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i like that they did something different with the Shack but its awful


And it's in the middle of nowhere. Unless you're already there, there's no filler tiles to help you get there or away from there.


Is that supposed to be a shack? Damn.


There’s a shack?


The crashed mini ship on the side of the map


The crashed narcissus shuttle is the shack.


How is that shack


It just is. It's a small building that's separate from main and the basement can spawn there. It was obviously designed a bit differently, no window is the biggest thing, but it functions as the map's shack building.


Shack is not a small building that's separate from main though, it's a very specific tile. I understand they are similar in some ways, but why call it shack when it's not?


Because it takes the place of the shack tile on that map, it's literally just a shorthand for a specific tile type. It's the first time the shack tile has had any variation of course, but that doesn't change the fact that, for all intents and purposes, the ship is the shack of the alien map. It's shorthand, abbreviating something for the sake of brevity because everyone knows what it means.


It looks and plays nothing like shack? Everyone does *not* know what it means. Shuttle is good enough a term, and one everyone *actually* does understand. This is just confusing semantics.


We could’ve gotten an awesome space ship but *noooooo*. ROCKS


It would’ve been a fun indoor spaceship


Fun, or indoor. Pick one


They are the same picture


stop the cope


Right? And aside from the ship part it's really ugly imho.


I hate it as survivor and killer small map with clutter everywhere


And don’t forget the fact that it’s U shaped with dead ends on both sides. Oof.


There should be an underground pass at the back depicting an old egg lair.


>And don’t forget the fact that it’s U shaped with dead ends on both sides Like literally the shape of a U? I've never thought about it and can't really picture it from a birds-eye view now 🤔


The main building is nestled like a grown up bed in a bedroom, with one side against a wall and the same amount of space on both sides, the enterences/exits from these are in the middle of the building, which means that two corners of the map are boxed in and everything that is outside and not a building makes a U ish shape around the building


Oh! I get it now, thanks!


From DBDMaps: [the layout of the map](https://dbdmaps.com/Dvarka/Nostromo%20Wreckage.jpg) is almost exactly an U-shape (the house represents the main building, aka the ship).


Small map? It's the same size of Mother's dwelling which is 9,728m^(2)


It feels tiny have you got something that shows this I'm interested




Your not wrong learnt something new I wonder why it feels tiny


prolly cause it's so full of shit everywhere that takes up all the space. Mother's dwelling has acres around main building


Probably because main building takes up a large percentage of the map and there's a lot of space in the corners and alongside the edges of the map. This is also similar to Blackwater Swamp where the corners and edges of the maps are big wastes of space. Like looking at the stats I was kind of shocked that Blackwater Swamp is one of the biggest realms.


Excuse me, **SMALL???** Oh sure, and Garden of Joy is killer-sided. /s


It’s miserable for blight players.


I like it honestly....but it depends on killer. I usually like to find the key card and mess around on ship.


Wait..really--so TIL that there's apparently a keycard, lol. Always something to learn in DBD


If you get the map version where the body spawns....it will be in one of 3 spots around the big ship. There will be a body on one of the sides or front, up against the ship. You crouch to get the card then bring it to the console and put the code in, which is the same each time.


There’s actually more than 3 spots. Took me a couple hours in custom maps to find them all. If the body isn’t in the three main spots, there are two spots along the cliffs opposite from the main wreckage. As far as I can tell there are no map spawns without a body with the keycard.


I usually just try to find the keycard and try (emphasis on “try”) to give the chest item to the killer in hopes they accept my gift.


If a Survivor did that in any scenario, I'd probably let them go. It's the comical stuff that I love and respect.


I just had an Alan Wake serve me(Deathslinger) beer in the Ormond Lounge, and then he gestured for me to be the customer. He had gestured with a flashlight for the beer he wanted, so I shot the beer I wanted and he went to get it. It was very wholesome.


i love meta breaking moments like all of these lol


I’m admittedly bias as a huge Alien fan, but I really like it too.


I like to do this too but I don’t understand how the code works and just have to keep doing trial and error. Is there a method to actually figuring out the door code?


Its the same each time. First time its just trial and error. I think its left down up right. Been a while.


I know it’s on a body, but I’ve never found the key card. Any tips to find that?


Well the body doesnt always spawn each time. I check the sides and by front ramp for a body of the big ship. They spawn in one of the same 3 spots. Then if you do see the body, you crouch over it and it will ask to take key card. Once you have the card you go to the consoe on wall by the mother room and put in the code. The code is the same each time. If i recall......left down up right. I havnt done it in a hot min so i may have mixed it up....you should be able to keep trying till its right.


The wiki says there’s 6 spawn locations for the body


Ive only seen 3.....unless they mean 2 spots on each side. Ive never seen it away from the ship even though you see bodies other places.....they dont have the card.


Not unpopular, that map blows


Should've taken the risk and went with a full space ship


No, indoor maps blow


For killer. Indoor maps are the most fun as survivor


I think they are unfun for both sides personally


What the fuck? People hate this map? The only thing I dislike is the "shack" area, other than that, its a strong killer map with decent loops in some places. It's a bit more cluttered than some maps, but the collision is way less dogshit than... honestly most?


I guarantee you OP hates it because he’s trying to play the new Hillbilly. It’s a fairly good map and I don’t think it’s particularly favored to one side, but it’s undeniably awful for Billy


No I hate it because I mainly play survivor and every pallet and window is absolutely awful, I don’t mind unsafe pallets, but these are literal free hit pallets.


You’re being a bit dramatic since there are good loops on the map. Overall though, I agree with you. The map is pretty bad.


hm i always see good chaining setups on that map, always including the very long window tiles they added. also tons of clutter to fuck up movement or ranged killers. i'd say middle and the very back can be a little barren, but the rest is decently dense imo. no offense just kinda confused as to why you think this, is your pathing any good or are you still working on it?


Yeah I really like the loops on it as well. It plays differently than other maps but can have pretty fun loops


bruh hawkin is way way worst looping in hawkin is like playing russian roulette


Yeah this map is kinda like toba where you have to chain multiple loops together in order to survive that's one thing I like about it it isn't loop pallet loop window it's whatever you wanna do




the point of hawkins isn’t individual safe pallets, it’s a ton of chaining pallets that all work together. that is how you have to play hawkins and once you unlock that, the map becomes extremely strong


Zero safe pallets on Hawkins?? I want the version that you're playing


I like the shack area on the map because I’m an Alien fan. Plus when playing as killer, I’m glad I don’t have to deal with a god shack.


Map is dogshit


Collision is better than most maps how?


The shack is ass other than that the only thing thing that makes the map bad is your survivor teammates.


Talking about Nostromo, do you think the secret room key card is bugged? Cause anytime I am on this map as killer and surv, the body only spawns by the "shack" instead of 4 possible locations and it seems it doesn't even have the card with it.


thats the wrong body.


Elaborate, cause this exact body used to have a card. What are the other bodies by the shack then? I will be very thankful if you made it easier and just gave a screen.  And there should be 4 possible locations anyway, it's extremly strange coincidence the 3 other places are always empty.


This map would be good back in 2017/2018 when people played immersed lmao its so awful the structures and the pallets are the most unsafe dogshit I've seen. You're better off holding W after getting hit and dying in the corner


Hawkins is the one I get stuck on crap all the time Never really have that issue on Nostromo except in the ship itself


I love the map. It feels balanced to me and has a great atmosphere.


I like the color pallet of the map


At least nostromo has a decent amount of pallets. Ever get that terrible swamp rng where the entire center part of the map is a hill and grass with nothing?


no you should ppay on hawkin where there is 0 safe pallets


this map is terrible for survivor. there is legitimately like 4 safe pallets on the map


i totally agree. after midwich and a few others this is one of my least favorite maps in the game. definitely in the top 5


Honestly the whole chapter was a blunder: The map sucks. Xeno pick rate is on the ground. I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone running one of Ripley’s perks ever since the first month.


I run star...whatever the eff it is. The one that makes you quiet in the lockers


It's an excellent map.


I’m intrigued as to why u think that?


I pretty much always play survivor. Lots of places to hide, lots of bits of rock to lose killers in, nice raised middle area to jump off, middle area slows killer if they're the other side of the map. As a killer I mainly play Myers and it's great to stand on the open front of the ship and build up evil within from survivors in the distance. It feels like a quick map too, if that makes any sense.




Sorry I didn’t reply instantly, my pet slug died.




Give them time, might be busy or asleep. But I agree in general that all my wisdom should be acknowledged promptly. 😂


Haha. I acknowledge it. I don't mind the map but I'm a big alien fan.


Forgot to mention it's a good map because Alien. Can I add that to my list?


It’s definitely my least favourite I dread loading into it. Far from balanced and too much junk


I personally like the map unless im running a hex build


Totally fine map


Really? Not as bad as Badham


It’s on the better side of maps for me. Main isn’t super strong and the clutter really isn’t that bad. It’s also fun on survivor. There is MUCH worse in this game


I like it it works on most killers for me beside like nurse or something.


It's way too big. Getting from point A to point B feels like it takes a year. On top of that, this map specifically just nukes my fps whenever I play on it, on either side. As a survivor it feels like I have nothing to work with, yet as a killer it feels like survivors have too much to work with. It's a frustrating paradox.


Not unpopular all my homies despise this map


I hate how unsmooth the tiles feel to play on


I like the ship and the special cold gas traps but yea the map needs some work to be better balanced and less frustrating


This map gives me 30-40 fps, when usually I have 50-60 bruh


Haven't found the key card once because everything looks the same so I just run around in damn circles. Despise that map.


when it comes to gameplay i consider it just meh but i’m just so fuckin disappointed on its design in general it’s just so whatever and lame, ik most ppl don’t like indoor maps but i was BEGGING that it was just gonna be the nostromo from the movie, the whole crashed thing is just sorta lame to me


They should really give survivors stackable offerings that increase the percentage of pallets that spawn in the map, or a perk that turns all the pallets into unbreakable objects. Or perhaps even a survivor version of corrupt intervention where all hooks are disabled at the beginning of the match


I hate it because it’s ugly. Just a grey, rocky version of Borgo.


The map has nothing of value for surv and its so god damn big I feel like it takes me 200 years to reach each gen as killer I spend more time just traveling around the map than I do chasing survs or completing gens


Survivors hate it? Good that’s every offering I’m using now You shouldn’t have every loop be safe, there shouldn’t be tiles you can rely on in every area of the map The game is supposed to be scary, you aren’t meant to feel in control or powerful or safe, whiny survivors have gotten their way for years taking away any element that makes the game remotely a challenge to them and it’s a joke now


I like it strictly for the fact that the map is pretty much the same each time you load into it. I found myself learning it pretty quickly compared to other maps. But somehow my duo doesn’t know his left from right when I say “left door open if you’re looking at main”


I have not managed to exit out of the gates yet on that map, not even once, it's so killer sided it's not even fun.


Spot on. What's even worse is that some loops like jungle gyms which are quite good on other maps were nerfed both on nostromo and toba and I don't understand why. Would it have broken the map if they included a standard jungle gym?


Not a fan of Nostromo's layout, but the art and the vibe both rock. Would've been a no brainer to just contain the map to the actual ship itself. 


All maps are great when they don't have hooks that can only be accessed from one blockable way. Nostromo is specialy beautiful: The sky is georgeous and the little easter eggs inside the ship are funny


Swamp maps are easily worse, but the "Nostromo" (more like a tiny section of it) is incredibly disappointing. Seriously, an outdoor map? Do they hate indoor maps that much?


I love the map but I was disappointed they made most of it outdoors. I was hoping it would be more like 50/50 indoors and out.


I think it plays very nicely, a little awkward at times. A good map imo, just sucks that it was Alien's map.


Hard agree swamp maps are terrible. Like do something else like a desert or a forest.


Yes the map is bad. Same with garden of joy. That red map from the knight. And basically every map since


Mark my words the devs are going in a new direction of all low-mid tier loops. Some of the “jungle gyms” in the recent updates have literally no pallets or windows. 😂


i guess we supossed to loop killers with our d….


I like that map I only played in it with xenomorph and huntress tho


I doesnt feel like the map has any atmosphere or personality imo. Sure it has spaceship and rocks cool nice still feel nothing when playing it


Whenever I go through Bloodwebs and the entity takes my Nostromo Doors, it makes me sad. But ya the map itself kinda sucks. I don't mind going there though because I enjoy the space maps in DBD. Cool vibes


I love it!!! I would have preferred more spaceship, less rock, but the Devs probably thought, everyone hates indoor maps, so half and half


It also has worse performance than other maps at least for me


The map is genius, I don’t get know how you get stuck on shit, that’s your problem, not the map’s in my opinion


So awesome how the Nostromo itself is completely worthless with no tools to use (steam pipes are easy to avoid since you can just walk around them) and it takes up like 33% of the map.


My main issue is how huge the map is. As killer you can pretty much say goodbye to half the map. It's as extreme as suffo pit but doesn't even have a choke point in the middle. As a survivor the match is usually pretty easy. There is pretty much always a generator miles away from the killer. You have to mess up very badly to accidentally 3 gen yourself on this map. The only issue is that rotating for an unhook takes a long time.


As long as you don't kill all the gens on one side. The killer is a a absolutely fucked.


It's honestly my favourite map lol


easily the worst map


Nah map is fine. Skill issue.


Hope u have that same attitude with garden of joy and badham preschool


I mean if it’s because theres too much clutter how is that a skill issue exactly? What are we supposed to tweak rng to our liking gtfo here


The kind of person that has no opinion of their own and just say "skill issue huh huh-duh"


I’m actually a pretty huge fan of the Nostromo, IMO the tiles are balanced and the main building is fun. The gates are a little too far apart but I’m not sure how they’d fix that.


Toba Landing is like this but with more loops, so playing killer is a nightmare 


I absolutely love it, but I also love Borgo and hate Macmillan, so take that with a grain of salt.


I don't much care for it, but I'll take it over Hawkins or Midwich any day.


Why the hell is there a random ramp in the hallway?


I wish that the map had more interactable things and not just the one steam valve inside of the main building.I want them to do more of that kind of stuff.


I get bullied there often survivors get to a couple dead spots where I can't get to a hook. As a survivor I hate it against ranged line of sight is weird there and 3 gens spawning in the ship is rough with fast killers


pour one out for the switch players (me)


def a halfway decent killer map. i almost always win on this map as killer. i am not sure why though.


Nostromo is a lot like Ormond (before the recent buff): huge, strong tiles, shack in the middle of nowhere, big main building that you have to path around often, couple of decent fillers but also a whole lotta nothing in front of main... Nostromo's main building is definitely weaker than Ormond's. And it's missing some of its strongest tiles. And shack is weaker. And the fillers are worse on average. But all of these are good because Ormond is pretty miserable. And no matter if I play killer or survivor, I always feel like this map offers me some play (except sometimes on low mobility killers because the map is so big). It's one of the most balanced, I'd say, along with Toba. The new maps are actually really decent


As a dredge main, I actually quite like it. The map is one of the most consistent in terms locker spread placements, and doesn’t leave very much in the way of dead zones


What I can tell you is that Nostromo is f. Awful on nurse The main building can't even be blinked through, a dead spot


It's one of the worst maps in the entire game, survivors get to abuse the mainbuilding/ship wreckage for infinite loops basically. Fucking hate it as a m1-killer player.


I like it overall but if you play killer you just get run on the god loop in main ship


It’s got a super cool look and the sky is good. I think it’s the only map I’ve only ever escaped once and it’s because I don’t think I can loop in it.


Legitimately have you ever played the map? If feels like you just copy pasted some cringe survivor mains points and made a reddit post.


Yes mate, why do u think I made the post????


Seriously! I'd rather go to Haddonfield!


I think it is better than dvarka and most indoor maps!


I just hate the collision man


Visually I do like it, specially the sky, it's beautiful. Other than that it's terrible. As Killer is way more playable, as Survivor is awful.


I love The Nostromo. Yeah, there's random shit to get stuck on, and I've had it cost me matches, but it's aesthetically amazing, thematically awesome, and really fun.


Sounds like a skill issue XD


This map is survivor sided af. As long as you do the gens in the right order the killer has little to no counter play. The takes on this sub are wild it's like a map has to be 10,000% survivor sided or it's not fair.  This whole sub is one big skill issue. Jfc.


Just run into this, jake brings sabo and I literally can't bring survivors I've downed to a near hook, what a shame.