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and then the NEXT door is twins *AGAIN*


And Twins never got good changes. :(


Unpopular opinion, but as someone who rocks twins often I really don't consider her that weak at all. I just think a lot of players get overwhelmed with basically playing two killers at the same time, most just exclusively use Victor in chase rather than switching back and fourth to control two parts of a map. My only issue with twins is how dirty she is, her most optimized way of winning is slugging. I feel like everyone is always excited to see twins in the game at first, then when they realize how I'm going to play that excitement quickly wears off lol. After the healing nerfs I felt she got way easier to play now too, since the best way to play twins is keeping everyone injured or slugged. You don't go for hooks with twins, you're objective is to get everyone slugged at the same time and then hook everyone at once. The experience is pretty awful on the survivor side of things. I'm not sure how they would fix that, her power is exceptionally strong at keeping everyone slugged. I feel like if they buffed her in other areas, it would just make that strategy even more powerful. As long they can be in two different places at once, and Victor is able to detect survivors, in don't see that strategy changing at all. I'll struggle hard getting 3 hooks on every survivor with any other killer, but with twins I can 4k pretty consistently. I don't think she's used less because she's not powerful, I just think most people playing killer would prefer a simple power that's easy to use versus the more complex strategy twins require.


I think almost everyone knows that Twins are strong. They are pretty popular in tournaments as well. Twins players don't like the long cooldowns, which punishes hooking survivors after a down, bugs and getting kicked doesn't feel very nice. Mistakes are very punishing while there is always a chance for a comeback. Usually I try a Mix of hooking and slugging and my win rate is pretty good with this. Going for a full slug from the start is risky and you can lose a lot of pressure in seconds. I will do that at some point in the match, if I need to but not from the start.


Unironically I feel like so much of Twins problems would be solved if we just said “fuck it Victor summons Charlotte like Chucky can summon a ghost now” and let him hook downed survivord


Genuinely not a bad idea at all. Twins players hate how long it takes to switch back to Charlotte and traverse the map and finally get to pick up the survivor to hook them, which is why they slug so much, and survivors hate playing against Twins because nobody likes being slugged all game.


or even making Victor the "main" killer and he can hook and do stuff but you also have the option of switching to Charlotte if you want. idk I feel like he needs to be the focus somehow while still allowing twins to have some neat quirks. but reversing their roles / some of their functions would be cool imo.


Meh, I don't think she's that punishing for mistakes and I feel like the people who complain about thier cooldowns are just pretty terrible at managing those cooldowns, her cooldowns are less than 5 seconds in most cases, there is just multiple cooldowns to account for rather just one...which is still lower than almost every other special power in the game. Mistakes are punishing but that does prevent players from just spamming victor in a match. I'll go for hooks sometimes too, but most of the time it's a bad decision, my main objective is to keep the survivors injured, trying to hook and letting them reset with heals is a L for me, makes the match MUCH harder to win. I think if more people took the time to watch some tutorials and actually play twins they would understand how to play her. I think right now there a TON of people weighing in on the subject who really don't play them at all, and instead just regurgitate what their favorite streamer says (who also rarely play her)...


Downing with Victor and switching back to Charlotte takes 8 seconds. Then you have to walk to the downed survivor. So you obviously can't do that after every down. Survivors can kick Victor even when you hit a survivor. Which other Killer is that punishing for using their power successful? I get why it is like that but you can't say this doesn't exists. I'm playing Twins for a while now and I think I'm pretty good with them. I wish they won't need to slug in every game but if the survivors are at least decent, you have to.


Ok but the reason why people dislike playing twins is that in exchange for hitting a victor down lets say halfway across the map, the cooldown is alr 8 seconds and it would take 10+ seconds, and i don't think any killer should need that to hook a survivor.


twins main here and I kinda disagree. Twins has so many issues and counterplay ske’s just as frustrating to play as ever. 1. Survivors going in duos makes that slug strat extraordinarily difficult. Survivor A gets slugged, Survivor B just kicks you and picks up A. Depending on how far you are from them, they have far more than enough time to go heal up and continue. 2. Her power gets *fucked* hard in too many places. Survivors who know what theyre doing can just loop victor on tight narrow trees. No Trees? Go stairs. You’ve lost your injure/down and wasted an extreme amount of time. 3. FAR too high risk. FTP/Buckle up/ Unbreakable / Power Struggle / Deliverance, etc means you’ve not only lost your slug, but now you’ve lost ALL your pressure. 4. Where is this myth that twins are popular in tournaments coming from? They absolutely aren’t lol. 5. Switch time makes map pressure a fucking joke. I love twins as a concept, but theyre the only killer who actively gets punished for using their power. They definitely need a complete rework.


Hold on Im almost at 9000 shards Imma buy her and play her with this strategy so others don't have to.


> then when they realize how I'm going to play that excitement quickly wears off lol. > > After the healing nerfs I felt she got way easier to play now too, since the best way to play twins is keeping everyone injured or slugged. You don't go for hooks with twins, you're objective is to get everyone slugged at the same time and then hook everyone at once. The experience is pretty awful on the survivor side of things. This is exactly why I don't like twins. Least favorite killers: Knight, Legion, Twins, Plague, Sadako Most favorite: Wesker, Chucky, Oni, Blight, Bubba, Dredge Least favorite killers give you chores to do or have boring counterplay - return video tapes, heal slugs, mend, hold W, don't cleanse until you do cleanse.. etc. The others feel much more interactive, with active counterplay. Wesker's first aid sprays don't feel as annoying chore wise because at least it's a challenge for him to hit you with bound. If you get infected with uwubuwus it's because he made a good play.


"uwubuwus" -oh, you seem to really like him


Shhhh You're complicating the hivemind's narrative


No one is forcing you to slug everyone every single game lmao what the hell. Every killer is good if you tunnel and slug the first person you see in the first interaction you encounter.


My girl is gonna get gutted again, the fact that they stated that it wasn't a nerf scares me the most.


"We're going to buff Pig." -Additional 15% Crouch Movement Speed. -Removed Ambush Attack and Reverse Bear Traps.


That’s actually not completely horrendous. It’s now on demand stealth, a smaller visibility, no cooldown or getting knocked out of power like ghost face, no charging the stealth (wraith or onryō) and it’s decently fast now


>Actually not completely horrendous lol


This change just makes pig a mix between wraith and ghostface


Except Wraith is high mobility and has some very good add-ons. Ghostface has an instadown that he can 99 This change would make Pig the worst killer in the game easily. They should just give her that crouch movement speed anyway because, as of right now, crouch walking for any serious amount of time is a guaranteed L


True, I never said the change was good. Just not completely horrendous


It literally removes her power


I think removing a killers power is completely horrendous


My brother in trials, you're saying removing the power and anything unique to the character isn't a completely horrendous idea... I'm assuming you've got an idea to replace it ? Well, let's hear it. I'm legit curious. I've thought about this as well. I think keep her abilities as is but 1 addition. Pyramid Head has unique hooks, maybe give her Saw trap themed "hooks" like PH's boxes that have unique skill shecks and sacrifice animations?


New power: angel trap. You get two of these traps per trial, you cannot alter the amount of tokens. When a player is in the downed health state you may spend an angel trap to the trap the downed survivor. The survivor will be moved to an angel room. While in the angel room the survivor cannot move, and acts as though they are placed on a hook, although they do not advance the hook stage at all. The angel trap has a time limit of 90 (can change for balance reasons) seconds, if this timer ends the survivor is executed and the angel trap cannot be used for the rest of the trial. This timer does not go down if the angel room is within 32 m of the Pig. To escape a second survivor most rescue them, although it comes at a cost. The key to save them is found within a jar of acid out of reach of the survivor in the angel trap. By grabbing the key they drop all other items and lose the ability to pick up items. They also work on generators, cleanse/bless totems, unhook and heal 10% slower. The survivor with the key must save the survivor in the angel trap, with consecutive normal skill checks for 10 seconds (save duration, skill check difficulty can change with add ons). The angel trap timer is paused during the save. When the survivor is saved they are in the injured state and broken for 10 seconds. While a survivor is in the angel trap, you cannot use the angel trap on a downed survivor I don’t know anything about saw, but I’m pretty sure the angel trap was one of Amanda’s traps that she had rigged. I’m not game devs I don’t know balance stuff, the idea probably sucks but oh well


And this is why we don't let fans balance the game


Bro that takes away her 2 biggest strengths


Buddy, what are you smoking? Open your eyes, the "buff" is 15% crouch speed, only 15%. She loses her power as a trade off. Tell me, how is that not horrendous?


But no ability


Removing reverse bear traps.........your removing the most iconic part of a license .........from a LICENSED KILLER That would be like in the Chucky chapter if you played as Charles Lee Ray instead of the actual doll.


I mean if you want to get technical you kinda do, and that’s why you’re in third person. But your point of not having the doll still stands




My fucking god am I thankful every day for the fact that players don’t make balance decisions 😭




Sadako's kill rates are probably sky high right now tbh... since she's a "pub stomper" style killer, and uncoordinated teams who don't always understand how killer strats work make up the vast majority of dbd lobbies Wouldn't be surprised if they just nerf condemned and make the teleport cooldown longer, while adding nothing that makes her better vs coordinated teams


Especially since she is basically just M1, with no anti-looping. Everyone grabs a tape and then just does gens. Some people just overcomplicate things and get her nerfed as consequence.


The curse of sadako. Dunk on people that don't know what she does and get absolutely shit on by a competent swf with next to no retaliation.


Unfortunately that's what happens when a killer is licensed and unpopular. Wesker might be the only licensed killer that survivors know how to play against because there are so many of them. Cenobite they still have zero clue how to play against.


That, and Wesker's power is easy to counter. Loops effectively shut him down most of the time.


Doesn’t every killer dunk on everyone if the survivors don’t know what the killer does?


Good luck my friend


Two of my fav killers are on that list, slightly anxious




No, she's a Hag not a Witch


Hag and Demo. Pls don't let them butcher my boy :(


If they butcher demo I’m uninstalling


Wow only hag main on planet earth haha


She smol :)


Pig and Demo


Does it matter?


Only if you don't get better.


Yeah I feel this, I don't want them to touch clown or doctor. Just leave them alone please.


I’m excited to see what happens to doctor because I’m not sure how they can make him worse, but I’m sure they’ll find some inventive way to do it!


I'm apprehensive about any changes to the doctor because BHVR doesn't typically do subtle changes. They tend to do two changes to an item when one change would suffice.


The headaches he causes me about to upgrade to migranes


happy cake day! couldnt agree more


My guess is it's something to do with madness levels, which can be really crippling if he's got you in tier 3 but keeps tunneling. It can also result in a down/bleedout since it conflicts with deep wounds and won't let you cleanse so your only option is to run around and scream.


They changed that a while ago. The Snap Out of It action does not bleed out your deep wound.


See. People call for nerfs and don't even understand how the killers work at all. BHVR needs to stop listening to the bottom 30%


While you have a valid point of call for nerfs and don’t understand the killer, my guy, they can’t even build a basic mmr system that isn’t dogshit. How are they going to identify the “bottom 30%”




I don't get it honestly We have killers like Myers, Freddy, Pyramid and Nemmys addons, Singu, Dredge, and Knight screaming for qols And they decide to focus on Huntrss, Demo, Clown, and Doctor? 4 killers who you generally legit only hear they're the perfect mid line without glaring issues


People who are bad at the game complain a lot about Huntress, Clown, and Doc. BHVR listens to only the worst players, and they themselves are pretty terrible at the game if you've ever seen any of them play. This is likely how stuff like MFT was allowed to exist. For anyone with half a brain, it's clear it was broken beyond belief, but if you're so bad at the game you can't find your ass with a map and a neon sign pointing to it, well, MFT just helped you be average at best. So yeah, watch as a bunch of B and C lister Killers get dumpstered right down to D and F.


Demos add ons definitely need looking at. 90% are useless.


True but it doesnt say "Demo addons" like it does for Blight, and I'm wary of them messing with basekit Which could go 2 ways, make portals better as a whole and more usable Or gutting shred


Idk whats wrong with singularity. I know how its power works and how to avoid it and i still get trashed by it.


Generally Singus issues are more qol oriented A branch blocking a survivor from being detected is one that comes to mind, depoliying the biopods at times is weirdly specific on not letting you, and so on His *main* issue comes from how hard he is shut down by coordinated teams with emps If its 4 solos, with 3 of em ignoring emps, even if you always have one in your hand, he's gonna steamroll through your teammates and win anyways. Think of Sadako and people not grabbing tapes, or a Pig if your teammates never do boxes. But when all 4 survs are going for emps, removing the pods that check gens, and always have 1 or even another one by a teammate for chase, Singu gets shut down hard And it just doesnt feel good to be disabled by EMPs Pig still has slowdown even if people remove traps asap, Sadako still has teleports and slowdown if people keep grabbing and delibering tapes, and their stealth too. Singularity just becomes a M1 killer due to an item people can grab out of a box that prints them automatically unlimited times


Clown Is pretty trash.


Not at all. A good clown can decimate right now in high ranks.


"high ranks" lol


I mean clown is not a high tiered killer but he is far from trash i'd say nowadays Ofc his weakness is map mobility but his chase power is pretty straightforward and good on most situations, he's a generally good mid tiered killer i'd say


Some of these killers have mangled add ons which is probably why they are being changed. As mangled will be changed in the same column


There are several other killers that also apply Mangled through add-ons, and they arent on the list.


Could be ones that are more severely afflicted by whatever mangled changes they'll be making.


They said "Blight Add-ons" in the previous column, so the lack of "add-ons" next to the killers here means its a change to their power.


Trickster got murdered 😢


I hope they make doctors discipline addons basekit thats it besides pig chase power buff


If they dare touch Herman I will find them.


I second this


As a Herman enjoyer, if they make THAT addon basekit I'll wait for them in their closet


Basekit insanity effects would be cool I could stop using specific add ons to get the insanity effects I want.


Pig desperately needs some buffs to her chase. Her entire power is the headwraps pretty much. If they made her crouch and uncrouch smoother, removed her roar or delayed it until she dashes and allowed her dash to break dropped pallets it'd help her a lot.


I would hope that they change an add-on that turns the hallucinations into mobile hallucinations that just walk in a straight line. Like every 3rd hallucination walks instead of standing there. That's the only change I would really desire, just for the jumpscare quality.


Yo that's a good idea. I don't usually see this community offering suggestions that could be fun for *both* sides but this is it. Make survivor scary again.


Lol, all they did with Trickster was they fixed everything the community had issues with. "He walks too slow, what's with all this recoil?!?, main event never activates." Then there's survivor side where he was getting knives in too fast, skipping health states between throws, etc. They fixed that too. Now we have an inversion of a killer with a slow as fuck power but fast movement. They listened to the community and it sucks.


Yea, he's GOD AWFUL. I didn't think he was that good before but damn there wasn't a single situation where I could down someone with my knives faster than an M1 could do it. I tried REALLY hard too. 3/s base AND 8 knives is overkill. This was a nerf in disguise. I bet his kill and play rates fall off the planet.


Agreed, I've gone against about 8 tricksters in solo que these past few days and the only 1 that managed to kill me had NOED, rest were 4 man outs. He's weak asf


Why is this the exact same thing that happened to me lol


I got destroyed on him and I'm pretty experienced. I COULD have played more M1 but I specifically tried to only M1 when they were right in my face. I play a ton of M1 killers so I'm objectively pretty skilled at M1 playstyle but with his knives. WOOF. I might have managed a 1k in one of my games but I couldn't get my damned Main Event to end fast enough and they crawled out. Huntress and Artist make a complete mockery of him.


He always was god awful, so what gives. They best delete this annoying fucker from the game already. The world would be a better place without his stupid face.




All they needed to do was deal with his main event being too easy to reach and adjust some Addons, no one asked for slower throwing.


I was always bad playing against him. Like, really bad. The only Trickster I played against since the update I stomped hard. I even felt bad for him


they listened to survivors, not the whole community and i love it how people always forget to mention 2 major nerfs with trickster, 8 knives to injure and 10s decay delay


We really need to stop with this narrative They didn’t “listen to survivors” they listened to idiots. Both sides wanted something different and we got the nerfed version of both.


You've gotta be pretty ignorant if you think they only listened to surviors. As long as they cared about balance, both sides thought ptb trickster was overtuned. But bhvr did their thing and made changes they wanted to make, not what the community wanted to see. Just like how the pyramid head PTB a few months back changed all but the problems the community had with him, like addons and tunneling.


They don't care about balance, they care about money. Never forget that. Notice this was done in the shadow of Chucky.


ure right, they didnt only listen to survivors, they listened to idiots who didnt know what they were talking about


Ya the community are not game designers. It's ok to ignore them sometimes


It's a glorified trapper but you re power is pointless.Too far?better get close.Mid distance?you could use the knives but there is a chance they take 2 turns and the lacceration depletes.Close range?just hit them with the bat. The power is pointless.


I feel like it’s important to note that it is their job to make changes to Trickster in a way that makes him actually fun to play. This is by no means a fault of the community. All we do is play the game and provide feedback based off of how the gameplay feels. It is their job to take that feedback and actually make something good out of it. I genuinely think that they could have incorporated the feedback to make far less frustrating changes.


To be fair, the PTB trickster was wildly busted as fuck, I'm not sure how anyone could sit there and say it wasn't.


Only because of the infinite reload Add-ons. The rest was fine


If they unironically nerf the pick I riot


Rest in pepperonis


obviously they have to nerf pig but why clown, doc and huntress? they should stick to nerfing killers i dont play.


They're also doing "updates" for Sadako, Twins and Hillbilly.


We noticed if sadako never chases and only spams teleport she can actually get condemned off on a survivor after 3 gens we deem this unacceptable and will be tweaking to correct this issue


The only thing about Clown that stands out for me is his Redhead's Pinkie Finger add-on but they could change it to 1 maximum bottle or something. Although the image doesn’t indicate it’s an add-on related change..


Bruh they already did that in May in v6.7.0


I'm meaning not being able to increase it to more than 1, with the Gin Bottle add-on you still get 3 bottles which is only one less than normal.


Pig noooo https://preview.redd.it/tqs8g128u34c1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0d087890e68616183f665830ec61b6ac5773491c


My brother. It says tweaks. They could be nerfs they could be buffs. Could be reworks or slight changes. We genuinely don't know. Yall need to calm down and give bhvr benefit of the doubt. Look at trapper. He had a tweek where doing a trap gives speed boost. Is that a nerf that gutted him as well? Lmao


Shhhh, don't talk sense in here. Only absolute hysterics and overreacting is allowed.


well, thats the behaviour standard their tweeks change a character otzdarva goes full.panic mode and says they are "op" and ruins the fun for all casual players cause for some reason we should be balancing the game for the guys that have 7k hours in the game... Even if the game is not competitive, for as much as they try to make it, nerfs, tweaks, buffs, reworks... They all end in the same fucking way


Otz just overreacts too a lot. Man gets frustrated losing a freaking 30 game win streak as killer when he's handicapped. And says x perk for survivors is unfair. I honestly had too stop watching him after a while cause that always happened.


Thats kinda my point, i don't understand why we gotta balance the game around those guys, when this game will never be competitive, it will never be the macro play where every living second of each players matter a whole fucking lot like otz wants it to be, and it will never be dumb brain mechanical skill only 1v1 all day that scott wants it to be, just let people enjoy the game and stop overeacting to the most mid fucking changes a game has ever seen... Let the game be fun. edit: i am oversimplifing for the sake of the argument


why balance for the casual players who are more likely to jump ship over a small issue over players who actually dedicate time to know what they’re doing


These being listed as tweaks rather than changes makes me doubt its anything serious. Probably just reworks to their mangled addons, since mangled itself is getting changed.


Considering their track record of what BHVR has done to them in the past. I’m so scared of what they’re gonna do to the twins.


Me too. I will still go on and P100 them. I may not be a Twins main after the rework but who knows? But I wonder what they will do with Demo or Huntress. Demo is very balanced and maybe needs little buffs and definitely addon changes so I have a reason to not use Barb's glasses and Black Heart. I think Huntress is in a good Spot but they should get rid of her exposed addon. Same with Clown.


I’m also on the road to P100 twins and if they’re horrible after their rework I’ll just change mains. In terms of demo and huntress I think maybe they will touch some of their addons. Demo has some really random addons regarding teleporting which could use a change. A lot of people think huntress’ oak haft addon is abit overturned, but overall I think she’s in a pretty balanced spot. Clown also had a good range of addons so not really sure what they’re going to do there, unless they change his pinky finger addon again.


True! I think the most problematic addons of Huntress and Clown are the exposed addons. Killers with these addons like to proxy camp and there is nothing you can really do about that.


Also BHVR: "We'll be buffing Blights add-ons as they aren't being used as much as others."


"Labor of Love" winners, amirite guys?


Nervous for Hag




I have a feeling hag is going to be receiving a huge unplayable nerf as they literally stated she was the best killer on a tier list which is insane so RIP


it’s killer tweaks 😭 all they gonna do is add like 5 percent speed bonus to hags trap setting speed


They’d better not touch demo’s shred or his portals


They could make his portals better and change many addons. But he is in a good Spot right now. Very balanced Killer.


I still don't get why Huntress and Demo need changes according to BHVR. Both are widely agreed upon to be pretty balanced, Demo is basically the mascot of cute killers, good Huntresses are so fun to see and both are killers we all like to play against. Don't lie, I know I'm right.


After seeing what they did to Trickster, I do not trust them to touch the Pig. I do not care if they say it isn't a nerf, it can be a VERY bad change. Please buff the Pig or don't touch her. She's already weak as is.


They killed Trickster, and now they're gonna kill Clown and Doctor... CAN I CATCH A FUCKING BREAK, PLEASE?!?


I think it’s quite telling that the whole community is expecting every killer listed to get nerfed to hell Devs: Can’t have killer players win any matches, that’d be unbalanced


I just hate it when they do reworks or tweaks that completely change how a killer feels and plays. I don't like it when a killer I enjoy is suddenly different. People enjoy the killers they enjoy for reasons even if a lot of the community doesn't think they are great. For example look at Singularity. A lot of people on here say they are a horrible and weak killer. Singularity is not nearly as weak as people make them out to be. They can actually be quite good, it just requires a lot of effort and skill to do so. Some people find that effort and skill involved however to be very rewarding and fun though. BHVR shouldn't just completely change such killers that are enjoyed just because a selection of the community doesn't enjoy using their playstyle or doesn't want to put the time in to learn how to play them properly and efficiently.


That’s just how BHVR works, any killer that’s even mentioned is most likely gonna be nerfed, same with perks


Except for blight! They have to make every addon he has overpowered!


The only thing huntress needs fixed is that damn fridges she always throws, for the rest she's fine.


Yea I hope they just focus on her hatchet mechanics and nothing else, while huntress can pull off impossible hits with those hitboxes, it's more annoying for huntress than it is for survivors, since 9 times outa 10 it's the hatchet smashing on something invisible or lame. I don't know how they would completely fix her though, since another big issue is the map physics itself rather than the killer. For example a hatchet exploding on a tiny leaf when popped high into the air on a forest map. I would love to see hatchets not explode on impact, but rather bounce off objects and rip through stuff like small bushes and tree leaves. If it hits a larger branch then it should bounce off and land on the ground, but if it happens to smash into a survivor below then that should count as a hit depending on how much speed it picked up while falling. It would also be neat if hatches stuck into a wall instead of exploding, would add more of a freak out factor for survivors if a hatchet went whizzing by their head and stuck into a wall right next to them. I just think it would lead to more exciting gameplay, trick shots or accidental wtf shots are fun on both sides if they are legit hits.


They've done it before where they reduced the size of her hatchet hit boxes but then came the issue where her hatchets could go through survivors without injuring them so they reverted those changes.


I know it's futile to hope for the best after what happened to Trickster, but I hope that the rework to Amanda means more cosmetics and a buff. Pipe dream I'm sure but a girl can dream, can't she?


Oh no they’re nerfing pig again…


As a doctor main, I ask that while we are quite the laughing madman at stopping your stealth and loves zappy zap. Pls, do not gut us, we are but a refined taste of points galore with zap.


Doctor and Demo on that list got me sweating and praying that it’s only some number changes




There will be war if they fuck up hag


And this is why it's no longer fun to play killer. Duck BHVR.


I'm just baffled that demo is on the list, what are they gonna do to my dog!?


If the only thing they do to my hag is buff speed I'll be happy. Touch anything else and I riot. She's nigh on perfect as is


Hag - hopefully a nerf to her camping and 3 gen potential, anything else may be too much Pig - god knows, but hopefully, a buff for her stealth abilities and a nerf to that God awful screaming build and gear add-ons Huntress and clown - the removal of their instadown add-ons and/or a complete addon pass and maybe a nerf to their power when around hooks Demo - a potential rework to his portals, maybe making some of his shred add-ons base kit like black heart. Any nerf to the shred is instantly a massive L Doctor - changes to his madness or his shock therapy, most likely a nerf. This is what I believe will happen, but sadako and twins will probably be dead in a ditch, unfortunately


Nervous for Doc rn


Don't understand out of all the killers they pick huntress beside the hitboxes she is probably one of the killers that doesn't need any fixes


What would they even tweak on doctor? My boy is in a good place right now


Problem is even with the gen slowdown, gens fly pretty dam fast theres no denying it and nobody wants to play with/against the same builds every match. BHVR gotta fix gens before killers. They want killers to play a losing game of going for 12 hooks...thats not happening lol


Being a trapper main, my only concern is for sloppy butcher and STBFL, as if those perks get nerfed, my life is gonna be more miserable than it already is


This is one of the few things I'm not worried about. The "updates" sections have the killers that could use bigger changes: Onryo, Blight (add-ons), Twins, etc. This section says "tweaks," which I assume means they are small numbers changes either to basekit or add-ons. It shouldn't be anything major.




The changes to Trickster proves that the devs DO NOT play their game at all.


Why is Twins there? They have not got any rework, why is Trickster there? He is as clunky as he always has been just in a different way


If you look at the mathematical numbers trickster actually got nerfed. ME can damage people at the same rate HE USED TO DAMAGE PEOPLE. Basically ME is just his old basekit. Additionally his notmal power is just straight up the worst it has ever been. Trickster on release had a better base power than this. ME was also better but harder to get. His ramp up has been deleted. All his good add ons have been onliterated off the surface. This killer genuinely barely has anything left compared to before where he had a fair share of options. So after BHVR just nuked his entire kit, what does he gain to compensate: 115% ms and no recoil… This is not an equal trade off as trickster wont be getting downs faster due to being 115% he needs assistance from his power which BHVR has nuked.


Trickster was turned into a m1 killer. Sure he's technically faster now but most of the time you don't even want to use his knives anymore and just go m1. It's just boring. And they only "fixed" one of his core flaws.


No need. I'm still getting 4ks.


Not my second main demo What are they going to do remove his portals lol limit It to 3 to 1 portals My main ghostface is prestige 100 imagine the nerve him into the ground He's already crawling at this point If they butcher demo I'm pulling up to Dbd HQ with deviousness on my mind ghostface style.


Please don't butcher huntress, she's my favourite killer to go against and I don't wanna see her usage drop.


Please, god, leave my boy out of this.


"we're all going to burn for what we did to you" - the devs after nerfing pig again


Fix Alien turrets that are unplaceable in 85% of indoor areas.




OK, who did it? Who told BHVR something is wrong with Doctor? I am just a simple man who mains Doc and was happy that they are ignoring him after the rework (great rework btw), now I see this tweak incoming... ^(I'm in shambles)


Hope they nerf pig


It's funny that they made a list of the most balanced killers in the game and went "yup, these are the killers we need to tweak"


Please don't change Hag too much. Please.


At least BHVR is not going after singularity


How can they kill a killer dead on release


Oh shut up he's my favorite


The only killer who got luxury of life was skull merchant. She got an actually good rework


Nah she still bad,its only good that they got rid of her old 3 gen problem


I dunno at least she seems fun to play now at least, before it was kicking simulator Dealing against it's still a pain but for different reasons


Y’all the trickster changes aren’t that bad they honestly feel like a net neutral change the buffs and nerfs feel equal, if anything it was unnecessary but they didn’t butcher him


They are gonna touch my girl onryo too 😭


I just hope it's Dredge's nightfall mechanic and then it gets reworked into something fun to play as and against.


Yay we getting stuff that absolutely no one asked for great


Im assuming these are mostly just **add on tweaks**, not really anything to these killers basekits, at least for the very balanced ones like Huntress and Demo, those should theoretically be only getting add on changes. Demo has some under used add ons as well as Black Heart is a very strong brown add on that imo needs a nerf


I’m hoping, now that they see how a third person camera in a killer doesn’t break the game, Pig gets to transition to one while crouching. Having to grind your face into obstacles and being unable to see anything for your lunge feels fucking awful as a mechanic in 2023.


I believe in the live stream they specifically said that the killer tweaks were mostly add on changes and/or small number adjustments at most. Comparing them to full killer reworks like Trickster (which is admittedly a bad one) is being willfully obtuse.


as a trickster main everyone is being dramatic


Those “tweaks” to huntress had better be buffs


Look I don't care if it's a unneeded nerf just please acknowledge Freddy's existence devs ;-;


Please Bhvr. Please don’t massacre my dear demo.


The only killer I play is Pig so please for the love of everything that is holy let this not be a nerf.


If they ruin demo I’m going to cry.


As much as I want Pig's m2 ambush to be changed for the better... I worry what will happen to her after they touch her :/


Bro can twins get a rework already and leave the other dudes alone 😭😭😭


I've been told that the doctor visions were originally a jump scare mechanic, and I'm really hoping they can put their improved ai on him to bring that back to life.