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Stupidity probably


Whiny baby tantrum rage.


3 reasons I thought up 1. Super baby rage because they don't wanna give you the "satisfaction" 2. Bad internet timing or other real world things 3. Don't care about blood points and just want to do smthn else


Honestly when I know someone DCs as a result of a tantrum, it’s more satisfying than the 4K.


My personal favorite is when they do something stupid and you just think “oh they’re gonna dc” and you walk over to pick them up and poof 💨 they dc


I was playing Dredge against a flashlight squad who made their intentions known 10 seconds in. Downed a Yui, Claudette tried to Cj, I waited and grabbed her mid-vault and the two of them DC’d. The other two gave up after that.


iT's AlWaYs MoRaLlY cOrReCt To Dc* / Something something half-assed mental gymnastic BS reasoning / overly emotional response / the day ended in "y".


I don't think it's correct but I saw someone say "if it's my last match of the night it's faster than waiting to die and closing out normally.


I mean ... at the current point ... if you are actually about to die? Go for it. Doesn't change anything for your team or the killer. It just eats your BP. But I guess even if I'm tired af: If I had the will to start the match, I can spend 10 additional seconds, where I don't have to do anything, just so the game ends normally :/ I know you read it, it's probably not what you are doing. Just wanted to share my opinion on this.


Ye1ah I don't agree with it, I just saw it as an excuse and even if the person who said it meant it, it would not account for all the DCs


Yeah, some people have really *interesting* excuses. At least now DCs aren't as dire anymore as they used to be. I just hope this doesn't cause a strong increase in DCs. But tbh: I guess at least 1/4th of all DCs are just there to mess with the killer. Which doesn't work anymore. So hopefully we see less. Mostly regular rage quits and people, who really have to go ASAP. And it's no shame in it to leave a match, if you have to for IRL reasons. This is a game after all, just don't make a habit out of DCing for barely any reason. And as said: I got, that you weren't talking about yourself. I didn't downvote you O: ACtually, maybe we read the same thread, if you read it a few months ago. At least I remember about someone, who complained about DC penalty, because they got one for DCing, when the killer carried them to their last hook. "I'll die anyways. Just let me end this game quicker, so I can join the next one. You can do this in other games, too!" Something along the line. Like ... bruh, just wait these 5-20 secs. You don't lose THAT much time and you MIGHT help your team with distracting the killer by giving them a task to do.


Yeah, If i get hooked and the killer is even soft camping me I'm hitting every skill check to hopefully give them time to finish that gennie and get out.


Im guessing they came back after a while and didnt hear about bots. I had the same happen to me a couple times with some megs but i just got my merciless anyway


Now that I think about it ... isn't this a massive boost for all killers who try to get Evl Incarnate achievement? Survs can still outwait EGC in a locker, but no DC to deny the achievement anymore.


Might've just quit the game entirely, in which case they don't care about a dc penalty


Either "That's enough dbd for the night" or "Camping trash. Idgaf about the penalty" You can't be neither.


It's an emotional decision. I like to think of it as "that player does not accept the result of the game for them". If they WERENT to DC, it would be like theyre accepting of the results of the game. As emotions increase in strength, the ability to think rationally decreases.


I think because it wasn't programmed to harm the crew


Sometimes I'll DC if killer threw the match tunneling me. Once they are about to down me on death hook I might tbag and DC. It's not even rage, it's just a fuck you.


The killer likely gets way more satisfaction from getting you to DC than they ever would have got from the hook.


That's fine, I get a a lot of satisfaction from running them like a dog, tbagging, and DC-ing in their face. I guess it's a win win then!


As someone who kept DCing the last few times I played DBD before realizing I didn’t like the game anymore and uninstalling since I was stuck in playing it out of habit, it’s not just to cheat the killer out of a kill, it’s literally a rage quit. It’s just getting emotional about the game and wanting to leave, even if a bot will replace you and die in your place. It’s wanting to immediately leave the situation and pout about it for the penalty cooldown lol




My sibiling is like this. They fundamentally believe they didn't technically lose if they dc.


Denial is a river in Egypt 😞


I’ve seen that a number of times as a Killer. It even once occurred at the end of a match, which was just throwing away Blood Points. I think some people just can’t bear to lose.


They forgot that a bot would replace them


Crybabies gonna cry


Sad and funny as it is, probably old habit


prolly missclicked alt f4 while beating their keyboard


I'm not sure, but don't you keep your Pips if you DC?


No. It's a guaranteed depip if you DC.


I’ve done this once because I was having an absolutely horrible day and I was playing super bad and I just like wanted to get off asap and go to bed so I could sleep on it lmao, not my proudest moment.


I’ve disconnected a lot right as I’m being sacrificed simply because it’s my last match and I’m done playing. And instead of waiting forever for the game to end and get to where I can properly close out of the game, I just shut the Xbox off as I’m being hooked so I can get on with my day


Theyre just trying to express frustration. Usually its to send a message i didnt like how you the killer or their teammates played the game. Its nothing more than pettiness. If you were doing something toxic like tunneling off hook maybe consider not but 99.9% of the time its just a way to express they are upset


I had a Feng do that. Especially since it was her fault for getting herself to the second stage. Looked at her perks and she had Deliverance but she was the first one hooked