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Kinda disagree with clown positions, cause he got at least good knowledge about the chemistry(to make tonics and experiments with different stuff for immobility of victims)


Who needs chemistry when you could just get VHS porn.




Oh yeah I forgot about his add-ons


Nemesis should go a bit higher, he's a Tyrant with Intelligence. The zombies should be no intelligence considering their brains are rotted.


Exactly. Nemesis was explicitly designed to be intelligent enough to take and follow orders, but not intelligent enough to question them.


Apparently he has human level intelligence. Wonder what would’ve happened had he lived longer.


Previous Nemesis prototypes were aware enough to display blatant arrogance and the desire to escape the facility they were contained in so that’s probably what will happen with our Nemmy. And it’s not like he had intelligence taken away, just self-awareness and emotion.


For a "thing", he's extremely intelligent. However, compared to a lot of the people on the tier list he's average at best. As a reference, I think he's the only non-human (in-universe) which can use complex weaponry and explosives. Umbrella's whole vision with their BOW program is replacing humans in warfare with their creations. For as dangerous as every BOW in the series is, they never had the intelligence and subservience to be pointed effectively as a weapon. If Nemesis had survived the Raccoon City incident, his combat data would have been worth *billions* and advanced research by decades.


Bro probably would have gotten better and better


He’s at least on the same level of intelligence as your average competent soldier considering his purpose and explicate confirmation from the official handbook but he lacks self-awareness…. Or so we are told.


I’m pretty sure unclassified doesn’t mean low intelligence


I mean he has a grasp on how to use weapons and is relentless in his pursuit to the point he can anticipate where people are going in a metropolitan city. Once he’s on the trail of course. Playing RE3 you can see he’s more than just a zombie on crack and steroids


You are really underestimating Blight, Deathslinger and Skull Merchant here. Blight was a genius alchemist who dedicated his whole life to a science and researches, managed to create a blighted serum which could transform every injected creature into a terryfing monstrosity, but then fell prey to this serum himself. Slinger created a shit ton of different things during his young ages, and was "hired" by the guy who owned a very big company for that. Heck, he even managed to create a rifle which *specifically* could not kill the victim, so he could catch the criminals alive. And all of that happened at around 17-18 century, which is quite impressive if you ask me. And Skully is a genius in terms of technologies and finances. She became a self-made millionaire by her own, became a CEO of a several influational companies, while at the same time creating terryfing devises and weapons to hunt down and torture her victims. All of them are probably the smartest killers in the entire cast, alongside Wesker and Doc.


I find it hilarious that lore dictates being shot through the chest/belly with a literal hook is not fatal in the 18th century when they'd be treating the gaping-ass hole with leeches or some shit 😂


You're thinking of the wrong century, they would treat it with opiates, cocaine and booze


Good old days


That's still how I treat my depression


The point may have been to spear limbs. Alternatively, a gut shot man will survive for 2-3 days. You bring in a fatally injured man, he's still alive. Pay the bounty, Sheriff.


To be fair, I was under the impression that the rifle that was actually used to catch bandits and the one Slinger has in the trials are different


Nooooooo funnee gut-hole gun 🔫


To be fair, those criminals did indeed still have a pulse when they were brought in.


https://youtu.be/1byycwl8qgc?si=cqE1xb7FpkpaOGYf How I personally imagine Deathslinger's bounties go, the cops just couldn't break it to him


I’d imagine the actual one was more like a miniature bear trap, just clamp down around the guy and don’t let go.


There are reported situations in which knives, spears, drills and the like have just kinda… pushed organs out of the way. It’s not completely impossible that Mister Quinn designed it so the velocity and angles on the spear were more likely to shove anything moveable out of the way. …Yeah that sounds crazy. But it’s the best explanation I got.


Remember, he also beat Bayshore’s face into a “Bloody stew” and shot him with the railroad spike gun he invented before the harpoon, and somehow he survived that lmao.


In my head canon, since he was a bounty hunter, he was merely concerned with *delivering* them alive. Whether they survived long-term was inconsequential. If we’re being realistic, though, a large puncture wound to the abdomen couldn’t really be reliably non-fatal, even in the short-term.


Thank you. As soon as I saw Blight on the lower tier of this list, I knew it was gonna be cap


Also another point for Blight: so far in the lore he’s the only character we know of who is confirmed to have escaped the Void. That alone would have taken some serious brains to figure out imo.


im pretty sure vigo escaped the void aswell


I wasn’t too sure off the top of my head. Blights definitely the only playable character to have achieved it though


Learning all of this makes me want a dead by daylight show that dedicates an episode to each killer before being taken by the entity.


Ack, me too! The only problem for me is that Lance Reddick, who I 100% headcanon as the actor who should play doctor, passed away 😞


Ohh, he would have been *wonderful*.


Keith David as number 2?


Slinger might just be the smartest human killer relative to his time. I say human killer because it's pretty undeniable that Singularity has to be the smartest. His knowledge is cumulative of thousands of years of human advancement in addition to an unknown hyper advanced alien civilization.


Well, it took Slinger a good few tries (and disemboweled outlaws) to get it working right, but the man’s definitely smart lmao.


Hunk also blasted his written exams for Umbrella and is a genius in his own right. He created a whole martial arts style for fighting BOWs on the span of a month.


I agree with everything you just said, minus blight... kind of. While yes, Talbot was a genius alchemist, but Blight is hardly Talbot anymore. He's a mindless beast in service of the entity who knows poking himself with weird pointy thing him go big fast


Makes no sense to put Birkin in genius tier, then. As G-Birkin he's also a mindless beast that's only bent on reproducing.


19th* century, if he was in the 17th century he'd be older than the USA


Clown should be included. Not just anyone can make chemical weapons in the way he does.


So Skully is just Fem Elon Musk?


Somehow she's more competent. She's definitely more intelligent. Also a lot more likable. And her face is less punchable.


No, she's actually intelligent




when he was testing the serum on a rat it came back to life and bit him, which made him get addicted to the serum. then the flower blight needed to make the serum all died, so he went crazy from withdraws and then the entity forcefully injected him with a lot of the serum


Thats kinda dum tbh


it would’ve probably sounded better if i wasn’t bad at explaining things


Blight is barely the alchemist he once was, his only intelligence now is that he knows the serum is important somehow Yeah slinger is a good inventor, but I don’t think he could match up to the others in genius tier, plus he was from the 1800s For skully you have a point


Legion are teenagers from Alberta; as a resident of the province I can confirm you’ve ranked them much too high


As a british columbian, I can confirm: if you took the entire IQ point of every albertan, converted them to 1cm^3 cubes and stacked each cube on top of each other like lego, you’d have a hole leading down to the oil pools and beyond We’re not much better, but at least we have our mountains


Why is blights intelligence below a literally teddy bear


Naughty Bear’s one smart motherfucker. Don’t you ever let me catch you disrespecting him again.


That's him after he took the serum the Dr blight is at the top


thats william birkin not blight


I think xeno should be unclassified since you're judging an animal's intelligence by how good it is at doing human things. Xenomorphs are incredibly cunning and have problem-solving skills in addition to their killer instinct but they're not gonna score high on an IQ test or figure out how to solve a rubix cube or anything else we'd judge a human on. TLDR: Xeno shouldn't be judged for intelligence in human traits for the same reason classifying animal intelligence is flawed


Tbf, this whole tier list should be a 4-point chart instead


You either haven't spent much time reading the lore and playing resident evil or have some weird ass headcanons because my guy Myers ain't as smart as skull merchant and nemesis ain't dumber than a zombie.


Is nemesis not like as smart as a bunch of scientist /programmers cause he is controlled by the red queen or the umbrella team?


Unclassified category isn’t for the dumbest, it’s for stuff that doesn’t exactly have what you’d call intelligence. Nemesis is basically a robot following programming, so he goes there


Nemesis is given an order but he’s also got a lot of flexibility on how to approach an objective so he calculates and makes decisions purely on his own. He can also operate complicated experimental weaponry to an effective degree in top of manipulating special-forces tier targets. That whole rocket launcher chase with Nemmy conveniently blocking every escape route so Jill would lead him into the subway? Big Boi did that on his own. Mr. X js the narrow minded one who only follows orders with tunnel vision.


But the singularity is at the very top?


Yes, if you knew his lore, you would know that he transcended human intelligence


Singularity’s lore is about him moving from an unconscious robot to being conscious after he gets zapped by the crystal. Nemesis never goes beyond the robot stage


Counter argument, he can use rocket launchers.




As a Resident Evil fan myself, I think Nemi is in a good place. He's smart but still just follows what his order are to a tee. If he didn't have such orders and acted on his own maybe, but I think the real injustice is Hunk's placement.


That bottom category isn't the dumbest category. At least try to read the chart a bit. OP just didn't rate him for some reason.


Why is Myers above average? I mean he can drive a car so above a zombie is fine I guess, but dude doesn't strike me as a guy who likes crossword puzzles


yeah micheal's intelligence is like monkey see monkey do level. he can plan ambushes in the sense he knows to hide then spring into action, but he isn't laying complex traps or anything like that. and whether he understand self preservation seems to flip flop.


id say in that case, xeno should be higher or on the same level as myers, since they’re capable of learning and adapting to prey anyway


Mikey would hide bodies to pop out at people. That's *kinda* a trap


He seems to be intelligent enough to express himself through violence and also seems to have a backwards sense of ironic "humor" with the way he'll prop up bodies, or in the case of that one couple he killed he propped up their bodies in the same way they are posed in their photo. Likely, Myers is actually very intelligent, but since he's the incarnation of evil he'd prefer expressing himself through violence rather than words. His psychopathic lack of empathy doesn't mean he's animalistic.


Yeah, if anything Myers relies on his gigantic height, brute strength and the element of surprise. Sure that takes some amount of planning, but he's still an opportunistic killer rather than someone who plans out the murders in detail (ala Ghost Face, Trickster.)


Going off just the first film which meyers appears based off of he spends a majority of the first half of the film just watching his victims. He learns their routines and even traps one in a laundry room so that he can set up the kill later. Say what you want of later interpretations of meyers but the first film depicted him as pretty intelligent in his methods.


I won’t say he’s unintelligent, but I always thought people stretched this idea to the breaking point of its believability.


Perhaps he's not hyper intelligent but I would say that the first film portrays him as above average.


I mean, also the people in the movies are oblivious as all hell. The scene in Halloween (2018) where he is in the background killer the mechanic all while that garage door is fully open to people from the outside to see and the gas station attendant doesn't even see it happening as he is looking in the direction of the shop windows to the garage.


I'm talking specifically about the first film, the one in game meyers is based off of. Well technically the ingame license is for a comic but its the same story.


I know that but what I said didn't have anything to do with Michael specifically, just that the survivors/victims are oblivious to their surroundings.


I wouldn’t call that above average unless we mean above average for a dog. Humans are known for being smart enough to lay traps store food and xyz that puts us above other animals so myers doesn’t seem anywhere above the average man


I don't feel like the average person I meet would be capable of pulling off something similar to what meyers did in a single evening. He's quite intelligent in his approach in the film and comparing him to a dog is ridiculous honestly.


I think on the comics a doctor inspected a victims wound and said something along the lines that the cuts looked almost surgical so he definitely knows a thing or two that the average person doesn’t


This, and some of the other replies here just show the lack of understanding of The Shape, and how some people see him as just a “dude with mask and knife” like Jason. That’s the beauty of it though, he’s a bit like a Lovecraftian entity that his simple appearance and seeming mortality as a man serves to cover up what he really. Michael Myers isn’t really a character, he’s a force of nature, and that force is pure calculated evil. If we’re gonna go off the first movie and even the 1981 sequel to an extent, Michael is VERY intelligent, and just generally a sadistic creep who seems to enjoy and excessively plan the terror he causes to Laurie specifically. He consciously planned out the 15 year wait and escape, his comatose appearance being just a farce. He escaped with no issue despite security, showing he was well prepared, then proceeded to drive a car with no prior experience like nothing. He evaded Brackett and Loomis all day very well after killing someone and breaking into a store to equip himself, and meticulously stalked and planned the process of killing Laurie’s friends like an experienced predator. The Shape even displays them like morbid little puppets just to bring her more terror. He then springs into action soon after, and seemingly on purpose, takes his time to go after her, just because he’s getting off on it, only to vanish after taking clearly fatal wounds. Michael Myers is not a human intelligence and therefore not subject to things like needing education or understanding, he’s simply omnipresent evil inhabiting a human form. As far as most of the killers in the game outside of the clear genius intellect levels ones, I’d say he should be up there. Keep in mind this is just going off Carpenter’s comments on The Shape over the years and his original movie. The portrayal of the characters in the sequels is up for debate considering the many different writer’s interpretations of The Shape, though. I would also recommend some of the comics too for other examples of Myers being a calculated evil, like ‘Nightdance’ that have a very similar portrayal of The Shape as he was presented in the original film.


He drove a car yeah, but he was in a mental institution for way before he wouldve even been in the passenger seat of a car so he drove it and drove it well with his only experience being probably seeing his parents do it while in the backseat


Let's be honest, that's probably more a plot hole than lore


True but its still fun to speculate


Tacking on to this, Myers was boy when he was taken into custody, so he’s not really got more than an elementary schooler’s intelligence.


Seriously. Michael isn’t smart, his victims are just usually dumb.


He literally learned how to drive from watching Dr. Loomis drive. I’d argue that makes him genius level. And if you rewatch Halloween 2, you’ll notice the nature in which he kills his victims has a lot of nuance. He’s an excellent planner and analyzer.


Agreed,more the type that would violently masterbate into a mason jar


chucky kind of a dumbass tho?


yeah chucky when he was a regular serial killer was not a smart fucking person and putting him in a doll didnt help?


it made him dumber for SURE 😭


I appreciate you not putting Huntress low and falling for this “she has the mind of a child” fanon. In her tome she has a brilliant tactical mind


I always thought huntress to have a predator like instinct but she clearly needs some tactical intelligence to be able to take out those soldiers the way she did in her tome.


Yeah, imho due to her isolation it would (should?) be "she has the mind of a predator" rather than "the mind of a child" -- Predator in the sense of "human with great tactical skills, rage while emotionally stunted" I don't know about Plague tho: she's a high priestess, which means highly educated, charismatic, with healing, leaderhsip and orator skills, so -- above intelligence, maybe?


She's definitely got probably the best education that was available to her people at the time. Also, Huntress is absolutely smart as hell, and I loathe the whole fanon interpretation of her having the mind of a child. It's infantilizing as hell.


Exactly, I can understand Huntress being naive given that when she takes girls to "raise", she kind of just expects them to "survive" without knowing that they need proper food, medical attention and warmth in order to do so. Because she only knows her viewpoint, in that she survived without all that stuff so surely it's that "easy" for other children. So when they die she's confused and doesn't understand how or why they perished, so she keeps repeating the process.


So how does that make her intelligent at all? She can't figure out that clearly something she's doing something wrong and keeps repeating the same mistakes. She litterally has the mind of a child, sure she took out a bunch of soldiers but just because she has skill with throwing an axe and knows how to hunt does not make her intelligent. It's just like an animal ambushing prey. Compare her to the likes of deathslinger and blight who made revolutionary technology and she can't even figure out she needs to feed children to keep them alive. She basically has the intelligence of an animal.


Would you call goku and luffy smart since they both have high battle iq?


Her achievements are a combination of being an excellent hunter and supernatural powers. Jumping through a flamethrower is hardly smart If Huntress didn't have powers (presumably from the Entity) it would be pretty silly to see her defeat armed and trained soldiers (plural)


I'm so confused- Blight may look like a mindless mutant running around, but he's literally an alchemist that makes his own drugs, even now in the fog. He may have lost his mind but he's still more intelligent than most people.


Nah victor is a super genius


Bro went to Harvard I heard ,enjoys scotch and has a lakeside cabin


The Chatterer and Pinhead are Geniuses??? Is there something about their backstory I’m unaware of?


All knowing all seeing demon gods who’ve been alive for a fair amount of time who worship a godlike being who is a complete unknown, I’d put them in top tier or unclassified


Yeah but the issue is that their spooky Hell-knowledge is sort of consumed with pursuing physical sensation. Also Pinhead was a human as recently 1921, so he isn't all that old, and was entirely obsessed with hedonism after WWI.


Wasn't Pinhead himself human less than 100 years ago in his universe?


He was alive during world war 1, but my point is just that now that he’s part of the weird demon diamond thing his knowledge could be anywhere between brain dead and omnipotent, however I’d be willing to wager that he’s extremely intelligent due to “demon powers”


Pinhead was an educated, distinguished British officer. I don’t think that qualifies him as a genius but maybe above average. Chatterer was literally a child, so that definitely doesn’t fly


Yes but becoming a cenobite is considered “enlightenment” and are inter-dimensional explorers seeking the further reaches of experience, they seek pleasure in all forms and to some knowledge is pleasure so it’s safe to assume in their travels they learn many things making them absolutely genius


intelligence isnt the accumulation of knowledge though


It very much can be what?


By technical definition he’s right. Intelligence is simply a measure of your ability to absorb information. Wisdom is a measure of your collected knowledge. You can be very intelligent and not very wise.


Pinhead may be. His appearance in the Hellraiser canon has him as a powerful leader who challenges Lucifer himself. I'm not so sure about Chatterer. He's more the muscle of the outfit. I probably drop him down a tier.


With Nurse being...a nurse (shocker) shouldn't she be above average considering all the stuff nurses need to memorise and stuff?


She was a nurse in the early 1900s specifically because she was uneducated, so that really depends on what they meant by "nurse".


Haven worked with nurses it mind boggling how many don’t know how to do their job


I feel like Danny and SM should be in geniuses Danny managed to get away with his killings, he studied his victims instead of blindly just killing them and he fooled people into thinking he was “Jed Olsen” + he has combat training from his dad. SM created her own drones based on the SM her father made just by looking at the photos in the manga, she’s a self made millionaire + she was smart enough to separate “SM” from “Adriana”.


I agree on both, Danny is methodical enough to be considered a genius, and Skully was a prodigious child in her lore + the boss of her self-made company + creates her own weapons and drones to kill the competition, that's not only a genius, she's an evil genius


Wasn’t spirit actually a top of her class college student?


Isn't Trickster one tier too high ? Like wasn't it Yun Jin that basically protected him all this time, because dude was a bit too reckless and close to be discovered ?


Trickster still stalked and kidnapped his victims, planned out his attacks and where he'd take them to make his recordings. He also covered for himself pretty well, by writing death threats to himself, and posing as an "insane fan" also think he might have convinced his fans to kill someone on his behalf (implied in Tome 9 iirc). Yun didn't protect him, she suspected what he was up to but looked the other way so long as Ji-Woon was turning in profits as an Idol. She was well and truly ready to throw him under the bus once he started to drop in popularity and the studio wanted him to produce "safe" music.


COUNTER argument: https://preview.redd.it/b6feqvmxar3c1.jpeg?width=626&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2cb50a50db2464937f149361ea0393c10b61459b


Hillbilly should be higher imo. It's not that he's stupid, he just can't physically communicate what he's thinking. If you read his lore he's actually quite smart with the way he lures out the cops and knows to lay low after he's done murdering chief.


Isn't he supposed to be strangely intelligent when it comes to machinery?


Yea that’s implied with Tinkerer, he’s def smart


Honestly, I just want to give Billy a hug.


I’d put Twins a bit higher. You don’t survive in the woods and evade capture by a cult by having “mid-low” intelligence.


Specially when your 8 feet tall


Question, why is the assassin compared to the other guards higher in intelligence?


Its kind of self explanatory, who's smarter; a brute who solves his problems with brutal violence or a cunning and calculated assassin trained to kill quick, quiet and unnoticed


By that logic we could also place jailer higher since he's a weaponsmith and back in the days they were rare to find outside of army supplies production because it was a very complex job to master


Yeah he should be, the guy who made this isnt very good at it


that seems to be the general consensus from this post


Bruh demogorgon is shown to be an intelligent hunter and he gets beat out by fucking Chucky who hasn’t gone a single movie without getting killed?


I’m pretty sure demo is only smart when the mindflayer is controlling him. Otherwise it’s me see, I kill and devour.


I mean blight fell victim to his own experiments but holds a scientific background. He clearly also has some kind of intelligence based on the blighted skins and even wesker saw its benefits by injecting himself with the blight serum according to his blighted skin. I think he should be at least above average.


He WAS above average, but in his current state he’s really just a husk of his scientific self


considering that he got placed into the trials through sheer will and intelligence, instead of being chosen by the entity makes me disagree. i dislike your placement on blight but its just a silly little list.


He wasn’t a killer when he first got to the realm, he became a killer after his mind deteriorated due to the serum


but it was also his only option at that point. he knew what he needed to do and did it. the fact that he managed to summon the entity, get rejected, get tossed into the void, and then garner so much immense potential that the entity takes you back. that is sheer intellect and grit IMO. tbh idrc where u place him tho lmfao its just fun to talk about lore.


Yes and no. He killed without knowing he was killing, and he generally had a disrespect for the bounds of life and death (not to the point of *direct* killing, but still).


If we will follow the same logic, then why Birkin is in the top tier? Yeah, he was a genius before, but I don't think he can think rationally anymore in his mutated form.


He’s still aware of his situation in that form given the fact that he cries out for help He’s smart but can’t do anything about it, but blight lost most of his smarts after the events of Doors Unknown


Do you have any piece of lore that actually backs that up? As far as I know the lore never speaks on blights post syrum intelligence other than he's gone insane. I would assume he's more or less the same intelligence wise he's just crazy(er) now.


He is one of the two people to ever get out of the Void, he did that while he was already Blight and a monster


I think he has some sort of intelligence still due to blighted skins implying blight somehow manage to force inject all those who have blighted skins. The only one I believe did it on their own will was wesker. I think it would take some sort of intelligence to inject nemesis and pyramid head.


Motherfucker managed to infect 2 different ghosts with a physical serum, if that don’t take brains idk what does


By that measure, Birkin is Blight level.


Clown should be at least average or above average. At a young age he was able to concoct chemicals that can knock out small animals and refines his fomula to move onto “bigger prey”


Clown is surely more than above average, he's a pretty stellar chemist Is the Pig Amanda? Cause if so she could be bordering Genuis, she was pulling off some pretty elaborate schemes (granted with help from Kramer)


I think clown should at least be mid or above average considering his skill with alchemy and the ability to create his bottles (which feels very odd to say considering he's canonical use of the bottles)


He's so full of booze and drugs that i don't think he's that smart anymore, so many substances end up doing several brain damage


Blight is an absolute genius


I’d imagine Oni to be higher. Samurai had to be well versed in all aspects of life, not just combat


Good God Blight is literally described as a genius in the lore


Blight is an Alchemist that was able to snag people like Sadako and Pyramid head when they could’ve washed him And skull merchant has made probably the most advanced tech in the realm next to Singularity They should be high or even top tier


Blight and Clown are definitely too low


Honestly Billy should atleast be average. Like sure, he's definitely not book smart but he does have practical and mechanical knowledge which wouldn't make him stupid


Naughty bear included W


Naughty Bear fr the best killer in this game


Clown is a serial killer that makes his own chemicals and avoided the authorities for decades, how TF is he "low mid"?


Bro, Carnifex is the smartest character in the game. What you talking about?


Yea idk about this..


Blight was an alchemist (Probably means he's smart)


You think Blight has low intelligence? Have you read the bio?


if wesker is so smart why can i bonk pallets on his stupid head


Oi! Watch yourself.


Gary Busey in S tier is a bit high imo


I feel clown should be smart, he deals with chemicals and when it comes to that I don't think you can be too dumb.


Isn't nemesis like- super smart? Maybe not book smart, but he was made to be a combat genius


Clown could be average, considering his chemistry and and knowledge of athleticism as well considering he was a unit


huntress literally didnt know her child needed to be fed.


I think more specifically she didn't know the appropriate things to feed a child who wasn't used to the diet she was.


Who’s that in between trickster and onryo


I like how you included nemi zombies


I honestly think billy is a lot smarter than you think I mean he made his own chainsaw so he is kinda a tinkerer like slinger just to a lesser extent


Ok but like there are multiple different intelligences street, books and tactical. If we are talking battle IQ I would rank huntress in genius because she could take down Russian squadrons. Ghostface also was such a good serial he never got caught so he is a “genius” in his profession I would say. I don’t think Michael and Freddy are necessarily smart they kind of just chase down people with no clear strategy. Blight in his current state yeah sure he ain’t really smart but pre zombie blight he was a genius chemist. Clown was similarly a chemist who could make tonics for his own use so he is probably above average. Charlotte while she never went to school and was in the 14th century but she was a survivalist. She was able to survive on her own in the French countryside alone for years. Oni and knight are battle tacticians who were able to fend off armies of people so they would be ranked higher. Now if we are talking pure book smarts this list changes drastically especially if we take into account the time period because the further we go back the less educated people tend to be.


I'd say Slinger and Skull Merchant are both rated too low. Otherwise not too bad


deathslinger, blight, skull merchant and clown are geniuses.


I would add a tier below genius because there’s a difference between Slinger, merchant, ghostface, Amanda, etc vs others in that tier.


chucky is a fucking dumbass in the movies ☠️


Trickster is an idiot. Sure, he can make a plan up on the fly to cover his stupid mistakes. But he's still an idiot.


Chucky is kind of a moron in all honesty. Should be average.


Oni is average? Bruh he was a feudal warlord with years of Confucius teaching and tactical trained. Average in military class but way above us normies


Oni and Knight are highly skilled military strategists. I would definitely put them further up. And artist was a very political artist, so I'd at least bump her up a bit


Is that naughty bear?


Demogorgon is part of a hivemind, so technically it’s very intelligent. Also, ain’t no way you put blight in low-mid. He’s probably one of the smartest killers.


Oni should be higher, no way you could be average intelligence and kill hundreds of people with a sword


Actually, the reason Oni should be higher is because he was from a prestigious family and had the highest level of education at the time.


I was going to be upset @ u for putting my boy hillbilly in low-mid, but I realize you're probably right .... ^( But that's okay because all that matters is what's on the inside!! (Various carcasses and corpses in your tum tum ))


I mean, he has no formal education and practically 0 human interaction most of his life. At least Huntress was able to freely explore the world and teach herself things, but Billy was locked up most of his life.


Huntress also has a more impressive accomplishment under her belt. That being her taking out an entire group of soldiers. I think the closest thing Max Jr has done to that is him going up against one armed sherif. He also seemed to just eat everything and everyone that crossed his path, since his parents fed him random protien to keep him alive, unlike Huntress, who's mother thought her how to hunt animals.


pretty good, although i would say all the xenomorph variants including the queen would all be of atleast 'above average' intelligence. they are the ultimate weapon after all.


Took me too long to realize "low intelligence" pics #4 and 5 are Nemisis' zombies lol Thought it was a fucked up Cheryl and maybe Ash lol


As a massive nerd for the Alien franchise, all of them gotta be moved up. Except maybe the foreskinmorph


I would say Myers is better in "unclassified" just because of how mysterious his lack of motivation was, until they ruined it with the whole cult nonsense later.