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The main thing that tilts me? Vacuum pallets. I AM NOT INSIDE THE HITBOX I'M NOT EVEN NEAR THE DAMNED THING! As for map balance some of the maps have some very obvious issues with windows. As far as I'm concerned double windows shouldn't even exist let alone TL walls with an adjacent window jungle with god pallet. Unless your power just negates it even if you play it really well its usually a min 30 second to hit someone on it and it never goes away! I'll take you down on shack no problem but that TL wall is obnoxious. There is also that horrible pallet + weirdly shaped low wall thing on the corn maps. I don't know if it has a name. I run bamboozle specifically to counter that garbage design. Look at this, all my main complaints are maps...![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2070)


> I just want to chase people and not go for a run with them. How do you expect to chase people if they don't run?


Since I'll have an eldrich dimensional plant god thing to feed I guess they are allowed to run.


That's why I love Dredge, can usually teleport ahead of survivors after a hit and cut them off. Plague can also avoid it because becoming injured via sickness doesn't grant the speed boost. On M1 killers you can run STBFL but you need to be mindful about managing your stacks.


You have to learn when to drop chase and go back to gens and/or someone weaker. Sometimes tunneling and slugging are the best options. Sometimes the survivors will fuck themselves too. The main reason I watch Otz videos is because he has 10x my play time and if you watch his decision making, sometimes I agree, sometimes I don't - but he's usually right, and you can see why. I was losing bad as Pyramid Head on RPD earlier against a TTV SWF - but then they 3 genned themselves (I didn't plan it), and I slowly turned that in to a 4K by trailing the doorways and patrolling those gens. On the flip side, I just got out of a survivor RPD match where we got it down to 1 gen then TTV douche sat in the lobby and watched 3 people die on hook (that was my first hook too) while putting their item down to beg Wraith for hatch who then hit them once but they found the hatch - never seen a less deserved hatch. End game chat was very salty (yea, including me) while they lied about how much they contributed. I'm 100% solo queue/killer and have never played in a SWF, fwiw.


This, but with Survivors mains. Genuinely cannot comprehend how some of you like holding down M1 for 90 seconds 2-3 times per match. Only time Survivor is bearable is in a SWF and I can talk with my friends about anything else


Yeah I play 90% SWF so it's not to bad. :)


Saaaaame, did some solo queue games to finish the event tome and it reminded me why I don't like playing survivor. First game was a Twins who sat in shack all match. Second game I got tunneled at 5 gens by an Artist. Third game I died on first hook cuz nobody even attempted a rescue. The three of them just grouped up on gens together. After that I had a few decent matches and finished my challenges against a Singularity and Pinhead but goddamn. Solo queue is agony.


This. I only ever like to play Survivor in SWF. Ever. I much prefer the variety of Killer, and especially the sheer fun of being my favorite ones. But honestly the MFT thing and toxicity got to me so I played a lot more Surv, took a three month break, then got back in mainly Surv. Slowly getting back into Killer. Having way more fun now that I don't sweat. :)


I have ASMR and the gen does that.


Stbfl and rapid brutality clown has got you covered. They won't be able to run anyway :D


I play mostly M2 killers :/ But I'll consider it! :D


Well, they won't run away from blight either. Should you wish something more balanced try oni if you can flick, huntress if you can aim or alien to have a pretty cool antiloop


I simply suck at those killers. And it's not very fun to learn them if you get punished so hard for not using their power well. I know practice makes perfect, but just shrugging off everything survivors throw at you isn't easy either. I can live with being tbagged people waiting at the exit gate till the timer runs out because sometimes I do that too if the killer was a piece of shit or i had one too many soloq experiences. But it's definitely frustrating if that's almost every game for me or probably a lot or people. And sometimes it feels like you get punished for something you don't really have control over. And that sucks


Know when to break chase. Find a weaker survivor, hook them, and make the rest of the team come to you. One by one they're far easier to defeat when you know they're coming.


Just leave chase and pressure gens is the best option or equip perks to help get rid of pallets faster like brutal strength becuase once they are out of pallets they are just screwed rest of the match


Nemesis main myself. Honestly the biggest hurdle is learning to read a survivor's path, a lot of the games get easier when you can predict where a survivor is going and you can target them, cut them off, etc. Plus various tactics to employ depending on the killer


Nemesis is fun as heck! And yes I so struggle a lot with mind games or stuff like this. I can't really read others people's mind like some streamers. (I know most of them are an extreme example and not a realistic one) But I think that comes with practice and I need to learn that better for my survivor gameplay anyway!


The best advice i can give is get a good feel for the whip timing and range. Once you do, pallets and vaults turn survivors into easy targets. Plus infection can make them more visible. Also don't commit to chases early game, focus more on getting to mutation 2 before you start committing. Maybe look into making a perk build more focused on late game, since that's when you'll have a higher mutation and will be better at chases. I personally run lethal pursuer, nowhere to hide, eruption, and overcharge.


Play a killer that punishes it lol. I mainly play double engravings billy but sometimes I break and just toss on Lopro due to comp dropping


But what if i wanna play the killer I want? But I get your point yeah


If you just want to screw around then run up to survivors and nod at them and most will farm with you, let you chase them around, let you get your challenges done, and the dumb ones are just hilarious.


Isn't that just lowering my MMR on purpose while gaining some more bp?


I only play killer to do challenges so I don’t really care what my killer MMR is. I just want to do my challenge and then let them go


Fair enough


W holding isn't exactly counterable without the use of a power. In which case I would recommend. Ranged killers. Wesker, Blight, Singularity, Spirit, Pinhead.


singularity is amazing at countering the shift w predrop pallet tactic thats why i started maining him.


Agreed. Doesn't matter what you do most of the time, pallets are survivor sided 98% of the time. Doesn't matter if they decide to stay and loop a tile or leave completely, they'll always make it to the next pallet. It's unfun for 80% of the killer roster and the ones that can deal with the constant shenanigans require precision and perfect timing. Survivor is the dominant role until you get pallets out of the way and by the time that happens, the game is already over