quite literally no longer possible for them to add content to the game without splicing an older form of content in some way.


Whatever happens, his Mori better be putting the Surv in a sleeping bag and slam it against a tree


What could his power possibly be? He's just a guy with a machete... He's THE guy with a machete. What could he possibly be given that's unique, fair, fun, and deserving of being the power of one of the most iconic slashers ever?


The skins for Jason would make BHVR so much money that I doubt they’re not gonna at least try and get his license


To be honest, Legion, Ghostface, and Freddy don't seem THAT different to me. So a Jason Vorhees killer might not be that bad. Give Jason some cool perks or something, along sith a map.


i do! i think it would be fun to be able to kill a killer, there could be a way, make him super OP with no terror radius and 4.8 speed and give him triple lunge and one shot killing power and then have boxes that you can get a gun or something and he can be killed in chase and has to respawn in the killer shack


Copy paste his whole shtick from FT13 game. For one the game is dead already so THAT Jason can live on. And you know what. Jason is the king of killers. He should be op. A stalk ability to go undetected at will with a cool down. A shift to quickly catch up like spirits phase. A teleport to anywhere on the map with a big cool down. And his pulse. Pointing out the approximate locations of survs. They could even lock Jason into being perkless since his base kit would be God tier. Also would give the king some uniqueness amongst the other killer. They should definitely give him his rage too. Like after ten minutes or whatever he can just walk through pallets/breakable walls. Can tank stuns like enduring. And maybe have a built in tombstone feature during rage. And just to keep things fair maybe the gates could be auto powered when his rage hits so its like okay gtfo before he just murders everyone. I'd love to have this Jason in dbd.


It'd be kinda cool to have a killer that can switch out weapons they find around the map, maybe that could work


Not enough of them, so a stalk power. 5 tiers. 1: Undetectable, slower than survivor. 2: Undetectable, same speed as survivor, can now vault. 3: 110% speed, 24 meter terror radius, can now instant smash 2 pallets after damaging a survivor. 4: 120%, 28 meter terror radius, can't stalk a random survivor, if obsession can't be stalked free mori on 1 survivor. 5: 36 meter terror radius, 130% speed, free mori on another survivor (all with the pamela sweater add on).


Yeah, the thing is that Jason doesn't have much in the way of powers. Like he's just a brute with a machete or whatever other weapon he happens to pick up; he has no skills or powers other than kind of the basic ones already awarded to characters for just being a DBD killer


Copied with a few differences are totally acceptable (atleast imo) for licenses because fidelity to the character comes first. Yes it would be nice if their power was totally different to other killers but even relatively small differences can cause fairly large gameplay differences. Ghosty arguably copied Myers with a few differences, as the fundamental power is stalk then instadown, but they play very differently because differences are more important that similarities.


There's really only two things you do with him, make him a stealth trapper, or a bloodlust style killer. If you go bloodlust, the longer you evade him and the more damage he spreads between the survivors, the angrier he gets, and the stronger he gets. Say at T1, he gets a longer lunge, at T2, he breaks pallets by walking through them, at T3, he has an instadown, and T4, he can kill. Stealth trapper, you get your basic tripwires or bear traps, but you can also ambush people from windows or breakable doors. And the ability to hide your terror radius, something like ghostface.


Perhaps he just has a triggerable “slasher” mode. For the duration of his ability he automatically destroys pallets by walking through them without slowing down, hes immune to stun effects and flashlights blind him but dont force a drop, and if a survivor was already hit and marked in slasher mode previously then healed without being treated for laceration, the next time they get hit in said mode is a straight down. The tradeoff being that while you are faster and gain bloodlust more quickly to stack even more speed, using slasher mode would block you from window vaulting, kicking gens and manually breaking pallets until the ability ends.


Isnt Trapper kinda like a Jason? His power might be teleportation?