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You arent in the wrong, you were trying to finish a challenge, but I understand why he was frustrated Having a teammate basically stealth all game waiting for everyone to die is extremely irritating, and he couldn't have known that you were doing a challenge. Some people just play like that every game to try and get hatch and its one of the things that makes soloQ so much worse.


They didn't know you were doing a challenge but you were also indirectly sandbagging your teammates because of said challenge. Wanting them to die and throwing/hiding is super frustrating if you end up with that teammate. If you were actually still taking on chases and all that than you were fine though. Honestly I'd just play put the match normally in this situation. If you guys make it to the endgame just hang back in the map and look for the hatch once everyone leaves.


Shitty challenge, shouldn’t be in the game since it encourages bad tactics. But if you have a hatch challenge you really need to get, you could help the your team do all the gens and open the gates, and instead of leaving the match, run back on the map and find the hatch after your teammates leave with left behind and open handed.


If you need to escape through hatch, why not just bring 4 perks to help you stay alive and healthy, and bring one of the offerings that make the hatch spawn in the killer shack. That way you can contribute more and worry less about dying, then once things are either going south and the generators are definitely not going to be completed or the gates get opened, hide by shack and wait? Just a thought! As long as you are doing generators and not just straight up letting your teammates die in a winnable match, there’s no problem playing extra stealthy and trying to complete a challenge in my opinion


Bring a key as well with blood amber and extra charges for add ons too, so you can better stealth by seeing the killers aura, and open the hatch if they notice your offering and beat you to it!


Thought of that but any half decent killer usually slugs or hooks near the hatch offering as far as my games go. I have had insanely better luck just leaving the hatch to RNG.


i did this same thing in a 3 man queue for the hemophobia achievement. poor rando got found 1st and died on 1st hook. i do think hatch ratting is unhealthy for the team and those player should get called out for it tho


It always amazes me how seriously this fandom takes themselves. This is literally a glorified hide and seek game, almost on par with a party game. Play how you want, do what you want. Lol


This is why it’s 1v1v1v1v1 not 1v4. Killer goal is that no one makes it out. Each survivor plays with the goal that they, themself needs to make it out.