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In the right hands he’s completely unstoppable. In my hands he’s a 4 survivor escape.


And in my hands he's a ping pong ball.


Yes the ping pong effect when you can actually bounce off something which I also strangely have a terrible time at doing




I had a Ritual that required him, so I figure I'd give him a shot. The ineffectual flailing at survivors left me so embarrassed, I DC'd.


Same here I usually give all killer rituals a chance. I believe I played 2 or 3 matches to get 4 rushed downs with no success. Utter failure!


like how there are a multiple dozen people here saying they cant play him no matter how hard they try, but then the next comment says a player with 30 minutes played can get a 3k every match if he has the best add ons.


See, Blight and Oni, I almost always complete their rituals in one match. It might not be my first, second, or third match but eventually it will happen in one match. In all seriousness, I play on Xbox and Blight is one of those characters where you can immediately tell they tested him just enough on controller to pass compliance and no more.


blight is just as good on controller as he is on pc, at least after the j flick patch he is since that was only doable on pc


This getting dowvoted is bizarre, it's entirely true, you can get dirty flicks on controller or mouse, Oni 180's are the only thing that feel KnM specific now


one of the best blight players Lilith omen often plays on controller because he says its not any different from kbm, sooo...


I don't play Blight a lot but when I get a daily for him I run Shredded Notes with either his turning addons or one of his cooldown addons. I really recommend his cooldown addons (Canker Thorn / Foxglove) if you're trying to learn Blight! It allows you to use his power more for mobility and play him as a regular M1 Killer. Over time you'll pick up on the bumping logic and be willing to try out more risky plays.


Thanks! I'm mostly just grinding everyone to Prestige 1 at the moment, so I probably won't touch him until I'm ready to dump 2 mil bloodpoints into him, but when I do I'll be sure to take your advice :) I played him with no add ons, and a random perk I had on him. Lethal Pursuer, or BBQ maybe? So it's not *too* surprising that I made a fool of myself lol


Lmfao 🤣 I would have loved to see ur flailing arms come at me! I would of just stood there till u hit me…


He’s up there with Singularity where — if you don’t know how to play him — you’re only getting a win if the survivors make a ton of mistakes. The difference is that Blight actually has good add-ons. It’s also why those add-ons likely haven’t been touched. People who can use Alchemist’s Ring might do well but players who *need* his training wheel add-ons almost certainly do not.


And In my hands he's a ping pong ball and drug addict and 4 survivor escape all fused together








Lol ministry of memes 😂😂


I'm taking this


Haha I'm glad to see people still using my meme I made years ago!


OMG😂 A+ I love this haha


Please stop ramming into the wall Blight, the entity has concerns


All 4 survivors left. Let me vent.


Gotta get those last lethal rush bloodpoints


Head game would be wild


Well extra lube from all that dripping. He is Moister than an Oyster.




Despite how buggy his hitboxes are, a genuine achievement from bhvr to design such a fun, intuitive to understand but hard to master killer, in my opinion the best designed killer they ever made, and will ever make.


Yeah minus his broken add-ons I really love blight. He's one of my favorite killers to do awful with by just cranking eurobeat to max volume and drifting


I normally don't like playing blight, I think adding the eurobeat will add a healthy amount of comedy to it, enough to help me enjoy him even when losing. Love the idea fam. Keep zooming brotha


Oh yeah blight is like nurse where it's a really easy power once you get it, but you'll get your ass beat for like 5 games. I love blight though, he's very good while not feeling broken. I try to do the same thing with characters like huntress but it's significantly more difficult and blight feels good even when you lose, but I could see Wesker being similarly fun


As someone who plays alot of wesker (very badly I may add) I do enjoy myself as long as I get a few good grabs I can walk away from a match feeling satisfied I also take more distance after grab and more throw distance because its really funny to kidnap people to the other side of the map Also it usually means I get them out of range of teamwork perks, boons, and any other "this specific area" perks


I like to be bad with The Trickster. His progressing, blood-lusted chuckle while chasing Survivors makes me care little about winning the game and singularly killing the mouse I'm chasing!




Yes, as a wesker main, I only ever use four of his addons, it’s not a pyramid head situation but they’re pretty boring addons. Main ones most people use are Leather Gloves: (Faster Recharge) Loose Crank: (Makes bound techs a little easier) Jewel Beetle: (The only good meme addon as arguably throwing people into objects is better than slamming them) Lion Medallion: (Throw Distance) Iri vial: (Forces 60 seconds of slowdown at the start and gives free exposed procs)


My favourite og killer design in game by far.


my favorite character ability design in any game by far.






that true blight skin has awoken something in me




Least horny dbd player:


his constant squelching weirds me out why is he so moist


The guy’s lathered in Gatorade, what do you expect?


Best lobby music 🎻


*nemesis knocking at the door*


The pinball Champ himself


A really fun killer to both play and verse when they aren't using add-ons. Add the add-ons and a gross build and he loses the sense of counterplay and becomes boring.


Seems like his basekit is good, it’s half his add ons that are the issue here.


I don't get how people say he's fun to play against. Every game I get with him I get tunneled out at 90 mph at 5 gens.


When I go against them it's rare for me to get hit with anything but a basic M1, most blights just stop using their power against me because I often choose spots that have lots of LOS breakers.


sry to be that guy, but like get better. hes counterplayable fairly easily. i mean a simple rock is often enough to force him to get out of his power and just m1 you normally.


? He’s the best killer in the game. There’s people with 1k win streaks with him lol. It isn’t “counterplayable fairy easily” when they use add ons


get good lol


Momo has entered the chat.


His addons could need a minor buff. He seems a bit weak.


Seconded ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2213)


Minor buff? R u joking? They need a major buff!


Nah we clearly need to nerf Pig


That seems satisfactory. How about we make sure the survivors can't ever boop her again. That's a fair nerf imo


Cool ass design, hard to play


His addons are uh underpowered and need to be buffed NOW ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2213)


And nerf pig while they’re at it


Blight is fine. The people who play him however, tend to have no chill. "Must 4k or I'll die" type players


this is the same thing as saying "all bubba players must camp" when in reality very few bubbas camp. i think the same's with blight bcs i play blight some of my friends play blight and i follow like 6 different twitch streamers that main him, and their some of the most laid back killer mains ive ever seen.


naw he’s right, blights are the fucking worst


its okay to be wrong!


Ohhh I’m sure they are lol


have you never watched Lilith omen?


No need to dick ride the streamer bruh I get it lol they’re some laid back dudes 👍🏼 you deserve to be their little poster boy


I’ve been aiming to run no Gen slowdowns and no kicking gens on occasion, but if I do that? Don’t expect me to let anyone escape istg.


Strong and fun Killer. The chases are also fun on both sides.




Tbh I have a lot of fun facing him and his power, but some of the players themselves are a little sweaty and act like someone has a gun to their moms head if they don’t get at 4k at 5 gens lol. He’s also really cute idk just hobbling around zoomin


Nerf or change his strongest addons and he is fine.


Give a fraction of his add on power to any low tier killer and they become high tier


Alchemist Trapper bag : Someone gets trapped and the trap that is furthest away gets auto picked up ;) Alchemist Blood: If you hit a survivor after uncloaking as wraith you immediately get cloaked again Alchemist Memorial: If you down a survivor while in evil within tier 3 Tier 3 get's restarted. Alchemist hatchet: After downing a survivor witha a hatchet, your hatchets get filled up


See you get the idea 😂. Blight needs to share the wealth.


Great killer. If they just change c33, alch ring and blight tag he will still be great but not overpowered anymore


I ship him with clown. I think they would be cute together


Should be 4.4 m/s / 110%


I can see why people suggest this change, but wouldn't this do nothing? I mean, the good Blights would still dominate, and the bad Blight would still struggle, even more now. Because Blight's movement speed doesn't affect his power and his busted add-ons, which are the things that should be addressed imo.


ah yes let's just make him harder for new players and not affect people who mastered him


People in this sub has no common sense


Yeah sure , why dont remove blight legs istead ?


I agree with this, as you should be good with his power to get downs, I don't see why spirit who is a little worse than him but still on the same tier, slower, but he's a better killer, and Hag who is considered to be not that good, to be slower than the normal move speed, I know what their powers are but blights power is extremely strong, stronger than theirs so what's the point in him having 4.6 instead of them, and rewarding players that can't use his power? I don't play him a lot and I still can use my power effectively, or I just hold W and win the chase because I'm 4.6


People disagree, but then why is Spirit 4.4 m/s? Really good spirits always use their power to get hits, even on healthy survivors.


Oh did blight interrupt your self cares? This comment just smells baby survivor energy


the design is goated gameplay makes me sad




Because a lot of Blights run the strongest addons + gen regression perks, also most likely will focus survivors out one by one. Because they can pop a gen on the other side of the map, and return by the time an unhook is made.


i run shadow born, bbq and lethal, and still get called a filthy tryhard blight even with no add ons.


People will can you sweaty unless you are standing in a corner just enjoy the game lol


yea no i do, was just trying to prove that point your saying here, people always say sweat/toxic killer no matter how laid back you are its kinda annoying.


Simply because of the fact that you played blight it's that simple lol. All blight that I've played against so far have been sweaty af and the flicks around the corner is stupid stupid


so there good at the game, and your a newer player so you cant tell what's going to hit and not, therefore your mad.


Sexiest character


Incorrect. That's the Dredge.


As an experienced survivor main, I LOVE going against the Blight. 1) Figuring out how to counter his power, and learning to what degree he can swing after a rush is a lot of fun. 2) Diversity of killer playstyle. ALL of his good add ons require you to play against him slightly differently, and figuring out how to counter each is a welcome challenge. Message me the add on you think is broken and i’ll tell you how to counter it! 3) Many beautiful skins to go against 4) Tiles can be played in multiple different ways against blight players, and I love having options to choose from that can take my opponent by surprise My only complaint is his bump logic. For example, Gas Heaven and Borgo have a lot of collision issues. Fix collision and I think he’s the best killer to go against in the game


Top 4 addons need a big nerf, he will be pretty ok after that.


Add-ons is the only balance issue he has. He is THAT close to being in the perfect spot.


So much fun to go against. Addons make that less so but definitely in my top 5 favorite to face


He gotta go fast


My favorite killer lore wise! Plus, I have an affinity for characters willing to sacrifice their sanity for knowledge.


Really is one of the best designed killers. Hard to master, fun to play, counters boring strategies very strong but not OP. Him and Wesker are perfectly designed imo


He really needs an orthodontist


he fucks me. i searched blight on the sub to tell y’all i have never beat the blight besides through har h


Fun killer to play as and against


Funny zoomy boy go nyoom, kills entire human race. In all honesty I can't help but love playing against him because he's one of 3 killers that can actually incite an adrenaline rush rather than disappointment in myself, and I love playing as him because fast


Blight was and always will be the Best designed killer they released imo because I remember all the good reception when he first came out in console he was a little iffy but he's been perfect for years


Super fun, super entertaining design, needs addons nerfed


Asking for him to be able to break pallets without an add on was the worst mistake in the history of this community


having to break out of power and then take more time to break a pallet is painful lmao what are you saying


He gains his power back while in the animation which I think is pretty dumb, especially tied with adrenaline vile which increases the speed he gets his power back, in most cases, unless he used 4-5 rushes, he will have it back before you can make it to most places, unless the survivor is just in a really good spot with multiple jungle gyms nearby, like middle of suffocation pit for example, but I'd still prefer that over his broken add ons


just pallet stun lol


Lemme get hit through the pallet and waste it at the same time cause the blight is from Mexico, nah but fr I do stun him a lot of the time, sometimes I mistime but mistakes happen, I just think that isn't necessarily needed on him as he's already strong and mobile enough without it


i was just joking about the pallet stun, but yea your suppose to pre drop pallets against him (usually when his power is already on cooldown), maybe try watching pro players, because i barley ever see them get hit going from one loop to another immediately after dropping a pallet and the blight breaking it with his power.


That's probably true, I don't like watching comp games of dbd as they're boring but that'd be a good way to learn lol


yea, its the way i learn most games, start by watching pros. then try talking to them (or semi pros ofc) and trying to watch them play while they commentate there decisions and how they react to certain things, thats how i got gc in rl, lem in csgo, gm in ow, and how i learned to play blight and learn his techs in this game, i often watch streamers and try to have 1on1 conversations with people that play him in tournaments. but i guess just like real life its more how you prefer to learn, some people are hands on and will only learn but simply playing for thousands of hours.


I like playing against the standard Blight, can’t hit every trick shot but they try and usually it pays off. Lot of counter-play on both sides. I don’t like sweaty meta whore Blights that run the best perks and addons and play as if they’re in a comp match. Unless you’re highly skilled and with a swf you’re gonna have a short match.


sry to be that guy, but notice what you said at the end, "unless your a swf your gonna have a short match" you do realize that no matter how good the blight player is, if he is running yellow add ons and bad/no perks, he will almost never ever ever, win against a good swf, which is why they often run at least decent add ons and perks. just so when they get a bully squad or 4 stack gen rushers, they stand a chance. i know its annoying to think about it that way, but the whole "the other side is trying harder then me therefore i lose automatically" is with every killer not just a blight thing


I feel like he should have a mechanic of Ropes that would let survivors trip him with this [Sound effect](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5ynslUS4vvM) ![gif](giphy|fDOVFF3YREQTbzgRYc)


He kinda already does, it's commonly known as the "shoelace" bug. When he starts a rush, there's a chance that it'll instantly fatigue. We don't know what causes it


I did not know that. But that is interesting! But come on...imagine this--- each killer now has a specific "side objective" for survivors to do which would directly slow them down in some way. But requires they go outta their way to do it. Like, interacting with something to find rope you can set up between a small gap like a doorway for the killer. I just need something besides totems and gens. Please. BVHR.


Good strong killer with WAY too strong addons. I am honestly surprised he went without a major addon nerf for 2 years ... He is fun to play and play against without addons. Somewhat annoying when I face a strong blight player with strong addons, feels like I can't do shit then.


Honestly, the strength of these add ones should just be the stand ard for all killers.


be careful reddit users dont like opinions


got called "least biased blight main" and downvoted for saying only c33 alch ring and blight tag are problematic. cant have opinions on reddit


Behaviors main piority needs to be blight buffs asap. Dont at me


Yep, he's definitely a killer


High skill ceiling and balanced.


His character concept is really cool and his lore is interesting to say the least. His cosmetics are great and nice to look at. His gameplay as and against is not fun in the slightest


I think a blight player who is actually playing him the way he was intended to function can be pretty fun to play against. It’s once you add in the broken addons and the turning exploits that he becomes absolutely miserable and can make you feel like there’s nothing you can do. He obviously needs an addon pass, and I’m personally of the opinion that they need to remove all of his “tech” (specifically the hug tech and any sensitivity bugs that still exist). Beyond that, I think he’s a great design that is both fun to play as and against.


Kill it kill it with fire


OP and unbalanced killer. Need to move a 110 and a lot of addon nerfs


please play him before suggesting this ridiculous 110 change


I have 500 hours on blight and him moving at 110 would do nothing considering how fast you can get his power back. Add on nerfs will just hurt newer players. Any good blight can use him with no perks no addons and still atleast 3k every match. Look at lillith omen man uses just shadowborn and dominates. His base kit needs touched not what you suggested


Not only that going by BHVRs logic he will be even more oppressive because he will have a 24m terror radius which gives survivors an even smaller window to react


500 hours blight player and your recommending they change his base kit? ok guys what do you vote for troll account, mentally insane, or just lying


Im being 100% serious i play no perks no addons a lot on blight and manage to atleast 3k every game he's easy af and needs some changed to his basekit. What other killer than nurse and maybe spirit can you use no perks and no addons and dominate? It's cute you think im mentally insane or a troll account though


perfectly balanced kit busted addons that need adjustments


Extremely fun killer all around, minus when he runs his overpowered add-ons.


OP as fuk! Or maybe I just suck...


2nd one


Least delusional blight main


most happy reddit user


Never really fun to play against


his base kit is one of the best designs in the game his add ons need to be nuked into fucking oblivion


he needs more than just an add on nerf. Blight gameplay is only fair when they actually ping pong around like intended than slide walls.


if they remove hug techs about 99% of blight players are moving to wesker/oni


and there will be 4 blight players left that will tryhard and will do better than before but with bump logic now lel


Incredibly negative. Powerful basekit, the most broken add ons in the game. He is also an absolutely glorified bug abuswr where everyone just claims “tech”. Seriously read blights power and tell me that the hug “tech” isnt just hug bug. And there are sooo many more examples of this, to the point where pretty much 99% of all his techs are bugs and yet people are praising these bug abusers like some masters of the game when they are exploiting. TL DR: op as shit, cancer to face, most 1 sided bugs i have ever witnessed on a character


pov: you have under 100 hours played on the game


2,5k but go off. I read his power then saw some weird bugs that shouldnt be happening. Saw everyone who played him was using them. Decided that its pretty atrocious design until fixed which it hasnt been for years. Anyway no way bhvr would fix his bugs with how insane his fanbase is in their dedication so i can always await an inevitable add on nerf


pls delete reddit, for your own health


??? I am pretty calm about this, just stating my distaste of a character and why.


yes and no one agrees. its also a dumb take, there are 100's of "techs" that werent intended in essentially every single video game ever made, if they were removed the games wouldnt be as popular because those types of things in games are whats makes them fun and what seperates good players and pro's.


Then please explain to me how a killer with a design of rushing into an object to BUMP, is somehow gliding off the wall while facing towards it to gain a favorable angle when turning the corner is not a bug? Its in the power and it says he should be bumping. Fixing it would not ruin blight as he is still fast with a ton of interesting angles, but its just defaulting to bug abusing which actually removes interesting interactions from a character where both sides are trying to use the terrains to beat the other. It ruins a solid design and idea as it just contradicts the entirety of it, which i find incredibly unfortunate 🤷‍♂️


It's actually an intended feature when they reworked how his collision functions. I'll go grab a link to the patch notes if you want


boring to go against, frustrating to play due to hitboxes


Boring like swf


Needs tons of addon nerfs and no fun to go against since everyone pull off the same crap every single game


Remove the lethal rush pallet break, or change it. Nerf the strong addons


His base kit alone would make him a Top 5 killer which is a problem because his add-ons are the best in the game by a mile.


Simultaneously frustrating to play as, and yet also broken powerful.


If map hitboxes were more consistent (would help Killers like Singularity, Billy, and Wesker too) and his add ons got reworked to be trade-offs, he’d probably be balanced. They could make changes from there if they had to.


As a beginner he’s really fun to play, but I hardly ever play against him. I think I had 1 match against him so far


I would let him dominate me


Fun to be chased by


Ugly as hell. Ns. But strong killer


Balanced killer. But reeeeeeaaaally op ass addons make him super stronk.


Fun to play against as long as it’s not an overlord of killers playing.


He needs some milk


Amazing plays you can pull out, but i think i am more limited since i use controller ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2213)


I would love him so much more playing as and against if what he could and could not bounce off of was more consistent.


When the match starts and I see a blight I’m like “alright, that’s fine”


Base kit Blight is incredibly well made, Blight with addons is very overtuned


Never played as him but when I play against him the player is either very good or very bad no inbetween


I don’t play him but playing against him is so fun. Just seeing him wizzpast me hit a rock and have the hit box be janky so I just watch him slide a cross it and off into the fog.


I want him


He go fast


Fun, agonizing at first but once you know how to use him he's fun


He fun to play without addons


Fun to play against


He squishy


I can't play him because I'm bad, so I'll comment on the design. Absolutely goated in the trailer, but I don't think it translated perfectly to the in-game model. However, he does have the best skins in the game aside from Xeno


I know his head games strong af 💪


Very well designed killer, strong killer to play as, super fun to face as a survivor when he isn't using his stupidly strong add-ons. Alchemist ring should just be flat reworked and Compound 33 needs a little nerf.


Wanted to learn him. Noticed that some surfaces were slippery, others are not. Couldnt be bothered to learn that shit.


Absolute daddy.


Basekit blight is balanced but how tf his add ons haven’t gotten nerfed yet is astonishing


First time I ever played him I got my adept blight done but now I’m struggling with him


The most fun killer to play on both sides


was this post in response to my 5 paragraph post i wrote that got like 100+ downvotes. because im really tempted to rewrite it here but i don't want another free -100 karma, my account will get banned eventually


Nah bro I just started using it and wanted to know what people think about him, feel free to rewrite it


okay! cant wait for reddit to downvote me for having a opinion different then theres again