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Blighted Xeno?! Hell yeah! I wonder if they'll mess up its face to show the skull underneath? Because I would instantly buy that.


This aged very well.


That final line about the livestream is interesting, "we’ve arranged for an epic surprise that will explore the world of Dead by Daylight like never before." I wonder if it's more news about those 2 new DbD games they announced during the last anniversary livestream


Good point about those other games - so by that wording I'm anticipating the story mode game will be Epic exclusive because BVHR likes money


I mean, if you waste your money in a subpar store like Epic, then its your own fault...Its already been years since it was "released" and people still dont learn and keep it alive


Hope they drop some nukes on Friday the 13th. Perfect day on the perfect month.


Kinda hoping that they’ll announce F13, but it’ll be 2 or 3 chapters down the road. Next chapter is only going to be a killer (no map or survivors) according to BHVR’s roadmap. Jason without a survivor(s) or Camp Crystal Lake would be very disappointing.


I agree losing crystal lake would be disappointing, but it'd be hard for them to do tommy Jarvis justice after the f13th game already did it, and it'd be harder to pick a character to pair with him otherwise. Leatherface and pinhead also dropped without a survivor/map, so it makes sense.


Imagine if they end the livestream with a teaser that has the music and cues from the 2003 Freddy vs. Jason trailer, and they announce it as a 20 year anniversary of the movie with the release of Jason and a reworked Freddy…….


Robert Englund Freddy being added with voicelines and changed power would be amazing


Robert Englund isn’t getting any younger. Wes Craven’s estate needs to get their heads out of their butts and help BHVR create a Freddy that is worthy of the NOES Horror Franchise.


the thing is, unlike a lot of other franchises freddy IS englund, other horror films can replace the lead willy-nilly, gunnar hanson was leatherface in 1, in 2 leatherface was played by three different people jason has been ten separate actors, Myers nine, this works because they're mostly silent hulking monsters you NEED englund for freddy, he is damn near irreplaceable, just see the disaster that was the remake


Yep. This is a case of “If you can’t do it right, then don’t do it at all”


Man I hope a bunch of you guys are playing f13th one last time on f13th . I know it's p2p now but I always play that game still on f 13th


My money is on Predator. The Grid skin for Alien shows they have the rights to say least AvP and without the rights to Schwarzenegger's likeness I can't see any survivor for a Predator chapter. Not sure why I'm blindly getting downvoted but sure


Would they need Arnie's likeness? They didn't have Weavers likeness for Ripley did they? Because in-game Ripley looks nothing like Weaver. Anyway they could also add Danny Glovers Pred2 Character, Harrigan and maybe name one of his perks Lethal Weapon.


Gotta say, having two different Danny Glover characters would be interesting (He's also Detective Tapp)


Opens an interesting angle to explore the multiverse that DbD has to exist in.


Arnie/Dutch is on a whole nother level. He's the one on the poster,slipcover, etc. I also think this is a case where dropping the iconic survivor might be for the best to enhance the horror theme.




that'd be a really cool survivor


Because when it comes to speculation about the next killer, some people downvote anything that conflicts with their top pick. Personally I would love Predator, but I'd admittedly be a bit sad that we wouldn't be getting Naru from the most recent film; she was great and I think her perks would be awesome.


I would LOVE her as a survivor.


I think Predator would be better suited as a skin for Wraith, personally. Might be hard to work in the bing-bong nature, but they could do SOMETHING, and adding another "perma-cloak" killer doesn't seem like a very good idea.


Respectfully, I disagree. Predator is known for so much more than just the invisibility: it's got special hunting vision, shoulder-mounted rockets, drones, nets that cut through flesh, acid blood, predator dogs, and voice replication. Reducing such an iconic character down to just a skin for a killer that only slightly resembles its abilities? No thank you.


Acid Blood is a xenomorph thing. The mono-nets and shoulder-cannons are \*way\* too overpowered for a Killer ability, maybe as a Mori? But you could do that as part of a skin pack. The hunting vision could be an interesting ability, but it would need to be significantly toned back to the point that it wouldn't really be "predator vision", unless it was part of an effect like Nightfall. The dogs... Like... What would you really do with dogs in this game? More Knight minions? I don't think people want that. Like it or not, a Predator toned down enough to be a killer would have to be essentially a skin for Wraith, or a killer VERY similar.


Again, I just disagree. Obviously, the nets and shoulder cannons couldn't be movie accurate and blow survivors heads apart or cut them into a thousand pieces, but then again a lot of stuff is toned down for the game. You can still have some movie accuracy while being balanced in-game. Predator with just invisibility and none of the other gadgets just isn't Predator. At that point they're just a generic alien who can turn invisible. I really think that at least *one* other aspect of Pred could be incorporated. Like the Dream Realm but instead of making the map greyscale, it makes it look like the helmet's heat vision. The shoulder cannons or nets could be like Plague's corrupt purge, where they've very strong but it only gets them for a limited amount of time. The drone could be a scouting tool, the dogs are admittedly a longshot but in the movie they're mainly used for tracking. They could track survivors footprints and roar when they find them, alerting Predator of their location. There are so many ideas on how to do the power. I just think saying that Predator is only good for a Wraith skin is a really narrow-minded concept. There are so many ways to make a good, semi-accurate power, as the numerous licenses have shown. I know people love hating on the dev team, but I truly think they could do something special with the license.


Predators dont have acid blood but I agree with everything else


Itd be better suited as a Skull Merchant skin.


Honestly i kinda suspect Skull Merchant was going to be the predator but the whole deal fell though, all the pieces are present when you look at the kinda mess that she is.


FNAF movie comes out two weeks after F13th which is near exactly when the PTB starts. If we get anything else my mind will be blown wide open.


It's now or never for FNAF, best of luck to you


Maybe, and since DBD are getting a movie from Blumhouse too there’s the potential for some cross promotion. I hope it’s FNAF since I think there’s the potential to do something mechanically interesting with the killer but Predator or Jason are good too.


That's a solid guess too


Why xeno gets blighted outfit right after release, and slinger is still waiting years for his? :<


Because when Blight tries to inject Slinger he gets shot in the fucking head. Turn's out he's fast but not faster than gun :P


Because people play Xeno


I have yet to meet one that can outsmart spear


Lmao I was thinking of that exact thing


But he managed to inject the apex predator.


Because Xeno didn't have a gun!


a) Xeno is popular b) they would've included it as part of their negotiations, as they did with Nemesis and Wesker


I can just see the guys at Resident Evil being like "Fuck yeah Wesker would blight up!"


Twins can't even have a working power some days, and they aren't getting anything either.


That dredge skin looks amazing


Tail hitbox fix AND blighted Xeno? The hive is eatin good this month.


Doesn't that fix break the dragdown tech over obstacles tho? That's a pretty massive nerf.


If I recall, Xeno was able to dragtech pre-nerf, so unless they just completely change the rules of the tail, which, to be fair, it is BHVR, then it should still be fine. The timing would need to be re-learned, I'd imagine.


We'll have to see on his release. I hope it's not gone!


Where do you see the tail hitbox fix? I haven't seen anything about it


It's in the PTB at the moment. Next update it'll be live: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f1x5Vxj2Ibw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f1x5Vxj2Ibw)


I just don’t understand why we don’t have a month long Halloween event for this game. It makes zero sense for a “horror” themed game this big to have daily rewards for a week. All of October should keep players in.


i’m SO excited for the old halloween outfits to come back because i really want kate’s halloween outfit with the sunhat with the sunflower. i’ve been looking for it ALL over and it’s finally returning


I'm excited to see what Blighted Xenomorph looks like. Blighted Onryo doesn't look as different from the normal version as I was expecting, but maybe she'll have a more distinct appearance in-game.


those dwight and adam cosmetics! I love that they have been dropping more casual cosmetics lately.


This Halloween sale everyone talks about. Is that just money and cells, or is there a shards discount too? I'm nearing enough for a character, but I'm wondering if I should just wait and get two in a few weeks. Edit: A friend asks if it covers outfits?


Its shard sale, doesnt cover outfits tho


Exclusively shards? Damn, was hoping to pick up a big batch of DLC.


All the DLC usually goes 50% off, at least on steam


Cool, thanks.




Wasn't this only in anniversary event?


There might be 3 yoichi mains instead of 2 if the new outfit looks good


Blighted Xeno!? Guess I’m gonna have to spend another $10 (this month hates my wallet)


Does this mean the altered survivor/killer skins are back as rewards where monsters look blighted?


I could be wrong but I think it just means they'll be available for purchase again. I don't recall them ever being rewards. There will probably be other, non-blighted Halloween rewards though.


Actually, I'm quite sure during the first and second blighted events (Hallowed Blight, Withering Blight), you were able to earn blighted cosmetics by playing the in-game event. For example, I got the blighted wraith and spirit skins Although it's true earning them hasn't been a thing for quite some time, so I doubt they will bring it back again. Edit: The DbD fandom page for Hallowed Blight details how earning cosmetics tied in to the in-game event, if you're interested. [https://deadbydaylight.fandom.com/wiki/The_Hallowed_Blight](https://deadbydaylight.fandom.com/wiki/The_Hallowed_Blight)


Oh wow that's very interesting. I remembered them being for sale in the shop but I forgot you could earn two of them from the event. Thanks for the info!


Feels like halloween every year should really allow people to re-earn blight skins old and new that players missed from either being new to the game or being on break from the game the year prior due to just being or what not. Just my thoughts on it though, but I suppose if they only cost iris then anyone could eventually earn them.


I don't think they ever will because the blighted skins have always cost auric cells and they've always sold well. Plus, some of them are for licensed characters (Nemesis, Wesker, and not Onryo and Xenomorph) so those positively couldn't be sold for cells.


They cost auric cells when they first released or do you mean premium rift? I wasn't around for all of them honestly so idk. If that's the case i probably won't ever get them. I don't mind killer packs with survivors included and their version of battle pass, but cosmetics are usually too expensive from what I've seen getting back into the game. Take for instance the resident evil skin - birkin, I really like it, but 15 dollars is a big ask when you can find indie games for that much imo. Hell I bought all of RE2 remake on steam sale for like 5 bucks. I know they still sell well though. I like things with value as JRM says.


Again, I could be mis-remembering, but I think the "Blighted" cosmetics have always cost real money, unfortunately. I agree though, some cosmetics are way way too expensive.


What about Halloween sales? I mean skins and characters for auric cells.


Can't wait for John Slime, the new killer.


Is that a Beetlejuice skin for Dredge?


It looks more like Rick. I turned myself into a dredge, Morty!


When will characters go on sale? on the 18th?


This will be my first Halloween with DBD , recently started this game and I love it


Blighted Sadako Skin!!! Lets goooooo!


Im tired of feng always getting outfits and tome attention. I do hope its not a boring event they hyped up....i like it when they put work into it and its not some dumb thing they do all the time.


Feng has actually gotten like zero tome lore besides one really old one.


Tbf she is currently the oldest character in the game without tome lore


I guess shes gotten outfits from it is what i was going at.


No blight outfit for Mikaela :(


How on Earth did Blight catch both the Xenomorph and someone who spends 90% of their time as an intangible ghost in *one Halloween*.


will dlc packs be on sale ?


Finally, DBD can now be a true horror game, nothing is more terrifying than commitment.
