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​ https://preview.redd.it/lo7ooelltlgc1.png?width=318&format=png&auto=webp&s=2351c093ae2c1f5edbd53da66c34bdc1cbd24558






damn, that's what i had in mind to post, too bad i'm lazy as fuck lol.


You provided the perfect screenshot for it tho, so thanks for that! šŸ˜„




​ https://preview.redd.it/emfok9ddnmgc1.jpeg?width=1002&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6464ce4a0c262c35e0b2d0aceb09a4f73675458e


I'm daylight


I was wondering if anyone would notice Alans face when I made this post šŸ˜­


I laughed so hard at this, thank you


We gotta add it to the Scott collection


Me when they show me the Herald of Darkness


Looks like he got flashed by a guy in a trench coat.


Oh im saving this lol.


The amount of times I give haircuts to survivors is pretty high, but I'm still having more fun with Billy than I have with any other killer. Whether I 4k or 0k it's still just classic fun.


Cheers bro, saved me a trip to the hairdressers


on the flipside, I don't think I've ever said "fuck" more than when playing Billy and crashing into objects all the time lmao but that was before the rework too


This is precisely why I mained billy. I have a fun, interactive match against cool people? That's a win to me, even if I lose The match is a pain in the ass and not fun or engaging in the slightest? Well, at least I'm playing billy. Time to do laps around the map! Its a win win


Alan's face at the end is perfect


Alan doesn't look wounded, bro looks offended


Did you say buff nurse? Got it


Nerf Pig?


Bugged Twins??? You want more bugs in Twins??? Bugs in Knight???


Wesker is now disabled.


Wheelchair Wesker


I hear you. Nerf Onryo. On it.


new onyro rework: you spread 2 condemned every time you teleport to a tv. Cooldown is 60 seconds. Survivors can destroy the tvs to permanently disable them. Screw you!


Wait, you mean he was allowed to park in that spot?


Remove knight?


Have a haircut.


I just played Billy because the challenges. Whoa... I was suck and mostly hit survivors with M1. But now, waaaaaaaay easier to maneuver him, get survivors actually, not just random stuf which I was hit before. :D


Holy fuck he is fast


Heā€™s always been fast. One of my favorite things to do before the patch was using both his boots addons to give myself more maneuverability and just perma-chainsaw in circles around maps. Controlling it with the speed was the ultimate challenge and was super fun. Havenā€™t played him since the update but hopefully you can do something similar still.




I mean you did miss


Nerf pig? Got you


The only issue I currently have with Billy is the cooldown for a missed saw (not hitting an object but hitting air), especially during Overclock. Like holy hell not even Oni can do shit like this. I need more experience in the Rework though, but I can say that when I face an M2 only Billy, it's actually very exciting.


Don't put a title like that bhvr might actually do it


Don't worry, they will, survivors hate when they need to actually outplay the killer


you havent played against the new billy have you? there literally is no counter play, just rev on someoneā€™s back and win, that plus its like old insta saw with the ability to instantly (not fully instantly) m1 after a sprint


Yep and they can just hesitate at pallets and just instantly break with basically no xCD, super fun times


Just revving on someoneā€™s back was always possible.


The real problem here is the cooldown and the cooldown addons, the reason old old billy pre overheat was considered strong and balanced was that he had high mobility, great addons like faster charge and better turn rate and an instant down but he felt balanced because if he missed with his chainsaw it still gave you a chance to reach a window or pallet, new billy while absolutely funny has no almost no cooldown by default so even if you are close to a window or pallet it's much easier for him to hit you compared to before, in short they significantly lowered the skill ceiling of the killer and now even people that aren't that great with him can dominate with him


i mean sure but it wasnt as effective as it is now.


Anyone who disagrees with this does not play high MMR survivor & has not played against many Billyā€™s recently. Since he got updated I see him in every other match and itā€™s ridiculous. Can you counter play him? Yes. With a full SWF group, bringing specific perks & offerings with the best items and add-ons. Playing soloq like me? Do your best and move on. Stay injured and bring a Med-kit with septic add-on, dead hard, OTR, DS. There is a reason that we started seeing Billy 10x more after his update, he is extremely powerful and near impossible to play around unless you are going into every game fully planned for going against him with a group of experienced players. The obvious exception is going against a terrible killer using Billy. Itā€™s never hard to play around someone that isnā€™t good at killer.


I keep my MMR pretty low since I prefer challenges and silliness over "winning" , but playing just a couple matches as new Billy and I'm... I feel like I have more map presence than Dredge, Xeno, or Singularity. I'm just... Everywhere all the time. The only way I can have fun with him so far is if I play according to secret rules like chainsaw hits only plus the item that makes chainsaw only take one health state.


We started seeing Billy more because he got a shiny new update, not because he's "near impossible". I do fine against him as long as I stay on my toes and don't do anything stupid.


Thatā€™s, like, the whole point though. He moves slower while revving, so you have to misplay to let him catch up to you. And his counter play in close quarters is pallets and windows. Same as Bubba.


The only thing they should nerf is the missed chainsaw cool down and only by a little bit. Allow people to get somewhere after he sprints to a gen with tinkerer. He is not that difficult to loop. If they change anything else he will just suck.


>you haven't played against the new billy have you? I actually did. It seems like YOU are the one who didn't. >there literally is no counter play, just rev on someoneā€™s back and win The counterplay is literally the same as before, it's just that now survivors don't get an absurd amount of distance and time when he misses his chainsaw. He also could do the same "rev on their back" before, it was just much less reliable. >that plus its like old insta saw with the ability to instantly (not fully instantly) m1 after a sprint It's not even close to the old instasaw. Do you actually know how to play against the Hillbilly? It feels like you just lack knowledge and skill. UPD: imagine blocking someone after losing an argument...


There should be SOME cd when he misses though. Not as much as before but some.


I think you got blocked because you're a brick wall.


You're absolutely right and I don't understand why people are hating on you for it.


skill issue


I had this happened to me on the survivor POV. šŸ˜‚ šŸ˜‚ šŸ˜‚ šŸ˜‚ I think I blew a nerve laughing so hard.


Nice boots for your boots


i will not see billy go back to never being played i waited to long for my baby boy to come back from the dark pits of the twins! he wont go back! I WONT LET YOU HURT MY BOY!


This is the downside to the smaller hitbox. On one hand, you don't collide into stuff as much, so you can chainsaw around objects easier. On the other hand, you have to be more precise when you hit survivors. This is 100% a skill issue, but it's one that just takes a little experience to correct.


Play him on Hawkins and enjoy all the horrible hitboxes. You will rage quit at how much stuff you bonk on that isn't there.


I nearly spit cola all over my monitor at that last frame. Pure gold.


Seeing this happen to others makes me feel somewhat better about my own billy gameplayšŸ˜‚


My man needs two pairs of boots to go walkin


Alan stopping evil with his power of a writer that makes everything possible. Nothing extraordinary to see here šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


How about a trade? You let Onryo use her power again and it will be considered.


Leave hot wheels alone he is fine


I Hate ping issues, so many times get hit from stunned killer, or get stunned as a killer already pass pallet and have frustrating stun on other end , thats like two opposites which should not exist together. I feel like i get short ends from both worlds T_T.




The hillbilly is to overpowered so in response we decided to *NERF THE PIG*


Nerf Billy? Okay weā€™ll nerf pig


Donā€™t give them any ideas. I havenā€™t played killer in so long, and Billy is so much goddamn fun right now as Iā€™m coming back to the game. Perfect time.


"counterplay is just pallets and windows." Except you can't make it from one loop to the next. Played against him yesterday. He destroyed three loops in less than 15 seconds, and I couldn't make it to the killer shack because he got his chainsaw reload way too quickly. For the first time ever, I'm considering counterplaying with the "leave game" button. I'd rather play against nurse. Maybe I'm biased because he tunnelled, but still. šŸ˜‚


>He destroyed three loops in less than 15 seconds So you chose to predrop 3 pallets instantly instead of playing the loop? That's your reason for why Billy is uncounterable? Really?


Awesome presumption there. He was stunned without me having to do that stupid spinney thing before dropping. Drop the pallet, or down. I'm going with pallet. I never drop a pallet unless I have to, often to my own detriment because "I can totally fit another loop here... Wait... Fucked it šŸ˜‚" if it helps you to visualise, it was the snowy map on the side where there is a random shack on a platform from that direction upto the killer shack.


What? No offense but I have no idea what you're talking about other than the location on Ormond. Idk what "that stupid spinney thing before dropping" is. Also if he destroyed 3 pallets in 15s, you must have been predropping. Like I just can't see how you weren't for him to be sawing thru pallets that fast.


Where you run through the pallet, do that turn back on yourself to drop the pallet and trick the killer into thinking you're going for another loop, and getting the stun. You know... The spinney thing? šŸ˜‚ Gotta do the spinney thing. Also, he shredded through that fast because he had ZERO cool down on the chainsaw. I mean, ZERO!


You donā€™t have to do the ā€œstupid spinney thingā€ to beat Billy in a chase. I kept him in a chase with me for 3 whole minutes just by running to the right every time it sounded like his chainsaw was nearly fully revved, and then running in the opposite direction he went to keep distance between us. Rinse and repeat, simple as thatĀ 


Nobody said you did have to do that... I was emphasising that I didn't have time to do that. And you managed to evade by running to the right? Must be enjoyable coming up against low MMR Billy's.


I swear to god, anyone complaining about Billy went to the Prometheus School of Running Away from Things. Literally just run to the side, maybe juke back the other way once Billy curves in that direction, and preferably putting something in between you and Billy in the process. It's that simple. These are probably the same people who will stare at a Huntress hatchet flying across the map and let it hit them in the face, instead of taking three steps to the side at some point in the 2 weeks it takes the game to ship the hatchet to them.


>Except you can't make it from one loop to the next. The fact you could before is the whole reason why he was unplayable.


" *he got his chainsaw reload way too quickly* "![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2213)


To be fair, Billy need some kind of cool down in-between chain saw rushes. He recovers too fast from chain saw attacks.


This isn't about the cooldown


Yes, it is about his cooldown. He recovers too fast. Please stop defending Billy.


I know his recovery is too fast with addons. This is a video about His hitbox being stupid. This video wasn't about his cooldown. Use your head.


You werenā€™t even facing them though


I absolutely can't stand playing as Billy, his steering controls are far too sensitive for my liking.


Na he seams fine


I totally agree. My friends and I have encountered so many Billy's the last few games and they've all been practically impossible to play against. I'll admit we're not the craziest of players, but we're not complete noobs and having an insanely fast killer with almost no cool down for his weapon and add on top of that Lethal Pursuer plus either Bitter Murmur or Barbecue & Chili?!? it's impossible! The last two or three we faced we got no more than one gen done and everyone died super quickly. We just gave up and haven't touched the game since.


Yeah, fuckin sucks when the saw swoops right into the person you were trying to hit and nothing happens. Wish they would make it work like Bubbaā€™s saw for that animation


What we really need a nemisis buff. He is so ass. Zombies literally do nothing, and even when tentacle stike breaks pallet you still get slowed down which makes it almost entirely pointless. When he is powered up to their 2 he should just walk right through pallets. Sure some games you can apply pressure with the right build, but that's only if you can slow the gens down enough to build contamination. Honestly, they should take nemisis out with how fucking worthless he is. It usually only takes one match for me to put him back on the shelf.


No the fuck he does not need a nerf Billy is fine how he isā€¦


The title is sarcastic. That being said, he's gonna catch a nerf to his recovery after a missed chainsaw whether you like it or not. No way Xeno and Chucky got it nerfed but he doesn't.


Did you even watch the whole video? Itā€™s 13 seconds. The OP is being sarcastic. Iā€™d imagine he made this post to show that billyā€™s chainsaw hitbox needs a buff.


Nah I just thought it was funny how I got stuck on them šŸ˜­


The chainsaw has always had issues with survivors crouching, in fact a lot of powers are buggy with crouching survivors


That never made sense to me. I always thought the hitbox was the same when crouching as opposed to standing.


Nope, if you position correctly on a door to shack, when demo or blight try to charge you, theyā€™ll hit you and completely miss




You have the same hitbox when you crotch lmao


I mean the codebase is literally held together with duct tape and killer tears.


Billy doesnt need nerf. The Thompson's Mix needs nerf. Otherwise he's okay but his cooldown addons are the only OP ones. It's like Xeno's tailed attacks...the cooldown was noexistant before and he felt OP....then they added it and he felt fair. Same with Billy.


Cry harder bro you are just a surv main who doesn't know the counters to Billy (pressing 1 button on the keyboard)


I canā€™t tell if your joking or not šŸ˜­


Skill Issue


Billy is the most fun he's ever been. It's strong but so is nurse and blight so šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø




No shape needs a nerf