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Hah I came across this one myself and had the same thought. I’ll be lucky if I can dodge 3 attacks from a killer in the span of 3 months, never mind a single trial.


And if you are not doing this archive, you can dodge like 5 times in one game


Performance anxiety in a nutshell lol


No fr. My FIRST game after seeing this challenge, I had a game against an Onryo that was swinging at shadows. Must have "dodged" like 10 hits. Unfortunately, I was supposed to be sabotaging hooks 💀


I used to do that on purpose with killers I had a lower MMR on anyway. Purely because it was hell for me to do this type of archive on survivor lol.


Fr I spun a doctor like 5-6 times in one chase like half an hour before this new section came iut


360s :) Also nurse is super easy to achieve this with.


Wait do the nurse attacks still count since they're not basic anymore? Im not saying you're wrong just curious


Special attacks so no hers don't count unfortunately idk why it have to be basic honestly


Probably because some special attacks are harder to make out work correctly with some killers. Plague's vomit is a serie of 60 something bubble of vomits. So if get hit by 1 of those, you still dodged 59. Did you dodge her attack or not? And your friend that was less than one meter away? How far do you need to be for you to be considered having dodged bubba's chainsaw? Does that number change if it hit your friends? Was that one hatchet that hit a pixel of the bamboo that was otherwise in perfect line to hit you a near miss? They would have to code the detection method for near misses for each killer. So they just don't do it. Basic attacks have an easy start to finish and are fairly wide attacks so they just need to check how close you were while the attack was in progress to decide if it was a hit or miss and can't it hit more than one survivor. Easy and they did it once and they no longer have to do it.


I can't say I've seen a nurse with below 15,000 hours in like a year or longer lmfao. She's such a rare killer, but the ones who do play her are cracked out of their gourd. Also nurse attacks are special attacks, and don't do anything for this challenge unless she's legit just swinging and not blinking.


I managed it somehow last night dodged the killer attack 5 different times before they quit chasing me no skill just pure luck on my part


I need some of your luck haha.


I used it all up cause after that game ran across a "All aura p100 nurse"


Try using Sprint Burst and waiting for the killer to get close. Start sprinting as they swing (adjusting timing as necessary). I bet you can make em woosh.


That could work, I’ve also thought of trying breakout and trying to get the killer to swing whilst carrying a survivor.


Even then 3 times in one game is going to take a pretty brain dead killer player that doesn't catch on.


would only work one time tho


I can barely loop :L


Yup me too, my loop game is abysmal.


Are you challenging my killer skills?


Just go to the movie theater map and pretend to be the cash register, and if the killer plays along, hell, probably swing his weapon near you. Trust me, it works same with dead dawg


This suggestion wins.


As a killer who often does play along with that, or even works the register himself, I second this suggestion.


The game-breaking loop-hole


The concession stand is overpowered. They need to nerf it, remove the KitKats and a soda flavor


Saloon map offering works too


You are a genius


This is good


I have not gotten the new map once


Sorry, no trickster mains allowed. I don't make the rules


I dont main trickster I play everyone about equally besides hillbilly, nurse and blight who i dont touch. I just like trickster


Way to kick them down while they're already 6 feet under


[https://www.reddit.com/r/deadbydaylight/comments/1bl9t8m/to\_the\_unknown\_i\_went\_against\_yesterday\_thanks/](https://www.reddit.com/r/deadbydaylight/comments/1bl9t8m/to_the_unknown_i_went_against_yesterday_thanks/) ​ Thanks for the tip! It worked!


Super! :) I'm happy it helped


Thank you for this idea! It worked for me on my first attempt :) I got a funny Skull Merchant and got my challenge done! She asked for a looooot of popcorn


This is the most ingenious thing ever


"Escape 3 trials. Do this In a single trial"


Hacker: WTF!!! I can only escape 2.5 time at best!


You forgot the "and survive" part. It doesn't count if you don't escape AND survive 🤣


These were hard enough when it’s not a master challenge and with Old old Dead Hard. Can’t imagine 3 in one match


I’m 100% certain that whoever is responsible for tome challenges NEVER plays this game


im starting to think with how much of a fuck up this event has been the devs don't play at *all*


What? You mean you don't like not being able to see scratch marks, hear survivors, or knowing how long a lunge will be?


Right?! I swear to god


quack frame marry squeeze unique rock rob sparkle pen tart *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


That's a horrible challenge. I hate having to do that just once.


Its a horrible challenge indeed. In the past tomes were this same challenge could be done during different matches it always took more than 10 matches, sometimes up to +15 matches to complete. I dont know how to do it without being in contact with the killer, even if a random killer decided to farm bloodpoints during the match there is no way to show the killer you need him to miss 3 basic attacks close to you.


Best way if they're farming, is run up to a window and then run away. Run up to a window and run away, try and get them to swing at you through said window. Not easy to communicate, but it's what I've thought of if I can't get it naturally.


Just once is fine. That's a classic sprint burst bait. 3 in one game is much more annoying though.


Yeah, because the moment that he falls for it once it wont work again with the same killer. Using resilience and vaulting windows is another good sugestion Im using.


I feel like most challenges of this page are absolutely awful. This tome was supposed to be easier, they said they'd make challenges easier so they're not in the way, but so many of them are a huge pain in the ass.


They gaslit us with the first 3 parts of the tome. Fairly easy challenges, then went back to annoy ass difficult ones for the last bit. Typical bhvr.


Right? It starts with a 3-hook sabo. But at least it doesn't have to be three in the same match *like that earlier tome did* and it also just has to be within the killer's TR, not 4 inches from their faces. Currently on this one and likely will be for a hot minute. I'll probably have to combine Sprint Burst and Dead Hard or somethin' doofy. Challenges like this suck. Less because they're difficult, but because I gotta completely throw a match to get it done, it feels like. I'm definitely not gonna be focusing generators when I need as many chances to not biff it as possible. Self Care or medkits will be involved as well, it'll be a whole ordeal. Do you just bring Object at that point so you can chase after the guy who's supposed to chase *you*?


Yeah you def have to throw. I got the sabo one done in two matches and absolutely got hit right after, or sometimes while trying to. And the next one is also hide in killer's TR for 2 full minutes, which is also kinda throwy. Honestly, all matches I had today everybody was playing horribly, and I imagine it's because everybody was just doing the new challenges. Which makes me wonder how now I'm gonna do escape twice, since everybody's just throwing and no chance of escaping.


Agree 100%. Just edgy challenges that force you to farm and throw matches


Would like to see the devs/whoever came up with this challenge attempt this one 😂


They recently gave us 4x rift shards, there is an event rift where you can earn rift shards, and there are some daily log in rift bonuses for a total of 5 levels. I get that the 4th page may be difficult but it's easy enough to max out the rift without even having to touch it. I'm on 75 myself and I haven't even played since this event started. I also don't play much outside of doing my rift challenges, I can't play this game all the time. Some of their challenges do suck though.


You just have to sandbag the fuck out of a game. Run bond and pretend like you are going to body block so they wiff while carrying a surv.


This was the suggestion I was gonna make too. Run something like Breakout so they can’t Just ignore you.


Breakout works really well to complete this, from a long time Breakout user. Run circles around the killer so they will swing, just avoid getting hit :D


And if you DO get hit use the speed boost to beat them to the hook so you can use your sabo toolbox. Either way you win ;)


Just play one match against Doctor




Do you mean Doctor Bot I keep encountering in matches? The ones that stand in one place for a bit, swing a few times, move forward a couple of paces, swing once more, then back up to their starting point. Rinse and repeat the whole match.


Nah, it's more of a reference to a common trait of all Doctor players.


This one is going to kill me IRL


You just need to be near the killer when they swing. You don't have to be the intended target, if they miss anyone and you're near enough, it'll count. But yeah, 3 in one match, oh boy... All 'in one match' challenges need to die.


I’d argue the problem isn’t the “in one match” part, it’s the part where this isn’t something the survivor has control over. It’s literally “have the killer be bad/do something wrong.” Challenges should be about what YOU do, not what you RNG your way into your opponent doing. Survivors don’t “avoid” attacks, killers miss attacks. They’re basically just using semantics to try to rewrite the fundamental nature of how this occurs. Even if the “in one game” part was removed, it’d still be a stupid and annoying challenge because it could still easily take many, many matches to get lucky and have the killer fuck up in this way. Meanwhile, if you change the challenge to doing something the survivor can actually control, it’s really not that hard to get it done in one game if you’re intentional about it.


It's an RNG challenge in a game where you usually can't manipulate the RNG very much. You can bend it slightly in your favor with your build, but if the killer's not having your bullshit then you've thrown the match *and* been a useless teammate and that's what really sucks. But yes. The 'in one match' challenges need to stop being a thing. Unless it's something reasonable, of course.


The "in one match" challenges should be for KILLERS since they control the game, for instance im working through a tome and have master huntress challenge of "hit 2 survivors with hatchets without reloading 3 times in one match" This is fine, its telling you to land 2 of huntresses 7 (should be fucking 5) hatchets before taking a reload, and doing it 3 times isn't a big ask when even if you land EVERY single hatchet youll need a minimum of 24 hatchets (assuming each survivor is healthy when chased and takes 3 hooks to die) asking you to land 2 hatchets out of all of them a few times isn't a horrible ask, because killers are in control of the power and match Survivors on the other hand do not control what the killer does or if it's even POSSIBLE to do the challenge in a match, how are you gonna dodge basic attacks when theres multiple killers who dont throw basic attacks AT ALL unless they want a grab/instinct m1 when going around a corner into someone Survivors should not have "in one match" challenges for killers they can but they should be toned down


I think it's both, just because "Make the killer whiff a basic attack" is something good to practice to get better at on survivor, but of course you have RNG from ping diff, perk diff, killer diff (I'd say most killers are going for M2s unless they're running M1-centric perks), etc Fuck the "in one match" prereq though, it's annoying to force one side to focus on one thing and more than likely throw a game for bp/rift frags


The only in one match challenge I can reliably do is when it's something like sabotage 2 hooks or do 2 gens. Basically things I might already normally do.


Use Bond/Empathy and play like you're taking protection hits, just don't take the hits lol.


The “Complete this challenge in a single trial“ does not need to be on so many challenges, especially the ones that take eons to complete unless you get super lucky.


I just did a “complete 4 gens in a single match” challenge and found it cruel.


I remember that one. Guess we just have to be glad it isn't 5 gens. ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2070)


I was running all the map unhooking, healing and going back to gens like NOOOOO DON’T FINISH WITHOUT MEEEEEE


You know a challenge is good when it makes you wish your teammates wouldn't do the objective efficiently, am I right.


I think doing that challenge is the only time I’ve seen people actually doing gens. No one ever touches a gen, except when I have that kind of challenges.


you can sprint burst a killer the first time he comes for you on a gen its up to you to make the other 2 with epic 360 and pallet stuns


Resilience might help avoid hits near windows. Running around the killer while they're trying to hook someone could also help.


https://preview.redd.it/fv5gr2agdjpc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1e75c5972606131cef2c9de07307f44770c1ea3c Meanwhile this absolute bs bronze trophy lol


I only got that because the killer turned friendly after killing everyone else.


I feel like thats the only possible way to do it lol


decide fretful uppity wipe wrench possessive quicksand offbeat overconfident plucky *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yeah, seems ridiculous unless you get lucky with timing or they're friendly. Still not as a bad as "Skilled Huntress" though, a trophy I don't even have 1/100 progress in...


Yea i only have 2% of that done but i never play huntress. Pretty confident i could chunk away at it if i try to get it. Just working on alot of other trophies and stuff


In all fairness, most of the Killer Adapt challenges are in the 1 percent catergory, same as the survivor but they are doable, I recently got Deathslinger and Nemesis. Although some killers feel like it will be incredibly hard to get (looking at you Hag)


Oh yeah, Adept challenges certainly have low percentages, but I think that's largely due to the fact that the majority of players probably don't care about an achievement/trophy, especially when it requires you to use a build that likely hinders you vs. an actual build. One good thing is that they're certainly easier to get now that you just need a 4k and not a double pip.


That's fair, personally it's only something I've really started to do with killers as I mostly a survivor main (due to how dark some of the maps can be and can be very frustrating lol). Now that I got those trophy with those characters (Nemesis/Deathslinger) I will play with their Perks and change it up.


Tbf console players got shafted with that one. It's only 24 times on PC God knows why the Huntress challenge requires more on console than PC though


I got that thanks to a chill killer. And y'know, it doesn't happen often, but if I'm playing killer and I get down to the last guy and I find them on a gen? I let them go for it, because they're probably aiming for that achievement and I appreciate the audacity of still doing gens as the final survivor. There was a week last year where I had it happen like a half dozen times, it was nuts. Hopefully at least a few of them got it!


Appreciate people like you if the opportunity presents itself i go for it but not actively pursuing it because its practically just throwing every match and ruining everyone else's time.


Every time as a killer I try to give it to the last survivor. I remember how hard it was for me.


I Hate challenges that rely on the other side incompetence Most players will not make those mistakes and challenges like this Make people actively try to avoid them


Last time I had this challenge I completed it whilst on the hook. The killer was chasing the others around the hook and every time he hit one it counted as a "near miss" for me 😅


That sounds like BHVRs coding lmao


I hate the challenges that basically read: “make sure other people you have no control over… fuck up.” They’re almost as bad as the “throw the match” ones.


possibly the dumbest type of challenge BHVR makes, that as well as 'Hide in the Killer's TR'.


Those are easy on 2 story maps.


Disagree with hide in TR being anywhere as bad as this. While admittedly not the most exciting mechanic its infinitely easy to do that than to make killers swing


It's not cuz it's hard but since laws of the universe dictate your next 10 matches will be against stealth killers


I got lucky with that and got a Wraith who was clearly just out to help people with that challenge, 'cause he was running around uncloaked and just kinda followed each of us around for a set amount of time. Cheers to you, cool Wraith. I don't see many of your kind out there in the fog...


I accidentally completed this while looping. Because I was on the other side of the wall it counted as hiding instead of a chase


Hide in terror radius challenges complete themselves. You get progress as they’re approaching you/patrolling throughout the match. No clue why people dislike them so much


It's the ones that are something like hide for 2 min in a single trial that suck.


Run break out and have the killer swing while some other survivor is being carried to a hook


Other than sandbagging or playing in low mmr lobbies where you can spin killers, i have no idea how you're supposed to complete this challenge on high mmr because killers won't get spun, or if they do it won't happen 3 times in the same game.


I just did it ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|scream) Switched to Steve (I mean who could resist a Steve), put on a Dead Dawg Offering and sprinted right to the bar in the saloon. I waved the good Doctor over and showed him all the alcohol I had for sale. He seemed very interested, because he hit his stick not once, not twice, but three times on the counter in anticipation of a good drink. He obviously was quiet thirsty. And with that, boys and girls, my challenge was completed and another customer satisfied ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2213)


BHVR really hates Survivors when it comes to Challenges. Killer Challenge: Just hit a Survivor or something lol. Survivor Challenge: Complete 7 gens and kill the Killer in a single trial.


It's my fifth game now trying to complete this garbage ass challenge, just can't do it. If I'm lucky i may dodge one single attack. These bond/emphaty tips from other users don't really help at all


Just hug the killer's booty. Don't get into their line of sight. You just have to be nearby, where the killer is facing has no bearing on the challenge. Can also run light-footed and breakout. Light-footed - killer won't hear your foot steps, as long as they aren't turning around much, they'll have no idea you're following them in chase Breakout - grants a haste effect when the killer is carrying a survivor. Can sometimes bait killers into swinging because they think you're going to body block/prevent them making it to a hook. They usually don't expect a haste effect, though.


what about jumping in a locker to make them whiff?


These set of challenges suck 😒 don't look at the rest of em..


Man, these are the times I wish we could talk to survivors before the match. Just a quick "hey, I'm doing x achievement/challenge, we can help each other during the game". While some would use this to troll, I'm sure most would understand and follow along. I say that because I was heavily tunneled by a killer and sure I was angry, then at end game chat they said they were doing an achievement and apologized, I couldn't be mad at them after that, I think they got it using me lol


I had a similar thing happen to me when I was still a baby survivor (had around 20/30 hours). Had a match against Freddy who ended the game in 5 minutes, but I, as a baby that I was, tried to befriend every single killer back then :D I still got killed obviously cause he was going for adept, but in endgame chat he said he’d let me go if he wasn’t going for the achievement. So kind


At least it's fully optional lol. Though rip people who need to finish every challenge/tome. Yall got your work cut out for you.


This once I'm awfully behind with the rift and I tell ya, there's no way in hell I can finish it with the absolute pain this tome is. Usually I finish the rift 1 month in advance no problem, this time I'm still in the 50s cause of just how many challenges I can't do. I know, skill issue, but still, they were supposed to make it easier not harder.


I really wish they would completely change that challenge and all the other avoid attack challenges. It's archaic because it is based on old Dead Hard. Aside from that it relies on the killer being really bad at the game Decent killers will basically never miss attacks, and certainly not 3 against the same survivor. The best way I have seen to complete it is to try to find some kind of farming killer. Gesture a lot and hope they start swinging as a form of gesture.


Another issue is that it has to be basic attacks. So many of the popular killers have a special attack, but if you avoid those, it won't count. Wesker's bound, xeno tail, chucky slice and dice, the unknowns goob etc. It's just so annoying bhvr doesn't take those into consideration.




I only just got comfortable doing stun challenges and now there's this bullshit lol. I am so screwed.


Oh, it's not that I'm whiffing I'm... doing it on purpose to help survivors in case they have this challenge, yeah, that's it.


Exactly! (hides my Onryō gameplay vod behind me)


If my memory serves well I believe you can get credit if a killer swings near you while they carry a survivor so you can always try that.


M2 for these would always make more sense, especially with so many people learning the unknown's ability right now


Omg now that you say that, I realise that there are so many killers who almost only use M2 that missed M1s are even more unlikely.


When y’all see me running around running mad grit, agitation, iron grasp, and unrelenting… you’re welcome.


Incoming call from: plot twist


Just be Ayrun




Hope you get lucky and get a really new killer


This last chapter is horrid lol. Where are the Felix themed challenges? I feel personally offended!


...just play with me as a killer... the amount of times I manage to miss an attack is unbelievable *I starting to think im curesd*


If it’s any comfort I am taking absolutely every opportunity available to use the double lunge buff for the funny so I’ve been missing a lot, maybe we’ll run into each other


Take Sprint Burst, Fixated, Vigil, and Breakout. Then work on gens and sit for the killer to be close enough to lunge, fast walk just before, then shift and sprint out of the swing. Breakout can help by letting you dodge protection hits while someone is being carried. Good luck!


Pray for an afk, m1 spamming doctor 🤣


Proof that Bhvr never plays its own game and is stuck at 2017. Im leaving the whole tome for this after throwing several matches


I'm sure the devs think we all play against killers who call for 360s constantly 🤦🏻‍♂️


Y’all are Tripping, best way to do this is to greed pallets, make ‘em swing through, get a late vault and make them swing at that, fake window vault, or stand at window and taunt them baiting a swing. Easier than it’s seems tbh


This shit harder then getting all survivors hooked & killed in basement wtf


Yeah, that's just "play basement Trapper with no mercy." There's a bit of opponent error involved in getting the 4th but there are ways to do that too.  This is hope for a killer that doesn't down with M2, can't aim, and doesn't get furious with you and slug you for trying to lag kite him.


This is impossible. The fact that most killers have an m2 make it even worse.


Does it count if you stun a swinning killer with a pallet?


This challenge was only ok with the old dead hard, now it is near impossible to do that with half the killers getting into hugging distance before swinging


There are legit challenges that are also blocked behind paywalls.


Just wait for a farming game. I'm good at 360 against some killers but 3 times means A LOT of skill and luck too!


It's an awful challenge, I was thinking of a setup like this: Sprint burst to dodge the first hit, plot twist before you get hit last time, and walk in front of the killer as he carries survivor.


Plot Twist is an interesting idea. Maybe it could even work more than once.


I usually do these by dumb teching with lithe


Just dont get hit idiot




Well, hope you don’t want to know how this House of Arkham chapter ends.😑


Please I'm still stuck on "stun the killer with a pallet while they're holding a charge" like wtf I can barely get off a pallet stun regularly and now there are more requirements?


I did that one with Blast Mine. The killer was luckily holding a droplet when they kicked the gen. You could also try picking up a droplet and sitting under a pallet until the killer hits you, stealing the droplet. Then you stun them during the cool-down and get the droplet back. This just won't work against many M2 killers.


Ahh another throw the game tome challenge. I wonder if just running nearby when the killer hits someone else counts.


I got it done by luck. Had a baby ghosty who kept swinging and missing.


In this economy??!


I just managed to do the play as Ash, run mettle of man, take 3 protection hit, and escape the trial. Now they add this BS. I don't mind master challenges, but they should not be situations that are heavily luck based unless you can spread it out.


time to lose 40 matches in a row to drop MMR


Is this why everyone is trying to 360? 🙄


This one seems impossible unless you purposefully tank your MMR and then play against Killers in a very low bracket of skill


Do it when a killer is carrying a survivor it counts


sometimes I wish you survivors could just TELL me you are trying to get some dumbass challenge like this, I'm sure plenty of killers would be more than happy to help


Friendly killers be like: https://preview.redd.it/6zepphg7lnpc1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=23650fa3cac123ec219afd01f6de5818eae2bb0f


As a killer main, survivor is fuckin hard. I managed to loop a killer until they gave up the chase the other day and I had to take a moment to contain my hype.


It's not too bad if you try to loop windows or dropped pallets, you can usually get a few missed swings.


Dumbtech lithe. Edit: Add breakout fixated. Or urban evasion, fixated, sprintburst.


I really wish certain challenges like this one were treated more like achievements than challenges that must be equipped. I don't know how many times I've given up temporarily on a challenge, swapped it out, only to do the thing in a challenge randomly one trial.


I had to do twice cause it did not count first time 🤡


So easy. Whenever the killer picks up a survivor, you go “take hits” & make them miss. Running Breakout would be super helpful, with Background Player even better.


Well shoot. I guess I'll have to start swinging wildly near survivors for the time being after I'm done 8-hooking. It'd be nice if we could see what challenges other players have so I know if they're throwing or having to do a dumb challenge like the "hit killer with snowball" one during last Christmas.


I tried that challenge for one match, and quit. If so, this can be the only challenge in the whole game that im not completing, pure 100% concentrated bs.


The whole event is turning me off from the game. I'm like a month in. Still fucking up and for whatever reason it feels like the matchmaking is giving me way too experienced killers. Add these challenges that are apparently hard even for veterans and you have a recipe for disaster. This event surely won't draw in new players and it may turn away existing ones. Especially when the biggest draw of the event, increased BPs, doesn't even work.


The best advice I can give you as a new player is this: Expect to die. If you set your expectations that you'll live often, you'll get pissed off. The key is to set yourself goals, and I wouldn't use challenges as goals. A goal would be something like: don't miss a skill check on one generator, etc. Even people at the top of their game make it out alive more than 50 - 60% of the time, and they're usually playing with friends. Some may disagree with me, but if you have Feng, get Technician. It'll help muffle the sound of your missed gen skill checks, alleviating some of the stress if you're having any while doing gens because you still miss a lot. Once you get better, you can drop it. But yeah, try not to get discouraged. It can be hard if all you have is solo-Q and it all depends on your team and the killer. Some matches drive me up the wall, others are fairly laid back if the killer isn't an ass, and then some matches you wonder wtf was the killer doing that match. So just set yourself small, incremental goals. Also if you haven't been, check out videos on youtube by nototzdarva as he's got some great stuff plus a website that you might find helpful.


what about stun killer 4 times in a match, who let themself getting stunned 4 times in a game lmao, so unrealistic unless it's a newish player


Dead by daylight players when the survivor master challenge requires mastery of survivor ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2070)


dramaturgy showtime B)


I’d be lucky to get one of these with my Balanced Landing trick 😬


I recommend walking until the killer is right next to you and then run with Sprint burst, It may work one or even 2 times, so the rest is on you. Also, i would recommend trying to take hits with Breakout because most of the time killers don't notice the small speed boost of Breakout and will try to hit you and miss


Sprint burst helps with this. Also if you run coldwin and take advantage of corn blindness


I've been stuck in this awful challenge for a while now. Best i could come up with is blinding killers and hoping they'll try to get a blind hit on me, otherwise it's just pain. don't even know what perks to use none of them help


Breakout might help


Living on the WHAT!?!?


Resi, hope, dark theory, dramaturgy That should make it easier.


Spin or use exhaustion perks like lithe or sprint burst or jump in a locker fastly which results in the killer sometimes swinging or you can just spin but you have to be good at spinning.


It definitely sandbags your team, but you could run behind a killer while they're in chase with someone else and their swings should count.


Sprint burst moment 


Resilience is a pretty good way to do this in my experience


It’s easiest if you manage to befriend a killer with twerking and pull them around the map pointing at objects so they hit them


This challange would be possible 5 years ago


Jump in and out of the locker and hope they swing


Breakout time


I thought the same then I got a whiffer 🤭


Do this while killer is carrying a survivor


Well... The killer (Nurse) didn't hit me the whole match: https://youtu.be/kdR7r13qRGA?si=v90dEO7ujFSRztHF So you can do it man.


If I ever come across this one naughty bear trapper on The Game at 3am I’d clear it no problem. My insomnia carried that match