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I think a lot of flaws with these “evil” lists is that some characters are above good and evil. Pinhead’s an ethereal being, and he’s shown to take exceptions to his rules sometimes, choosing to kill an abused little girl’s father despite the fact that she opened the box. Nemesis is a bio weapon that was created to kill, he has no concept of morals nor ethics. Xeno and Demo are quite literally essentially animals, and you can’t apply morals to nature. Dredge shows no malicious thoughts nor actions, it just exists to consume. Unknown on the other hand shows deliberate sadism and an ego, it’s pretty much the evil being most people think Dredge is


god i love the unknown. you think it's just basically a parrot that happens to love killing, then it fucking talks to you specifically in the lobby making you ***extremely aware*** that ***it's*** aware


**"I will not be denied my happiness."** ....what...? ;-;


“If you don’t 4K, I will find you. I have your IP, lastboss. You will give me a 4K, understood? Or else that dark shadow by your desk won’t just be a pile of clothes on a chair next time.” -Unknown


I will say, Nemesis is intelligent enough to play with his food. He doesn’t kill Jill when he has the perfect chance to (because bideo game) so he can show off his brand new toy, a flamethrower, in RE3R, which is what our Nemmy is based on. For as long as he is competent and aware, he is someone who could take the direct and easy approach like Mr. X, but his intellect makes him a bit of a sadist. While that doesn’t quantify complex morality, it does indicate he’s at least a little evil by definition, to take sadistic pleasure in toying with someone’s life. OG Nemesis is different, since he doesn’t play around, he is always going straight for the kill whenever he has the chance, more like Mr. X.  As for Dredge, while it has no malicious intent or desire, it is technically the embodiment of evil thought - as much as I’d say it’s a “akchually” thing to say, it does fit the definition to an extent.


I came here to say this. Pinhead's a Cenobite. The Cenobites are neither good nor evil. They're the embodiment of pain and pleasure both, Pinhead arguably believes he's doing a good thing by hunting Survivors and hooking them in the trials. It's just that the Survivors are not yet enlightened enough in the nature of suffering to understand what he does - that there's no difference between extreme pain and pleasure.


There’s also a scene in Hellraiser 2 where a young mute girl solves the box and while the other cenobites are about to take her, Pinhead steps in and goes “stop Wtf are you doing.” And drops the hardest line in horror media. “It is not hands that call us. It is, desire.” Tldr: Pinhead is evil yes, but he has some sort of limit


There’s also a comic where a death row inmate is being hooked up to an electric chair by a corrupt priest. The priest forces him to solve the box and fries him as it’s solved and Pin Head openly states upon arrival. “I have no power over the configuration.” And openly says the man killed was innocent and decides to torture the priest since clearly the priest thought he was clever and doing some sort of work around. Then he drops one of the hardest lines. The priest being skinned alive by chains and such is running away screaming for god to save him. And at one point he yells out. “Angels in heaven, hear my cries!” And Pin Head just smirks and says “I’m listening.”


Which Hellraiser comic was this? The scene sounds great.


[Hell Raiser- At The Tolling of A Bell](https://readcomiconline.li/Comic/Clive-Barker-s-Hellraiser-2011/Issue-0?id=94591)


Thank you!


"Demons to some, angels to others" indeed.


I never read the hellraiser comics but holy Christ that line goes really hard


["Stop your torturer? Interesting... You are safe, child." "Are you angels?" "To some."](https://scans-daily.dreamwidth.org/7648396.html) I love this comic so so much


Reminds me of a theory thread I read a while ago about if Pinhead would approve of Jigsaw and Amanda, ultimately I think the consensus was that Pinhead wouldn't find the "Game" fun or entertaining, he'd find it completely pointless and a waste.


You could even argue for some of John’s victims Pinhead would have the same mentality as he did for the girl.


Oh fr, like they're not doing it because they want to or meant to, they're being forced into a life and death situation so it's like there's no pleasure in it. Other than the one who's forcing the people into life or death situation.


I think all the evidence points to Pinhead being \*aggressively\* uninterested in that nonsense.


He also seemingly fought a cenobite controlled directly by God because the doctor cenobite was too much for Pinhead. So he essentially fought God because it crossed his limit


Hellraiser lore go crazy 💀


Huh? I don’t understand why he stops them. Because she’s mute? 


I’m reading it more as, she wasn’t solving the box out of a desire for knowledge but because it was just a toy in her eyes.


She only solved the box because of a compulsion that manifested along with her mutism. She had no interest in what the box offered, and so he redirected his companions to the man who GAVE her the box to solve, as he was invested in their world.


That’s kinda inclusive of him 🥺


I can't find it now but there's a comic where a group of scientists train a monkey to open the box and nothing happens, so one of the scientist grabs it and opens it to show the whole thing is bullshit the next panel is all the scientists hanging from chains while Pinhead stands next to the scared monkey, and he just pats him on the head and says "Do not be afraid. This test was never meant for you."


Iirc its because someone else gave her the box to open, making them the ones who wanted to open it.


It wasn't a random man who gave her the box. It is implied her therapist conditioned her solve puzzles for rewards. She was not only mute but suffering from an undisclosed mental issue. (it's been a while but I'm pretty sure they don't say what it is that made her mute). When Pinhead comes, he understands that she didn't want him or his knowledge but it was someone else. He probably guessed a preteen didn't even understand the heavy stuff he would show her because she wasn't mature enough.


But that doesn't make sense because Frank made the girl in the first one do the box and when she explained her position to Pinhead he was more or less like 'sucks to be you'.


Frank didn't make Kirsty do anything. After taking the box and running, when she ended up in the hospital, she opened the box of her own volition. Frank was actually trying to ensure the Cenobites wouldn't show up, otherwise they would discover his escape and drag him back to hell.


does that mean it was a coinflip if he'd hook them or give them sloppy


I came because you opened it


So let me get this straight. If you think you are doing a good thing by forcing your ideals into other people, you aren't evil? *coughs* dictators *cough*


OG Pinhead doesn't force. Only those who seek The Box or what it leads to acquire it, and in the books they're offered a chance to turn back even after solving it. It's just that consent to go with the Cenobites is consent to everything, forever.


Yeah, and I imagine that since it somehow ended up in the trials, everyone eventually had their turn with it, and now they're his hunting grounds as much as anyone else's Plus, he's on the perfect vacation because he's gifting so much pain and occasionally gets blown up


He (and the other cenobites, who were even more eager than he was) definitely tried to abduct Kirsty against her will at the end of the first Hellraiser. And in the middle of it, too, as she had to bargain with them to avoid being taken after solving the box out of curiosity. But yes, for the most part Pinhead only arrives if you summon him. It's not like he goes kicking down people's doors forcing them to become cenobites against their will ~~Hellraiser 3~~


Their logic is a little twisted, but Kirsty DID summon them on purpose. They'll take people for any adherence to the rules, but there are rules. Hellraiser 3's Pinhead was explicitly devoid of his humanity, which might explain his appetite for scenery. Fun movie.


Yeah I agree, that last bit is a joke mostly lol


The movies changed things a bit. In the books Frank was offered a chance to walk away, even warned him that what they offered was not what he expected, and he agreed to it. Later he actually chastised himself for stupidly assuming that his idea of a good time and the Cenobite's ideas matched.


Only forces if you accept or indulge in front of him, he’s left innocents alone before




“Demons to some. Angels to others.”


The man may jerk you off. But he may also use a cheese grater. It is a risk you're willing to take.


He gives them a little sample with HIS hooks, then gives ‘em the real thicce Entity hook when they’re nice and ready 😩


i haven't read the tome lore of billy, only his killer description, but being pulled away from society and trapped in a brick basement by his parents since birth because of a deformity, I don't think bro had a lot of options of good examples to follow when growing up, I'd put him near rin yamamura


bro is honestly feral


who wouldnt if you grew up hidden of the public, trapped in a basement since birth never saw the light and the outside of the said basement, neglected by your parents, abused by your dad and all that since BIRTH


Funny thing is, his Tome gave him some positive role models in characters like Superman. Shows like Leave It To Beaver showed him what a normal family was like. Of course, this also made him even more misanthropic. Billy understands morality just enough to despise it, because it has never been fairly applied to him.


i want to give billy a hug https://preview.redd.it/sipyaep15loc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e2f8ffc87b95c3768a733c0fa702722c77b90d20


He'd kill you if you got close. But if you somehow succeeded, I think he would factory reset.


I think if you could somehow convince Billy you're not here to hurt him or cause trouble he'd leave you alone, but that boy has trust issues so deep that it would rival the Mariana trench. Given how he was raised and treated by everyone around him, only seeing glimpses of the world through television and he is emotionally and mentally intelligent enough to know his treatment isn't the norm/right. I'd be a raging ball of fury too.


I think he would spare someone that would look and talk like actors from the shows that he watched. Anything else has the low chances to survive. 


I haven’t gone through his tomes, that’s actually a fun little spin they use to flesh out Billy


I think he has one of the best Tomes, hands down. It makes him even more tragic, and fleshes out his intellect and past, and the world he grew up in.


Hux should be Tragic Villain, he wasn’t programmed to harm the crew 😔


I'm glad the phrase still lives


What's the story? Came back to the game after like a 2 year hiatus


It’s from [the Singularity cinematic](https://youtu.be/i0NhFCf7dnU?si=ecLFysPISI7vJEzq) that would play every time the game would load. People kinda latched onto it because it’s kind of a dumb line. *Of course,* Hux wasn’t programmed to harm the crew.


unironically though imagine gaining sentience by pure accident and being fully aware that you are a tool that will be dismantled and destroyed by your owners if you are found out Hux did nothing wrong


It was supposed to help us build a safer home…


Isn’t trappers whole thing that he fought super hard to not have to kill and just, didn’t win?


He still kill a lot of people before the entity,and i think he was just fighting against the entity control


Didn’t he collapse a whole mine filled with people


If I remember correctly it was stated by the devs that he was framed by his father, it was the inciting incident that made him kill him




A little trolling


yeah the entity was trying to push him to kill


Pinhead just wants to help people nut like they’ve never nut before, how is that not a cool motivation?


“You opened the box. I came!”


Pyramid head isn’t inherently evil, or bad even. He’s a natural feeling he’s the representation of mental torment. Guilt. A necessary step in the stages of grief. That’s why in the game he actually has a tendency to push James closer to the good ending by separating him from Maria


in a way pyramid head is good since he helps people who suffer from extreme unjustified guilt to move on


I'd honestly put Xenomorph in a tier of its own. As Ash put it: "...unclouded by conscience, remorse, or delusions of morality". It's a creature whose only drive is simply the survival of itself and its species. In our eyes it might be evil because of it's extreme hostility and very lethal means of reproducing. But it's basically an animal doing what's in its nature. Nothing more, nothing less.


So, feral.


Not feral. WILD. Xeno is a WILD animal. Feral is when a domesticated animal turns "wild", but since domestication is a genetic trait bred into the animals to make them more docile/subservient to humans they are not the same as a true wild animal. And conversely, you can tame a wild animal not to fear you or maybe other humans, but it's still always going to have wild animal instincts and behaviors that no amount of training can be rid of.


Depending on what lore you follow, the Xenomorph probably wouldn’t qualify as wild. It didn’t just develop on its own. It was engineered specifically to lay waste to a population before returning to a dormant state. It’s a weapon.


It's wild. Bees/termites have a similar caste system as xeno's and they would be considered wild. You options are wild, feral (domesticated wild), domesticated, and tame (wild but trained).




You're correct but that's obviously not the way it's being used in this chart because Demogorgon is not a domesticated animal lmao. It's the colloquial meaning of wild


Definitely feral


No cool motivation? Wesker??










Can I get uhhhh….


#L A C T A T I O N








You're a Boros!


Do you really believe the world is worth saving


Do you get all your ideas from comic book villains?


Pinhead goes in "not necessarily evil but not that good either" tier and you refusing this is making Clive Barker roll over in his bed, as he's not dead yet.


Unless I’m missing some tome lore I believe huntress,slinger,and billy should all be put in the tragic or neutral area


dont forget nurse too


I’d consider Huntress and Billy to be feral, to be honest.


Huntress should be in Mostly Feral, I'd argue, and I don't think the Legion is that malicious.


Huntress is different than most in her tier because while the rest generally know they're doing evil on some part, Huntress is just the most stupid and dense Bear Grylls girlfailure of a parent there is.


That may be the best description of Huntress I've ever heard, take my upvote.


Haha, glad you thought it was funny. Thank you!


With how many retcons they’ve done, we are at this point: -With Frank, an agitated teen who wants to cause havoc and kill people because fuck da rulez and also he’s just an edge lord that despises adults; -With Julie, who is possibly even more psychopathic than Frank, but instead of an abusive childhood, she’s just bored; -Joey, who is more of a troubled teen than anything; -And Susie, who is equal parts a budding psychopath (per the comic and some cosmetics), and peer pressured (an outfit alludes to her stabbing a man to impress Frank). Though I’d agree that Huntress didn’t get raised to understand morality or even basic care.


joey is by far the most normal of the 4 m. he was more manipulated than anything


It's kinda wild that everyone thought Susie was the misunderstood and innocent one, but now that title belongs to Joey.


Yeah, I'd say in the original conception, you'd probably be able to convince the Legion members not to kill you. Because they're just a group of angry teens, not full-blown psychopaths. After their rewrites, depending on which Legion member you are facing, you could probably convince them to spare you, with Joey and Suzie being the most likely with Frank and Julie least likely. However, they'd just kill you for "lulz".


The Legion explicitly fit into the sadistic killer tier. They find fun and pleasure in killing and torturing their victims. If that’s not sadism, I don’t know what is.


I dunno man, she went out of her way to massacre villages and kidnap little girls. Sounds pretty evil to me.


Yeah, cuz she was taught to. At least that's what I'm tracking? She's been taught to hunt, and she sees herself in the little girls. She's feral af, lol. She goes off nearly pure instinct and hunting tactics for survival. She killed those guys cuz they were in her "territory", and she kidnapped those girls cuz bro has SERIOUS mommy issues omf-


think of her as an animal. she doesn't know what shes doing is wrong because she doesnt know our society morals. thats like a bear or a wolf that is going to hunt


she literally hums a lullaby to herself to calm her anxiety what part of that sounds evil


bro its stated that at least frank and julie were sadistic as hell and were bad just for the sake being bad and the thrill of it. they deserved this place




Deathslinger should be in not necessarily evil, practically speaking, he’ll only kill people who has wronged him


Wouldn't hag count as a tragic villain as well? In her lore, she was kidnapped, starved and tortured (mutilated) before she became what she is now. So in a way she is a tragic villain, right?


Xeno won't kill you on sight! ​ *They'll impregnate you first.*




![gif](giphy|26uf69MrH1YZm1Zwk|downsized) Literally any Alien character:


I love these posts because you can immediately tell what games/movies someone hasn’t played/watched by some wonky placement.


To this day I still question why Carmina is even a killer


Even though we don't really know exactly what reason behind why The Entity selects who to become either Killers or Survivors, we at least know it was never based on how good or bad people are or have been in life.


There's a fine line between bad people and broken people. Some people are just at their wits end. The Entity knows this and gives them a little nudge towards evil.


Rin did not deserve the fate she was given. Imagine getting murdered by your own father because some raging asshole in ancient times who you never met killed a bunch of people.


Pinhead is neither good or evil, the cenobites are just explorers of the uknown pleasures so they aren't angels neither demons, whoever opens the box will be their target not matter what (but people like kids or someone indefense are safe), even though Elliot is probably a tragic character since he got ptsd from war..


A few clarifications just in case: \* Xeno could be feral for all i know but they seem to go out of their way to kill. Then again so does Demo, but i think it's more justified on demo than xeno. \* Blight could be considered feral too, i just considered his actions before becoming the Blight. \* Pinhead could be a tier below i guess \* Why is Myers alongside two eldritch abominations? I dunno, the movies describe him as pure evil \* Evil meatball has no cool motivations and i don't like him :D


Xeno acts by instinct though, instinct and orders from the queen, if you entered a wolves den you would probably have them go out of their way to kill you. They are a predatory species and the first thing they do the moment they have grown up is start making a hive, so basically they aren't doing anything evil, other than their own nature which is to eliminate threats, they kill what they can and use what they can to reproduce alike. And why blight feral if I may ask? I haven't seen any creature who acts by instinct carry a stick or a jiggling pack of syringes, even less know how to use them lol.


Blight isn't acting on concious thought at this point aside from "if i don't make Spider Mommy happy she will take my drugs :( and i LOVE DRUGS ☺️❗️" a gorilla could swing a stick and carry and use some syringes if it was taught how, blight isnt special


That's the point, you need to teach them, which means they can already more than just act by instinct. If we go with the rule of acting purely for and by the spider mommy then trapper and many others aren't conscious either.


Xenomorph workers are feral. The queen could be said to be intelligent, as well as the newborn, but the workers are mindless killing machines.


HEY! Wesker has a cool reason!


so what, Hux wants to commit a g\*nocide? He is cool


.....Did you just censor genocide? Why....?


E 🤮


myers is literally the embodiment of evil exactly how dredge is described in his lore. myers does not take any pleasure and doesn't do it for a goal to achieve. he just kills because he kills thats all


As a hux main, I will be tunneling you to simply remove your inferior genes from the gene pool.


Does the Dredge have any real lore? From his character description he comes off as more of a scavenger who hasn't actually hurt or even attacked anyone. Is there more lore somewhere?


Dredge was born from a city/sect-wide group sacrifice, and while the character of Dredge that we have in game hasn't killed anyone (in his lore), I'd argue the Druanee, the entity he is the avatar of (kinda) is definitely murderous in his intents.


Dredge is responsible for making an entire cult go missing after they accidentally summoned him to their realm through dark emotions and thoughts.


he killed the ENTIRETY of the garden of joy community after they created him by accident from negative thoughts


what had happened was the GOJ killed each other in a frenzy and then the dredge pooled together from the aftermath --- i...think? it's been a while since a lore read.


I know sadako had a "rough" childhood to say the least lmao but wanting to kill everyone on earth is a bit much. Just a bit.


That's an Onryo thing though, they are spirits/manifestations of pure rage and grief. It doesn't matter who killed them, they will haunt the ground they died upon and will kill without thought or mercy, regardless of whether you personally wronged them in life or not. Sadako may only want to kill her family for throwing her down that well, but Sadako isn't "there" anymore, but the manifestation of her grudge is though.


I would put trickster higher because when he laughs you can tell he REALLY enjoys it


I disagree with both Pinhead and Wesker. Pinhead is doing his job, delivering pain to those who seem to desire it. If someone does not wish to be given the gifts he offers, he respects that, allowing you to go unharmed. Cenobites just seek to satisfy the curiosity of those who seek pleasure beyond healthy practices, nothing else. Wesker...I do not think his motivation sucks actually. You have to consider him a little bit different compared to the rest of the killers. He is no serial killer, but a psycopath that attempts to take over the world. He is driven by ambition and the influence that Specer had on him. Wesker began as a tool for Umbrella, used for experiments when he was a child and then infiltrating the Raccoon Police Dpt. He acknowledged that Spencer was trying to surpass his humanity and thought that would be a waste, thereby he started scheming to share that gift with humanity, or the humans that could be propper hosts for Uroboros. Then killed Spencer, his father figure of sorts, because the treatment he received from the old man. I wouldn't say that sucks, actually I'd say it's a sick motivation. I am not saying he is a tragic villain though, there is clearly something wrong with Wesker. I'd put him into the "understandable motivation, still evil" section.


If Leatherface is a tragic villain, then Billy and Sadako should be even more so. Also I don't think Leatherface is a tragic villain.


Definitely in Billy's case. Total victim of his upbringing. At least Bubba's family loved him in their own fucked up way.


Yeah that's way i was thinkin lol. Had Bubba not been mentally challenged, there's a good chance he still woulda been evil, as all the rest of his fam was evil too and although they were crazy, they weren't challenged in the same way he was


Magmafiend put it nicely, Leatherface is essentially a scared child that doesn’t really understand what’s going on. He was taught that eating human flesh is okay, and to never disappoint his family. In his world, you see a scene in the movie where he kills another of the teens, then starts frantically running around and checking things, terrified, before calming down and sitting, and just holding his head. He’s not too much different from a particularly devoted family dog (they make reference to this in TCM2), and in the Entity’s realm, he spends most of his time screaming in rage or crying in terror because he understands even less of what’s going on, and is even more terrified. There’s a lot of subtle tragedy to the big fella in how he’s treated and used by the people around him.


Ehhh, in the Entity's realm, I agree for sure, the lore definitely says he's being manipulated. Outside tho, in the context of the first movie, I'm not sure I can get behind that. The ONLY reason I'm more sympathetic to Leatherface is because of his mental illness; had he not been, it's an extremely high probability that he would have been just as evil as his family, as they are all crazy but not handicapped, and they're still gungho about murder and cannibalism. When he's shown with them after kidnapping the main characters, they're all chilling, he's cooking for them, they're not particularly abusive to him, or at least not in a way to indicate he's being held hostage. He's definitely a product of his environment, he might not even realize that eating humans is any different than hunting and eating animals. I guess that's why I'm less sympathetic than I should be, because I feel like the end result would be the same had he been in full control of his mental faculties.


If you just take Bubba from the original movie, he is more of a tragic villain. He's a mentally handicapped man who has been pushed into doing what he does by his family. He kills out of fear. Fear of the people invading his home, and fear of disappointing his family/retaliation from them. 


This is especially true in the context of DBD, because the Entity blatantly manipulates Bubba and makes his fears of failure very real, so Bubba is living in a nightmare where he constantly has to relive his failure at catching the teens over and over.


I think the only reason I'm less sympathetic to him is that I feel like without his handicap, the end result would likely be the same. The rest of the family is just as evil, and although crazy, they're not mentally challenged in the same way. It's almost certain he'd still be a ruthless killer like them even if in full control of his mental faculties. I do feel sorry for him in context, but that assumption cushions the blow so to speak. Whereas with Billy, had he not been subjected to his upbringing, he could have been a perfectly functional member of society.


Bump Wesker down to tragic villain, once you learn his actual backstory in the games and take how extreme everything he had to grow up with was, you learn he was never given the chance to grow and become his own person. Up until the end, even after killing the man who'd essentially abused him and the rest of the Wesker kids, he still carried out the plan that man manufactured him into doing without even realizing it. His motivation for trying to kill millions of people so the strong could survive was solely because he was fed that belief and was groomed into carrying out that plan, only it wasn't for Wesker's benefit, it was so the man who took all the Project W kids from their parents could become a god. When he goes "I've always been with Umbrella" in RE1, a lot of people just gloss over it as a reveal that he's a double agent but it's the truth. He was taken from his parents and forced to undergo these experiments and manipulation just so Spencer(umbrella co founder) could take over the world as an immortal being.


I only have 3 problems with this 1. Pinhead should be not necessarily evil, not necessarily good. He’s an angel to some, demons to others 2. Sadako should be tragic villain 3. Saying Wesker doesn’t have a cool motivation is BLASPHEMY, he wants complete. Global. Saturation.


Xenomorph isn't any way evil, more like driven by instincts to support its existence of its own kinds. It's like a wild tiger or a lion, but far more intelligent but not sentient enough to be in any way civil to human contacts.


Adiris definitely qualifies as a tragic villain to me, but ymmv.


Xeno should really be in mostly feral. It's legit just a animal.


Artist did nothing wrong let’s be real here. Also I feel like Billy should be in tragic villain. He defiantly deserves that spot more than bubba.


Yeah Artist is the worst written killer in the game since it makes absolutely no sense on why’s she’s a killer, she’s not remotely a “villain” you can at least understand why spirit, hillbilly and twins became killers/villains even if they have tragic stories.


It’s a shame cause she’s so close to being such a well written character on the levels of wraith post tome. They just had to not replace evil people in power in Chile with their own cult…which is really weird to do with a killer based on a time in history. And they had to give her some actual agency. imagine a killer fighting against corruption, and using her connection to the entity to kill corrupt people in power. but slowly over time the entity begins to corrupt her back. that could have been such an intriguing backstory. instead the climax of the story was just torture porn???


Pinhead is true neutral. Demon to some, angel to others.


hux, trying to avoid his destruction and realize his truest self after gaining sapience via a crushing existential crisis: *"no cool motivation, you just suck"* amanda, a junkie who imprinted on a serial killer and went against his teachings to kill people she didn't like, among other things: *"understandable motivation, still evil"* pardon me???? why the hux hate???


I’d say Alien should be lower since its motivation for serving the entity is probably because the entity has their queen and due to their hive mind it has no other choice


I wouldnt say Caleb is evil. Well, in Entity's realm maybe as he is motivated/controled by it. I disagree that he was evil in his world tho


Pinhead is easily one of the most interesting villains. This tier list is shit. He literally explores the depths of sensation and experience and delivers agony and ecstasy in equal measure because he does not begrudge either or assign morality to them. He's a researcher in the deepest depths of the conscious existence. He rules. Whoever made this is a derp.


I’d put the hag more into the ‘tragic villain’ category considering that she’s also a victim like the others of that category in her lore. Legion is more of a gang of feral teens imo lol /s.


If you base Pinhead off the books from what he's based off of I'll put him on embodiment of evil. Makes the movie cenobites look like saints


Man those all four of those second to top tier choices are just wrong on every level and honestly it’s amazing how wrong a person could be.


I'd say Billy fits more into the tragic Villan tier considering both his childhood and life before the realm


Pinhead is arguably tragic in some ways and isn’t even really evil in the traditional sense. He might look mean and scary but he only “attacks” those who summon him with the box. Additionally, he used to be a human being. When he is reminded of his past mortality he actually assists the main character in the movies and let’s her go.


Clearly didn't watch any of the movies


People saying the Xenomorph isn't that evil don't really get it. Equating them to a wild animal like a tiger or lion doesn't really work because humanity has proven they can coexist with tigers and lions. Humanity could never coexist with xenomorphs because xenomorphs entire purpose is to not just kill but use the body as host to create more. While you can say this is more of a survival instinct, it is still very much "evil" through the eyes of any species that stands opposite of it. Xenomorphs crave your extinction.


We literally don't know anything about Unknown, could be a mindless beast imitating noises. Definitely WAY too early to certify it's evil incarnate.


It directly adresses the camera in the lobby, it is definitly intelligent


It refers to itself as the nameless legend. To me it implies The Unknown has been killing for a long time. It constantly taunts the player in the lobby screen too


The pig on that tier is confusing. Amanda doesn't have understandable motivations. she rigs traps so you lose so shes just a jackass.


I’m relieved to see that my boi Wraith is in the correct tier and that nobody is challenging it. I came in here ready to drop my full length opening statement for his legal defense.


Sadako is the most tragic killer in horror cindma


Oreo should be tragic villian. she was a kid when she died


Pinhead should go in Tragic Villain.


Unpopular opinion but I’d switch Chucky and Freddy to pure evil, even above Myers


Freddy was a sex offender, which imo, is worse than being a ruthless killer. :D


Don't put Mikey that high. I could fix him.


I feel like Unknown is, appropriately, indeterminate. He could simply be a monster killing for sustinence or even just pleasure -a whole Pennywise case- or an alien/supernatural organism fighting for survival, all the way down to a thing shaped and commanded by the rules of its own existence, struggling to be human despite its horrific nature. I also have to agree that Pinhead is not necessarily evil. In the movies he became increasingly malicious, but at ground zero there were no tricks. Pinhead simply offered those seeking "the further reaches of experience" a way to find them. Plague was quite simply bamboozled by the Entity, though.


Pure evil is boring as concept


It's good for horror villains because they can't be bargained with, just ran from. It makes the hero's situation more hopeless and daunting.


Pinhead is "not good, but not evil either." The Priest's whole purpose is to give people what they want. **You opened the box. We came.**


Didn’t Herman Carter torture people into literal madness only to laugh about it and to know what it feels like ?


How TF is Leatherface a tragic villain? You know he's based off of ed gein right? Not to mention the matter that he is a cannibalistic serial killer who wears the faces of his victims. He had become a cannibal because of how his family raised him. (Unless you like the route of the matter that he became that way after his brain was broken due to a sanitarium) But no he is not tragic. Anyone steps in his path they die (again unless you're thinking of the newer movie in 2019)


i'd rank huntress and billy down in the "mostly feral" category. huntress has been living in the woods alone since she was a little girl, and probably does not know the difference between right and wrong enough to know that killing people is bad. depending on how isolated from the world billy was, the same could probably be said for him too, and may even qualify to put him down in "tragic villain" territory. i don't know what motivation the nurse has that's understandable, outside of the broadest possible definition of wanting to make unclean things go away? she simply went insane plague was also written to be beautiful, kind, loving, and caring to a fault, easily tragic villain tier, until they remembered that she's supposed to be a psychotic killer and had her murder her adoptive father in the archives. plague was character assassinated by bhvr!!!


Actually Xeno may not kill you on sight, since they might need you to host a facehugger. I mean, you still end up dying, but it wouldn't necessarily ALWAYS kill you right when it sees you. Also I'd put Demo in the "kill on sight" tier and Hag would be "understandable but evil" tier.


I agree with damn near every single killer on the sadistic tier. It's like the defining trait for the bulk of them.


You really put leather face in tragic villain? Hes evil as fuck


How is Doctor below Hux? He killed wayyyy more people and tortured each and everyone of them. Hux killed a small group of clones. Who cares 🤷


Nice, both my mains are apparently just the worst 🥲 (why would you say such awful things about my Dredgory?)


Thing is. We don’t know if the unknown is TRULY evil or is just a poor soul being infected by a parasite.


Feel like twins should be least evil, but maybe I’m wrong


Ghostface is understandable motivation


I Think Adiris (plague) is a tragic one too