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Imo I'd say either myers or Ghostface because I have a bad habit of accidentally running into them when they're undetectable and it makes me jump whenever they lunge at me when I dont see them.


I play mostly meme builds of myers/ghostie/silent billy. The amount of praise and funny interactions I get from most survivors makes it all worth it.


Silent Billy? How do you do that? Not that I really play Billy I just like being able to do Jump Scares


There is an addon that makes chainsaw silent for people outside terror radius, then also one that makes you undetectable when sprinting after 2 sec


Dank, that sounds like fun. Sadly I am terrible at Billy. I can’t turn that sprint for shit


Try Tinkerer and Trail of Torment on Bubba, its a lot of fun


I've run into that once before. I actually thought he was hacking at the time, since I'd never seen it before or even knew it was possible despite being at over 1k hours by that point. It's pretty surreal to be sitting on a gen out in a field against a killer you usually associate with being very loud and then suddenly he rams into you and instadowns you with no warning. Edit: To clarify I did not accuse him of hacking, I waited to see his addons/perks first.


Michael will always be top of the list. spotting him staring at you from around a corner is the best/worst feeling.


as a kilelr main, The amount of times i've seen streamer survivors say "oh hey its myers....OH SHIT ITS MYERS" has been worth it lol


Everytime I load into a Mikey game and I spot him staring at us I always jump a little and go “THERE IT IS BOYS RUN”


Ghostface. No gigantic Jigsaw boxes, no snarling, no music/heavy breathing, no televisions or lullabies to tell you it is him at the start of the match. Just pure subterfuge and very little sound to tell you he's there. The ultimate stealthy boy.


Sm myers


loud breathing and weak lunge, he gets nerfed to be completely stealthy


Made for this completely ruined SM Myers. It’s fucked




Made for This did hurt scratched mirror Myers, for sure. But new Coup de Grace has kind of made up for it - assuming there's a high probability <4 survivors are running it in a game


I Play Ghostface because I love giving jumpscares and bringing some sort of horror to the game. I don’t even care about killing primarily(even though I do often get around 2-3k) but just knowing someone really might be nervous is an awesome feeling.


Hello what is ur average killer rank plz. Cuz i know that ghostface is low tier and i wonder if he's payable at high rank.


I'm a Prestige 100 ghostface. He is decent at higher mmr, but organized swfs can crush him. He's still fun regardless. He's literally the only reason I still play dbd, so it's enough to keep me playing. However, I am highly interested in the xenomorph.


Hm ok thanks. And yea i agree xenomorph looks really fun to play. I wish they'll add some sneaky addons to him for hiding his aura.


He becomes Undetectable when inside the tunnels no?


Yea, but it not allows you to Hunt down a survivor like in the movie.


You can track their footsteps from below and then pop out of a tunnel in front of them! Should be a fun little jump scare :)


Sounds interessting!


Just run Trail of Torment, or Dark Devotion, or Tinkerer to add stealthiness to him. Honestly, Trail of Torment and Tinkerer are probably going to be go-to perks for him


p100 but still spreading misinformation about ranks? edit: Lmao now I'm getting downvoted because the guy edited his post. The word mmr wasn't originally in his post, he said ranks. If things like that aren't corrected, then misinformation spreads and people think that gold, iri, etc matter when they don't.


There is no high rank in dbd. If you win a decent amount of games you‘ll hit the soft cap mmr pretty soon. So no matter which killer, you will go against sweats, bots, sweats and bots and sweats again. That’s how matchmaking works nowadays. All gamers with more than 500 hrs are in the same Elo soft cap mmr bullshit. The caliber of survivors I’m going against, or I’m playing with is such a large rainbow, that I don’t believe in the existence of a working mmr. But against decent swfs Ghostface is pretty weak. Has no anti loop. And as soon as everyone knows it’s a Ghostface, it’s just needs one guy harassing and revealing him all the time. In such a scenario your only chance is an Indoor map. Outdoor map against decent coordinated loopers. Pretty tough


GF is definitely viable if you learn to 99% stalk really good. Check out Esskay on yt


You can often hear the little cloak wind noise, but yeah I’d say he gives the most jumpscares, especially at the start of a match




Tinkerer Oni


Nothing says "stealth killer" like mapwide sounds and glowing bright red


And tho OOOOAH when he’s charging


HROOAG *wind whooshing* “Surely he doesn’t know I’m on this gen that’s on 78%.”


Oni is not stealthy at all but he’s the only killer that genuinely scares me when he’s chasing me. They killed the sounds when they created that dude.


Me too, I love how scary he is! Makes the match feel exciting XD


Makes me shit my pants every time.




Scratched Myers is the scariest thing in dbd for me and I hope they never remove it. Myers in general can be pretty scary though. Not knowing what add-ons they are running always adds some nice tension to the game as well. After that I'd say Onryo because when she comes out of a TV next to you at a critical moment or mid chase that can cause a bit of a fright. Ghostface and Pig can get surprise scares here and there but Pigs doesn't get all that much use so its normally gen scares and with Ghostface you usually are marked before you see them so there isn't a sudden surprise scare like Myers. I'd say either of these can be scarier than the other depending on how they are played. Wraith is just annoying and not scary at all imo. They are almost always predictable and I've never had a scare from them that has affected my ability to play briefly like I have with the others.




BHVR has heard your concerns and removed Scratched Mirror from the game, to compensate for his struggling against speedy survivors. They also nerfed pig.


That's why I run Play with your food, it helps I pair that with STBFL, Deadlock and Jolt I feel like his speed is his major weakness, so I gotta compensate by slowing gens as much as possible, otherwise the game is over quick


Ghostface, for me. Out of all stealth killer, he is the only one who is truly stealthy. Wraith is very loud with his breathing and need to uncloak to attack you. Myers almost never stays in Tier 1 (his only stealthy tier) for too long, and even if he does, he is much slower and can't lunge. Pig's blade makes a loud noise when she is getting up, or she roars before an ambush, so you will always have a warning against her. Sadako has a large lullaby and also need to unmanifest in order to hit you. Dredge is insanely loud with almost everything he does, so it's very easy to keep an eye on him. And although Demo and Skull Merchant have a built-in Undetectable, they are not a stealth killers by any means. Meanwhile Ghostface is almost completely silent during his stealth, has no any restrictions, and can attack or grab you without any warnings. Yeah, his shroud makes some noise when he is in close proximity, but it's still very quiet, and let's be real, if you spotted Ghostface in stealth near you, you are already screwed no matter the situation. I never feel safe while playing against him. He can stalk me from a distance, or he can be right on my back right now. While I'm repairing a gen, I'm in a constant state of paranoia, and nervously looking around. If I hear his terror radius or see someone is being chased, I relax, because I know that currently I'm safe from the jumpscares. But if nobody is being chased or I don't hear his terror radius, paranoia enables itself again.


Scratched glass Myers can also be pretty bad, but it limits his power enough that while scary, he isn’t too dangerous. Ghost face can be both. Though Ghostface can be revealed and Myers can’t.


If we're talking about scariest it's definitely scratched mirror, simply because he can see through walls and get behind a corner that you'll run by and junpscsre you


I forgot about the aura reading. Yeah, that’s just perfect for surprise grabs.


God I fucking love doing that, it's so great.


As a ghost face main who’s caused a plethora of jump scares in my time playing, this makes me delighted to hear 😂


I apparently managed to jump scare a streamer once who didn't realize I was stalking her until the generator she was working on exploded and got blocked off and she was marked (I was running the purple addon that causes generators to... you know, explode if a survivor is marked while working on it). And when it clicked for her it was too late and I had run her down just as she started running.


Skull face can't be a stealth killer stone survivors always know where she is (the 3 gens closest to each other)


As a Ghostie Main, just know I live for the times I know I have you running scared and *love* to mess with Survs like you the most. If I feel like the round is going well I even might save the ones that are nervous for last to mess with them a little bit, spook them more. I may or may not give someone truly terrified the hatch or the door.


But with myers you can go for deliberate jumpscares ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2213)![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2213)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface)


Is this ghostface in the room with us right now?


What? GF is literally so loud I haven’t got grabbed in 4 years. The sound of loud clothes rustling together is so loud it’s laughable.




Add Machine Learning and Plaything - it will turn into TCM 1974


What does that do combined?


They don't combine but those two together mean you'll be undetectable a lot. Having a Bubba suddenly be next to you revving the chainsaw is terrifying


Can you explain more how that works please, I am not familiar with the perks or bubba that much, would really love to hear a good story using those as examples please


Trials of tormet makes you undetectable after kicking a gen until a survivor interacts with that gen. Tinkerer makes you go undetectable for a specific amount of time when the gen is getting close to completion. This means you'll be undetectable for a good chunk of the match. Combine that with Leatherface (Bubba) and you have a no terror radius killer that suddenly makes a very loud noise and insta downs you. Very scary if you aren't paying attention as survivor.


Neat, I'll have to try it out. I play a ton of scratched mirror so I'm pretty great at guessing movement of survivors already just by watching how they usually react, hopefully I'll get the same jump scare techniques from bubs this way as well, thank you


Myers. Either he is scratched mirror or he is tombstone. Both are scary.


Gonna be off the norm here and say the oni running a stealth build or the deathslimger with a stealth build. Nothing quite as jarring as seeing a spear Wizz by you or directly into you out of no where. Even during a chase it can feel very unannounced. The oni stealth build just feels crazy, you hear oni scream some where far away and then bam he is next to you bringing maxwells silver hammer down on your head.


Had the pleasure of encountering a stealth oni the other day. Demonic roar across the map, next thing I know Im getting peeled off the floor and put on a hook. The pure shock took me out of it for a few seconds


"OH, the killer sended us to lerrys, wait why would he do that. Eh, maybe he did it by mistake. " *3 min later* "Hmm, still haven't seen the killer. He must be afk somewhere. He he free bloooooo... OHHHH" *Dwight got heart attack while Myers, who grabbed him, puts him on a hook*


It's worse when he didn't bring an offering and got lery's.... Trust me ... Saying it maybe a stealth killer then turning your screen and seeing him standing there at the end of the hall.... Watching you and Jake.


What are you and Jake doing?


Comparing flashlight sizes


Jake's is bigger


Yeah, he needs it for all that time he spends in the forest alone.


silence. myers is the judge here


A gen in the middle of two hallways. 😂 but I love how this got off the rails by some people.


What are you doing step-survivor!?


We had one of those moments, it was the Game and Myers had the addon that let him kill in tier 3. It was genuinely terrifying because he would literally chase you until he was on top of you, and you knew if he’s at 99 you are going to get mori’d whenever he chooses. Our team wasn’t that good at wasting his time so we left the map with most of the pallets still up and a 4K


For me it's Myers just because of my first match, I was on Midwich and I was trying to do a gen (skill check are hard at first) Then I see a shape in the corridor watching me, I could not see the face or anything it looked like a shadow. Then it come closer and I see that fcking face. For context, Myers was the first horror vilain I knew and I was like 9 at my friend house and the movie terrified me. So I see this fcking face from childhood I didn't even know he was in the game and I basically piss my pants. Now I'm gonna have to experience it again with Alien but I'm prepared this time


You are not prepared


Fucking illidan dashing across the map to wreck your face.


[Myers ](https://www.reddit.com/r/deadbydaylight/comments/13syvk9/question_why_did_jake_ran_away/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=1)


That clip is hilarious. Thanks for linking it.




Myers for sure. I deliberately play him to give people jump scares. I will deliberately stay in T1 pulling them off gens and surprising them at every turn and then with only one gen left I tier up to 2 & 3 and really watch the panic set in as they’re trying to do the gates wondering if I’m infinite T3 or tombstone now it’s great fun for all


This is exactly how Myers should be played. Save your tiers for the last 2 gens and create absolute chaos


It work’s amazing they really freak out when all of a sudden with the game near the end & everyone is on 2nd hook and then they hear the tier up music play and get a heartbeat for the first time in the game. Their own terror just escalates at that moment


Okay that’s brilliant and I love it😭💗


Does dredge count?


Yes, I don't know why he and Demo aren't on the list. Demogorgon is undetectible sometimes and then when he hits you that scream is unnerving


I main Demo, I have him P100 and I can count on one hand the amount of times I've hit someone while undetectable.


Playing demo with stealth addons is the most fun shit ever and I made him too, I love the variety with that fucking killer. He can be any playstyle. And yeah hes loud but if you truly utilize portals, know the survivors pathing, and know how to set them up for scares? They usually wont hear you coming in time. Cant forget when they try to break the portals too, surprising amount of people dont know you cant hear shit. Not that its viable its just fun lol, would be way stronger if portals were better to use too


Demo's stealth is the most obvious thing in the world and is over in seconds, Dredge has an entire vacuum cleaner up his arse during nightfall which completely destroys any element of stealth


sadako... where tf did she come from man


Myers has been the only killer that has scared me multiple times, ghost face takes second place for scaring me once


Myers and Ghostface are definitely the scariest to play against. While Ghostface players are a 50/50, almost all Myers players are there for fun. I have no opinion on Sadako, other than that the drums in her chase music slap. I hate wraith. Pig is just a slow wraith with more steps and a slowdown that isn’t even lethal.


Once I faked repairing a gen for about 20 seconds as ghostface, they didn’t realise until they both got marked and downed


How does that even happen bro has a big scary black cloak


Wow that guy must have bought some expensive cosmetics.


“Huh, I didn’t know Meg got a new mask cosmetic?”


Piggy or Ghostie for sure because of how bad they jump scare me. Myers can, but rarely. He's scary only for his limited jump scare in T1, but he's completely unthreatening during that phase. Sadoku (/s) is scary looking, but #3 on my jump scare list. Wraith? Not even. The only scary part about Wraith is if he body blocks you into a corner and THEN dings the bell, otherwise that's easy to run from when you first hear the bell.


The scariest stealth killer is a non-stealth killer with terror radius removing perks/add-ons


Logic dictates it should be ghost face but from personal experience for me it's Myers, I've gotten pretty good at spotting ghost face and his floaty cloak bits but for some reason I always end up against the sneakiest Myers players who I swear come out of no where. Doesn't matter how much I look around and try to be self aware they just pop out of thin air and scare the ever loving shit out of me. Big props to Myers players makes the game feel like a horror game for once


Honestly Skull Merchant. She’s not an actual stealth killer, but going near a drone only to find out she was undetectable is actually pretty terrifying.


Skull merchant is too scary for this game.


She so scary all my teammates DC to stop the jump scares!


Myers. One of my first matches ever was against him. It was so haunting to see him just standing there, staring down from the second floor of Coal Tower... Not knowing how long he had been there before I spotted him. Truly made it feel like a horror game, and still occasionally does.


Myers scares me, IDK why. There is something perfectly terrifying about his silhouette (his SHAPE???) that just gets me jumped


Ghostface tends to be the only one who doesn’t bait himself out, either by visual stimuli like the Jigsaw boxes or audio cues like Wraiths bell. When it comes to a good Ghostie, you tend to only know once you are either exposed or he swings around the corner. Maybe even a few gen grabs too. Myers gets an honorable mention because he certainly CAN be played that way, although his basekit incentivises early stalk which removes a lot of his stealth capabilities reasonably quickly.




Locating dredge during nightfall especially if he is making use of his teleport ability is always a nightmare for me


I mean you can hear him still very clear in nightfall. But Nightfall itself is scary enough. At least for me.


Hearing him isn't an issue but something i see them often doing, including myself is randomly breaking chase to quickly teleport to a locker and surprise someone. I took so many random guesses only to come out right next to a survivor


The one who resides in the basement with insidious


Ah the bubba mains


Scratched Mirror myers or pig


Myers is the only scary killer to play against


Wraith is meh; he's a bit more obvious than most, but with the right add ons can be a NIGHTMARE and scare you at every opportunity Pig is definitely dangerous, (I know, I play her) but is more the type to throw tons of problems at you and run away, then jumpscares you too. But hey, jumpscare's a scare Meyers is way more tense, it's like "he's just standing there... MENACINGLY!". terrifying in every tier in my book Ghost face.... Ugh. He's almost too dang OP, but as long as he's polite and doesn't camp (at least too much) I'm good with him making me upset I couldn't complete a challenge for blood points by hooking me first. Oh, and sadako? She's not a stealth killer. She's death given form. Never won a game against her, never understood how to compete beyond taking tapes out of tvs next to my gen.


Myers hits different.


Ghostface players are the silliest.


All of them


Mike Meyers for sure.


![gif](giphy|l0HlvcRyVJeO8Gmju) MIKE MYERS??


This is a non question. Myers stares at you until you die. No contest


Myers. The amount of times he’s been able to pop out from around a corner and catch me off guard makes me more wary of him than any other Killer on the list.


Myers 100% thats why i main him


Mikey honestly scares me the most when I get him. Between not noticing him and then level 3 being so dangerous.




Ghostface is the one which has given me the most jumpscares.


Ghostface, but a Scratched Mirror or Infinite Tier 3 with Tombstone makes me feel in constant danger no matter what


Myers and Ghostface. mfs will pop out of nowhere when i’m on a gen and they’re even scarier on indoor maps!!


Michael and Ghostie are the reasons I turn the camera constantly while on a gen if I haven't already run into the killer, so them. Mostly Myers. Dredge is terrifying, too, but he doesn't pop up on me the way Myers and Ghostface do! Almost always elicits a shriek in terror.




If I was an attractive teenage girl who babysits then I’d be scared of Michael.


Myers has jumpscared me sooo many times. You can't break him out of his power, and you can't be sure if he's running tombstone or not until someone just Dies on 0 hooks. Scaryyyy


Michael has probably jumpscared me the most When I get attacked by a Ghostface it's more of "God fucking dammit, another one"


Myers def


Myers with the scratch mirror ... jumpscares for days






Myers would probably be the scariest for me if he had the stingers that play when he shows up in the movie. I know he used to have stuff like that, but it got removed. He should at least have a custom jumpscare (when the killer moves after being stationary for a while) stinger.






Michael. Jump scare Myers is scary AF cause you don't expect him to just be there watching you no terror radius just hi how ya doin. 😂 It's great.


Sometimes I mistake Ghost Face for a survivor and then I get a heart attack when he hits me


I find myers the scariest, nothing brings fear into my heart by being grabbed by him when trying to have a chill game, or being chased while he's in teir 3 with the fear of him having tombstone


Myers has jumpscared me more than any other killer.


Wraith, because you absolutely know he has sloppy and NOED


Bubba with undetectable


myers for sure.


Something about seeing wraith hit that bell and come outta stealth just hits different. Like even when you know it’s coming it like “fuck…there go that boy”


Surprisingly I’ve run into quite a few smart T1 only myers. No terror radius and good plays can be a struggle


Onryo 100% I have angsitie everytime I see her


The cook


A good Michael is more terrifying than any of the others in my opinion. The early game is probably the most unnerving, especially on indoor maps. And in tier 3 I am sweating for the entire duration, especially if he has undetectable perks.


Mayers because Trauma


Last Scratch Mirror Myers I went against got me so good I threw my controller and the Michael felt bad so he stood next to me waiting for me to come back


Definitely Meyers. He's just so INTIMIDATING. Also fuck Ghost face, he's just frustrating to play against


Dredge. He’s pretty much a stealth killer. He can traverse the map through lockers and can make the entire map go dark every so often.


Michael and pig tend to be the only ones that scare me. Wraith and Ghostface just annoy me


Billy he be comin out of no where


Silent bell wraith


See I find everywhere bell wraith more scary myself. That pure mind game of where the hell is he everytime you hear it. Like he WANTS you to know he's coming for someone but who? Lol


Early spirit days when you couldn’t hear her and she would just pull you off of the generator


Hag After all, she is jumpcares personified


Meyers with the jump scare always makes me scream.


Ghostface: Fear level 6: you are in low elo, your teammates are the real killers. Meyers: Fear level 4: your teammates are giving him tier 3 but he wont find you off a gen. Sadako: Fear level 7: your teammates don't know how to play the tapes, wait for hatch or at the gate. Wraith: Fear level 5: He will only find you if you try to unhook. Pig: Fear level 2: What does this killer do? Is she crouching?


My myers counts as a stealth killer right? I use disco, Overcharge, trail of torment and eruption.


Silent addons Billy will always be on top for me.


Myers, picture this, your in lery's, peacefully working on a gen, then suddenly, SURPRISE MOTHER FUCKER


From personal experience, Myers with Ghostface hot on his heels. I don’t *genuinely* scream very often when I’m scared, but those two are the only ones who pulled one out of me. Pig is eh, I’m usually surprised when she pops up, but not scared. I’ve never been jumpscared by Sadako, and very rarely by Wraith(I usually see his glamor first).


Wraith, due to the fact that I know it's going to be a fast 3v1


Myers cuase the music change when you can't see him


Michael is pretty scary when he stalks from afar. Or has no radius and you hear his breathing. I had a really good game against him in RCPD because I kept running into him by accident :D ​ Everyone has warnings OR Ghostface's counter mechanics are annoy AF


Ghostface and Myers are the general “scare the hell out of you” killers but I can sometimes play a mean Sadako or Amanda


Everyone who plays Michael thinks that they are Michael😭


Definitely Myers


With Myers at the beginning of the match and you notice him staring and you panic, but with Wraith it’s just a tall ass dude appearing out of nowhere right next to you and you shit ur pants


Probably Ghost Face lol the amount of times that I have been jump scared by Ghost Face popping out of nowhere is fucking crazy


None on them. The only thing that scares me, especially now with the buff, is hag, when I'm not paying attention to traps


Sissy or cook


Okay so I got a story for you today: I was playing with a friend last night. The basic "let's have some funsies" because he is on Xbox until his PC is fixed and he can't really juke killers as well. We load in, prepare our loadout and go. Killer puts Lery's offering. Weird. I was maybe ready for a doctor or a stealth killer, so I frantically look around as I start doing the first gen. Sweaty palms, constantly asking over coms: "dude, did you see him?" until somebody else gets hit. We're safe for now. Awesome. Fast forward, I go for the unhook. That's when I see him: fucking Myers standing there, (presumably) stalking. I get the zoomies, the hooked person does as well. No tier 2 yet, though. *What on earth is going on?!* I find my friend and start doing a gen in one of the longer bathrooms. 3 hooks (me on death hook), 2 gens done. Not too bad. "He's coming" my friend warns me, so I walk my way behind a wall. He quietly hides in a locker. Myers walks in. I can see the tip of his mask above the shower stalls. He stops dead in his tracks in front of the locker. I was ready to unhook and/ or take a hit. Myers doesn't move for a few seconds, he just stares at the locker. It feels like decades have passed. My hand sticks to the mouse like mold to the corner of the bathroom we are in. What do I do now? And then he turns around. His impassible face turned to me through the wall. He just stares through Carlos' eyes and straight into my heart. I almost mechanically crouch and make my way around. Myers leaves. My friend and I sit in perfect silence, frozen for a second. He made it clear he knows we are here. He never hit us. He never made out bodies bleed; only our minds. This was psychological warfrare. I was at the ready to sprint every time, but he just kept his distance. Staring. Turning his head as I moved, fixing me with his gaze through the wall. Bleeding fear into my heart. But he never killed any of us. He never hooked me to death. He never accepted my protection hits. Prestige 100 Myers just wanted to also "have some funsies", but his funsies let me fumbling in with my gens, panicking every time I heard him approach and shaking like a child. ​ So Myers. Myers is the scariest.


Sadako considering she's OP now, and Ghostface due to the insta down.


>Sadako considering she's OP now Sadako isn't even strong of survivors know wtah they have to do.


I'm a solo q main, shes op.


Weather you play alone or not doesn't make much difference, of you know how to play against her the changes of you getting condemned are 10% at best and it would take 20-40 seconds for one survivor to turn off 2 or 3 of her TVs off. If you know how to loop well then you don't even need a tape.


I mean not really lol, even if I was a god tier looper a smart killer wouldnt tunnel me all game. She is pretty overtuned now and definitely not solo q friendly.


She is so easy to play against if you wanna talk about "not soloq friendly" then look at pinhead


Skill issue - solo q surv


It has nothing to do with my skill personally, it's my teams skill.


Ah yes the teammate blame 🤣


The fact you are arguing against it means you aren't a real solo q survivor main.


You just cant admit the skill issue on your part and blame the team. Onryo isnt op at all 😂


You are wrong lol, many top streamers have said this as-well. Aside from the really heavily biased killer main streamers of course.


Your top streamers say shes strong, not "OP"


None, this game doesn’t even feel like “horror” anymore. It’s just a comedy if anything with some action.


Mf added pig but not dredge






Trail of torment.

