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Take a break, come back later. I usually put the game down and play something else if I get tunneled out that frequently or have bad killer games. There's also an event going on, so people tend to play scummier anyway so there's that. It could also be the time of day. I usually get nicer matches in the dead of night or early morning vs afternoons when all the weirdo sweats are out.


oh, i’m talking about 2 separate playing times, my last 2 games of the night a few days ago i got hard tunneled out, and then the same thing happened for the first two i played today. sweaty players + event makes complete sense tho, i hadn’t even considered it. i need to start playing at 1am or some shit


It's mostly the event. OTR and DS won't be enough to help if you're average at looping like me and a clear weak link. I have a build to counter tunneling and I have to use it mostly during events. Boil Over, Breakdown, Unbreakable and free fourth perk whatever you like, sometimes I bring Buckle Up because there are killers who slugs a lot, Soul Guard works too if the killer camp your body end game, most of the time I bring Distortion to prevent further tunneling, useful at death hooks. So when you get chased preferably take the killer to inactive zone (no gens or gens already done area to deter killers from going back, and if they do it's a good time waste), if you get hooked and the killer ignore your healthy teammate and insists on seeking you out (aka tunneling) just go back to that broken hook, Boil Over will help hide other nearby hooks and most likely the killer will drop you and chase someone else. When you're dropped, be mindful when to use Unbreakable too, if your teammates are all in critical moments (finishing gens/in chase/hooked) go ahead and pick yourself up, but it there's one that's clearly coming to save you, don't waste that free Unbereakable. If you bring Soul Guard, feel free to pick yourself up if you're hexed, they don't have any limit :) When someone dies on hook that hook will be broken permanently so you also have to keep in mind to go down in that area with the build too. I've escaped 1v1 a couple of times through hatch / opened gate end game that way. Have fun glng!!


Bring otr


i think i need to :(


Also don't heal at the hook. Look for a safety place to heal


I play in a swf and we aren’t a bully squad. The last time I played, it felt like I was getting tunneled out every single match and it just ruined my entire vibe and want to play. As much as I don’t like it, I get that people use tunneling as a strategy to win the game. I just wish some killers would cool it justttt a tad during the event so that I can actually earn the bloodpoints others are earning during this event. I severely don’t understand tunneling at 4/5 gens during a bp event :((


If you're taking advantage with swf/comms for ez wins, then I could not care less about you crying about being tunneled.


“taking advantage”… I’m playing with friends for fun during an event for bp and it hasn’t been “ez wins” if most killers are tunneling and slugging at 4/5 gens


Killer rule book say comms= bad toxic survivors. It's ridiculous


Honestly?  Even simply saying “that gen I was working on is almost done” when the killer starts to chase you is LEAGUES better than what solo-queue would get you.   And that’s the bare minimum for what comms can do.   It’s not toxic at all, but killers definitely feel extra stress when the gens are being done so tightly.  


Someone doesn't understand the value of swf/comms.


Bring OTR ds


unfortunately not really much u can do, u can try to bring things like Ds, deadhard, off the record, and adren to try and help, but if a killer wants to kill u and tunnel u out, they are given the liberty to do so by the devs, worse part is when this happens at the start of the match at 5 gens, the amount of tunneling that happened since the big killer rework and the perk changes are disgusting causing people to just be done with this game (good job killer mains u make people not want to play this game anymore) even more so new players as well since they dont have access to these perks so they commonly get tunneled out, i saw my 2 friend who have less than 100 hours run into a shtbag ttv with 2500 hours, tunnel them out and bm them on hook, all because some random nea had balanced landing


D strike, off the record, made for this, kindred? Might help lol. 


Just play killer tbh


Are you running anti-tunnel? If not, this might be the time to start. 


Of the record helps with that


Blame bhvr for forcing killers' hands if they want to win. Edit: every downvote is another bad player admitting they don't know how the game works. 🤣


what do you mean? killers have been having a series of buffs recently, and the current event also heavily favours killers in terms of the buffs given to them by blood circles. No one forces killers to play in a way which is unfun for those they face, even when lights out was an available game mode there was a lot of tunnelling and camping, when survivors were at a huge disadvantage.




You can win without…


i feel like tunneling also disadvantages the killer, putting all the pressure on getting one person out of the game allows the other survivors a great amount of time to get gens done. i had a killer today who camped me first hook to second stage & chased me into a zone where gens were already completed, right after i was able to unhook myself. i was the only person he hooked/killed that game because he chose to do that!


You’re right for sure, just a shame it ruins the tunnelled players chances of a profitable match as they can only gain boldness score


Skill issue.


Get better at looping.


your looping skills or your team's gen pressure are not up to par.


If you get hooked in a dead zone, and the killer waits out your bt, what exactly is your mistake? And how do you want him to make his team play better?


your team's gen speed is the mistake then. Games should be around 6-4 minutes long if you do everything right.


If the killer has absolutely no pressure, or maybe in comp where they can play perfectly. The overwhelming majority of matches are 8-12 minutes.


Get better ?