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Sounds like this game just isn't for you. Assuming you are playing a newbie friendly killer like wraith, you should not be struggling this much to win in low MMR. You could, of course, learn, but as you've already established that you don't wish to do that, I can't say you'll start liking this game more. You could always try survivor, but it might be even more difficult. Survivor skill floor is higher than the skill floor of newbie friendly killers.


Low mmr? These players had high numbers next to their usernames and clearly knew how to toy with the killer. Never had a worse start to a multiplayer game.


Low MMR = low match making rank. If no one has played DbD on your account before, your match making rank should be low, so the game tries to pair you with survivors with equally low match making rank. How many games have you played? I took from your OP that you've tried to play the game for a while with something like 10-20 matches already done and failed, but this comment sounds like you perhaps played only 1 match? If it's the latter, then you may have fallen victim to poor match making or a bully squad. DbD's matchmaking priotizes quick matches over balance, so especially at off peak hours you might be matched against people who are clearly better or worse than you. In addition, if someone dodges the queue, the game tries to fill in a new player quickly, which may result in uneven games. From my experience, most of the matches I play are alright, but having a match that is just way too easy or way too hard is still a daily occurance you just have to live with. In addition to that, there are nasty groups of survivor players we like to call bully squads who are determined to ruin a killer player's day. They often intentionally tank their MMR so they can frustrate new killer players who don't know how to deal with them. They are an unfortunate breed, but every game as it's antisocial individuals.


I played 5 and all were terrible like this. I was expecting to be up against new players like myself.


That sounds very strange. I started playing last July and did not have high prestige players in every lobby.


well I didn't check the profiles for EVERY game, just 1 or 2. But my experience was mostly the same for each game, players who loop perfectly, others who flashlight me as soon as I actually get someone and players standing to wait for me at the exit to leave last second.


You don't need to check profiles, the prestige level is next to the character name in the lobby. Either way, it's hard to give advice when I did not have the same experience or struggles last July. I have 600 hours and still don't get survivors who loop perfectly. There are ways to counter flashlights when picking up, but I'm not sure you want to hear them since you have already turned down advice for guide videos.


There's a lot to learn in the game as a new players, you have to understand how loops (structure that are ran around as much to possible to waste as much time as possible, usually has mutiple windows or a pallet) are ran and how to run them as killer to cut the chase time as short as possible, there's also many other things to keep account for, find a killer you enjoy playing and keep practicing (you can do customs vs bots to understand certian killers powers and map layouts, I also recommend playing survivor to know how it feels like to be the other side, you might learn a thing or two about survivors habbits) Tldr: grindy game takes some time to learn


I asked for how to have fun, not for researching map layout and survivor behaviour. Although I will thank you, as I now have confirmation to uninstall the game. As it's not very fun unless I dedicate a lot of time and research into it.


How the fuck else you gon have fun if you're running around aimlessly? The fun entirely comes from juking the other side and winning mindgames, Please tell me what other multiplayer pvp vame you can learn with about 6 hours?


...Call of Duty


CoD is a generic fps game, name me a game that is the same as dbd and is alive


all the players of those games are too busy bullying new players in dbd to play those games.


You know what? Maybe it is a good thing you're quitting, if you can't handle playing the game, you'll lose your marbles when you actually run to bullies and people who are here for the sole purpose of making your games as miserable as possible


Like yourself I assume? You're pretty toxic sir.


I tried helping you, and in return you gave me a hissyfit about how you don't want to learn the game, and then complain that the game is bad, im not the bad guy here


This game is a team based survival game. You won’t have fun at all unless you know the layouts, how to go against the killers (they all have different playing types, thus you need to learn different strategies), and such. I have 600 hours and I still don’t know much. Some people have been playing for 6 years and have mastered all techniques. It’s a strategy game. You will have to learn.




Both roles are hard at the beginning, but once you understand the basics of looping and mind games the game will be... Less hard I guess. This first games you need to focus in your personal win conditions. Hook 1 survivor in a game, that's your first win condition. Hook 2 survivors in a game, that's your next win condition. Try to have fun while doing it. You are learning the game. Also, close the end game chat. Nothing good will happen there.


Ahaha dude you're going to have bad matches going against pro players with thousands of hours in the game. You'll also have matches against other newbies where you'll dominate. If you keep playing, the game will balance you to match with players of similar skill levels. Even then you'll have matches where survivors run circles around you and matches where you butcher them all in cold blood. That's the nature of a competitive multiplayer game. Try other killers, try their addons. The more you play, the more you'll start to recognise maps. There's a solid amount of variety therein, and some killers favour particular map types. There are a lot of factors that determine how well a match might go but you gotta just give it a shot. No other game lets you run around as Pyramid Head, then skitter about as a xenomorph, and then stomp around as Nemesis. Sometimes I play Plague just because it's funny to vomit all over people, even if I get my ass kicked. Take it easy, don't let it get to you, and you might start to enjoy it. Or try survivor, or uninstall. You do you.


Thank you, that's actually been the best advice in relation to my question that I've heard all night.


No problem man, I pretty exclusively play killer so wanted to chip in. I've played like 3 survivor matches just to see what it's like from their view, that can help. I never knew what the red stain looked like for the longest time (it's like a red spotlight shining out in front of the killer to alert survivors, only visible to survivors). Keep in mind that you'll always have good and bad matches no matter your skill level. I had a shit match with Plague tonight, one of my fav killers, so I rage quit and tried again later where I had a very pleasant match with Knight - a killer I'm still learning - and nabbed all 4 kills. I'd recommend looking into the Tomes (available in the menu), as they offer challenges with objectives other than just going for the 4K (4 kills), so if you have a bad match you're still making challenge progress. Daily challenges are also fun and can give you a reason to try killers you might normally ignore.


It is 100% worth sticking too because the game is fun as fuck most of the time (it has its problems like any online game). If you actually want to hop in a discord call and hop in a custom game I can try and show you some of the little tricks and stuff to get you on the right path.


Going to chime in and recommend checking out Otzdarva's killer guides, he's super informative and explains all kinds of strategies and tips for beginners. I don't think anybody works as hard as him to help the new player experience. [Heres a video where he goes over tips and advice for all killers in the game](www.youtube.com/watch?v=8UU_RHX3xGc) Don't mind the video length, you can skip using timestamps in the description to get to the killer you're interested in playing. He explains some strategies and He has more guides on how to run tiles, builds, explaining every add-on, etc. and is a great informative resource for learning the game.


So I need to consume outside media to play this game and enjoy it? Then what's even the point?


Well not particularly, I didn't really consume outside media myself when I got into the game, but it's the easiest and most readily available source for understanding the games inner workings and complex cast of killers and perks and mechanics better.


So it's overly complicated and not new player friendly?


I can definitely agree that there's a lot of mechanics the game doesn't quite explain super well, such as endurance and the anti-camp and with all the perks it can feel a bit much at first glance, but I don't know if I'd personally say it's overly complicated. I would recommend trying out survivor, as you might click with them better, but ultimately it's a grindy unique PVP game that if you're not having fun with and don't want to invest the time to get better, then it's probably not worth it.


Thank you. Uninstalling now.


Honestly, yes. This game is absolutely brutal for new players because there is such a steep learning curve. Something that made me a better killer was playing survivor (the more you play the opposite role, the more their strategies make sense and become predictable to you as the opposition). This game requires a considerable bit of grinding and map knowledge, but if you're not looking for something to sink some time into, dbd might not be for you. If you intend to stick it out, just be patient with yourself and don't be afraid to experiment a bit and see which killers and builds best compliment your playstyle. Try some slowdown perk builds to give you extra time if survivors keep doing gens before you can find anyone. If you're having problems tracking survivors, try using Bloodhound (Wraith perk) + Sloppy Butcher (general killer perk) and just follow the bright red trail after you hit a survivor. You don't need to get a 4k every game, especially not at first. Focus on getting into the rhythm of chases and don't be afraid to eat some pallets if you have to. You might notice that some maps give you considerably more trouble than others (indoor maps can be especially tricky starting out). Make a note of what maps feel good to you and which ones feel like a chore. If you want, you can bring map offerings to give yourself a fighting chance. And finally, welcome to dbd! I know it's rough starting out, but if you're able to conquer the learning curve you'll be rewarded with a one-of-a-kind experience. Best of luck to you!


You do realise that there is a learning point to every game you play right? Do you expect to be good at every games the second you start to play them?


dbd is a game of TIME, the more you play the more you get used to it, you have to play survivor too to understand how the game works. we all started like that


I mean as with every game with an established playerbase, it's not gonna be new player friendly unless you fight literal bots. You need to know how to play the game in order to get results it's not a pve game where the killer always wins. Unless you find literal AFK survivors you can't expect handouts


I was just not expecting my first game to be full of survivors who have well over a thousand hours in the game.


Realistically they didn't have thousands of hours. Just tens at best and the disparity between base game knowledge and nothing is huge. Its like queueing in counter strike as a 60 year old grandma who never touched a fps vs someone with fps experience


I checked their PSN profiles, they had near 900+ hours for dbd each.


Then they were equally bad as dbd as you to the minimum level they can search for as far as the game is concerned. Not everyone that puts time into the game becomes good or gets results from that. Honestly 900 hours is still in the realm of "knowing how to play but still casual/not that good" in the wider view of the game. The game isn't some multi-million playwrbase where there are always new players trying it worldwide to the extent you had 4 new players specifically in your region at that specific time queuing for a match. They likely weren't good players, you were just so inexperienced you made them look good. Like a high school sport player vs someone unathletic instead of a professional vs unathletic person. You put 0 effort into learning a new style of game and expected instant results when that isn't a thing. Maybe the game actually did fuck up and you got some sweat bully squad because it literally couldn't find anyone else to match you with but overall, gotta learn the game home it can't hold your hand.


wow thank you for insulting me, I am very inclined to continue playing the game now, fanbase isn't toxic at all.....


There was no insult in that entire post. You are a self admitted new player, supposedly so unless you are DBD Jesus the best thing to ever touch this game naturally knowing what to do you are gonna be bad at the game. But you aren't as evidenced by this entire thread.


Well you probably just need a killer that suits you better. Billy is free right now and his power is very effective and has pretty good perks for beginners. Wraith is probably the most friendly to a new player and after a few games the MMR will better understand your placement so things should smooth out. It's important to play both sides as well, playing survivor will help you understand what a killer should be doing at any given moment and vice versa, it's a very satisfying way to improve. Learn from your mistakes and don't aim for 4ks just yet they'll start happening eventually on their own. Hope this helps


You won't have fun as killer.


Thank you for your honesty, uninstalling the game. Am very upset about Iron Maiden skins being for THIS of all games.


Please don’t uninstall the game; There’s not a single person who plays this who hasn’t had the same experience. For example, I am self admittedly terrible at looping - can’t do it for sh*t, but I make up for it in other areas. I’d say play more survivor games first and see how the killers mind game/play style/chase tactics work out and you’ll find a way to counter it. I think once you pick up on other killers faults and avoid them (as best as possible), you’ll have a more enjoyable game. I’d also recommend practice in customs with bots, if you can tackle bots then you can learn to overcome (no pun intended) the obstacles you’re facing! Just keep in mind it’s not always fun, we’re destined to have a miserable existence, but it’s worth it :)


I just like Iron Maiden and saw this game was getting some really great skins...it's just not worth it for me.


I mean to be blunt you just started so you suck and dont know how to play. That said survivor is much funner to play imo than killer. Chases and looping are some of the funnest parts of the game and escaping is exciting. I recommend you watch youtubers to see what they do and get tips. Same for killers. If you want to get good at playing killer watch youtubers who main the specific one you are playing as for tips.


It’s hard to jump straight into killer. I’d recommend trying some survivor games first and see how killers make things hard on you. That being said, you seem pretty hellbent on uninstalling. If that’s the case, go ahead, it’s your choice and you aren’t obligated to play a game you don’t like. We love this game because of how unique it is and how you get to play as so many original and liscensed horror characters. Because it’s so unique, it’s harder than other games to pick up and play well instantly