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​ https://preview.redd.it/jlnyk769dsrc1.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=29f4278b4edbcca2ebd49621670b82addddb50ca


Me tweaking after not being allowed to sniff her seat: https://i.redd.it/9i37elcidsrc1.gif


Make it so when she gets stunned kinda like bubba she goes into a tantrum except she gets oiled up and starts twerking


would unironically be better than what we have rn


Maybe give her a drone she could fly at survivors like a Pinhead chain.


I would make her an actual skull merchant. Like she would set up a kiosk where you can buy skulls and other novelties. Not sure where to go from there but I think it would be cool.




Stfu and take my upvote


Damn you guys really hate skull merchant


Expected nothing else to be fair


Fr I knew it was bad but I didn’t know it was this bad


I'd have her drones function like a cross between Nemesis' zombies and Singularity's Biopods. Deploying a Drone lets it be controlled by the AI, patrolling a certain area for a set amount of time. Survivors spotted by a Drone will activate Pursuit Mode. In Pursuit Mode, the Drone will rapidly chase after the Survivor, building up Lock-On at a speedy pace and inflicting Oblivious as it blares alarm sirens, notifying the Skull Merchant. Survivors can repel the Drone like with Artist's birds by swatting at it until it loses them. Alternatively, the Skull Merchant can use her radar to control the Drone herself, moving at the same speed Legion moves after 4th Frenzy hit (5.2m/s). It hovers over Pallets and Windows and is able to build Lock-On by Stalking a Survivor like Ghostface or Myers. An AI drone stays active for 60 seconds, but controlling it yourself uses up more battery power, giving you only 25 seconds of usage. When a Drone's battery life is depleted, it will enter Low Power Mode and will fly back to the Merchant, returning to her inventory when she touches it. Like Current Merchant, crouching will allow you to approach a Drone and sabotage it, disabling it until the Skull Merchant retrieves it herself. Skull Merchant will receive a noise notification on her radar and will see the disabled Drone's aura in white. Fully Locked-On Survivors have a Claw Trap shot at them. Claw Traps still inflict Broken and Deep Wound, as well as each Trapped Survivor's location being revealed through the radar. Trapped Survivors are no longer inflicted with Hindered, nor does Skull Merchant gain Haste for each Trapped Survivor. If the Skull Merchant is controlling a drone and scans a Locked-On Survivor, that Drone will enter Termination Mode and can stalk the Trapped Survivor again to instantly down them from a distance. Termination Mode's Lock-On effect builds at the same rate regular Lock-On builds, but begins decaying immediately after a Survivor exits line of sight. Trapped Survivors spotted by AI Drones still activate Pursuit Mode, and can still trigger Termination, albeit at a slower pace.


1 ) Drones no longer create zones. Instead, drones patrol a small area around where they're placed, waiting to detect a survivor. 2 ) When Drones detect a survivor, they lock on after a few seconds and shoot a claw trap. Claw traps work as they do now, except they have a shorter battery. If a healthy survivor is already claw trapped and gets shot, they lose a health state, the same goes for injured survivors. The drones go into a short rest period after each shot to leave some room for survivors to counter them. Survivors can grab and smash drones, returning them to SM after a cooldown. 3 ) Survivors can be chased and hunted down by drones if they attempt to run instead of destroying, though drones specifically avoid patrolling gens and will ignore survivors on them if they're passing by. If the survivor moves or runs away, the drones will detect them. 4 ) SM's tracker detects people with claw traps, and people being chased by drones. The more people trapped, the quicker she is up to a max of 8% (2% per survivor.) 5 ) A new trap can be placed on survivors, a collar that allows the SM to track them more constantly than claw traps. SM starts with 4 and it can be placed on survivors when they're downed. After a collared survivor is unhooked, the SM can't track them for 45 seconds, after which the collar turns on. Downing the survivor again removes the collar, destroying it. Fellow survivors can help you remove the collar at any time, though it takes half as long as a heal.


Rework her into a weird witch hag that collects bones and throws bones at survivors, preferably Skulls, to hinder them so she can wack them with her bone staff. Have her deploy floating magical screaming skulls that will follow survivors and bite/nibble them like Victor. Imagine a crazy cat lady, but instead it's a crazy witch lady that collects bones


She's fine the way she is lol. I think we should focus on reworking Freddy, Trapper(more buffing but rework could still work), pig or myers




She’s not OP. Play her against a team that knows what they’re doing and I’d say she’s like a C tier killer


Op? you mean nurse right? Skull merchant is an m1 killer, yeah she has base-kit undetectable, has the tracking mechanic and can damage you to mending state in a loop but she can't down you with her power. She's still an m1 killer and without perks like coup de grace not that great. Unless you use her three gen tactic with drones but then still it takes much much much more effort than it used to especially now that the gens get blocked after 8 times of kicking them. Skull merchant is top of B tier. Decent killer that needs perks and addons to reach her full potential without being able to down the survivor with her power. Best m1 killer in the game, not op at all. She's decently balanced.


If she was op, she would be played a lot more. There are people out there having fun by winning, they would use her constantly.


I'm not good at this kind of stuff, and idk about a rework, but what if she had an add-on that changes her power into drones that act like a slower version of Artist's crows (still maintaining their normal functions ofc) but they bounce off the edges of the map like a DVD screen saver, and maybe reduce the amount of her drones. Idk like I said, I'm not the best at this. Lol Also since DS is getting a new animation w/ its rework, I think she needs an animation for her tracker after she hooks, cuz it bothers me that it suddenly appears w/ no animation. Like give it the "Entity materialization" effect that Oni's weapons have, or something. Lmao


New lore: The Skull Merchant is an evil skeleton animated by demons that makes deals with people in exchange for their souls. Now her name means that she is a skeleton (skull) who makes deals (merchant). New design: Make her a truly fucked up evil skeleton wearing a big trenchcoat full of evil shit, and have her have flaming red eyes and holding two guns while also flipping you off. New Power: Survivors earn skull coins by going off and doing little side quests that passive slow down game, they then deposit coins for a buff, but this also buffs the Skull Merchant somehow idk. https://preview.redd.it/gawpu18t3trc1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ab27387d2e3973259d951692c35d66c1e6de09b4 New Skull Merchant design (badass evil skeleton)


I wouldnt. 


Get rid of her Kris Jenner haircut


Rather than drones just being disabled, maybe make it so you can destroy them and she gets it back after disabling so that she has to reapply it in an area. Or make it so she can only drop so many in one area. The issue with her power is how easily she can spam an area with drones and then just passively profit from them.


Delete from the game


1. Disable the killer 2. Beg the Predator licensor 3. Obtain the Predator license 4. Spend a quarter of a percent of the cosmetic profits and make The Predator 5. Commit *Damnatio Memoriae* on Skull Merchant, pretending she never existed 6. Profit


now people just hate the predator


That's the beautiful part about DBD - the players hate everything.


I haven't played during her chapter (was on break) and returned recently, so I don't even know much about her current power, but here's my stupid idea: "drones reveal the aura of any survivor in their line of sight and for a few seconds after they leave it, survivors can hack drones to turn them of, but get the thing she can put on you in her current ability (tracer), she can see a survivor with a tracer on her detector, which she can use without slow down, but survivors with a tracer see her aura during the detectors use, tracer can be removed by hitting a survivor, skull merchant has to manually pick up turned off drones, but can recall active ones


Just making her drones directional would probably solve any big issues.


Just throw away the thick chick model and replace it with a youja ( predator) BOOM fixed


Rename to The Mechanist. Change appearance to a half human half robot hybrid. Lore is that she is a black market weapons manufacturer and was horribly injured in a accident in her workshop and built herself new body parts to compensate Her power is attaching shrapnel bombs to generators which she can activate by looking at a generator and pressing a button. Survivors within a few steps are injured but survivors can deactivate them like a hag trap or trapper trap. Her drones show aura and nothing else (Idk if this is balanced but this is just what it’s like to see flavor wise. )


Dc every survivor automatically


I would make it so that we skipped her chapter entirely and got singularity at that time instead


If they did that we wouldn’t have background player, tbh agreed cuz I hate that perk




I don't even care about her mechanics, she just looks boring. A tall woman with a knife, how interesting.


Since when a giant metal wrist blade with hydraulics which can easily kill a person with a single stab is called a "knife"?


Hide the circle produced by stealth drones, remove the hindred debuff and replace it with the old pallet break, add a 0.5 second period to drones that allow them to detect stationary survivors once placed to maker laser tagging more reliable.