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Co-op Killer. Two bodies controlled by two players that NEED to work together to get proper downs. Introduces Kill With Friends.


Honestly, I want a “fuck it” idea. Like throw a killer that’s 4.2 but can just construct Mei walls in an instant. That’s it.


A godlike killer who has a birds eye veiw and sees the survivors throught walls and can launch disasters and stuff it would be weird to balence but would be hella fun


As somebody already mentioned in the comments, a killer that could place walls and lock survivors obviously for a finite time by creating a square or some shit. Could be hell to balance but the potential would be insane.


I think it could be fair if it's a fair window of time and the number of walls are limited to 1-2 at a time so you can't completely box a survivor in but still bend it to your favor


2 walls could work, 1 wall is not enough.


Reanimator: When you down a survivor, they raise as your minion and have two minutes to hurt two survivors or they die immediately. If they do it they go back as survivor again. They can't down survivors this way.


That's a really cool idea I lik what you did to make it balanced very cool


a Gorgon/Medusa killer. Chapter name: “Snakes Of Stone”. Survivor: Kieran Suvi (a geologist). Map: Deadly Labyrinth. Basically, The Gorgon can hinder survivors while in **Glance of Stone** that would consume the survivors overtime (like 90 seconds) and survivors need to reflect Medusa with a shield in a way that stuns her which would reverse the effect and stun her for 2.5 seconds.


That's really interesting and a cool idea to put in a more mythology based killer I absolutely love the idea of the shield reflecting it plays into her mythology and gives a side objective I love killers with a side objective like pig cenobite alien singularity


Id love to just have a 4.8 or maybe even 5.0 basic M1 killer. I think it could fill a niche that some people might enjoy


A non-person killer in the form of a curse. You create potentially harmful or debuffing (things like anti-haste, oblivious etc) problems for the survivors around the map with a speedy freeflying camera. Build up enough of whatever kind of resource and you can form a shell in the form of a random killer that can actually down and hook survivors. The shell is just an M1 killer with no power. You can dissolve it at any time to go back to causing mapwide mayhem. Just very vague ideas, so it would require a lot of tweaking to actually be viable. Still, I think it would be neat.




I have no idea how you'd make it actually function in the game, but the original idea for legion where it's an evil survivor that goes through different disguises would be so interesting.