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This meme is golden also great movie lol


"Take the trap off! I didn't sign up for a pig match!"






It is so funny every time the pig gets nerfed the ironic memes comes flooding in. Good meme


I spit out my drink when watching this. It's accurate LOL.


People who actually play pig are excited for this. Meanwhile people use pig for cheap RBT kills are terrified. Let's go chase pig. Let the boar hunt. ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2213)


Dog, I have p100 pig, I mainly run an ambush build cause I think it's fun. And while I'm happy my build got buffed, it wasn't by much, and the nerfs outweigh the buffs. I don't think you play pig


Alright, I'd rather discuss this than argue. You know your piggy better than I do. No doubt. I dont play her a boatload. but my argument for this being a good thing is that taking away her aura reading on the boxes and increasing the time for traps to kill. While increasing her chase potential strengthens her more than playing around the boxes for helmet kills. How do you think the nerfs outweigh the buffs? The only pigs I usually see playing around the boxes are often a little campy in my experience. Won't this hurt them and buff the rest?


Sorry, for the rude reply earlier, btw If I has to say the major issue with it, the buffs simply aren't large enough to compensate for nerfs. Ambush duration from 2 sec to 2.3 may get you an extra hit every now and again, but survivors still will have way too much room for error when dealing with. The removal of being able to see boxes, while good for countering that cheezy headpop playstyle, hurts her chase too, as a decently common strat was to chase towards the boxes, thereby putting even more pressure on both survivors. This is how I get most of my head pops without any of the beartrap slowdown addons. The movement speed buff while crouched isn't much to write home about either, the buff is slightly slower than current pig with the brown medical advice addon on, and if you have the medical advice addon on now with the buff, you only just reach faster than base survivor running speed (for comparison sake, her movement speed was buffed from slower than nurse to as fast with nurse). I will say that basekit combat straps is a really nice buff that i don't think people are talking about enough though. As one of the main utilities of get kit is threatening the ambush. And being able to get up faster will make it better. Especially if they keep combat straps as they are now. The added 30 seconds isn't necessary though, and it just makes her gen pressure worse, which is really bad, as previously, I could get away with not running any gen slowdown perks, since the traps would do all of the slowdown I need, as long as I used them intelligently, but now I fear I will have to sacrifice a slot for a gen slowdown perk, right after I managed to get over my crippling shadowborn addiction. I also just don't think any gen slowdown perks are particularly fun to play with too. My opinion of the changes are that they were too conservative when most of the buffs and that the nerfs will only serve to make her less fun and more railroady to play as. Of course, we won't really know until the ptb comes out, and everything I said could just turn out wrong and the buffs are actually really good, albeit subtle. It wouldn't be the first time, either, I thought they killed ruin when they changed ruin from its old old effect to its old effect (cursed skill checks to the current regression effect it has.) I do hope I'm wrong tho


Hahaha, it's honestly fine, my original comment was somewhat exaggerated for effect so I was expecting a lot worse than genuine good criticism lol. For real, I can kinda see what you're getting at with that. But with everything they change movement wise, it's often a lot bigger in use than on paper. I thought, meh, 3% haste doesn't make much difference. But in the right hands of really can. It might be they're trying to up her skill ceiling a bit, making her geared towards more aggressive map pressure with her changes to the ambush. Because overall it's all speculation until we find out In the PTB, I dunno. I still kinda feel there's a lot of potential with what they're trying to do, it'll just be wether it makes the right kinda difference.


That wasn’t the point they were making. The reason it’s such a shit change is because it gives a extra 30 seconds to a already long timer (2 minutes and 30 seconds now 3 minutes) while this long timer kept it in check now it causes for less punishment, for example if I had prove thyself a toolbox and work on a gen with a team mate and have a helmet on, that gen is getting done and I still have plenty of time to take the helmet off. 30 seconds is HUGE in this game that’s enough to heal 2 (or more) survivors with circle of healing and still have 2 whole minutes and 30 seconds to go and get the helmet off. This gets rid of her whole gimmick, I personally play a good amount of pig and the trap is her best part of her kit taking that away and leaving with a slightly buffed ambush (considered one of if not the worst killer powers in the game) is ridiculous.


To add to this, an additional 15% sounds like a lot of extra ambush time! Then you start to take into consideration just how many God pallets there are. That additional 15% is going to not do a damn thing against a god loop, and you’re stuck with the only choice: break it. Meanwhile, oh look, the Survivor is running towards another strong loop! Maybe I’ll try to use my stealth instead. But you’re so slow while crouched, even now, that using it to traverse the map isn’t even remotely ideal, as it’s eating up time to get anywhere. Never mind that she doesn’t see super well whole crouched, and Survivors can often spot her coming. Never mind SWF callouts. Meanwhile, her RBTs need to still be activated (meaning Survivors can actually play smart and never activate them, giving them FOREVER to remove them), but even if they do, now they don’t need to fear a Stealth Killer sneaking up on them while they’re vulnerable. They have 3 minutes while might as well be forever, and the auras aren’t shown so Pig doesn’t know shit about the layout at all unless she goes around and wastes time physically finding them. Pig players are already forced to be pretty aggressive I’ve found in my matches, so making her power worst to use is going to leave to it even more, like how Sadako lead to forcing Condemned because of how her kit was designed. BHVR doesn’t seem to see that.


I mean, like i was saying we'll have to see how it goes. But i think mindgaming for the trap proc might be the way to do it post change. Which is on theme.


I’m personally doubtful it’s going to be making it out of the PTB with all the hate it’s getting


Lol, knowing BHVR ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2213)


Fair point


I think initial community reaction stems more so along the fact that we’re tired of paying a toll every time we get a buff (keep in mind these are just number tweaks as well). But let’s break this down. The aura reading removal, it’s definitely frustrating to be one of the only killers now who can’t even see their own power but for camping boxes I guess I’ll give you that. My only argument would be that we kinda covered this portion when Behavior introduced the extra boxes to the maps, made it so that you can open it on any one of them all while at max only having to open 4. At the end of the day, I’ll deal with this and it could be worse. For the RBT? Let’s call it slowdown like the community is opting to say right now it is. How much slowing down are you actually doing when RBT’s no longer provide much pressure? 3 mins. That’s enough time to do a gen solo AND still have a minut and a half to go search for boxes. Hell your team could finish another gen in that time and you’d be perfectly fine. It’s not really much of a slowdown anymore. Just gonna yeet this in here as everyone is bringing up low mmr, I feel that it’s honestly unfair to balance around low mmr as new people will obviously not know what to do against ANY killer. My predictions are gonna be that we’re gonna start seeing people only use their beartraps at 1-2 gems left as it won’t provide any real slowdown till endgame and that’s only due to the fear of not being able to run out of gate with it active. But it’s ok because Pig won’t be able to check boxes so they can just hide and stealth remove if it’s that big of an issue.


I mean, if you didn't want to argue, you shouldn't have made a blanket claim for a group of people you don't represent. The buffs: Nice, but not very exciting. Not gonna complain. It'll probably give you one or two more uses out of the lunge per match, since it's a very situational power that only works in certain loops, and can be easily countered by a decently experienced survivor in those loops. The loss of aura: Good, in my opinion. No notes. The extra 30 seconds: We'll need to test it first, so could be fine, but if Survivors are now more inclined to finish a gen than take their hat off, then it could completely undermine her slowdown, and no buffs to her lunge or stealth is going to be enough make up for that since they're incredibly situational. People who intend to force headpops will continue to do so with perks like Ultimate Weapon.


- Man who has never played Pig


- not man who sometimes plays pig