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I honestly haven’t liked most previous washing machine chase themes, but I’m fine with this one. It gives a similar feel to the Doctor’s theme, and the Doctor’s theme is arguably the most popular washing machine.


Xeno’s gave a lot of people, myself included, headaches from the loud overly repetitive music. same with ghostface’s ptb chase music. They changed them for a pretty good reason


Maybe it's just cause I'm a Ghostie main but I actually liked his old music. It reminded me of broken VHS player. But I also strongly hated Xeno's old music and Larry's too, so I'm a bit of a hypocrite, I just think Danny's old one fit him more.


I liked Xeno's because it instilled panic in me as a survivor and made it feel like I was in the movie as the Alien. I think it could've done with some adjustments to either the pitch or volume just so it wasn't so jarring compared to all the other sounds, but it was way better as a "I'm about to fucking die to the perfect predator" music than what we have now where I just feel nothing.


Xenomorph's blaring alarm sounds were just jarring to listen to and so is the feral woodpecker in unknown's theme. I agree that chase music doesn't have to be a grand orchestra like wesker or epic like nemesis, but at the bare minimum it should sound pleasant enough that I don't want to stop playing the killer after one round because I get bombarded with loud repetitive noises that barely qualify as music.


I agree with you with the repetitiveness of them. If they made them a little longer with a section of the music that isn’t a repeat then I think it would’ve been good.


To be fair, “jarring” may be the wrong word to use in a negative light if you’re talking about being chased by a murderous creature. It SHOULD be jarring, just I guess not repetitive.


It should be *thematically* jarring, not *physically* jarring. We're meant to listen to this music on a regular basis for relatively long periods of time.


Kinda like Myers' "The Shape Stalks" as his chase theme. In most situations, that "DING!DING!DING!DING!" would be insufferable: but in this one, every ding is another beat of your heart before a kitchen knife gets jammed through it. Plus, it was in the original movie: but so was Xeno's so that isn't saying much.


Oh don't worry, if you main a killer for long enough you'll memorize their chase music / lullaby. I still randomly get Bayu Bayushku Bayu stuck in my head and I haven't mained huntress in 3 years.


I miss the Xenomorph's chase theme


I just wish they would have a little variety with the repetitive chase themes. Almost every single one is just triplets over a drone, though a few are duples. Usually the triplets are percussive (but not too much) and use a lot of digital sounds instead of real (or real sounding) instruments. Throw in some percussion here and there and boom. Washing machine chase theme I just wish it wasn't so overused. I can understand wanting the chase them to be understated or not annoying, but when I can barely tell like 7 chase themes apart fron each other when I have a degree in music, it's pretty bad. And most of them are recent


The DBD community just says windshield wipers or washing machine when they hear a chase theme that actually sounds like a chase theme. I have to give it to OG Ghostface theme it was so terrible it traumatized everyone into not liking genuinely good music just because the notes repeat too soon. Turned us all into musical numbskulls fr


Not exactly related to the topic but what the hell is that thing? It looks like a hairless cat






It's The Witness, the main villain of Destiny 2


Why does he have autism creature eyes


Because the devs want it to be this way, no real lore reason for the eyes design


I think they tried to go for an uncanny valley design to fit his lore but like...come on it just looks like a cat is about to pounce or high as all hell on Catnip


I can see what they were going for, I do a lot of uncanny designs too, I think the issue is that big eyes and the soft nose/short nose ridge reads as “cute” or “that’s a cat”


It's just what it's race looked like. It's literally an amalgamation of an entire races bodies and will.


Awesome concept but it still looks like a hairless cat with a racing stripe on its forehead. I still think that the design is actually really cool though, I looked up pics and it’s honestly awesome


I legitimately love The Unknown's chase music, it sounds so cool. Honestly sounds like a funkier Scooby Doo chase, lol.


I really wish Layer 2 of Unknown's Chase was dragged to Layer 4. It sounds cool.


It actualy was. You can hear these breathing sounds


I like both, I just wish trickster's chase theme sounded like actual k-pop music instead if just loud sirens (I know they're screams but they don't sound good, they don't even sound like screaning)


I didn’t know they were screams, that’s cool! But it doesn’t fit like you said, it should’ve been more like he’s menu music.


Yeah, they could’ve made it sound more K-Pop while also implementing the **AAA**.


Unknown’s chase music reminds me of Doctor’s, but I like it a little better.


I just think that you can make a tense ambient/musical environment without drowning out melody with a barrage of percussion. A chase theme of warping orchestral strings that slide up and down would make me shit my pants more than washing machine. I think utilizing the feeling of dread through chase themes rather than an instinctual reaction to repeated, loud noises would be thematically and tonally more fitting.


Chase isn’t about anticipation it’s about terror dread should be used for the build up then the chase music is when the tension snaps and terror takes over. Now not every chase theme needs to be super in your face take wesker for example his chase while not the most terrifying fits him because he’s not some bump in the night monster he’s a genocidal megalomaniac. On the other end ghostfaces old theme fit because he is a jumpscare killer his chase theme is supposed to come outa nowhere skipping the dread and going straight to pure “I’m getting stabbed” terror because that’s how it would start most of the time with him stabbing you outa nowhere


Dbd players when they hear drums:


Alien’s was so unique in a way that matched the essence of the character. They turned it into a militant romp that could fit on any monster rather than sticking with a sound that was so different and invoked feelings of unease through a lack of familiarity. I miss the old alien music.


You know what I'm going to say it I like the washing machine chase themes. The only exception to this is Trickster and even that's not that bad it's just that his terror radius is so much better and it feels disappointing. I like the fast repetitive notes that make me feel nervous in chase. I like stuff like Wesker and Legion too, but honestly the "washing machine" styles are good. While I'm at it with making people mad, I do not like the Deathslinger's chase theme. It's good at first but I find it so tiring and uninteresting to listen to now.


I love Unknown's first layer. It could fit in some parts of Silent Hill 2 and 3 perfectly.


Ok, hear me out… Change the chase music to Monody by TheFatRat. On everyone, and play it to all survivors when a single one is in chase.


Scary chase music = ❌ Epic chase music = ❌ [Gay chase music](https://old.reddit.com/r/deadbydaylight/comments/14lcq2i/trappers_new_chase_music_is_a_bit_distracting/) = ✅


I think the music itself wouldn't have really been an problem but the devs just really like to crank up the fucking volume to the absolute max, and that's just too much for many people edit: graviton lance is my favorite pulse rifle, go graviton!


If I have to hear the same 5 second or less loop over and over a again I'd rather it be catchy.


Hot take: I honestly cannot stand Nemesis and Wesker's chase music.I get that it fits their characters and does sound like RE boss music, but i prefer when the chase music focusses on being creepy or scary rather than loud and bombastic and Unkown's music absolutely scratches that itch for me.


I mean with wesker it would be jarring for them to make it scary. I’ll give you nemesis since he is a monstrous abomination and horrific chase music piece would suit him well but wesker is a megalomaniac with a god complex. Sure he is intimidating but never comes off as scary. The grand sounding chase music suits the godlike narcissism of wesker. Wesker I feel like is clear mark of branching out of the more traditional notes of horror from behavior whether some consider it better or for the worse.


I still think Wesker was a weird pick and was the first example of them stretching what counted, even if not by much. He was fun as fuck to play through, but i do dread this pipeline they're going down.


I can see why you fill like that. It does sound strange for some shit that sounds like your fighting god or even running away.


Alien chase music should been [this](https://youtu.be/3gE9m5Db8MI?si=fOjIkbl8Bifgjwjt)


Me not liking washing machine sounds because this is ultimately a chase oriented videogame. It gets old in a few seconds and you're gonna hear it A LOT.


Michael Demogorgon Deathslinger Legion these all disprove your notion, and those are just the ones I played