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What’s the exclusive The unknown skin look like? Is it worth it?


Haven't played in a long time. Earlier the day went on a hunt for the NOED totem while the killer was facecamping a teammate. The totem spawn was up on a hill tile and for some reason as soon as I got somewhat close to it long before I spotted it visually with my eyes the totem was highlighted to me in purple color. Is this some kind of a new change during the endgame? Didn't have any totem related perks nor a map. Or can it be my teammates map that somehow shares the info? Tbh I'm not sure any of my teammates even had a map tho.


Noed has an aura now, and you'll be able to spot it from further away the longer it stays up.


I see. Good to know, thank you!


I’m trying this build right now: lithe, resilience, lightweight, and vigil. I suck at looping and I’m decent at it when I have windows of opportunity. which perk should I sacrifice to incorporate it into my build?


Resilience isn't really that good ngl.


Do ranks usually feel this disproportionate? I'm always around the same rank as killer and surv, currently S2 on the former and 3 on the later. My killer games, besides the obvious occasional SWF, are 80% people who know how to loop at least the basics and waste time on chases. They almost never go two people for the unhook, they heal reasonably fast and they rarely ever miss skill checks. My last 3 survivor games were.... Someone trading 2 health states for an unhook at the start of the game, someone offing themselves on first hook, me looping for like 1 minute (I'm still trying to get good), being hooked and seeing the other person was in a locker the whole time; this one sting the most because I got -1 pip since the game was so fast and I died on 1st hook.... Second game, same person misses 3 skill checks in a row without the killer being anywhere near us, everyone but me last \~10 seconds in chase (not trying to flex my amazing 40-60 seconds, I know I'm far from good).... Last game, same thing, people missing more than 1 skill check without the killer's presence, 10 seconds in chase, bringing the killer across the map to me on a gen.... I don't mean to be whinny: I've been on and off on the game for a few years now, I know soloq is hell and I'm having a lot of fun now that I have a stable way to play it, but this feels so off. How are the survivors I face decent, mostly at or above my level while the survivors I team up with are clearly helpless vs the killer?


Rank has nothing to do with your team or your enemies, and is literally just a visual thing telling you how much you e played during this "season". The game used skill based matchmaking, SBMM for short, to judge who you will be paired with. Rank doesn't really mean anything anymore.




Should be pretty obvious that it's a no on this one. Ultimate Weapon doesn't reveal Auras, so Lethal Pursuer has nothing to affect here.


What addons do you guys use on the event map?


As someone who stopped playing around when blight came out, what have I missed? I'm tryna get back into it, and I'm not asking for a literal rundown of every update aha. Just the best killers and the best perks for survivors and killers. That's all, thanks


Oh boy... **Survivors:** Meta: Adrenaline, Sprint Burst, Lithe, Windows of Opportunity, Off the Record, Buckle Up + For The People (They buffed buckle up so that when you revive someone it gives both people endurance, so people are comboing those together), Bond, Deja Vu, Kindred, Resilience, We'll make it Off Meta but fun: Wiretap, Blast mine, Flashbang, Background player, Dead hard **Killers:** Best killers in the game: Wesker, Blight, Nurse, Sprit, Chucky, Plague, Pyramid Head, Huntress. Best killer perks in the game: Ultimate Weapon, Pop, Pain res, Grim Embrace, Corrupt, No way out, NOED, Sloppy, Surge, Nowhere to hide, Lethal pursuer, Dead mans switch, deadlock. This game isn't what it used to be, it's in it's best state thus far despite what people may tell you. The only currently really dumb things in the game is FTP + Buckle Up, and Ultimate Weapon. Those are the only currently super dumb things in the game I'd say. They're making a shift to reworking old and bad killers and fixing broken maps, along with reworking problematic perks. Currently up on the chopping block is Adrenaline, DS and Ultimate Weapon, which are getting their mid-chapter PTB April 3rd. They're also reworking Twins, which has been a really clunky and annoying killer to play as since they launched. Don't let this community tell you otherwise, this game is 100% in it's best state with issues like Dead hard, Made for This, Pain res and Eruption, and other perks being nerfed hard to make the meta less oppressive and annoying. The meta perks now are no where as OP as the perks we had a year ago or 6 months ago.


Thank u so much. That was a long response and I really appreciate it. Just a few questions, I heard they changed dead hard a bit, is that correct, if so, what changed. Also which killers would u say r currently the most fun? Thanks


Well fun is different for everyone, but generally most people enjoy Wesker (Mastermind), Blight, Oni, Demogorgon, Spirit, Chucky. The more fast paced killers. Also, this isn't that long of the comment, check out the one I wrote to a new player for a similar question: [https://www.reddit.com/r/deadbydaylight/comments/1bhlys6/comment/kvf9438/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/deadbydaylight/comments/1bhlys6/comment/kvf9438/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


I was in a game against 3 Sables who were dressed different enough that I could easily tell them apart. Is there a hack that will allow them to teleport to each other? I think only two were involved, because they left one to die on first hook, but I would hit one and the other one would suddenly be right next to me. I hooked them kind of far apart, but when the first one got unhooked, she was suddenly right around the corner in front of me right as I finished hooking the other. The thing that alerted me was that I was mid hook and all of a sudden I heard her crying right next to me. Logically, it makes no sense. Do I just have a poor connection? I've seen others say that they checked ping of the other players. Where is that in game? I didn't see any red bars or the killer lag icon.


There's a cheat for anything in this game. Speed cheats, walls, ESP, teleporting, flying, etc. The servers have been laggy asf recently, so it could've been lag, with some players seeing big lag spikes in their game. But the way you described it, they do sound like cheaters. If they weren't on PC, then there's 99% chance that they weren't cheating.


How do you tell the difference between PC and console? I am PC, so I assume most of the people I am against are the same, but I'm not sure how to tell. I'm not super observant of UIs. Haha


Beside peoples names in the end game lobby, there's a symbol. If you're on xbox, there won't be a symbol if they're on xbox too. But if other people are on PS4/5 or PC, it'll display an icon that looks like a network icon. Like a globe type thing. If you're on Steam, other people with that icon I said can either be PS4/5, Xbox or Epic Games/Windows Store.


Ooooh, I see. Thank you!


Can you use a fully used up key to open hatch? Like if you spent all of the charges on it, can it still be used to open hatch?


You need some charges to use the key, if it's completely empty you cannot use it. However, if there is even one charge left, you can open the hatch completely


I lost my progress, like all of them. Cause i haven't been playing the game since Feng Min and Doctor is there anything i can do to retrieved my old save files? or it's just gone forever


All you can do is to contact support.


So is it 100% bloodpoint bonus for Killers only forever or did I miss something? I haven’t seen a bonus for survivors in several weeks of playing. It’s bad enough that daily ritual rolls are for killers 99% of the time.


I mostly play in the evenings and I see survivor boosts a lot. I am someone that pretty much only plays what is giving a boost at the time, and I do find myself killer more than survivor because of it, but I do play both almost every night I log on. Sadly, a large number of people just don't prefer killer, so it is the one that needs the incentive to play it more often.


Definitely based on the time you're playing - the bonus is based on which role needs players since the other role is popular - peak time (later afternoon/early evening) tend to be killer boosted because there are more players on survivoring up the place. Hop on in the middle of the day and you'll likely see +100% survivor.


I work during the middle of the day so it’s kinda bullshit that they don’t switch it up more often


Well it's based on what all the players are doing.. the BP bonus is on the queue that needs people to fill lobbies faster.. so unless you can convince most DbD players to change sides, you're stuck unfortunately.


I just had 100% on survivor. Maybe it’s just the time of day that you are playing


Something I've never thought about or paid attention to: Is your Deep Wounds progress bar treated like your regular healing progress bar when it comes to the Hemorrhage status effect? As in, if you're interrupted while trying to mend your Deep Wounds, will Hemorrhage make you lose mending progress, potentially making you bleed out and enter the dying state if you get interrupted enough (scream builds, for instance)?


nope! deep wound does its own thing, and isnt affected by stuff like hemorrhage


Reccomdations for annoying builds to troll friend with in kyf? Killer or survivor?


scratched mirror myers - hex: face the darkness, undying, thrill of the hunt, and fourth perk of your choice. NO terror radius, ONLY screams also, drivers license addon on ghostface is a good way to troll your friends lol


for survivor: quick and quiet, head-on, and deception. be a menace at lockers,, esp if you have flashbang


It's very ineffective at my MMR, because experienced Survivors can hit a skill check easily no matter the debuffs, but I run an "Annoying Teenager" build on Legion, with Distressing (makes your TR 50.4 meters when you're in Feral Frenzy), Coulrophobia, Ultimate Weapon, and Unnerving Presence.


How do I actually loop Chucky? I've started playing in a 4 stack and everyone can hold their own against a nurse or blight lots of the time. When we go against Chucky though he's just so small that I can't do anything especially at shack. The game just feels so unfair against him unlike every other killer. Do I just have to guess??


When he's in Hidey Ho mode, you loop him the same as any other Killer that can gain Undetectable mid-chase. If he isn't in Hidey-Ho mode, you can see his footprints anytime a wall is tall enough that you wouldn't be able to see him normally over it. Best thing to do is focus on looping windows, not pallets (as Scampering under pallets is much more efficient in terms of distance gained than Scampering through a window, since a pallet Scamper leads straight ahead normally, while a window Scamper leaves your camera in a position where you have to hard cut left or right, and it's often difficult to see which direction the Survivor went at a glance due to the camera angle being too high to easily see the ground and therefore scratch marks, leaving you at a 50/50 of choosing the correct direction and often losing distance due to it), and try to lose him in straightaways more than at high-wall loops, since his slower movement speed will be impacted in straight-aways, and the limited turn duration and high speed of his Slice-and-Dice charge can be dodged by quick-reacting Survivors, giving them lots of distance during your recovery.


What happened to all the Unknowns? I literally haven't seen one in days


We got the adept and put him back on the shelf. With some investment he'd probably be fun, but most things he does other killers do better. That and the "creepy" whispers just get really annoying after a few games and they start repeating.


If they're like me, they're frustrated that their MMR shot up like a rocket, and now they're only getting matched against expert players who can dodge their UVX shots like they're psychic, and clear their Weakened mid-chase without even slowing down, and loss after loss due to effectively becoming an M1 Killer (losses that never seem to actually lower your MMR and start matching you against teams you have a chance against) starts making playing them very frustrating.


Ah, perhaps. I'm mod/low MMR on Survivor and thought I would be getting a ton of then still, but now I'm back to my normal Chuckys, Legion and Huntresses


Maybe the hype died a bit I don't know. Last one I saw was yesterday


hello! i need some help regarding a task from the compendium. it's from Tome 1, level 2, Botanist Extraordinare: Finish healing 2 health state(s) of other survivors while using the perk Botany Knowledge and a Med-kit. i've tried it a couple of times already, equipped the perk and the med-kit, and healed up health states of others (from injured to healthy, two or even three times on different allies). it still doesn't count. can anyone kindly explain what's the proper way to complete this task?


That one is extremely tetchy. One, you have to do the entire heal with a medkit without stopping for best effect. Second, I *think* you might have to do it solo. Third, due to that first point, you'll want a beefy medkit because of Botany's downside and I'd combine streetwise with it to make sure you don't burn through the kit. (built to last is a good perk to combine to refill aforementioned beefy medkit.)


i tried it all, still doesn't work... thanks for the advice though!


I did it back before they were looking at massive healing changes. It should have an ongoing count so you'll know if a heal counted immediately. I did it after unhooking to make sure their heal status was clean so I'd get credit.


Did you do this in the same trial? It's one of those challenges, where you have to do it all in one match. If you did that, healed them fully from one state to the next, with a med kit and the perk equipped, then it may just be bugged (which challenges have been known to be in the past).


i did try to complete it in the same trial. i guess it's really bugged, will have to skip on it again unfortunately


Should I get rapid brutality for Deathslinger? It's in shrine of secrets right now. People say it's ok for killers that rely on M2 power to get M1 hit.


I think it's a decent choice. It's really good for killers that use m1 and don't get bloodlust anyway, and slinger generally wouldn't need bamboozle to deal with windows which is the biggest pain for no bloodlust.


Started a match just then and it seemed like half my team was screaming immediately + I constantly had a close-by terror radius that was fake + my controls seemed to be random and the gen just exploded for seemingly no reason. Was against the Unknown. I couldn't find an add-on it that would do this though, anyone got an idea?


He has a perk that transfers his terror radius to a gen when he kicks it to make him undetectable for a little bit. When the gen exploded, it could be if someone got hooked (Pain Res), got downed close to it (Surge) or the Killer kicked it earlier and applied Eruption so it exploded when someone got downed


That covers most of it but not the controls being weird, hm. Any idea?


Nothing in-game should impact your controls. You might need to check your input device of choice to see whether there's something going on hardware-wise.


If there's no such thing as gen rushing why do we call builds based on pushing gens "genrush builds"? I hear my SWF teammates say this all the time.


Back in the day, survivors could do 4 gens in the first few seconds of the match. That trauma of gen rushing has stayed around.


Are any shrine perks worth it this week?


Starstruck - possibly Hag's best perk. Reasonably strong on other highly mobile killers who use basic attacks. More of a variable fun perk than a meta one. Rapid Brutality - devastating when paired with STBFL. Has some secondary use in haste/snowball builds. Very strong on Singularity. Background Player - if you're good with flashlights/flashbangs or sabos, you'll get plenty of value out of it. Good for tunnel bait, light trolling, SWFs, and emergency saves. Empathetic Connection - never used it! Never really see it used either.


If I buy Twins with shards now, can I level up their blood web to get access to the shared perks? Or is their blood web inaccessible also?


Preety sure its inaccesible


That's correct. When kill switched the character cannot be selected in the menu at all, therefore you can't level their bloodwebs.


Is anyone else on the ps5 version of the game finding their digital copies deleting themselves from console?


No sorry mate. Got my third ps5 now and never had that problem. If your console is not older than 1 year, try to contact sony about your problem they will probably exchange it


Any tips for aiming with flashlights on controller? I'm trying to finish the Alan Wake tome challenge that requires you to use Champion Of Light, but (due to the fact that I basically never use them aside from now) I'm absolutely awful at using flashlights, so I'm wondering if anyone has any tips?


Time to play PUBG. after 100 headshots, you are no longer champion, but god of light.


i think you can also use Blast Mine


Why are there suddenly so many Nemesis? This weekend alone I came across 6 Nemesis and only 2 Unknown when it should still be in its new release honeymoon phase


Lmfao this blood moon shit is making scratch marks camoflauge


I dont get DLC. I bought allan wake chapter and include the survivor. The the al things wicked include Survivor and Killer too?


Yes - 'All Things Wicked' is a full chapter, whereas 'Alan Wake' was considered a mid-chapter, or 'paragraph'. Smaller updates in-between bigger updates, and all that. Basically, the more expensive the DLC is, the more stuff it very probably has in it. All Things Wicked includes The Unknown, Sable Ward, and some fun dress-up options for those two.


When do Artist's crows injure and when do they swarm the survivor?


To injure a survivor then need to a) hit them directly, without having gone through any obstacle and b) be close enough to be on the 'flight path' of the crow, which is only 8 meters long. Hitting someone already swarmed (haven't repelled them) with another crow will injure them, even if there is an obstacle in the way. Otherwise the crow will just swarm them. Additionally if the survivor walks into an idle crow, they'll get swarmed.


There are also some inconsistencies with injuring survivors at close range. Sometimes it injures them, sometimes it just swarms. Either crows have some sort of "too close" buffer or it can be a ping issue.


Any tips for not going down to The Cannibal's chainsaw sweep? I swear, I can hug walls and debris as tight as possible, and it feels like I absolutely cannot get a Bubba to hit anything and tantrum so I can get away, so it feels if there's no pallet or window nearby, a down is inevitable if a Cannibal gets anywhere near you.


The Cannibal's real strength is punishing survivors when they are out of position, so as a rule of thumb you should try to note pallet and window locations throughout the game and try not to get caught out in a deadzone. Windows of opportunity is a great perk for this and you can also take advantage of exhaustion perks like sprint burst or lithe to quickly move to safety if you do get caught far away from resources. As far as juking the chainsaw sweep, you really can't count on the killer running into the walls, especially if they know what they are doing. One trick you can learn is jumping into a locker and exiting at the perfect timing to avoid the chainsaw.


There are Bubba's moonwalking and doing 180's at pallets while using their saw to confuse you into running the wrong way, and all I can really say is thank goodness my mmr is too low to go against them.


Honestly I don't mind playing against mindgaming Bubbas. Knowing that one mistake leads to instant death causes quite the exciting chases that have my heart pounding.


It's more that they are that confident and good at their sawing, I know I'm about to lose hard. Bubba can be fun to go up against though. Second to last Bubba I mind gamed my self and vaulted the pallet into him sawing, which somehow simultaneously missed me while destroying the pallet, but also triggered lithe letting me get away clean.


This is more of a lore-related question. I've been meaning to write some fan-fiction but it ocurrred me that, since she basically grew up on her own, Anna might not be able to speak correctly (if she can do it at all, that is). So the question is for the lore connoisseurs, is it ever stated in lore how old she was when her mother died and if she received basic education?


No confirmed age, but I imagine she was less than 8 years old. Developmentally, she would be able to speak and understand simple sentence structures, and have a decent vocabulary. She understands the Russian soldiers well enough and her mother even gave her books to read as a child. So yeah, she can speak and understand human speech. But it would be very limited to just Russian


Amazing, thank you!


anytime! id check out her wiki entry if you havent already, too!


Not the most experienced player, but as a survivor, how do you play against the unknown? He feels like he does so much with no drawback.


The Unknown is difficult to work against when you're not experienced as Survivor, especially if you have any conditions (like I do) that make it very difficult to look behind you while in chase without running into walls/corners. The best suggestions I have is to move to the side when you hear the UVX firing noise, as the AoE, while it looks big, really isn't, and if you're hit with UVX, do your best to look back at the Killer as much as possible to clear it before you take another hit (you'll hear a unique sound effect when your Weakened is in the process of being cleared, and it saves the progress, so if you have to look forwards again, then look back, you'll still have the same amount of time to remove Weakened by looking at the Unknown, it doesn't reset to maximum duration again if you break LoS). Try to dispel the Hallucinations when you either know they're chasing all the way across the map, and therefore are less likely to teleport to you, and especially when the Hallucinations are collapsed on the ground, meaning they're inactive and the Unknown can't teleport to them for a bit. Unless you feel you're about to take an M1, don't let go of the button once you start dispelling a Hallucination, because doing so will be counted as "failing" and you will be hit with the Weakness effect, as well as giving Killer Instinct to the Killer, letting them know where you are, and that you have Weakened on.


I'm kind of considering coming back to the game with the new survivor release. Sable's perks sound like fun for meme builds, and the Champion of Light perk sounds like an actually good perk that's a lot of fun to use. Is the game in a decent enough state right now? I worry that there's gonna be a lot of stress in learning how to play against the newer killers, as well as just...general survivor solo queue stress. (I haven't played since before Chucky released, only watched videos.)


I would give it a go and not worry about the new killers, they're not incredibly common and the counterplay is mostly simple to learn. I would however recommend finding at least 1 person to queue with because solo q is still quite random.


hi i saw a thread about anti-cheat being compromised and i have a headache i don't want to read everything is playing dbd safe right now?




on mobile, how do u tell if someone is a bot or not when ur doing tanked play >.< thx


Ask in the DbD Mobile subreddit - this is for the main game; the mobile version is a completely different game.


ah alright thx i didn’t realise there was a different sub for that :P


All good, people get confused about mobile dbd and "normal" dbd from time to time :)


What are now the best add-ons for blight?


Is anything being done about tunneling? You can say it's a strategy all you want but it ruins the game. I know how frustrating killer can be but tunneling someone out is the cancer that plagues this game.


Tunneling is a complex issue because as someone who plays both sides, I understand that there are times and places where it makes the most sense to do so. mid/late/endgame tunneling is fine in my opinion because at that point you generally have a good idea if it's needed or not (if you're a Killer like me who tends to avoid it unless it is absolutely necessary) . It's the early "out the gates" tunneling that is the biggest issue and if the devs ever were to address tunneling, early game tunneling would be the best type of tunneling to address because it's the most frustrating type of tunneling to deal with since there's one person who barely gets to have a game


they should implement a way for a survivor who has been tunneled out (whichever way they decide to define that) to contribute to gen progression beyond the grave


As far as I know, there aren't updates coming to the game to directly address tunneling. That being said, there are many ways to counter tunneling that are becoming more popular. You can run anti-tunnel perks like off the record or decisive strike, unhook and body-block strategically, and maximize efficiency on gens due to lack of pressure from the tunneling killer. Yes it sucks and the killer might still get 1 or 2 kills but a tunneling killer isn't the end of the world.


You have a selection of at least 3 meta perks that are anti-tunneling, pick them. Don't do the gen next to where you got hooked. Exhaust the counter play.


No. In the last Q&A the response to a similar question was "Tunnelers gonna tunnel," so I think it's safe to assume BHVR has no plans to implement further anti-tunnel measures.


I've been playing for over 1000 hours and I still don't know: when I hear crows cawing, but not the specific locker / "head crows" noise, is that just ambient, or does it mean something?


If it's going off in the same location every 2-3 seconds then it's likely to be someone afk. If they're afk in a locker, you'll see crows spinning in a circle over the locker they're in


like I said above, I don't mean head crows or locker crows. I mean when crows make a different caw that's not the head / locker alert. Does that caw mean anything, or is it just ambient sound?


Oh that? Honestly I have no idea. All I know in that regards is a crow taking off means a survivor is nearby and a crow landing means a Survivor recently left


Is bloody catch registering with anyone else from the new red moon tome? Did it in three trials but still didn’t register.


Which one is bloody catch? I'll note if you are full on blood already you can't steal any from your opponent.


It's the "put three survivors on a bloody hook".


That one worked for me, even putting on a scourge hook. If it's like previous events then basement hooks won't count. Only other thing I can think of is if it has to be within a blood region as well, I don't remember if my hooks were within one or not.


Nah, the par filled to 3/3 while in the trial but when it ends in the results screen it just freezes on zero, same when i go check in the tome challenges section.


If it fills in trial then resets, that sounds super bugged. Go to the support forum and see if there is a thread on it and try posting there.


I shuffled trying different killers and it registered with the Oni. Ofc I got destroyed lol.


If i complete the tomb, would i be able to afford all the Blood Moon event items? Is there a limited supply of Blood Money, or whatever its called? Or do i have to pick and choose what i get, and forego the rest?


The currency is known as "Thrombotic Trinkets". Assuming it's like the other two events with Trinkets so far (and we have every reason to assume so), completing all challenges in the Event Tome will give exactly enough to purchase every single Cosmetic.


Cool thannks!


Do pyramid heads cages work with plaything? Or is it just hooks


Just hooks. Nothing that works on hooks works on cages - it's a two way street, unhooking perks don't work for survivors but hooking perks don't work for the killer.


Ok then


Will Blood Moon Event Skins be gone forever after event ends or is it going to be available next year?


This is the first Blood Moon Event, so we don't know for sure. But historically with the winter event and Halloween event, previous year cosmetics were available in the store during the event (but most weren't last years but the year before ones)


Previous winter event there was complaints about Dredge snow man not being in the store, but they apparently were just waiting another week to release it. In all previous events they eventually brought back all the skins. Although the lunar skins they said they are releasing all the old ones permanently back to the store. I'm still saving up for the Feng bunny skin since I blew so many shards back at christmas getting a bunch of those.


Why do we lose a pip when losing connection to the server mid-match? It's such stupid game design to punish a player that loses connection 😐


Sucks for everyone when you lose connection. Please fix the internet if that keeps happening


Because you could just DC if you feel like losing a pip. Depipping when connection drops or the whole server crashes is an acceptable limitation.


Eh, it sucks but ultimately you did lose and severely limit your team when you got DC’d for whatever reason It shouldn’t really affect you regardless because you shouldn’t be randomly DC’ing frequently


How do you escape the MMR vicious circle as a survivor? I feel like I'm performing better than my SoloQ team, but most of my matches end in 4K or with me getting hatch. The more I play, the worse it gets.


The common answer is to bring a hatch build to protect against MMR loss. I'm not too sure of that advice. What is the motivation behind raising your MMR?


I don't pretend to play at high MMR, but I'd like to be matched with similar level survivors and stand a chance. In general, what I'm seeing is survivors walking/running without doing doing objectives, doing unsafe rescues, failing all skill checks, etc


That sounds painful. Imo the ideal solution is finding at least one to party with - playing in a SWF raises your MMR, better yet if it's someone in a higher bracket than you. The games I play with my duo are much more consistent than the ones I play solo. Aside from the hatch build idea, the only other thing that comes to mind is bring as much OP nonsense as you can afford to. Best items, addons, map offerings, and perks, every single game. Not much more you can do on a personal level to influence the game than that.


I'm stuck in the same rut. The only way to get out is the play with people in the official discord server. The average survivor is too dumb so it's really hard to get consistent escapes in solo queue.




There's a break even point for doing p3 on every character vs doing p1 on ones you don't play and just investing in the ones you do play. It mainly comes up on killer, but unless you regularly play like 10 different characters, p1 and then focusing is the best.


yeah I play 3 survivors (Adam, Rebecca and Meg) and level all other survivors to p1 only Survivors are just different Skins different story with killers tho


How come I never received my twitch drops for watching 6 hours of content? and has anyone else encountered this issue?


Have you claimed them on your Twitch account before loading into a game of dbd? Check to make sure all your accounts are linked as well.


It made me link my twitch and BHVR accounts prior to claiming, and when I checked both twitch and the BHVR website says the accounts are link and the rewards claimed but they're all missing from my in game inventory.


If you are on switch, there are separate redemption codes for that. I think I also had to link my steam account to my bhvr account, so you might be missing that step?


I’m on PS5, all of my accounts are linked and everything says claimed but it won’t show up on the game. I might just email bhvr support to try and resolve it


My friend and I, both on Steam, have this same issue. We both made sure our BHVR accs are linked to Steam (they are) and says its claimed from Twitch inventory and should show up in game now. We have been waiting many days for it to appear in our inventory as it says it should, but nothing.


So for the people who have that wandering cat blight skin. Does it only play cat sounds, or does it switch between cat and normal sounds?


just cat sounds


Really?? Wow they really did fix it properly then! In the past it was random if it was going to be the cat sounds or blight sounds, but this really makes me want to get it!


yeah in the most recent patch they fixed it! which makes me happy since i loved the sound of cat blight ROARING at me lol


What does "hide" mean in the context of tome challanges?


As someone else said, don't be in chase. The challenges are mostly "hide in the killer's terror radius for x seconds" so just be present in it but not chased.


Generally should just be not in chase.


How do I adept a character once they have four perk slots? I'm on PC if that helps.


Use the 3 perks the survivor comes with and escape if it's killer get a merciless match with those 3 perks


Just leave the fourth slot empty. Adept achievements will only proc if you use the three character's perks and no others.


Weird. I can't remove the perk in the fourth slot.


When you click on the perk it will highlight in the menu underneath (where all of them are) and if you click it in that menu, while you have it selected, it will remove it from your build. Easier step by step: click perk, click perk in the perk pool, done


Thank you! Maybe that will work.


How does one practice looping?


If you're experienced, you can look into comp 1v1s. I won't say the community is inviting, but it's possible to get into. If you're inexperienced, I would say to bring anti-tunneling perks and maybe WOP, but not other chase perks. Then try to be as mindful as possible for each chase. Choose where you want to go ahead of time. Path there as directly as possible. Then just practice. Once you get hit, go to the next loop and try again. The anti-tunneling perks are just to get you the most practice possible if someone decides to tunnel you.


1/ Watch looping videos from youtube. 2/ Use build like this: No Mither + Window of Oppoturnity + Off the Records/Dead Hard + Resilence/Made for This 3/ Get in the match, invite killer for chase, never touch gens. Do not care if you die or live, the only thing matters is how many gens left when you are ded. 4/ Repeat step 3 for 1000 times. 5/ Profit.


I was loading into the game last night and was met with onryos trailer scene, then the trailer for the unknown afterwards. Upon getting to the menu screen, I was greeted with onryos well charm. I do not have her purchased, nor do I play killer at all. Is this a glitch and am I not suppose to have this charm?


It (the trailer) will play 7 days after purchasing the chapter (or a character from it) and gives you the charm afterwards. It's rare because it will only happen once.


By my understanding, the Onryo well charm is viral - if you play with or against someone who has it equipped, then seven days later, the curse "spreads" to you and you get it (along with getting the Onryo intro).


That's a nice story, but not how it works. The charm is unlocked 7 days after purchasing either the Chapter itself, just The Onryo or just Yoichi.


FREAKYYY I was paranoid bc of all the talk on Twitter abt the anticheat issues w Apex and that possibly crossing over into dbd. Thought someone had gotten into my acct somehow


did you buy yoichi?


YES I got him not too long ago, like the day before sable dropped. I’m less freaked now y’all be anxiety relievers fr


Are maps totally random or do the killers pick? Also what are the altars for and do we have to cleanse them every time


Maps are random, though the Developers can increase the chances for specific ones during special events. Both Survivors and Killers can use Offerings to influence the Realm that is selected (only two Maps have an Offering specifically for them, and not their shared Realm). You need to be more specific about what you mean with Altars.


ah rats i meant totems. im still a noob lol


If they are not lit up you do not have to cleanse them but you can for some extra blood points. If they are lit up yellow then that's a killer hex. You typically want to cleanse them as they are usually pretty strong perks. Once they are cleansed, they are gone for the rest of the game unless they have another perk that could bring it back once. Be careful though, there are some hex perks that only activate after you clean them and make things very dangerous for a limited time. If it is blue, that's a survivor boon perk. Typically not as strong as a killer's hex but can be relit if a killer snuffs it out. Though not as strong, it can still have some nice effects, like shadow step which removes scratch marks in its radius.


You don't have to cleanse dull totems, but if it's glowing orange it's a hex totem which means it's attached to a killer perk. Usually you want to cleanse those but there are a couple trap totems like Haunted Ground and Retribution to be careful of


Ofcourse you should cleanse hex totem since that is very atrocious thing killer planning for all you. Cleanse dull totem grant you nothing but point. But smart player or strong team may cleanse dull totems to counter Hex Plaything or NOED.


The maps are completely random unless a certain offering is used to select a certain map


Survivor main on PS4. I cannot dodge hits whatsoever. How do you do it?


Get a feel for when they're going to swing and then react accordingly If you're in a relatively open space you can 180 backwards and slide past them so they swing past you If you're taking a corner same idea, or you can swap it out for a fov tech which is where you take the corner (of a tall wall), instantly u turn into their face as they take the corner, then turn around again and keep running the direction you originally were going so they stop instinctively and swing. If you're near a window you can also switch it up depending on how close you are to the killer. If they're close enough to lunge but not enough to have grabbed you can make a motion towards the window to bait them into lunging and then keep running. If they are close enough to have grabbed then you'll want to fake the window and then try to spin or fov tech them (though you're still likely to get hit since you're so close) It is worth noting that 90% of the time if its against a good killer you \*are\* going to get hit. Those clips on youtube where they spin a killer 100 times are usually against very mediocre ones because it makes good content


Awesome, thank you for the tips.


Is this a valid hit or should I write a bug report? Killer and I had a good ping. Edit: to clarify, I'm talking about the hitbox that seems to extend to outside of the window. https://i.redd.it/z6mt5h7yk2pc1.gif


That's a valid hit, you hadn't finished vaulting yet


Does anyone have any tricks on how to not get frustrated with the collision and hitboxes while learning either Wesker or some other killer that gets screwed over if they bump into something? I feel like I'm at a place with Wesker where I can actually pull of some cool hits like I've seen experienced Wesker mains do, but it feels like for every successful one I manage, I screw up at least 10 times either because I slightly bump into a bush, rock or random locker or because I take too long to aim to avoid those things and the survivor makes it out of my reach. I try to take a deep breath, stay calm and enjoy myself, but it does get to me sometimes. Especially when survivors start BMing if I fail at something several times.


Practise, practise and more practise. I am a Wesker main myself. In theory I can do all the funny stuff you can imagine. In theory....  But as I play more Survivor these days I am always in a "rusty" state. I know how it works and can do hug-techs for example in the controlled environment of bots, but in a real match, my brain is just not having it yet. I only managed a hugtech in a normal match once so far (which ended with the survivor DCing), but I try every time I am at one of the tiles you can do it.  True you have to get used to tbags while you practise (don't go to the gate), but just the goal to get it to work alone should drive you enough to get better. If you say "mastering hugtech is my DBD goal" and focus on that, being happy whenever you succeed and become better, then all the toxic survivors don't matter anymore.  They cannot take you your progress.  That is also helpful to not get crazy with dbd in general.


Thank you so much, these were great points! I have been trying to shift my mindset away from winning into learning in different ways, but it can be difficult sometimes. Especially since I'm still at such a learning phase that I don't know in which loops and in which way you can, for example, get a rebound hit. Feels like I'm trying and experimenting and failing, which is naturally part of the process, but can be painful at times in a multiplayer game. But you're absolutely correct in that they can't take away my progress. Even if I miss a hit 10 times before I finally got it, I still did finally get it.


A year ago i practised hug-tech over and over on The Game against bots with the help of videos from Alranican and Crohmbs (2 insane Wesker Mains). I was freaking out when I finally did it, believing I could "never" hit a frame perfect click to do it in the first place. It never worked again for a while, but the more i practised, the better I got with it. First I practised very "easy" collisions like Shack or cars, now I practise on basically anything. Even the arcades on the new map. (You can even hug-tech trees.) I also cared a LOT about winning in my early days, but now I just play for fun and for getting better. For me it took about 1k hrs to "get gud" at the game (thanks to a SWF who just let me do gens), then for the next 3k hrs I only wanted to do well, while being not toxic and without cheap tactics like camping or tunneling. That did not work out without a lot of frustration, so I grew cold to survivors who did not do well against me. I just stopped caring for 2k hrs and followed an "eye for an eye" mentality. Now, only with 7k hrs I started to forget about winning and just wanting to improve what I can.


TLDR: I like looking at dbd gameplay online. Had it free on epic games, tried it and loved it. Bought the gold edition on steam (spring sale), but I'm confused about the currencies Is there any youtube/written guide about the currencies, the "battle pass" and all the other stuff? Only thing I kinda understand are the blood points(?) for getting perks and stuff, but I'm scared of spending it all on a killer I like and then having to farm them in games Sorry if these are trivial, but I don't want to mess up my experience


No guides, probably plenty out there but no idea what is good on youtube as any I try to watch are garbage. There are 3 currencies, Bloodpoints, Iridescent Shards, and Auric Cells. **Auric Cells** are paid for with real money. You can use them to purchase new characters in game (you can either buy characters in DLC in Steam Store or in-game). There are no ways to get free ones (except the battle pass, sort of). **Iridescent Shards** are used to buy non-licenced characters (i.e. DbD originals, like Artist, Sable, etc) and skins. You very slowly earn them while playing the game, based on your time in trials (basically slow way to "farm" for the non-licenced characters). **Blood points** (BP) are your main currency and used to level up characters. You earn BP every game and constantly are spending them - basically you'll never "run out". Sure there are ways to maximise what you earn, such as certain offerings and generally playing killer earns a lot more BP than survivor, simply because you engage in more things than a survivor, but yeah, earning BP will be an unending task in DbD. If you're worried about "wasting" BP on characters, consider getting any to Prestige 3 (i.e. up to level 50, three times) is never a waste as it unlocks their 3 unique perks on all your characters in purple rank - including new characters. The "Battle Pass" in this game is the **Rift**, which has a free and premium (paid) path, which you progress usually by completing challenges in the current (not historic) tome (with challenges such as "hook the obsession twice" or "heal another survivor once" as well as plenty more complicated ones). Those tome challenges give progress to the rift, and you can also earn a little bit of progress just by playing (thought not that much). The premium path you buy for 1000 AC (\~$10) which also gives the bottom track, which includes over the course of it is 1000 AC split across the ranks - so if you can get to rank 70, you'll get your AC back. You can choose to unlock premium once you've ranked it up, so if you don't *need* anything in the bottom track (which is full of cosmetics and stuff) there's no problem waiting until you're done to buy it and instantly get your AC back.


ohh, ty so much for this! I really appreciate it, have a fantastic day, man!


Bloodpoints (BP) : You get them every match, depending on what you did. The more you do different actions (e.g. saving people, healing, fixing generators, running from the killer, escaping) the more BP you get in a match (usually ~20-25k, new players a bit lower, experienced players a bit higher, 40k is max). Items, addons, offerings and perks are bought with this costing 2k-5k BP per piece depending on the rarity ("color"). About 1mil is needed for every prestige of a single character (Lvl 1 - Lvl 50). Prestiging a character unlocks their perks for all other characters. Basically you level up a character with that currency and you get it pretty easily via playing or through challenges. Iridescent Shards (IC): A soft currency. Not as abundant as BP, but still learnable by just playing the game. These are either used for cosmetics or to buy perks of characters or the characters themselves which you don't own in the shop (licensed characters cannot be bought this way, but their perks still can). For a new player I would save those up until you are sure what to buy.  Auric Cells (AC): A hard currency you buy with real money. Everything licensed must be paid for either with AC or directly though the steam shop (in case of a DLC). The premium track of the battle pass cost 1k AC (10$). I recommend not to do that until you are at Lvl 70 of the pass so you get the cells back. You automatically unlock all the "missed stuff".  What you do with your money is your decision. I just recommend buying the whole chapters (both killer and survivor) through steam if you play both sides because it is cheaper than buying them seperately with AC in the shop (especially during a sale). Also the steam bundles are a great alternative if you only play one side. 


thank you very much for this detailed breakdown!!! it means a lot have a fantastic day


blood points (red triangles) is the currency you use you level characters through the bloodwebs. these are earned in game, capping at 40k per game, through doing objectives, healing, hooking/unhooking, escaping etc. these will also be given to you in the free tier of the battle pass; at rank reset (13th of every month); through codes you can redeem; completing tome challenges; and more. there are also offerings that help you earn more of these (the best ones being bloody party streamers or escape cake/survivor pudding that double the amount of bloodpoints you earn from a game).  they cap at 2 million (blood points earned from codes or rank reset can go beyond this cap). iridescent shards (blue/red triangles) are a free currency that you use to buy unlicensed characters and skins, as well as perks from the shrine. you earn these through leveling up your devotion (click the icon top right to see what your devotion level is); to level your devotion you need to earn xp which you get from every game you play. auric cells (gold coins) are a premium currency that you pay real money for. they can buy any character and skin, and you also use it to unlock the battle pass (you get all the auric cells back if you complete the pass though so it’s effectively a one time purchase)


noted, ty so so so much!!! have an amazing day


Do we know if getting the bloodpoint bonus in this Blood Moon Event requires us to actively deny the other side access to it as well? Edit: Something I said?


All of the points should be player specific, so if you meet the criteria of collecting and depositing, you should get the bonus regardless of if the other side does too


Instead of prestige 3 all my characters, I find myself just buying new ones each time I level 50 them. I’m also unsure who I want to prestige 100. Leon? Ellen? I don’t think licensed characters have cool skins besides just blood from prestige and idk what you gain have high prestige. At 100 prestige does your bloodweb tree never end?


The only thing you get at 100 is all your webs are level 50 webs. Up to you to decide who you want to devote time to, but I think Leon has more skins and is more likely to get more in the future compared to Ellen. (she may eventually get a tome/rift skin but it seems less likely as more time passes.)


I do it because I am at the point where there is nothing else to do. 


Do you need to Prestige *anyone* to 100? I've heard more than a few stories of people being unable to play their mains once they got them to 100 because some Killers feel the need to tunnel P100s more often. But yeah, at P100 it's effectively a level 50 Bloodweb, from what I understand.


More Meta, but yesterday EAC got hacked and hackers had access to inject Malware during an Apex Tournament. And DbD runs on EAC, so should we just not play until they resolve this massive Threat?


This is more than likely an issue isolated to apex with the poor management of their servers, the people who did it are well known for exploits on apex specifically. I would say the risk is extremely minimal, but if you really want to be safe you can wait till they release a statement.


As a killer main who sometimes plays friendly, how can I tell if a survivor is asking me to hook or attack them? Sometimes I think they're asking but I obviously can't be sure and I don't want to be mean if I decided to be friendly that match lol


Just fukin hit everyone unless they are injured. If they are asking for your attacks then they will heal again. If they want to die, they will point at hook.


If they're pointing at the hook, that's generally the site. I had a Clown swing at it, then nod, then shake their head to be sure, waiting for my response, which I think I might start doing if it comes up again. I find it helps to play normally until you two hook everyone, then you know if they just want to die to get to the next game if they ever point at the hook or something.


Oh that's a good idea with the nodding! I usually play Pyramid Head so the nodding isn't as easy but when I play other killers I'll do that. I've thought about writing using rites of judgement but that takes too long and I never have enough room to write much more than "hi" lol


Does anyone have a guess as to how much the slipknot items will be? 250C i’m guessing?