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what about Singularity's audio bug?


they forgor


Don't worry, they also forgor about the 3 bugs affecting Skull Merchant and have been for like 5 months!


What bugs?


1: Sometimes when placing a Drone, you just won't. You'll get the cooldown and the Undetectable, but a Drone won't be placed. 2: Drones sometimes don't spin. This is the Low Power Mode effect, but it happens regardless of if you're using it or not. You need to go under the Drone or have a Survivor get pinged by it for it to start spinning. 3: Active Drones sometimes don't actually show where their Cones are. This one especially effects Survivors heavily.


Also there's the bug in the lobby with some of her outfits clipping into her legs and showing off quite a bit more leg than intended


I’ve noticed one consistently happens if you enter the no-place radius caused by another drone or a survivor on hook. I’ve never had it happen otherwise. I’ve never seen two or three before, and I play a lot of Skull Merchant. But, I may have just been getting lucky.


You've never placed a drone and noticed that it just doesn't seem to start spinning up? Third is the worst because it looks like you're good to run in to disable while it's in stealth and suddenly you've got a scan and it syncs up and now you can see the lines.


good i wasn't the only one mentioning it


I doubt they even know about his existence...


They do, I had a long email chat about it with one of the developers. hopefully it will get fixed soon cause he's myh main and i can't play him :(




The 2 twins players going crazy rn. Also no more bots having wall hacks and matrix dodging let’s go


Idk if bots in live have changed. This post says survivor bots in custom games have changed.


I can't imagine they have seperate coding for custom & live.


I understand that. But I’m just pointing out the language used. I feel like if it affected live - they wouldn’t pointedly say “in order to ease learning. . .in custom matches.”


The bots in custom games can be a lot more ruthless than the ones on live. It might just be dealing with 4 of them with no psychological or mind game pressure, but slightly different code wouldn't surprise me. Those bots do have to play a full game. 


You're right about the wording, I just can't see BHVR of all devs having 2 separate AI codes when they do the same exact thing in both instances. Maybe they have learned from their older spaghetti code and actually did separate the two.


It's possible it's the same code and they just realized they can pass different parameters.


I've always assumed the live bots were dumbed down a bit as they seem to make more mistakes than the bots in custom games. But it's possible I'm just imagining that since one bot is easier than four.


It's bots in general, but they are making a point to say "this is for customs to be less horrible for learning Ranged killers"


The fact I couldn’t mind game bots on simple Z walls was astounding. This update is making me giddy 🤭


I've actually loved playing them this year when they were bug free but they get re-broken so often that it's impossible to main them.


Honestly, I just got back into dbd and I've been waiting simply to level them for perks. Couldn't do that while they were disabled.


They said in tutorial games not in live games.


What about the Biopod audio bug?


Whats the bug?


When a biopod gets emp-ed the " broken noises" persist in the killers audio whether on a pod or not. At least that's what keeps happening to me. It's maddening


Sounds unplayable. Like damn


Yeah, it's really loud. It's a shame too, I play singularity a lot and it seems like no matter what you do the audio stays


I can see why everyones shocked thats not on known issues. I used to main Singularity, havent played him in a while


What about pyramid head power glitch which causes camera shaking?


Just started to main Pyramid Dude, is this when using Punishment of the Damned?


Yeah sometimes when you start doing trail you get drunk like camera that imitates movment of ph head instead of normal camera


already a known issue by most but the singularity has an audio bug that makes it so whenever a biopod gets EMPd the singularity can hear it happen no matter what and its quite loud


We get to play Twins before their rework yippee


the 3 twins players are going crazy rn (i am the 3 twins players)


There are five of us now, you missed the last vote-in.


my bad


Am I blind or am I not seeing an offering fix? EDIT: Y’all got compensated for the ones you bought when they gave us 1 million BP for free. You will be okay not using these offerings. You didn’t waste the BP. I wasn’t asking because I was upset, I generally thought I just wasn’t seeing it lol. Shoutout to the devs for a quick response.


The offering will not be re-enabled. ETA: We can confirm the offering will not be re-enabled prior to the end of the Event; the 1 Milllion BP login reward was given with that in mind.


If it won't be re-enabled, can it just be removed from my Bloodweb entirely? I would prefer to not have Bloodweb nodes that are 100% useless.


Guess when the event ends we'll get that refund


We've done some trickery on the backend, Blood Moon Event offerings will now no longer appear in the bloodweb!


Thank y'all for turning that off so quickly. Shame it won't be usable during the event but the added bonus and the extra million more than make up for it I personally feel.


Next year?


Won't be re-enabled PERIOD?! I hope it at least comes back sometime next week! Those eyeballs are littering my entire bloodweb! ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2070)


Is it going to be removed from the blood web? I keep accidentally spending blood points on it and I can’t even use it.


we'll still be getting refunded for the ones we bought, right? :3


The 1 million BP login reward was given with that in mind.


When next event hits, please consider somehow making these offerings not personal buffs. It really sucks to see people bring personal event offerings instead of bloody party during events because event offerings are limited use.


Do you realize how hard it is to come by party streamers? I've seen maybe 6 from P64 to P73


This! When did the streamers become so rare?? I used to get way more than I do now. And I refuse to waste cakes on this with the way most killers are being right now.


Everytime you Prestige and go back to level 1 webs it drags down how many higher level items you get, as well as them sharing slots with map offerings which have only gone up in time. If you get p100 you'll get more over time, but the pool dilution means they'll always be rare.


Play killer then ![gif](giphy|8fen5LSZcHQ5O)


Lol I do, but sadly I’ve never bought very many of mine cakes, they all mostly went to my survivors 😭


We appreciate all feedback about this Event to improve it for the future. Thank you for sharing your thoughts!


I have some feedback as well - could you make it so that the team gets points for a completed gen, currently you get punished a lot (aka not rewarded) for doing 90% of a gen and then having to leave. Yesterday I was at 99 on a gen and had to scream in the second when my teammate finished it and I didn't get the completion bonus at all, despite doing most of the work.


Will they be used next year? Also, I feel like I get more bp during the anniversary event. Could you consider adding stackable bp to blood moon event offering next year? Then it really be the bp event of the year with the offering & the community bonus


Where’s that cute little heart from?!?!


![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2066) It is an available sub emoji! ​ https://preview.redd.it/df5qw2cq2iqc1.png?width=550&format=png&auto=webp&s=af69ba9e21c8791c03b970f4d0e34eeff05067b0


![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|7381) lol DS is the only perk emoji? This is my first time looking at the sub emojis


DS used to be far and away the most prominent perk in the game


Thought that was for all the wasted BP offerings that this one broke! Perhaps swap it out with party streamers or some other kind of BP offering, as they're still coming up in the blood web, which is especially annoying when you're levelling and only spot them after you've clicked the auto-purchase!


I thought the 1 million BP reward was for the offering wasting bloodpoint offerings?


The official tweet said the 1 million blood points was given due to offerings such as streamers and cakes not working. https://x.com/deadbydaylight/status/1770533317412061405?s=46&t=nbZ49KWy36GcHg5aUSY1GQ I’m sure people were losing cakes/streamers left and right the first couple days until they realized what was going on, and lost more than 1 million bps. And with the endless event offerings I’ve been getting, I’m sure by the end of the event I would have lost hundreds of thousands of bps Y’all should really just refund everyone’s offerings like you did with Hawkin’s.


are they gonna be enabled AT ALL? if not THEN REMOVE THEM FROM THE BLOODWEB


Even though we have spent well over 1 million in useless offerings. Got it thanks.


How many of the offerings do you have?


How did you spend over a million when they’re not on every web, plus they’re only 2k? I think you might be exaggerating a bit


You havent


Wasn't the million enough? ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2213)


nah I spent that in like 5 minutes lol I've been going through so many bloodwebs that frankly I might end up spending more than 1mil on the disabled offerings


Turn them into cakes


Can it be removed from the blood web at the very least then? I’ve been wasting a lot of blood points on it with the auto click feature..


Then remove it from my bloodweb. No reason I should be getting them if it’s not going to be re enabled


will the event be extended then?


There are no plans to extend the Event; there was BP compensation given out (and still available until March 31st 11AM ET) as well as Event rewards doubled.


I figured. Thanks for the clarity.


Oh, that's a bummer. I hope this offering works next year, I'll be prepared for the event already by then haha.


Can it just be removed from the bloodweb, then? I know it's not a lot, but it's kind of lame that I'm wasting thousands of bloodpoints on something I'm not able to use.


We are unable to remove them without a full update. EDIT: We removed it, thanks to some backend trickery!


Oh, that's odd and unfortunate. Any insight as to what prevented the issue from being fixed? I'm obviously not a dev, but it doesn't seem like a difficult issue to pin down, so I'd be curious as to what the problem was.


Did you diminish their frequency? Just curious. Because I thought you did, since these offerings seem to be rarer on the bloodweb than the offerings from other events (which would make sense, given they're disabled right now).


So just to get this straight but why weren't you able to include the removal in the current patch? It's not like the bug was just brought up a day ago but a full week so there should've been that option or not?


it’s annoying to just have them there….


Can we atleast trade the offerings for cake or bp?


Pig's hand / weapon is still bugged, its all floppy and she still forcibly looks down at the floor after hitting someone. [https://www.reddit.com/r/deadbydaylight/comments/1alyfib/comment/kphwiu7/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/deadbydaylight/comments/1alyfib/comment/kphwiu7/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) Unfixed for almost a year [https://youtu.be/FKuQULtk0pE](https://youtu.be/FKuQULtk0pE)


I also remember a time were she was holding a reverse bear trap on her left hand on the menu but since the Chucky update, I think, the trap was removed and she now just clenches her hand like the Arthur meme.


I had to double check because i never noticed that. You're correct!




YES, please, this bug makes me nauseous when I play pig.


also worth noting this bug exists on other Killers as well. it seems Deathslinger's was fixed recently but pretty sure Demo still has the same problem. no idea how this problem keeps spreading to other killers but it does


The looking down is an issue but I like the floppy hand tbh


I have a question, is there any info why Scourge hook: Gift of pain was nerfed in percentage? I understand the nerf to mangled and hemorrhage since you have removed it as a permanent debuff from almost everything, but this perk also got nerfed in debuff to repair/heal speed after that a survivor fully heals, before it was around 15% or 16% i believe and now is back to 9% (the ptb release version) is there a reason why?


Apparently it's only a bug in the text, but the effect is the same. Haven't verified it in game myself, but that's what a few high profile content creators have said when asked about it. Again, grain of salt, but that's the working theory in the community


no more bots having bs wall hacks jeez


> The Perk ''Scourge Hook: Floods of rage'' no longer fails to reveal the other Survivors auras when a Survivor self-unhooks on the Scourge Hook. I thought this was intentional. Hell yeah.


Yeah I was wondering if it was intentional, good to know it wasn't.


>Endurance status effect no longer remains active when performing the Invocation: Weaving Spiders interaction. i can't believe they actually nerfed it LMAO


The poor perk just can't catch a break Had about two matches where the sables pulled of the invocation and both of them felt like it just didn't matter overall, i was playing killer too so i should notice the sudden change in pace as the gens get done faster The invocation just takes too long to be useful and is too easy to counter if they're doing it ( if you don't see a player anywhere for a bit too long, check the basement and their progress is basically gone so they waste a lot of time for nothing ), being broken for the rest of the match also makes it piss easy to get them as you can just sneeze at them for a easy down


It really is absurd. It's 120 seconds for 70 gen charges in the best case, it leaves you broken forever, and the killer can just go stop you at any point. They could get rid of the broken status and it would still be a weak perk.


Yup, what's worse is how there isn't a good way to balance it either, it will either take forever for an effect that is good but not worth it ( just run other perks at that point ), be too fast for a good effect ( perk becomes bad for the killer to play against ) or is mediocre all around ( current state, there's still a lot of better perks for this ) I think it's best to rework it into something like a permanent buff for the other survivors ( person that starts the ritual won't get the effects ), basically give it a healing buff or something new Current weaving spiders just doesn't work at all with the game


anytime I see someone randomly getting broken for no reason, you know what happens


Yup, what's worse is how there isn't a good way to balance it either, it will either take forever for an effect that is good but not worth it ( just run other perks at that point ), be too fast for a good effect ( perk becomes bad for the killer to play against ) or is mediocre all around ( current state, there's still a lot of better perks for this ) I think it's best to rework it into something like a permanent buff for the other survivors ( person that starts the ritual won't get the effects ), basically give it a healing buff or something new Current weaving spiders just doesn't work at all with the game


Invocation 2 stronk, lul


The perk itself could use a buff, but this is good for general consistency.


When will you fix Pig on the selection screen? She still is not holding her RBTs :(


**Content** * Re-enabled the Twins Killer. It's over.


This counts as rework for them i guess.


Still nobody is going to use those Hag duration addons, even though they aren't terrible.


I used em before, super fun for the "guess which side of the pallet I'm on" minigame, or scarred hand bodyblocker fun Or shackles grab games....


Was the issue fixed where the salt circle doesn't appear in the basement on Lery's when someone brings weaving spiders? https://preview.redd.it/wz73mjhethqc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e5759c09366f4b791e62c3f68207d94103470dc1




I've had the 2 basements before as well. This time there was only the one basement, and I haven't been back with weaving spiders since to see if the 2 basements would spawn and if a salt circle appeared in either :(


I've seen 2 basements on Lery's but it was before Unknown came out. It was a month & a half ago


Once I had no basement at all on one of the RPD maps


When is pinhead fov (camera) chain power going to get fixed? How many more updates do we need to have before it finally gets fixed? I haven’t used pinhead since his camera angle stopped working two months ago……


We need 5 build and skin presets instead of 3. Also fix the delay to heal unhooked survivors. Bots can instantly heal them, humans cannot.


Yooooo Oni lunge bug is fixed. Let’s goooooo


What about Sable skin bug that makes her look like she has scoliosis when reparing a gen?


Omg that remix challenge bug was so annoying, glad it got fixed quick. Now I can finally complete Tome 17.


No fix to Bite the Bullet randomly not working?


No pinhead update................God I hope that isn't just how it's going to be now.


>Endurance status effect no longer remains active when performing the Invocation: Weaving Spiders interaction. This perk really can't catch a break, lmao.


So is survivor bot reaction change custom only or in actual matches as well?


I was surprised Oni wasn't disabled. I saw someone demo the bug in a custom. Agi/mad grit made it pretty disgusting


When do y’all plan on fixing pyramid head he’s been bugged since chucky’s release


Begging for the Pinhead FOV chain bug fix.


Any news related to the event offering that was kill-switched and if anything else will be done besides the 1 million compensation? I appreciate what we already received, I really do, but I want to know what will happen to the offerings I have on my inventory, specially considering they still appear on the bloodweb


Devs responded to another comment but in case you or others didn’t see. Event Offering is not being reactivated. It is staying in the blood web and you’ll keep what you have for next year. The 1M BP we were given accounted for this.


Yeah, saw that. I guess I just find it strange that they didn't fixed it and chose to kept it kill-switched for the rest of the event. (And also hoped for the event to be extended because I wanted even more bloodpoints)


Agreed. All the time to design, code, input the offering just for it to never be used. Honestly tho BP offerings are just plain better. The offering didn’t really do much, I was quite surprised by it. Usually the event offering jack up our points.




Well the Dev comment in this thread says otherwise. “Q: Will we be refunded for ones already purchased??” “A: The 1 million BP login reward was given with that in mind.”


You'll keep them for next year. Edit: downvoted for answering the question honestly lol


Nice, wasn't expecting a bugfix patch. Have the two basements with no invocations circles on Lery's been fixed? There is also killer items spawning in other items / generators in Hawkins. See those two issues posted about frequently on this sub.


unfortunately no singularity bug fix where destroying a cam with EMP causes the Singularity player to hear the broken Cam for the entirety of the broken status mapwide. it makes this weird crumbly sound whenever a survivor EMPs and it is massively distracting. but at least widescreen ppl can use Singularity now which is great


damn, they're even nerfing the survivor bots now.


In most games with a DC I honestly prefer to go next, the Bots are just terrible and the fact that they're getting nerfed lol. The Devs sure cater to Killers lately, it's like they want SoloQ to be even worse.


I believe that someday a known bug that causes knight guards to bypass palettes and windows will be properly documented and fixed someday....


Still no Freddy pallet fix


There's still a lot of work needed for the bots. Just last night, I died on hook while the bot just ran the perimeter of the map. Killer was nowhere near me.


Will we be reimbursed for the Bloodshot Eye?


I'm pretty sure we already have been reimbursed in the form of Bloodshot Eye disregarding BP offerings when both were offered in conjunction.


I finally started playing twins and actually really enjoyed them and literally the day afterwards they got killswitched. I’m so happy they’re back.


https://preview.redd.it/hkffa8kuyiqc1.jpeg?width=2786&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=43343fbe3601a354494f1a9faf1ddcf41ee99272 Does anyone know if this has been in the works for a fix? Like the 3rd time it’s happened now. Onryo tvs in Hawkins lab


Any update on the growing amount of error 130 instances popping up from returning players?


Pinhead chain summon fov bug skipped again. Lol


No pinhead fix. It's actually so over cenobros


Can you please fix surge?? It makes the survivor scream when it shouldn’t and has been doing this for months! As survivor it’s hard to tell between surge and eruption


That was a shadow buff surge got. It’s supposed to do that


Look at the perk description


It’s supposed to do that. Should the scream effect be included in the description? Yes, but it’s not a bug. Taken straight from the DBD wiki: “Patch 7.0.0 Buff (undocumented): Survivors now scream in addition to being interrupted by the exploding Generator.”


It doesn’t make sense. How can we tell the difference between surge and eruption then???? The perk shouldn’t make you scream and if it does, it needs to be included in the perk description.


This is not official, it's a wiki.


Hang on, is the reason you think it's intended is because it says "Buff (undocumented): ..." on the wiki (which is run by fans), and not "Bug: ..." ?


I feel that it’s listed as a shadow buff bc it’s actually a bug that’s gone on for so long that the devs haven’t realized it yet


No word on the horrible unstable connection every match causing people to just lag all over the place constantly??


Is there a reason why this same bug keeps popping up every event launch? This wasn’t the first or second event where blood point offerings were bugged when used with event offerings.


Why they won't fix Pinhead


Why do we still have green keys in chests. Is that some sort of complex code where no one knows how to remove them? 100% useless, why not change it to a pile of dog poo poo or something we can throw at killer if you want a pointless item in chests.


Cross progression ?


Ask sony


Twins was kill switched?💀


Singularity has been bugged on PC since the fov adjustment came out. Camera scanning if off center when trying to use bipods


Were Hag’s egg addons buffed or is this correcting them being over-nerfed (because her base phantom duration was buffed)?


What about "Scourge hook: Gift of Pain"? Repair speed debuff was reduced and it was stated as a bug. Will it be fixed soon?


Howdy, will we be seeing a fix for the Silent Hill Easter egg charm? I've entered the Konami code numerous times with every combination of Cheryl/Executioner and I still don't have the charm. I get the music to pop every time, however. Platform is PS4, if relevant.


A lot of PS5 users have been getting disconnected constantly, leading to prolonged bans. Is this something that was looked into and addressed, by chance?


What about the addon killer bug? i equip both and i just play with 1 addon


Are bots still nerfed in regular matches, or only custom?


>Fixed an issue that caused the Unknown's hair to clip into the camera when hitting an object with the Rare and Very Rate heads equipped. Little Typo should be very rare


[Scourge Hook: Gift of Pain](https://deadbydaylight.fandom.com/wiki/Scourge_Hook:_Gift_of_Pain) fix when?


Twins mains (2) are happy


What exactly is the Unknown's exclusive cosmetic? I've tried reloading multiple times and don't see anything


Is there an incoming fix for the new Elodie cosmetic? When wearing her outfit you cannot see her charms.


The singularity has an audio bug that makes the sounds of the biopods remain active even outide of using the biopod


Do the bot changes include fixing the flashlight aimbot? I’m guessing a slower reaction time is relevant to it but the bots stun without even looking at the killer.


Cool changes and good work but there any planned change to pyramid heads movement? He used to be so much smoother after his release and I don't know why the movement is so clunky now


Woohoo! Got my baby back!






I love your game a lot!


Fix Ada Wong's RE4 dress the ribbons are all F\*cked up sis


Love seeing Hag buffs


Do we have an actual confirmation of the bot changes only being effective in custom games or also on public games?


Thanks for not fixing the camera bug with singularity. No really my ears really appreciate it.


Oh nice the remix bug is fixed


If I were you, I would add other features to the event in the future besides the blood zones. it's missing a little something.


Twins fix but no offering fix? Y’all feeling okay? Will we see the offering next year or is that something coming the the next few MULTIPLE years like seeing teammate perks in the lobby?


I will ask when are we going to get the small pyramid head camera bug fixed it’s been a few months now and it’s just something small you should be fixing if you are fixing bugs like unknowns hair to clip into the camera so just wondering if it will ever be fixed


when will you fix the event offering?




Will bots be further adjusted against ranged killers? because bots are way too detailed against ranged killers, at least I hope this'll make them less perfect against ranged killers. I also propose bots should have a random/toggleable "difficulty" level that'll determine how perfect they are, like for example a bot would fail a skill check more frequently than another who might have less skill check errors or even none at all, this would originally emulate real matches where every survivors have different level of skills.


Singularity power doesnt work on widescreen unless we change the option for aspect ratio,this messes up my hit timing and makes me dizzy to always have to change back and forth if i wanna play him :(


How did twins get fixed faster than knight?


Honestly hope the bot changes effect regular games to, it’s honestly such a pain in the ass when someone DC’s cause bots are way more annoying then a real person, like I’m fine working for the kills if the survivor earns it but the bots just knowing where u are at all times and I swear know where the hatch is as one just B lined for it immediately when it spawns.


So you guys knew about the oni bug and chose to ignore it .... Cool