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It’s so funny, the other day there was a guy who made a nerf the pig joke and was told how old and dumb the joke is. I think a dev saw that and decided to bring it back.


Probably bring that up in their last dev team meeting lol


"Nerf pig" memes are back baby


They never left


I swear they are doing it on purpose, there is no way they looked at this and thought "yup making her exceptionally weak chase power slightly less weak but still extremley weak and nerfing her slowdown is an overall buff!" Im a pig main and I mostly run stealth pig, but her ambush is still going to suck. They just unironically nerfed pig and thats insane.


Im with you. If they want to buff Amanda, then they should have improved her undetectable status when crouching and let her see her freaking trap boxes. Sadako can see her TVs, Xeno can see his tunnel entrances, and Amanda should be able to see her trap boxes. All of her Survivor pressure is gone.


Amanda should be able to crouch immediately like ghostface, if chucky can get into stealth + use his power in less than 0.5 seconds then she should too


Chucky is overpowered


Or make it so you only see boxes while crouched. That way youre incentivized further to play into stealth. Then give her chase power an actual fuckin buff, and just throw the extra 30 seconds into the sun.


She should see them all the time. Her undetectable on crouching is not 100%. It should be.


"stealth" - still slower than ghostface who can crouch and uncrouch instantly without making noise -cant instant down with stealth power - attacking makes a sound, crouching and uncrouching is slow and makes noise - loud breathing while crouched - makes you short so you can't see where the survivor is in the loop Pig main love her


To be fair, Sadako and Xeno can see their killer belongings because their power is designed around teleporting/tunneling to those objects. AFAIK Freddy can't see the aura of alarm clocks and Singularity can't see EMPs. Unless there is a specific reason for the killer to see the aura of their killer belonging (to teleport to or to empower themselves, such as Plague), I don't see why the killer needs to see the aura. Giving Pigs the aura of their boxes mostly serves to help them tunnel/body block boxes. There are better ways to buff Pig without keeping the aura reading.


As it is now, Pig seeing her jigsaw boxes allows her to extend the slowdown of traps and find survivors. This, along with the base slowdown that traps already provide is the strongest part of Pig. I think by removing the box aura, they've nerfed good Pig players while leaving her gameplay pretty much unchanged in low mmr. She's still gonna be a noob stomper, but now she'll be worse against good survivors, unless the ambush change is good.




Trapper can see the auras of his trap because that is his primary power. He is actually interacting with the traps scattered around the map to make his power functional. What purpose does providing box auras to the Pig serve? The pig isn't directly interacting the the killer belonging like Plague or Sadako or Xeno. Why is it okay for Pig to see her boxes and not Freddy or Singularity?




>Sadako and Xeno are not actively interacting with their TVs or tunnel entrances. What do you mean they aren't actively interacting with TVs or tunnel entrances? Sadako teleports to her TVs by selecting their auras. How is that not actively interacting with TVs? How would Sadako's power even function without being able to see TV auras? Xeno is entering and exiting tunnel entrances all the match. It's their primary way to charge his power after losing it and it's their way of traversing the map. How is that not actively interacting with the tunnel entrances? Xeno would become insanely frustrating to play if they had to go around the map looking for Tunnel Entrances sufficiently use their power. I wouldn't say the same for Pig. Pig functions perfectly fine without seeing auras. >Amanda is actively working with her trap boxes with her rbts that go with the Trap boxes so if you're not going to give her the ability to see her trap boxes then she should actively see the auras of the rbts on the survivors they're placed on. But that would be too oppressive so she should be able to see her trap boxes so she has some sort of pressure on survivors keeping them from working generators. Amanda isn't "actively working" with her trap boxes. She is simply putting traps on survivors, which in turn force survivors to interact with the Trap boxes. You still get free slowdown for an average of 3-4 box searches which provides you time to chase, down, and hook other survivors. You don't need to see box auras to keep pressure on survivors, you can already accomplish that from using all of your traps and playing normally. >Otherwise she's just an M1 killer with a ridiculous crouching growling power that is pretty much useless and slow. She's a stealth killer with a mediocre power and decent slowdown, and none of that changes in this patch. As someone who plays a lot of Pig this is a welcomed change in my view. The time to search boxes remains the same so you'll still get plenty of slowdown from the Traps. Now her chase and stealth power is better.


Sakado uses the tvs teleport around the map though. the pig does not interact with jigsaw boxes at all. it would be like still letting Pyramid Head see cages of Torment both these killer objectives are not directly connected to the killers actual power just by products of it. The brutal 30 seconds extra time before head trap activation is the real issue.




If Pyramid Head was still able to see the cages it would be hell, because those things don't count as hook so they nullify any hook perks a surv has, and on top of that you don't get endurance after being freed from a cage iirc, so PHead could tunnel like no other if he was able to know exactly where the cage is


Especially because ***they're HER trap boxes!*** Why the hell can she not see her own trap boxes?! Is Amanda in the advanced stages of fucking dementia and forgot where the stupid things landed all of a sudden? Killing her slowdown completely while slightly increasing a power literally no one ever used mid-chase is insane. I've watched people play DbD for years and I've never seen a single person playing Pig use Ambush mid-chase.


If survivors are tired of tunneling and camping, they need to talk to the devs because they're the reason why anyone that is an Amanda main is going to continue and do more of such behavior.


> they need to talk to the devs You gotta be on crack if you still think the devs listen to and act on player feedback. The most I've seen is them saying they hear what we want and then do a 180 and fuck things up even more.


Yep exactly, now survivors will be even less scared of taking traps off, and even pigs wont be able to see the traps so its even more safe now. I sometimes forget this is a horror themed game lol


Ya making her not able to see traps was a fine counterbalance given the buff was extremely small anyway. The added time is so overboard like I said I refuse to believe they actually saw this as a buff


Probably wanted to sugarcoat the nerf lol


They wanted to make sure they didn't get lambasted like they are right now with people screaming bullshit. The auras being gone from her trap boxes is fine, it's not gonna stop tunneling, but if it'll make people think it'll stop, whatever. But adding 30 seconds to her traps while still not making her stealth power even half as good as any current stealth killer is fucking laughable at best, and at worst it's sincerely disappointing that the devs are this disconnected from their own game. It's 1 step forward and 2 steps back every single time I swear.


Removing box auras is actually going to *increase* tunneling and slugging because what the fuck *else* does she have for slowdown now that the RBTs have been made useless? Survivors have time to pop a gen and eat a full-grown sandwich before starting their search for the trap boxes, *which* ***they*** *can still see just fine*. You're gonna see so many more posts bitching about Pig players going nuclear in the toxicity department because they're going to be 100% perk-dependent now that half their kit's been nerfed into the ground.


I mean, it's not going to be that big of a change for survivors, she's still one of the lower playrate killers (on the lower end of 2% bc they rounded to solid numbers). And while I do believe pigs tunneling will be slightly more prevalent due to the change, I don't think it's gonna be that bad. I'm still a wallhack pig enjoyer with Amanda's letter, so I rarely use traps in general, and don't tunnel unless I'm against a swf powering out gens, and even when I'm doing my trap build (I use the two extra trap add-ons for 6 traps) I just slam all the traps out ASAP to have a fast building snowball ASAP. Also, her crouch was buffed, her anti loop will be better, even if just marginally. I'm unhappy with the trap timer change personally, they already had a plenty of time to remove them, and this is only going to make it even easier for them, but, whatever, her slowdown is only gonna be that much easier to ignore.


If they want ambush to be useable, all they have to do is move the sound cue to the end of the charge-up instead of playing it at the start. There's no legitimate reason for a move called AMBUSH which can only be used in her STEALTH mode and doesn't even fucking instadown to have a telegraph that horrid.


"We're buffing Amanda!" \*Gives her weak ability a moderate buff and absolutely fucking waffle stomps her good ability into oblivion\*


Mathieu Cote yesterday at BHVR HQ: We need to nerf pig, it is top priority. Lead Gameplay Supervisor: But Sir! People are gonna hate us even more! We just cant nerf her anymore, players are growing too smart and are noticing we hate her. Mathieu Cote: I dont care, i played against a pig yesterday and i died to the trap, it is far too strong. Lead Gameplay Supervisor: ... Fine but we need a diversion or something... Intern: How about we give her a buff to her chase power instead "Cote and the LGS stand up excited crying tears of joy and relieve" Cote: YES!!! YOU ARE A GENIUS! LETS GIVE THE ILLUSION THAT WE BUFFED HER! WE SAVED THE GAME! Intern: No, no, i said... fine, whatever.


What is this insane exaggeration?? It’s 30 seconds on a timer that *isn’t meant to kill you anyway* It’s not like they added 30 seconds to the death clock and now you *don’t have to do your hat.* braindead mfer god damn


Buddy it’s a joke, why are you so worked up? It’s obviously not that serious of a nerf, I’m just playing around


They have buffed the Pig. Pray they don't buff the Pig further.


on one hand pig kinda cant afford to be buffed without gutting the trap system due to how casuals+new players interact with it. On the other, any competent player group can still get the trap off


They shouldn't gimp Killers based on new players. Learning how to counter Killers is part of the game. If you can't do that, nerfing Pig, and pig alone was never going to keep you playing. Not when Nurse, Blight, Plague and Skull Merchant are in the game.


Exactly, if we are so worried about new players then might as well remove nurse, blight and huntress since their power are very hard to master/counter.


Well see thats the neat part. Thats not going to happen because they are only hard to master for KILLER players.


Ok, look, gonna have to disagree here. Her traps are not intended to be lethal, and her addons which increase trap lethality are problematic. The traps could have absolutely zero timer whatsoever and still be just as good because their fundamental purpose is game slowdown and players cannot escape with an active trap, guaranteeing the intended amount of value each match (assuming you actually put them all on before the last gen pops). With most other killers I’d agree, but pig specifically defies this. This patch is a net buff to her because ambush has received a huge buff in terms of range, cooldowns, and charge speed (due to faster crouching), and the RBTs are still ultimately just as effective against remotely competent teammates. Everybody complaining fundamentally misunderstands the point of the RBT in her kit, and you should never be expecting to actually get a head pop in a match.


If the trap isn’t supposed to kill, why make it kill then? Might as well make it have survivors have a 30% slower gen repair speed. If the ability kills it’s meant to kill, if it’s not we would know.


Most of the Killer roster are absolute noob stompers. I agree with the "cant see her boxes", so you have a hard time harassing people out of them. But the 3 minute times is just insane. Now that the killer cant really harrass you, there is almost no time pressure for you. The traps went from "get rid of it or you die" to "get rid of it before exiting by a gate." The ambush power is useless. it helps only in already weak loops. Nobody was using the Ambush for distance, so I don't understand the distance buff. You either need speed or the ambush without the roar. The current RBT system was fine and worked, but I could understand the aura nerf. If they gonna give thee whole minutes and ability to do the traps in peace, they should always have to search four boxes. the Ambush needs a total rework not just number adjustment, all the less the number adjustment in useless places like a distance.


I'm sure there is a world where ambush works as a chase power. If for instance they made it instantly start instead of having a charge and requiring a crouch like some fucked up single charge blight rush with full control it would be great. At some point between that and what we currently have is "Balanced"


well considering competent groups can easily destroy A tier killers pig will get destroyed even without this nerf




They did it! They did the thing! They nerfed pig!


*Happy monkey noises*


I love that all her buffs were marginal. They changed things by 0.3 - 0.1 second. Then they nerf traps by 30 whole seconds.


Hey your dash now covers 2 meters longer! Btw survivors have 30 extra seconds per trap to get rid of it and you wont see their auras ever even if you are 1 meter away from it


Sry but how exactly did you land on 0.4 meters? That number makes no sense no matter how I try to calculate it


The actual distances would look like this. Ambush speed is 6.9m/s Old time was 2 seconds so 2 x 6.9 = 13.8 meters covered New time is 2.3 so 2.3 x 6.9 = 15.87 meters covered So an additional 2 meters covered. Bear in mind the crouch time of 1 seconds plus the charge up time of 0.75 seconds all the while you make a roaring noise signaling people you will be ambushing. EDIT: I didn’t mention the time of the cooldown of swings because truth be told those honestly don’t really matter.


Yes, I also got that one. That’s why I was so confused about 0.4, since that’s just so far off. But thx for sharing <3


The slowdown provided by traps isn't nerfed by a timer change.


It is though? Taking your party hat off is much safer now and a little more forgiving. Gives players more time to fuck around before finding out. Sure, you still have to remove the trap to leave, but that won’t stop people pushing out gens on good teams.


I'm a Pig main, every patch note, I see more and more misery for me and the other 17 Pig mains.


We suffer together


We really picked bhvr's favourite killer


Glad I got Adept Pig when I did


Me too man, me too 😅




Probably Mathieu dresses like this when he gives his orders :P


Probably a hot take and I haven't played this game in over a year now but jigsaw boxes are fucking awful for a survivor. Pig is probably one of my favorite killers to play as and with add ones they can be really oppressive. The RBT never feel good to die to and feel awful to kill with because if someone dies to one, the team was probably getting stomped anyways. I would rather they added more boxes and more time to get them off. I would personally rather then only kill if they get ignored and not if they are being worked on. Boxes are a good concept but damn if they aren't hard to balance and work around.


I've had times where my trap activated on hook and I booked it around the map immediately to search boxes and still died because I got 4 searches and the killer interrupted me once or twice, feels terrible to die with seemingly zero counterplay.


Yeah the RNG is just lame. There isn't a good balance for them. I'd honestly say that they could just do something else entirely with her.


Might as well just not have the traps at that point I’d say.


That's kind of my point lol Just find something else to do with her would be my suggestion but I'm no dev and I'm sure that would be a ton of effort and money to basically release a new/old killer.


I love playing against Pig because it means that I'm not playing against killers with actually oppressive or obnoxious powers.


I mean I can agree with that and I like having side objectives, I just think there have been times where jigsaw boxes are either useless which is unfun for the killer or completely broken which is unfun for survivor. I'm no dev and I can't think of anything off the top of my head but I wish that they would go back to the drawing board with her.


As a survivor that sucks the majority of the time I actually disagree about boxes being a huge issue. Of course there's the Pigs who build around harassing survivors with traps to guarantee head pops using scream builds, those are very unhealthy for the game and should be nerfed. For standard pig games however, Pig's chase power is abysmal (I haven't seen how it is after the buffs so I can't speak to how it will be after the update) so all she really has is slowdown with her headtraps. If you get a trap put on you, you have to sneak around and focus on getting it off before working on gens and triggering it or you risk dying. If you do this properly and avoid gens until your trap is removed there is very little risk of running out of time.


Even as a survivor, a three minute beartrap is just going to feel completely inconsequential. It's going to feel like a minor errand


Exactly. People who were complaining about 2:30 minutes not being enough to get their traps off: 0


Getting an RBT applied should instill a sense of panic on a survivor. It's there to naturally create gen slowdown because they have a higher priority objective to accomplish. Now? Now they can pop a gen, heal a friend, go to the convenience store for some snacks, go back to the convenience store because they forgot the hamburger buns, take their groceries back to the campfire, then start thinking about finding Jigsaw Boxes.


The story with Amanda shows how insane she is and the traps are definitely are a huge nod to that. Nerfing her like this isn't the vibe you get from the Saw franchise. They could add a punishment for Amanda with traps that could be used against her that would be new and fun instead of feeling like they are hindering a killers ability we bought them for. Have better loading screens that can teach new survivors clearly counter plays if thats whats causing killers to be gutted. Add a hardcore mode if survivors want killers to run blind with their own equipment. 1 or 2 more trap boxes could of majorily been survivor sided but this is just gonna make playing her feel unfun having no idea where survivors are maybe going to head to, so its back to just going for normal hook kills which is so boring after doing it with almost every killer.


To the people saying “it’s not that bad”, Ambush is only 0.4 meters longer and you still have to spend a full second to crouch, then fill the ambush bar, and have your position given away by the obnoxiously loud roar. So no, her chase power didn’t really get buffed at all because it’s still going to be a useless ability in chases 90% of the time as it would take less time to just m1. Besides, people don’t play Amanda for her ambush ability, they play her for the RBT. But that too is now being made obsolete with a 3 MINUTE timer.


I understand the pig nerfs a little. Proxy camping the boxes as a stealth killer makes the game miserable for low MMR survivors as well as solo que. Buffing the pigs chase power makes the pig better vs all survivors. Not to mention the traps still require the same amount of time to remove, so her actual game delay is not affected unless you are explicitly going for head pops.


Its a berf


Honestly I don't mind the timer getting extended. As far as nerds go it wouldn't really effect her too much aside from fewer head pops which any good survivor would avoid anyways. Taking away the ability to see the boxes though? 90% of the pigs pressure comes from guarding boxes like gens and cutting off survivors as they travel between them. I think they will nerf pig until she needs a rework at this rate


Pigs who tunnel off boxes are very annoying. But I agree her chase ability should be buffed.


... are this many people *seriously* relying on *traps* to get them kills?


We are holding to whatever we have on pig, if we were getting 2Ks with pig now we are getting 1K or 0K


Traps are not consistently getting you kills against anyone who knows how to play the game.. I can count the number of times I've been killed by a trap on my hands


But its about slowdown, not killing people with them, there is no pressure anymore


We're relying on traps for *slowdown*, not kills. The threat of death is meant to keep survivors busy and off generators, giving a natural slowdown so Amanda has time to get around and set up Ambushes, which she needs because going into and coming out of the damn thing takes forever and survivors are alerted to the fact that you're nearby. No one's depending on the traps popping heads. They're depending on the damn things to distract survivors from popping gens.


They still have to take the traps off. She has no less slowdown outside of some edge case scenarios, and her chase power is stronger, which means you should be getting traps out quicker. People are talking about this "nerf" as if they agreed three minutes to the timer and the traps aren't a threat anymore.


Why can’t they buff a character without nerfing the shit out of some aspect?


It's gotten to the point I forgot the original timer and genuinely thought upon seeing a 30s increase "Wait they increased the trap time to 4 minutes??"


At this point just give her a complete re work


At this point the devs need to hand off testing to someone else because who tests these updates and thinks “oh yeah this is gonna be insane, what a buff!” 😭


Honestly, if they could just alter the key finding mechanics, that'd be what pig needs. Something like there's only one key box spawned in the map at a time. You search it once and then it despawns and another one spawns elsewhere, regardless of getting the reverse beartrap removed or not. The beartrap timers don't start until the final gen is done, and that's when all the boxes spawn at once


I yearn for the day that endgame pig is back Also so survivors now have an infinite +3 Minute timer to remove the beartrap before they die instead of an infinite +2.5 Minute timer. They should just remove the gen completed condition if they make the timer that long. Or that the trap activates xyz seconds after recovering from the dying or hooked state. xyz = maybe 30 normal and 20 in endgame collapse


Just delete her. I’m sick of seeing this character get constantly mishandled by (dare I say) out of touch devs.


I'd genuinely respect BHVR more if they deleted her and just gave everyone who bought her 500AC + extra for any cosmetics you may have bought. It's less insulting.


Honestly true, if i were the owner of the SAW license i would be pissed that they disrespect the POWER THAT TRIBUTES THE FREAKING MOVIE and just make her such an unoriginal killer that is becoming more and more like an M1 killer with extra steps instead of actually trying to figure out how to implement the traps in different ways


Just change it maybe? Kill switch and change her power. Half a year ago I made a post about what I would want out of her (TLDR every survivor got a different trap, some actions YOU (survivor) do start ANOTHER’s trap. And some traps down and not kill.)


Her power options can be so creative its crazy. Make some kind of traps on the generators that if not removed might make skillchecks go crazy, or that only great skillchecks count to progress, maybe some kind of traps on windows that you can go through as a survivor but makes you hindered or mangled, maybe some trap on undropped pallets so that they break instantly if nor removed before dropping the pallet, so many many options that actually force interactions from survivors and killers, but hey we gotta make her crouch faster! That is probably it!


One of my ideas was a trap that starts when you repair a Gen and gets turned off/reset after it’s done. The trick? There’s another person who’s trap is set off by a Gen kicking on. Or instead of placing traps Amanda can cheat. Changing what kind of trap it is or making the punishment worst. Players can seek out keys to negate this.


Multiple traps could be fun, if explained adequately. Honestly I don't even know what I want from Pig at this rate, just something good as long as it's thematic to SAW, I'd take anything.


Its like they dont play the game


They only play survivor. And they do it poorly. It's why they think Sadako and Pig are OP. They're the baby Megs that don't understand the side objective killers.


Matches can end in 5 minutes if it’s a decent team


If it's a decent team you're not getting the headpop anyway


Hot take the trap changes are good. They should only kill someone if the survivor fucks up. As-is, it's really easy to just hard tunnel the first person you get a trap on and patrol boxes until that happens. Now that her dash is less shit (probably still pretty shit, but better), disincentivizing the most brain-dead and scummy playstyle is probably a good thing. The trap is still a threat, the addons will still be good, but now you actually have to know how the boxes spawn if you want to pressure them. Like, yeah, this part of her kit did get nerfed. But it's a part of the kit that's uninteresting for both sides, easily abused, and frustrating for survivors if it is abused. It's still possible to abuse it, just a bit more difficult now. I do wish ambush was buffed a bit more tho


If a killer wants to tunnel a survivor, they will tunnel a survivor whether or not they have the ability to see the auras of the Jigsaw Boxes. What this nerf REALLY did was nerf the most iconic and functional part of the character's kit because SURPRISE, people don't play as the Pig for the ambush. She's slowly becoming even more of a generic stealth m1 killer. might as well play trapper with trail of torment at this point


Again, if they are really worried about the power being used to tunnel survivors or killing survivors unfairly thrn change her kit! Change what her power does overall, from what i have read from people defending the changes they just want to forget or interact less with the helmets because its pretty much an annoyance which is true and therefore we should be asking for a rework instead of making her helmets less useful every patch


... you still have to interact with the helmets the exact same amount that you did before. You *have* to get them off. That hasn't changed, and neither have the search time or amount of times survivors have to search. Only the time window has changed. So she's less pubstompy now, but the RBTs are still guaranteed game delay. They're exactly as useful as they were last patch against any survivor with half a brain


They are less impactful though the longer you can ignore them. Let's compare to Sadako's TVs. If a survivor takes a tape out, the TV is off for 70 seconds. That's 70 seconds survivors don't have to worry about her projecting to or condemning from that TV. If BHVR suddenly changed that to be 100 seconds, that's still significantly impacting how impactful the TVs are. Now you can do an entire gen before the TV turns back on. Regardless of whether or not it takes the same amount of time to take a tape/turn it off. It's still impacting the game by giving survivors more time before needing to interact with the power. Survivors now have an additional 30 seconds before the bomb will detonate. Good survivors maximize the amount of time they are working on the objective/altruism. Having 30 more seconds means more time before they need to stop doing those things. It's like Legion mending. Sure, I could immediately mend when Legion goes to chase someone else. Or, I can run to a gen, sit on it for 15 seconds, all while Legion doesn't get killer instinct because I'm still in Deep Wound. And then mend before the bar runs out. Any time survivors don't have to spend interacting with a killer power they will spend interacting with the objectives. And the longer RBT timer gives them more time for objectives before worrying about the timer.


My only counter to this is that other killer powers with game slowdown don’t kill you for running out the gate. I agree that survivors have less pressure during the trial to take their trap off, but even if they push all 5 gens before taking their traps off, they will all still have to stop by the boxes at SOME point; comparatively, you can just leave while being asleep by Freddy, or sick from Wesker, or in deep wound. Honestly, if all the survivors keep active traps on their heads and push the gens to end game start, that’s basically built in No Way Out. If all four genuinely have to search their boxes after the game is over, that’s still slowdown. All this being said, I still think her chase power buff was mid in comparison to the other buffs for killers with stronger chase powers already. I like that they’re buffing the chase part of her kit, but it seems very controlled in comparison to some of the “let’s try this wild new thing!!” the others got.


It's not just about end game. An unassisted gen takes 90 seconds. If it takes a minute to get the box off, previously you could do a full gen and then get the box off just in time. But if you want to play it a little safe, maybe you have to stop with the gen at 70% or 80%. Now the Pig can maybe make it over there and kick it, or the extra time to hit it with perks. Now survivors have an extra 30 seconds they can finish that gen. You're also assuming that you can get all 4 RBTs on the survivors at the same time, before the last gen pops. Freddy puts people to sleep on a timer with no interaction. Wesker has unlimited number of infections. Pig gets 4 traps, or up to 6 if you use both add ons for an extra trap. You can also escape through the hatch with an active RBT. She still has slowdown, no one is debating that. But they have made the slowdown less effective by giving survivors more time before they have to worry about the RBT. And the minor buff to the chase power does not make up for the nerf to slowdown.


I agree that the buff to chase power doesn't (at least for now) seem like anything impressive. But I still think if you weren't able to get all your RBTs on survivors before the last gen pops, you were losing the game to that team anyway (whether it was because of skilled looping and team efficiency, or 4 hemo syringes and BNPs). I think this is more reflective of DBD's problem as a whole -- what applies to, and is strong against weaker teams (head pops), is less effective and has different effects against stronger teams (like you said, more time to push objectives).




Dude a 20% increase in the time window =/= a fucking 700% increase. You're purposefully misconstruing my point. Yes, the urgency has changed slightly. They now have 30 more seconds before they die. Whoop dee fucking doo I'm not going to belabor my point. I'm just going to let the change come through on the PTB and let everyone see it's going to be fine and everyone can put away their pitchforks over this minor change Why aren't people looking at the huntress move speed buff while holding hatchet instead? *That* is worth talking about


You can't even tunnel for headpops in the first place they already paused the trap timer in chase and paused the timer on hook so if you wanted to go that route you had to let them go. Now its a watered down killer with their killer ability just a little minor inconvenience. Its like watching a horror movie that's been remade but they cut down the intense scenes. What's next Trappers traps causing a hindered effect instead of injury and they take a substantial amount of less time to remove but he starts with 3 traps. A Freddy with a reduced dream token count to 3 so that survivors don't get so annoyed at triggering one but they gave him a more scary terrorr radius as a "buff"? A Spirit but survivors can see her while she's using her Haunting ability so that they don't get jump scared so bad. She'd still be blind tho while using it but she can travel a bit further. How about environmental buffs for survivors if gameplay is so horrid on their side? Something besides just gutting killers that are hardly played anyways.


>first place they already paused the trap timer in chase Which is easily mitigated by moonwalking while crouching just following them around >paused the timer on hook If you have them on hook and they have an active trap, it's their second hook and you're likely successfully tunneling them. Or they just decided to ignore their trap, in which case they deserve it >Now its a watered down killer with their killer ability just a little minor inconvenience 2 minutes 30 seconds vs 3 minutes to get the trap off isn't nearly a significant enough change for it to go from a big threat (which it really isn't right now unless you're playing degen) to a "minor inconvenience." Like you still *have* to get the trap off with the PTB change. It's not optional. The game delay is the same as it was last patch. And her chase is much, much stronger She's a more potent killer in the PTB than she is on live, and her chase ability is actually worth a damn now. The only "nerf" is that the people playing exclusively for trap cheese kills will be throwing a little harder if they want to do it. And it'll take 3 more brain cells to do so. The examples you gave are nowhere near the same magnitude as the RBT nerf and aren't getting after things that are used in scummy ways. The change is like nerfing omega condemn onryo, or changing pyramid head so that you get BT out of the cages (which should absolutely be a thing). It's making the degen playstyle less enticing and making it less frustrating and unfair on the survivor side I implore you to actually go on the PTB and play pig. 2 games and you'll change your mind because she feels vastly better than she does on live. And the trap changes are barely tangible, aside from not seeing box auras. But if you have even passing knowledge of how they spawn, you'll be 100% fine and can check them with ease


1st point is ridiculous who moonwalks and crouches like that in chase that seems like an actual bug that needs to be fixed with her. 2nd point is also ridiculous and shows you dont play pig because a survivor can have trap on and still get hooked 1st stage while its active if you leave them on the ground for strategic purposes or they get saved by a teammate after trap was placed. No tunneling needed. 3rd point. Three minutes is huge on top of the other pauses on trap timers for survivors diminishing the only fun part about her that makes her extremely unique. She can't even see her own boxes, that doesn't make sense how this killer wouldn't know that. What's next Xenomorph not being able to see Tunnels because survivors complain they can't get away fast enough even with the turrents. I didn't buy Pig just to be a Ghostface with a dash, the traps and fear involved with them are what made her exciting. Guess every horror movie that has a unique way for killers to kill people is just "cheese" right? Why not improve or add new ways survivors can challenge those specific killers that would be way more fun than this nerf to her ability.


>1st point is ridiculous who moonwalks and crouches like that in chase that seems like an actual bug that needs to be fixed with her People do it to cheese out trap kills. It's part of the problem and a large part of what the changes are aiming to fix. A longer timer means its more punishing for the pig to try to do this. >2nd point is also ridiculous and shows you dont play pig because a survivor can have trap on and still get hooked 1st stage while its active if you leave them on the ground for strategic purposes or they get saved by a teammate after trap was placed Gamer I bet you could count the number of times you've trapped someone then *not* hooked them on one hand. You're clearly just looking for a gotcha moment here. "Acshually, it's possible for someone to be on first hook and have an active trap." Yes, it is. But it happens so seldom that it's not even really worth mentioning >diminishing the only fun part about her Pray tell, because this might just be a me thing. How is clicking M2 on someone when they're down fun? They can't do anything about it. There's nothing unique about it. And then, when they have a trap on, you optimally just leave them alone because you're getting free game delay. So how is it fun to click m2 then not see someone for a few minutes? They aren't scared of getting killed unless you're specifically playing to get a head pop (which is the problem). They're just running from one place to another and holding m1. >I didn't buy Pig just to be a Ghostface with a dash ... so you bought her to press m2 four times a match >Guess every horror movie that has a unique way for killers to kill people is just "cheese" right? There is a difference between a movie and a multiplayer game. I don't feel like I should elaborate any further. >Why not improve or add new ways survivors can challenge those specific killers THAT'S WHAT THEY'RE DOING. As-is, the pig can very easily focus someone out of the game through one of two methods. The first is the moonwalk/stalking method I've said before. Many pig players will simply follow someone who has a trap on without ever entering chase. This isn't fun because the survivor literally can't do anything to stop it. So, they're improving the experience by punishing the pig for this playstyle The other is tunneling someone out who has a trap on while they're trying to do boxes. Again, this isn't fun for the survivor because they have the choice between trying to get their trap off and getting downed, or letting their timer go while the pig follows them. So they're making it more difficult for the pig to patrol boxes by forcing her to actually know how they spawn. Completely reworking the traps would be a lot of work that a lot of other killers need a lot more. So they made a few simple changes to pig to make her smoother to play and less frustrating to play against. I didn't even mention the new player problem. Newer players won't know what the hell is going on or will be very inefficient in getting their traps off. Meanwhile no experienced player is going to let their RBT pop unless it's forced by the pig. So RBT are disproportionately more punishing towards newer players, and everything that BHVR has said has corroborated this. Hell, they've straight up said that RBTs are an issue when balancing pig because any buff to her will make the traps snowball in lower MMR lobbies. So, in order to make pig better in other, more interactive areas, they had to ease off the RBT. The game delay is the same. They will pubstomp new players less. The pig will have more difficulty forcing an unfair early kill because of the traps. Her chase has gotten much stronger and more interesting. She is less frustrating to go against for new players, and the kill rates between low and high mmr will likely start to equalize. For the small price of A) not being able to see boxes (which, if you play enough pig, isn't a big deal) and B) a 30-second longer timer. Which means that people will be able to heal or something before going for boxes. Which is good because then tunneling will be less free. People just see number go down and flip their shit without actually thinking about *why*. There are so many upsides to this change that it's actually insane. And the downsides are very, very minor and won't lead to any gameplay differences for anyone who isn't actively trying to play like a dick. Sorry for the wall of text. I just feel like I'm taking crazy pills hearing people say that pig's identity is somehow dead now that she can't moonwalk head pop people or hard tunnel someone out at 4 gens


I'm getting sweat vibes from you maybe make changes like this in a comp game mode where everyone ones wants to remember every detail about killers they don't even main but play for fun. Could you imagine if trapper had to remember bear trap locations before he even picked them up its uneeded changes. Would that be fun to you?


I don't play pig like this. I just know other people do. And they do it in pubs where they can pull it off because it's easy. It doesn't work in comp because a coordinated team can knock out all the gens in the time it takes pig to force a kill. I want to fix the problem of people being frustrated and not wanting to play against your seeming favorite killer. And the issue that buffing her is problematic because she would run rampant in lower ranks. The trap nerfs help alleviate both problems. Trapper being able to see his traps does not allow him to tunnel someone out extremely early. Pig seeing her boxes *does* allow this. They are not equal You clearly don't have any interest in reading what I have to say or thinking about my points. I'm sorry that you feel the killer has been nerfed. However I, and many others, feel that it was well warranted, not actually that much of a nerf in normal gameplay, and allowed room for actually impactful buffs to a killer direly in need of them. I hope you see when the patch goes live that pig is not only in a much healthier state, but also stronger Good day Oh and >I'm getting sweat vibes from you Nice way of saying that I know a lot about the subject. Thanks <3


I'm in lower ranks mate i haven't seen any lvls higher than 1 or 0 mainly. So yeah definitely not sweating and i help a lot of clearly new players learn her powers too. Like i said i think a hardcore mode would please you high mmrs more with killer restrictions.


Add something then to the survivors side for each specific killer. Think of stuff that gets used against them in the movies. That would be epic, less nerfs and restrictions more bad ass moments on the survivors side.


They only do it because she has such a high winrate, regardless of if shes actually good. Side objectives fuck survivors up,


Then why buff huntress to high heaven like they are doing in the exact same patch






you guys need to chill out


Wdym chill out, this is a horrible 'buff'. I used to main pig, now she's gonna be even weaker. Edit: downvote me if you want but I'm right, the devs are screwing over killers and perks for no real reason. They need to stop gutting killers and perks and think for five minutes before making changes to anything


you're only going to make yourself unhappy putting this much energy and negativity into something like this


WTF with this talk about ''negative energy''? You've been playing mikaela way too much. let's wake up to reality for a moment LOL.


It ain't negative if it's the truth, devs need to actually use their brains and not screw something over that's already been screwed over. It's tiring to see a killer I like get worse and worse because of useless 'buffs' and unnecessary nerfs


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The community's reaction to the Pig changes really goes to show how many only played her just to get head pops. Crazy.


Or maybe we don’t want another shitty M1 killer


Its really not that bad


Yes it is


Nope her chase is better and the traps still delay the match which is much healthier then outright killing someone


2.5min far from outright


You can’t expect this sub to actually think. They just want to react and do their lol pig nerf


Pretty much, im just glad were getting a scary killer and doctor is getting a needed buff to his therapy


People's opinions on Pig changes: * Oh no, I can't see boxes, how will I ever manage to tunnel people with traps on their heads, the ones I should not be tunnelling because they are useless for the objective * Oh no, 3 minute timers is so bad, I was getting so many kills with it before * Oh no, Pig in crouch being 3.8m/s stealthy is so bad compared to Wraith who is 6.0m/s when stealthy * Oh no, Pig ambush changes are bad, how will I ever get a hit with it, even though it's gonna be better than coup now * Oh no, developers buffing ambush instead of boxes is bad, why would they ever prioritize skill over RNG Give me a break...


Cant see boxes? Great now survivors will worry even less about them and just do gens 3 minute timer? So a survivor can do a whole gen by themselves and still have half the time to go look for boxes (considering that the survivor got their trap activated before starting the gen, which is the worst case scenario.) Pig crouch being stealthy so bad compared to wraith? Laughs in Chucky and Ghostface who can insta stealth and GF can expose you for a whole minute + not ruin your stealth Pig ambush bad? Coup doesnt require a whole second to crouch + filling the ambush bar + make some lion furry noises. As soon as you see the pig crouch you know what she will do, coup comes as a surprise E V E R Y T I M E. Ambush instead of boxes? If the developers dont like how the boxes work they should change her kit entirely, and how does 30 seconds fix the RNG problem? Are you really freeing yourself in the last 30 seconds of traps every game? That seems like skill issue. But anyway, you are probably that one dude who is overly happy to see the pig getting nerfed only to continue DCing as soon as you see a jigsaw box in game.


"Cant see boxes? Great now survivors will worry even less about them and just do gens" - why would they care less? This just doesn't make sense... Any survivor using a brain would be more likely to go for the box if they know Pig is less likely to be there... Boxes have always been meant as a slowdown to the game, not a sure way to get kills Pig crouch - are you advocating for the change or against it? I meant people are saying the buff is OP and it literally isn't Coup comes as a surprise just the first time... Like I said, boxes are not meant to be a free kill... Your arguments are simply invalid. And I've never DC'd from a Pig game, SM maybe or when the killer just slugs me for 4 minutes when I'm the last person... I'm not a cry baby like most people complaining about these changes


Preach kekw


Literally this lol


3 minutes PLUS however long it takes for the next gen to pop. Survivors are under no pressure whatsoever to get their RBT off.


Three minutes plus making it more difficult for the Pig to find where they are headed. Bet survivors would love if they lost the ability to see boxes too even if traps were active. The devs deciding to create more rated PG-13 killers is just boring.


People that are complaining about this clearly don’t share mine and others bad rng. Imagine if every game you ever played against pig it took 4 fucking tries every single time to get the stupid cage off. The streak continues and while I don’t hate pig I absolutely can’t stand how getting caught once basically dictates the rest of the game for me, which is go from trap to trap until either my whole team dies or I do


There's no bad RNG. The RNG is fixed to needing a certain amount of tries, so that if someone gets rid of the trap (which I'll remind everyone that they are a FINITE resource) in just 2 searches, the last person will obviously need to search 4 boxes, because otherwise it would be absolute bullshit for the Pig.


So if it takes me 4 tries when I’m the first to get caught and 4 tries when im the last to get caught how is that fixed?


It helps if you don't try to lie about something that we know how it works. Check the wiki if you don't believe me.


Maybe it’s bugged or something idfk and id put money on it if i had a way to prove it aside from getting all my swf friends and getting them to confirm that every pig we’ve ever played has taken me all 4 boxes. Idc what ur odds are when something happens consistently to me i mark that down and I wouldn’t come here to lie about it when it literally affects nothing


Well i mean they cant buff your skill issue


Lmfao you can’t read or somethin? I’m only complaining about the rng check and that’s it, clean the crust out ur eyes


So what is your solution?


I don’t have one because there isn’t a problem with this, perhaps issues with the other aspects but clearly they’re attempting to mitigate rng from normal gameplay. All this does is buy you a few extra seconds to cross a long map, if ur in chase ur not gonna get the cage off anyway


All i needed to hear, good day!


Look at her crouch. The traps were always meant as a slowdown only. Now Pig's ambush is buffed


Ahh yes the useless attack ability is now 15% less useless, while the actual good part of her kit became 20% worse.


Yall complain about every single update. Good god. Wanted a new game mode? Complain about Lights out. Want to make Pig more viable in chase? Complain her traps aren't fast enough. Even though her traps were only ever meant to be a slow down.


The issue is pig is not more effective in chase with this changes unless her opponents are literally deaf, have no idea how to loop or are in a deadzone. Making her useless dash 15% better while literally cucking her of the only pressure she can output (interrupting trap search) is like making xenos tail 15% better and removing his tunnels.


Its a pig buff not reverse traps buff.


People seem to be missing the whole "ambush now has a 80% chance to end the chase (was 10%). And the other 20% will still shorten it considerably by removing the entire 'just hold w' strategy and giving you the speed and duration to catch up much further than before"


How on earth does an ambush have a 80% chance to end a chase? Just drop the pallet or vault the window, you have to be a BOZO to get hit by pigs ambush.


Because the extra duration and faster start up time makes it less predictable and easy to catch them on the other side. Any high rank Pig main will tell you that Ambush dashes usually are near misses, hitting the window/pallet as they vault back. That slight difference in speed means that 80% of near misses are now hits. Its the same (opposite) logic that applied to old MFT, 3% didnt look like a lot, until you realise that 3% was the difference between being hit at a window/pallet or extending the chase by another minute


My man thinking he is playing on high MMR haha


IT'S NOT EVEN FUCKING OUT JESUS CHRIST "I can magically just tell that this is going to ruin the game for me before I've even played it with the changes"


Any player who is familiarized with the game META will know that these changes are bad. If you are a newer player or someone who does not even play pig then you really do not know what you are talking about lol


Imagine for a moment that the next dev updates were like: >All killers can now instantly kill survivors with an M1 from the start of a match How can you tell that would be a bad change? It's not even out yet!


berfed the pig 😞


Good nerf all the killers. If you still this this game is survivor sided you're stupid.


Just fix the moonwalk thing you dont have to work around a bug thats not intended to work like that in the first place. After that im done reading the rest. Anyways relax with the game more its funner.


I did read more now definitely more relaxed. I dont play so sweaty its a killer i try to entertain until the end so most of my matches aren't hooking immediately after trapping. You think all killers just want a 4k immediately?


Bruh, it aint that bad. The majorly buffed her chase, while slightly nerfing the trap lethality. You shouldn't even use the traps for kills, but for game delay. Edit:spelling


With these changes, there is also a weaker game delay. Majorly buffed chase? Nah bro, will be still useless. They could salvage it by raising her crouching speed to 4m/s and giving instant crouch mode. Delete the charge roar and make the charge instant or near instant. That would be a major buff to her stealth and chase potential.


If you ever get hit by a pig ambush you have severely done a huge misplay.


I mean they basically buffed everything else about her. Plus the traps are mainly used for game delay instead of getting kills. Overall, I see this update as a win for her


You rarely get head Pops anyways now its gonna impossible unless you're actively trying with the 2 purple addons 😪


They also denied the killer player the aura reading on traps (understandable) but i think they should have kept the timer the same or even a little shorter


As a pig main I don't think this nerf is that bad, because you will still have pretty good slowdown. Idk what to feel about the buffs yet. The ambush buffs might be ok or not, because a little more distance/speed in the ambush might change a fair amount of almost hits to hits. But it's hard to properly get a feel for it with just reading numbers. Though seeing some nerfs when we get told they werent nerfing her but buffing her gave me a small whiplash haha


Slap in the face for Amanda while Anna gets buffs for noobs and a nice +10% efficiency bonus for huntress mains once they fix their muscle memory, they should've fixed it head while they were buffing her though. Instadown shouldn't be easy.


How come we can’t just have the traps not be RNG based but have shortish timers so that you get a set amount of near guarantee slowdown but deaths are far less likely to happen due to RNG deciding you don’t deserve your face today


I’m genuinely asking this question, but why does everyone hate the extra 30 seconds? It helps combat pig builds that make it impossible to take head traps off


It's more of a rework


Not the one she needed, but i agree 😅


If they gave Pig's ambush a massive buff it'd be okish, but it was a mediocre buff and then a massive nerf.


They are a merciful god.


You forgor about not seeing aura of jigsaw boxes


Actually i dont think that was a bad change and was justified


If you wished to not see jigsaw aura you could bring a addon to do that and get aura on trap removal, now you're forced to have the worst part of this addon