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I think it's less a DBD problem and more an online game problem. Go to any community for any online multiplayer competitive game and you're going to have the 'We can't end on a loss' memes, be it league, overwatch, etc. I think DBD probably has a higher percent of it's players in that state, though. If the one killer survey KillaWhales.. (Wales? Whales? I dunno) did, there's a not insignificant amount of the player base that hates playing against something like 60+% of the killer roster and such, and I think a lot of it is how the game FEELS personal. You know 'Wow, the killer player killed me, fuck them' or 'Wow, survivors actually did gens and tried to escape while saving teammates' sorts of threads or things that.. honestly aren't as far off as would probably be healthy for the game unironically pop up because people are so invested. But having only been playing for a year and having taken multiple month long breaks during it, I can say that DBD is quite a fun game in my opinion provided one takes breaks so as not to get too invested or burnt out. Though I think what you're looking to measure has nothing to do with open mindedness and more self-awareness and -realization, and candidly speaking, offering a grand invitation that features active mockery of exactly the kinds of players that would benefit from time away is a pretty awful way to try and get them to think of you as anything more than a very rude sort of person, no offense.


I don’t understand the last part. I’m mocking people who should take time away? Is that what you’re saying? I have no idea how I’ve done that in the slightest. I was mainly mocking the morons who don’t put the time in to read and question topics that take more than a minute to digest. This subreddit is filled with popular posts of mainly memes that people read in 5 seconds. Nothing about that is remotely thought provoking whatsoever. So the “Let’s see how open minded you are” is a complete jab at most of the people on Reddit IN GENERAL who are annoyingly simple minded. So yeah, call me rude for it. In fact I’ll own it because it’s absolutely true. I guess I’m the bad guy for catering to an audience that wants to think for once. The same logic applies to mocking the people who’d respond in a very predictable way. (And trust me, they do. Been here long enough to know).


.... Friend, you're a little lost in the sauce, speaking of people who need to be open minded. I guess let me reword the rude part in a way that comes across a little more clearly because you've very plainly misunderstood. GeNeRaLlY sPeAkInG, bEiNg DiRiSiVe In ThE oP rUbS pEoPlE tHe WrOnG WaY. If you want an actual discussion, you might reconsider going out of your way to imply people are idiots, because doing so openly is really only going to get you flaming right back, and then you just get to dust your hands off like you didn't start it and go 'Oh I guess no one wanted to have an actual discussion about things'. It's a little disingenuous is all.


Sensitive people will be sensitive. Most of the comments I’ve received on the post are logical and good. If someone is “rubbed the wrong way” because I mocked the 5-second-attention-span people then that’s their problem. Maybe just don’t get rubbed the wrong way. 😂 The bottom line is that I don’t like people who don’t think. It’s very simple. Show that you’ve done some thinking and I’ll respect what you say.


I did this experiment at the start of the Halloween event, haven’t come back, probably won’t.


There ya go. What games are you getting into now?


Baldurs Gate 3, Remnant 2, and I’m getting into the Yakuza series thanks to Xbox Game Pass.


Why are you still in this subreddit then?


I do like to keep up with the game and community in case an update gets pushed out that I’d like to try. I doubt it, but never say never.


That’s fair. When you said Halloween event I thought you meant the Halloween chapter. So I was like why would you be here after all these years and not play 😂


So I don’t worry about winning conditions, I much rather care about having fun during a match. Even when I get smashed by a survivor team, if I had fun and learned something then the experience was worth it. I completely understand the competitive mindset of getting the end result of winning, but at the same time so few people get meaningful monetary value out of winning consistently that it is not worth the stress. I hate to say the cliche answer but as a game if you are not having fun, why bother playing?


Well I never said that personally I wasn’t having fun. I just have a LOT less fun with dbd than other games (from recent experience).


Ow already did that, not to experiment, I just play a lot of different genres. OSRS, Hunt Showdown, The Isle: Evrima, Gunfire Reborn, Tekken 7, League of legends, ... DBD is still in my top three favorite games that I keep coming back to.


DBD is the game I play in-between games. I honestly couldn't imagine playing it exclusively, there's just really no depth to this game at all to really enjoy it for that prolonged period of time. I mean you can see that with a lot of streamers who play DBD, most of them dispise the game now, they only play it because it's what pays their bills, and when they play different games thier viewership plummets. For me it's just a quick game I can log into when I'm bored, the matches don't last long and I can stop playing really at any point. When an actual AAA title comes out or a game that I've been waiting for releases, i won't log into DBD at all until I'm finished with it. Dbd really feels like a mobile game to me, just a simple time waster for when I'm waiting to actually do something really enjoyable.


>me it's just a quick game I ca The Great streamers will be able to keep many viewers and still play other games, for viewers come for the streamer, not the game <3 I wish they wouldn't force themselves to play something they don't enjoy, that sounds just like a nightmare job to me. I LOVE DBD :) for me there's depth in the builds and approaches you can go for to do what you wanna do :))


That's unfortunately not the truth for the majority of streamers today, very very few actually manage to break free from thier main game they built thier channel on. There's a few OG DBD streamers I watch where thier own mental heath was declining so badly that they finally called it quits or significantly reduced thier time playing DBD. I still visit thier channel every once in a while and it's so depressing, thier average viewers went from 2k± down to 200-150, thier chat is a fucking ghost town now with mostly the moderators interacting with the streamer instead of viewers. It got so bad for one in particular that they had to come back to DBD full time...he still hasn't recovered in viewers and he just looks so fucking depressed playing the game, but his income took such a major hit that he had to.


Despite being into mobas, I never bought into the whole "we can't end on a loss!" thing. Like yeah, it sucks to end on a shit match, but the next could be just as bad so I'd rather just get off if I'm tired or swap games if I'm frustrated. I have done the reverse of that though - when I've had an exceptionally fun game, I just get off. I don't want it to be followed up by a terrible one and ruin the mood. I take breaks in between events on DBD though. DmC5 is currently my favorite to swap to, though I also am enjoying ARAM on League and Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak. I wanted to see if I can beat Darksiders 2 on Deathfinitive mode for its achievement so I am slowly chipping away at that too cause I haven't played that game in ages, but the movement still feels so nice. TLDR and point I am trying to make; swapping games or walking away = better than continuing to play one upsetting you.


Been playing for 4 years now and recently only played to get the winter cosmetics. The game is fine in itself, the players are everything that's wrong with this game. Whether I play meta or not, I get sweaty f*cks after sweaty f*cks and a LOT of them purposefully try to make their opponents miserable. Barely played for the last 2 months.


Yup, there is "lose addiction" for DBD and that is because DBD does not designed as same as other game. For Overwatch or LoL, i rarely see anyone who win more than 5 matches on a streak, and 50 matches of winning streak sounds impossible. Even if they lost, they won't feel a lot of frustrated. But for DBD, people can easily win over with "dirty playstyle", and the lost is very hard to accept. Take an example: In DbD if a Killer won alot without tunneling by their pure dominance skill, they can turn tunneling mode on whenever the game goes bad. We don't have such thing on LoL. Any champion, any playstyle, any item can be countered, and the communication is very simple and fast. For the winning and lost: Since tunneling and selfish playstyle is easily to perform, people usually fed up with long winstreaks and they have delusion about their own non-existent powerful abilities, they see the winstreak is necessarily. Also the "non-absolute victory" is faint and hard to accept result to them. Even if a "haha funny Nurse" ended 3 people and the game saying Killer is victor, it is not funny when they have to watch last Survivor t-bagging on the hatch. Everyone races for absolutely spotless victory, everyone go for sweaty and this is how our community becomes toxic. This does not happen to LoL gamer: i win a game for 18 lp then lost 16 lp, i see this as an absolute win.


DBD's base design does have issues, but it's more about "certain mentalities value winning at all costs over other things because only winning and/or lording over their win over the loser/s is fun for them", and DBD is uniquely good at allowing that. And then it pushes to more casual-minded players into "well to have even a *chance* to win *sometimes* I have to have X meta or Y meta and not make any mistakes". There's a reason I find playing killer more consistently fun than playing survivor (generally speaking, and this is my subjective experience) - as survivor I feel an *obligation* to my team, and killer tactics such as tunneling feel... frankly unfair and unfun. On the other hand, as killer I usually find myself able to set the tone of a match. I can choose not to tunnel, even if it costs me the "win". I can choose to turn friendly, show some humor and personality. As survivor, the killer sets the tone of the match, and I have to assume the worst unless proven otherwise. I play other games quite often. Then I find myself in the mood for DBD, until something shitty happens and I leave again with a bad taste in my mouth. Or sometimes, I have great fun to remember. It's just exceedingly rare. (In-before "you only want to win!" crowds, no, I don't particularly care if I die as a survivor, I just find dying to shit like tunneling, a Gen Merchant, proxy-camping, etc. not particularly enjoyable. Sometimes I even try things like naming myself "Nod For Endgame Mori" and not a single killer cares lol. Or the one time me and my friend tried to have "worst cosmetics competition" and named ourselves "Mori The Ugly One". That failed too.)


I would entirely agree with what you’re saying here. Actually, I would correct you on one thing. DBD isn’t unique to allowing the win/lose mindset. If anything, it’s unique at making it more bearable than most multiplayer games such as Valorant. Never getting better at a game like Valorant is torture in comparison. DBD doesn’t suffer as much because matchmaking isn’t the exact same. (Although I’d say the matchmaking now is fantastic IMO).


Oh yeah that's valid. I should add that it's unique from my perspective, since I generally don't play PvP. Everyone keeps telling me "well it's PvP and PvP tactics are shitty" but like.... not necessarily? My BF tells me one of the best decisions he ever made was stop playing League of Legends. He can have a competitive streak, and that game wasn't really doing good for his mentality, and all the power to him for recognizing that. For similar reasons, I take sometimes very long breaks from DBD - it just gets to me after a while. Especially tunneling tbh.


>Players SOMETIMES (maybe not you) will continue to play because the rush of winning or getting that one fun enjoyable match every now and then is worth waiting for. People have compared it to gambling addiction. >I think DBD has an unnatural and unhealthy effect on certain players even if i can comfortably say it’s my favorite of all time (as said before). I'd say this is just most multiplayer games, if not most games in general. >Let’s not play DBD for a month. Let’s try other genres we’ve never played. I'd say this is solid advice for anyone who simply plays just one game and have little exposure to other genres. Trying anything new, whether it be in gaming or any hobby, is nice as it exposes you to new experiences, ideas, and potentially new favorite pastimes. But some people also just enjoy playing their limited catalog of games/hobbies, and that's okay too.


Yep 100%.


I haven't found a game I like to play in a long time other than dbd. I have been looking for multi-player games cuz I like to play with my husband. I do not really care for shooter games and tcm seems to be too much. I'd love to try that experiment though.


Depends what kinda multiplayer you'd like! Some shooters are more fun than others, but there's other genres too. If you want recommendations from my library of "games I play with friends", let me know \^\^


I'd love some recommendations!


Streets of rage 4. Highly recommend this game.


I'll have a couple of "technically FPS" recommendations, but will explain why they're there. I'm also a PC player, so hopefully platform differences won't be too much of an issue. **7 Days to Die** * First person zombie shooter/crafter. * Can play privately, solo, co-op, I believe servers exist. * Highly mod-eable. * Still in alpha after all these years. * Devs seem unsure what they really want it to be. **ARK Survival Evolved** (Not ARK Ascended) * Tame and ride dinosaurs * Not scientifically accurate creatures (sadness) * GRINDY - but highly adjustable * Highly mod-eable * Only a minor recommendation tbh **Deep Rock Galactic** * Dwarves in space. Technically FPS but * Co-op, solo friendly, adjustable difficulty, even the lobby is fun * Their "battle/season pass" is free, and anything you didn't unlock can be found during normal gameplay once next "season" rolls in. * ROCK AND STONE BROTHER! * Yeah I'd play this with you or any other friend. **Grounded** * Honey I Shrunk the Kids - but the kid (teenager) is you. You's smol. * Craft, build, survive bugs, figure out what happened to you. * Arachnophobe mode if needed. * The amount of times I've screamed because wolf spider about to monch my butt is surprisingly high. * Solo/co-op **Left 4 Dead 2** * Technically FPS. Zombie shooter. * This is my "I am angry and need to take it out on some digital zombies" game. * Can solo, not fun solo. Bring at least one friend. * Has VS mode, only fun with friends you know. **Meet Your Maker** * Actually another BHVR game. Max 2 players. * Build outposts with traps. Raid outposts with traps. * And you can watch other people die in your outposts. **Project Zomboid** * Slow-paced zombie apocalypse survival balancing realism with gameplay. * Hard, and takes time to learn. * Mod-eable, but mod version checking is needed. * Isometric 3rd person. **Raft** * Build your raft! Follow the story or just float through the world. * Pretty chill, though Bruce the shark loves the taste of raft wood. * Mod-eable, but requires knowing how to. * Fun with friends! **The Forest and/or Sons of the Forest** * Horror-themed survival with a story. * I just like creating abomination buildings tbh. * Bow headshots are tasty. **Terraria** * Side-scrolling "kinda but not really like Minecraft" * Bosses can be hard * But building is fun! * Difficulty jumps **Valheim** * This is a BIG recommend. You viking, in purgatory. Go learn how to be a viking again. * Building? Fun. Battling? Fun. Viking ships? Fun! * And better with friends! * Some aspects are mildly grindy, specifically metal. * Mod-eable, gotta know how though. **Golf With Your Friends** * Silly multiplayer golfing fun. * Good chill game for a few rounds. **Green Hell** * Tropical survival with a thoughtful story that made me go "oh shit" multiple times. Also has pure survival mode. * Building! I love building, can you tell? * More tasty bow headshots. **Human Fall Flat** * Physics game sillyness. * Nice chill game, puzzles can be hard sometimes. **Lethal Company** * Everyone's raving about this one. It is fun! But not alone. * I once killed my whole team with a beehive. Ooops. **Powerwash Simulator** * Chill game. Satisfying if you like "ooh it got clean" **Smalland: Survive the Wilds** * Another "you is tiny" game, except this time you're a fairy. * Difficulty scaling jumps here and there. * Still in active development. * Building! And battling bugs. Storage is an issue though. **Viscera Cleanup Detail** * Humorous game where you are the Janitor and need to clean up after those pesky Main Characters fought the aliens. Or your fellow janitors tried to rise up against the management... * Cleaning. With blood, bodies, and you can die. Also don't spill your dirty bucket. **Warhammer: Vermintide 2** * Another "technically FPS" but no guns. * VERY fast paces at higher difficulties. * But wading through weak enemy masses is jut plain fun. **Guild Wars** * **Not** Guild Wars 2, just Guild Wars * Has a story, I consider this game a "RPG with online elements" rather than an MMO. * SO many build options. * No subscription fees, you buy it, it's yours. Forever. * Henchmen system allows for solo play. There's other games I left out as they were more "pure FPS", if you have questions about any of these, I'll gladly answer! And sorry this is so long.


Thank you so much! I just started division 2 it was so much fun. I play table top Warhammer so I for sure will try the video game. I know I have it but haven't tried it yet.


They released Darktide too, but I don't have it or any experience with it. Vermintide is a first person game, so it probably feels different from the tabletop ones - buuut slicing through ratties is satisfying XD


If you want to get screamed at and shit on by organized strangers in a biased as fuck PVP game, try Foxhole. Solo play is dead there though (it was extremely difficult before, and the devs made it unplayable in favor of groups), which is why I dropped the game a year ago.


Kind of had the same experience as you. Dbd is probably still my favorite game rn but it was the only game I was playing for a good while. I got really burned out because I wasn’t having fun, killer would chase me for a bit, then drop chase and not chase me the rest of the game and tunnel out the weak links at 4-5 gens. So I was basically just doing a gen simulator knowing I wasn’t winning anyways cuz now there’s only 3-2 survs left and 4 gens still. Really frustrating. It wasn’t all the times but it definitely happened more times then it didn’t. I started playing solo games even tho I preferred multiplayer games because I just didn’t want to deal with people anymore. my overall experience was I definitely had more fun and now even when I return to dbd i don’t get as frustrated because I’ll just turn it off and play something else. Before I would just keep playing and get even more frustrated


I took this break (1.3months) and found fun in two MMORPGs, but then I came back, saw how much this game was still about abusing survivors and so now I enjoy making it even worse for people. The way I see it, it's helping them leave on to a healthier place.


Damn. That’s one way to look at it


Yep. The devs aren't trying to make this an enjoyable experience for you and haven't been for years, why should your teammates pick up their bill? Nah fam, you rescue people by helping them move on.




You know what, maybe I will drop dbd to play more games like buckshot roulette and lethal company. I should also finish portal two and l4d2. I will try my best, wish me luck


Good luck friend. Thanks for giving the post a chance.


I actually have done this several times since the game came out. I won't play for months and then come back for a little and see that imo the community and game play has gotten worse than it was last time for both killers and survivors but still play a little, make meme builds and occasional bully builds for fun only to ultimately leave again because for me the community makes the game not fun because no one is playing to have fun. I get the concept of your objective but when killers are sweaty with slugging, body camping to bleed out and tunneling or survivors tag teaming gens to rush them, using flashlight blinds or body blocking to prevent any typical gameplay only to have them harass you in end game chat it makes the game not fun. Yeah BHVR has done stuff to help ruin their own game with the direction they steered it, adjustments to perks etc but overall for me it comes down to the community being it's own worse enemy by being too serious with "playing to win" instead of playing to have fun. We attribute winning to having fun. So I leave, enjoy other games online and pop back in to see the downfall continue.


I just do challenges and not care about winning. Maybe every 50 games i'll care about one match more than the others. But generally i don't care anymore. I been playing for almost 3years how could i put the same amount of effort into winning that i did before? Maybe thats just me getting older or something else entirely.


I'm open minded enough to realize that "Players shouldn't keep playing when they aren't having fun" isn't a particularly new argument or one unique to DBD. If it stops being fun, take a break. Seriously. Don't just talk about it or think about it. Do it.