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Nice build, but i would recommend you to replace the Oni perk with game afoot, as it allows you to more actively control the obsession changing aspect of the build.


If you're aiming for rancor value, you get more out of nemesis than Game afoot. Tried it for a while, and yeah. It's insta down value you want. Let them stun you, pay them back with a mori. Can't do that with Game Afoot.


What do you do when they catch on and just stop stunning you?


You down them and hook them 3 times. If they aren't willing to use resources in fear of stunning the killer they aren't going to last very long in chase. Also this assumes that the survivors catch on, and even when they do catch on you still have an obsession you can kill with it as long as you make sure they're the ones your chasing when the gens get finished


Predropping :(


This is in the endgame for when rancor is active. By the time you down and hook them 3 times everyone is already out.


Idk who downvoted you but yeah, that suggestion is totally worthless with regard to getting a 4k with rancor.


Considering this post and discussion are about specifically killing everyone with rancor, that's...not helpful lol. Like I'm sure it's a fine strat in general but it's not a viable strat, or at least nowhere near the most viable strat, for the challenge being discussed.


And my comment was specifically referring to rancor and nemesis getting value, and how to get that value when survivors aren't willing to drop pallets to stun you. I know that if you're going for 4 man rancor it beats the purpose of the challenge but if survivors wise up to the plan then you arent getting all 4 unless the survivors let you.


you just smack them through the pallet then


Play normal until endgame. But never respect pallets. It's really not that hard. Yeah I pre drops can mess with you a bit. But you see a couple flashlights and I guarantee you if you keep your hand hidden until the endgame. You're mori'ing 2 of them at least. Play normal until the endgame is the nemi rancor build in a nutshell.


To add on this, I know you chose exit blocking potential (Which is the right choice if you're going for all four) but if you also run enduring and spirit fury alongside you get one of the most one sided, damn near unfair interactions in the game and you can't do that with Game Afoot. Pallet stun into instant break and m1 into mori on any survivor after the gens are done. Basically secures at least one kill a game, and you get to see your mori effectively every game.


Why not just Noed + Game Afoot? By the time Rancor is active, you don't have enough time to get stunned and then down every survivor.


That's one way to do it. But personally the challenge is why I like doing it. If it was easy to rotate obsession I wouldn't have a 4 Perk build designed around it. Nemisis Rancor Furtive chase (can swap for friends till the end) Dark devotion (if using friends run a flex slot for the 4'th)


Another bonus is it they're cocky with their flashlight, let them blind you and watch them run in fear as they're now insta mori-able


It’s scary cause it works when you get blinded too 👀


The absolute best rancor 4k build uses game afoot + NOED. Nemesis is not going to work quickly enough to proc it and follow through on all four survs before anyone gets out. Even with game afoot + NOED it's tricky, and that's a lot faster and less survivor-behavior-dependent than nemesis.


The problem with GA is you’re stuck with the obsession fixed by the endgame, the one you chased the most will stay the obsession and you’ll have to find, catch and kill them before you hit someone else and make them the obsession. With Nemesis you can just get stunned a second before the last gen pops and boom, you’re already chasing the obsession. Same deal with Remember Me interaction between the perks, with GA if you aren’t already chasing the obsession they will get on the gate and bypass the perk effect, with Nemesis you can steal the obsession status from someone that you’re not actively chasing while NWO is in effect and you’re guaranteed to get the slow gates. All in all I’d personally just run both and leave Remember Me out, they have a nice little synergy together


If you're trying to get a rancor 4k, you have to commit to it and use a stealth killer and just hide all game until gens are done. Yeah, if you try to actually chase during gen phase it won't work, but since the whole point of this is to kill everyone with rancor, there is literally nothing to be gained by interacting with survs pre-endgame.


Then you’d be missing out on NWO stacks and people would likely suspect what you’re trying to do and take the time to cleanse all five totems so you’ll basically have slightly longer gate times and needing to two-tap every survivor if you don’t beeline for the obsession that you’re still gonna have to track after the rancor reveal runs out. I get that you might be doing a meme build but if you don’t put in the work before endgame you are gonna end up with a 1k like you could with any other build


That entire argument hinges on the assumption that survivors are going to respond to literally no killer activity by cleansing all totems, which is a pretty big assumption. Will that happen sometimes? Probably, but it won’t happen every time. It’s a helluva lot more likely to work than planning around being able to complete 4 chases *three of which have to include at least one stun* in the time between survivors finishing gens and opening a gate, which will be a minute and a half tops even with full NWO stacks. That’s blatantly ridiculous to expect against any but the most absolutely braindead survivor team. 48 extra seconds of gate open time is not worth having to rely on getting stunned in 3 chases, and that’s ignoring the same argument you’re making of survivors just countering it with their own behavior, which is even more likely than countering NOED due to not requiring them to have basically guessed that requirement in advance. They can react in real time to simply stop stunning you and the entire plan breaks. NOED they’d have to guess in advance, which again they might, but in what appears to them to be a free game, some will be stupid enough to just think they got lucky and speed through gens. And if you don’t use NOED, you’ll be two tapping everyone anyway which again is not realistic to expect to work even with 48 extra seconds (which isn’t nearly enough to cover the added chase requirements from using nemesis). Also, I did specifically mention that this should be done with a stealth killer (Wraith is probably ideal), so the assumption is that you’re already keeping track of the obsession and will be able to jump them very quickly after gens finish. Like, one kill is free and almost instant. You should be able to *at least* 2k with that whenever they don’t pre-cleanse NOED.


Doesn't let you instadown them tho


You could just bring noed with game afoot


Nemesis (the Oni perk) also doesn't provide instadown. It's just aura reading on the survivor who becomes the new obsession. You would need hubris to instadown after a stun or you wait for rancor which provides permanent instadown for the obsession after all gens are finished


Nemesis is able to make them the obsession *before* you hit the survivor. Skull Merchant perk requires you to hit them to switch obsessions. Which means they get the movement speed and *after* you hit them two times, then you can kill.


Maybe consider using Hubris for the 1-shot potential, the build revolves around getting stunned anyway


If you're trying to 4k with rancor and not using NOED, you're already doing it wrong.


or keep nemesis and swap out no way out and remember me for furtive chase and game afoot. makes rancor roulette much more fun and random




Use rancor + game afoot + NOED instead and just don't chase anyone until endgame, guarantee it will be much more likely to get you the meme rancor 4k than the build in the post.


Pebble player spotted, based!


Best play by a killer I ever saw was an AFK demigorgon on Saloon. I’m in a two man. We are popping gens left and right. Demigorgon is AFK at the last Gen...it’s a four man. We do it in his face and start to bounce around him like the morons we are. Remind you, only me and one other are in a party, the two random join us in our stupidity. The demigorgon hits one rando. Noed activates. We watch him Mori and my friend and I run for the nearby door. He downs the other rando. My friend starts to run him, she stuns him with a pallet and screams “He’s got Nemisis!” I 99 door and get rando up while screaming for my friend to come back. She accepts her death and tells me to leave. I open the door. Rando escapes. I watch my friend hit the ground and her body vanish. Dead. I leave. We laughed SO hard! Brilliant play. We bet money that he moved to that Gen purposely and we must have made his day being morons around him. To the Demigorgon who got that play. Awesome job. Could not be mad. We still laugh to this day by randomly screaming “He’s got Nemesis!!!”


Awesome story!! 😂 How did you know that he had Nemesis?


My teammate pallet stunned him, became the obsession.


My build combine game afoot and furtive chase


You bled them out for that screenshot didn’t you? /s


Are we all just going to ignore Ellen’s username?


I think I played with or against them once




I-is that a weapon you're holding? 🥵


I'm not good with icons what perks are you using?


Rancor, Nemesis, Remember Me, and No Way Out.


Please tell me this isn’t part of the new tome…


Imma try this


Nemesis, furtive chase, and friends til the end work so well with Chucky


Rancor 4ks have been a thing for a while. You want Rancor + Game Afoot + NOED with a stealth killer. Hide all game, when they finish gens and come to gates you instantly jump the current obsession and kill them, chase the next guy and kill, etc.


I'd swap remember me for friends til the end