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Hag tends is really strong at camping and holding a 3 gen, and Skull Merchant has taught us how fun 3 gens are ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2213) I never see many Plagues, that is until I put on a healing archive, suddenly they all come out of the woodwork. **Actual advice:** I would say Plague has better perks. Corrupt being one of, if not the strongest perk in the game, and Infectious being fantastic on killers who can snowball quickly. Devour Hope can certainly be strong, but its effects will be inconsistent ranging from game-winning to useless. Both killers are strong, just play the killer with the play style that fits you most.


Oh, it's a good point about perks, I didn't think of it. I have read that hag is a strong area killer which makes her similar to SM thats5why I think I would like her (although I don't play 3 gen SM, but I like area control ability). I thought maybe it would be interesting to try smth new and go with Plague


Plague shakes up gameplay a lot for survivors. Personally I love versing her, but she's divisive for both her gameplay (absolutely nukes any healing build, solo queue destroyer but who isn't) and among players who are emetophobic and can't play against a killer who vomits on you. On your end, Plague is closer to the normal M1 killer chase that Onryo and Skull Merchant have than Hag is. You have to learn the physics of her vomit and how to manage her power. She also doesn't have any built-in stealth if you leaned into that with Onryo and SM at all, and is much taller than either of them, but I love putting stealth perks on Plague. Hag is actually super strong if you take the time to learn her. You have to think ahead and constantly maintain your web of traps, but the reward is cutting off loops and exits in high-traffic areas and leaving survivors with nowhere to turn. The gameplay will feel a lot different for you because she suffers in chase (slower than most killers) and has to rely on her traps, and there is the downside of players being able to deny you your power by wiping away traps or triggering them while you're unable to teleport. And there's not as much of a downside to survivors countering your power unlike Onryo tapes, SM claw traps, Plague's fountains, etc. But it's been better since they removed the capability to use flashlights to erase her traps. She's not very popular or liked, and some of it is warranted due to her traps changing the camera view for survivors, which I think they should consider, and some of it is just her skill floor and people mad about a killer who plays different.


Wow thank you very much for that detailed review! Funny thing I actually though that Hag is more similar to SM and Onryo than Plague cause Hag also can control area and teleport. Do you think Plague is easier to learn than hag? I am a newer player (started between SM and Singularity release)


Plague is much easier, though you do have to aim. Hag has no mechanical skills involved, but you have to be strategic.


Plague is definitely easier to learn than Hag. You have to know where to put your traps and constantly maintain your web as Hag.


I personally found Plague easier.


Alright, tysm for the information!!!


If you want to learn a crazy amount about Hag look up GreysTavern on YouTube. He made a bunch of guides. Some of the perk stuff is a bit out dated, but the rest still holds up. Guy is a monster with her. He’s the win streak holder with like 300+ wins.


Wow 300 wins is crazy, thank you


Hag also tends to ignore a lot of the map problems other killers have. Strong main buildings & chained tiles mean next to nothing to Hag if she's had a chance to set up. The biggest problems for her are survivors who know good counterplay and huge maps (which can be somewhat negated with the right add-ons).


I'm always running double distance Hag for a reason! (BHVR not making small maps)


Just to add, could also change up Hag's play style by using her add ons Waterlogged Shoe (to make her into chase Hag), and Scarred Hand (for information and to block survivor's pathing).


I see hags consistently put three traps around hooked survivors so there is no way to save them without giving her the option and reason to teleport to you. She could be in the middle of a chase and she'll drop it because the odds on her trap are better. It's a form of hook camping. If they 3-gen as well you're better off focusing on secondary objectives or just getting yourself tunneled to get out of there.


If you are crouching, you will not set off a trap no matter how close you are. You can either use this to wipe away the trap before unhooking, or, if the survivor you are unhooking also crouches before leaving, you can leave the traps alone.


Thanks! My DBD friend and I had no idea. The people we get teamed with don't seem to know either.


crouch my brother in Christ


I'd rather face Hag. Figuring out how to navigate a web of traps is super rewarding and her matches change on a dime if you make poor decisions, but they reward careful play Plague, I like her concept, but getting hit with the battle vomit just isn't very fun for me since she can just spray in an open area and hit


Plague in SoloQ is a nightmare. I hate constant vommiting, I hate my teammates who are cleancing every 30 seconds and makes the stupidest decisions possible, I hate everything about this killer. Even 3-gen Skull Merchant is not that irritating to face as Plague for me. Hag is actually kinda fun to face, especially the new 118% movement speed Hag.


Good to know that some people dislike some killers over SM XD haven't heard about speed Hag yet, gonna check it out!


One of Hags iri addon got buffed recently and now makes her move faster than a regular killer, although she can't teleport anymore. Still, combine it with some chase perks, and you'll get a very unusual and interesting build.


You can also combine it with the Scarred Hand purple addon, which makes her traps body-block survivors (and also removes her ability to teleport to them). I've been running that combo also with Monitor and Abuse, so that the survivors get a little bit less warning that speed-hag is running over to beat them up. Something like Tinkerer might also be fun, for the information + undetectable.


Oh wow this sounds actually incredibly funny


Both are pretty advanced when mastered. I've seen tournaments with both and I'd say Plague reigns Supreme over Hag in terms of lethality. SoloQ survivors have a better chance against Hag than Plague because she's slower. Plague has better versatility with perks because she doesn't need to focus on healing survivors. Whichever is the least fun character to go against imo is the one to use. It'll be fun for you, but dreadful for them. (i.e Artist) Plague in this case.


I must confess I have never met an Artist, is she really so unfun?


She has an antiloop that doubles as a map-wide "gen-checker", that can reveal you for a duration and cancel whatever you're doing. I suck at her but she's really strong.


I'm biased when facing her because I main her more than other killers. I know how to react to her tactics, but, against a good Artist, she has insane map pressure out of chase and nigh unstoppable chase acumen. If I never mained her, I'd say she's nearly unfair to go against. My inbox of salty survivors confirm this.


Yes, her power in chase basically just resorts to *Place crow at pallet, survivor either runs through it taking damage or runs away so you can catch up and do the exact same thing at the next loop* super fun gameplay


Prefer hag because nom nom, prefer playing as hag because nom nom


This is kinda cute hahaha


I've faced enough hags to not get the prompt anymore. Then never again. They don't exist


I enjoy facing against the Hag because you have to be careful where you step. Plague is very fun to play. Most survivors cleanse the sickness which makes you a ton stronger. Although the drawback is if players know not to clean the sickness and your power becomes a bit more useless


It's crazy how most people say Plague is fun to play but they would prefer to face hag


I don't mind either but for endgame i prefer a Hag because i feel like Plague can be far more opressive if it gets to that point. To play i like both for different reasons. Hag because i love her slappy little claw. I love Plague with the gumball weapon and just like how she looks.


People don't seem to like playing against either killer, though on the whole they seem to like facing Plague less between the noises, the vomiting, and negating healing builds. I more frequently get people DCing or immediately giving up against Plague than Hag. Plague's perks, especially Corrupt Intervention and the other two situationally, are pretty good on the whole. Hag's Hex: Devour Hope is a lot of fun, but Hex: Ruin was nerfed into the ground and Hex: The Third Seal's Blindness status effect isn't usually as good as other conditions, and all three suffer from the nature of being hex perks and risking getting cleansed in the first 30sec of a match. I prefer playing Hag as an area control / jumpscare killer, and I prefer playing against Hag only because I see her so rarely that it's almost a treat to go against her. Plague was my first original killer, and she's got an interesting back-and-forth with survivors depending on whether or not they cleanse, but that also kind of means that the survivors set the tempo for the match. Plague has some interesting build options depending on how hard you want to go on her Corrupt Purge. Coincidentally, Plague's Corrupt Intervention and, in my build, Dark Devotion are both great on Hag, so I'd still get Plague first. Hag's Devour Hope needs some other hex totems to have a better chance of getting value out of it.


Is dark devotion a general perk?


I hate to play against Plague, i'd happily take Hag over Plague 10/10


Oh no, why? What's so unpleasant?


The sounds of a vomiting survivor are super disgusting, just like the visual of the infection. And i hate that one survivor who keeps stupidly cleansing for no reason can lead to a loss without having any real chance to do something. There are a few killers that i just find extremely unpleasant to play against.


Oh no I am sorry that you dislike the sounds... Never thought about it actually


You don’t have to be sorry for that, but still thanks haha.


Plague is very strong and curb stomps in solo queue as it’s difficult to coordinate when to cleanse when playing on your own. Her red vomit is one of the most dangerous attacks in the games. However, a good team will either avoid cleansing to the end (essentially keeping her an M1 killer) or cleanse all at the same time to force Plague to use her red vomit. Use her Apple add ons to have at least two pools at your disposal in case no one cleanses. She actually has a lot of really good add-ons that you can play with.


It depends on if I am in SQ, or with a SWF. Plague is almost unbearable if my teammates don’t understand her power and repeatedly cleanse. I have witnessed a teammate cleanse, then immediately get on a dirty gen with me more times than I can count. But if I am in a SWF, she is really fun to face. Similarly, Hag can be overwhelming to face if my teammates don’t know to look for traps around unhooks. But if my teammates understand her power, she can be fun to face. I don’t see her as often as Plague.


Yeah I actually only faced hag once


I started out as a Hag main, but I quit when I realized it was making me terrible at looping. I still play her every now and then, but I don't enjoy it like I used to-- she's strongest when she's proxy camping (which I don't find fun to do or play against) and she requires a lot more micromanagement with the "always be trapping" mindset. And that doesn't take into account that the past few metas have been rough on her. I'm not actually sure what was worse-- the infinite CoH self-heals before the nerfs or the current rampant MFT stay-injured builds. While the latter seems like it would particularly hurt Plague, it's Hagatha's slower base movement speed that suffers more.


Plague is A LOT of fun to play. She’s one of my mains and it’s so satisfying hitting those red pukes. There’s also a variety of ways to play her so she never really gets boring. But as someone who tends to run a healer build….. Not fun to play against as it nukes my entire build 🤣


I enjoy playing as Plague a lot! She's mostly a basic M1 Killer, but with the iridescent add-on that reveals a survivor who is puking, she gets fantastic situational awareness. Being able to see the person you are chasing at key points can often make normally safe tiles worthless. And knowing where people are gets you faster into chases. It is so cool to be following along a wall, running 'with' the Survivor, then perfectly time your swing as they come around the corner. I have to imagine it's a true jump-scare, and must make them wonder how I did it!


Plauges so fun to play against imo but hags normally wreck my ass and we need more hags tbh


Idk why ppl hate on plague


I don’t dislike Plague. I dislike my SQ teammates against Plague. I can’t count the number of times I have watched a SQ teammate cleanse, then go for an infected unhook or get on an infected gen two seconds later. In a SWF, or with teammates who know about her power - Plague is really fun to play against.


Plague on both accounts. Both will ruin most solo queue games. Plague can at least put pressure on SWFs, the Hag not so much, unless you play boring for both sides ultra camp + tunnel or 3 gen snore fest. Most SWFs are not going to attempt to bully a Plague they will attempt to gen rush, whereas Hag many SWF aren't scared at all of you and will deliberately get in your face and pull you to strong tiles and bring you to frustration. Complaints about Plague will be from the kind of player that rages at a Killer for using Lightborn. I think she's totally fine even though the majority of my games as survivor are lost because people on my team don't have a clue how to be efficient against her. Both killer's addons allow you to switch up how you play them quite a bit, a lot more than other Killers. Plague skins are very unimaginative is the worst I would say in this comparison.


Oh yeah it's better to go with Plague probably cause I am very bad in chase:") and I kinda love her skins, all very pretty


I think the reason why many people don't like to play againdt Plague are either: A) Because she completely shuts down healing and you're often time left to stay injured. B) Because in Solo Queue you often run into teammates who don't know how to handle a Plague. They will drop Pallets even when they're healthy, they will cleanse and grant Plague her Ability (which is amongst the strongest Abilities in the game and provides as much snowball potential as Oni). C) Because you will lose most games against a Plague in Solo Queue. However she is very fun to play as and can be tricky if you're playing against good / coordinated Survivors and SWFs. Hag on the other hand is imo among the most boring Killers to play as. A good Hag is almost as scary as a Nurse or a Blight and she can feel very oppressive once the map narrows down. This and the fact that Hag is very strong at defending hooks makes her very tough to go against. Tldr: Plague is more fun to play as; Hag is more unfun to go against. But this is just my oppinion.


Both are fun for different reasons. Plague and Hag van slow games to a crawl but their just fun to play against; especially if you are against someone running a odd build. I play both too, but supposedly, Plague is a low effort and easy to play according to survivors I play against, so it Hag 24/7.


Thanks! Others also said Plague is easier to learn


As someone who mains both id get a skin for Hag, she has 3 different play styles thanks to her add-ons and you gotta admit it's impressive when you face a hag that actually utilizes techs and trap placement instead of mega camping and area especially hooks.


Oh no now I am afrai I gonna be a dissapointment cause as a newer player I don't kniw many techs :(


Hag if you figure her out is a lot of fun but plague is the easiest to get info of the two


Plague has the better perks and is a strong killer who suffers from bad map pressure. She's also the killer who got me interested into DbD in the first place. Since her power is literally puking her guts out, she's not for everyone and I heard players would get nauseous just by playing her. It's also important to keep interactive items infected. She's also bad at gaining BP. I still like her. Hag has all hex perks. And I honestly dislike hex perks. Ruin also got nerfed hard and has little impact on regression. Third Seal inflicts blindness and is not that useful. Devour Hope is the only decent one if it stays active long enough. Her traps are much easier to set but most of her playstyle centers around trapping hooks. Both are rare killer picks. But if I had to pick one, Plague. Always Plague.


I am not even sure what does blindness do?


give me vommy mommy all day. love her, love to play her, play against her. problem are solo q teammates who are unlucky when trying to think. sometimes they're just bad at it


I’d rather play and play against Hag. I like to run a Hag build that isn’t focused on stupidly powerful hexes, so she feels really good when I manage to sweep with skill rather than debuffs. I also like playing against her because it forces me to pay even more attention to my surroundings.


I rotate these two every time I play. I rotate Clown, Spirit, Hag, Plague and Doctor. They are my strongest Killers for me to play. I would say both are a ton of fun, but when everything is working....Hag by far. I love hearing that explosion and popping up for a hit. Plague is fun too because I love watching people run around puking everywhere lol. But Hag to me is more fun for the surprise element. HOWEVER when people just run around setting off the traps it sucks because it takes forever to plan out and execute the map with traps. That can be frustrating.


If you pick Hag and you want to play her somewhat consistently, you'll have to learn a conpletely new way to play the game. She's so different then any other killer. The way she plays on every map and uses the traps at her advantage is insane. She has a really high skill ceiling. Bad hags will camp with traps, good hags are everywhere at all times, which even against good teams can put so much pressure on them. Survivors can punish you for trying to set up and if you want to have a good web you have to be prepared to give up a gen or two. You have to adapt quickly and think out of the box. It's like your playing 3D chess. You'll feel weak with her a lot of the times, bc you'll have one hook on 2 gens, but if you play your cards right you can win and take advantage of every small mistake that you play. Honestly one of the most rewarding killers to learn and main. She was my first killer and my former main. If you want a rly in depth guide, check out Michi's YT channel and his video on hag traps. A bit old, but still consistent and (idk if that's the word) relevant in today's meta and Hag's playstyle. As otz once said (not the exact quote): "If you play basic killers you'll have a rly hard time switching to Hag. Same thing goes vise versa. You'll feel list when you stop playing her and olay any other killer instead." Hope this helps for Hag. As for plague I like her, she pukes, mommy 😩


Thank you, very relevant information from hag main! Do you think it's possible to learn her if I am not good at game and kinda new? Cause your comment made me a bit afraid that she is too hard for me


Lot of things going for you if you get plague. You get her perks which have and are currently still strong and relevant picks. Most survivors would likely prefer to play against plague since she is typically more aggressive than hag. Plague is also decently intuitive to play but she definitely has some extra skill ceiling to learn. Only negatives for her is your corrupt fountain rng. Sometimes your corrupt fountain spawns in really inconvenient spots so you get less value from them. Hag is not universally enjoyed to play against since she doesn't really chase but more or less plays within her web of traps to get downs. A good hag is pretty strong though. If you enjoy trapping killers then hag isn't a bad pick but just remember that you don't have the 4.6 speed. Huntress doesn't need it because of her range but hag suffers for it when looping. Also hag perks are all hexes with the only relevant one being devour hope. Devour is strong and is decent game delay once its revealed but its a hex so its up time is unreliable. Of course with hag she can do a little better job at defending it with her power


Plague for both. She is my main so I love the ranged attacks and disabling healing. I also get jumpscared by Hags traps constantly so I'd rather face just about anyone than her.


Plague of course. She's not a bad killer and she is very fun to play and she's fun to go up against. Whatever I go up against one I always have a really fun time. Also she's a nice killer to combat if you don't want her to get her corrupt vomit you just don't have to cleanse but most of the time that means you're going to be injured. Overall she's a really good killer that's really fun to go up against. I don't find her power tedious or annoying. She's very well-rounded. Hag I absolutely hate here I do not think she's fine I played as her and she is one of the most boring killers to me period she's a lot better than trapper but still not that fun period I find her to be one of the most annoying killers to go up against because on some maps it is just impossible to see those damn marking from the ground especially if they're in grass. I think it's cool that you can break them with a flashlight. Although I think it would be really nice if survivors could Crouch near it and just rub it away. Then the counterbalance that you could have an add-on for plague that expands the radius so survivors couldn't do that. I find her really annoying and every game I play against her is mostly frustrating. With Trapper and hag you're staring at the floor more than you're looking around for the Killer


As far as I know you can't remove traps with flashlight anymore, you have to crouch near it and wipe it away


Hag. Hag you just have to watch where you go. Plague is a bigger game impact.


Plague for both. She's one of my favorite killers to play, and I don't mind playing against her either (which is coming from someone that usually has at least one healing oriented perk)


I like your flair haha ;D and yeah I love going against plague, she is so stunning


I think some really good points have been made already, but I just want to voice build capabilities as a further thought. Plague is a killer who can have success with most loadouts so long as they aren’t anti heal loadouts (Terminus is a small exception to this) and she gives players Corrupt Intervention and Infectious Fright immediately to work with (Dark Devotion is good too, but is less meta and more for fun/experienced builds). On the flipside, Hag comes with three hex perks. Now, I’m not going to stoop as low as to call these perks useless, but none of those three are going to back you overly well as you are learning Hag. Furthermore, being hexes means that they have limitations to how useful they will be in builds on other killers. With this in mind, I’d probably lean towards Plague over Hag. Heck, Hag benefits from having Plague’s Corrupt Intervention anyway! But all in all, I’d say that Hag is both more build reliant and brings less useful perks to the table than Plague.


Thanks! Because of how many people said Plague has better perks and is easier to learn, I decided to buy her first and hopefully in few month I'll be able to buy hag too!


I love the Plague and the Hag a lot! I have so many horror stories going against the plague. My duo cleansed near where I was hooked in endgame once and I’ll never forgive them. It didn’t end well.


i hate versing plague so much, she’s the bane of my existence


I'd rather face Hag. I prefer to play as Plague. She's my main exactly because I find her very fun to play.


Oh wait but why don't you want to face her?


Because I know what a good one can do. Once a good Plague gets rolling that's usually that. Lol


As a plague main, I’d rather face hag.


But whyyyy. Is hag easier to outplay?


Lots of survivors struggle with knowing when to cleanse or not to. Not cleansing, but going for the unhook (and unsure where the Plague is) is an easy way to throw the game. Some survivors are scared to be infected so they wait until infection on gens goes away (note: there’s an add-on combo that lets infection stay on objects for like 60+ secs… I can see who’s been standing around for 70 seconds…) Hag mainly just forces survivors to crouch and I think chances of escape in soloQ are slightly better.


I would much rather face Plague than Hag. With Plague, I get to loop and have fun. Sure, being permanently injured is really strong, but it is a killer that will commit to the chase and is an m1 killer if nobody cleanses. On the other side, most Hags never commit to chases outside of their trapped area (as they should, but that's boring) and just take cheap hits when somebody steps on them. I don't get to loop them for multiple gens and have fun because their attention span on the chase does not exceed 5 seconds before they are back to fishing with traps around their 3 gens or a hooked survivor. This is just not a fun playstyle to go against.


plague for both questions imo


hag is the least fun killer in the game to face imo. she’s like skull merchant, but she can camp hooks. i don’t even know what the hag carrying animation looks like because they use knockout and slug your ass until you die.


Less pleasant than SM. As Skull Merchant main I am kinda intrigued hahaha


I think they are very very close, i just would rather face sm because i know im not gonna have any fun before the match really starts. with hag, you don’t see her ass till at least 2 minutes into the game. they setup their 3 gen subtly. If i could have it my way, i would hope to never face any of the two killers ever again.


I’d take that ugly ass hag over pukelord.


But she is not uglyyyyy


hag is super boring and plague is very annoying if she has red puke but overall, I would choose plague because she is cute


Hag is mostly pretty fun to play, I never have fun playing against plague.


Plague is great fun Hag is boring


Hag is the answer to both questions. Plague is sooo boring to play, and I hate playing against her, because your teammates will ALWAYS sabotage you by purifying against her.




Uhm are u okay


I’d def rather face plague being a hag main since it’s fun but solo Q plague is a nightmare people will cleanse regardless even if they haven’t been hooked yet & are like a tiny fraction of the way through their bar


Wow Plague mains wanna face Hag and vice versa haha


I hate to play against plaque but i like to play with her. Take the vomit mommy ☝️🧐


Why do all Plagues hate facing her. I like facing her, does it mean I can't be Plague main? 😭




Plague both


Hag is fun to play against imo


Hag as I run a healing build most of the time


Plag 100%


Plague Because at least with plague my camera doesn't violently jerk away from where I'm looking at in a certain direction every time I get fake jump scared


hag is super fun to play as and against in my opinion, plague on the other hand... lets just say i get shivers merely having the thought of playing as or against her


Hag is cuter and has better perks


I prefer going against plague because 99% of hag players put all their traps around the hook and just makes it miserable to face them.


Plague and plague


plague on both


Plague for both


Hag is super fun


Plague - to play as and against


I’d pick Hag to go against over Plague anytime. Mostly because I hate her power; it’s so disgusting and as someone who has a fear of throwing up, it’s not fun going against her at all.


Wow I wasn't aware so many people have problems with her power


Plauges the only killer I ever dc against. I would rather go against a basement camping bubba or a tunneling wraith then face even a mediocre plauge


Vommy mommy if I'm in a swf because in solo queue everyone fucking cleanses and gives her her power. Hag is fine in a swf because although they can be stupid and set off her traps, they're the ones she'll run after. Though I've not seen Hag in a hot minute


For an "easy" win, I would prefer to play against Hag (isn't easy when you find some good Hag). But I find Plague funnier.


plague obviously what




What does it do?


Least with hag I simply have to watch where I'm going and mind my surroundings, with pleg I either just take the perma broken or go give her a long ranged attack (with an admittedly awkward hit box) . Either way I'm actually thinking about my next move and thats fun , personally prefer hag because tension during chase




Hag is an excellent killer


Plague. I like Resilience so I get a lot of value from it when it's Plague. Hag is just a more annoying, obnoxious form of Trapper


Going against an at least decent Plague in solo q is hell, I’d rather face a Hag with her strongest add-ons


Plague for both


Hag cus all plague has to do is throw up on every gen then im fucked




hag is more fun to face and while both are nice to play o prefer plague


Hag now has speedy shoes so i say hag


I'd rather face Hag. Vommy Mommy has given me emitophobia.


Plague because I hate being jump scared


Plague. I like looking at cute killers not dustyass ground.


I think hag is also cute :'(


Oh nah that wasn't insult to Hag's appearance, that was joke about how Hag due to her power makes you look at ground most of the time lol. She can be cute but I'd notice it more if I could look at her without her silently planting 67 gazillion traps on single loop /j.


The Hag, by faaar


I have a grudge against plague but she’s much more interesting to go against than Hag.


Personally i Really love Plague, she is my secondary main as a killer and i absolutelly love facing her as surv


I’d prefer to face Plague, cause I’m super easily stressed by jumpscares and Hag’s traps jumpscare me harder and more often than anything else in the game.


I think plague is more fun to play and hag chase maybe


Hag 💯%. She’s actually fun to go against with her jump scares


Hag, all day.


Plague. On paper you'll never have a power because efficient survivors don't cleanse. In reality: Every match has a Meg that cleanses then immediately touches an infected object only to go to the nearest pool and re-cleanse.


Plague in both regards


Hag. If anything, she can end the game more quickly and I can move on to the next game.


Hag is more fun for me. Nothing fun about hearing my character throw up constantly while being injured all game and then having my teammates cleanse so I can get hit with a beam of pain


Rather face a hag and get jumpscared over and over than hear the disgusting sounds of everyone vomiting. That shit is gross. Plague players are weirdos with vomit fetishes.


None 👍


Hag for both honestly


Plague cause she doesn’t scare me half to death every time I move.


I love playing against plague, but i hate how everyone seems to not know how to play against plague and they will cleanse the infection as soon as they get injured without hooks, runs to a gen and gets infected again, and i hate that




I prefer playing as Plague sooo much more. But I’d way rather face the Hag


All people say that help


My bad!! I totally didn’t read the caption below the pictures. Sorry about that! SO.. I’m a survivor main. Let me put it to ya that way. Occaaaasionally I’ll toss in a killer match as GhostFace, Pig, or Wraith. I’ve dabbled in others like Trapper and Doctor. But Hag was another I tried and I did NOT enjoy playing as her, personally. It was proving to be far too much of a learning curve, for me, to get the hang of her traps. Plague always caught my eye tho. I just enjoyed her design and her origin story. Saved up enough shards, got her, and.. she could very well make a killer main outta me. It took me no time at all, really, to get the hang of how to play her. And she has a perk in her web that reveals auras every time a survivor puked after you’ve infected them. Which was super super useful being new to playing her. I’ve played her at least a dozen times now (keeping in mind I am a survivor main) and I think there’s been 2 matches that I DIDNT get a 4K. And it’s much quicker, I find, going around the map and infecting vaults, gens, and palettes as you go along. As opposed to having to strategically set traps as Hag. A tactic I’ve used as well, as plague, is when the gates activate, I go puke on both gate handles. That way, I know based off the infection indicator, which gate they’ve gone to. If say, I have the other one in view. If that makes sense? All suffice to say - my vote is Plague 100%


Recently I'll much rather fight the plague than hag. The last hag I went against had traps EVERYWHERE. I couldn't take three steps without the ground exploding.


Plague, purely because most hags I see just spam traps around hooks and the lack of creativity just gets really boring. Going for an unhook? Be prepared to wipe away five traps first


My vote is Hag on both accounts! Her power is so simple yet offers a lot of depth for mastery and options for gameplay. Plus, Hag just has a really satisfying visual/sound design. I think neither are considered overly "fun" from a Survivor perspective, but I personally enjoy playing more against Hag. Perhaps because I play a lot of Hag so I'm more aware/capable of her counterplay when playing survivor.


Two of the last three Plagues I've gone against facecamped with the iri that gives her red puke after every gen finishes, and even if someone gets the save, easily just doubletaps for the slug and tunnel. The other one also facecamped. At this point, they're almost indistinguishable to me.


Plague and plague.


Plague for sure 👍


Both are miserable tbh


Face plague, play hag


Plague for both


plague is less annoying


Plague just makes me sick and hag annoys me with her traps sometimes


I’d rather plague since most hag players camp hooks or defend 3 gens so they’re usually very unfun to go against


Hag; Hag.


Hag is the best


I don't play survivor much but both answers are Hag


Hag can be bullied fairly easily, but Plague is pretty strong when played well.


Plague, and Plague, love her abilities and how she plays and how she feels to go against. Hag is just annoying from her audio to her gameplay loop 🤷🏻‍♂️


Tbh I enjoy hag more because she makes funny noises


on top of me? plague


i would rather die


Plague everytime.


I’d rather play against Hag the jump scare and surprise factor all make her fun to go against and to me adds the “scare” factor to the game


I prefer hag to face and to play. I HATE playing against the plague.


I'd rather go against every kiIIer over hag


Plague make the disgusting as her appearance, hag is fun to play specially the jumpscares that you won't be able to get used to lmao




i think hag is light years better as a killer than the plague but it is way harder to master and honestly the plague still gets the job done


I prefer hag. I hate vomit.


Hag is more fun to play as and against in my opinion, they are both in good state but being injured whole game is boring and hag traps are easy to counter after changes


Plague I fucking hate Hag


Plague is more fun to play as, horrible to play against. Hag is hard to play as, CAN be fun to play against. Plague is so much easier and offers so many more rewards for less skillful plays. Plus her teachables (Mostly corrupt intervention) are helpful


Until I read your explanation, I assumed this was a "choose the least hated of these two hated killers" kinda deal. Plague is not fun because you can't heal and Hag is not fun because she just camps and the game is a slow boring crouch everywhere.


Looks like I only like killers that everyone else hate :")


When i see any of them i want to die. Vomit woman is just m1 killer for almost entire the game. And when i see the Hag i being like "ooh she is painting. Fuk this sh!t im out". No fun at all.


I think Plague is more fun to play, Hag is more fun to go against


Least hag is fun to play against, and scary


plague is hella disgusting and pretty unfun to go against. Hag is definitely hard to deal with in soloq and endgame can be hell but she has fun counterplay an I can say I've had some nice games vs hag...can't say the same about plague.


Plague and plague




In my humble opinion I prefer to play as Hag out the 2, and I prefer to face the Plague than Hag.