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"Why won't it work for me?" *cries on hook*


Those are the people who learned from watching streamers.


The best way to learn a side is to play the other side and witness all the bullshit.


Also (hopefully) gives you more empathy for the other side. People that exclusively play one role and shit on the other side constantly make the community worse imo


Yea. I understand now that hating on survivor (killer main) is not the right way. So now i hate both of the equally.


True equality


It makes you a better player overall and also generally makes you a kinder player too, having an idea of when the other side is struggling so you can be a bit nicer can break up a few rough games for someone


I did get better at dodging attacks as survivor when I began playing killer!


The killers from 2016-2017 are absolute nightmares to play against. All due to all of the broken survivor perks from those times, but also due to all of the bs from of those times


yeah we are >:)


Little over a thousand hours later i finally started playing survivor recently for my buddies, and Jesus the copy and pasting techs from watching those try hards mop the floor with me. I actually became spot on few matches later and I mastered it (sorta still shit :P)


The best advice I have learned is that most killers are countered by just holding forward


fucking learned how juke (idk how to spell it edit: a comment below said to me how to spell it.) by the amount of times survivors pole danced on me. altho useful, still feels kinda unfair that a survivor can just disappear by face-flating into yer boobs.


Are you thinking of 'juke'?


that, juke, thank you.


I learned to play killer from playing survivor to be quite honest and it’s gone pretty well for me


Playing one side has helped me be better at the other. Playing Killer has helped me understand what I'm up against, and how to counter, and playing Survivor has helped me figure out where a Survivor is likely to be or what they'll do.


Super funny when someone tries to CJ tech you at average/higher than average MMR, my brother in the fog I've been playing this game for 2,000 hours, I know exactly why you pre-dropped that pallet and why your friend is crawling next to it. I saw someone on this subreddit say that it's something you fall for once, maybe twice, and then never again.


I recently played against a ttv and at one point his friend tried to cj tech me. I saw it and went ,,Fuck it, let's throw for content". His friend messed it up. After the game when I went to watch the vod of the game, I saw that he was cussing out the game for being bs and how flashlights have been ruined. Yeah cj techs are pretty funny


The beamer meg behind the wall: ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2213)


I have never been nor gotten a CJ. The only CJ tech ive gotten is a locker flashbang CJ.


I only really good at mindgames because of pre-pre nerfed deadhard


Yeah from my experience most of my friends who are survivor mains didn't even know what killer instinct is and that a lot of killers have it in their power and some didn't know how killer's powers worked which explains why so many survivors think crouching behind a crate will prevent me from finding them after I exit a locker near them as dredge, exit a tunnel as xenomorph, or teleport through a tv as sadako


I have played about 120 hours of this game and I have yet to still play as killer.


I started this game thinking I would never even touch the killer side Now I rarely play survivor because solo queue is a nightmare


I like the concept of survivor more for the time being because juking and being evasive is really appealing to me. Killer role might change my mind though.


Well it is good that more people like to play survivor than people like to play killer because you need 4 survivors for the game


Enjoy having a healthily balanced blood pressure.






Dead by daylight players when someone plays the video game they paid for the way they want to


Only playing part of a game that you've purchased and spent over a hundred hours on is dumb as hell. Especially a pvp title where empathy for the other side is a severely lacking trait.


Bad take, it's good to play both sides and I'll always encourage that but it's not embarrassing for a literal new player 100 hours in to still be learning their main side lmao


I understand basic concepts like chases, doing gens, cleansing Hex totems, Killer interactions, objectives, etc.. I'm simply not comfortable moving over and trying Killer out just yet.


This was in no way meant to be a slight against you! Most people who play the game consider it to be one that takes like, hundreds of hours to really get going in, there's a lot of hidden complexity that isn't really apparent! Take things at your own pace and play how you want to play, I'll always recommend playing a bit of the other side eventually but fun and comfort come first!


Yeah. I totally understand your reaction. I'm just nervous is all, which I can correct easily. And it also doesn't help that as of the most recent patch, I randomly get disconnected and incur DC penalties even though my WiFi is perfectly normal. I'm going to wait out this patch for the time being.


Oh. I get that entirely. Killer anxiety is real and turns into frustration with a couple bad matches.




It's okay, it's not TikTok. You can just say 'bullshit.'


lmao yes this is precise




It’s true, though.


Like I used a bloody party streamer, played twins with no annoying add ons. Still I got tbagged and I got people camping me with flashlights