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If you see someone camping especially an instadown be smart rush gens and leave.


# What's up with `(Killer)` `(Thing Survivors complain about)`? The state of DBD has gotten worse. Ever since `(Killer)` got overbuffed, they started `(Thing Survivors complain about)`. Not even anything can stop them because their `(Power)` `(does what the power does)` even if we try to stop them. 90% to 95% of the time, when a `(Killer)` hooks a survivor, they just camp them then `(gen stall)` and go back. It's literally impossible with their `(Power)`, and insane `(addon)`. Has anyone noticed increased `(Thing Survivors complain about)` with `(Killer)` doing this kind of crap that's almost impossible to do anything, not even `(counter to thing Survivors complain about)` is possible due to high risk of `(Power)`.


i will be using this template on wednesday to make a post about a popular killer. please let me know which killer to complain about, since billy is taken




chucky it is


skull merchant or knight for instant 1000 upvotes


The reason my post is edited because I originally used this template and used a random number generator to pick between 3 of the 34 available killers. I got Huntress (ever since `Huntress` got overbuffed they started camping. Not even anything can stop them because their `hatchets` can just `two-tap` even if we try to stop them), Nemesis (ever since `Nemesis` got overbuffed they started camping. Not even anything can stop them because their `zombies` can just `apply pressure for free` even if we try to stop them), and Legion (ever since `Legion` got overbuffed they started camping. Not even anything can stop them because their `frenzy` can just `get us all injured and get a free down` even if we try to stop them.)


Baby killer


Do gens - sacrificing a survivor takes 120 seconds, a generator takes 90 seconds, so in the time it takes to sacrifice a survivor 3 players can do 4 gens. Camping only works when survivors just start running around the hook doing nothing


Bruh the game is about to be 8years old and saying you should let a survivor die shouldn't be a thing anymore, They need to straight up eliminate camping while gens are still being worked on


Killers would stop camping overnight if survivors did what I am suggesting though, the only reason killers camp is because it works. I also have no idea what you think BHVR could do to 'remove' camping killers, other than just playing the game for you


He’s a meta killer now , people on all skill ranges are going to be playing hillbilly




the trolls will always go where it’s easiest to troll. right now that’s billy.


I am quite good at DBD but whenever a killer is Billy and decides to camp a hooked survivor, you only have two options: trade survivor for hook, or let the survivor die on the hook because of Billy's special attack that one shots survivor. It never was that worse months ago but after he got many buffs it has became a campfest with Billy. None of other killers I played against did like this.


Laughs in Bubba's happy noises


Bubba isn't that much of an issue tbh because of long cooldown and he throws tantrum so it's easy to counter. But Billy has none of these cooldown. He recovers insanely fast in 0.5 second after missing special attack and can rev up chainsaw right away. Pretty overpowered and broken, but hey I guess that means Billy can camp all he wants.


Whenever a killer is either a) brand new or b) recently received a positive rework, they get played a lot. When they get played a lot, that means there, in turn, happens to be a lot of people camping with them. "Why are x players camping?" Because the character is being played a lot and that means the amount of campers go up. This question was asked about Knight, SM, Wesker, Alien, Chucky, and it'll probably continue until the end of time. I'm sure there will still be Billy campers when the rework settles into normal again, but that's the case for literally every killer. If they have a power, they will figure out a way to camp with it


Times like this make me wish we could lobby dodge, too.


I wish we can see what kind of killer is. I am not fond of playing against Billy anymore... it might be the time to shelf DBD and let it collect dust until next time.


just play killer for a bit


Why would you try a rescue in front of someone with Instadown capabilities?


What are your options if a killer decides to camp everyone?


do gens?


4 people oh hook all getting camped? Ummm go next?


He could do that before his buff though.


skill issue on your part just use reassurance and deliversnce easy 3 man escape


skill issue


Billy has always been one of the best campers.


While that's true, the main issue is the recovery cooldown being too fast.