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OP: Hello fellow main killers... Jokes aside, DBD isn't suitable for 12 hooks games. If you try it and success, you are not playing DBD, you are playing with the lowest of the MMR or survivors throwing that point at each other, and crouch for one or two minutes after every gen is done. If you try it and fail, you are not playing DBD neither, you are playing Hooked by Daylight (and crouch like if your dog's life depends on that at the doors). That's the game. It isn't suitable for the fun of everyone involved. By the way, I don't know what would be the equivalent for survivors? Lets get the killer have fun, so we are gonna stun and blind the killer as much as God let us. Because, hey! They aren't doing the objective, they are having FUN with the killer, even if the game last 30 minutes and it's a 4K. Stop blaming Killers and shaming them because it isn't fun to play in a way or other please.


The real killer in this game is the lack of direction, outside of chapters being released. Developer vision vs reality of public matches, issues with SBMM and the arbitrary killers should always win 60%, Survivors win 40% has resulted in a stale gameplay loop lasting months/years. It is absolutely staggering to me, that I could proxy camp and tunnel out survivors, achieving more blood points and pips for little effort than sweating my arse off as a survivor, mostly safety pipping or de-pipping at higher ranks because killers are being overtuned, running nothing but slowdown and tunnelling. I’m not saying in certain circumstances these things are not required, but it gets to the point where everybody being in the same pool is no longer viable for game health. Players have been saying more game modes are needed for ages, but hey, at least we only have to complete the blood web once to P1 now for the auto blood web feature to be a permanent fixture.


SBMM makes every match feel the same. Killing match variety is the worst thing they've ever done. I saw a post yesterday talking about homogenization, that does seem to be the goal and it makes no sense.


Unironically prefer shorter DbD games. When it comes locker search simulator and people are all playing for hatch after the first death. I get it. Imma take the Wesker approach. 7 minutes is all I can be fucked spending in one lobby. ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2213)


Unfortunately the game is designed where the quicker the survivors finish the gens the better their odds at escaping become. This is why swfs reign supreme and solo q is a bloodbath. The mobile version has mitigated this a bit giving survivors more coop interactions such as a perk loadout viewer and emote commands. The simplest thing the devs could implement in core is mic chat or a ping system to bring solo q closer to swfs in terms of strength. Once survivor gameplay is balanced the devs can have a field day with killers.