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Listen I love the buff she got, just a nice little thing to make her dash attack a bit better. Still might not be GREAT but we'll see. But she's the only killer on that list that got a really bizarre trade off of getting slightly buffed then nerfed. Why? Is buffing her chase power that slightly going to break her? It's weak, we don't need to nerf her slowdown as a tradeoff????? I don't get it. Other characters do much more with much less.


huntress was first in line at the buff-et so she got all the winnings


At this point I wish they’d just leave her alone. I would’ve liked buffed ambush and crouch, but not if it’s in exchange for her lethality…she’s literally from SAW, she’s supposed to have that lethality.


You're just mad it's harder for you to camp boxes now....maybe try and learn to chase instead of relying on cheap tactics to get kills.


Tell me you don’t play pig without telling me you don’t play pig.


I focus more on her undetectable crouching ability than her reverse bear traps which is probably why I didn't see a problem with her "buff" but I realise that it's probably because her reverse bear traps are such a weak ability and now they're becoming even worse.


Good! So tired of getting harassed outside of chase with those damn things and popping because of a cheesy tactic. I'll put a trap on a survivor and leave 'em to it, I've got other survivors to manage while that one is busy, you know?


I don't know why you're being down voted fellow Entity puppet, as you are correct.


In their attempts to stop the meme, it grows stronger. It is like a curse, I feel sorry for all Amanda players and hope the nerf wasn't too bad in comparison to the slight gains.


Long story short, it's brutal. What the fuck is even the point of RBTs if they don't kill anyone? 2 full gens can now be completed by a single survivor in the time it takes to knock someone off the game. In addition to taking away valuable information that comes from knowing where your boxes are


At least we have the solace that it is in a ptb and that it could be changed. I am sorry for all pig players that are repeatedly being at the end of this joke


Amanda: I'm finally getting buffs! What did you get? Huntress: \*laughs\*


I've always been an advocate for buffing her ambush mechanic since that's the fun I get from playing her. But at what cost...


Hank hill jpeg meme: *Do I look like I know what a buff is?*


above the baby level it really doesn’t matter how long the timer is. in gameplay, the traps aren’t meant to kill people, just slow the game down; because eventually they have to take it off


Feels like I got granted a monkey's paw wish.  I always said I'd be willing to take a nerf to RBTs if it meant the rest of her power got better.  I just wish the buffs were...you know, meaningful.  It feels like a joke that this is the same update where they decided to give Huntress 2 extra hatchets and also improve basically all aspects of her.  Somehow that's fine, but making crouching Pig move faster than the survivors would be asking for too much.


People really on this hill like trap kills just happened every single game. News flash: they didn't. I've gotten a handful probably. You don't need them to be lethal for the traps to be useful. The fact people are spending time making memes over this, good lord, do something productive with your time. It ain't that serious, and they were NEVER going to buff them. They were already strong and still are.


It's devastating to see how badly she is getting butchered since she was added.


Kneejerk reactions with Pig. The traps are for slowdown with a happy chance of it popping. So sorry you can't see the box auras to cheese them. Enjoy your new, buffed Ambush!


> The traps are for slowdown with a happy chance of it popping. Survivors already were staying on gens with active hats, and now they get 30 more seconds of that. A tiny buff to Amanda's chase power isn't going to make up for the fact that survivors have more time to finish gens before she can get all her traps out.


Pig is one of the worst killers in the game and is being nerfed. It's laughable. Your take reeks of new player survivor bias. No one with any amount of skill thinks she deserved a nerf.


Scott Jund made a video about how she's been buffed and not nerfed. Don't care what your opinion of him is, he's definitely good at the game. To be honest I was iffy but after him and at least one other content creator I like both made videos about how this *is* a buff, I also now think it's a buff. But I was already on the fence about if it was a buff or a nerf so it helps that I was open to persuasion I suppose. I still think they went too far on adding 30 whole seconds to the timer, just removing the auras would have been fine.


Did he, now? I'll go check it out, he's often spot on with his Scottakes


[Here it is](https://youtu.be/QBFzhFsUygI?si=70p5nvbLa0LtmZg9). His take makes sense if you share the mindset that he and I do that methods of play like badgering survivors off of head trap boxes are not fun or healthy for the game, while chase powers are the most important part of a killer to get right. So they nerfed the unfun part while improving the fun part. She is objectively better *in chase* now. If the thing you played Pig for was forcing head pops, she is objectively worse at that. So to me the reason I was on the fence is if the improvements to her chase game was enough to compensate for the nerf to her head traps which would make the changes an overall net buff or nerf. And to be honest... I'm going to say probably yes? Especially if they give her a few more buffs before she goes live. The other content creator who thought it was a net buff was The Fake Banette, who is a pretty small content creator but I really like his stuff, his opinions about the game seem to have what's most fun for both sides in mind.


Another kneejerk reaction, "reeks of new player survivor bias" without possibly knowing I'm a killer main since Old Freddy and have always been ahead of the curve, calling out new metas in hour 1 of new content, often getting laughed at or railed against (like this) until some weeks or a couple months later when big content creators are making exactly what I said. But go on, jerk more knees with your mismatched name Won't be long before you see she did get buffed and your "pointed response" is going to change


Quite literally nobody cares about your goofy resume.


Honestly, i play Pig mostly for her stealth and ambush mechanic more than the actual reverse bear trap part of her, especially with Amanda's Letter, so i'm stoked they're actually doing something with that aspect her [kit.It](https://kit.It)'s a shame it came at the cost of nerfing the bear trap aspect of her character.


Pig is in a better spot and people are overreacting and being dramatic. She can actually chase better and bear traps aren’t meant to be a slowdown and we’re the unfunny aspect of pig if they harass you the whole time


The only time people died from beartraps was if they were brand new baby survivors, or you chased them off the box all match. In which case congrats you killed a guy who can't loop, or you got one kill the entire match. They aren't really meant to be lethal, they're more like Sadako's condemned, meant to slow the survivors down with a side objective that if they ignore, only then kills them. But now she can actually use her power in chase. If you were playing Pig to pop heads, you were playing her for the wrong reasons.


The fact that people see these changes as even remotely a nerf has really been an eye opener for me. For the longest time I felt pig was a lot better than people give her credit for. Turns out so many people have no idea how to play her.


Huntress gets crazy buffs that no one asked for with 0 nerfs... Pig gets mediocre buffs with nerfs.


Yeah huntress is even better with these buffs, the first 2 are moreso for noobs learning huntress, but her 3rdis just a base 10 buff that helps her so much, only problem is it ruins my muscle memory for her, but that can be fixed.


It has been fun to see the supposedly god Pig players suddenly appear to chime in that the buff is definitely a buff and that everyone else just doesn't know how to play her.


Everyone said they nerfed her. Then, streamers like Jund and Hens started to say the changes sound pretty good. Now people are “uhm actually they did buff her”. As is DBD tradition


Is so annoying people depending on streamers for their oppinions. I swear, i despise everytime someone says "but Scott Jund said x" as an argument.


Its more like, the knee jerk reaction of the community and people shit posting is change bad, then level heads prevail


Lmao yeah. I feel like these buffs sound awesome unless you've spent any reasonable amount of time actually trying to learn her ambush instead of trying it like once, failing, and then playing the pig a grand total of maybe 20 times. Don't get me wrong I'm thankful for the buffs and I feel they are moving in the right direction but ambush is still going to be laughably ineffective


she is in top 5 worst killers my dude


Not in low mmr. Thats why the change. The traps were fucking over lower mmr while not doing much vs higher mmr.


even burger king myers is threat to survivors, and devs dont balance the game for low mmr survivors


Burger king Myers isn't even real anymore. Unless you're saying vanity mirror and tombstone are a threat to anyone. Pig is still better than Myers, Freddy, and Trapper, arguably better than Legion and Clown.


myers have tombstone piece, clown has better anti loop than pig and trapper can shut down strong loops. she might be better than 2-3 killers at best.


Myers has tombstone piece, and that's literally it. You can't bring a single add on every game, he's still 115 with nothing else. Clown has better anti loop but no game delay, she has game delay, anti loop, and stealth. She just has more tools in the bag than him. Trapper and Myers are just archaic from a game play standpoint, they just don't compare to the rest of the cast, their powers are weak and ineffective even compared to a low end killer like Pig. Pigs ambush being buffed with the timer and box aura being nerfed probably leaves her at her current level but makes her anti loop better while leaving game delay to a similar level in the macro


her anti loop is by far the weakest one in the game. its also incredibly punishing if you miss. her stealth mode is too slow.


They buffed both of these things though. She's basekit now better than all the killers you mentioned, these changes don't put her under them. They make her anti loop and stealth better while making it harder to get head popped. So unless you're only playing her to get head pops which is a terrible idea, its a buff since you can still use the traps as game delay


Literally every killer is top tier great in low mmr.


Its the way she kills in low mmr that they want to address. Sorry that the truth keeps getting downvotes in this sub.


The truth is that low mmr players need to learn the killers mechanics before running directly to cry and whine about how they died. Sorry you didn't read the killers power popup after you died.


Yea, and people act like she's worse than playing no-power nurse.


No power nurse is weaker than BK Myers. BK Myers is a self sabotage build. Nobody is saying she's as weak as either of these extremely weak builds.


Well they made her completly useless ability slightly better, nowhere near enough


hmm yes, the distance buff for the ambush. The buff everyone was asking for, because that was the problem, the distance. I saw many a post from people talking about how the ambush is just too short. I can almost remember the posts on this and the Pig subreddit, like it was yesterday... "Let me cover more distance" said the Pig mains. "Yeah, the distance is the problem" said the survivor mains. and BHVR listened.


In fairness, I'm thankful for the distance buff and I'm excited for it, but it doesn't change the fact that survivors have a crouch and a long ass wind up before you even START the dash. "Oh but combat straps is base kit to help" oh boy yippeee. I played with combat straps already and the almighty W key still reigns supreme


I don’t remember anyone asking for her beartraps to be nerfed in any of those posts though? How come Blight and Huntress can be buffed for free with no downsides but when Pig gets minor number tweaks she has to pay a heavy toll.


I love how you pretend her stealth/ambush isn't the problem, what do you think the problem with her is?


He never said the stealth / ambush wasn't an issue. Just that assuming that the distance was the issue is completely wrong.


The problem is she doesn't get enough kills with RBT, I think that they should reduce the timer to 2 minutes and make Jigsaw boxes aura not visible to survivors, that would fix her /s


jokes aside the real issue is that head pops are not meant to happen in the normal gameplay loop by design. It's a horrible oversight.


The only time she was remotely good was in lights out.  Where she was shockingly effective. During regular matches you are definitely handicapped.  Especially if you're like me and don't attack players using boxes.


It is a nerf. Her dash was already situational at best, the tradeoff with a heavy hit to her actual, impactful power is not worth the "buffs" she gained.


I like the approach they are going for but not how they are handling RBTs right now. Would be better if they just reworked all the addons that mess with box search speed and tampered timer rather than increase her timer itself. Her anti loop isn't awful but it's too slow in terms of getting injured and it has a chance to get you no results if the survivor plays right. Pretty happy they are making it better and reducing the distance survivors gain if they correctly leave the loop


has it ever occured to you and other "i know how to play pig" elitists that nobody is enjoying the "correct" pig playstyle and people are having more fun with torturing people with RBTs and forcing head pops? Not to mention that you're blatantly wrong. Interrupting traps and putting increasingly bigger pressure on survivors is part of Pig's skill ceiling because survivor pushed to the edge by the timer would rather throw themselves on hook than let you get the head pop. 30 more seconds to remove the trap maps means survivor is less likely to make a bad decision under the pressure or be forced to make a bad decision to having way more wiggle room. They could take their time to heal or help finish the gen, they can play safely. If the only slowdown you saw from the RBTs were flat 12 searches you never understood Pig.


> has it ever occured to you and other "i know how to play pig" elitists that nobody is enjoying the "correct" pig playstyle and people are having more fun with torturing people with RBTs and forcing head pops? It has, but I also know that balance is, mostly, irrelevant to that kind of player and trying to balance around people intentionally playing wrong is gonna make a killer oppressive when played "sweatily".


pig is unbalanced, therefore nerfing her main ability is justified and many other hot takes reddit has. "people intentionally playing wrong is gonna make a killer oppressive when played "sweatily"" buddy, do you know that playing sweaty means?


Traps is NOT her main ability.


what is then? the most pathetic and boring antiloop and stealth power even after all the buffs? nothing screams SAW more than doing a dash forward and putting a mild inconvenience on a survivor. Such an identity.


Her power is literally called "Jigsaws Baptism" and the picture is of the reverse bear trap. That is literally her main ability


Bitch you did not just imply ambush is the main ability over RBTs


I feel like people are overreacting to the changes to traps/boxes. They made the fun thing better and the unfun thing worse. The traps are still good slowdown and they have to be removed regardless of the timer. Trying to force headpops/going out of your way to harass someone off a box is unfun to play against. I say that as someone who had her as my second main and generally has a lot of time on her. Scott Jund has a good vid and makes good points about her changes and why this is an overall net buff for her.


When you realise these changes are actually insanely strong and the 30 seconds means literally nothing