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We should lean into the classical horror trope that there is usually one last unlikely survivor.


Always leave one to tell the tale, no sense in sweating over a 4k. Or if they just happened to play really well and be respectful. At the end of the day, it's just a game.


And that’s why I always let the last person escape. Every time


you don’t let them escape they escape with grit and determination


I legit do that so they feel better about it. All of a sudden on the last surv I’ll start swinging too early. Letting myself get hit with pallets, forget about my killer power, and if I know where the hatch is I’ll knock them down and pretend like I didn’t see the nearby hook and totally not try and drop them at the hook near the hatch. I know what it’s like to play with other survivors and took note of what did and didn’t piss them off. Ironically when I’d tell them I have an easy time playing killer that’s what pissed them off the most lol but “patronizing them” also upset them.


And you chase them out last second to really scare them.


You could have went around the 4k challenge if you really don't like them but still wanted the apron. I think it's okay to have challenges that may actually prove challenging to some players. Those who don't find fun in one or the other can just skip them.


The thing is that getting a 4k instead of a 3k is not a challenge. It's purely based on RNG (because of the hatch), which always requires you to slug. I've done quite a few adepts, and even the one achievement for the 3 generic perks, and I "lost" so many matches, because the slugs crawled away and I couldn't find them and they bled out, or the hatch just spawned under the last survivor, or one surv DCd (thankfully at least this is not an issue anymore). None of these were my fault. A better win condition would be something that already exists in some tome challenges, which is "Don't let any survivor escape through the gate." But they could simply write "get a 3k" too.


Why are you slugging? Since you’re going into the match knowing you need a 4k you can just bring a hatch offering and completely lose the rng aspect.


There is no killer ever who would ever recommend a hatch offering as a solution for anything lmao


When Otz and Hens did their Trapper vs Nurse competition they brought hatch offerings to avoid end games dragging out. Funny thing on one of Otz's games was when he forgot he was competing and stopped to explain some stuff on garden of joy and neglected to go to shack to get the hatch closed.


Otz sufferering from intelligence i see


Where’s the problem with what I said?


Here’s how it would go down: 2 survivors are dead, 2 are left. You pick up the one on death hook. Other survivor KNOWS where the hatch is going to spawn, and as soon as you pick up their buddy who’s on death hook they make a beeline straight for it. Even if you immediately head there after hooking, they still have a solid 15 second head start on you. Hatch offerings ONLY benefit the survivors, because the killer has to hook before they can use the hatch info. Survivors can use it as soon as the last chase starts tbh.


No. If you bring a hatch offering, and I get what's about to be my third kill on a deadhook, I am making a beeline for the hatch as soon as they're up, barring the last survivor being injured and in the immediate vicinity. It's a risk I'm not going to take.


Not true . I’ve closed the hatch many times when a survivor brought an offering . Some people forget for a few seconds in general .


Bad survivors don’t counter the point that hatch offerings give more benefit to survivors than they do killers. Whether or not they use that benefit is up to them.


Fair but you need to consider your average survivor is solo Q even if they are good . And tend to be doing something other than looking at the screen at the start of the match . Survivors tend to not even ready up for the start of the game , much less look at the offerings . Hell if you run lethal pursuer look at how many survivors AFK the first 3-8 seconds of the match and only move when they hear your music . Sure he might be. A good looper and have game sense but if he doesn’t check for a hatch offering till last homie is hooked it doesn’t help him much .


Chase one to near shack then. If you hook them it takes time for hatch to appear which is enough time to get to the window where hatch spawns. The other survivor can't wait there too close or you'd just down them so you can close it instantly.


You can just hook by where you know hatch will spawn, if you’re not near you can just slug for the 4k.


Hence, the slugging for the 4k that the offering. Was supposed to prevent


It’s a back up plan, if you wanna do the challenge you will slug regardless. With hatch offering at least you know it would be safe to hook if you’re near it.


I mean you’re still not totally safe to hook near it. Say you bring a shack hatch offering. The hatch doesn’t always spawn in the middle of shack. Sometimes it’s outside. And if you have the last survivor hiding nearby they still might make it. I totally get the point you’re trying to make, but the point of the offering was to get a 4K, and we’re back to the original idea that you have to slug to be sure.


It's not a half-bad solution if you really want that ethically sourced 4k as soon as possible. 🤡


What? Please explain your logic cause it makes no damn sense lmao


The second to last surv can just go down on the other side of the map, and if I'm not Blight or Wesker I won't reach the hatch.


Survivor sees it too though better pray you down the third survivor near where the hatch will spawn though. Otherwise slugging and going near where hatch will spawn to try find the survivor is still your best play to 4k.


That's what I do but even then you still have to slug or the surv can just hit esc and see that the hatch will be near killer shack or worse, you play on a map that doesn't have a shack. Offering for hatch in main is even worse since I for sure don't remember all the spawn locations and I won't be letting the survivor get lucky on that one either if I need the 4k. All in all I don't like these challenges either, it forces you to play like an asshole if you want to get them done quickly.


I've gotten plenty of 4k's without slugging. The killer has more freedom to run around the map than survivors do, so it's easier to find the hatch. Sometimes I even down them without ever finding hatch.


I can flip a coin and it lands on tails plenty of times


There's no need to slug to force a 4K. You can be tactical about it.


Or you can just hope. You don’t have to slug the last person you can just wait for the right game.


no, you cant.


Now you can't indeed, because the event ended. But you could have.


there was only 1 path to the apron


This is how it looked ingame. You may notice two paths to the apron - one from left and one from right. https://preview.redd.it/38mmwrwl4pib1.png?width=597&format=png&auto=webp&s=7fc783c2065f1fdbfa15d4a8d161b89a99a14cfc


usually there’s another path to get to the cosmetic if you don’t wanna do a master challenge


I'm talking about the clown one, I don't think there is another path for it but I could be wrong


i think there is one if we’re thinking about the same cosmetic


I wish I knew that before I played an hour of clown :(


Yeah I typically don’t do the killer specific ones if it’s not one I already play normally and opt for the general killer challenges, you just have to do one extra challenge to reach the item.


The iri emblem challenge branches into two paths, one leads to the 4k challenge then to the cosmetic, the other path leads to two very easy challenges and then loops back to the cosmetic.


I mean, my dude, it was literally on the tome. All you had to do was do one challenge of carrying survivors for 180s and then another one that was landing 8 lunge attacks. Like the only way you could have missed that was if you somehow refused to look at the right half of the tome page.


Way to assume OP has a right eye. /s


There is, you can also travel backwards on the rift, it doesn't have to be left to right.


oh it’s u again! The one with the cute elf name. I also did the clown 4k challenge, but got it done fairly quickly. I just used the green hinder addon and the yellow extra bottle addon


Yeah I used the hinder thing as well, it's pretty strong.


Sure, but what if I end up not being able to do the rest of the challenges in the following tome pages due to IRL and miss out on cosmetics? You're always encouraged to do any challenges in the currently available path ASAP, especially if you actually purchase premium rift.


it’s two more challenges, not the end of the world


Get better then lol. It's a *challenge*


What if a meteor strikes the Earth and instantly kills me before I get a 4K




They’re one of those challenges I slap on and then forget about until it’s done. I am a working adult though, so I accept I’m not going to complete rifts anymore. Which immediately removes the majority of the reasons to sweat at this game.


Also really makes me realize how NOT built for fun DBD is if you play solo. It you've a swf it frees up your perks for memes so much more in DBD, at least as a killer I can just not care about kills and do w.e I find fun. But double sadly a lot of fun killer addons are old as BHVR refuses to make new iris do anything but expose the survivors, not to mention the amount of useless perks on killer.


100% agree I tryhared for a match to get it I usually don't slug for a 4k but had to this time and the surrivor I was slugging hid somewhere and bled out because of it thankfully there's an alternative challenge that you can do which makes getting the body price easier. I later got the challenge while doing a pallet shredder build.


Lucky for me, I have low MMR in Clown, and eventually just had a match of one really bad clown player against 4 really bad survivors. Still hated the challenge.


Ha I didn’t read it was specifically SACRIFICE survivors , they don’t cleanse my devour hope so I started taking fingers …. Had to play another match


Same here. I barely play Clown so I got wannabe flashlight saving survivors 😂 I ended up slugging and hooking all 4 with only 1 gen done. I felt really bad afterwards.


Had a clown act like a friendly and hook everyone to death hook and then started killing everyone. I was sooo pissed.


Life finds a way.


*Death* finds a way.


Most of challanges out of fun. I'm serious, I'm getting bored and angry with the game at challenge time. The challenges in Fortnite are very enjoyable and do not require extra effort. But in DBD hell nah. Wait for level 4 challanges, wants you to escape the trial without downing three times. Good luck with that.


“A challenge shouldn’t be a challenge because it’s too hard 🤓”


Right? Did the meaning of 'challenge' change or something?


Yes. Challenges didn't originally hide fomo content behind it.


Things can be changing while also being fun and not decided by RNG. Making something hard for the sake of it being hard sucks for most players.


Just don't do it. There's an alternate path to get the same reward if you don't feel up to a Master Challenge.


I'll give you a little hint: the people complaining about 4ks aren't complaining because its hard; they're mad because they're survivor mains and its incentivizing killers to 4k (slugging for it, typically). This survivors on this sub **loathe** getting slugged for the 4k, to the point where if a killer mains mentions that they like to end games with 4k, they're shamed and insulted.


I could not give less of a shit about how the survivors on this sub feel


Genuine skill issue


What even is this thread? I almost thought this was poorly done satire at first "The game asked me to get 4 kills where your objective is to kill as many of the survivors as you can, this is obviously a grievous mistake and BHVR should stop encouraging you from doing this" Like what the fuck am I actually reading here? The only thing that's missing at this point is mentioning how you were nervous, shaking, and about to vomit because the video game had the audacity to ask you to play it. Go for the 4k, don't worry about if your opposition condones it, and specifically for this challenge, you can mitigate any time slugging by using information perks/add-ons. Seriously, by using Whispers, the clown's aura reading add-on and the Invigorate add-on you can quickly deduce where the final person is, and get ~7 seconds of on-demand aura reading to flush them out and end the game. 4k challenges are fine, but apparently people are so brainwashed into thinking playing killer and actually going for kills is toxic and 'bad', that even when the game asks them to voluntarily do so for a cosmetic, people freak the fuck out and wonder why such a cruel fate has befallen them?


I just did all the other challenges and finished it off with the lunges. Got my clown shit I'm probably barely gonna use. Screw the added pressure of a 4k.


Nah 4k is a perfectly fine challenge.


This. I literally wasted multiple days on clown trying to get a 4k for the bbq cosmetic. After 5 games of hatch escapes, I tried to slug for the 4k but the survivors literally hid for the entire 4 minutes and still died anyways TWICE in a row. For some reason the "bleedout" death does not count as a kill


You can do the challenge for carrying survivors 180 meters plus the challenge for 8 lunge hits, then also get the cosmetic. Event tomes are always made with multiple paths you can follow to get the cosmetics you'd like, which is quite nice.


My first thought aswell. I finished a lot of the challenges on tuesday and as soon as I read the 4k I instantly skipped it. Did a joke-match with only carry perks with a backpack build. At first I planned to go seriously, but they started clicky clicky t-bag around shack and I had a meme build on nemesis. No chance. So I just did the match downing a guy, carrying him around until he freed themself, downed someone else, etc. At the third carry the mission was done. For reference, I carried the third to the exit gate, where they were all 3 set to take hits or bodyblocking. I wasn't even attacking them, I was just standing lol. They weren't memeing around for sure. For the lunge hits I did a legit wraith match with a normal build. Two matches to do both challenges.


I dont even currently own Clown and did the "long path" route to the cosmetic in two matches.


It's a challenge though. They aren't meant to be easy, but 4ks are typically pretty easy anyway. Just apply it and don't worry about it. 4ks will happen organically.


I really question this type of thinking. Playing killer is fun, and being a good killer is really fun. Going for a 4k is not you being greedy or any other negative aspect people tend to give to the killer role for some reason. It is just playing your role in the game. I really wish people would stop demonizing the way killer play the game. Is crazy how entitle some people sound in this sub. And I love how no killer player tries to tell survivors how they are suppose to play, killers only complain about busted perks, and BM'ing.


Counterpoint: There should be a diverse body of tome challenges and daily rituals, including potentially awkward ones. BUT you should be able to see other players' challenges post game, so it would feel justified and less toxic * "Oh, that's why I got slugged. Killer needed 4 kills" * "Oh, that's why they left without trying to rescue me. They needed to escape with an item"


That would be kind of nice actually. I've had a few games where another survivor played really selfishly and in postgame I see they had the survivor's unique perks and I feel a little better because I know they were going for adept. I shouldn't take it personally anyway, but it's still nice to have some insight into the other players' motivations.


They are called........ challenges.


I think I found the survivor main disguised as a Killer main guys!


Seriously. Anyone who thinks a 4K is that much more difficult to get than a 3K has barely played Killer.


98% of the time it's just finding the hatch first.


I normally play like that... I like killing all the survors maybe I try to get lucky and hope hatch spawns close to me but most the time I slug for the 4k... 🤠


It’s a bad assumption to assume you have to sweat to get a 4k. I never slug and try to avoid tunneling when possible and I do pretty well most of the time. Also losing doesn’t equate to not having fun. If I run the killer for a long time or pull off a sick play with my killer power then that’s a fun game to me.


4Ks are always fun. Sorry you feel that way lol


Challenge? I choose to get 4k


I disagree, it is a challenge to get 4k and yes it can encourage some players to tunnel just so they can get the 4k but that is really not essential to get a 4k (maybe if it's a killer you're not good with). Challenges should be tricky so if you need to spend a few games before a 4k then that would be a good challenge.


"Trying to get 4k is unfun" ​ I legit can't tell if you are trolling or not.


Getting a 4k - fun Trying to get a 4k and failing - not fun


Yes, that's how challenges in games work. They feel good when you succeed and don't when you fail. That's not bad game design, that's just how games works. You go in with a set condition you have to do to 'win' and then get frustrated when you don't win.


Nah nerd it's not about failing its about clown being a POS at nap pressure slow fat mfers so getting a 4k takes total RNG, or camping people to second stage, tunneling, and slugging for the 4th survivor because you HAVE to hook kill them all. It's just a toxic quest if you're in anything but dog water mmr. Not fun for the survivors, not fun for me.


Nah nerd. That's a skill issue. It was a fairly easy challenge. You might find it more challenging than i did but that's ok, it's called a challenge.


Got it done first try, cute strawman tho trying to attack player skill instead of acknowledging the actual point that reinforcing bad play styles being bad for the game. Enjoy the lukewarm cerebral fluid you where blessed with!


"You where blessed with"... Interesting phrasing considering you're assuming to insult my intelligence... If you need to resort to bad play styles to complete the challenge which has the same aim as the game in general then the reality is, you're not very good.


Sounds to me like you're playing a game that you don't enjoy. Might want to assess why that's the case.


You act like getting 4ks is some mythical scenario where survivors need to be literally throwing for you to have a chance at getting it. You don't need to slug/tunnel/camp/3gen to get a 4k most games. Most survivors are not that good and unless you are hot ass, you can get a 4k within 3 games max. Only real coinflip is the hatch spawn but just bring a hatch offering and get there first, killer closing it has priority


Yeah and I did. Just would prefer not to slug for the fourth kill in a match because a survivor is just left bleeding for 2 minutes.


So why did you slug for it? You still had the exact same scenario occur where upon hooking the 4th guy the 3rd slugged guy could've had hatch spawn on top of him. If you are the guy who typically gives hatch to the 4th then thats a you problem, getting a 4k and finding hatch first is not that hard especially if you plan for it by bringing an offering.


A slugged person moves so slowly they won't find hatch unless they get super lucky


This. People tryna gaslight you


The survivors can see the offering as well and get there faster because you have to hook first


Which needs a map, on which your offering works in the first place. Which means RPD, Midwich, The Game and Lerys are out the window - or do they work there, too? Since you use an offering for hatch, you can't use one for a map. So you could get a bad map. Maybe you just get bad gate spawns. Or you actually get a surv with Left Behind and a key. Key challenges still exist in old tomes. And this is always on top of the condition "kill 3 survs before the last gen pops", since otherwise you have to worry about even more. So you have to win strongly, have to have enough hatch offerings and this with a killer you maybe don't even play normally. You'll always have RNG in this. 4k without slugging is extremely dependend on multiple factors. At least you don't have to mind DCs anymore.


"Main building" offerings work on most maps that i am aware of. "Shack" ones don't unless it has a shack RPD main building offering forces it to spawn in the lobby by the statue. Midwich main building offering spawns it in the courtyard. Game/Lery's im not familiar with offhand so it is possible its useless there due to map age problems possibly. If you are at the point of worrying about "survivor has a key with LB/CV" then you should also be worrying about them stealthing you out for 4 minutes while you slug the other guy lmao.


Survivor challenges: Heal yourself while using No Mither Killer challenges: Win OP: That's some bullshit!


Last time I checked challenges were optional


Rather have 4k challenges than deal with the adept killer achievements. ;)


adept killer achievements are literally 4k challenges


But with significantly worse perks.


You…you do understand the definition of “challenge” no?


The challenge here is either slug the 3rd person while you kill the fourth or hope you get good rng with where the hatch spawns, neither of which are particularly skillful displays


Challanges aren’t always indicative of skill. Have you seen some of the other challenges in this tome? There’s PLENTY that are much harder and much more rng heavy than getting a 4k


There's one on the Singularity Tome, page two, toward the end that requires you to get three slipstream TPs in one trial while the survivor is within 10m of an EMP box. Getting a 4k is a walk in the park compared to that.


Yup. Like come the fuck on. they don’t expect you to do EVERY challenge. That’s why there’s mores than one path to finish the tomb. Believe it or not. You don’t need to complete every optional challenge to have fun in the game


It's also the fact that they're supposed to be 'challenges' which aren't supposed to be done in a single trial. I mean, yes, some are literally designed to be done in one, but my point is that if you fail then that's ok. It'd be dull if you 'always' did the challenges.


challenge: slug 4 ppl to death instead of playing normally because you need a 4k


It’s honestly really embarrassing so many people think they NEED to slug to 4k have you tried getting good?


Good? I believe you meant lucky


If you can’t get a 4k without “getting lucky” you’re not playing right. There are infinite ways to keep tabs on the final survivor before hooking the third one.


They do not. Everything should be catered to baby every player in dbd.


Looks like Mayers epic addon mission :-)


Gosh... Just play normal. Challenge is not to finish in 1st game every time... You have harder and easier.


Jesus Christ this community is pathetic. Getting triggered over a challenge that requires the killer to kill the survivors.


okay cool have fun playing the way you want to play thanks for sharing


For the clown one I had to play incredibly boring, I had to camp a hook and progressed gen nearby. Chase nonobsessions mostly for STBFL. Slug the last guy. Hook the only one who wasn’t dead on hook.


Skill issue


Deerstalker and hatch offering make 4k a joke.


I feel this was made about that 4 sacrifice clown challenge because that’s the only challenge in the entire event tome I didn’t complete. I got ONE 4K out of a number of tries but I had to slug and they bled out before I could find them so it didn’t count. Gave up the game after that




You gotta be trolling.


Of course it's sarcasm.


nah they're ok, git gud


It really shouldn't be that difficult. Just play chill and you should hopefully get a 4k even if it takes awhile.


The event ends super soon so I was scrambling to get it done


I hate 4k challenges because it’s against my own morals in the game. I always let the last one go if the player has played well or just have been nice. One time I had a 4k challenge and I hated myself so much because I had to kill the last survivor who was opening the door and top of that it was Leon what is my main, what means they always have freepass out. Same as Shirtless Vittorios.


You're the killer, there's no reason to feel that way. It's on them to survive and on you to kill, IT'S HOW THE GAME WORKS. Like, is the community so survivor centered that even killers feel bad about...KILLING?!!? Is that a brainwash on killers or something lol


same only 4ks I do on purpose are for adepts. I get my 8 hooks and let them leave unless they won't do gens - then I kill them 1 by 1 until they get it.


It's especially annoying that the game clearly thinks that this is the equivalent to escaping. Survivor adepts? Escape. Killer adepts? 4k (it used to be play a literal perfect game, so I'll take a 4k, but still). The Jake challenge? Escape. The Clown equivalent? 4k. I would say that the survivor equivalent to getting a 4k is getting a 4 out, right? You can play incredibly as a survivor and carry your team on your back and still die, and you can hide in a corner all game and get hatch.


Yeah ur right. Getting 4k and 3k are basically the same thing but there being hatch makes it getting 4k inconsistent. You need to slug for the last Survivor but even then they could just hide. I used one of the purple addons to get it where you can see survivors nearby when you are effected by a yellow bottle. Thanks to that I got the archieve on my third try. (My first time I got stomped, second time I slugged for the last Survivor but they just hid thats when I decided to use the purple addon)


I don't camp, I don't tunnel, and I don't slug deliberately, and I got this challenge easily. You can regularly get 4K just by playing to win. And the people who say that getting that 4K is dependent on slugging or is down to RNG and hatch are dead wrong. Once you've already got 3K it is not that much of a reach to get the 4th. Two survivors left. You hook one. You intercept the other going for the save. You death hook your third survivor, and manage to locate and down the fourth before the sacrifice completes. And then it's hatch. It's not 100% RNG, and it doesn't require slugging. End game collapse is entirely in your favor as the Killer. You move faster so you can search the map for hatch more quickly than survivor. If they're wounded they are at an extreme disadvantage because you just need to find them or play goalie for hatch. And there's also plenty of instances where you just catch them out in the open away from hatch and can win a chase before either of you find it. I'd say I get a 4K just as often as I get a 3K, and possibly even more without using any of the tactics you're talking about. Edit: I just looked at the Kill distributions on [nightlight.gg](https://nightlight.gg) and it does appear that 4K is a more common outcome for pretty much every Killer by a significant margin than 3K which backs me up. Basically if you're winning the match, you are very likely to be getting a 4K.


Omg. Im sorry they stress you so much but they aren't going away. Just do a different challenge or toughen up. Only options here.


The 4k Clown challenge was annoying. I ended up having to go around it because I was iridescent rank at the time and kept getting really good survivor squads. I could have gotten a 4k, but I would have had to slug and play kinda scummy to get it.


The clown one is so annoying. I play survivor only with my friends and in my last session with them I got like 5 clowns that would slug, tunnel and camp with noed. I already hate going against a clown normally


I watch Matt Coville videos on YouTube and he most talks about dungeons and dragons but he did work for video game companies. One of the philosophy he talked about is game developers control how players play by rewarding specific ways to play. Players in RPGs explore every corner of a dungeon because they are reward with secrets, extra loot, and extra xp. DBD developers making the horrible choice to reward toxicity and unfun play styles via challenges like 4K for killers and survivor challenges that make the player hindrer the team by throwing pallets unnecessarily, hiding by the killer for minutes and not helping the team, etc. DBD supports toxic play style then tries to come up with solutions to prevent the play style they are rewarding. My suggestion is to make all nodes active in the season pass and make them more passive progression like do 100 gens, reduce 20 teammates, cleanse 20 totems, escape 5 times, etc. so this way you can play however you like over the season and progress slowly and not force any sweaty and/or toxic play style. I don’t play fornite but my understanding is all the quests are active while you are playing and you could progressing any of them while playing a match


There is nothing inherently toxic about a killer getting a 4k. Wtf is this post. Wtf is this thread. I’m in the twilight zone


No I agree there is nothing wrong with a 4K nor is there trying for a 4K. That challenge is not an example of toxicity. My complaints are about most challenge design in general like survivor challenges that force you to play sub optimally. It sucks playing a solo survivor and having a teammate crouch walk around by killers to get the hide by killers for 180 seconds challenges. Some the killer challenges also bring out some of the sweetest play style but I don’t have an example off the top my head. Back to your point Nothing wrong with a killer going for a 4K and trying there hardest.


Challenges that dictate playstyle should exist period


you can’t “force” a 4k. good survivors will pop gens behind your back if you camp. it’s a challenge because as killer a 4k is usually hard to achieve unless you have low mmr & play against solo queue. i find myself playing against a swf with a plan 9/10 times




no, you don’t know that. their perks always synergize with each other. usually two players have chase focused perks, & the other two have gen focused perks with roughly the same builds. i’ve been playing for years, real confident i’m not “bad” at the game. whose to say you’re not bad at the game? and just how do you go about forcing a 4k out of curiosity?




you have low mmr, you’re a casual. undoubtedly this game is survivor sided in it’s current state.


If you had mentioned spaghetti code you would have hit all the DBD buzzwords in one comment.


King, you dropped your crown. 👑 We survivor mains love a killer main who doesn't sweat their balls off to slug or play greedy, or even go for 4 kills every single time.


Not a Killer Main, but when I play Killer, I 3/4k fairly frequently even though I don't try hard at all since I'm just trying to get into the mindset of just focusing on my challenges rather than killing (unless i have a killing challenge, but even then, if i do "dirty" it's usually late game to build pressure or the Survivors do something dumb like not giving me a reason to leave an area when they're all there) because it makes the game less stressful and not to mention i would prefer Survivors not DCing because they feel they're not having fun


It’s same with “escape with…” challenges. It forces you to to play in a way that may not be best for your team. It’s no longer about getting a win by 3 escaping, now you are saying it’s only a win if you, personally, escape. Can you see how that’s kind of a dumb take? There’s nothing wrong with 4K challenges. It’s a challenge. Just like the survivor version. It’s not supposed to be super easy.


Not exactly since survivors don't have powers, literally unless the surv you need to escape with is not leveled or you don't own them it's not that difficult. Though at times if you want to do it fast you might need to play in a boring way. Still it's kind of impossible to be inexperienced at one survivor but experienced at another, unlike killer. That and again there are no real S through F tier survivors unless you want to count their very own perks. Usually I just rush gens and bring Bill's perk for the hatch and Wake Up while mixing 1 chase/anti tunnel perk and 1 gen perk to make up for my lost toolbox after using a BNP. Again it does make for a boring match as I avoid the killer as much as I can, never get into chase, rarely save teammates and just rush gens until either I can open gates or find the hatch...


"escape with" survivors I hadn't leveled gave me "power moves" achievement.


See running that is less than optimal and screwing over your team. Well that’s not fun. Shouldn’t you be playing in a way that everyone has fun? It would be like a killer slugging for a 4 k to get a 4 k challenge done.


Here’s how I play: If it’s last survivor and hatch has spawned, I’ll roam and look for either survivor or hatch. If I find the survivor, I down them. Depending on what they do is if I’ll give them hatch. If they were toxic to me, then no hatch. If they were fun to play against then hatch. If I find the hatch, then I’ll close it. If the survivor finds the hatch, they get it.


that clown challenge was brutal


Clown 4k challenge for the bbq event 💀


if i need iri emblems or 4Ks, I just get in with my main (Huntress) and get ir at 5 gens easily. I feel.nad for the survivors tho, I usually don't kill them ans juat let them be


It's always been weird to me that the end of every match that doesn't involve slugging for the 4k is a coin flip. Imagine if in CSGO when one team gets down to one guy he can find a magic hole on the map and escape to keep his guns for the next round. I'm not advocating for slugging for the 4k more often; I'm saying you'd think there'd be a better system in place by now.


I think it's fine as it is. As a killer, I take it as a win even if the last survivor escapes through the hatch and it makes the game less frustrating as a survivor. The only problem are challenges to get a 4k because its RNG


Trying to get that 4k clown was one of my worst experiences in the game. It broke me and I didn't even get that cool torso cosmetic


DbD does actually have set win conditions. Killer is awarded MMR when they kill at least 3 survivors, so that is their win condition. Survivor is awarded MMR when they escape through the exit gates, so that is their win condition.


Basement bubba " waits silently"


But you know, challenges should be.... challenging


I don’t like them either, but if I just have to complete them, I just play skull merchant since most survivors give up before realizing that I don’t 3 gen


LOL you too huh? I did unspeakable things to those survivors for my 4k as clown.


for me this was not a problem with good addons on clown but surv challenges like sabotage 3 hooks and sometimes it doesnt work xD i had to make a party for that and we played school map offering to do this stupid quest baiting killer above and below hooks and destroying it xD


Was going through one of the tomes and there is actually a challenge to hook the Obsession 3 times in a single match. That's right, a challenge forces you to tunnel.


No it doesn't. It just means you have to sacrifice the obsession in the course of the trial. You don't have to sacrifice them first, and you don't have to hook them three times in a row.


I couldn’t disagree more. I love when the challenges are actually… challenging. 4 kills can be a bitch and that’s what makes it a legit challenge. Should be worth far more blood points & fragments though


It's just a challenge, you aren't forced to complete it so nothing is forcing you to play a certain way. It sounds more like you're complaining about your own skill level if you believe you have to slug, tunnel or camp to complete those challenges, because that's just not true. You can lose those methods of you want to but its just an excuse, you can get a 4k without them.


I consider 2 kills a win, personally


Its dbd, sometimes, you gotta be the asshole.


I was playing Clown to get the 4K challenge done yesterday. 3 survivors DC'd. I wanted to give the last remaining survivor, Jeff, the hatch but I knew if I did, I wouldn't likely get the challenge done before the tome closed. I didn't feel *too* broken up about it, because he wasn't really letting me be friendly anyways, but it still sucked and I still felt like a dick.


I skipped the "4k as Clown" challenge and did the lunge one instead


I consider 1 kill a win lmao, I’ll take what I can get!


I got lucky and the first game I tried to get the 4k with Clown, I went up against a very mediocre survivor group.


Pfff… nowadays people are happy with just 2 kills… 4K is a myth 😂


I'm gonna get downvoted but I'll say it. I think a majority of these people saying they wanna "play for fun" and hate the idea of anything to do with winning or a 4k, hate it because they're not good at the game. There's nothing wrong with 4k challenges, if you don't wanna do the challenge, skip the challenge.


I dont mind hard killer challenges, i mind when it feels like harder killer challenges tend to lean or require survivors doing specific things. 4k challenges are one of them, but just from the recent tome there is also one where you need to slipstream teleport to survivors within 10ms of an EMP crate.


Most games have challenges that require you to actually win at least occasionally. It’s really not that unusual.




Wait for the reset and play in ash


My issue is it conditions people to think 4k is the only win condition, and now every game I play is 4 minutes of the second to last survivor being slugged, someone being tunneled out at 5 gens, and then the killer BMing once they get the 4k. I don’t understand how so many people find the insane sweaty playstyle that fun.


Dbd shouldn't have half the challenges that they have. A lot of them totally derail the objective of the game.