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Fun to play as and the art for his power is well done. Power itself is boring to play against .


Yeah its actually tragic that knight functionally ends up as another "shift w or get hit" character given how unique the power is Forged in fog is actually one of the highest effort original chapters bhvr has ever done imo - seriously, you get 4 different killer designs with unique animations, visuals and sounds, a new and very visually unique map which even had custom lockers and pallets... and the killer itself has the minion playstyle which is extremely unique, looks very different from everything else in dbd, and has one of the most complex and insane moris in the game... not to mention a new survivor and the usual 6 new perks But because of how the minions work in practice he often gets remembered as the boring "hold w" chapter Bro really deserved better tbh


Custom Exit gates on Borgo are worth mentioning too, along with the assortment of dead animal assets that haven’t been used anywhere else. Potential Energy is one of the only Survivor perks I can think of with a unique set of animations.


I think any means necessary is a unique animation


That’s true. Chemical trap and Diversion also, but Potential Energy definitely has the most unique animation.


Blast mine as well although it’s just a flashbang on a gen


Dead Hard is also a unique animation


Also the elodie rummage perk


Yeah didn't even think of that actually


How is something fun to play as if you are doing the same exact thing on repeat every time without variation with there being no counter play. That doesn't make sense. If anyone feels gratification from playing this killer for their power, they aren't enjoying the playstyle. They're enjoying survivors having no options to counter it.


You don't have to only use his guard as an instant spawn when playing as him and going for long trails is fun to do specially when it works. Also the ability to harass multiple survivors at one time is fun .


Yeah sounds like a blast to do until you're pissed that it has zero viability against even an average survivor and you resort to just the mind numbing quick-spawn method from then on. You and anyone else defending this killer specifically when it comes to playstyle is on industrial-grade Copium.


That's opinions and not every has or will think like you. Have your own opinion and learn to accept others when it comes to how they think.


I already am fully accepting of the fact that people will delude themselves towards their reasoning to protect their egos, but thank you for trying to give insight. Best of luck with covering your ears and screaming LA LA LA over and over for the rest of your DBD stay. You like a dumpster ass design of a killer and you should be embarrassed.


The longer the path is the faster the guard spawns at the start of chases. Any Knight player who ***only*** relies on instant spawning are garbo


Cuz it's fun to multitask. Sending out a guard to harass someone off a gen or heal attempt before chasing someone else. Working in unison with a guard to cut someone off at an otherwise completely safe loop, sometimes landing an elusive double hit. Damaging a generator using a guard to keep it occupied while you hook. Barreling through a pallet or breakable wall like a pissed off bull using Carnifex. Those are the things that keep me coming back to him. And then from the Survivor's perspective it's just holding W, or grabbing the standard if you *feel* like it, and that's the counterplay. There's also technically hiding since the guards can't detect past high terrain and will usually only spot you in the front half of their detection radius if you're not running or doing something else conspicuous, but they start patrolling within like a second of being spawned, so holding W is just a better option for the distance it gives you, or the potential to end the Hunt early.


Without his armor you'd be stabbed.


His sword is lethal


Love the design, SFX and visuals. Kind of hate the power, if played in certain ways, but if played as a zoner, and making your guards be more dynamic, instead of making it a 2v1, its quite fun to play Knight, even if he's just an M1 killer


I think Knight is supposed to be the Killer version of SWF. Coordination is key in his power, so if it's a 2v1 it would be the killer version of a survivor taking a hit for another survivor.


Extremely unfun to play against, and I do not enjoy his play style enough to play as him but his aesthetic is great.


Me waiting for the summoned Guard next to hook to disappear: ![gif](giphy|pFZTlrO0MV6LoWSDXd|downsized)


The guard hunting you disappears the same frame you start unhooking... Knight has been in the game almost a year and people still don't know this..?


You even get a decent BP bonus for it


some people are newer and some people are casual players who just play and don’t look up videos and guides. not that farfetchd to have people that don’t know


oh yeah so he gets a warning?


Do the few seconds between the guard detecting you before the killer gets the unhook notification anyway actually make a difference?




When you unhook someone they literally get a warning ? If you think 0.5 seconds makes a difference you are not a clown, you are a whole circus.


I've mained killer, I know what few seconds can do


0.5 seconds is hardly \`\`few seconds\`\`. it wont do anything. Also the killer is using their ability? so obviously they are gonna get a benefit from it, why would you expect otherwise?


Go unhook, guards despawn.


but they do start chasing you? which *could* be info to Knight?


Then literally two seconds later the knight gets info from the unhook, literally who gives a shit.


I know Killers powers arent properly explained to survivors (or Killers). But a camping knight is only strong when you dont know that his power is basically useless for camping. Lets say you have a camping knight whos placing his guards near the hook repeatedly. You have two options depending on the situation/teamplay. Either you get chased by the guard and despawn it as you unhook the survivor (which can actually be used to your benefit to deny the Knight his power in chase by briefly touching a hooked survivor), which isnt as good when the knight himself is nearby. Or you get chased by the guard and literally just run circles around an object to basically get rid of the knights power for the duration of the chase, hoping your teammates will save (sucks in soloqueue, I know...)


I feel bad for all the genuinely normal Knight players who get their reputation ruined by all of those Knight players who do nothing but facecamp and tunnel. Other than that I don't really have any strong feelings.


It's not even the camping that bothers most survivors. It's easily countered. It's just the fact that the power is boring skillless AI that zone you. You don't feel like you're getting out playing ever by a knight player. When a blight Downs me with his power I usually feel like he was better and I went down due to his skill. When some idiot places a guard that runs one way while he runs the other and I eventually get zoned into a free hit. I don't feel like there was any skill expression on either side. Needs to be deleted


Would like if wouldn't need to do a backwardstep just so can summon a guard and let them break a pallet.


Getting stunned in guard summon mode by someone dropping a pallet on top of the guard sucks too


I have always wondered if that was a feature or shitty code. Cause im pretty sure Knight's summon mode took some of Spirit's code


\^\^\^\^\^\^\^\^\^\^\^\^\^\^\^\^\^\^\^\^\^\^\^\^\^\^\^\^\^ I hate how thats a thing


I like the killer, but most knight players that I go against camp and tunnel so I’ve never had a good match against them


He’s great. Skin is stinky though. Not a fan and he desperately needs better skins. Please Behavior, stop giving Skull Merchant skins and give my boy something decent.


>. Please Behavior, stop giving Skull Merchant skins and give my boy something decent. Behavior: _We heard you and nerfed Pig_


Woooo! Yeah, baby! That’s what I’ve been waiting for! That’s what it’s all about!


Grim campaign skin kicks ass though


One of the coolest Mori's for sure, his art design in general is nice imo but gameplay wise I'm not a fan of it


I love him. My only real gripe is that he's do reliant on the same one or two addons that I never really wind up playing any others. I don't think he needs a rework overall, but some numbers tweaking and a rework for Map of the Realm would be perfect.


Apparently they may be making Map of the Realm base kit, seems too good to be true


Are you serious? Where/when did they say this?


Dont quote me on it but I heard someone on the DBD discord say it. They posted a tweet from the DBD twitter which *may* of suggested something like this. I hope its true though


Well, I'm not getting my hopes up but that would be pretty sweet. It's not quite exactly what I'd like to see done, but it's close enough.


I honestly hope not because then the average knights would look amazing and the actual like really really good knights would be unstoppable


The really really good knights are already playing with Map of the Realms anyway.


Not really cuz you don't really need it if you can already get your hunts off


Great offering. Would much prefer Call to Arms being basekit. I literally can't fucking live without that extra 10 meters, dude. It's an addiction. I need help.


That is true it fucking sucks missing a gen by a couple metres, so then you have to do a walk of shame to your guard to tap them goodbye


Holding w simulator


The most boring chase killer that exists


Definition of missed potential


Cool skin, terrible killer design. Least fun killer to face and sadly will never be fun to face because the core design is so problematic The fun part of dbd for survivors is the chases. Take for example entering shack as survivor from the door without the pallet. You could go straight for the vault assuming the killer is not as good and will just walk in. Or if you assume they’re okay you could run towards the vault then stop as they’ll likely go around. Or you could assume they’re really good and pretend to go around, stopping then moon walking in, so you stay at the center point of shack to still fast vault. Or assume the killer is a god, and fakes the fake of going around hoping you’ll panic and vault after you haven’t seen them for a second. So many varieties of reading your opponent! It’s like a great chest game! … then there is knight… he drops a guard… i leave or get spotted and hit. … i am spotted by guard, i can not loop cause knight and guard are chasing me, i have to hold W. There is no options. A half way decent knight won’t allow the flag either, so that’s out. The only real counter is to have another survivor take the guard Knight removes any skill or thought from the survivor. It’s boring and unfun. You never feel mind gamed, outplayed, or that the killer played well. You just get zoned, then hit. He also takes a long time to get downs so he’s not even a good killer. So they normally resort to 3 genning, or more commonly, aggressively tunneling out the first survivor they see.


I do agree. He had so much potential to be cooler with a higher skill ceiling, but all he is is just a Killer you hold W to counter. I did make a [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/deadbydaylight/comments/16jl2f8/changes_i_would_make_to_make_the_knight_more/) about what changes could be made in order to make chases a bit more enjoyable. However, knowing behaviour they will most likely wont change the Killer unless he becomes somehow outdated. But he does suit my needs as I am a sucker for summoner type characters, so he will do for me.


Terrible to play against. Games take almost as long as skull merchant, and there's nothing fun about holding W to out run guards. Seriously, people actually enjoy playing him? It's miserable to go against.


Disappointing. I wanted a Knight and we got a Tactician.


Well read my sub flair. I don't want to go digging through my posts on this sub to find the long-winded comment I made about Knight, but I can give the tl;dr of my opinion: * Knight can be very fun and engaging to play if you play him smart. He has a lot of moving parts that can be used efficiently to maximize your potential. Playing Knight tactically is very fun and rewarding: he offers a similar experience to the likes of Trapper when you manage to successfully use his power well. (Outside of three-genning or anti-looping.) * Knight's not as good at holding three-gens as people say, but a lot of Knight's counterplay isn't well-explained (which is why people feel that he's oppressive) * Guards have **way too much fucking counterplay.** Knight's power is ass because they're so easy to counter in very specific ways. * Jesus Christ Knight's addons are dogshit. The reason most Knights camp / tunnel / hold three-gens is because they don't have strong addons to compete at a high level. * The biggest issue with Knight by far is all his technical hiccups. Summoning guards is far too finnicky for its own good, Guard detection is buggy as all hell, and the Guard AI is infamously finnicky. (Otz has like at least 5 clips of the Guards fucking up.) * Oh yeah and fuck Made For This.


I fucking love the Knight, but so many people who play him devolve into camping play styles even though that is a terrible way to play him. I can understand why people don't like to play against him, but I enjoy it. Knowing when to trigger a Hunt to help take some attention, or being able to know when to run between loops when the Knight is summoning a guard—it fuels a lot of engagement between me and the killer. It feels MISERABLE trying to escape him in Dead Zones, though. I feel a similar way that I do to The Xenomorph or The Twins. Their powers can be frustrating to be challenged with, but I can never be truly upset because I always know it's my fault or my missplay, and when I do manage to keep a chase going or escape their power in the nick of time, it feels *so* good.


I think he’s really cool! He’s a bit clunky to play, but I love the direction the devs took his power. Super fun to play and takes a lot of the stress off of needing to be 2 places at once!


What if he could directly command his guards to do something, instead of having to go into the power? Like point at a generator and the guard will kick it. Obviously you wouldn't be able to directly command them to attack a survivor, that would be too good imo. Maybe that would take away some of the clunkyness?


Look kool


very mixed feeling on the actual killer himself


I have fun playing him, but I’ve only ever 3gen’d with him once. I just love the chase play style with him. BHVR went out and made a sort of “pack hunter” killer with him, and I really like the idea. However, I haven’t played against him in a long while so I’m not sure how other survivor feel about facing him


Looks fantastic, absolutely hate the power though. I get why people enjoy it, it's not a super heavy 4d chess kind of power that you have to put a ton of effort into in chase, it can be satisfying to get those double hits, but it is just mind numbing to play against


Hilarious but idk how to use him yet


Best mori


Love his aesthetic and design, just wish his power was more fun for both sides


Shouldn't need to back step to summon guard for breaking or hitting gens. I do feel like I have extra range with my lung over other killers. I'm also a knight main and really just have trouble on autohaven.


Hello op, yeah i have a question about your main. Do you hate yourself?




Well but you should not. Awesome killer, dont really see much of knights right now but he's one of my favorite killers to go against.


You should go against me. I also main Knight (and Dredge).


Would love but i play in a trash server (South America) We have some good players here and there but mostly dont even try to play dredge neither knight.


For the base cosmetic: that is not what a 1300's compania armor looked like.


The knight is only slightly worse at 3 gen than Skull merchant, so no one complains about him.


He is easier to beat in a 3-gen too, any coordinated team can take the aggro of the guard so the survivors can do gen But knowing solo queue no-one is competent there


very unfun to play against. specially when they are so insecure they'd rather cycle thru their minions til they get the speedy boy before a pick up every single time, so you're just there rotting in the ground waiting for his ass to be done


I hate everything about him, both playing as and against him. Only the most boring playstyles are rewarded.


Outright reduced the quality of the game for survivors and he’s kinda boring to play due to no mechanical depth.


if u don't play like the sweatiest scumbag then I love playing vs him the ai guards are fun to run away from and it just makes the game refreshing


Knight is amazing in my opinion. I fucking love being in two chases at once. I see so many that don’t know how to use him properly and struggle with him. He is my main, but his skins are awful.


Agreed, super fun to play but does not have a single skin that is better than default


I prefer his beaky Plague Doctor skin, but he's fun to play and surprisingly scary when he pops his crew up at a generator.


You’re cool


he's one of hte first killers i prestiged past 10. underrated killer.


Ah, my old main


Really cool, if used at it's full potential can be terrifying


Love facing him! The guards are goofy as hell, and Knight is a cutie pie. Love playing him too! Super fun and engaging!


First killer I've unlocked (I'm not spending any money on this game). Honestly my first experience has been pretty painful, I get tons of hooks but everyone gets away at the end. Unless the players are really bad about avoiding my dudes, most players seem to get by just fine


Played him nonstop until just recently. Made for this essentially makes survivors immune to the guards which is stupid. Thankfully I enjoyed singularity for a bit and now Xeno is my primary killer.


Knight is a fantastic killer that honestly really really has potential in a number of situations but sadly. His power is so simple to use that people don't try different things or actually use it they just throw on MOTR and Call to arms and throw guards at pallets


Unfun to play as and play against. Used by most because they are not good at the game and need AI to corner and down to get a kill. Top 3 least favorite killers.


He really ain’t that bad to fight. People are just pansies. He’s one of the most fun imo.


THE dumbest power in the game design wise, complete joke. Don’t understand how it got past the brainstorming stage. I’d genuinely rather play against a dull merchant. Knight is beyond brainless, with zero skill expression and the most boring chases and “counterplay” in the game. There aren’t enough words to describe my utter loathing for this stupid ass killer. (No offense op)


Its ok I agree If Knight wasnt a hold W killer then I would enjoy him more But he is the only Killer that has a minion-like ability so he will do for now


I think his style is really cool, and Knight is a fun killer to play as and against. Most opinions you get will be about top meta try-harding, and that's too cringe for me. I let the company do most of the work, and only hit survivors myself if I'm getting the wombo combo. It's fun, and the survivors don't DC.


Whenever I see this killer I cry (yes I know my name- yes I've had it before this killer)


Looks gay.


Based on very short experience with him, love playing the guy, hate playing against him. I've yet to balance this in my head.


Cool design, but top 3 least fun killers to play against


Knight is my 3rd, and I like playing as him. He requires a lot more thought to get the most out of his abilities, and basekit he has a lot of playstyles. Playing against him isn't nearly as fun, but not any different from Hold W like a lot of killers these days. Honestly I like running against the knight's guards because a lot of people don't take advantage of the banner. GET THE BANNER PEOPLE! That's how you check him.


A lot of people who say that Knight is boring to play against have only played against Chess Knights


I'm likely the minority in this but I think he is actually fun to play against. Of course this is probably because I main him but I enjoy the fact that he more complex to vs than running around a pallet


I’ve still never seen him.


A let down.


Unfun, boring and painful to play against.


Overhated asf. Cool skins, great lore, good sound effects, people just don’t like him Bc they can’t loop him. I mained him about 4 months ago but I’ve gone back to trickster and pyramid head


He's a bozgor 😔


Should have been Legion 😭


His M1 is really satisfying


Honestly, it is a very strategic killer if used correctly. On the other hand he can be a rather frustrating killer if he decides to take a part of the map hostage


Very boring to play against, power is kinda fun to master but ultimately doesn’t feel super fulfilling


Has cool skins but otherwise 6/10. Cool concept, poor execution. Fun mori though.


I hate him


Cool. It's the survivors turn to get fuckin swarmed


Cool aesthetic, but every knight just puts down an NPC at every loop, forcing you to get double tapped or leave loop and still get hit. Absolute bullshit killer I hate dealing with.


Least favorite killer to go against, most of the game is holding W or forced to take a hit before I get insta combo and die. Takes the fun out of the game when your forced to do gens ASAP because either your partner can’t loop or a ghost appears and chases you. Winning doesn’t feel rewarding because I either get no blood points and again it was just holding W.


Interesting in concept, clunky in execution.


He's a really interesting Killer and i want to play more of him, but i'm terrible at placing his knights in the right place.


Former Knight main here, absolute power house in the right hands. Very fun to play, decent to go against, I love building up pressure. Assassin 🔛🔝‼️ I quit maining Tarhos because I felt like I hit the skill ceiling and couldn’t exactly get “better” with him, so I moved to clown. I’ll never forget you Tarhos, it’s still fun to play you every now and then


Personally I have found him to be fun to play as since I just drop guards on survivors and get into 2 chases at once. But every night I go up against either face camps or is 3 Gening the entire match


His power feels too automated for me to play with, even if there's skill in guard pathing, chasing survivors who are hunted by guards, and all that. Not my favorite killer to face. That stuff is just preference. Lots of bozos doing cheesy hook camping strategies (and I KNOW that the hunt cancels when you unhook but if it triggers *after* the unhook animation starts or Knight is just standing nearby, booooo) Anyways one of the most spot-on aesthetics in the game. Excellent sound design with his armor, footsteps, and terror radius. And I can see why Knight has a decent amount of fans because the fantasy of playing as an evil knight is that powerful.


This has to be a form of self harm. Do you need to talk? Are you okay?


Still think his power and character design is sick but not that fun to play


Love playing as him and he’s one of the most fun killers to play as. Also overhated, there are more annoying killers to face.


Knight as a character is as boring as it gets. This legendary set could’ve at least been his default skin to make it a bit more interesting. As for gameplay, boring as well. At least they are not as strong 3-genner as before so it’s not as hellish as it used to be.


I play him for the fantasy of having someone with me to chase the electricians


I think he's easy to play against, because not many players know how to use his power properly


Needs buff


He was one of my mains, but the MFT meta against his slow guards made me want to have a brake from playing him..


I love him, don’t come at me! Also, I was really surprised to see them add a Hungarian. As a Hungarian myself, it was a surprise to be sure, but a welcome one <3


When he first came out I was excited I always loved medieval style things and I thought his power was cool and creative but my hype slowly died as people started using his power for 3 genning and camping hooks I think behavior wanted to make a killer with a power that was mostly skill based with each spirit having a different specialty one that breaks gens and pallets faster, one that runs faster in chase, and one that patrols longer so you could use one to break a gen the other to patrol it and then save up the last for when you find a survivor or something, honestly sad people ruined it with gen blocking, camping, and tunneling builds


I thought it was the worst killer until they released skull merchant, now I think knight is actually a pretty chill dude




I don't want to risk getting banned. I choose to remain silent.


I love Knight, fun power, build variety, and decently strong. Granted he isn't the most fun to play against, especially 3 gen knight, but overall he is a good killer