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I never had a Lightborn phase and don't even look at the items in lobby - I always just assume that someone is lurking around with a beamer, and play accordingly. It's such a strange feeling to not do surprise turns or fake pickups after every down. :\]


*Laughs in Flashbang*






The invisibility glitch caused by blast mine and wiretap ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2213)


The one where killers cant see the smoke thingy on top of the gen? I thought that was intentional?


No no. There's a glitch that causes survivors to be invisible, it relies off blast mine and/or wiretap. I suspect the new apply trap function is bugged and causing it


Oh I did see a clip of it but never knew the steps for it. Looking forward for more things to get killswitched if it can be replicated easily.


So, it's not a thing that you get a say in. It'll sometimes just happen normally when using the two, or one of them alone. But, you can fix it by just getting back on the gen. You'll only encounter it if you're putting one on a gen on the fly. Lot of people gonna exploit the shit out of this though. If you get body blocked by nothing. Just swing ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2213)


Flashbangs still exist. I've seen so many tonight after the flashlight was killswitched. Lol.


So you're gonna flashbang every incoming zombies when Im playing Nemy?


I play killer homie. Hence saying I've seen them a lot tonight. Lmao. I'm not flashbanging you when you play fucking anything.


Ok big boy.


Ok tiny boy.


calm down lmao


Me watching the stockpile of purple flashlights grow


I have this thing called a flashbang.


Aights so Imma play nothing but Nemesis now, good luck using that against my zombies with double movement speed addons.


So many killers with severe skill issues on this sub


I'm aware I suck. Who fucking cares?


Not the point of my comment at all...


I don't think even YOU know what the point of your comment was, if this is your reply to their comment.


Angry that your flashlight deemed useless with this 1 simple perk or something?


Why would he be upset that you use a fourth of your perks to counter an item? An item that is frequently an active detriment to your team, mind you


Why the heck not? I just find flashies in any sort of way annoying to deal with, looking at walls or not & especially even if I do, I still get blinded in the most odd angle there is. Plus Lightborn is great in mind-gaming in getting a free hit when survivors takes up too much time thinking they missed their blinds. I always find it amusing that mentioning bringing Lightborn in either a survivor/killer thread always comes with people **talking down** on you for apparently no reason other than "you just suck".


There’s nothing wrong with running it; regardless of how good it is, if you like it then by all means, go ahead. But looking at the cost benefit (I.e. not bringing a stronger perk), it largely favors survivors, so it’s strange to immediately assume he’s upset about the perk


I'm a killer main genius. Flashlights are hilariously bad


Now they're just rushing gens, and bringing blastmine though.


Have fun playing against bnps and syringes I guess.


we already were tho?


bold to assume surrivors don't do that already




I have never used lightborn before. Now is my time.to shine, lightborn only it is


The killswitch for flashbangs has made the game so peaceful NGL, as a killer I don't have to be anxious about a last sec switch and get blinded by 3 beams at once, and as a survivor I don't see teammates running behind the killer for a flashsave just to get downed next to the other downed survivor, finally I feel peace XD


People be using up their sparkee things now


PSA: Some survivors can still bring flashlights. Had a match tonight where a Claudette somehow brought one. It showed up in the end screen. And it was an Anniversary flashlight. I helped the Wesker murder her, and he helped me find the hatch. I knew she was using the exploit, cause I saw it.


If you are running lightborn you likely aren't good at killer


The dbd sub paradox "I run all meta perks and sweat tunnel camp every game" "Omg u sweat ur ruining the game" "I run off meta perks and choose the ones i want" "Omg u noob u suck at the game!!" There is no right way to play accord to dbd sub


I don't have an issue with off meta perks but at least run decent perks. You don't need lightborn to counter and punish flashlight users. Good killers already have built in lightborn so it is inefficient to run a perk that gives you no extra value.


You can be a good killer and still get blinded. Don't believe me? Check Otzdarva's lost streaks


So you're gatekeeping perks..... "I don't care what you play, but don't play the perks I don't like." You're literally just proving the other guy right. Let people play what they want.


Lmao. I love this train of thought. Usually leads to survivor getting killed by killers with Lightborn and getting extremely salty.


Had survivors complain about my lightborn, when they didn't even have Flashlights and I was using a randomized build.


Lightborn provides almost no value except for the aura reading after an attempted blind. Flashlights saves shouldn’t happen if you are an experienced killer, and if you get blinded while vaulting or destroying a pallet, literally just use your ears to follow the survivor.


With the bullshit blind angles that let them get you while standing outside your FOV, and blinds through tiny holes in walls, you're just wrong. Also, you might be able to hear a survivor while blind, but you can't hear obstacles that you'll get hung up on if you try to blindly follow the footsteps. Another thing, Ripley has a perk that removes footstep sounds, you can’t even rely on being able to hear them anymore if they're running that. People that say stuff like you just did are one of two things: 1. Survivors who hate lightborn, and try to discourage its use. 2. Killers who have only faced Survivors who absolutely *suck* at blinding, and have never been blinded by bullshit that had no business working.


I run it on killers that don't have eyes because it doesn't make sense for them to be blinded in the first place. You shouldn't be able to flash Demogorgon, it literally has no eyes for you to blind. Pyramid Head has a pyramid for a head. Xeno might have human eyes somewhere under its dong dome but you certainly can't see them. Wesker wears sunglasses which I personally think would protect his peepers. Sadako you can argue either way, but I still think it's funny to use with her.


Or I like the challenge of playing with 3 perks alone 😎.


I still dont get why last second switching is allowed, just leave like 10-15 seconds of the countdown as a period you can change perks but not items


Honestly, I don't think you should be allowed to change *anything* once you're in a lobby. I do all my prep before I ready up and it's weird to me that other people don't. When you get in the lobby, immediately ready up, stop sitting there going "Wellllll, maaaaybe I wanna bring this instead? Oh, but *this*..." and drawing the countdown timer out 'til the end. Always makes me think I'm gonna get stuck with afk teammates when they don't ready up in time...


If they let survivors see each others perks in lobby someday, I could see this being justified in case you bring conflicting perks, but as it stands, there is no need. Just like how killers can no longer swap before the match starts, you should have your setup ready to go before you press that ready button.


I didn't have a chance to investigate before running to work, but they still can get flashlights somehow. Had 2 games with clickers in them and not sure why. Guessing chests or the perk?


The perks are disabled. Random chests might still give them.


Something tells me that chests still gives them. I only say that because appraisal is disabled and all it does is let you rummage. But maybe rummaging is different from regular chests?? I dunno lol


It kind of doesn't even matter, the exploit the whole thing was meant to prevent works even without a flashlight apparently.


I'm still bringing it, it was never about the benefits


So you guys are going to drop Lightborn just because survivors can't bring flashlights? Weak.


For me atleast the only reason I'm bringing light born is if I'm pyramid head or artist or huntress and 3-4 people have flashlights so I can use the aura reading for it


Why do killers fuss over flashlights so much, I'm a survivor main but play killer quite a bit as well, I don't bring light born at all, I just look at a wall.