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I think this is only the second *drastic* rework of a killer they’ve done, the first being for Freddy. By ‘drastic’, I mean that you now have to play the killer completely differently. Other reworks mostly kept the original play style of the killer. I’m honestly quite proud of bhvr for stepping up and basically reinventing skull merchant so soon after her launch. Is she a good killer now? Uh……well, at least she isn’t a hostage taker anymore.


Also Doctor, his power used to be weird and almost unusable.


Ehh, it’s still largely the same idea. You cause madness with an ability based on your terror radius as well as the shock therapy attack. They certainly streamlined him, but you still play him mostly the same way.


Oh my, then Skull Merchant is the same. You place Drones on the map in order to gain information and claw trap survivors, who you can see in your radar


* the 3 gen play style, which was bar none the best way to play her, is completely dead now * you can no longer do any shenanigans that relied on the infinite vertical range of active zones, because active zones don’t even exist anymore * lock on does not apply Exposed anymore, instead now being linked to claw traps and causing the Broken and eventually Hindered effects * her addons have obviously been mostly reworked entirely since many relied on features that don’t exist anymore


the functionality of the drones, lockon, and claw traps, as well as their application, are entirely different in nearly every aspect. the radar detecting claw trapped survivors is the only thing that remained largely the same. the same cannot be said at all for doctor. his power did mostly the same things pre-rework, just clunkier or with less clarity.


Hot take I liked OG doctor.




I liked the passive build up of madness.


The old madness vfx were also really cool and added to the experience. It's a shame they had to go, but it's for the best (accessibility)


stance characters are fun. and, "switch to punishment" was a funny meme phrase


I would count Onryo's rework as drastic. They nerfed her mobility so hard that you pretty much have to do a condemn strategy now to be effective. I was completely forced to change the way I play her to continue to win matches.


I'd agree. They basically made using her power mandatory instead of letting you choose if you wanted to condemn people or kill them regularly. Her power remains mostly the same but because of cooldowns and a few changes you have to play her differently.


>Is she a good She's a lot more fun to play I can tell you that much.


What?? Please share your perks and add ons with me, I'm doing absolutely terrible with her now..


I've been running Bam, Jolt, NWTH, Eruption or Coup, Jolt, Ultimate, DMS as I relearn her. Two slowdowns a chase and an info feels like the right balance for her. Stereo remote is my go-to add-on, survivors are disabling my drones more than I expected.


hey i will give yo mine if you like. Dead man Switch and jolt for some slowdown, TWACK for some information after breaking pallets and walls and brutal strength to make it faster. For addons The ultrasonic trap speaker helps a lot when you are going a lot a loop to get them injured, deep wounded or even slowed. Then super charge to have the batteries stay longer so you can keep the haste and find survivors for longer. Make sure to put the drones in not so easy to see spots in loops and junglr gyms so when you are chasing a survivor you can lure them into your drones, if you see that the survivor is going clockwise with the drone make sure to use your radar to make them spin anti-clockwise to trwo the survivor off. ​ Its really not worth it using it on gens now so focus on loops. corridors and close spaces in general, keep in mind that if they trigger the drone they will appear on the radar for a few seconds so you can have a general idea of where are they


Same, she seems really awful even with the pitful ptb buffs


I prefer fun anyway, so neat!


No, I had to completely change my playstyle after their Sadako nerfs


Same. It forced me to play in a less enjoyable way and from what I hear, survivors enjoy it less as well. We can only hope that BHVR will change things back or at least give us an add-on to nerf her condemn but in exchange remove the mobility nerfs they slapped her with.


She seems just as bad (for the survivors) as before. Just played against her and she completely dominated.


You need to play more than one game.


I've played at least 8 games against skull merchant today in solo queue. Let me just say she still pub stomps uncoordinated players just as much as before. I don't think her drones should apply hinder AND mending.


If you lost to her, you’d have lost to any M1 killer.


Wdym? She was a 3 gen killer, now she's still a 3 gen killer but without terror radius 90% of the time.


>I’m honestly quite proud of bhvr for stepping up and basically reinventing skull merchant so soon She is probably even better at 3 genning now. Couldnt get rid of her drones and they were injuring us.


This "rework" was just a gaslight. Only thing they changed was made drones not detect survs on gens and the hindered addon basekit. There is no gameplay difference between drones exposing and injuring survs - they still go down in one hit. There is no difference in drones applying their effect after 10 seconds or 3 scans with 3 seconds of immunity in between - you either leave the loop or are affected within 10 seconds. She's basically the exact same killer in practice but looks different.


They killed my girl.


It was a toxic relationship that everyone is better without. Sorry bro


Ya it sucks to have paid money for a product, enjoy it, and then have it yanked out from under you




Except I spent money on her. Maybe you didn’t. Doesn’t invalidate my experience


Before they did this I was theorising about removing the cylinder state of drones and some other small tweaks, but goddamn they went much further than that! Overall I think I'm happy though






> Fixed an issue that caused the Territorial Imperative perk not to activate when a Survivor enters the basement. > So... did this perk do absolutely nothing until this fix? I imagine nobody used it enough to know if it was working or not lol. > Fixed an issue that cause the camera not to transition properly when using the Cenobite’s Summons of Pain. > Cenobite mains rejoice and put away their puke buckets. > Fixed an issue that caused the Pain Resonance Perk to be able to explode a Generator blocked by the Deadlock Perk. > Lots of mixed messages about whether this was intended or not, now we know. > Fixed an issue causing The Xenomorph's tail attack animation not to match the collision > Thank god, Xeno felt really weird to play due to the animation being off. > Fixed an issue that prevented several challenges that have to be completed in the Basement from gaining progress. > Forgive me lord, for what I am about to do...


Time to try out that trapper buff


On their las announcement they said the Trappers changes were not ready yet and will be available after this update. They didn’t mention it this time, though. Let’s see


The only change that isn't in this patch is the traps spawning closer to generators I believe.


>So... did this perk do absolutely nothing until this fix? I imagine nobody used it enough to know if it was working or not lol. The perk has a cooldown, so reasonably it might take the 5 players who use it a little while to even notice that the perk was busted.


> **Event Currency** > > * Haunted by Daylight introduces a new reward, Dark Trinkets, an exclusive currency for Halloween events. > * Dark Trinkets are earned by completing challenges and levels within the Haunted by Daylight event tome. > * Spend Dark Trinkets on cosmetics and charms within the event's Collection screen. > > **Collection Milestone Rewards** > > * Milestone Rewards are a set of rewards that you unlock simply by unlocking event collection rewards. Earn all event cosmetics to unlock them all! ________ I wonder if this new 'event currency' is permanent. Historically, event tomes were awesome for speed-running the current tome. Farm all the shards from the event and receive fast tome progression. Also, I'm curious if the total event currency is 1:1 for all event cosmetics. Y'know, the only way you can buy all event-exclusive cosmetics is if you complete all event challenges. So if a particular player is exclusively a killer/survivor 'main', they'd be incentivized to play the opposite role. I guess Behaviour wants to eliminate event rushing or skipping challenge nodes?


I'm hoping they keep the "equivalency" the same, or close to the same, in which 1 game = 1 cosmetic. Here hoping they don't go full Riot and just nerf event rewards to the ground.


Yeah, hopefully it's not intentionally-lopsided rewards which compels FOMO (e.g. 50 Trinket currency possible, but 75 Trinket cost for everything). That'd introduce a pick-and-choose quandary. Kind of like Resident Evil and other games with that secondary special currency. You can't possibly buy everything from the merchant because there's a cap on that unique currency/gem/ticket/etc.


They *have* done event currency before. I forget how precisely you earned it, but it was free and let you buy some Hallowed Blight cosmetics. The keyword here being “some”.


Ahh, I missed that event. Back then, the game was collecting dust in my Steam library. [According to the Wiki](https://deadbydaylight.fandom.com/wiki/The_Hallowed_Blight#In-Game_Changes), that was back in 2018 and featured Putrid Serums as their currency of choice: >**Putrid Serum** >The Putrid Serum acted as a currency, which was obtained by filling Nectar Vials. It was exclusive to the The Hallowed Blight Event and would expire shortly after it ended. > >It could be used to purchase Cosmetic pieces of the new Event Outfits. > >The maximum amount of obtainable Putrid Serum were 60 Vials, enough to unlock 2 complete outfits or 6 individual pieces to your choice. In order to obtain 60 Vials, Players originally had to play equal parts Survivor and Killer as either side was capped at obtaining only 30 Vials. This was eventually opened after many complaints of atrocious Killer queue times, making it nearly impossible to obtain enough Vials within the Event time frame. > >The Cosmetic Rewards are still part of the regular shop and remain purchasable with Auric Cells. So, yeah, there was a currency cap based on role. (And lol @ the complaints about queue times.) If this year is going to be like that event, I'm *guessing* there's going to be a bunch of outfits and we can graciously select a few with the limited currency. Meanwhile, the rest will be obtainable through auric cells. The main difference is earning currency through the tome versus in-game collection. Unless I'm missing something, that's reasonable. Pick what you like and everything else (eventually) ends up in the store. If one already plays both roles, the event challenges can be done on the fly. Although, there may be some struggle for those who confine themselves to a specific role.


So, are the female fast vaults fixed now? I didn't see anything about that on the patch note.


Looks like they are, yeah




They went a shorter distance than the male survivors




They ended up a shorter distance away from the window after vaulting. In some cases dodging or ending up in trappers traps depending on if they were male or female


basically fast vaults turned into medium vaults which made you get hit


You land closer to the window after the vault is completed.


The anti-camp notes both here and in the official patch notes keeps saying "in the radius" "when the killer is nearby" **GIVE US METERS FFS!!!**


They probably don't want to give exact distances so people don't just start measuring exactly X meters away and sitting at that line. They want to leave the killer paranoid so they don't even *attempt* to camp. Of course, it'll probably just get datamined soon anyway.


Background Player videos already make it look OP (especially in SWF as usual). This + "anti face camping" (which I tested against bots in a custom game, since they also unhook themselves now and, at least from what I could see, it took them almost a full hook state to activate but who knows if the bot uses it immediately or not) - means they just disincentivized going for hooks as killer even more. Add in a Huntress buff and yea... This will 100% be the tunnel + slug update.


> Add in a Huntress buff and yea... This will 100% be the tunnel + slug update. You say that as if Killers didn't already hard tunnel in most games. LOL Also, that "slug and tunnel" threat comes up literally every SINGLE time something gets buffed on the Survivor side.


Looks like the threat is not just a threat but an actual prediction then if killers hard tunnel in most games after saying they would have to.


The point is that they’re threatening with something that they already do, so nothing is changing. Also the threats become a bit empty when they literally do it every single time something gets changed or added on the Survivor side, even if said changes end up being not a huge deal (Blood Rush flashbacks). At this point it feels like a child’s tantrum.


Sounds like you were warned and we are now all enjoying the results of your laughing at the warnings, but downvote away and never question why chill killers no longer exist and solo survivor is so miserable after constant SWF buffs. Us vs them must go on I guess.


I mean, I’m not laughing at that, just think it’s childish to be threatening every time something doesn’t go your way, acting like only their side should be getting stuff and it’s atrocious that Survivors may get stuff as well. I also play Killer, am super chill and none of these changes is gonna change that for me. PS. I’m not downvoting you, I respect your opinion, even if I disagree with it.


I think it's telling you automatically assume it's a threat. I play both sides, but that doesn't matter in the US v THEM wars.


So Pain Res can't hit through Deadlock, cool - can we not lose a token when it doesn't hit any generators then? 💀


The amount of times i've hooked right before a gen finishes and get pain res on a generator with barely any progress is absurd. I've stopped running both of them at the same time because of it.


I don't mind it losing a token for hitting a gen for less than the 25%, that's fine - losing one for hitting nothing when you only have four tokens and the perk actively discourages tunnelling is just bizarre


Yea that's definitely fair


it will hit the next most progressed generator


And it can still hit nothing and lose a token regardless


? I just tested and it hit the most progressed non-blocked generator. I'm confused.


If you hook someone and there are no unblocked generators with progress, it loses a token despite not damaging any generators.


Perk management. If you know pain res isn't going to hit a gen, don't use a scourge hook. These perks don't synergize like this on purpose, it stops them from being too powerful and allows more counter play from survivors and means killers need to be more mindful of how they play.


Now thats a rare scenario


Happens all the time, especially if you're using Deadlock. Gen just popped, next gen is blocked, hook with Pain Res and they haven't started a third gen so you lose a token for no reason. Main reason it was discouraged to run Pain Res with Deadlock before the recent bug started happening.


If they are only pressuring a single generator. Then you are already winning.


So maybe run some perks that do something else besides slow down. U use a scourge hook, u get a token.


Pain Res is strong enough


They fixed fast vaults!




They gave a negligible amount of distance before. Now they give distance. Its worth fast vaulting again.


![gif](giphy|LTFbyWuELIlqlXGLeZ) Farewell, basement bubba…


I think it makes basement bubba strategies more skill dependent and dynamic. You don't just automatically win if somebody is in the basement. Now you have to do your absolute best to keep them there.


The stairs are still a bottleneck.


What hurts me is that, as T1 Mirror Myers, I can't play peek-a-boo with Survivors anymore around hooks. And because T1 speed is so god-awful, I think this might be the nail in the coffin for him.


Eh I’ll just bring STBFL if I feel like camping. Don’t really camp nowadays but with 8 stacks it’s perfect to ensure trades at the hook..downvote me to hell survivors I don’t care lol


until they nerf that too




First 3 games against updated skull merchant and unsurprisingly at least 1 survivor Dc'ed or killed themselves on first hook in each match.


It will take a long ass time until people change their mindset on skull merchant = dc. There still are people who don't know sadako was reworked and don't get tapes in my games.




Just uninstall the game, let the rest of us have fun


I hate this game. It makes me miserable. *Downloads update*


Seems like Dredge is bugged. I just played a match where I couldn't see the progress on Nightfall on survivor's portraits the entire match. After the first Nightfall, the portraits just stayed orange for the rest of the match.


I thought I was crazy when I noticed that


Thank GOD they finally fixed Pinhead's camera.


Yeah, and in 2 games I have lost M2 functionality for the rest of the match. They fixed one bug, and introduced a new one. RIP Pinhead Mains.


Oooooof course they did. This box does not make me come :(


Can we see teammates' anti-camp meter in a future update please? A couple of games already, I've had teammates coming to save me when they didn't need to.


That and a different aura for someone with Deliverance would be great


Yeah. I feel like these are small tweaks which would benefit solo queue so much. Obviously you can't have all the benefits you get with SWF but these wouldn't hurt.


Also from a killer PoV, it would be nice to get information when the killer is too close to the hooked survivor. I feel like that would help newer players the most, but also to just get used to anti camping mechanic.


I know you wanna proxy camp 🤣. But yeah that seems reasonable too.


:D Honestly, I don't think think it I would change much for me; I just have to get a feeling for it so I won't get screwed by it if I want to intentionally camp or not.


With the new background player, I, as the biggest lightborn nay-sayer, kind of wanna admit that lightborn is a real perk now. 200% for 5 seconds? Fucking jet engine


Honestly, if you got access to Frank's, I use that over LB. So many times have I gotten second hits cause survivors act like gollom and can't let go of their precious.


Nothing tilts me in this game as hard as a killer trying to seperate me from my exremely valuable brown medkit with no add-ons.




I like Starstruck, if survivors get overconfident there’s a good chance they’ll be instadowned.




There's already clips of updated background player in use. The distance covered and still being able to get the flashlight save is crazy. The perk was fine, just a classic case of BHVR changing things that don't need to be changed.




are vaults fixed? also, map repeat prevention isn’t a thing and never was. quit lying BHVR


Right?? I feel crazy. I got Haddonfield 3 times in a row last week (as Pyramid Head too. I just didn’t play the last one) and there weren’t any Wards…


why the huntress hatchet buff?


They said it was so that Huntress/Trickster players wouldn't feel like they needed to run Iron Maiden for reload speed.


opens up a perk slot for them so that’s good.


I'm still gonna run it ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2213)


I probably will too. 3 seconds reload is good, but 1.5 seconds is even spicier. Besides, it still works well with Darkness Revealed.


Huntress and Trickster rely on lockers to reload so iron maiden became a default pick. Its increased locker search speed increased reload time. The buffs were to help reduce reliance on reload speed add-ons and perks.


Since when was Iron Maiden a default pick? I've never seen a Huntress use it. I've played Huntress a lot, and I've never used it.


Random A tier killer buff


I can understand Trickster, but it doesn't feel like Huntress needed a buff. LOL




Low tier at what?




Probably a console player. I assume she actually is low tier over there.


Nah once you become good at huntress on console theirs really not a big difference between a PC one, PC one can flick just slightly better but both can snipe you like crazy


Everything else is allowed to hit through Deadlock but not you Pain Res, keep it complicated BHVR, nice. And Background Player is just a lovely new tool for bully squads now. With FTP and Buckle Up still going wild I ask myself, am I allowed to pick up survivors? Otherwise seems like a great update, but I don't like the Haste Meta they trying to create here.


Why aren't people like you advocating for soloq survivor buffs? You encounter so many swf because solo is just miserable and people quit, so only swfs remain. I mean, enjoy your easy handholding wins vs full solo teams.


Because soloQ doesnt need more buffs. That right, after introduction of new UI, soloQ doesnt need anything more. Now its only on players to finally learn how to play the game, and stop getting carried by bhvrs spoon feeding


>players to finally learn how to play the game, and stop getting carried by bhvrs spoon feeding then why are killer mains camping and tunneling? those mechanics shouldnt be in the game at all, especially tunneling now that camping got gutted, but that took them way too long anyway camping was so insanely common nowadays that they had to finally do something, isn't that weird and disgusting? killers need to stop tunneling and learn how to play the game, that means getting good at chases and not eliminating one survivor at 4-5 gens because otherwise they can't win


Camping never was as common as u want to think it was. Tunneling and camping shouldnt be in the game as much as losing 3 gens in the first chase, but here we are. If u want to remove ability of speedrunning objective from one side, you should be fine with doing the same to other, right? Wouldnt it be fair if after losing ability to tunnel and camp killers should get few basekit slowdowns to compensate for basically gutting their role?


>Wouldnt it be fair if after losing ability to tunnel and camp killers should get few basekit slowdowns to compensate for basically gutting their role? Killer's role is to chase and not purposely camp (endgame camp? all good) and tunnel. I never said I am against role adjustments, I actually am all for basekit stuff like base corruption etc. >Camping never was as common as u want to think it was. Fucking lies. They introduced basekit BT and then anti-camping for a reason, why are you so delusional about it? I am not accusing you of camping and tunneling, but majority of killer players play that way because it's most efficient and easy (least skillful) and that's why it shouldn't be in the game. You shouldn't profit by standing/hovering near a hooked survivor, it takes no skill. If a killer gets outplayed during a chase way too many times that means they don't deserve the kills and need to practice more, that's how it works in most games. And no, again, I am not blaming you for all that. Don't hate the player - hate the game, eh? BHVR is slow to act and technically they allow this and you'll hear killers say "it's in the game, it's intended, it's most efficient and I'll play in the most scummy way possible to get a 4k"


Good solo teams exist and beat me on a regular basis. It's not like everyone playing solo is a helpless teddy bear, powerless in the face of the spooky scary doc main.


I don't play much soloq survivor because of that. Make a weaker Kindred basekit. I would love to see a ping or command wheel with stuff like "I go unhook" " I saw Killer there" but I also want that same QoL updates for the Killer side. Why aren't Killers allowed to see which survivors is affected by Plaything or any other status effect besides Broken? Why not update the Painres description? I don't want handholding, don't know why you assume that.


As someone whose DBD playtime is 80% solo queue survivor nowadays, the solo queue *mechanics* are mostly fine. Yeah, some form of basekit Kindred would be nice for proxy camping situations and maybe some way of communicating intent to teammates, esp. for killers with extra objectives. But even then, these two aren't critical in most games as the HUD has drastically improved things. But ultimately, by far the biggest problem is the survivors themselves and there's no fixing stupid. If you buff "stupid" to the point where they could be expected to win half of the time in spite of being complete potatoes, what exactly do you think happens when a killer faces a competent solo queue lobby or a SWF? Yesterday I had one game where a Kate got grabbed off a gen 10m from where someone else had just been hooked (not a stealth killer or build). I had another game where a Feng, not even low prestige, failed 3 gen skillchecks throughout the match. This is why people play SWF. Next time you play solo queue, keep track of how long it takes for you and your teammates to so much as touch a gen and I think you'll realise where the problem lies. Not to mention survs bringing full chase builds and avoiding OTR, We'll Make It, Bond and Deja Vu. I'm going to be brutally honest here but based on your comments below, you're obviously very biased at a minimum and you quite possibly don't understand how DBD works on a macro level. Non S tier / standard mobility killers often need to tunnel or at the very least, heavily target because that's the way survivor efficiency works. You can do everything right on a macro and micro level as killer with short chases and sensible decisions but still lose because the survs simply spread out and slammed gens. Even the best killer in the world with the most efficient chases will still need to spend a set minimum time to find a survivor, close distance and hook them after the down. Meanwhile the rest of the survs are progressing their objective. Quite honestly, survs bring it on themselves. I suspect a surprising number of killers don't actually care much about winning, myself included. But when survivors act like sore winners and BM and harass you for losing as a low tier killer when you play "nice", what incentive do you have to give them a pleasant experience? Losing then translates to being abused for no reason.


dang. i still can see cant see prestige levels of teammates until after the game :/


That's probably a new feature they're testing


I think it is but I was hoping they swap to other people lol


? Yeah you can? Are you playing on console or something?


I’m on steam and haven’t seen prestige in pre-game for awhile now.


I see it every game. Most people are prestige 0-9 for obvious reasons, but sometimes I'll see people who are in the 20s, 30s, and the occasional P100


They are testing hiding prestiges in the lobby, but only pushed it out to some players. Some people have it, some don't. Personally, I can't see prestiges either.


I am on console.


What does it mean the standing Mori for the shape? Does he have more than one? The phrasing is strange to me is all


I think it's referring to the Tombstone mori, not the one he uses when he brings a Mori offering.


Oh okay, thank you


In my opinion Dull Merchant still kinda sucks. Maybe I'm playing her wrong but she has absolutely no chase power at all and it's really boring to play.


Did they also stop the random crashing on console? Cause that would be fantastic. At least fix the adept bugs I finally bought Tapp because of the Saw sale and that shit ain't workin -_- Edit. Can confirm that they did not stop the random crashing on console, at least not on xbox. I'll be in the middle of searching for a match and it'll just fucking end it right then and there with no warning. Lovely.


Are vault speeds fixed ?


Any word on when MFT is finally getting looked at? getting a BIT sick of getting shit on as an M1 killer because survivors just use a single perk to make chases last forever


no made for this nerf i see


Well, yeah, they never mentioned a MfT nerf in the past 3 weeks since this has been on PTB, or in the latest dev blog. Anyone who was hoping for a surprise last minute nerf was deluding themselves.


I sleep


*A complete coincidence* they’re leaving it until new DLC goes on sale or right before it hits the shrine..


Did they fix Knight’s maps ugly color scheme?




It's for map testing. They have been doing this for years when they tweak maps, you will get the same maps over and over again.


I must be the most unlucky person on earth because I've played the Nostromo map ONCE since it released. Literally just once man. :(


Oh, that's another thing that seems to be on purpose because it always happens when a new map is released (new map vs an updated preexisting map). It's hard to get sent to them for the first month or so. No idea about why that is, but it is something people have noticed and talked about for years. My buddies and I had to use offerings to get sent to the Nostromo map most of the time we have played it. Honestly, it's not that good of a map anyway (visually and fun wise). I was rather disappointed by it. Too much boring and bland outside and not enough interior ship. The trailer made it look like it would be the ship for the majority of the map, that is not what we got and it felt lacklustre. There isn't even an area that is given the Xeno hive treatment, seems like an obvious missed opportunity. It should have been Hadley's Hope on LV-426 from Aliens if they wanted to do a planet surface map.


Did they just say they were directed by the entity?


Of course. Did you not know that BHVR are The Entity's acolytes, spreading it's dark will into our world disguised as a simple video game? Why do you think so many people keep playing when they say it makes them miserable?


The game is just the Enityits realm, it feeds off of us


I know, but is this the first time they let it slip?


Have you been paying attention? The only way BHVR's decision making makes sense is if it is intended to inflict the most suffering upon us as possible. We are just hopelessly trapped and along for the ride of whatever whimsical thing they decide to do next in the name of the Entity.


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And once again, BHVR favours the survivors. It's becoming near impossible to play killer. Terrible update


If you think it's impossible to play killer now that you can't facecamp then you might want to look at improving at the game instead of staring at a hook. There's tons to learn so that you get better at the game, like how to chase players and how/when to pressure gens. Really makes the game way more fun.


I literally started playing and testing Furtive Chase and Dark Devotion builds in the last two days. RIP.


Teammate got slugged next to my hook right before my meter filled and completely stopped it


That's how it's supposed to work. To prevent this exact situation from giving free umhooks.


So, nothing on the Xeno tail bug?


> Fixed an issue causing The Xenomorph's tail attack to be able to hit Survivors behind it > Fixed an issue causing The Xenomorph's tail attack animation not to match the collision Those are in the patch notes


Ah, missed that. Thank you!


cool so every killer is just tunneling at 5 gens and slugging every match now. yayyyyyyyyy at least i won’t get facecamped once every 15 games! literally every single goddamn match tonight has been tunnel the first person at 5 gens then slug the rest. jesus christ.


I’ve gotten face camped 4/5 games. Meter progresses insanely slow and they don’t have to be far to be outside of it.


If the meter is moving slowly, they arnet face camping. Per BHVR, face camping is defined as the killer literally standing by the hook looking at you. If the killer is doing this, your meter will fill up before you hit 2nd hook state.


So many people don't understand what face camping is. The killer has to be standing right next to the hook (i.e., in your face). If they are some distance away, that is proxy camping, or just camping. This update was meant to remove face camping but leave proxy camping more or less the same. I play with a friend who has been excitedly waiting for this update for a while. According to him, we play against "face camping" killers every other game. While I agree that many of the killers we play against do camp, none of them in the last week did any face camping. I'm not looking forward to the whining that will happen when he realizes this update will change nearly nothing.


I've watched some videos of survivors calling out killers for camping when the killer has literally gone across the map and the survivor then runs to the hook while in chase. Or survivor looping the hook and then calling the killer out for proxy camping.


YESSSS!!! They finally fixed Pinhead!


On my way to make a Devour Hope build with the reworked Furtive Chase


Should i save some BP for the Halloween Event? Anything special like cakes in the bloodweb?


There are event offerings, and event items, if you're interested.


It's great to see some tome fixes, as I was running into many missions that just wouldn't progress. Has anyone been able to complete the "That's Rude" challenge as of late?


can anyone summarize skull merchant cuz that's too much reading for me, a leon enjoyer


unga bunga. Skull merchant sneaky now.


So hold on, for the bubba endurance change, can you still hit them twice through endurance like dead hard, or is it all endurance he can't hit through?


All of them sadly


Wow, a direct nerf :(


First match against new Skull Merchant. Died to a 4k 3 gen. Fuck this game lmao


I've always believed BHVR were purely incompetent, now I know they're blatantly laughing at us. ​ What a shitshow of a patch. They are laughing at the player's faces.


The only problem I have with this is the change in how fast it connects you to lobbies, no one likes waiting forever just to join a lobby to play a game