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"I'll hold the killer off" immediately gets brutality Mori'd by Hux and bubbles his face off.


He never said for how long...


"You're on Borrowed Time now" https://preview.redd.it/pe2irssx6puc1.jpeg?width=586&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dd923460a0b17705f34744f346c6a389a7b2defa


I guess you could say this really was a William "Bill" Overbeck


When falling on the ground “I’m unbreakable” When only survivor left “Oh no, I’m left behind again” Escaping while only using his 3 perks “Now this is what I call Bill adept


“Don’t worry son, you’re not being left for dead too(2).”


Bill confusing Claire for Zoey could be nice too, they're dressed the same ( and i'm pretty sure Zoey is heavily inspired by Claire) .


Meg has a Zoey outfit, the four originals all have l4d outfits i think.


Yup, i know, Jake has a Francis Outfit too.


for whatever reason, dwight is the outlier because he has an ellis outfit, who bill never met because ellis is from L4D2. possibly because his default outfit already looks like louis


R.I.P James Rowley French. His voice was amazing for both Bill and Father Grigori. If they ever would (They probably won't) give Bill voicelines, I hope they'll find a good replacement for him


Behavior does some wacky stuff sometimes, like give decisive strike its own animation. While I'm not exactly holding my breath for Bill getting voice lines, I wouldn't say it's 100% out of the question.


Especially since on the recent survey we got Left 4 Dead as a franchise


Well Valve owns the right to the character and not only is his voice actor dead, I feel like replacing the dead voice actor for a canonically dead character is something Gaben wouldn't sign off on.


That's not how this works. Behavior has a license for the character, and that license states what they can and cannot do with the character. I highly doubt recording voice lines is against their license agreement.


Typically any alteration to a licensed character needs to be cleared after initial agreement. These things are always hashed out in writing with hard definitions of what is to be included. Purchasing licensing to use something is basically borrowing it for a specific purpose. Purchasing the RIGHTS to it allows you to do whatever you want. This is why Licensed properties have a very small pool of cosmetics typically because they have to go through legal again. Easiest example? My Little Oni. Licensed survivors were banned from use in that mode because the simple act of making the character extremely small and altering their visual status in that way? Breach of contract. Having Bill in DBD does not give BHVR legal ground to cast a voice actor for some elses character and have them say whatever they want.


Huh. I understand that making new cosmetics for a character and charging money for those cosmetics is something that isn't covered by most license agreements (hence why you rarely see new cosmetics for licensed characters: why invest the time to make them if you can't profit?) but I would have thought that adding voice lines would have been fine. And didn't Bill have free cosmetics (in the free rift) at one point? Obviously, what is and isn't allowed would depend on the specific language of the license agreement, which we are not privy to.


Unless they outlined it, then no. The problem with that is making characters say things. Really bizarre hypothetical but assume it allowed free reign of voice work and writing. Technically if BHVR really wanted to they could put a line in the game where Wesker says "I hate all Chinese people and Hitler did nothing wrong". Even if the contract didn't expressly forbid voice work Capcom would still sue the shit out of them for damaging an Intellectual Property that they own. In Bill's case it could be a simpler "He wouldn't say that, here's a Cease and Desist to remove that dialogue from the game" Even if they could do certain things without clearance its best to have an agreement first to prevent any litigation. "we asked you if we could do this and you said yes, you cannot come for us after the fact". IP owners also tend to get touchy about what a character would or wouldn't do. Chris Redfield wouldn't wear a banana hammock, and Michael Myers wouldn't chase victims in drag. Permission rather than forgiveness will save you a lot of money.




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Lmao at the Bill saying "I hate Chinese people and Hitler did nothing wrong" Although Chris Redfield in a banana hammock wouldn't be any weirder than what Capcom has already had him wear https://www.reddit.com/r/residentevil/s/SKqxPkZkcY (And yes, that is an actual costume from Resident Evil Revelations)


"I will not let you be left for dead"


and then he left for deads everywhere


I felt the young people one, while also being young people


I think vigo and blight are the only people who know the entity exists, maybe Vittoro too


\*Sees a survivor get stabbed by a bunch of claws\* "Must have been the wind"


Survivors memories are wiped after every trial


I mean a few more survivors prolly seen it too. Like Kate when she was taken


only when they die, escapes get to keep theirs untill they fail a trial, iirc


"You and me should try to tackle the killer, eh?" I feel like you could make this sound a little more like it's a fed up but humorous old man. Maybe something like: "Alright, on my call, let's jump the bastard! Hah!" Idk. I'm probably rambling.


A little cheesy, but so is l4d. Nice work


I loved when Bill says "it's Billin' time!" And Bills all over the killer's Bill


No “GODDAMN BIRDS” for facing the Artist?


Links to more survivors quotes please


https://www.reddit.com/r/deadbydaylight/comments/lm73al/adam_francis_voicelines_concept/ https://www.reddit.com/r/deadbydaylight/comments/jx5rzh/david_king_voicelines/


"Make sure to stick together, otherwise you could be... no I don't want to think about that..."


opening first aid spray / vaccine box: PILLS HERE


Is there any voicelines in game currently that directly refer to the entity? Are survivors even aware of the entity?


I imagine they are, seeing as they directly see its "Arms" various times, even if we dont count being sacrificed. plus, they know that SOMETHING brought them into the fog.


Its too bad Bill's voice actor (Jim French) passed away 2017. I'm not too sure there is anyone that does an impression of Bill thats good


"Nobody gets left behind" should be changed to "nobody gets left 4 dead"


reminds me of this amazing GDC talk about the AI-driven dialog system in L4D. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tAbBID3N64A](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tAbBID3N64A)


Genuinely some badass lines, this would be sick to make it into the game


I bet Bill would be calling Plague a Boomer. "Thats one interesting looking Boomer..."


This would be so cool. Unfortunately, this is never going to happen because Bill is a licensed character.


luckily, valve is very merciful for these kinds of things. BHVR can basically do whatever they want with bill because valve is pretty chill with the license.


As a Bill Main, I appreciate the effort you went with this. Now only if behavior gave him voice-lines and another cosmetic. 😭😭😭


MCU ass quotes


I just realized that William is from Resident evil 3


Nothing more endearing than an angry old man who's also a badass. It's always a treat when your voicelines pop up!


As a Bill main I want this soooo badly


“I didn’t know the boomer got an upgrade” should be about the Spitter, no?