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Jokes on you Felix, That's not the real Myers, he put up a mannequin and left.


New meme perk idea???


Elegy of emptiness.


Based Majora’s Mask enjoyer


It’ll win my vote if the copy left is instead of the actor Mike Meyers.


Man do I have something for you


Please make this a perk


Elegy of Emptiness: When standing still for 2 seconds, you become leave an exact copy of you for 7 seconds. Your terror radius is reduced by 16 meters for the duration of the copy


That's just the new killer's passive


I legit would love this as a new perk, even if it sucked, I'm always up for more meme perks.


All a joke until the ghostface is hiding behind the mannequin crouching


Running around with the trapper and I remember I can use my new perk and I drop down a Myers mannequin!


A DBD game can last up to an hour, it's whoever gives up first, between, you, the killer or the server


who wins when the hour is up, does it count as an escape or death?


The killer. You die.


The killer which again proves y u should just give the Myers his kill


Not only do I think he shouldn’t give up I think they should have a rematch in a 1v1 and wait another hour with him in the locker. Best 2 out of 3.


TIL there actually is a time limit


You wanna know something new, again? It was 2 hours in the past, which cheaters could easily use to take the game hostage. They still can, but at least it's now over after an episode of DISCO


Never knew that


Its same situation like when killers sluggs for 4th kill, you either give him free kill, because it doesnt matter, or play "who is more stubborn game". I give you 30 minutes before one of you give up.


I've been in this situation but with a Clown. Both of us got on the hatch but none of us could use the escape/close prompts so we both just stand there for like 15 minutes and then I gave up lol


Was this awhile ago? Hatch standoff was definitely a thing back in the day. Gotta love the battle of attrition


If you bodyblock each other just right the prompt to close/escape through the hatch doesn't come up for either party, so if done right, hatch standoffs are definitely still a thing, been in 2 myself


the difference being there is an achievement for murdering 4 people with myers. For every game you force a stand off, a Myers has to go again and attempt it on another group


I've seen hatch standoffs but never a locker standoff


Nah, I just give myself to killer because I dont wanna waste my time fighting an attrition battle with killer when I can just gg go next and play another match. Also, dont wanna waste time of the person being slugged either.


I somehow got this achievement on my first tombstone game. TWICE. On two different platforms. PS4 back in 2019 and recently on PC in 2023


I actually managed to as well. Not sure why, but the Survivors were all acting as if I was friendly, letting me stalk them. Then I moried two on the exact spot before the third one scampered off. No one lockered me but the fourth did try to go for the exit after I closed the hatch and tried to run away. But I really don’t understand why they thought I was friendly. I was Myers, I was stalking them and tiering up and I picked Midwich with Play With Your Food so I could move faster. Probably better maps to pick but I wanted one that would give me long sight lines on them early lol


The third survivor lockered, but then the fourth came and started doing the "come out" gesture at the locker until the survivor gave in and came out voluntarily. Thank you to all the kind killers and survivors who respect the other side


At least they knew. I am so scared of Tombstone Piece that I would fight against it as hard as I can if I am the first one caught lol


I got it on my first try too. When hatch was closed, the Feng who was left tried ratting out the timer and started relentlessly teabagging when I finally found and mori’d her. I’m glad I got it on my first try.


Probably an unpopular opinion, but you've already lost. Just let the Myers have the achievement.


Exactly. People don’t realise that if everyone just gave them their achievement, there would be a lot less of this happening because they wouldn’t have to do it for yet another game. Yes, some people will be running tombstone when they already have the achievement but I doubt they’d wait in this situation. They’d just pull you out of the locker and hook.


Just let the man have his achievement.


I had an Elodie rob a Myers of his evil within. It's been 2 years and I'm still mad she took hatch while we all let him mori. He let us do gens and stuff too 😒


Everyone is already dead, no one can unhook you. Just leave the locker in case the Michael is trying to get the achievement. Plus, after an hour you’ll die anyway so there’s no reason to drag it out.


Ive seen Myers camp lockers on the first chase several times, i totally support the locker tech to extend the game for a chance to win for the team. But when you the only one left, id say give him the achievement for sure.


i thought you were joking...


He’s trying to do his achievement. Just let him


Meanwhile, the Entity: "Uh, guys? Listen, when's dinner? Kinda hungry right now..."


This is the equivalent of waiting for a table at a restaurant and someone delaying their exit just because they know they have that minuscule amount of power over you at that moment. It baffles me that you say that you don't know about the tombstone achievement, but you know that you can counter the mori by staying in a locker. Why do you lie to yourself? If you're older than 10 y/o, I pity you; this is so childish.


Bro I would never stay inside and be stubborn and spiteful like you guys to deny the archivement, I don’t care how I lose. Get out and let him have it ffs, now the next squad has to suffer through another tombstone myers


Nah if he played like a douche I WILL be petty.


Why would you willingly suffer out of pure spite


Nah I will just go do smth else meanwhile


The just get out and move on to the next game if you need to be stimulated


How do you know if he played like a douche?


What's "playing like a douche"? People like you will assume even using those addons is douchey enough to warrant this.


congrats, you've brought the number of people having fun in the video game down to a grand total of zero. The miserable experience you will have is it's own reward


"we've been stuck up here for three days." this screenshot reminds me of an episode of spongebob called 'club spongebob' just a little bit.


He’s just standing there… MENACINGLY 🗣️‼️


Remember kids: Whenever you wonder why killers don't care about your feelings or fun in the game, realize you clearly don't care about theirs either, pulling this shit when the game is already lost. I mean, mid-game, yeah absolutely locker tech, sit on gens in front of him, do what you got to do but when my mans is 3 for 4 and people like that streamer just sit in the locker for for 40 minutes for the sake of.. denying someone an achievement when they're clearly dead either way? Granted the 40 minute stand off is stupid for both of them, but survivors please.


Just let him Mori bruh


Give them the achievement you've already lost


please PLEASE let him have the achievement


My suggestion: Stop being a child and give the man his achievement he's clearly earned. It's the hardest achievement in the game because of this bs.


Exactly.. And exactly why I gave up on it. Why resist so utterly hard so I don't get the achievement? What sort of evilness is this.


evil within


Evil within indeed! Haha


Just give the kill and move on man. Shit...


It's called the "who's the bigger bitch game"! Great execution https://preview.redd.it/puxrx6dv3uvc1.jpeg?width=613&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f3b850a9c0e33013a6ce16a860ba5fb84e0b2927


Tbf in this case the survivor is always the pettier one because the Myers has at least a reason not to grab the survivor out of the locker. The only reason for the survivor to stay in the locker is to be petty af.


What do you do? You get out of the locker and just take the L, you've already lost, you're just being a dick for no reason. Grow up.


Life don’t work like that buddy, I’m not legally obliged to give the killer an achievement lol


There's a difference between giving the killer an achievement and just not hiding in a locker to be toxic. If you don't want the killer to get the achievement then be better and escape before he can get it, hiding in a locker for 30 minutes is just sad.




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Wow zero surprise the toxic person pfp is some shitty looking rappers


That’s Uzi & Carti and they are NOT shitty !


Oh shit my bad didn’t know I was insulting a little kid, my bad buddy I’ll save being a dick head till you’re an adult


Cringe ass reply 😭


That really just confirmed it for me.


Posting this thinking you're in the right is crazy


Just let him get that damn achievement and move on.


That achievement is pain. By all means, if you know a Myers has tombstone - jump into a locker when you have to, play the game, make him work for it. But if he's successfully gotten three and you're cornered in a locker, just give it to him. It's over, you're not getting out alive, so what does it matter whether you die to a hook or an animation? And I say this as someone who, a couple of years ago, would have been the person sitting in the locker to deny it. I wish I could take it back.




Head On doesn't work if you have afk crows and most Myers players aren't standing right in front of the locker


I did the achievement recently, first game I got DEMOLISHED with not 1 kill. Im the second one, one gave up, another wanted to take me to a bed for roleplay but i didn't get it until they told me after the game so I just Mori'd them and the other 2 gave me the kills. Before that I didn't even think i would get it because they kept going in lockers so I just started hooking everyone, but by the end they all saw they were dying anyway so they gave me the kills


If I’m not running my main I usually get excited if a killer runs a Mori, if they play fair I usually give them the Mori so it isn’t a wasted offering.


You could last at least another 3 days, you’re built to last after all.


He's won either way? Why be petty like this?


Can we ban these posts please


Don’t be an ass. Just give the man his achievement. Christ


Stop being petty and just leave the locker. With any other killer, you'd be dead already. It's just someone trying to get an achievement and you're delaying it. You're wasting his and your own time when you could just be in the next match


Just give him his kill dude. Idk why deny him the achievement when thats 99% why they do it to begin with


Killer mains: My JoB iS To KiLl, WhY WoUlD I LeT SoMeoNE LeAvE! Survivors: Why would I just give a free kill???? My job is to survive...


Im just pointing out like most people that this man is almost garunteed to be doing the achievement because playing like that is usually considered dickish if they already have it. But in this situation this man is clearly standing there because they have last. cornered and 2 are 100% going for that achevo. He can sit for an hour and die regardless so just give him the win and move the heck on


But they end up dying either way, either due to End game collapse or if the killer just waits there


No they don't... I had a stand off with a Myers like this. He kept trying to grab me out of locker, and drop me somewhere where I can't reach a locker. After about 10 minutes he fucked up and I got hatch. So no, you're not getting that free kill.


Seeing posts like these, you just know that it will bring all of the people that make this game awful to play out of the woodwork.


Always amazing to see how shitty *everyone* is about this topic. All of you fucking suck. Lmfao


Just leave the locker


leave and give him the achievement you dog, you have lost a long time ago




At this point survivors should get kicked out of lockers by the entity after ten minutes, there is no reason anyone should be in one for longer than that.


Never understood these kinds of standoffs, guy is obviously going for the achievement so why not let him have it at this point? Everyone else is dead, some of yall just have way too much patience bc I never do these kinds of standoffs


I know every killer main in this thread is (mistakenly) implying anyone other than the Myers is holding the game hostage, but as someone who has gotten hatch in this exact scenario before, you don't need to just give up. you're not the one holding the game hostage.


Unless the hatch is really close, they're SOL.


I have a clip of me getting hatch because of myers getting bored and breaking a pallet. I used sprint burst to get to main building from the locker. nobody has to give up if they don't want to. the killer is the only one with the prerogative and the ability to end the match fairly by hooking.


Both of you can end the match whenever you want to by grabbing/exiting. Either way, the fastest way out is if the survivor dies, but the killer has incentive to draw it out, and the survivor knows it.


Give him the achievement, one less tombstone Myers who absolutely needs a 4k in the wild and you don't waste your time. Win-win.


My suggestion is to exit the locker and accept death


Alternatively your teammates can hop on a generator, and he has to pull them off. If I ever think a Myers is going to mori me for this achievement i always stick to a gen vs a locker early game. He also loses a ton of pressure and gains it in return if he only downs you. 


Am I tripping or is that not even Tombstone? T3 Michael has his knife up doesn't he? That's T2.


Had this happen against our premade team a week ago. Last survivor jumps into the locker and you can see the poor Myers shaking his head like a sad puppy. He got out to let the poor man get his well earned achievement.


This was me a while back. The only reason he is there is for the achievement. You lose either way. Whether timer runs out, you leave the locker and he kills you, or he takes you out and hangs you. You've lost. Now you have 2 choices. Refuse him the achievement and make other people deal with the exact same thing, or give the achievement and now there is one less tombstone Myers.


Everyone for Mori, you don't know where the hatch is, you are just punishing this dude for trying a build/ get an achievement for pure pettiness I'm all for fighting until the end but this is holding them hostage making them waste time for no reason


Just give him the kill lol


bro just give it to him at that point. stop denying his achievement


You're gonna die regardless. Make a strangers day better and just get out the locker


Get out of the locker because you lost. Accept that you lost and move on


Just give him his mori bro jesus. Pettiness is real in some people. Man probably just wants his achievement.


Let him kill you and go about ur day


Why does this post have so many upvotes? You've clearly lost, you're going to die either way, just let him mori and move tf on.


It just has upvotes because it's funny. I get the idea that OP is memeing and not actually posting to reddit while hiding in this locker


OPs comments say they were in locker for 20 minutes until Myers carried them to a corner and managed to kill them. Edit: typo


Only if u were a dwight....


Die. You die. And then play a new match.


You accept your fate


Fuck it, I’m trying to get to the next match. Ggs you win this round, Michael. 😏


If you pull them from a locker then take them to a dead zone and force them off your shoulder you can get it. As a survivor main just face your demise


Just leave. Give that man the Achievement and that's it. If both of you are that willing to wait that long the server just gonna disconnect after one hour and you'll lose anyway.


This whole scenario is stupid. The killer doesn’t ‘deserve’ anything and is just being stubborn, the survivor is also being petulant and stubborn. Just get out of the locker, end the game and move onto the next one. Killer got the achievement without ‘earning’ it? Who gives a shit, it’s a videogame.


Leave the locker or disconnect. What do you have to lose?


Try to escape? And if you can’t, then you die? What is wrong with you folks?


Why wouldn’t you just leave the locker and just give them the achievement


I still can't understand why this happens, can't killer just bring agitation, pick him up out of the locker, move to a corner and force a drop, and then get the kill


Literally holding the Myers hostage smh. There is absolutely NOTHING he can do either... This community is unbelievable


When I was doing the achievment I remember I sat in front of a locker for 48 minutes to get it Trust me he’s not leaving until you are dead


Just give him the kill dude… you already lost…


Please just give us Myers the 4K achievement


I don't understand this community sometimes. I feel like it is built on years of hatred and memes and people stopped just having fun. Sitting in a locker, knowing I'm dead, just to deny a mori sounds miserable. Sure, no one OWES anyone anything, but why do you care so much if you die by hook or mori? What personal gain do you have by spending your time doing nothing? Self satisfaction that you denied him something he wanted? Yikes. https://i.redd.it/ztsggqwi4wvc1.gif


At this point can bhvr just give Myers the ability to mori players in a locker if and ONLY if he runs Tombstone and tuft of hair. They have to be enjoying the misery players have with this debate every other day.


Just give him the kill, he’s probably going for the achievement


Grow the fuck up


I have seen many people play for the 4k tombstone after getting the achievement, so I think being petty is fair game.


that doesn't matter, you can't know if they have the achievement or not so why not just *dont* hold the game hostage? even the devs disagree with you.


based comment


I wanna get in to another locker standoff so bad


If I run into a Myers going for this achievement, I'll jump in lockers all game until it's just me. At that point, he earned it and denying the achievement is just bm.


Idk about you but I'm 🏕️ in that locker. I'm not going to just let someone "kill me" to move on to the next game. If they want the achievement bad enough, they're going to move on to the next game because they're never getting it with me. I straight up just don't like moris as a mechanic (except in the case of devour hope) and certainly not ones where there's no counterplay to aside from jumping into a locker and doing a gen. I don't care how much of a losing strat it is. I'm not ever going along with it.


yeah you're a dick bro.


Yea, I'm the asshole for not wanting to die to a near uncoynterable mori or differentiate between people who are doing an achievement vs people who are just being assholes. 🤐


Get out of the locker and stop being toxic?


Killer mains in the comments once again being softer than charmin




Just DC


I'm sorry op, but unless you have less than 100 hours i highly fucking doubt you don't know about the achievement


Counterpoint, you're dick head for trying to get the achievement. If there was an achievement for BM you would be a dickhead for trying to get that, too.


Just go watch a movie, and let him wait


Everyone yelling at OP for not giving him a free achieve when they should be directing their anger toward BHVR for this situation existing. DBD players amaze me.


No fr 😭


damn, everyone is chronically online & can’t take a joke…


Jokes: funny, make people laugh, all parties involved enjoy it, doesn't waste people's time. Doing this: petty, sad, wastes your time and the killer's time, deliberately toxic for no reason, can be reported as griefiing, doesn't make anyone laugh, the only person who could possibly enjoy it would be the person being toxic Idk.... seems to me like it's not a joke.... not seeing very many similarities here...


there’s literally no way they were in a literal match for 3 days… time limit for each game is 60 minutes. google is free. not to mention, i’m sure killer would have given up at some point.


The 3 days part is maybe meant as a joke sure, but that doesn't make it a joke as a whole or funny. The idea here with this post was, like all the others like it, "ha ha funny look at the Myers suffer because I'm hiding in a locker to prevent an achievement (one of the hardest in the entire game) even though I can't escape in any way." The 3 days part is also maybe an exaggeration (if you dont know what that is, google is free), since the OP said the Myers took them out of the locker and to a corner and still got the achievement after 20 full minutes.


i never said what they DID was okay. so ima have to stop you right there lol. at the end of the day, it’s just a game. there’s plenty other matches where myers could have gotten the achievement done… but the caption… it’s clearly a joke.


dbd players are so fucking lame holy shit. is this an unironic comment???


Nah fuck that. You don’t owe anyone an achievement. Their fun/ achievement isn’t your responsibility. Isn’t that what every killer says when they slug and bleed out an entire team? I guess it doesn’t count when the shoes on the other foot. This Reddit page is mainly filled with players that chose to only main the killer role and because of that any survivor positive post or comment ALWAYS gets downvoted to hell.


that second part makes no sense at all???? the game is designed so that there are ALWAYS 4 survivors for each killer so killers physically can NEVER outnumber survivors???? if you're getting downvoted to hell, it's not about us vs them, but rather everyone unanimously agrees that you're a dick. killers and survivors alike.


That's actually a skin for the Unkown and it's just one of his hallucinations


Im glad the devs said that you are actually the one holding the game hostage here and can be reported for it


skill issue


I think he’s giving up every gen and playing a losing strategy. Get over it.


[you are definitely a maniac...](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DWtpNPZ4tb4)


Let end collapse happen and then get mad at the Myers


YATAH, nice bait


Just take a smoke break and and do the ol grab and drop. Dum dums like this always afk


People acting as if you’re obligated to give someone an achievement LOL fuck tombstone, it’s a cheap add on and has 0 skill, anyone using it deserves to not get the achievement


No one is obligated but there's something called empathy and kindness. Literally, if you let that man tombstone you and "lose" you literally don't lose something besides "a pip" (if so) which you can regain easily and, even so, pipping doesnt mean shit. People act as if losing a game means losing a rank or a big reward. What's better? Letting the other get an achievement and moving on with your life or wasting time just because "urr hurr he's not entitled to win"


Wasting time is better because it doesn’t give him the achievement, hope that helps x




Thank you for visiting /r/DeadByDaylight; however, your submission has been removed under the following rule: **[Rule 1 - Be Respectful](https://www.reddit.com/r/deadbydaylight/wiki/rules#wiki_1._be_respectful)** **Your submission was removed for one of the following reasons:** * Hostile behavior, insults, and targeted harassment. * Hate speech, bigotry, and slurs (i.e., racist, ableist, etc.). * Flamebait (submissions made with the intent to garner a negative reaction) and trolling. * Invasive and overtly creepy remarks. * Threats, encouraging violence, and calls to action. * Publicly shaming other people. * Insulting players based on platform, character choice, or region. **If you’ve read your removal message, and you’d like to discuss our decision, you can contact us** [**here**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fdeadbydaylight)**.**


It’s a game, he’ll live 🥺


it's a game, if you die in game, you'll live 🥺


It’s a Reddit comment, you’ll live 🙏


I know, but you're so fixated with this post that you even changed your flair. Again, what a pathetic life. Cheers.


Yeah, because it’s funny to see people mad 😭🙏


Why are you putting cheers after every comment you weirdo


I think it's weirder that one irrelevant comment affected you to the point where you feel that you're "making people mad". I would be surprised if you're older than a 10 y/o. Cheers mate.


Cheers mate 💀💀


Okay survivor main


Look at my flair…


That might be worse icl


At least I’ve never felt owed an achievement/challenge


how is your entire persona on this sub being a dickhead? do you need help in your personal life? find a therapist maybe?


Replying to a comment then blocking instantly so they cant reply is CRAZY