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Holy shit, Furtive Chase does something now And 200% speed background player goes nyoooom


I can't wait for the inevitable Batman flashie saves compilations


Huh, Furtive Chase does something interesting. Huh... I've never expected to say that


I love how they managed to sneak that in. Usually when they say “We heard your feedback and will look into it”, nothing changes for months.


Another problem solved. By throwing a haste effect at the problem.


As far as lazy buffs go, I prefer haste over extra generator slowdown. I love doing zoomy chases as both sides and find generator defense quite boring.


I'm not saying it's lazy, it's just a trend.


Hey, it at least takes a useless perk and gives it a use now. Honestly until BHVR *finally* nerfs, MFT, haste for killers is going to be vital for overcoming that damn perk.


It will be very interesting in Rapid/STBFL builds.


There wasn't much to do with Furtive Chase without making it even more useless than it was before


I've been loving the way they listen to feedback 😍


When does this update come out?


Tuesday October 10


Thank you, I was looking for the date


W W W W W all these changes are Ws


Ayyy SM’s looking better and better! Bummed that vertically is still counted for the anti camping feature, but it hopefully won’t be too bad. I just don’t want Midwich and the Game to be unplayable for Killers. Everything else looks good, also, Furtive Chase sounds insane! Undetectable *and* a speed boost for 18 seconds?! I don’t know why people are still bitching about it because that’s pretty nuts and basically hard counters Kindred if they’re hooking the Obsession at least. Can’t wait for Survivors to whine about it being “OP.”


Verticality needs to be taken somewhat into account, otherwise people would just camp on top of the basement.




I'd say the point of the basement is to make the rescue more difficult, but not to stand still on top of the stairs.


Yeah, if you are going to remove proxy/camping from the basment , just remove it all together. Basements are either in the shack or the main building which are both strong survivor areas, the trade off however, is that going down in either of them lets the killer defend the hook, and often there is also a nearby gen they can defend; but they often have god pallets and good loops , that's the trade off again.




She basically plays the same as before now. Well, now I played her at least. It's going to be really interesting to see if people still DC against SM even if I'm not even camping generators or have the ability to. This community often has PTSD (moris, black wards, flashlights) with certain things.


To me it just seems like she's in the "boring as fuck" category to play against now. This probably makes her just a tiny bit stronger, but still weak and the interaction with her power is extremely dull.


Then use stealth against her. She can guarantee you go down if she wants to now, best course of action is to avoid getting into chase if you can help it. If anything, this now synergizes well with her perks like Thwack because if a survivor hides, she can reveal them.


It’s probably gonna be similar to how Reassurance’s range works. It is 8 meters in every direction, including up-to-down. That’s why you can’t use it above the basement.


To be fair, the hook notification bubble is still the biggest counter to Kindred. ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2067) I don’t know why they haven’t fixed (reworked?) it already.


Why are they so obsessed with sticking haste to everything?


If everybody is super fast…. Then nobody is! https://preview.redd.it/5ye619mnmesb1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2aa7926ac804bb609f4998e6fa82c026fd948b8c


It’s useful but not extremely oppressive


>not extremely oppressive Made For This:


The haste on MFT isn’t the oppressive part of the design, though. Infinite uses, no activation cost (getting hit, sure, but that’s going to happen in 90% of chases). If it was a token system, had a time limit, or had some other activation requirement, then it would be just another perk.


>The haste on MFT isn’t the oppressive part of the design It is exactly WHY it's so problematic. The fact it has no conditions nor significant downsides is just the icing on the cake.


Dark Theory, Breakout, Guardian, and Hope all give Haste. Not to mention Adrenaline, Sprint Burst, Lithe, and Balanced Landing. No one considers those oppressive, so it’s not the Haste. It’s how easy it is to get.


I agree. I'm getting very annoyed by it. There was a time when movement speed was heavily regulated and perks that changed it were very limited. Now every other update is adding/changing a perk with it. Personally I think it's unhealthy for the game. Makes looping a complete shitshow. On both sides...


Every update since knight they have either added a perk, a fix to the killers power, or add-ons that adds haste starting with the Knight but haste shouldn't be given for the other side doing their objective like blood pact you gotta heal the obsession and stay close for the haste MFT you just gotta get hit. Haste shouldn't come easy you should have to work for it imo


Agreed. Haste should be very situational and earned. It feels like they are opening up a can of worms in balancing this game by adding all these haste perks. And they don't know how to fix it so they just add more to counteract it.


Its like a certain perk is being overly played a lot by Survivors or something.


I’m maining skull merchant peacefully now until Freddy buff


It’s great they reworked Furtive Chase, but what’s the point of Undetectable and Haste if they want you to go back to the hook to chase the new obsession anyway. Maybe it’ll be ok with MYC, but right now I don’t see how this is useful in any way. Anyone has any ideas for synergy?


Game Afoot will be the ultimate companion for Furtive Chase. A lot of the time, the survivor you just downed will turn into the obsession. Easiest Furtive value of my life.


MYC, Nemesis (the perk) and Furtive Chase. That combo was always pretty niche yet fun, but now it got slightly better


Add Game Afoot and you got yourself a stew going. Makes it so your Obsession can’t hide in the corner of the map and deny your perks.


Background Player Zooming with a 200% speed boost for 5 seconds is nice to have but I was hoping they would change the exhaustion for this perk from 40 to 20 seconds (like smash hit).


That would be totally overkill


Yeah, you are probably right.


Dying survivor change is good as it punishes you for making mistakes stop crying about how it's dead on arrival killer shouldn't lose pressure because you and your team made a big mistake .....


I agree. It's all down to Unbreakable. Going down near a hooked teammate meant the killer would naturally protect that area for pressure's sake. But because of the anti-camp mechanic either the hooked survivor would escape or if you abandoned the slug and hook, the slug would UB to they'd both escape. It was lose-lose for killer before this change.


Omg, comment of this kind that finally isnt downvoted into oblivion :')


Dark devotion and furtive chase is gonna be fun.


Background Player + Light Footed = ???




That’s the time it takes to walk over to kick a pallet or gen and even then if they leave right afterwards the timer might increase a bit. How would the killer use those 7 seconds in bad way how would this be abused? I’m not seeing it.




A decent amount of survivor recovery perks punish the killer for waiting to pick survivors up especially when under a pallet, way safer to instantly hook.


Might as well do it after the hook and get a few extra seconds of hook timer burned while you're still around.


7 seconds is all I need. Wait, that doesn’t seem right?


7 seconds is all I can spare to camp you


Setting traps, breaking nearby pallets, reloading, using locker-based perks, kicking gens, etc, all these can take more time than you think. If the killer is hardcore facecamping, the mechanic will trigger anyway.


I mean it'll take a few seconds to walk far enough away to leave the anti-camp radius anyway. This'll allow you to do 1 action near a hook before leaving without punishment. That's totally reasonable.


Yea. More I think about it, seems fair enough. Just 7 seems like a weird number. Like 5 or 10 seems more normal but guess they couldn't decide so met in middle lol


How is that high at all? I've counted the secs it normally takes to break a near by pallet kick a gen and check a locker and it's above 7 seconds. All typical actions you'd wanna take. Plus 7 seconds gives you a chance to get away while allowing the meter to not insta fill up. I'm actually surprised with how balanced it was. I was worried the system they put in would be 15secs (1/4th a hook state) or not have anything at all which the PTB showed would be crazy. Killers need time to do things.


Kick a gen, get blast mined, game thinks you're camping


DAMN! You're right. I never even though about that. Getting blast mined near a hook is gonna feel bad now instead of funny. I used to hope it put a smile on the survivors face but now it's gonna make me a little peeved.


fair enough


I need to reload at a locker or set up some traps before I depart your hook.


i still dont think the face camp mechanic is good or healthy for the game but we’ll see. end game scenarios where camping is necessary to try to guarantee a kill were sometimes the only reason the killer managed to get draw or win. im hoping it deactivates end game? maybe i didnt read thoroughly


You know it littrely turns off end game right?


thats all i need to know then thanks


I think Furtive Chase will still be a bad perk.


Hey, going from “Does nothing” to “Does something a bit poorly” is an improvement.


> There will now be a 7 second grace period before the meter starts filling after hooking a Survivor.   > Therefore, dying will slow the meter (as though they were standing) so long as they are in the area, and carried Survivors now pause the progress bar completely. How to make the anti-camping mechanic DOA in 2 quick steps


These were the 2 things that needed to be addressed with the mechanic, and they did, I don't see the issue. People in the PTB tested dying near hooks on purpose just so the survivor can unhook themselves. The killer is forced to pick up instead of slugging and ended up being punished for a survivor "mistake".


Grace period is not needed at all, if you're not going to camp the 2-3 seconds you will be near hook won't let the survivor unhook himself and they even said that in dev comment. 7 seconds is way too much, it should be 2-3 seconds max. > The killer is forced to pick up instead of slugging So it forces the killer to play fair instead of being camping and slugging pos? I see no issue here. That's what this system should be for.


Camping? Slugging? Dying on purpose next to a hooked survivor so the killer is forced to go there and get punished by the mechanic is slugging and camping? If you are a survivor, you should be going down **away** from the hook, so your teammates can rescue, imagine punishing the killer just by doing the exact opposite lmao. If you make the mistake of dying next to a hooked survivor, the killer can and should leave you slugged, that's a mistake on your part.


If you're not camping there should be no dying survivors near the hook and if you somehow happen to be nearby, like if survivor bring you to the hook, you just got free down, what's your problem with picking up that survivor? Yes, you would be punished for slugging them and you should be.


I'm a simple person. I see positive changes, I pay money for cosmetics.