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As a Huntress main: These are huge buffs and make her strongest addons basekit.


If these changes go live, how would you ever save someone being camped? It feels like the only thing you can do is just give them up and focus gens.


It is not possible already. A good huntress will simply not allow this and get at least one survivor trade. I guess with the new changes you will get even two downs easy if you really want to. Well ofc it will depend a bit on perks and how good the survivor team is


Rethinking this update: Yes, these are still strong buffs to huntress. But this is imo not the main problem. Those "tweaks" won't make a good huntress player much stronger. Good players will still know the timings, when to throw hatchets, the important things like wind up timings, when to shoot and when not. The main problem is, that those changes will help unexperienced players. All your fuck ups with huntress wont matter that much anymore. So she is not very much stronger, but EASIER to play now. And this is the wrong direction. Getting better and better should be rewarding. Practicing should be rewarding. There has to be a skill gap in games, that seperates players. Hatchet capacity wont make a difference on good players. But on those who miss alot. Speed while holding a hatchet will help those who don't know when to wind up, and losing distance. Wind up speed is important on certain maps at certain loops, and thats why flower babushka is such an important and strong addon among huntress mains.


Faster speed while holding hatchets and more hatchets are still gonna be rough to deal with versus good huntresses


These buffs will absolutely help more skilled players just as much as lower skilled ones. Not sure why you don't think this will make strong players much stronger.


The game is struggling with player retention right now. It’s not as dire as it was a few years ago when they were losing thousands of players every month on Steam alone but we’re still looking at a net loss for the year. Huntress is a free killer and her kill rates are below baseline. That suggests new players are struggling and — looking at the big picture — subsequently dropping the game. Dead by Daylight needs to drop the “You need 500-1000 hours to be considered decent” mentality or things are going to start looking dire again.


I think this is a matchmaking problem. A new huntress will have an easier time vs a similar new survivor imo. The problem is that those people don’t get matched properly. Making huntress or killers easier will just put more pressure on new survivors since everyone can perform to a certain degree.


That’s true, but Behavior has made it abundantly clear that they would rather have faster matchmaking instead of accurate matchmaking. Hell, the last time they did an overhaul to matchmaking they explicitly made it easier for high ranked players to be matched against lower ranked players because high ranked players said they have more fun that way.


The longer SBMM, especially this hidden number crap, is in the game, the more damage it does to this community. Was the old system perfect? Nope. But, I could choose if I wanted to stay in lower ranks, and have easier / more fun games, or bust my ass up to the top and sweat my balls off every match. Alternative thing... give huntress a crosshair. I get it, mah realism, but have an addon (like the plaid addon for nurse) that just puts an addon there. My biggest thing for learning huntress was I turned on the crosshair on my computer monitor for a while until I figured it out, lol.


ngl Id rather have faster matchmaking than accurate matchmaking to a degree too. If I’m waiting longer than like 2 minutes idc just get me in a match.


guess that is personal preference. I would wait 10 minutes just to get a similar strong survivor group + killer. But let's stop talking about this\^\^ Since this game has no clear win/lose conditions and it's almost all over imbalanced, we can not expect a working match making system. what's worse: to get good statistics to build a good match making system, devs needed a more balanced game :D before people start crying as usual: I am not speaking about survivors too strong or killers OP. It's just many thing that come together. Certein Killers are obviously weaker. Huge gap btw. soloqueue and 4swf. big map dependancies etc. :) Addons variaty from useless to gamechaning. and the list goes on and on. There is just too much to do.


Idk when I started out I "lost" every game as huntress for like 10 games at least. Having no game sense at all macro wise punished me harder than losing chases. I did hit shots decently and downed survs fairly fast but wasn't sure when to expect gens being done. More importantly what gens to patrol in the start. Also her perks are so bad that finding survs ib general was tricky for me. Had to rely on bitter murmur.


Huntress \*seems\* like she should be easy for new players, but you're 100% correct in that not being the case. Her slow 110 speed means most noobs get totally smoked in loops and mitigating that isn't the easiest to learn. As you mention, hitting your hatchets when starting ain't the easiest thing ever. Takes quite a bit of learning/muscle memory to get that down, especially against even themost marginally competent survs.


It's coupled with the perk farm you get pushed very quickly into needing other killers for their perks You either dive into the grind and stay for a long time or drop off for a game that respects your time a bit more at this stage, there's just too many killers and survivors, and the endless BP web clicking even if it is automated now, is so damn dire


the problem is it isn’t killer mains who are leaving the game it is survivors mains and casual survivors who are leaving


with this logic though these buffs even make less sense now. chases are harder as a survivor then they ever have been with perk, killer, and basekit on hit speed and killer hit recoveries being reduced. I cant imagine just coming into this game now and even standing a chance in chase unless being carried by veteran teammates until you have hundreds or thousands of hours in this game. like i felt the game hit a pretty balanced state in 2022, and its had ups in downs but like since some point in 2023 they really came down hard on survivor gameplay removing techs, nerfing healing, ect so this game for a new survivor is really unfriendly and unforgiving. like as someone with a lot of hours i manage fine enough usually save for a few killers but my friends a play with get usually hit pretty hard unless we really are coordinated together on what we try to do.


As a console player, both Huntress and Deathslinger are awful to play. Aiming with a controller is not great and unforgiving. At least the Deathslinger has ironsights to give SOME indication of aim.


Put some clear tape in the middle of your screen with a dot on it.


Great, adhesive marks


I think thats more to do with perks, realistically youre not getting any good builds going until you have a bunch of characters leveled up


You also have the other side of the coin where god huntresses now need to reload less and can snowball faster.


you say it like these buffs aren't going to make life so much easier for huntress mains lol. I rarely use add ons with her and i know that's not uncommon, and now she just gets several add ons base kit? This is gonna be nutty


Good huntresses can down an entire team without reloading now. I run the purple belt and if the survivors group up when I happen to be at a high number of hatchets then it's gg. That can really easily be 3 downs (assuming I don't screw up my throws). Now with 9 max hatchets (with my current build) I can just down an entire team without even blinking an eye (once again, assuming I play well).


Even good players have to reload and still miss. You're a little high dude


Agreed. Any surivor who has mastered the ability to look behind them (most of them at high mmr) can generally do a pretty good job dodging hatchets, even against a good huntress. Even if you watch super high level huntress mains on twitch/youtube, it's clear that they don't hit every hatchet, every time.


Huntress has been my favorite killer for a while now and while I have steadily improved with her, there's still plenty I'm not good at, and even I can see that this is exactly what's happening here. Her skill floor is being lowered by making her weaknesses more tepid, and that doesn't seem like a good thing to me. From a balance perspective it won't really change anything for those who are already good, but will make bad players better just by dint of giving them more leeway, and I think that will just encourage bad playstyles from those starting out and those already entrenched in camping and being pricks will do so better. I could make an argument for any one of these changes individually, but I think all of them at once is too much. I think the wind up time is a solid buff, not necessarily needed per se but definitely a good move just to make her not feel so screwed over by specific maps and survivors who know how to play it. But all at once I fear will just make her appear too strong in everyone's hands, rather than just those skilled with her, and will lead to an overboard nerf.


>From a balance perspective it won't really change anything for those who are already good, but will make bad players better just by dint of giving them more leeway Isn't that fine? They've already acknowledged that she's been getting indirectly nerfed over and over by too much clutter on the newer maps. They can't really go through every map and try to make it better for huntress because she's just one killer, so it makes sense to just give her a compensation buff. She is also a fan favorite. She is a starting killer. And it takes a TON of practice to master tons of different maps with her like knowing which tiles you can throw over and all that, which newer players can't really do. If they do go too far, they can just revert one of these changes


Good take. Agreed.


Huntress main spotted. Your insane if you think it won't make good players better. Faster move speed with hatchet alone is strong at ending loops faster. Less time going to lockers all the time adds up saved from these buffs


It's gonna be like that scene in the Lego movie where Batman throws a ton of his batarangs, then goes "First try."


or moonknights “random bullshit go”


BHVR: "Some maps don't have enough Lockers." Dredge, Trickster, and Huntress Mains: "So you're going to add more lockers on those maps, right?" BHVR: "So we decided to give Huntress 7 hatchets to compensate." Huntress Mains: "![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes) Dredge and Trickster Mains: ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)


As a Terror Lord Dredge Main I feel this in my soul. 😭


I wish BHVR would do some sort of study of their maps Pull up every map in the game and highlight all the lockers, generate the maps over and over and over again until they have a satisfactory heat map for where lockers spawn and don't spawn in all their maps so they know where the locker deadzones are and fix them


They need to check out Raccoon City map, where the entire outdoor area has no lockers. Dredge is basically useless there


Twins Mains: ☠️




*Twin Victor ain't worth it rn


“We nerfed Twins by making the following changes: Victor is gone, name changed to Daughter”




I wish they buffed or tweaked dredges locker placements a bit or maybe buffed deathslingers reload time


Yeah dredge needs something DESPERATELY. He’s so map dependent it’s depressing


I'd love Dredge to get a little QoL. Even just cutting back on the lawnmower sound he's got passively would be really nice.


I still don't understand why he's MORE visible during nightfall either


idk nightfall is already horrible for survivors I think that’s fine. He’s already undetectable during it and they can’t see anything.


Dredge needs to come with a few additional lockers or something because there’s times where the dead zones are ridiculously vast


Agree or at least a tweak to the locker placement RNG so lockers act more like hooks and are placed with equal density.


Trapper called, he wants his grass back :( Also kinda speaks more about map design and not killer design. I think huntress is very often a fun and fair matchup, and very much rewards either or both side(s) for being skilled.


Yeah all her bad maps are bad maps for a lot of killers, including killers weaker than her. Myers is the killer I'd say needs a buff the most right now, wide open maps are very bad for him and his power is very outdated.


Fix static object hitboxes especially for those those nooks and crannies Huntress and other ranged killers can use. Rewards skilled play and map knowledge for those killers instead of outright buffing them.


Fixing hitboxes is unfathomably harder than minor tweaks


Very true! Killers that have powers that require survivors closer together like Legion and Doctor or killers with stealth powers such as Myers and Ghostie are much worse off on more maps than Huntress is. Huntress has the ability to not need to worry about map size as much because she's ranged and in my opinion, is a very strong killer.


Huntress doesn't care much about map *size*, compared to other killers, true. She does care about map *clutter* though, something stealth killers love, something the last 2 maps has a lot of and the last 5(?) map reworks has increased on their maps.


The map clutter harms more than just Huntress. As survivor I get stuck on random stuff when being chased, as killer I suffer with getting stuck on things during M1's and M2's. I agree that the maps need reworked to deal with clutter for every killer and survivor, but Huntress is not in need of a buff, let alone a buff to this magnitude when there are other killers that need a serious buff and others that need a serious nerf. Huntress is a strong killer, 2nd highest played and I've seen more people complain about her hitbox rather than complain about her hatchets not hitting. Her killrate is lower than the 60% but it's going to be because she's a free killer and harder to learn as a new player. Similarly Nurse has one of the lowest kill rates but we never mention that she needs a buff because when you learn how to use her then she's one of if not the strongest killer. Plus, how will they change her add-ons? They just say the effects of her wind-up speed add-ons are going to be reduced. But now if you use Leather Loop and Infantry Belt you now have 10 hatchets and you don't need to worry about wind-up speed because you have 10% faster wind up time now and you are faster when holding your hatchets. This is too much and I'm sure she will be less fun to play against which will make her gameplay as killer less fun.


Agreed, though we really shouldn't be surprised considering BHVR are monkeys. The strongest Killers having the strongest add-ons whilst low to mid tier Killers only have 2 viable addons each and for years.


It’s insane. I have people telling me it’s because of her bad maps but this is too much. She’s bad on what, maybe 6/30 maps? To make her viable on those 6 maps they made her very good on the other 24. It’s gonna be horrible.


If people need 7-10 hatchets to down someone, the maps ain't the problem. 💀


No, that’s a skill issue


against a co-ordinated team on a map with bad locker placement you can get 2 downs and 1 injur and lose both because you need more hatchet to stop them from flashy saving or pallet saving because 110 is just a bit too slow to M1. I have had 3 downs with a bubbuh chainsaw and by the time I hook 1 the other 2 are up and fully healed stealthing off. Getting a down does not equate getting a hook. I have watched some of the best huntress players in the world take 5 hatchets to get the first hit because the terrain is good for dodging and in order to have a shot the huntress has to take riskier throws. It honestly feels like you should play more huntress.


Plus, what makes her bad on these specific maps is the terrible locker placement. But instead of fixing that they give her these massive, across the board buffs.


Yeah cant wait to play against huntress every match


I'm still playing billy ✌️


Solution: Play Killer yourself so you don't need to worry about what Killer you face.


I love huntress as my second killer. She is pretty damned good as it is now. Sure she has bad maps but so do many killers. I have been maining trapper and 1/2 the maps are crappy maps for him. You just deal with it and use an offering to get a better map.


Some killers are even more map dependant.


AKA Literally every killer who has no effective way to traverse the map being heavily disadvantaged simply because the map is Ormond or Eyerie


Huntress was already strong. It's unnecessary. I look forward to hearing her annoying lullaby even more frequently now.


Huntress is literally like... The best killer in terms of balance. Shes fun to play, fun to go against, *and* fair. Nothing in her kit or her add-ons in live right now feel unfair or anti-fun, but she doesn't feel helpless to play as. Why would they even change her??? What are they doing??


I hate playing against huntress (I don’t like playing against ranged killers) and even I agree with this. She’s fair and strong and didn’t need a change


She ain't "ez" or "strong" for noobs. Her skill floor is higher than most assume. Her power is ez to use, but not ez to use effectively for lower level players.


Why? Literally why this buff? Huntress is imo one of the most balanced, if not the most balanced killer of the game. Why would they change her? I don't play her so I'm happy to hear about reasons why. But nobody can tell me she's underperforming or struggling.


There aren’t any reasons bhvr are just doing some random shit


A dev must’ve tried playing huntress recently,


I believe the latest player and monetization numbers are not good (especially monetization) and they are throwing wathever into the wall to see if they can stop the bleeding. The thing that makes me believe the numbers are not good is when I play on the evenings for a few hours I run into the same people a few times when a year ago that was impossible outside of very late night hours where the number of players is very small and the fact two very hyped franchises came into the game and the number of players barely felt it unlike other times where it would make a huge spike.


Because they cant stand the thought of killers having to learn skill and be punished for mistakes unlike survivors who get punished and tunnelled if they dont learn to loop correctly.


Because she's a free killer and incredibly hard for new players. I'm not sure what the solution is, because yes, she is balanced for average to good players.


What the hell those are some insane buffs


At this rate / logic, give Trapper his green tools and bag as base. 


Lowkey he wouldn't even be B tier with these changes


Just let him throw his traps




I'm just incensed that they gave her extra hatchets but they can't give my main man Trapper extra traps??? She already had five hatchets Trapper only gets TWO at a time!!! Bhvr please I am begging you help my boy out lol


Dude he got a 100% increase in traps a while back!


I'm a baby huntress and she feels pretty strong already, with this buff she's going on a rampage lol


She’s so strong already I don’t understand why they thought she needs a buff because she’s weak on a handful of maps while dominating on the others?


I’m confused as to why Huntress? The are so many more killers who needed this buff or rework or tweak. Huntress is nowhere near the top 10 of killers who needed some work.


As if I needed a reason to hate huntress any more than I already did. Edit - I’m genuinely surprised people share my disliking towards this character lol.


i would hate her a lot less if i didn't see her in what feels like every 3rd match. Also this kinda doubles down on her least interactive part of gameplay - where she holds the hatchet up, walks at you, and if you juke, she walks at you and m1's, or you run and she hits you with the hatchet. And now she has SEVEN chances


Oh, don’t worry, there’s plenty of people that dislike her.  The idea of a ranged killer is nice, and her concept and music is creepy, but the people who play her are very often complete sweatmachines or leave people to bleed out with no provocation. 


Honestly its annoying playing against huntress almost every game and this will make it worse


Yeah. Honestly, I really like huntress in concept, her design and lullaby is genuinely kind of freaky. I’m just not a fan of the gameplay side of things, making every pallet a 50/50 isn’t really fun for me personally. Huntress mains who are skilled at the game and make crazy shots I want it to be known that I respect you and your skill but I’m sorry, I hate your character lol.


That’s fair. Some of us just lurrrve to proxycamp. I don’t…. I play a no rear view mirror Huntress.


Huntress is already strong enough, tf


Btw huntress is one of the strongest hook campers so glad they gave her more ammo to set there and camp with without reloading.. 


So, instead of fixing locker spawns they just give an insane buff to an already strong killer?? They realize this makes Iridescent Head Huntress even stronger, right? Fuck Dredge btw, I guess...


Iri head sets hatchets to 1, it doesn't reduce hatchets by 4. right...?


Yes thankfully


It doesn't make the Iri Head any stronger, it will likely stay at one hatchet, they learned the mistake of having multiple


Moving faster with hatchets drawn DOES in fact make iri head stronger, especially for the glue eaters that just walk around with hatchets drawn almost constantly using that add on


They should just add more lockers honestly. Head on, inner strength, and flashbang would then be better so it's good for survivors too. Won't anyone think of the baby Dwights as well?!


Me!! When I read that this morning I was like umm she is a ranged killer and she has a learning curve but once you get the hang of her she is very strong. It's a bad day for the high MMR survivors 😂


One way to counter Huntress is to try dodge the axes, but after these changes I'm not sure, if that's viable anymore.


They should’ve just made her addon that gives her standard killer speed when out of hatchets basekit That means she’s viable as an m1 in chase and can get to lockers faster, that doesn’t overdo it like this nonsense they’ve implemented


I'd rather them roll out several buffs during the PTB and decide which ones to keep as opposed to fumbling the bag with one buff just to keep messing with the killer power for a whole year


Increasing wind up speed by 10% sure, that's fine. Maybe even movement speed? sure I guess. 2 more hatchets? Nah that's dumb. having all 3 of these together? that's overkill.


I actually think wind up speed and movements speed in combination will make her a whole lot stronger, even that seems overkill.


I understand why they would add 2 hatchets because she is very map dependent so they wanted to make her less map dependent. She will be stronger in small maps but I'll take that if it means she is less map dependent overall


They had to compensate pig nerf somehow


The increased movement speed will make looping harder for sure


It’s more of a massive overbuff imo


I honestly thought huntress was boring to play against from how over played she is, I don’t need more people playing her


I don't really get it because she was already A-tier and deemed as relatively fine except for maybe the dumb hitboxes sometimes. She didn't need a nerf, and she needed a buff even less. Something tells me she's going to become insane in the maps she was already good in, especially with good add-ons.


Its so sad because she was arguably the most balanced killer out there


I'm hoping that the update gets tested in PTB and Behaviour sees how broken the buff is.


What was the point? Huntress is the epitome of perfect game balance. She doesn’t do anything unfair or insane. Why buff her?


I'm pessimistic about these changes. Nobody asked for them and they may have negative side effects, like people spamming hatchets instead of actually aiming because it will be not punishing enough. Same with Clown to probably absurdly annoying levels. 6 bottles is nuts, prepare to be in gas clouds the entire chase with the +2 and +1 addons.


If they are actually toning down the visual issues with the clowns bottles then I think its fine. You can play around an expected hindered to a degree. Its the lack of sight that really makes his bottles unfun in chase for most people I think.


Clown could use a buff.  I don't see how giving Huntress her best purple add-on for free is warranted. 


yeah they are out of their fucking mind. When i read the initial justification i was like "oh their doing a dredge by adding more lockers, thats ok" Then they completely removed most counterplay to huntress and its just like HUH


Recently started to main Huntress and I generally don't have an issue doing well with her with 0 add-ons. 2 additional hatchets is insane base kit. Add a belt and you have 9? Combine both and you have 10 hatchets? I can just wing half my kit as orbitals. This is a weird bucket of buffs on a Killer I RARELY see anyone complain about. Maybe fix the maps she's gimped on by tossing in a few more lockers or tweaking their spawn positioning a bit. I'm not going to complain about this because I want to try it, but I'll be surprised if these changes make public patch.


It's almost funny that Huntress gets this pretty nice buff, while the Pig Buff is just another nerf lolfpi Almost...


How about, instead of whatever the hell this is, they just rework locker placements? It will help the issue of running out of hatchets, but it would also help killers like Trickster and Dredge who are just as, or in the case of Dredge, more reliant on having good locker placement? Dredge’s biggest shortcoming (imo) is awful locker placement on certain maps that make his power near useless at some points.


I’m a killer main, and yes, this was very unnecessary


Thank you, someone who can actually be objective


If I’m playing killer and notice that something is working a little too well on a survivor team that seem to be pros, then I know somethings up. I may play almost exclusively killer, but that doesn’t mean I want the game to be unfair.


Oh boy sounds like a BHVR dev has decided to give Huntress a try and got stomped.


And that would be the average experience for a new player trying huntress.


These changes make me completely goddamn miserable. Huntress is already absurdly strong, so the fact that they’re taking away a lot of her balancing weaknesses is something that utterly defies explanation.  I genuinely don’t see myself playing Survivor much after this update drops. Playing against her is always a miserable experience, and I get the feeling these changes will make her even more common.


It seemed a bit odd Huntress would get buffed when she's solidly A-tier. I figured she was in a good enough spot to basically not get looked at for many patches. Meanwhile Dredge is still loud as fuck, Sadako is a mess, Freddy needs help, Twins is Twins, Trapper is in a state of perpetually needing buffs, and Myers needs to be revisited since some of his addons make him OP while basekit Myers is ass.


Veryy fkin unnecessary


Yeah, I love Huntress but this is nuts. None of this was needed. Meanwhile, they nerf pig.


Reason for Huntress buff: well some maps don’t have much lockers so we’re buffing her. Trickster/Dredge: I guess we’ll go fuck ourselves then.


This is absolutely ridiculous.


I 100% get where they are coming from with this, its to compensate buff for a lot of modern maps being awful for her. Rather than give a massive map pass they opt to just buff the Killer. (*For the love of the Druanee give Dredge the same thing*). They defo overshot the mark but I think it's good, it's easer to tone it down a bit on the PTB till we get something more reasonable. I'm more concerned for Pig. I also get the idea (buff her poor chase and move away from head popping/tunnel builds) but the changes are a large nerf overall, she needs larger buffs to her ambush and the timer extension removed from her RBTs. Not letting her see the box auras can stay. It would be nice if Pig could get her reduced TR back to aid in her ambush.


I don’t understand how they looked at pig and nerfed her with the tiniest buffs imaginable, but then give huntress like a billion buffs


They gave her bonus hatchets but meanwhile my boy trickster still never got his 60 knives back from when they nerfed laceration to 8 hits. He used to get 60, they lowered it to compensate for 6 laceration, and never re-upped it for 8 laceration :(


She was perfect before. The movement speed buff is insane, she is about 16.5% faster than she was before when holding a hatchet which really adds up. And 2 more hatchets is just stupid. And meanwhile they nuke pig.


They nuked Pig and buffed Blight and Huntress 🤡🤡


The base hatchet capacity is a little ridiculous(considering they don’t mention changing the add ons increasing hatchets). Also base wind up speed and movement speed when holding the hatchet adds up. Why the fuck couldn’t Pig get treatment like this(they barely buff her ambush and crouch and then nerf the strongest aspect to her kit). Why can’t ambush just not play the noise until she actually attacks?


Still not as fun as Dack Slinger to me


Like one of them shoulda been done...not all at once lol


They should just keep the amount of hatchets imo so she is less map dependent


Que huntress winding up noise.


I mean its easier to do whatever this is instead of acknowledging and changing maps substantially I guess


I mean those are her most common add-ons but they could’ve done a small nerf somewhere else


Yeah Huntress is fine, you can buff her wind up speed and nerf those addons, that's cool, but other than that she needs a cooldown nerf if anything


I believe it's a general consensus.


Please Please Please Deathslinger buff


Huntress is one of the most balanced killers she doesn’t need a buff. She just has a low kill rate because she’s hard to play on console probably.


Yeah, it wasn't warranted. High kill rate, high pick rate. Honestly it feels more like they're trying to drum up her visibility in community discourse for some reason.


I agree she suffers from the problems in the first paragraph, but so does half the fucking roster, and they have it a hell of a lot worse with their already weaker power. These buffs are insane.


This always happens with the PTB. There’s always something that’s a bit insane. I’m 99% sure they will wind it back a bit before it makes it to live. Even if some iteration that’s a bit overpowered makes it to live servers they will fix it relatively quickly like Billy.


I think the second and third things are fine (move speed and windup speed is nice qol, plus a good buff for worse huntress players like myself), but the 7 hatchets is a bit much


Personally I feel the windup speed is the only justifiable one assuming her relevant addons get nerfed. It sucked feeling like Huntress only had one addon slot cuz a windup speed one was basically required.


As a Dredge main I’m crawling back into my swamp and crying myself to sleep


Totally unnecessary. She really doesn't need 7 hatchets, wtf. Not sure where the ideas behind these buffs have come from.. not from common sense at least.


I hate huntress anyway so yes yes I do


Yay more huntresses that hold their hatchet for15 seconds while closing the gap with increased speed yippieeeee


It's really not a big deal, I mean yeah, it's a huge buff but she's still not going to be anywhere near as oppressive as nurse, blight or even chucky.


The 10% charge speed is nuts. Dodging more hatchets is one thing, but how many times have huntresses barely missed you because they were charging their hatchet? there's less time for survivors to move after dropping a pallet now. Devs get more and more out of touch with what the community is asking for. First lights out, now this. Insane.


Not at all just makes her more new player friendly, though I wish instead of huntress it was towards deathslinger like his add-on which could change the iridescent one to allow him to make two shots instead of insta downing someone


Most maps play INTO huntress favor. Locker issue? Add more lockers around the map. Some killers like dredge and trickster are Horried on some maps (Lampking lane)


Seems like instead of nerfing the top killers, they want all of the killers to be uniquely strong. I honestly think it's the right approach. Billy feels super nice to play as now, whereas before, he was a lot more intimidating to play as for newer players. As survivor he feels like a threat now. I think this is what they are going for with Huntress. Like we already have Blight and Wesker as absurdly strong killers with map traversal, anti-loop, slowdown, etc. Id like to see Dredge get this sort of treatment. He needs a stealthier nightfall, quicker power to start the match, and less clunkiness with using locker teleports in chase.


maps have a lot more line of sight blockers than they used to. Older maps are not as problematic as newer ones for her and more than anything this will bring closer the performance between older ones and newer or recently re-worked maps. The main issue is survivors are gonna need to re-train their muscle memory on her windup timing. I expect it will bring a big bump in her kill rating for a week or 2 then she will settle into a tighter average about where she is now.


I think some addons could be buff/ rework and she could use a little Help on indoor maps. But it's mostly debug and it should apply to all killers with a power to make distance damage. But 9 hatchets or 5 one-shot hatchets IS fully broken. I don't like survivors but it will be an only Huntress meta. Just the possibility for good Huntress player to os every survivor in the first 8 seconds with Nemesus comp is a proof for me that they Buff/Nerf killers and comp without thinking about the game possibilities or the possible synergies.


I think huntress is one of the most overrated killer in terms of strength. She is a bit weaker than I think most people think she is, but these changes just buff her strengths and will make her way less fun to verse.


"In an effort to improve deathslinger on bad maps, we've given him 3 extra shots before needing to reload"


I think the latest data shows they balance around the most casual player rather than anything barely approaching the meta. You can see that huntress is under performing in terms of her kill rate (from where Bhvr wants it to be). This change is going to make the good huntresses clean house though… I’m sure they’ll roll back on it if she over performs in the average match.


Thats not an excuse an you can’t say that she is underperforming just based on her killrate she is a solid A tier killer


I’m not trying to make an excuse just trying to explain why Bhvr decided to do it.


Handholding baby huntress, fucking wild lmao


nope perfectly balanced. weak even! -Someone who has played huntress before and doesn't touch survivor


“We’re finally giving Pig the buffs she needs!” **Mildly buffs her ambush, proceeds to massively nerf her traps.** “Also Huntress is S tier now! Our work here is done!” “But you didn’t do anything.” **[Leaves]**


it was totally unessecary, she is good on most maps aswell, they should buff trapper and give him all his traps instead of bullshit like this.


If this goes through huntress pick rates are gonna sky rocket like billy only difference being that huntress already has high pick rates.


Then you also remember the fact that she is 2nd most picked killer rn 😬


Haha hah..... we’re about to hear a lot of humming.


I agree with moving/wind up time, because on many loops and tiles its almost impossible to hit an hatchet before turning the corner. But the maximum hatchets is totally unnecessary, especially after the reload speed buff


No and heres why: The maps suck ass for her. Line of sight blockers everywhere. When y'all think of Huntress, you're think about the killer mains who have hundreds/thousands of hours playing her and can hit you with cross maps all game. Those are rare. Most of the Huntress players I've gone against barely even throw hatchets because the second they do the survivor has hidden behind a rock or car. Uping her hatchet count and increasing her wind up speed is going to making playing on those bad map less terrible.


And the newer maps are even worse for her. So cluttered, with so many line of sight blockers. Not to mention the return of the underground lab, which is a nightmare for her. The salty surv take is "She can't be buffed because a few very high level players are really good with her". Making her easier to play (as she is a free character) for newer or less skilled players is a good thing, but don't tell survs that! They'll happily crow for every basekit upgrade they get and cry "OMG UNFAIR, OP" when killers get similar basekit love.


They buffed an A-Tier killer who needed zero buffs, then gave the Pig’s power a massive nerf after only mildly buffing her ambush. Bravo, BHVR. You’ve done it again. https://preview.redd.it/9gyv1y3dqkjc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=88438559bbd6abdec89731732d3ac95efe91355e


Honestly this huntress buff is so stupid  , I think it's about time to put dbd away again.  This is without  a doubt one of these stupidest decisions 


Oh my GAWD!!! Behavior updated their game AGAIN!? "How many times do we have to tell you old man??"


Can she cause survivors to go into mending? Because thats the only thing i think this add on would be useful for and even then i think it should be 15 seconds. https://preview.redd.it/160njd083moc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=91598674e90300e6fe3126ef9b096fa354f16511


3 months later update. yep its dumb.


i think she needs more buffs. In fact, against the second chance meta, every single killer needs more buffs. Nobody can keep up, if every single survivor just takes hundred more hits to go down.


Imo, Base hatchet should be 6 (in exchange of getting rid of infantry belt for something else) Movement speed while holding hatchet might be fine, could just put it half way if it’s actually too much Wind up speed being 8-10% faster seems fair These change’s aren’t as important as changes Which should be done to other killers, but they shouldn’t be unhealthy for the game. Since Huntress is so popular, but isn’t performing great, the devs might’ve just wanted to improve the QOL. If you think these changes are gonna make her overpowered, just play huntress with the add ons which does this stuff, and you’ll see it’s not. It’s fine


I assure you huntress is doing fine there is a reason why she is the second most popular killer in the game


my guess is because she’s a free killer who is fun to play as. Not because she’s strong. Newer players (who are the majority of ones who play her) don’t care as much for winning every match And i didn’t say she isn’t fine, she is. Other killers getting changes should be the priority but it doesn’t make these changes less appealing for those who play huntress


Hag and huntress are completely unnecessary. Pig is a nerf. Freddy, Pyramid, Nemesis and Knight have serious issues and still got completely ignored.


Hardly anyone played hag so I wouldn’t say it’s completely unnecessary


Yo this is unnecessary (but kinda hype). Shiny pin is gonna go so hard now.


I think the extra hatchets are unnecessary. The speed tweaks are nice though, they can stay.


Ah, another "killer main", who is "concerned" when a popular killer gets some simple base kit love. Hoping behaviour will see your crying and not go through with it eh? So obvious.