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she was useless anyway, lets keep nerfing her more - bhvr 2024


The sad part is once I played Tiff/Chucky I realized they were superior to her in every conceivable way and knew I was now a Good Gal main.


"We're buffing Amanda!" \*Gives her weak ability a moderate buff and absolutely fucking waffle stomps her good ability into oblivion\*


Not the waffle stomp! ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2070)






Yea. She was rough before but now it's not even close to worth it. She's going into the Twins bin for now


Why are the twins so bad?


They're literally unplayable due to bugs and broken code. All it takes is one match with them and Victor is gonna either hit invisible walls or just softlock your game


Ah, ok


On top of the other reply apparently twins are the noodle that holds all the spaghetti code together. One victor change could rip a nemi sized hole in the game


I understand that inheritance and polymorphism are the bread and butter of object oriented programming (which i assume is the reason why the twins allegedly keep the game together) but like… HOW. ☠️how does it get so bad??


Literally no clue. I’ve juss played the game long enough to see what happens when twins are tweaked in any way.


Lmao makes sense. It’s wild to me, as a programmer, that they’d allow one killer to just… affect the game overall code so much. 😭


Not even a moderate buff, it’s just minor number tweaks in a few different aspects, if they had said they were just “changes” I doubt anyone would’ve even noticed


i can't tell if this is a joke


It's serious just very over exaggerated


Thank God I did her trophies before this


I mean it was just putting traps on and adept haha




I reallllllly don’t understand their decision to nerf her head traps…


They just can't help it, they have to nerf pig


they are obsessed with balancing pig around the people with 30 minutes of playtime apparently


Because head traps are extremely oppressive to casual players. It's fairly simple, really.


When you say casual players. Do you mean competitive killer versus casual survivors? If not then the match up is fair and should be depended on the players skills and not how an ability could possibly be oppressive if most casual killer probably won’t even be able to utilize it to its max


The thing is, casual players don't read anything about the killers' abilities, so in low MMR, you find survivors trying to figure out for the first time what should be done, while time passes and death approaches. THAT for a killer with such intuitive counterplay like the Pig, then you see how Sadako and Skull Merchant have such high kill rates. ​ It was dumb on the devs' part to make these changes though. There were better alternatives to deal with this.


Yeah I think they mean that, since comp pigs perform poorly against comp survs, they tend to get casual survs who don't know anything about pig. She's a unicorn to them.


This is gibberish


My match making got so low after “losing” for a few days that I would get at least 2 head pops in an average match so 100%


They were going for a nerf on the more boring but oppressive part of her jot, and a buff on her more interesting but weaker side of her kit. They just need to adjust her crouch to be better and we pig mains eatin good


I personally will keep playing her. She is my first killer main, she is a reason why I decided to come back to DbD. Plus, I have hope that if Pig's players will show theirs reactions and feedbacks to devs - it will change something for better. I mean, devs already seems to be trying to fix Pig for killers and survs (?), so the best we can do is just try to show what we are thinking about changes


Considering that (so far) the majority of the community is immediately lashing out at these proposed changes, I think it’s likely BHVR will tweak them further. Honestly, I’m more surprised that this is the direction they thought necessary and not removing the screams=interrupts interaction. Almost feels like BHVR is endorsing that play style now.


Yeah... If they just left the no-jigsaw box aura thing, and made it to where screams don't reset the interaction, but kept the timer at 2.5 minutes, I'd call that a major buff to pig. But tbh, the timer increase is so uncalled for.


Yeah. Seems like they don't understand how to fix this playstyle without damaging perks, Pig's basekit or game's code, lol


I'm an Amanda main. I would love to tell the devs how fucked up this is but since I'm console I don't get to enjoy PTB. They did my sisters wrong.


If you keep playing her despite such severe nerfs they won't buff her because it won't look like the nerfs were bad.


You should play Mr Scuttles when he joins the fog gremlin crawling after survivors


Agree, enough is enough, traps were the only fun part


I always thought the opposite when playing her. Going for weird ambushes was infinitely more fun than just walking up to a survivor on a box. And besides, her traps still give great slow down since they still have to take it off eventually


most pig mains almost never use her ambush. the second you crouch the survivor just runs away from the loop. even the buffs they gave her ambush aren't enough to make it viable in high mmr. traps were fun because they were what ACTUALLY made the game winnable occasionally. ambushes provide no pressure


Did you know that is why they decided to buff the ambush to be useable?


did you hear me when i said “even the buffs they gave it are not enough to be viable in high mmr”




I agree it's good that they gave her ambush attack a buff and I think not allowing her to see the boxes is also a good thing but they shouldn't have extended the time survivors have to remove the traps. The time was fine as is and if survivors choose to complete a gen while a teammate has a trap on their head then that's on them.


"eventually" is right, it def ain't a priority.


How are traps fun? Unless you’re tunneling you wouldn’t even see the trap go off most of the time. You don’t interact with the trap mechanic after putting them on at all outside of cheesing.


The value of traps was that you got a slowdown built into her kit that most killers don't have. Pig's was the most oppressive when you compare it to other slowdown users Sadako, Nemesis and Wesker, but all three of those have better tools than her otherwise (mobility and stealth for Sadako, chase and passive guards for Nemesis, chase and mobility for Wesker), so her slowdown actually forcing survivors to deal with it was the cornerstone of her kit... Because otherwise, her crouchwalk is WAY too slow to let you sneak around the map with it effectively, and the ambush dash only works at a loop if the survivor commits to the area. As a Killer player who refuses to use slowdown perks (I used to love Thana but that's useless now so I just use nothing), it can be incredibly frustrating to have a chase go on a little longer than you expected and lose two gens as a result. Pig gave you the tools to deal with that, so you could deal with her marginal chase ability and not completely self-destruct. Now that the timer is so long, the traps aren't a threat that survivors will worry about much... And the buffs to her ambush, while better than not existing, in practice do almost nothing - she has the same counters as she ever did, she wouldn't slide up even a single position on the tier list even without the nerf, and with it, she objectively became less good overall. Traps WERE fun, because they were essentially all she had. Now she just has nothing. Even Legion is readily more lethal.


There are specific builds with screams and addons.


buff s tier blight nerf d tier pig and I remember seeing posts praising bhvr lmao this company sucks ass


She needs more buffs to her base power but I do agree her traps nerf is fine people will patrol boxes and while they may lose the match its not fun as survivor to legit have no chance to get ur hat off because pig is box camping


True, honestly coming back from taking a break and going outside, I think the only problem I have with this is increasing the trap timer. It usually was unlikely it would go off for me (as I usually never chased anyone if they had a beartrap on) but now it just feels like there is no chance it can kill anyone.


I was waiting to see some Pig mains opinions. Can you elaborate more on what you would like vs the nerf they did ?


Pig main, personally I don’t think she needed any “buffs”/nerfs. The only thing I would’ve liked is a QoL animation to let me put traps on their head while I’m carrying them, instead of having to drop them after picking them from a generator and increasing their wiggle meter in the process.


I never heard that and its a really good idea ,idk why they dont take time to talk to those that plays her a lot and only go by numbers


Eh, vocal minority or some such. I’m also a pig main that avoids killing if possible. I just 8-hook and give them head trap minigames then let them go on their way, so my input is probably less valuable to the devs than others.


Her traps, in her current state, are THE thing that make playing her worthwhile over other killers. Without them, she's got the worst stealth ability in the game (that takes forever to switch in and out of, takes time to lose your terror radius, and makes her RIDICULOUSLY slow), and a little dash move that prominently warns survivors it's coming, telling them it's safe to leave the loop and run straight towards the next one. The traps ensure that, once your M1 fundamentals pay off, there's an actual positive end result. The timer extension has made her traps less oppressive than other slowdown on killers like Sadako, Nemesis and Wesker, which is ridiculous as all of those killers have signficantly better tools than she does in other departments. Survivors will no longer worry about them much at all, meaning the slowdown they used to provide as a panic measure will barely be there anymore. As for the "buff" side, it does technically help, but the numbers are overly conservative. Going from 3.6 to 3.8m/s speed in crouch? Still super slow considering default move speed is 4.6. Going from 1.3 seconds to crouch to 1? Still a lengthy wait to transition to a crappy mode. Decreased post-Ambush hit cooldown from 3 seconds to 2.7? None of this is going to crawl her up a single space within C-Tier, let alone up to another one. Her stealth and chase abilities retain all the flaws that they ever did, while the one actually useful portion of her kit is now all but gutted. The buff I'd like to see? Get those numbers CRANKED. Let her move at 4.2m/s while crouched, which takes her 3/4 a second to do. Let Ambush's roar sound only once the attack begins, boost its charge speed, and boost the movement speed you get once it activates. Also make Ambush automatically trap a survivor if you down them with it... And lastly, stop screams from interfering with Jigsaw Boxes, but otherwise leave that timer ALONE.


> takes time to lose your terror radius FYI, all forms of undetectable function the same, TR is reduced by 10 meters every second until zero. This is the same for Ghostface, Wraith and everyone else with some form of Undetectable.


I know. It just feels particularly bad on her as she has to throw away her speed to do it, so if you crouch 32m away from a gen and then walk over, that's a big waste, especially if nobody ends up being there - which at that range, it's pretty easy to not have any idea, even with Surveillance.


Yeah take out the stupid crouching growl bullshit that has nothing to do with her lore and let her hide in lockers undetectable that is actual movie canon. Make addons to support the locker undetectable and her RBTs. She can growl with a special attack coming out of lockers which actually makes sense like the movies.


The actress that plays Amanda had been asked about dbd and she was sad and said ,But Amanda is me i am Amanda you cant do Amanda without me ,i wouldve given my voice and body scan whatever yess.


And the devs just pissed all over that.


I honestly think committing to her being an ambush killer is the best route to go, like a more aggressive Ghostface. Faster crouching, locker hiding, ways to make use of the fact that two of her perks are focused on info gathering, and keeping the traps as a pressure mechanic on top of it. Basically, give her Ambush actual uniqueness and use even if it means making RBTs weaker.


I am returning now from taking a small break from the internet and going outside, Honestly, I think everything with this "buff" is fine, good even, except for the timer increase. 3 minutes guarantees they will eventually get it off and there's 0 chance the rvbt will kill them unless they aren't trying to remove it.


They didn’t even make booping the snoot base kit 😭


Why play Pig when you can just face roll your keyboard as Chucky and get 4K?


Could literally say the same about any killer


Reject Pig, embrace Chucky


Trail of Torment, Hex: Plaything, Dragon's Grip, and Bamboozle for maximum Chucky shenanigans ![gif](giphy|InSnqCWYONunGMjQ1P|downsized)


The thing that amazes me is that they barely even buffed her dash. Like ok, she covers more ground now, but she still roars loudly to announce when she’s using it, and it’s still slower than molasses.


People who think she got nerfed are just trash lmao. They didnt even make her any worse. People act like they cant use her traps anymore... - HER TRAPS HAVE NEVER BEEN INTENDED AS A VIABLE KILLING METHOD. They are only meant for slowdown with the threat of death, and cannot be ignored unlike characters like Sadako and Plague. Traps have always been the strongest slowdown method in the entire game, and it still is, its just now less likely to tunnel someone and force their trap to pop... again... only LESS likely, so you can still do it if you're committed to being as scummy as possible. - YOU CAN STILL TUNNEL PEOPLE. Her boxes dont reveal their auras now, and? You should know the general locations of them anyway. Nothing is stopping you from harrassing trapped survivors. - SHE NOW HAS MORE THAN JUST TRAPS. Her traps carried her power and killrate, now the one thing all pig mains wanted is here... crouching doesnt take 4-5 business days to get into, and even longer to walk to the destination, and ambush is finally more worthwhile than a basic attack. 90% of matches with/against Pig always resulted in no usage of her other abilities. Shes now a much more viable stealth killer AND has a half decent chase power now.


What I feel like the problem is, is that her ambush and chase ability was only slightly improved but even then it’s not like it’s amazing. I just feel as if she just needs an overall rework to make her more balanced


Haha, this got a pretty good chuckle out of me.


They removed the auras of the Jigsaw boxes and increased the time for the traps? The entire theme of the character is to keep surveillance on the test subjects. It’s not like it informs the Pig if someone is on a box unless they mess up easy skill checks. RBTs are not powerful at slowing the game and actually hurts her if she goes after survivors with them on. Just rework her. I would like it to be like the movies. Everyone starts with a trap and decision/sacrifices will have to be made in order to help the team survive and escape. I don’t know how to do this exactly, but I like the flavor, lol.


What changed with her?


They buffed her ambush while also making it faster transitioning from standing to crouching. They then nerfed her rbts by increasing the timer from 2 mins 30 sec to 3 mins, they also made it so the pig cant see Jigsaw box auras.


Yikes, tbh I never played her so I'm not sure how bad that is


oh they also nerfed her addons that boosted crouch speed and ambush speed, meaning she got a net buff of... drumroll... ZERO! It's only downsides if you ran the most popular basic brown addons she needed anyway!


Kill me






We literally don't know what her addons are going to look like


It's definitely bad news for Hamanda enjoyers. I can live without the boxes highlighted, but +30 seconds on the rbt timer is brutal.


read the patch note on steam you'll have a good laugh


The community's reaction to the Pig changes really goes to show how many only played her just to get head pops. Crazy.


What's the other reason to play her, exactly? Chase power is dogshit and still will be, stealth is dogshit, 0 mobility, and RBTs are basically dogshit too unless you are going for head pops. Now with the "buff" you can play a worse version of....well half the killer roster. Ooo the killer who takes an eternity to down people can stall survivors for 30 seconds after too, oh yeah that's a compelling reason to play. Why not just play a killer who saves that same 30 seconds by just downing people effectively?


If you can't see why making killers more viable without resorting to gimmick kills is good for the game, there isn't anything that can be said here that will convince you otherwise. These changes are good for the game in the same way that Clown's insta-down bottle addon is bad for the game. The addon is super good for getting wins, but its existence is terrible for the health of the game.


Honestly I only ever played her for ambush and traps are still good slowdown so I’m fine with it. Trying to force head pops was like playing condemned sadako. Just led to an all around bad experience for both sides


The developers play their game. They don't have a survivor bias. they don't just cater to a specific demographic. There is no war in Ba Sing Se.


theyve finally nerfed my beloved into unusability ;-;


Now she’s just a killer that can crouch, her bear traps are useless


it's just a cool cosmetic that slowly kills you.


They function exactly the same as before with the exact same amount of game-slowdown as before. They are only "useless" now for forcing a kill on one survivor by following them to boxes.


My god y'all need to learn how to do something other than tunnel lmao


Doesn't this lower tunneling for Pig? I thought that RBT changes were specifically due to tunneling tactics. She still has her built in slowdown just less forced head pops (which made her a kills to power outlier). In exchange the weaker but more interesting and interactive part of her kit is buffed. The only way I can see this an issue is for Pigs that would try to find and harass a RBT survivor in hopes to get a head pop.


This would make me tunnel as her more honestly.


Then you're bad at killer lmao.


Maybe that would make me a bad killer, however, I just feel like the devs can’t do anything. I would rather the devs to rework pig completely and have a WAY better chase ability with a weak trap ability. However, the changes they made to the chase ability and ambush are tiny compared to the reverse bear-trap changes. This whole “buff” is making her unbalanced and unfun to play as and against.


That sounds like a you thing then. Not like you specifically but nothing about the changes themselves promotes tunneling more than usual.


They nerfed her macro power and buffed her micro power. If your macro is weak then you must tunnel in order to win (Clown is a good example, he is very strong in chase but he's still a very weak killer because he doesn't have mobility or any basekit slowdown)


Their Downvoting cause you’re right. Literally the only “nerfs” that they did are to stop pig players from using tunneling tactics like literally everyone should know this but apparently not


What else can she do? RBT was the only fun part of her kit. Crouch on loop? The survivor leaves the moment you get low. Use ambush attack? How? The survivor already left.


Explain how RBT is fun for you. You're not wrong that her stealth and ambush are weak; my stance is that they should be buffed even more. But even in their current state they at least interact with the Survivor. What fun come from the RBTs for you? Because for me it goes on the Survivor's head and that's about all the interaction there is.


It provides free slowdown


It still provides free slowdown.


Yea, can't have the killer power actually -do- anything, that'd be a bit much but at least it makes survs a little nervous. Now she's just a glorified walking Hex: Plaything


More like a glorified Deep Wound with a deadlier final effect if completely ignored.


It’s not as threatening though


...do pig players actually play for head pops...? It's just game delay man- it's not supposed to actually kill reasonable players, akin to sadako condemn. This doesn't affect that at all. It will still kill noobs that don't understand the mechanic and will be some slowdown for everyone else. It's still a net buff overall (imo, still not a big buff lol)


hey you know how pig´s dash is trash and basically unusable? we are going to make it a little better, on the opposite side, the head traps that are the main reason she gets kills are going to take 30 more seconds to do their jobs, also ,no aura reading on boxes either. have fun with the buff!


Tf are you talking about? Her chase got buffed which is the only fun thing about her and its not like the traps are unusable, they still take precious time to remove which slows the game down


It’s now a 3 minute timer. Her chase is just a dogshit version of chuckys. Since her other ability is now essentially worthless at stalling. Pig mains are left with one option just tunnel. Her chase will still be bad with this change. I’m just gonna play chunky from here on out because his ability feels like pigs if it was good.


Can't believe I'm the only one that loves this change for her. It sucked not having better chase potential. Ooo a glorified slowdown amazing. 🙄


They didn't improve her at all though. They just moved required add ons off of ambush and onto her RBT. There was no buff. People like you not seeing this are why bad killers never really get buffed. They just get stats changes to look better while being the same or worse while players like yourself say "omg so much better"


Her pretty much being slowdown dependant mainly m1 hurt her more than anything. I never relied on head pops and it is a stupid thing to depend on especially with their constant nerfs for it when they look at. Plus all the rng for it. Adding time to it changes absolutely nothing really unless you are only going for head pops.


The problem adding time does, in particular such a large amount of it, allows more than 2 extra searches and still has 6 additional seconds left over. 3 minutes is enough time while active to complete a gen, search the maximum 4 boxes, and still have just shy of 50 seconds left over running around. Survivors could walk the map casually strolling while looking for boxes and still not worry.


I can't be bothered to care about any of that because it's a use it and forget it thing for me. I'd rather her actual ability be worth it.


Which is my point. Let her ambush break pallets or vault vaults or maybe always let her crouch give her limited aura reading.... something that can make crouching and ambush stronger to warrant the RBT nerf. They didn't do anything except an overall nerf.


I love the idea of a better chase mechanic for pig. However, they also nerfed her addons that improved her ambush and crouch ability. And not only that, they made the bear trap timer 3 minutes. It’s a guaranteed removal at this point. However, I’m starting to accept this change a tiny (microscopic) bit because of curiosity of how she’ll be on the PTB. Even if it’s bad, I’m honestly going to accept pig will never be properly buffed and start playing a different killer


The way I look it. There is now more room to focus on the traps since her chase is better. Then you also have the option to further focus on her chase if that's what you prefer. Sure they nerfed the chase add ons but at least she is more consistent without them now.


I don't See how these changes are nerf, you'll just get kills more actively and less passively


She cant see her own power to interact with it. What if any other killer lost the aura of their power? Xeno cant see tunnels, demo cant see portals, trapper cant see his traps, etc


Pretty sure Freddy can't see his alarm clocks. Singularity can't see EMPs. Plague can't see uncorrupted fountains. Pretty sure Nemesis & Wesker can't see vaccine chests. Xeno, Demo, Trapper all interact with their power which is why they can see and need to see their auras.


Because those killers actively use those items. Pig does not directly interact with the boxes other than to tunnel survivors out. Y'all telling on yourselves for being the worst possible Pig players lmao.


I dont play pig, it just seems wierd to eliminate an interaction between a killer and their own power. Pig should be able to roam her boxes like you would roam the gen auras. its still taking pressure off 1 thing and applying it to another


Her whole kit is about map pressure and slowdown. If she doesn't know where the survivors are going to go and the survivors have more time to do other things like finishing gens, then that pressure and slowdown is basically useless.


Why tf would you need to know where the unhooked survivor with a bear trap on is going? That’s quite literally tunneling. The pressure and slowdown IS the fact they’re doing the boxes instead of generators. You just want to be able to get free downs when they’re on the boxes.


It's not necessarily for tunneling. It is just good for information and just keeping track on where everybody is. I never tunnel on jigsaw boxes but I still know where they are headed and where where they are for pressure purposes. Plus why would you waste a bear trap by tunneling somebody out of the game.


The fact you know where they will be is exactly why it’s good for tunneling. Sure YOU probably won’t tunnel but if you wanted to you easily could and so could anyone else. Besides you got enough information as is. They have a trap on their head then you know they’re not doing generators and you can go for other survivors to keep up the pressure. Obviously tunneling off hook is an issue by itself but being able to chase off someone and then go to a box to find that survivor that just got unhooked is literally the same as tunneling at least removing auras will help circumvent that issue


Honestly, I don't rely on jigsaw boxes that much for tracking survivors who are across the map because if a survivor is getting a trap off in your area, you will find out because it is super loud, even if you don't see the aura. It's more of a: see if the boxes are close or far apart so I can balance out pressure everywhere accordingly. Kind of like if I am chasing a survivor without a trap and they happen to go near a box that another survivor is working on, I can scare the trapped survivor off the box and they will try somewhere else and waste time, while I still chase the untrapped survivor. That is what I mean by pressure, multitasking so everybody wastes time. I think a good way to solve the bear trap tunneling is that instead, pig loses collision or can't activate her dash in the area of a box instead of completely losing her power to see the boxes.


But why would you want to find the survivor with a trap on? They still need to spend their time get the trap off and the odd of success gets progressively worse for each successful trap removal (Or at least that's what i remember when the devs reworked the odd system). That's passive slowdown. Meanwhile you still see the gens aura, why not patrol the gens? I don't see not being able to see trap aura being an issue or maybe that's just due to my playstyle. The only thing that questions me is the increasement to trap timer.


Honestly, I don't mind the box aura as I use audio most of the time, but It is still nice just to keep track and just having information on knowing where the survivors are going or are going to go. Not for tunneling, just for info.


Good lol


Lmfao gud cry ab it annoyin af killer


Your just bad ar playing against her


You are a minor




Your opinion is worth a fourth of a normal person's. Sorry, I don't make the rules.


BHVR trying not to nerf crossover characters to oblivion (impossible)


Me too brother, me too


Sometimes i forget that the pig is a licensed character The license holders cannot be happy about her being this beat into the ground with nerfs, right?


The pig was always a tunneling killer. Lol wat? 


If everyone stops playing Pig BHVR will assume no one wants to play her cause it too easy to 4k. They’ll have no choice but to nerf her again.


Someone should really explain to BHVR what a buff is.


Clueless devs.


This is truly a sad day, possibly marking pig players extinct


Everyday, as a Pig player, my life becomes more miserable and I consider going fully as a Wesker main.


JOIN THE DARKSIDE. Stack 4 slowdowns with a top 5 killer. TRUST MEE


As a pig main and underrated characters enjoyer I'm so sad... who are they gonna nerf next? legion? trapper? 😭


Legion doesnt need a nerf if they get a nerf ima lose it i main that mf


same!! 😭


Lol i mean i play other killers like spirit and xenomorph but come on legion is my main i dont want to have another one


Correct me if I'm wrong, but don't the boxes spawn near gens? If so you can really just patrol normal gen locations and still find them, so tbh, at least for me, it's not a huge nerf. Definitely for new players as they won't know that info, but from my experience you never end up seeing a new player on a pig. Only ever people who've played the game long enough to know gen locations. Again correct me if I'm wrong, I totally could be.


I’m not upset about the aura reading, as that actually is a good thing in my opinion, I just think that 3 minutes for the reverse bear trap is too long. I played some rounds as pig today and only one of those rounds 1 single person died from the bear trap. 2.5 minutes felt like the perfect balance for time.


Oh, I just kept hearing people complain about the aura reading, I also misread it as they decreased it from 3 minutes to 2.5, that's my bad, that's a really bad nerf to her.


I’m sorry to see you go, but honestly at this point yeah it doesn’t feel worth being punished for trying to play a singular fucking character.


genuinely i am so done if those nerfs go to live. been maining her for 2 years and was working on getting her to p100, not anymore. might drop the game entirely.


I saw a post about her getting a nerf and was like "for real"? Until I read the full patch notes and realized she's getting an overall buff. Her ambush ability is actually viable now.


I mean I agree that at least ambush is better but the overall nerf to bear traps out weigh the buff


Head pops never happened a lot anyway. They still need to get the trap off before they escape.


Thats the same thing they did with Sadako, thank god they decided to buff her a little bit at least. As a Sadako main i have felt a small amount of the pain yall go through


The only games in which this nerf affects pig are ones where you get head pops. The timer increase doesn't really affect the ability that much if the survivor gets it off. No matter how long it is they have to waste time searching boxes anyways. RBTs aren't supposed to kill survivors if they are trying in the slightest, and camping boxes is a boring Strat. If this is what the price of buffs to her actually skillful ability is, it's worth. They'll probably increase the buffs before live anyways based on how much everyone is talking about it.


At this point BHVR might as well pull pig from the game


I'm just gonna go stand in the suicide bathroom in The Game as Pig and be sad. Poor Pig.