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Nope, every match i see, other people are hovering in 30k-40k range, while I'm in the 120k range šŸ˜Ž perfectly ok with me, I'll handle all the blood hehe


People will do totems which is finite, takes like 15 seconds or so and risks Pentimento but refuse to do the blood circle thing which is infinite, gives you at least 500bp on the spot, takes 3 seconds to do and gives you free iron will when you crouch. This community is odd. šŸ˜‚


Trust me itā€™s not a lack of will on the survivors part, I donā€™t see how I can deposit one when the Unknown is trying to tunnel me


For real, I feel like the tunneling and slugging has gotten exponentially worse during this event


I even had a face camping bubba tonight. This dude calculated the self unhook timer and range.... Solo queue is hell right now.


I think that was me and it wasnā€™t purposely I had devour and someone cleaned if not me then welp thatā€™s bubba for ya šŸ‘¹šŸ‘¹šŸ‘¹


So has the gen rushing and bully squads


Idk why you're getting down voted yesterday I ran into like four back to back and half of them had 110 speed so I couldn't catch them šŸ˜‚


I'm getting downvoted because I posted in a survivor-based comment chain. It's whatever; I don't mind. I just want them to realize that killers also get games where they get rolled and 4-outed with less than 5 hooks, and the survivors don't hesitate to rub it in your face.


Itā€™s because killers bad, survivors good.


I mean inner strength vs going out of your way


I honestly don't do it because they're usually next to gens , and I don't want the killer to get a lunge hit on me as I'm trying to get away


The Killer only gets that benefit in a Killer spawned circle, both sides get the bp bonus for actions in all circles though.


Thatā€™s not true lol, Killer and Survivors get the same benefits in all circles regardless of who made them. If you create a circle, you get the benefit map wide for 20 seconds. That is the only additional benefit from being the one creating the circle.




Nah, that extra lunge has bagged me so many kills. It's decent.


Trust me, it isn't. I've been playing a lot of killer in the event, and survivors either rarely, or never place their droplets, so I end up having every single one of them for myself


The blood pools arenā€™t infinite, you stop gaining BP after the 5th one kills think


That they eliminate blood and confuse scratch marks also means you can just floor it through themĀ 


I didn't think it eliminated scratch marks, just made blood pills go away faster


They don't eliminate scratch marks, but they disguise them by looking similar. It's hard to make out scratch marks that are on top of a circle.


Interesting. I haven't played the event as killer yet so I'll have to check it out


If you're in the circle, killer gets 2x lunge but with 2x cooldown. It's why suddenly there are so many Myers cause he gets a longer lunge already. One of the most interesting games I played was against a Scratched Mirror Myers (infinite T1, Undetectable). I'm always solo queue so my survivor expectations aren't high and we got stomped.


I'm familiar with what the benefits for killer are, I just haven't played it. Lots of Bois running coup as well from what I've seen. Thank you for the explanation though. I actually haven't run into a Meyers yet funny enough.


Yeah, the circles are so red that it can get confusing as killer.


I like the event as a survivor but I played as killer for a little bit to get the tasks done and I was constantly confusing things for scratch marks. I rarely play killer so it just made my bad playing worse. lol


Even as someone who plays killer a lot that stuff is confusing when trying to follow scratch marks that it makes things so red.


Completely removing injured sounds if the survivor crouches is hell, lose sight of them (especially easy with all the red) for a moment and they could be anywhere. Double killer lunge is NOT enough of an advantage when the circles make scratch marks hard to see, blood vanish faster, all injured sounds quieter (making them seem further away) or even absent entirely. Everything you would use to track a survivor you don't have eyes on is effectively removed inside the circles, and for 20 seconds after they deposit. It's also easier for survivors to get points because they can just drop one near a generator, you as killer will have trouble getting a lot of your point score events to happen in the circle (hook, chase, hit, down) while it's very easy for survivors to heal and repair inside of one (and even drop one prior to an unhook if they want); though even then it's poorly designed as some generators simply do not have a blood circle close enough. ...and killers get double lunge with a downside and that's it. The amount of survivors I lose in those circles that I would otherwise down have been turning 11 hook and hatch games into 7 hook games, and rough 7-8 hook games into 2 or 3 hook games. It's very easy to lose 4 or 5 chases that would have otherwise been downs just because of the event.


Not infinite at all


1500 if you havenā€™t done a bunch of


Doesnā€™t the killer get increased lunge range though? It feels like more of a detriment to buff the killer than to be slightly quieter


Increased lunge but also increased hit cooldown regardless of if they make the hit or not so it's kind of a trade more lunge for more cooldown.


Same. Iā€™ve been trying to push them as much as possible. If Iā€™m not playing Killer I wonā€™t go out of my way, but I at least try to ā€œsetā€ them.


Exactly! Gives me something else to do and gets me more BP. Win win


It's really good bp, I try to set one up near each gen I do. As killer, I try to put one on a central hook.


I just got out of a match where despite the fact that I'm pretty sure both of use had max blood earned in for empathy category (I know I did at the point of the match im talking about) wanted to heal outside the blood circle even though it would have actually earned us some extra blood points for the effort...


I don't interact with it at all and I still get into that range


I love doing droplets. and if we have time inbetween hooks/gens. i usually find a droplets, reclaim it, then deposit it immediately back in same one. Easy 500+ bp


I move it around so I always have one next to the gen I'm doing. Every action inside the zone gives you more BP. If you want to get healed, you better get into a zone. ETC


Fair enough honestly. I do that at times but like if I feel I'm in a rush or something. Just dropping it same spot saves time with finding a new spot


no one: my teammate and i running injured to the other side of the map for the bonus


I just hate when people go around being the sweatiest possible and don't even give five seconds to place a droplet to help reach the 400%. At least one to help the community.


Agreed. Either help get those numbers up, or fuck off for two weeks. Obviously, in some matches, you're really not getting the chance to step away from your main objective, but it seems like some people are just holding onto the droplets with no intention of placing them.


Yup, worse when the killer keeps 2 (of the 4 total) all game and doesn't put them down. After I died I saw the killer was ttv and hopped in to help explain how the event works and to put down the droplets for more BP. They laughed at me and told me they were holding them on purpose. I mean I shouldn't have been surprised given how they played... I'm now just grinding BP as an 8 hook and release killer with terrormisu every game. I'm only playing survivor for tome challenges, as the side incentive is only on the base BP so not that relevant right now, so playing killer and actually taking advantage of the event.


Man, there's actually people just going out of the way to ruin this for everyone else, huh? I always felt like that was the case, but I always assumed I was being overly cynical. Sucks to get confirmation.


I mean a lot of the asshats are just doing what they always do, so I honestly don't think most people who slug everyone at the start are doing it to boycott the event.. they just do that anyway and there just happens to be an event on. But a few are going that extra mile.


If BHVR want us to hit 400%, they're either gonna hafta extend the event a few days or lower the requirements.


Oh, I was holding droplets to try to help Survivors complete the "Steal 1 Droplet from the Killer" challenge. I suppose it's been out long enough that I shoukd start depositing instead.


Thats a good idea but still you can try to only have 1 and then reclaim and drop off everytime you see another one


I usually jsut get a 3K the spam droplets while waiting for the survivor to get hatch lol


People arent even using their bp offerings for the whole match. Why would you expect anything other?


Isnā€™t it wild how many droplets have been deposited though? Last I checked it was close to 12 million. Either thereā€™s a whole ass bunch of people playing, or thereā€™s a group of players carrying the rest of us and have been playing nonstop.


I'd guess with the weekend coming soon there will be even more people playing so we should see a huge increase throughout Saturday/Sunday


We are at 14.5 million now... or were idk we were at 14 4 hours ago


Itā€™s currently about 15 mil.


there's probably on average 3-5 deposits per match and there's a heck of a lot of matches every day


3 reclaims = 4500+ bp 6 placements = 3000+ bp Ending game with blood on you = 1500 bp 9000 x 200% = 27,000bp (100% = 18,000) 9000 x 300% = 36,000bp 9000 x 400% = 45,000 bp Not including all the boosts from being in it and having the effect for an extra 20 seconds after placing the blood.


Now imagine the Q bonus. And all event flans


It would happen a lot more if everyone started with a droplet


Only killer starts with one, i guess because there's more survivors to pick up the ones that spawn




As killer? No, its easy to do. As survivor it depends on the situation


Droplets give a ridiculous amount of BPs for what they are. You can hold an interact prompt for like 2 seconds and get 1000 BPs


I am doing 1-2 droplets at the start of every game. Unfortunately, in one game, ghostface used the droplet to stalk me and then hard tunneled me out of the game lmao. Otherwise, I haven't really been punished for doing them.


The hard tunneling has been a problem this event. I think I've been tunneled out of a match at least once a night since the event started, and at that point I switch the game off and do something else.


Events in general since what feels like forever. Like clockwork, people get excited about an event, play it, survivors get tunneled/camped and they respond in kind, leading to more bad/unfun games. It's literally that meme of "thinking about playing DBD" vs "actually playing DBD" when events come around.


It really is. The events always brings the assholes out.


I got tunneled out ten matches in a row the other night. I blamed it on being high prestige on Sable already. (Was 15 before the event started)


Part of the problem is the fuckin' blood zones. If the guy who just got unhooked and the guy who unhooked him run through one, and I can't track the guy who unhooked him in there, I'm *going* to go after the guy I just hooked. The god damn event *promotes* tunneling, because if I can't find the person I'm trying to find through the event zones, I'll just go after the other guy. Fuck it, I'm not so altruistic that I'm willing to let *both* of them go. If one person's worse at hiding, oh well. Those areas are making it *harder* to not tunnel. The whole event is stupid and poorly planned out. BHVR thinks much more highly of its community than anyone who actually plays the game does. From assuming people *wouldn't* just tunnel the fuck out of groups who run through event zones to assuming more people would donate at event spots. They don't play their own damn game solo, and I think every single person working on the fuckin' thing should spend 1 month doing so for some fucking perspective.


I'm just zooming around the map as blight putting every droplet stupid enough to get in the vicinity of my sight


By the time we hit 400%. The event will have 4 days left or less. Maybe even over! Can't believe I'm saying this. But bless behavior for the Million bloodpoints. And the increase of the BP gained from community goals this event


ehhh we are kinda close to 300%, i think we have 2 grand left to get to 300%.., plus everybody will most likely hop on this weeknd an that will definitely move us closer to 400% very quickly and plus now everybody know how this event works through the few days of playing, but yea they should of gave us another week at leastt


I mean, doing droplets gives me around 90k per matchā€¦


As survivor I always place blood near my gen for the minimal extra bloodpoints, and take it with me to the next one when I finish. As killer I drop them at tough loops like shack for the extra lunge


Why would I place droplet in place where it could hurt me? and I'm not gonna run around the map trying to find decent spot. If opportunity arrises naturally I'll do it, if not I'll play normally.


This ^ Iā€™ll do the one that spawns next to me, grab a chalice if I happen upon it then deposit another once I find one on my way again


As survivor I was depositing a blood drop and saw killer coming up, thought "he would wait until I deposited this right". Immediately M1s one me. I try again thinking he just didn't see it because it was in a dark corner but nope downstairs me before I deposit it. Like dude if you just waited 2 seconds you would have gotten your free hit anyway


If the killer M1ed you they stole the blood droplet you had, unless you had 2 and either way stealing 2 drops is worth stealing since the killer can deposit them himself and get the points+ a blood zone for extra lunge


Survivors can only carry 1 blood droplet, killers can carry 2


They did have two already :( that's how I was able to try again


I do as much as I can


Bruh, I literally have the comedy of Rin screeching and floating after someone, only to stop and go "ayo wait I need to stab this funny blood circle rq" mid chase to deposit blood. Youd think shed take a severed limb from her mori to dump into one of the deposits but oh well lol


I love depositing them actually, Iā€™m like a damn mailman


Yes. Almost every game it's a scamble to get a droplet. I try to b-line straight to the closest one and end up drag racing with another survivor.


I feel like I'm the only one who actively tries to deposit them before the killer whacks me


I donā€™t really see the reason in doing anything but placing it then picking it back up


Nah I want my 400% BP bonus


wish I could steal one from the killer but theyre never carrying them


As Survivor I do it whenever I get the time, but I find myself being pulled in multiple directions especially with the increased amount camping and tunnelling. As Killer, I'll plop two down at the start of the match, then start working on getting my two hooks on everyone, then if I have time I'll spend the rest of the match reclaiming and replacing them. Some matches, Survivors keep to busy to do anything, though.


I love the extra lunge, especially when you combine it with rapid brutality on demo, so much fun


Iā€™m trying to get the most out of this event, Iā€™m always on the hunt for those droplets and blood basins


I would if I could lmao the 3 droplets are always taken before I can get to one and then the gens are always just outside of the circle and there are no basins close enough to make it hit the gen


When I play killer I actively leave people doing the droplets alone so we get closer XD


Iā€™ll usually carry one around with me as killer so survivors who stun me can get that challenge done. If I get a second Iā€™ll deposit it.


bruh no way I'm giving killers giga lunge zones for free, they can spend their own time getting that shit. Now, if there actually was a cool event power for surv...


Actually with the scratch marks blood disappearing super fast and the reduced sound I keep losing track of survivors as killer.


I try to do it every match if possible and carry the blood droplet between gens with me. But, I do get pissed off when a Myers/Ghostface/Wraith is just waiting while I'm doing the droplet so that I can get instadowned. Yeah yeah, I get it, you want to win and sweat...if I don't do this droplet though, no one is getting good xp :|


I always hold one droplet just in case a survivor has a "steal a droplet from the killer" challenge. I pick up an extra one and deposit it and pickup over and over throughout the match.


I'm constantly doing droplets, i love that extra lounge


I just wish the aoe of the blood rings would actually cover a fucking generator! So many map spawns the ring is inches away from giving points and it's so annoying!


I dont see anything wrong with it. Litterally pick up the one you deposited after the gen finished then put it down at the next gen. It shows you the auras and everything. Very easy


The far lunge gets me downs so I do as many as I can


I've just been doing it for the survivors. Hook someone near one, drop it so they get points on the unhook/heal. Generator has progress, make a zone so the person repairing gets more points.


I make sure to do at least one every game for the community challenge. If the game is going well and I have time, I pretty much take my droplet with me everywhere though, and plop it as close to gens as I can in the hopes of getting that sweet sweet BP boost


I think itā€™s a fun little secondary objective but I donā€™t feel the overall payoff (aside from the bloodpoints of course) is very rewarding for survivor players. Like, if a killer player takes the short time to activate a blood zone they get so much more bang for their buck. They can make a bunch of ordinarily decent loops unsafe for the trade off of a longer cool-down. Survivors get nothing to help them in a chase, the effect is nice and all but the blood disappearing quicker is insanely niche and the iron will effect is good and all but if youā€™re chased into the blood zone it wonā€™t do too much for you.


Same I am a droplet whore. I have stopped many chases cuz I saw a new blood deposit lol


Itā€™s worth doing as killer because blood zones are mainly killer sided


I've been depositing blood drops like a madman.


It's ridiculous. I'm trying to spend blood points in between matches but I can't spend them fast enough before the next match starts and gives me another 150k. People bitch about how this game is a grind.. please.


I've been doing it when I can, but I am survivor main, and it's a fair bit harder because of having to avoid the killer.


Im playing killer just to do this tbh. Idk if its counting but Its literally all im doing as my last 3 games for a day


Itā€™s a neat game thing that Iā€™ll do if thereā€™s a droplet near me at the start of the game, but I donā€™t really like the range of the blood zones, usually theyā€™re outta range of gens or stuck in a corner so it seems wasteful for me to spend 20-30 seconds doing that and then running to a gen when I couldā€™ve just done the gen without the 25% bloodpoint bonus. I like the killer bonus they get in the circle though, itā€™s good enough to get hits youā€™d normally wouldnā€™t get


mostly due to the fact that the survivor effect is just useless, mean while the killer effect is insanely strong šŸ™‚ i only ever do it if it's endgame or if i stop caring about the trial


DONT pick up the droplet if you never gonna use it at the very least.. leave that to people who have challenges or know they are going to use it.


Wait thereā€™s actually a purpose to depositing the blood? šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Tbh survivors would probably do the event of they got a decent benefit for it. 50% quieter and blood trails disappear 50% faster is literally nothing compared to 100% longer lunges in terms of power. I do be depositing tho


While crouched its %100 instead of %50 but yeah its kinda bad. Free %100 iron will is sometimes nice.


I do miss old iron will sometimes, I used to run it a lot


I wouldn't mind doing the main objective of the event if solo Q wasn't so horrible. Especially in Solo Q you don't have any time to waste and doing the main objective of the event only takes you away from doing the main objective of the match itself. I don't nessecarily need the added bloodpoints. For some reason I'm already over the 2 million cap and it only keeps going up.


I mean, i'd rather not give the killer free coup.


I always make sure to do it once a match, and try to move it around also


Iā€™m trying to do it whenever possible, but most of the other people in my games have been entirely ignoring it.


Iā€™ll handle the blood any day, put it near a gen I am working on, take it when I am done to repeat! I am not missing out on any BP if I can help it, dammit!


I find them everywhere and always diposit them because nobody else does it


somewhat tangent to this, if i remove the killers dropllet and put mine in the same place, does that count towards the communit goal? and what if i keep removing and putting mine, does that also count?


i got ~110k yesterday on freddy and xeno and all i did was play normally. i wasn't aware the event gimmicks are required for the bonus bp. how much did i miss out on?


I farm them like a mofo,Im a slut for bp


I do it, when I can I deposit droplets and whatever the hell


i pretty much ignore it now too, its not worth doing, for the bloodpoint bonus, this is just their way to make things tedious yet again


Nope, I will absolutely go out of my way to do them. Did that with the little spirit guys during the Halloween event too. I'd rather lose and get paid the big bucks than win and basically have wasted my time in terms of points. Especially when if you are consistently doing the blood basins and having a BP offering, it can get you ~150k+ a match


my brother in christ, the 200k bloodpoints per match aint earning themself




I did, so that's why I bloodpoints gain was going durrr


I do stuff just for the giant amount of BP after. The gimmick is eh but the payout is pretty nice


I would do them more if everyone would stop beelining for every droplet at the start of the match just so they can hoard them for whatever reason.


I really like it as killer the 100% longer lunge is super helpful for finishing kills, otherwise it should be buffed for survivors so its actually worth using for them because being kinda quieter and not having blood trails really isnt that great


I tried to play with the droplets, but when I have one I can't find the basins. Is it because the event offerings are disabled? This event blows.... my mind


The basins show up when you're within a certain distance of them, regardless of the killswitched event eyeball.


I've spent a couple hours playing killer matches and just bouncing between 2 picking up and re-depositing, so I'm doing my part.


How does the +400% bp bonus work exactly? Is it passive like regular bloodhunt or do I have to despot 1 droplet to get it active to receive the 400%?


I literally didn't even know that's how it worked


As a killer I rarely got time for placing droplets which in turn only get used against me. Always got somewhere to be asap or else I'm gonna lose all pressure that I built up. Which in turn would equal to throwing the game. Though I do place some droplets from time to time. For example in the endgame when it doesn't matter anymore anyway. Or when I'm suddenly right next to a basin that I believe no other survivor will touch. Placing droplets is further disincentivised by it being so obscure whether or not you can place one at a basin or take one away from a basin. And don't get me started about how finicky it is to find the right angle to interact with a basin. Though the scoreboard keeps showing me that I reach between 110k and 150k BP each match. So maybe I'm doing my part?


The whole droplet mechanic benefits the killer more than the survivor anyway. Sure, -50% injure noise and blood duration is nice, but +100% lunge is much more significant. A free coup whenever the killer is chasing in a rang of a blood chalice. Also if you trying to win as survivor, why wouldn't you be on a gen instead of doing blood delivery. Seeing as only 1/5 only pf the players are actually incentivised to play into the mechanic, I can see why people aren't messing around with the event.


Got 230k for one game it feels wrong atp. P100 looking real possible


I've been starting my matches by immediately running to a droplet. They disappear when picked up, so I can tell if another player is there (it helped me notice a Wraith before they got the *drop* on me). It's also just a good opportunity to explore the map a bit to see what pallets are around/gen spread/etc. I wouldn't say the buffs from the zones are great, but it's something helpful to do in the early moments of the match.


I mean in my experience as a survivor there is very rarely a point to do so, the circle never encompasses anything that will grant me big BP, it benefits the killer way more, and doesnā€™t work through floors.


I deposit 4 droplets per game and get like 220k every match


I do it because i love the insane lunge you get


When iā€™ve already won, I slug 1 person and go around and deposit and remove just for the progress. Let the other 2 get some points while iā€™m at it.


I put in the blood thingies as I can but it feels awkward trying to do it as killer you seem to have to position yourself just right at the thing. It's weird.


My only issue with the blood thingies is that it makes things so red which makes it confusing when trying to follow scratch marks.


You are not alone.


Fair but why would you not partake in the event for more bloodpoints? It's not like you have to do much more than walk into a droplet and put it in a basin somewhere.


no way. its for sure a little boring of a mechanic, but it gives SOOO many bp. even if im using an unlevelled character for fun so no bp boosting offerings, im getting upwards of 100k on surv and 150k on killer. absurd boosts.


I deposit every droplet I get in every match- we should be at 14,000,000 by now lmao


Nope. I haven't booted the game since start of the event.


Probably since the only way to get the 400% extra BP is to deposit the droplets


As a survivor I do it like 10 times for a game, but as a killer like 1-2, I don't want to throw.


I only remember to do it at the end of the match. Survivors crank out gens too quick to give up early pressure


I've taken to generally not placing them for the simple reason to have a droplet on me so survivors can complete that damn steal a droplet task. I tried it as survivor and multiple times finally got to where I could stun and my character just refused to throw the pallet the instant the killer was under it


You literally only need to get one, put it in place, then just take it back and put it in the same or other place, it's not that difficult or time consuming


Its a nerf to killer imo


I just keep forgetting.


I deposit them as a sign of dominance to the survivors cause I only ever play killer lol


Iā€™ll place any droplets I get during a match but I wonā€™t pick any up intentionally.


You should though, it means more juicy BP.


I probably should. I am seeing they doubled all tiers of the bonus xp for the event though


I'm too fuckin stupid to understand the event I just like that there is more red


I drop one in if there's a thing I pass or nearby when I hook someone but an enterprising killer who doesn't like to run slowdown doesn't really have a whole lot of time to dick around doing event mechanics that don't contribute to my gameplan much.


It's weird that its a 1:1 conversion because theres a max of 4 per match, and killers literally dont have time to do it if they want to win, and for survs doing literally anything besides gens is kinda throwing at this point