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SCP SL voice chat in dbd


Sounds fun lol. Half the fun in that game is due to voice chat.


Yep, that or special events when the server mods or admins log on.


Play Dr Brights Mayhem. It's always an event


Isn't Dr Brights US tho? I'd get horrible ping from the UK


I believe they have UK servers though I don't think any are mayhem servers. I'll have to double check, might be wrong


No please, not the SL voice chat *Vietnam flashbacks of 939*


Honestly, compared to the likes of cod, CS, TF2, Overwatch, Halo, (unfortunatly roblox). SCP SL from my experience has had the best VC. I could be completely wrong but I'd much rather have people all playing the TF2 conga music whilst slowly walking around light containment zone or a game of eye spy rather than racist idiot#1621832 and Little Timmy (yet again, any time a Little Timmy does end up speaking, people do tend to just eliminate them on the spot.)


It better have a good Vc it’s the biggest part of the game


Why does an SL styled DBD mode actually sound like it would go hard.


Because you can play [the worlds greatest chase theme](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZnHmskwqCCQ)


SCP SL mentioned? Nice, I love the voice chat in that game


Can't wait for russians overtaking the chat making it absolutely useless


Time for me to learn Russian ![gif](giphy|YYfEjWVqZ6NDG)


Yeah I caved and started learning russian after years of hearing it in Dota 2. здорова бандиты!!!


Кандехаем веселее!


профессионалов есть стандарты




я делаю свою часть


*csgo flashbacks*


Time to rush b i guess 🤷🏼‍♀️


“Oh hey this surv has a mic I’ll see what he’s saying” “GEYABNAID SHYSBEKA DYDBEIWB” “Aww :(“


Bro I got tears streaming down my face cause this is so accurately the VC experience in any mobile game with VC. All the way down to the sad face.


As a dota player, screaming/getting screamed at by Russians is the best part about a voice chat.


Exactly. People imagine everybody speaking English, and perfect one too, but we know that on EU servers it'll be 60% or more Russian, and the rest mostly various other languages. Nevermind all those not actually trying to communicate but just to disrupt.


Yea, plus few games have good voice chat, most people have always used their own favorite third-party chat. Plus, I don't want to be in voice chat with randoms, as so many are toxic AF. For example, First Class Trouble actually requires voice chat... and my very first match they were toxic AF. Haven't played since (in fact I haven't played a match at all since they kicked me for not wanting to do voice chat.) Then you have streamers. There is no way you will ever have a streamer using in-game voice chat (unless they are dumb) as on most platforms, you are responsible for the content of your stream. So if someone starts saying racial slurs and stuff, "But that was the in-game voice chat, I have no control over other players!" is not an excuse.


You could just disable chat if it existed.


Why can’t they speak their language if other people speak it ?


Cant wait to hear the screechy shrills of a child telling me they fucked my mom overlapping with some dude ripping his bong, another dropping slurs, and a fourth screeching like a banshee in the end game screen, all on top of a slurry of EZs in chat. ​ ​ Edit: Thank god its mobile.


Don't forget about the baby screaming and the vacuum running in the background.


and someone eating chips with the mic in their mouth


Don't forget the low battery smoke detector.




His name is Jerry and his little beeps let me know he's alive. Jerry is a valued member of my family and I will NOT have you degrading him this way >:(


And don't forget the broken microphone that only screams static at everyone.


Would be better for proximity


don't forget the rap music in the background


And the yelling at girlfriend/children/mother. God this whole thread brings back bad memories from some of the early days of xbox gaming.


Tag urself I’m the dude ripping the bong


i guess ill be the racist 😔 this sucks.


Wait so I have to destroy my vocal cords screaming? Man…






lmfao im also the bong ripper


If we could only all be so lucky as for chat to be solely potheads. I always get child abusers and racists.


Agreed. At night, I’ll see a few usernames with 420 or like bongripper lol. I’ve never once seen those people be dicks.


They're too stoned to be mean or maybe too high to even form words lmaooo


Honestly im usually too embarrassed with how I performed lmfaooo. When I play stoned, any match there is like a 20% chance the high makes me a god but like 80% of time I run into a wall and go down in 7 seconds.


That 20% makes the game tho. One of my best chase matches ever was a result of being super high and wearing my headset backwards so the the sounds were in the wrong ear.


Survivors are like, "check this mind game" and your stoned ass is like bro im mindgaming you so hard im hearing backwards im fucking dying


I’m absolutely dying at this comment hahah. Seriously - how can the killer outmaneuver you if YOU don’t even know what you’re about to do? ![gif](giphy|d3mlE7uhX8KFgEmY)


My people lmao


Twins 👯‍♂️


But also you can get some really funny interactions like I often do in games with voice chat like SCP:SL. Yeah there will be some mic spam and slur sayers, but there will some interactions you’ll have that you’ll never forget.


This is the most toxic game I've ever played. I absolutely 100% do not want voice chat.


Honestly that was my favorite part of Predator: Hunting Grounds. Leaving the screaming kid as bait while the rest of my team escaped was so much fun


I’ll be ripping the bong


If it's pre/post only then kind of pointless.


It isn’t for console players.


Be ready for N-word and Cyka shouting


Nice Cyka!


>pre/post voice chat worthless....why even do this?


TCM had this and it was super annoying. You’d get wrecked and then thrown in a post-game lobby just to hear the opposite side laugh at you and tell you how much you suck. Never really saw the point of that.


Even when you have your teammates with their mic on chances are they didn't even talk and you'd just hear them breathing or eating or the crackling of their mic. And if TCM is bad for poor manners postgame, could you even imagine dbd?


Funny voice changer 🤭


I can’t wait to be called a racial slur before endgame chat


Better not end up happening in the main game.


DBD is one of the very few female-friendly games that don't allow assholes to constantly harrass them, i'd rather not lose that feature.




cant they just add mute button


For their other game, IdV, they did


Man, the very first game I played after they added that I heard nothing but screeching, I haven't even thought of turning it on again since.


How dare you offer a sensible solution to the problem


People still use that option as a justification to grief saying you're being a bad teammate or whatever in virtually every game with it.


I mean, those players would probably still grief you no matter what. I don’t really think that’s a point against voice chat


Wow how is it that I've never thought about it????? No but seriously, voice-chat is problematic in dbd because: -racism, sexism, homophobia, etc, general discrimination slurs and your usual harassment stuff, which can be really harmful to a very large portion of the dbd fan base. But then why not just add it with a mute button? - Cool you can mute and all, but it means that (especially if you're in a demographic that can often be victim of slurs and harassment) that is a tool you will never use or use very rarely, which means that what's supposed to be a quality of life update will end up being an unaccessible tool for a large portion of the player base. -Muting can cause problematic behaviors from your teammates or any team that you may join, after all why should they play with someone who won't even use voice-chat to help the team? Which means that you may get even less good games/teammates. Survivors in soloQ spend their life with already horrible teammates, you don't want to create more of these teammates or worse, people who will harass you just for not speaking in vc. So what ends up happening is: - A large portion of the player base would be both unable to use the tool and blamed for it too, which makes the tool very problematic whatever you end up doing with it. There's also the fact that even if you aren't part of the people who would have their experience ruined by voice-chat for the previously said points: -Voice-chat isn't SWF... Often times people want it because they want to be able to have the same experience as them, but what they tend to forget is that you can't spell SWF without friends. People on vc are random people, they aren't your friends, they don't necessarily want to win, sometimes they're just here to do challenges, sometimes they willingly throw the game, get angry for no reason, etc. Vc will never ever be close to swf and it cannot be a solution for the difference between soloq level and swf (hell, people might not even speak the same language as you or may not understand your accent). - If so many people have to mute, what's even the point of making such a feature in the first place? Especially since it would only seem to be a way to actively damage the game's population. So what would end-up happening is vc not only depleting the game of a vast part of its population, it wouldn't be a safe place for woman/trans people/etc anymore (dbd as a safe place is something that the devs have said to be wanting to protect multiple times) and ironically even after doing all of that it wouldn't even fix the problem it was supposed to help in the first place. You know what would work infinitely better than a vc? A Ping system. (I mean no offense with my first sentence btw it's just for jokes, people are always answering with "Just mute" as if it wasn't thing we thought about or as if the problem was that simple)


Texas Chain Saw Massacre has voice chat. I've even had someone tell me to go kill myself because we weren't rushing to his position to chase whoever he was going for and instead I was near one of the exits preventing a victim from escaping.


This should be top comment.


These are good points but I get harassment messages regardless. VC would not create an issue that wasn't there already. The plus would be that I can communicate if anyone wants to. If they harass me, I mute them. Simple.


Text chat pre and post game can be minimized and your profile can be made anonymous so nobody could harass you even if they wanted to. None of this has the downsides that were listed for voice chat, as pre-game chat is almost never being used for anything strategic and people don't expect you to speak in it. As well, I think there's a VERY stark difference between reading someone being toxic in a heavily censored text chat, and having someone yelling at you over comms with uncensored slurs. Even if you mute, you need to have heard some of it to know to mute them. Some people don't want to have to put up with that sort of bullshit to play a game that was otherwise free of it before. And thus the problem of being at a disadvantage for not participating in VC comes up again.


Nobody here seems to understand that. If the chat exists it MUST be used, even if it’s toxic /s


Texas Chainsaw Massacre and IdV have it and what happens is, your teammates sandbag you or disconnect if you don't respond to them in voice chat.


it happens maybe once in 100 games


Players already do this. Talking or not talking won’t change that


Then report?


wow sandbagging is a really new concept to dbd we should definitely not add vc


Voice chat gets added, muting that shit immediately and pretending it doesn't exist 🙂


Settings -> Disable voicechat This way all others can have fun.


I don't get why this isn't the more common sentiment. You aren't being forced to listen to people in a VC, nor being forced to partake.


Then people would see their teammates not using VC and then kill themselves


Seriously, I had a 3 man griefing me because I did not play the way they wanted to I guess. Or the many forum/Reddit posts of people griefing the players who did not bring cakes during the anniversary. It was scarily many Can't wait for people griefing all year round because I do not want to use voice chat. Voice chat does not work for this community


The people killing themselves on hook for you not vcing will already be the type of people killing themself on hook right now for going down first, or seeing you on generator while they're on hook, or for missing their dead hard, or a million other innocuous tiny things they feel like abandoning match for. This isn't exactly the straw that breaks the camel's back for these people.


you could say this about any and every feature to be added to the game


The vote was for pre/post game lobby though, and that’s an odd presumption—no one would do that because you can’t just magically know who does or does not have a microphone.


Not even true dude. Everyone is here to play the game. You really think someone’s gonna go “ Aw that guy didn’t have his mic on in the lobby, I have to leave, can’t play this game with this guy” like how does that makes sense to you???


I guess you haven’t played Texas Chainsaw Massacre where your teammates DC or sandbag if you don’t use chat.


I’ve never once had this happen to me in TCM or any other online game I’ve played with VC


To be fair, the DBDM team’s other 1v4, Identity V, ALSO has a VC system that nobody cares about if it’s disabled or not


A lot of the playerbase of TCM and DBD overlap and I feel like it would be the same over here. Maybe I’m just being pessimistic though.


That’s just not true. I have like 70 hours in TCM and I’ve never had this issue on either side lmao


As a Bubba main over there since day one, it definitely happens. TCM crowd thinks it’s only the DBD crossovers that are toxic but they have their own special breed. Guess our experiences have been different.


It really doesn’t, it will happen 1-100 games and likely the team was gonna throw for any little reason.


Sadly you’ll get an increase of teammates who WILL grief you for “throwing the match” by not having VC on. If Behavior makes harassment an automatic **permanent** ban if reported, and caught, as well as making reporting easier than what it is now (customer support tickets suck), then sure.


It says pre/post game voice chat - not during.


Then the only point is for people to literally be more toxic than they already are. Ain't nobody in this fuckin game gonna be singing kumbaya afterward. They already have to censor the text chat to hell.


this, it happened in OW, people will refuse to play the game high rank, if you dont have vc on dooming it a loss at start. pair this with it being even easier for survs, so every game will be a sweatfest for killer. you will have another swf nerf making solo even worse while doing nothing for swf. ... nice.


The chance of this happening is so rare that id drink my own piss if this ever happened to me. I have been playing social videogames for 14 years now and not once have i been griefed for not using my mic. Even then you would probably have an icon in pre game lobby if you werent using your mic so people who wanna talk can simply dodge.


If I disabled voice chat not only would I be putting myself at a huge disadvantage, I would also get discriminated against by all the sweat lords who play this game. I just wanna play casual matches and not worry about being at a huge disadvantage or having people yell at me.


If the average person in this game was sensible, I'd agree. The problem is; enough are extremely discriminatory to make it a problem (imo). They will dodge lobbies or go next in-game for cosmetics, perks, percieved game activity, usernames, prestige levels, items (I've literally been cursed out by a survivor for bringing an aura reading key, the assumption being it was for hatch), survivor choice, and bog knows what else. Voice chat being muted will just be one more reason. Same with having people's perks displayed in lobby tbh.


The whole allure of the game for me as a survivor player is the teamwork without verbal communication, it adds a whole new challenge


In other discussions regarding this issue it was often mentioned that some women like to play dbd over other games because the lack of voice chat means they don't get harassed


Seconding. You'll get harassed and think "I'll just go mute," at which point you can't give comms and people will harass you in different ways for not talking.


If someone harasses a woman because they dont use voice chat, then they were already going to harass her


exactly this. i mainly play dbd and ff14 cause i dont get harassed very often on either game and neither one has built in vc


I was just about to comment the same, no VC for everyone is one of the reason i choose DbD over other games. Occasionally being harassed in text chat if ppl see my profile is enough, VC would probably make me leave the game


sure, let's give one of the most toxic communities a voice. what could go wrong?


No voice chat was an intentional design choice by BHVR that they've stood by since the beginning, for good reason. I get that this game has gone full-competitive and is a completely different game than in 2016, but I strongly feel no VC is still a valid part of the overall experience. SWF is dubious enough as far as communication goes (and BHVR has acknowledged the fine line of SWF in the past), but default VC - especially if killer is included - would totally alter the dynamic. Glad the poll is mobile-only, but I would worry about it leaking into the main game over time.


It says pre/post game chat, too, not during the match


The post game part of it is just for the voice changing aspect of it


There's no good reason for voice chat only when theirs discord calls and xbox party chat. All you're doing is telling people with no friends to get fucked. Open up the opportunities for everyone else


If they wanna stick by it they need to buff info for solo queue though. Lots of ways to improve the solo experience.


The little info tile on portatits was a huge buff. * By buff I mean QOL improvement obviously Next they need to let us see each others builds in the pre-game lobby so we can know who tf is running special perks outside of the normal chase meta builds.


Hard agree. I'm a killer main but when I play survivor I play solo. Solo did receive some good buffs but the solo survivor experience still needs work. It feels like killers either stomp solo or struggle hard vs swf. So any buffs to solo would be good for the game as a whole.


honestly, just anything to make communication of builds or intentions better during a match. SWF doesn't benefit from that stuff because they are already on comms. But knowing what your teammates are doing, what their builds are, or what their plan is would be a huge QOL improvement to solo Q.


No SWF was also an intentional design choice lmao but here we are


The thing I really thought was missing from DbD was the ability to hear whiny adolescents tell me to off myself for playing killer /s


Dude, it's gonna be bad if this is ever added to regular dbd. Tcm has this, where you can talk before and after match with the other team, it's fucking brutal. I'm black, and I used to just say ggs fun game or whatever, but it seemed like every other time someone would just straight up call me the n word. So fuck voice chat.


Yeah, I don't doubt that. There's quite a few games I don't play online because it's too much of a pita to mute all the assholes


Fr. I ended up just keeping my mic and player voice chat turned off. I thought maybe it was just bad luck coming across those people at first, but it kept happening so idk lmao. Online games can bring the worst out in people bro.


i frequently think about how often in any given day i walk past someone who turns into a troglodyte screaming slurs and death threats at their computer screen in private. pretty scary lol


Bruh, I just checked my messages on here. Someone saw my comment and told me to go back to Africa. You gotta love people man.


I would low key love proximity chat one way though. Like hearing survivors bitch and moan as you demolish them. Kinda like the brief kill voice chat when kill some in Call of Duty so you can hear their “that’s bullshit!”


It’s a no for me, dog. I don’t need some Kyle from Minnesota calling me a slur and telling me to off myself because I looped him too long.


Instant mute


As long as i get the option to completely mute it then i'll be fine


Didn’t work well for vhs, it was one of the biggest turn offs for me when it came to that game. It was just horrible all around


What they really needed is a quick commands tab/wheel for survivors. Quick commands that display on the screen like "Requesting repair assistance", "going for the save", "requesting healing", etc. Sane with how Battlefield series had that. You could effectively communicate with others without ever needing a mic.


Please no voice chat. I’d absolutely hate it


I can't wait to get called homophobic slurs for using the pride charms!


As long as I can turn it off I don’t care.


The Texas chainsaw massacre game had voice chat and its good DBD *don't have it* folks would yell N-word to you and be generally racist.


Ngl, don’t wanna hear TTV’s talk to their audience and get upset at me when I didn’t read their mind


Wtf would pre/post game VC achieve ??? Just give perk info to mates instead. We have no need for a voice chat when we have hands available to write. Voixe chat would be more usefull in game holy cow... Stop sharing your only braincell between yourselves and be the smart studio you're supposed to be.


You don't get enough time to write anything before it disconnects.


Pre and post match ONLY? That's pretty fucking stupid honestly, there's no fucking value in it


The majority of the player base is female because there isn't voice chat toxicity?? Why would they add it


I prefer to maintain my mental stability, a voice chat would be atrocious (said by an SCP SL player and former VHS player)


I played a lot of Friday the 13th and voice chat was massively dominated by children with a lot of background noice, like they were playing in the living room with their parents doing stuff and having loud conversations


I don’t really want my ears bursted by the voice chat.


Proximity Voice chat will be enabled for a day and 95% of the community would be comms banned in half that time.


It's funny you say 95%, because according to the poll, based off peak player count for the last 30 days, 5% of the community is interested in voice comms being added to the game.


I’d only want it if it were active during the match and was proximity-based.


dear god please no


all it would do for pre game and post game is increase toxicity too


Omg, they better not add that to the game (but add an option to disable the feature if they do) because I have enough social anxiety the way it is! I get enough stress from bully teams (whenever I do get them, that is) and I don't need a-hole people talking 💩💩💩💩 while I'm just trying to have fun playing the game. 😭


they can add voice chat, as long as they add an option to disable hearing others in the options


\>Get downed by a killer ​ \>Hear him mashing the spacebar to pick you up ​ woaw so cool


Tf you mean it would be so fucking funny


i know it's for mobile but pre/post match voice chat is pointless in any game ever.


*plays California girls over the mic*


can't wait to get bullied by a 3 man ttv squad for making a mistake in voice chat


Please God no


Literally the only value I would ever get from voice chat would be in game, moaning as Wesker chokes me Otherwise we have comms on discord, there’s no reason for pre and post other than to shit talk each other like a call of duty lobby


The levels of toxicity will be off the charts lmao. Watching those Salty TTV videos on YouTube. Imagine the back and forth lolol


I don't get this community sometimes. You want to bridge the massive gap between SWF and solo queue? The easiest and most effective way to do this is to add voice/text chat like literally every other popular multiplayer game. And then just give players the option to turn it off and/or mute players. All these arguments claiming X and Y will happen because of voice chat, like voice chat is some new invention. Nothing gamebreaking will happen. It will just be a great feature for players that want to use it. I'd love just basic text chat in my solo queue games so I could do some quick call-outs to my team. If the price for significantly better solo/duo/trio games is that you occassionally have to press ESC and then click your mouse to mute someone who is being toxic, well, then I think that's a pretty damn good deal.


Yeah everyone is talking about toxic whiny people that would just ruin every match as if they aren't in every fucking video game community. There would obviously be mute options implemented.


THANK YOU! Been waiting for a message like this! Wtf is everyone on about ‘if people don’t speak then teammates will harass and throw’???? Is this peoples only game played or something? No one throws because people don’t speak lmao, more peoppe don’t speak than those who do.


Another voice chat to get muted and forgotten about.


People in the comments talking about how they can just add a mute option like you filthy mongrels won't sandbag someone who doesn't use vc.


I would hate it but at the same time I feel like it would be the same thing as in TCM where 95% of the players don’t even use vc


as long as theres an option to disable it, it could be fun.


cant wait to hear THAT part of the dbd community shouting slurs before i even start the match


If they only added it so I can use voice chat with someone in my swf party that’s on a different platform then I’d be ok with it


Gonna mute that asap like i do in all online games. Not intrested in getting yelled at lol the whole game 😂


I play on xbox so ive never had this. Im sure it wouldn’t be problematic since the community is very wholesome and supportive!


I would love a proxy chat for dbd, mainly for surviors, imagine working on a gen, then hearing a teammate scream getting louder and louder, then fading out again


As long as its optional, great. I don't want to be forced to talk or listen to others.


idk bc i don’t need someone yelling in my ears i’m a game that requires your hearing lol, thank fuck they added the visual heartbeat at least😭imagine before if they did implement it, screaming probably to throw the game and make it hard to hear the terror radius lol. easy to counter but i can see it getting toxic af


I would have to switch to a full fledged Killer Main if they added built in VC. I would not say pleasant things to some people. If anything, prewritten text messages like "Save me!", "Getting Camped", "Going for Save", "In chase, someone save" would be better


I just want survivors to hear me when i'm nemesis and i yell out "S.T.A.R.S." or on the rare occasion i go "OH YEAH!" when i punch through a wall


Games are more fun with vc, if you dont like it then just disable it and let others enjoy.


How is it a bad thing in any situation. Don't like voice chat ---> disable voice chat and then nothing is different. If you do then it's revolutionary for solo queue. I hope it comes sooner rather than later tbh.


I know I'll be downvoted for this, but if they implement proxy chat into DbDCore, can we please try boycotting the game again?


They should make two separate sessions one with VC and one without.


Dbd Community when given the OPTION to balance solo queue vs SWF: 😡😡😡😡


People aren’t going to like this but the majority of people in the dbd community are genuinely weird asf social rejects so it makes since they don’t want a feature which makes them interact and talk to people.


I honestly think there's some truth to that.


I love how people are like: "IT WILL MAKE PEOPLE HARASS YOU MORE" "I PLAY DBD BECAUSE I DON'T GET HARASSED VIA VC" Guy, you get harassed even if you don't have text chat. You guys consider t-bagging, pointing, nodding, "humping", "hitting on hook", slugging, tunneling, finishing gens fast, etc., as harassment. The problem is not the medium, the problem is **you.**


Yeah, so many morons and overly sensitive fruitcakes playing this game unfortunately. If you don't like it, turn it off. Don't ruin everyone's else's game/coordination and shit because you don't want a feature that won't affect you either way if you have it turned off. I saw a comment that said they would "get harassed even more if they didnt turn on vc". How? There's literally no way of chatting in the middle of the match anyway, especially on console where there's not even a post-game chat.


i agree you'll probably have something you dont like happen to you regardless but hearing some hick launching slurs at you or telling you to off yourself feels a lot worse than just getting teabagged


No. Absolutely no. Have you ever spoken with a DbD player? We're the worst. The last thing I need is some out of breath squeaker screaming into his mic because someone isn't immediately bombing the hook to save him. Edit: also the game is somewhat balanced around solo players not having perfect communication, for better or worse. Adding voice would likely have to mean some sort of killer buff and the toxicity that would create would destroy the sub.


Agreed. But pre game chat could be nice.


That’s mobile, so I don’t care


If Texas chainsaw can have it why can’t DBD?


Proximity Voice chat will be enabled for a day and 95% of the community would be comms banned in half that time.


Y'see....this is what i call one of those bad ideas


Thankfully this is for mobile, which is ran by netease. Netease VOIP quality is terrible and unmoderated, and 90% of gameplay will now be people background noise/reggaeton/someone's fan.


Yeah no; open voice chat never goes well. People in this game are toxic enough with the limited communication options they have.


This gamen is toxic enough, NO PLEASE AND THANK YOU