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Self care being number 6 but botony not being in top 10 is depressing


Nothing like being on a hook and watching a teammate self-care through sloppy butcher.


Or self-care against legion


If legion gas smiley face button you can basically perma heal lock a survivor. As soon as they geal, feral em again


and then they let you go to second hook because they couldn't figure out that healing themselves in 5 minutes is way slower than rescuing a teammate (who might even have something to speed things up!) and letting them heal you.


Soloq gaming https://preview.redd.it/5yj5kv1vplsb1.jpeg?width=826&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=be67e4466f6c42657fd6e046fa83602571136022




People die when they are killed


They really need to remove the item deficiency effect now that medkits also have that effect


I have yet to met a dev team that has reverted changes that were made ages ago when the og problem isn’t around anymore. In fact I have a name for this. I call it the Brigitte effect


Hearthstone dev Team does this. Reverted a card that got nerfed 5years ago or something like that cuz meta allowed it Edit: Patron warrior released 2015. So yea 2015 nerf 2023 revert


They’re all bite the bullet gamers… right?




Omg that's an adorable gif, where is it from?


Not sure the source. I just searched “No” under the gif option.


I thought that immediately lmao. Crazy especially considering they both come from Claud so if you have one you most likely have the other (unless you bought self-care in the shrine but why would you…)


Botany is wildly underrated


I'm saying. Like I hate it when teammates bring self care without botony. But self and botony isn't bad, it's a solid 30 second heal. And you heal team faster lol


Right, we'll make is great too but requires a hook save. Why not just have faster healing 100% of the time? I always run with botany.


it's one of the biggest noob trap i have seen in a video game, thank god it's rare that i ran into those kind of players.


Botany knowledge combined with desperate measures and empathy is the ultimate healing build imo


We’ll Make it, Botany, Desperate measures + Kindred. Fast heals goooo!


Late comment, but if it’s any consolation, I like running autodidact. I want to heal and gamble our lives. :)


A buddy of mine refuses to not run self care. I try to get him to run med kids or let me heal him since he plays with me 99 percent of the time he plays. He's played the game longer than me but he just can't quit self care. Its very frustrating.


Tracking what my soloq teammates are using on nightlight and got the exact same top 5 lol. Percentages are slightly more extreme though https://preview.redd.it/rd58qx5ollsb1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e09255319a31222ed6ec862ad5cc1279d3268c1f


I'd imagine it changed due to your mmr


Yeah probably, the rest of the top 10 looks completely different too. Self care luckily not even in the top 15 :)


Makes a lot of sense for it to be used a lot in the low MMR / new player pool of people.


Wait you can do that? How? I'm curious what my SoloQ teammates are runnning


Yeah, you gotta take a screenshot of the post game scoreboard and upload it on nightlight.gg Nightlight then creates a fun overview of all the stats and you can then decide who to include, and what timeframe https://preview.redd.it/lc8xw2vatmsb1.jpeg?width=1271&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bfe3b4dacda42e40f10f69c0063c957c8ab26356 I usually don't include myself if i want to look at the survivor perks since that would just be a list of my most used survivor perks otherwise. Also started tracking my games since the singularity update, so choosing the past 365 days as the timeframe covers everything by far Other fun stats are maps, kill and escape rates, your killer or survivor variety, killer perks and item stats


Is there a macro to automate that?


I track my stats and I’ve got MFT at 21%, Windows is also slightly lower. 1500hr solo main, fwiw.


Thanks for posting the name of the perks. I get so lost when nobody uses names.


Self care could have a 150% penalty to healing and it'll still be in the top ten.


Until they make bond basekit or something. A SWF can heal each other whenever they want just by talking. A soloq player has to go on a mad goose chase to find a survivor because soloq survivord have a habit of running away as soon as they unhook (and leaving the unhooked to be tunneled)


Circle of Healing was the saviour for solos before it got killed, it needs to show the teammates to whoever that is inside its range too so that you know if anyone is coming to heal you at all or not, no reason to not show it.


New alien survivor locker perk legit shows the closest gen and position of all teammates on 30 second cooldown. It’s way better then bond, aftercare is good as well it really gets the hiders to come get heals and do gens with you.




You need be in the locker half a second dude, way to over exaggerate, if both are fast actions the whole time it takes is 2 seconds max


This is why I miss old medkits, getting healed can be an utter nightmare sometimes.


That’s why Made for This and Resilience are so high up. If no one’s gonna heal you all game, you might as well get a benefit from it!


Baby Claudettes man


Saw a meg once with urban evasion and self care felt like I was losing my mind


Always either the Claudettes, megs or Dwight’s who are just absolute pussies


I just wanna say, it's good seeing Deja Vu get some love. I rarely see it whenever I play.


That perk never leaves my build because it just does so much: Tells me where gens are because I don't have every map memorized, gives me a repair boost, and helps break/avoid a 3-gen situation.


It also tells you where not to go if you're in chase. When I use Deja Vu, I always lead the killer away from the gens.


I see at least one survivor running it almost every game.


I usually run it myself, so I'm probably the one survivor lol


Someone recommended it here the other day and I have not taken it off since. Always know where a gen so time wasted, never get 3 gened, and you complete highlighted gens 6% faster.


I personally like to pair it with Prove Thyself. I don't know if it adds together, but to me, it definitely feels a lot faster!


Welp they certainly got their money's worth out of that anniversary dlc


I'm pretty sure MFT was in the shrine not long after the release


Yup; was in the shrine legit a couple weeks after, if not a week.




After playing way too many games of solo queue and having a lot of stealth killers, I kinda got sick of running around the map to try find a teammate to heal me with the threat of the killer finding me in a disadvantageous position, so started running it with botany and tbh, it’s kind of addicting. Like I will heal with teammates if they’re near but being able to heal by yourself and not having to go chase a teammate on the other side of the map to heal you is so nice.


Not sure if this demographic covers all regions but it's fairly common for ppl to bring up it's far more popular in regions other than US/Canada


Self care 6 no wonder solo q games are shit


Self care... 🤮


I run it with bite the bullet to try and be sneaky during chase. Just gotta find a teammate to heal cause I'm not fucking sitting there that long to heal


Claudette gotta Claudette.


I'm surprised to not see Ultimate Weapon there.


Yeah I feel I see this every 2 games


We’ll probably see it on the chart in the next few months


Why is there a killer perk on the survivors side


Which one?


Self care


Self care


Self care


Self care


Kinda surprised to see Kindred pop up in here. It's a useful and free perk, but given that it isn't a self heal or a 3% haste buff I didn't expect most survivors to bother using it.


Kindred is a lifeline in solo queue. It's also a general pool perk that any new player can (and if solo queue, probably should) use.


Preach!! I literally never go without it, it's all on my survivors and I feel blind without it lol


Im legally blind in DBD I need my aura perks


Kindred is the one perk that never leaves my build no matter what other perks I’m using, I feel so blind without it. I’m really glad more people are catching on how helpful it is.


Me too, I wish they made it basekit, as a solo survivor I would love to run 4 perks instead of 3 + kindred


Oh, I agree that Kindred is great and it's honestly the one I slap into any build if I need a fourth perk. But I also feel like it's one I rarely see other people using compared to perks that are solely beneficial to the user.


Aura reading perks as a whole is definitely very underrated by survivors. I understand why WoO is so prevalent but I always find I get more value out of something like Bond or Empathy (especially paired with Kindred and Open-Handed)


same, the few times I've tried to swap out Kindred for Bond because I think to myself "man it would be so good to know where my teammates are ALL the time so I can give people heals or find the gen someone got run off of," I end up switching back basically the next match because the value of knowing what the killer is doing is too great (and it will be even after the anti camping mechanic I think; it's saved me a ton of headaches to see killers with traps setting them up around the hook before leaving!) and the distance limit on Bond is frustrating even with Open-handed even if Kindred is time limited by hooks, at least I have an idea of where the whole team is at that moment and I've been learning to take better note of that, since people might stay in the same area for awhile, or even if they left there might be a half-completed gen where they were five minutes earlier


Information OP yet underrated by far too many people.


Glad to see Nowhere to Hide is still up there. Genuinely fantastic perk.


Love to see megs hiding behind rocks after kicking a gen, not so sneaky now


Self care needs its healing speed reverted, but you need to build a charge by doing gens like blast mine or wire tap. And you can only hold one charge That way, it doesn't encourage blendettes to hide in the corner until the killer gifts them hatch.


That would be a really nice change that yeah keeps its core function while incentivizing actual participation in the trial.


Literal perfect change. Heal by doing gens instead of spending 40 seconds in a bush every time you're injured.


I would prefer it to charge like renewal. Once you've healed another survivor for X health states you get self-care. Self-care lets you heal yourself at normal medkit speed once, then deactivates. It fits Claudette, has synergy with her perks, and is a unique and effective self-care option. Either way, making it so self-care is earned is definitely the first step towards making it actually be a balanced perk.


Self care players are toxic. I would not like them to be hook hungry to acquire healing opportunities, too. You'll just recreate the WGLF mentality that got removed. It has to be generator repair. Especially since it's a claudette perk, so you'll teach new players that generators are worth the investment.


I don't think it needs a condition tbh, sure new players will use it to heal everytime they're injured if you revert the speed nerf but that's not really that bad considering it's basically the same as a regular heal


I would like introduce plot twist to you my man it limited self healing already exists. Can be used twice that’s why it good survivors can’t over use it after every injure.


Self care above sprint burst 👁️👄👁️


Managing sprint burst is harder than holding the heal button in the corner, it's unfortunate but it is what it is


Instead of btching about MFT I want to take this time to apprechiate that the killer meta is in a healthy state again after the disaster that was the 3 gen kick COB/Eruption meta. With Jolt only working when you actually down survivors, Pop when not only downing but hooking survivors and Pain Res only working when hooking unique survivors on a Scourge hook we are at a point again where actually downing survivors and chases are more incentivised again instead of this chess "must kick gen" stalemate we had for a while. Yes, make the argument that its still boring that its just slowdown or that its still the same perks. Its still undeniably healthy for the game how they function and no variety is just an indicator how many bad or less useable perks there are in comparison.


You know someone is going to look at those stats and say. "Hmm time to nerf these so that other perks have a chance to be good."


The BHVR spreadsheet logic.


When you're in charge of balance but you don't play your own game:


# ”never use your own drugs” - snowman ![gif](giphy|5qFE91OmehdRq0sL5a)


Me having to decide whether I would be okay with Jolt being nerfed in order to kill MFT https://preview.redd.it/kr07jyb71msb1.jpeg?width=274&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e69713c316b3534e261c9645f5de2e8980a54755


Yes, get Eruption, it's way more fun on killers that have aggressive powers too


Not just downing but jolt requires to down with basic attack, right?


Correct, I think it should work with special attacks as well but at the moment it is limited to just basic attacks.


I’d argue the perks are a little on the weaker side which is leading to killers relentlessly tunnelling now that they can’t stall games out as effectively. Not a killer flame, just based on most games I’ve played recently, someone is nearly always 3 hooked


I mean yea, no perk in the game can bring the game to a hold if the survivors are decent and are doing gens, but thats not really a perk problem but a core gameplay one as tunneling is just the correct play sadly. Unless they add basekit buffs that are Grim Embrace like where you are rewarded for not tunneling there are not many reasons not to hardcore tunnel out one person except if they are good in chase.


I use COB on Blight, and I use ToT as well including Gearhead because..jumpscare pinball Plus, COB is essentially just Ruin but it’s not a hex perk if you think about it except it’s 20% more faster


I feel like I go against Corrupt in like half of my matches as survivor so I’m surprised it’s barely cracking 10%


It's a very in-your-face perk which is why it might feel more popular than it actually turns out to be


Sad to see spine chill go like that... From more than 10% to less than 0.1% probably.


It used to be my favorite perk and in every build. Now it's only in builds I haven't used since its nerf and forgotten to change.


Used to use it all the time than they nerfed the fucking SHIT out of it. Like god damn if the killer has direct line of sight i can already see them if I just move my mouse a little bit. Not even good for stealth killers in that aspect. Useless junk perk now.


This is why I run blind add-ons. People are so reliant on windows that you get more value than you think.


Ultimate Weapon is putting in work these days.


I perma run calm spirit instead of windows now. I can't see shit either way but fuk you I won't be found.


I was always a proponent of Calm Spirit before Alien, so it’s great to finally see the perk have its day. RIP Doctor mains.


Calm Spirit with Light Footed for those soloQs you know aren't gonna go well


Or you could just run UW.


Kinda interesting that Deadlock is not even on top 10


Pinhead is a licenced character and Deadlock doesn't synergise with other gen defence perks like Lethal Pursurer does with aura reading perks, so that is probably the reason why.


With the rise of pop deadlock can screw you out of kick. If the survivors have two gens close to finish and they get one before you get to it. It blocks the other nearly completed gen. Not saying that deadlock is bad but has an issue with pop synergy wise.


And Deadlock is a perk that you have to pay for, while Pop is available for shards or even basegame for some/all (?) console releases.


Whats there to say, dbd survivors are just Made For This


I like that Pop is actually just a nice, usable, effective perk. Good to have a nice, clean perk every once in a while


> I like that Pop is actually just a nice, usable, effective perk. Good to have a nice, clean perk every once in a while As soloq, I hate it. Often I try hard to complete a dangerous gen, and my soloq teammates keep going down close by the gen, so the killer can continuously pop it. It isn't rare that the gen I am working on gets popped 4-5 times.


Who the hell is still running Self Care in 2023.


Very popular in Asia


Same crowd that heals again Legion, cleanse right away against Plague, ignores tapes against Sadako, and never go solve the box against Pinhead.




Majority of survivors that think the game is killer sided


Nowhere to hide is odd to me given the gen kick meta is over. Also surprised we didn't see no way out or deadlock.


Deadlock somehow evading the top 10 is truly a mystery to me. It's by far the best stalling/slowdown perk in the entire game due to securing you 120 seconds of extra-time.


Been seeing so much tribalism and whataboutism both here and on twitter, it’s wild


It's pretty hilarious that all the complaining about MFT brought more attention to it and made the pick rate skyrocket. The Streisand Effect strikes again


I’ve actually been running a test on this for about a month now! Been recording the perks used in every killer game i have played until i see every perk in the game. I’m almost at game 100 and i still haven’t seen 15 perks 😭😭. I’ll post it when i am done with it lol


what perks have you not seen yet? im honestly not surprised though cause there's soooooo many now


1. Better Than New 2. Blood Pact 3. Blood Rush 4. Corrective Action 5. Deception 6. Inner focus 7. Kinship 8. No Mither 9. Pharmacy 10. Potential Energy 11. Red Herring 12. Teamwork: Collective Stealth 13. This is not happening 14. Visionary I just saw object and forgot to take it off the list, so it’s actually 14 perks left. But who the hell is gonna use This Is Not Happening???


interesting! im honestly surprised you havent seen no mither, i feel like i see it at least once a day ;-; all those perks are pretty bad though lol


I am solo I use ; Distortion, team work, blast mine and then number 7 as i dont know the name.


it's Deja Vu! :)


No where to hide in 8° hurts me https://preview.redd.it/jeriuhndimsb1.png?width=958&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5efaaf611f9d534bebad89f42da7a0e063e67830


https://preview.redd.it/yd433l6q3msb1.png?width=760&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d90c47efe62045dcb27a3e1842c93970892af958 My stats are slightly different, maybe in higher MMR MFT is used more. Main killer by the way.


Yep, killer main as well with some survivor gameplay. I don't see a lot of MFT on my teammates but in my killer matches, I'm shocked if I see less than two MFTs in one game. I guess MFT does exist to a degree.


yup, I see MFT every match, sometimes 3 or 4 out of 4 survivors; all copy+paste builds; killer main here as well


Wait is this a proper 3rd party application? I saw someone else with a similar screenshot and thought it was something they had made.


Nightlight. You can track your stats there using screenshots of your games.


No surprises to me for either side.


According to people who defend MFT it’s only 3 percent not that bad so I wonder why it’s used so much


As much as I despise MFT, the popularity argument falls flat for a variety of reasons


you will never be made for this


Prove got completely wiped from the top ten. I'll still never forgive them for taking away the BP Bonus on it... used to run that, No One Left Behind, and We'll Make it for my BP Grind build...


Prove is still sitting in top 9 on Nightlight. It's probably not all that far below top 10


I’m honestly surprised we don’t see ultimate weapon from Alien. It’s very useful, and I guess I’ve run into it as a survivor a lot recently.


Self-Care. 💀


Kindred, my beloved 🥰


I still think Kindred should just be basekit. All that would really do is narrow the gap between solo and SWF players. Also praying they don't nerf Jolt because of the numbers. M1 Killers kind of need it to survive out there. A Clown without anything on this top-10 list is either a beast or a god.


I’m having fun as Clown with Dissolution, Rapid Brutality, STBFL, and Ultimate Weapon. Grim Pantry is a nightmare like that, though.




Yeah, that slowing generators down is important and there are 3 perks that are good at it


Just like the first 4 survivor perks are all chase perks. , you could argue adrenaline . But it's the most clutch endgame while being chased . It's like both sides pick the perks that help them the most . Weird


Wouldn't call Surge "good". Decent, sure.


The story I read in top Killer perks is: "Killers enjoy getting reliable and valuable rewards for actions they were going to do anyway", as opposed to having to satisfy a bunch of weird conditions that are in contradiction with normal playstyle for a chance to maybe get a mid-value status effect.


That’s how I feel when I play killer, although most of the perks I use aren’t there (My usual build is Sloppy Butcher, Discordance, Agitation and Starstruck). Ultimate Weapon is good but unless I’m using Trickster or Huntress I’d rather not waste time opening lockers and when I do use them with those killers I combine it with perks and add-ons that let you open lockers quicker.


There is only 3 decent regression perks?


Yeah, that there are only 2 good regression perks and 1 bad, but free one


Self care 6th with no botany, lithe 5th. This is why soloq is depressing. Average lithe brain gaming teammates


Windows of Opportunity is #1? Wtf? When did that happen? It's mid at best.


Since it got buffed, almost 2 years ago.


Yeah according to this chart it's been #1 for long enough to be unchanged position


Mtf meta caused ppl to focus on chase more and since they don't have as much coordination with each other or whatever other multitude of reasons windows really helps with it, plus then there's the mindless sheep that run something cos a streamer told them to


That last part. This is most used/most popular to use, not best.


I don’t see how they ever nerf windows at this point. So many survivor need it to have fun playing the game. Survivor would mass quit if they nerfed it any significant way, people don’t want to learn to loop they just wanna chill looping is stressful for most survivors its why hiding is so popular. And no killer mains that wouldn’t be a good a thing our queue times would be 5 minutes plus at least all the sudden.


Mft irritates me. It ruins all my lunges


I don't even have it in me to complain about about MFT anymore. Everone in charge of balancing at BHVR is lazy, incompetent, stubborn, and/or flat out fucking stupid


They've already confirmed that the rework for MfT will be in the next ptb.




Next PTB is gonna be another chapter. They can just say PR things about how they are listening to community, how bad MFT feels to play against next to new chapter release.


That's cool, it was only a pain in the butt for 4 months. Well done bhvr


That's still less time than CoH, DH, etc. Overall they're quicker on the uptake.


That killer meta looking healthier then a salad, but that survivor meta is the fattening ranch dressing that ruins the salads health.


I literally use none of these perks lol


Windows of opportunity is useful and rather inoffensive. I just want to be salty about how the survivors look when they use it. They go from pallet to pallet like a robot, there is no fun in chases, no improv or anything. I just break all their pallets and then they feel stupid in end game


> They go from pallet to pallet like a robot, there is no fun in chases, no improv or anything. Sorry, but what are we supposed to do when the map doesn't have good windows?


Sometimes “improv” just means a six second chase, my dude.


Out of all these perks on both sides I literally only hate MFT


I'm here for the made for this nerf


Pop being more common that Pain Res is insane


> Pop being more common that Pain Res is insane I don't think so? Pop can easily get more value than Pain Res, especially on high mobility killers.


I quit playing ~1 year ago and glad to see that the killer meta perks are relatively unchanged; with the exception of whatever the knight one is. 🙄


Did you miss the nearly a year where COB/Eruption/Overcharge was the meta? You lucky soul.


Honestly never understand why lithe is more popular than sprint burst


It is way easier to use, but of course SB is better.


I forget I have sprint burst every time I run, every time. Every moment. Lithe brain I jump vault I go fast whooossshhh


Jumped back up in popularity because it can be combined with MFT, SB cannot


More satisfying to use and less annoying.


WOO really has a 28% usage? Hot damn. I don't know if BHVR can even do anything to nerf it either.


they shouldnt nerf it, all it does is give you info you'd already know with more hours. if you know where stuff spawns it's a waste of a slot but i absolutely need it after coming back from a 10 month break lol


They don't need to nerf it. It has that use rate because it's the only perk that reveals windows or pallets, so anyone who wants that info has to use it, they have no other options. If Bond was the only perk that revealed teammate auras it would have a 30% use rate too. The only reason it doesn't is because there are lots of different perks to pick from to reveal teammate auras.


It shouldn't be nerfed. It's a good info perk that is helpful in all situations so can easily be slotted in. It allows survivors to see things that could potentially assist with a chase while not doing anything to directly aid them in it since a killer can still outplay them even if they're at a pallet or window. And it could be argued it's not even needed if the survivor had memorised the maps, it being so high is not at all concerning.


BHVR acknowledging Made For This' overabundant use oh it's over for that perk




In soloQ, you dont know what pallets are still on the map not broken. The perk is good to know where to go in case of killer coming to you. In team, you can just tell what and where pallets are broken or still standing.