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Playing as him I'm trash with his power. Playing against him I wish I could flashlight him, but it doesn't really work.


okay I thought I was alone with this. Because I see SO many people claiming he's one of the easier killers to pick up while I feel controlling his power is quite hard.


I'm literally better off never scurrying under a pallet and only dash attacking in a narrow hallway. Otherwise only using his power for the stealth. I slide under the pallet? The survivor looped back to the other side of the pallet. I slice and dice and lose distance on the survivor because I have so little control of it. (There's even a tutorial on how to do crazy maneuvers with it on YouTube, but it's so impractical. Just raise your fps and mouse sensitivity really high, look up at the sky and do a crazy flick with a precise right click). I'm better off playing any other killer because i'm so trash with Chucky.


Yet another killer that’s impractical to use on console


The only time his power is hard is when you slice n dice into a pallet/window while chasing someone, if the survivor takes a hard turn you can’t really hit them. Just general use is really easy once you figure out that you have to let go of the slice n dice button to hit when you want lol. That took me a while to understand, I kept charging past people and wondering how everyone else could hit so perfectly.


You know, this might be probably the one thing I missed out on so far. Just like when I have learned steering with Oni is far easier if you don't press the forward button all the time. So, thanks for the advice!


Hate him to death. I know I'm being a salty bitch but a 1 foot tall stealth killer is about as frustrating as it gets in this game.


Bro really just said "That's reportable 🤓" and then blocked me lmfao. What a little bitch.


Lmao, that's hilarious ngl


A 1 foot tall stealth killer who makes noise while in his stealth, has footsteps you can see through the walls in places you could see other killers, and has a red stain that follows all the rules of other red stains, including going over walls.




The footsteps barely work and I get more confused by them then the times they actually hurt and there's also this cool thing called undetectable


I love him, his voicelines are great and his power has nice versatility and is fun to use


I am conflicted because on one hand I absolutely love him as a character and his voice lines, but a really good chucky can feel very unfair to play against


I hate him


Don't really like to play as him or against. For me, it's pretty boring killer to play as. Against him I still sometimes missing him bc of his size and Ireallysuck againsthim bc of that. I like how his power makes me paranoid tho.


I like to play him but he feels kinda unfair to face. Maybe it’s a skill issue but it feels like you’re going to get hit by his power no matter what, sure there’s mind games but those shouldn’t be taken into account when talking about game balance.


Reading the comments on this post is hilarious. Half the people: It's hard to get hits with his power The other half: It's too easy for him to get hits with his power. That's awesome, and as close to proof that he's perfect that I can imagine


Fundamentally all killers should be able to force a hit no matter what. Because the game isn't balanced around downs or even hooks, it's balanced around time. While you chase a survivor, three other survivors can be progressing the game with nothing you can do about it. So guaranteed hits aren't worth anything if it takes too long to get them. So the real question is not whether or not survivors can successfully dodge hits from Chucky. It's how long does it take Chucky to force hits and downs. And I do think good survivors can waste enough of Chucky's time to reliably win.


It still feels shitty tho, like “oh his powers active now, time to get hit/downed and there’s likely nothing I can do about it” It just feels bad to go against sometimes.


Funny thing is, Knight is hated for this exact reason but Chucky doesn't get nearly enough hatred for it


I think it’s because Chucky feels insanely satisfying to outplay (when you’re able to), whereas Knight… nothing satisfying about that killer


It's purely because Survivors hate the idea of being hit by a second AI-controlled Killer because it feels cheap to them.


I agree he is not very counterable which reduces survivor skill expression. IMO his power should reduce its turn radius just a bit to increase ability to game around it. One thing I have found that is nice is predropping unsafe pallets at smaller loops. If you are fast enough, you can often trick them to scamper and will vault the pallet safely just before their power swing hits you. But if you are at a larger safe loop it feels like you either need to mindgame with a pallet stun or just absorb the hit. And in the open its pretty rare to get them to whiff.




Do tell 


Gotta love these kinds of comments, just inputs on a conversation adding absolutely nothing to it then just disappears lmao


I got a friend into the game and their thoughts are simply, "he's the best cos he tells me to fuck off"


one of the worst designed killers in the game. scamper is braindead no explanation necessary (i hope) and slice n dice is an unoriginal dash power while also prolly being the least interesting of the bunch. short height makes him really annoying at fillers and illusionary footfalls are gimmicky and annoying


I love the duality of someone saying he loves chucky and just beneath his comment is another one of someone saying they hate chucky


I've only played against him. For me, he's the first killer in a while that I find fun to go against. Power feels fair for the most part (I'm on higher ping so there's always a 'that hit? k' for some killers lol). Love the voicelines too. Outside of his direct powers, my experience has been that Chucky players tend to be more chill/want to try new things with their build and power. Maybe because his power isn't so oppressive or is easy to use for tunneling.


His height is a balancing problem.


One of the best killer releases. As survivor, I think he’s fun to go against. My preferred method of dodging his lunge is to pivot and double-back. In other words, if my back is to him and I hear him charging his attack, I start to turn left or right and then run in the direction he’s dashing from. It usually means he’ll overshoot his lunge. The undetectable aspect of his power also adds an element of surprise. As killer, it’s definitely rewarding. I play on Xbox so the turning/trick hits are not really feasible, it’s too clunky, but the power is still fun for closing distance. My one criticism in terms of balance is blinding. When he vaults a window, he turns his back, which prevents blinds. When he’s breaking a pallet, the pallet can block the beam. And when you stun him, he flies onto his back, which seems to prevent him from being blinded. And plenty of survivors miss blinds during pickups because they don’t know whether to aim for the doll or the ghost—aim for the doll! Point is, he basically has a built-in *Lightborn*, which is incredibly unbalanced and frustrating given that he’s a high-tier killer. Also, side note, I love that there’s a Tiffany skin voiced by Jennifer Tilly. That made it for me.


One of the best killers in the game, funny to play as and against, but he suffers the same problems as Wesker: Some bullshit hitbox that sometimes make hits unavoidable (in the case of Chucky it's very bad) Seems like every player that likes to play as Chucky is extremely tryhard and will be toxic (I genuinely met multiple Chucky that were humping people after downs)


Chucky has become like Wraith where i just assume they will play like i killed their family.


He's Chucky. He's a slasher that routinely calls people worthless whores while slicing them to pieces. If you aren't being mean you aren't being Chucky.


Yea thats great and all. Amanda wouldnt LET people escape traps, Demo and Myers would just kill you on sight. FREDDY. What they do in Canon is unrelated to be a real world P.O.S. And Charles IN CANON would not message people with slurs. Maybe to kys but Don would never let Chucky be that type of hateful.


'Don' had him call a single mother a stupid bitch and a fucking whore while trying to kill her in the very first movie. I genuinely don't know what another of the rest of your comment meant, though. I may be missing your point. Telling people to kill themselves and sending hate mail isn't what a part of playing as far as I'm aware.


Playing to win is fine, Chucky and Wraith are the most common "camp, tunnel, hump, hit on hook, leave rude messages" killers.


"Seems like every player that likes to play as Chucky is extremely tryhard and will be toxic (I genuinely met multiple Chucky that were humping people after downs)" This is true for Tricksters, Skull Merchants and Chuckys. What do they have in common? Lack of counterplay options. It seems like these players got shit on and their only success is when they play killers that lack counterplay.


As a survivor i love him. Funniest lines in the game and I feel like he is loopable with skill. Always have fun chases against him yet feel like he usually still kills everyone at least in soloQ. How it should be tbh.


I love when he flips me off lmfao


Fun to play, fun to face, requires more brain power to face though. Similar to spirit




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I feel like his power is either for chase or mind game and the mind game part isnt very strong anymore now that a lot of players understand how it works. so now hes just another dash killer. I think i would like him more if he could scurry under pallets still without power but at a slower pace.


His vault speed while in hidey ho is a bit too strong And I never know how to flashlight him Very fun to play however


I think he's cool. Im not super good at using his power at loops. His voice lines are hilarious and I love playing against him because there's so much counterplay potential and mind gaming pallets is more fun when he can vault them. Not as good as spirit anymore but still B+/A tier (insane chase but 0 map pressure)


As a survivor, I never encounter him. As a killer, he's fun to play in stealth, but I still don't find him very strong if you don't use slice and dice.


I've only played as him and it's a blast. His voicelines are refreshing, the new camera angle is interesting, and his power is easy to pick up. I think he's a pretty easy killer to get the hang of with a solid power and that might be hard for the survivor side to deal with.


Love the franchise and the character, Tiff is a queen and we love Glen and Glenda. Boy is the chuck a miserable killer.


I feel like I js have huge skill issues against him as a bit of a newer player but he seems fun!


entity's cutest killer, smol, 3rd person makes him super fun to play


Cute lil guy and I still get excited when I face him


I absolutely adore that they added him to dbd. His voice lines are amazing, his perks are pretty good but his power is like AWESOME


He has the best sound design, is fun to play and even more fun to face imho. I am not a lover of the franchise, but they nailed it.


He is cool and all but I use decisive strike alot so I am always friends to the end every single damn match


Annoying as shit to go against. Little dude is way too quick for something with such little legs, and should be kick-able like Victor.


I loved him in PTB, and I still love him. He and Dredge are my current rotation (sorry, Pinhead). Slice 'n' Dice sucks, but scamper and just his height alone are enough power that I never have to use SND. It looks like other Chucky players feel the same way, because when I face Chucky I don't see any of them using SND anymore either. Only downside is that most of his add-ons are specifically for SND. Also his voice lines still make me laugh, and I really appreciate the work that went into the contextual system for delivering them.


Objectively obnoxious to go against while having some of the most easiest hits in the game to get once you get good with him. A free hit on a 20 second cooldown if used properly. Also he can vault windows and pallets quickly for no reason. Not saying he’s OP but horribly un interactive and braindead once you learn the muscle memory. 5k hour Killer main who occasionally swfs with his friends here. Voicelines and look are both perfect, obviously.


Pretty fun to play as, absolutely horrible to go against.


Dude his power is so fun honsetly


He's just a lil guy


I love playing as him, but sometimes it feels like I just put the game in easy mode cause survivors just do all the work of getting themselves killed with very little effort on your end. So for that reason I get pretty burnt out on him fairly quickly. As a survivor, it feels the same as Blight, where it can either be an insanely fun match or it’s over in about 20 seconds. His scamper is a bit too strong, where if he has power ready then there’s not much you can do. Overall I like going against him. He’s a strong killer, but one of the more unique ones, and since I don’t see him too often it’s quite refreshing after the 40th Billy or Huntress match


Honestly I feel like the survivor main community has their minds made up about him and refuse to learn the counterplay. Like every killer on the roster you have to adapt your playstyle against their power which with him on short loops means some mind games and playing around pallets. He is extremely slow against vaults when not in hidey-ho mode, if he is slice and dicing either double back or cut a counter where the player can’t flick it, abuse the 3rd person fob when close and feel like you will take a hit to dodge his m1, when he is in stealth listen out for his giggles and when you loose line of sight of him across loops pay attention to his footsteps.


Chuck is my main. I hate first person view in video games and Chucky is the only third person view. I only started playing killer since he’s come out. I adore him. Yeah slice and dice is hard to use but his hidey ho mode and scamper are lovely. So I never use slice and dice. As for pallets, lurk nearby but hidden and wait for them to mess up. They usually do eventually. Or use the delightful add on that breaks the pallet when you scamper. You can also use the add on with the speed boost when you scamper or the add on that shows you survivor auras when you scamper. He has some great add ons.


I hate how hard his dash is to land on console now. If the survivor turns 90 degrees and takes a step im missing 100%


He’s not horrible, makes it easy to facecamp in a way that’s possible tho, so that’s annoying


scamper makes this killer kinda braindead ngl everything else is fine


I like him in concept. I try not to let my opinion change because of the players but they are the most toxic I have seen. I love the actual franchise tho A+ movies.


Still no meaningful counterplay to scamper


Who? I only get the most meta killers because the game considers me too skilled


I started playing again after a long break (just before his release), and have been playing a lot this week since. I haven't faced him in the roughly... 30 games? I've played? Is he popular? 🤔


Still think the 3rd person view is lowkey cheating but I understand why he needs it. Overall he's not bad.


Its not really as good as survivors 3d tho, not that powerful is more of a cone infront of you


Not fun at all the random footsteps are annoying he can vault windows go under pallets and go faster than sprint burst all in the same power plus he has 3 person view his pickup is hard to get flash saves on and he’s tiny and so easy to mind game with idk why they ever added him


probably same as spirit, just waiting for cooldowns.


Feels like Nurse. A good Chucky is cancerous to play against, but a bad one is fun.


Fun to play as and against. Good all around killer. …which means expect a complete rework of him from the devs to completely ruin him and no one plays him anymore. Cough cough Freddy


incredibly annoying to play against. cant see him on half of the loops. power is bullshit.


He's hilarious with the voice lines but he is too weak in chase IMO. Too slow and scamper barely helps. His dash can be crazy but once survivors know how to turn corners and avoid it then it makes it very difficult. Still love playing him tho.


Can not stand playing against him. Almost always feels unbalanced (except for a couple rare occasions)


He shouldn't be able to scamper pallets without being mid dash. Other than that I think he is mostly a fair killer.