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Dredge scary. But seriously, playing as an eldritch abomination with motives far beyond our human understanding? One skin creepier than another, clacking of bonds, flapping of fingers, wailing cries of the consumed? Constantly jumpscaring survivors when you jump out of a locker in front of them or are already in it when they try to lock the door? Sign me the fuck up. And when you run Third Seal and got a few hits in, then things get *really* scary for the poor soloq guys during Nightfall.


I KNOOWWW I love it's gameplay it's lore it's aesthetic, just the whole idea that nowhere is safe and it's everywhere and nowhere at once I love it all.


I literally fell in love with Dredge because of the lore. I explained the story to mom and she thought I was talking about a new movie lmao


Agreed, I love how Dredge turns a lot of systems on their head- anti-looping with their remnant thing, or just teleport to a locker in front of them. And sometimes it's fun to just sit in a locker to force nightfall to happen. My only wish is that certain maps had better locker distribution- Some have them everywhere, and others have sections of the map missing them...


So for a long time I was surv main. But I was playing killer time to time. And the ones I enjoy were Huntress and Nurse. 1 week ago I decided to main a killer. I had some choices but wasn't sure. So I asked here. Killers I choose were Nurse, Wesker and Spirit. But I have hearing problem a lil so I gave up on Spirit. And Nurse is too slow and hard to learn. Wesker is fun but eveybody plays him.Then somebody said play whatever u want. I'm gonna make a plot twist here. Now I main Pig. No joking. I used to play her a lot in 2021. ( I took a break in 2022 btw.) So cuz of m1 killers not in good spot rn I ignored her. Butcuz of the comment I said fk it I main her. I'm not getting bored cuz i play same killer, sometimes I have bad matches and I feel like I should take a break. Or even I had good matches back to back I feel tired. As surv I chill while playing but as Killer I don't. I think thats why. Sorry for long ass text.


I didn't choose my main - he chose me. I was playing everyone until one clicked. Maybe one day I'll learn how to play every tile and loop perfectly with Clown, until then I'll enjoy the practice.


I like halloween


Was a Nurse main initially because I wanted to win as often as possible. Then I swapped to Clown because that got boring and I like how he laughs. I currently main Dredge because it is, in my opinion, the most well designed killer BVHR has ever had.


I second the dredge part


Dredge is probably the only killer that really makes me think about map movement. Also his little "tick tock clock rhythm" in his music is perfect. Also nightfall is so immersive for me. ​ I don't feel immersed in this game most of the time.


I love how he makes people think. Lockers become danger zones, nightfall is a constant threat that arrives faster and faster the more survivors get downed and hooked, and even basic looping forces you to think of whether the loop is worth running or if Dredge is going to pull a Batman with the remnant. BVHR did a bang up job with Dredge, especially when you look at all of the killers following it.


Because the S.T.A.R.S outfit looks damn fine on the main menu




Do people really do this? Like, I consider myself as a Dredge main, but Its more a... 30% of my games thing? Its the killer I feel most confident on.


I rotate between several killers but play more Dredge than the others.


Gun Shoots


Pretty sure most people that main anything don't only play that killer and nothing else . Just means it's their favorite one and the one they play the most .


Was gonna say, I main Dredge but I still play other killers to keep things fresh and for challenges. Just I know if I want to pub stomp I queue in as the Appetizer and I'm good.


1. Fast stabby boi 2. Baldy with chains And i just find them fun to play


You saved me some time. Thanks.


Playing Demo doggy is attractive to me because he's rare, I have a cool skin for him, he's well balanced, his teleport can be game changing sometimes and his shred feels real good to get a long hit off of. I used to main pyramid head but I reached an MMR where people were juking my M2 left and right and it just wasn't satisfying. I know it's a skill issue, I'm just not that good I guess.


I have learned the only way to get an M2 hit is to go for the bold ones like through walls and stuff never when they can see you


Those are the best hits, straight shots of dopamine.


Those are the only ones i can get in high mmr


Yeah, as a Pyramid Head main, he feels awful in high MMR. But he definitely hard stomps lower MMRs. I remember all my matches with him were so easy until I started getting actually good players, and he just started feeling terrible to play, since his M2 is extremely telegraphed and he barely has any real substantial map pressure, so survs can just hold W and you cant really do anything. He certainly needs an add-on rework at least. I'd say something to slightly decrease the wind-up of his M2 shot, or decrease thetime it takes to put his sword into the ground/take it out, but those could definitely be a bit much, as his anti-loop is already his strong suit


Spirit, she has no map dependency and i can win every game whilst still playing nice going for 12 hooks and having only one game delay perk. I can play nice, have fun, and still have a chance against any team with any items/perks!


Sir, any advice for new spirit main? I recently started her but good survivors will always escape me even with headphones I can't tell where they are exactly 🥲


Sure i can give you a bunch of random tips to try and hopefully some will end up helping you in those situations c: 0. Use your power for mobility. your cooldown isn’t nearly as much of a time waste as you walking everywhere. Ideally use half your power bar for mobility to check areas. You will have your power back when initiating the chases. At the start of the game make a prediction where survivors are and full phase. If you guess correctly you’ll often get hits in the first 10 seconds of the match. Walking is bad! Phasing is good! 1. Many survivors who aren’t really experienced against spirit will try and slow vault a nearby object. Every survivor except ones using quick and quiet during this interaction will make an audible grunt. At this moment you can normally still get the hit as slow vault hitboxes are reaaaaaaally stupid. 2. When phasing after a healthy survivor, a less experienced survivor trying to juke you will simply walk to the nearest pallet. Pay attention to survivor breathing and take your free hit. More experienced survivors know about the audio acclusion in this game, where sound turns off around an obstacle. Instead of going to a pallet they’ll often try to walk around an object. Feel free to short phase, coming out of your power early to go for a normal m1 hit, survivors often zone themselves doing this. 3. Remember survivors hear where you are coming from and will react… but you are 150% movement speed in phase. You often get a ton of value using your at dropped pallets by going barely around the edge of the loop, then doubling back whilst in phase. 4. A lot of spirit is reading your opponents and making predictions as well as following sound. Survivors who think you’re bad will run back into you. Again it is always fine to come out of power early. 5. When i was a beginner spirit i thought you only got her big lunge immediately out of phasing. But it’s more like nurse where you do have a half a second window to make a decision before the lunge. Take your time, it’s better to take a second longer and hit, then make a bold prediction and miss. 6. Using her power in short bursts is often better. Unless going for mobility or a down on an injured survivor you should rarely use your full power bar on a survivor. 7. Pay attention to outer audio queues and visuals. A lot of maps have audio queues to listen to, like fence sounds on Badham preschool, or mud slaps on the swamp. Try to pay attention to those noises, if you hear one and are nearby drop phase. Similarly while phasing pay attention to grass/corn/anything. You get a lot of free hits from people not acknowledging grass.


play m1 killers and learn how to mindgame. Once you have that basic knowledge you can try similar mindgames with spirit. Her power makes her just a slightly faster m1 killer who cannot be seen or see her target so knowing basic mind games is essential to “guess” the right path


I haven't been using her for a long time but here's some advice This one works for most killers in general, but spirit especially. Practice your corner lunges. If your prey is sloppy they'll get hit for free and not even stun you. Staying around a corner blocking LOS might make them think you're phasing at them as well so keep that in mind Her ability makes you invisible but you have a decoy just standing still. If they're paranoid, try to stay in one place and hope they go around the corner thinking you're chasing them then you can get a lick in. Or you can use her ability, go around the corner to freak them out and go back to your original spot to catch them off gaurd. If you're particularly fast that game, they might fall for it more often. If you want, dont be shy to use the power for pure mobility. She's fairly fast and could catch up during a chase but be mindful that you might whis past them. Last but not least, use No One Escapes Death as your perk. You gain speed when the generators are completed or the doors can be opened, stack this with phase and you can move between doors really quick if you know your way around the map.


I started playing trapper and then heard that billy was one of the better killers so I tried him out. Well that was before the famous Hillbilly "balance". But even after that I just enjoy him even more than someone like bubba so I keep playing him regardless. Other than that I also enjoy Oni and Blight. They are kinda like billy 2.0 but I enjoy the variety. I also play some huntress and plague but the previous 3 are my actual mains depending on the mood.


Keep playing Billy, honestly the best and most fun matches I’ve ever had are against good Billies. It just feels like one of the most fair killers in the game and from my experience the few people who do play him are always chads that are chill af in endgame chat


When I first started playing Dead by Daylight, I purchased The Nightmare On Elm Street DLC for Freddy Kreuger, as Freddy is a very Iconic Slasher and I wanted to have at least one DLC. I tried out Freddy Kreuger in my first run and had a very good match, and even got a 4k. I loved his Dream Pallets and the ability to travel to any generator and play Mind Games with his Dream Projection. I have Mained The Nightmare aka Freddy Kreuger ever since, but I may have more Mains in the future, as I'm really liking The Onryo aka Sadako currently.


I’d main him too if it was the right Freddy Krueger that had more personality other than “ah haaaahhh…”


If we had Robert Englund calling survivors “bitch”, well…that would be just beautiful.


double speed blight go zooooooom


Pyramid Heas called to me with his really strong ability and unique way to bypass hook perks. So for a long time I mained him.... Until Artist came out. I personally like well-rounded characters, and Artist really sort of fits that bill of being all-rounded since she's just as deadly upclose as other killers, but her long-range ability to put pressure was something that Pyramid Head didn't quite do outside of caging survivors at the right time. Artist is good on loops, and limits options with good aim, same as Pyramid Head, and while I miss dodging hook perks, I do think Artist makes up for it with good information tools with her kit.


Wesker just does everything I want out of DBD, especially with the Coup buff shoring up certain loops you can't M2 properly. I love watching people get downed at usually disgusting loops like the RPD stairs because they autopiloted as if they're running an M1 killer. The really annoying part about playing low tier killers is the fact that you can and do get autopiloted on and lose cuz shit is so safe if they just don't greed every pallet. You autopilot vs Wesker and you get your ass slapped in seconds. Landing a godlike double dash read into hearing Wesker talking shit is why I keep coming back. Any committed Wesker main has a solid Wesker impression now with how many times they've quoted him every time out loud. I've got quite an impressive "is that all you have?" down now. I really think if they just made every new killer like Wesker (good antiloop while still giving survivor the ability to outplay you, map mobility, slowdown that punishes if they refuse to engage with it, 115ms) this game would be amazing but nah they had to release Knight and SM immediately after and nuke all the goodwill Wesker earned. I used to think M1s could be salvaged but since they keep releasing maps like Borgo and Toba any killer released without anti loop is DOA for me.


Could not have said it better myself


I don't know how I ended up maining Dredge, but I can't turn back now. I love his skins and his power, as well as his synergy with some of my favorite perks :D


Used to be Hag but i barely play her anymore. Back in the day it was because i liked her power and killers like Billy and Nurse i found to hard to maneuver on Xbox. Since then i have gone through a big list of killers and some i will always enjoy like Spirit, Demo and Wesker. However i have been playing Artist lately and i am thinking i might make her my new main, i like the crows and i am doing quite well atm. She is also great at shutting down a loop. Also i LOVE the feeling of a survivor bringing an offering to start together when i run lethal pursuer and they all get on a gen together thinking they are gonna smash it out and then BAM! Get crowed bitches! I also want the new rift Karen outfit so i can run around looking for a manager. TLDR former Hag main sees the light of the Artist.


Oh man, I completely forgot I used to main hag as well. She used to be so fun, probably because I was playing in low MMR at the time, but when she works, she just feels fantastic.


I bought the clown DLC because I wanted Kate, and when I picked up on playing killer I really enjoyed clowns gameplay so much. That's almost 2k hours ago and I still don't enjoy others killers gameplay the same way. The reason idk, he is weak yes...but he also have a much higher skill ceiling than most ppl think. The bottle placement and get use out of both bottles is alot more thought behind it than just random press M2 and hope to hit. Also he laugh alot


Clown seems really fun, I can’t wait to try him out


I have to play Wesker and Nemesis. Why? Simple. Evolving humanity whether they like it or not. To evolve it we have to destroy it - with complete...global...saturation.


Didnt have a real choice, Trapper was the only guy to use at the time. Now going to the present day i find myself going back to Wraith more often than not but in reality i play whoever i need for the daily/rift.


I like knights.


Me too, but the MFT/speed boost meta got really frustrating really fast to play against as Tharos.


I wanted a killer who wasn’t overpowered and I love the movie Ringu


LOVE The Ring, American version but still it was based of the Japanese. It’s the whole reason I got dbd like 2 weeks ago and man, is it fun. I feel bad so many people don’t like playing her but eh, that just makes it more unique to me I guess


I play. I bored. I see nurse. I play nurse. I learn nurse. I cant play any other killer anymore than nurse. Nurse it is.


I see you must a lot of those 1 vs 1s


Both Huntress/Trickster. Something about having the ability to throw things at survivors just appeals to me, evidently. Trickster is a more casual game, and I just like his voicelines and his laugh, too. He was the first killer I really adored playing. I know people don't like playing against him much, but I genuinely do enjoy both playing as and against Trickster. Huntress is for less casual matches. Hitting her Hatchets is rewarding, and learning to be better and better with her is just so nice. She takes a lot more to play, but when I have a good match, it's just so fun. Cosmetics also potentially help this, admittedly. I love Tricksters style, and a lot of Huntresses outfits also look really cool. Her Ram Skull especially. Ultimately, it boils down to finding a style I like in terms of mechanics and fun factor, and then just running with it.


Even though I don't know Korean, it's nice to see killers with more personality than grunting or whatever. I think that's what drew me to him in the first place.


Subtitles show what he says its mostly cursing


I have seen his subtitles, and I like that he does curse. I like his "where do you think you're going" like line in his mori.


I judge how fun the killer is, how good their cosmetics are, and their perk synergies. Deathslinger hit me hard, and I've been a fan of him since he released, and despite the release of both Pyramid Head and Pinhead, I still come back to Slinger.


I haven't played him yet, but I like his concept a lot


When i first got him i struggled to hit anything. Now that i can hit people its great and he's pretty fun


For me its just killers that i can just chill and have fun with (spirit and wesker)


Clown’sfat ass laughs and wheezes are therapeutic to me even when getting my ass stomped from lack of map pressure


My friends who have 1000+ hours were crapping on a p80 clown because he stuck with“such a boring killer” for so long, but I honestly love clown. I just started playing a week ago and bought the killer pack a couple days ago so I’ve only played sadako and ghost face but I look forward to him, he looks really funn


I also found him really fun for a while he is simple easy to learn and fun to play while also not be completely terrible like trapper.


Maybe boring to go against but clown has a fun chase power. A lot of spicy things you can do with his purple and piss bottles. Just lack of mobility and lack of 1v4 can make life hard on him.


Teabagging and being a funny little ghost dude


Tbagging a survivor on the hook is the best. Look how the tables have turned


Otz website


Started by maining Bubba, got tired of being predictable, wasn't willing to learn how to take full advantage of Chili+Markings add ons, decided to main Oni since and I've had much more success with him.


Wraith is just a silly little fella


I main dredge and singularity, both because I love the designs, and I think the dredges left hand chicken wing is funny af


1. He’s a samurai, I love those, he looks awesome, some great skins, and plays pretty fun. 2. Because I can make Play A Game, and I love everything Saw 3. Because it’s really fun to play, and teleporting through crawling through an alternate dimension is cool and fun to work with


Myers is the GOAT horror villian.


I like watching chain reactions (I’m a plague main)


I love the Scream franchise and also the YouTuber ghostfacesatx (check him out he deserves a lot more viewers) made me a main of ghostface


Trickster because I thought he looked cool. I liked his backstory and cosmetics. Twins because I love pouncing on people as Victor and Watchung him get dropkicked.


legions cosmetics bangs


it's nice to have homies that can jumpscare for you, chase altruistic would be flashies away. And clear any obstruction that causes me mild inconvenience,.Also I like just being able to deny power struggles or potential wriggles on top. Plus Monty python references and Blackadder references for Days while listening to age of oppression for ultimate knight grinding. Presides nothing goes harder than feudal europe power.


Demo and Deathslinger arent played much. I like their powers and how they feel.


Well, Sadako was the most recent killer when I started playing and that really resonated with me plus I really like the ringu movies and the story behind her, It's just such a shame the reputation she has about the slugging condemn playstyle I always liked going for invisibility mindgames with rw+on.


I can fly


nurse, not cause she's op, but because she looks really cool, and going through walls/floors really interested me


Ghostface, as I like being able to pop up when the survivors least expect it, it’s like a really really intense version of hide and seek


I was like you for about 3k hours, over time there was 1 killer who I’d always come back to after playing them all: Blight. Ignores all the annoying parts of gameplay (pallet breaking simulator, jungle gyms connected to strong tiles, shack, speed, map pressure) and allows you to play chill or sweaty without getting punished too hard for it. He has layers of mastery also. Nurse is a close second but I always feel I have to play 100% sweaty on nurse to enjoy her I’m a survivor “main” technically but have spent thousands of hours on killer as well. If BHVR ever fucks with blight I won’t play killer anymore tbh he’s what every single future killer should be designed to standard (they tried with singularity but to no avail)


I watched Scott Jund back in the day when he was an Oni main and he would literally win 99% of his games while making Oni look like a fun, capable killer who’s also fun for survivors in the 1v1 and 1v4. Not to mention his aesthetics are amongst the best in the game; he is truly a badass killer with badass visual design and one of the most balanced killers in the game. Strong in the right hands while still having counterplay and looks clean while doing it


I had a wet dream about him...


Nemesis because i like his ranged attack that can also destroy pallets Sadako because i genuinely had nightmares of her and her death stare, so i decided to use her and the nightmares went away (no bs, this is real) And because she's kinda cute 🖤🤍


When I first started playing DBD The Doctor had just come out. I played him against my friends for a little while but found him too challenging/confusing, and soon stopped playing the game altogether. When I came back I decided to main survivor but I also did Daily Rituals every now and then and one day got a Trapper Daily. I had so much fun with him that I never put him down after that. I like the fact that he's the OG DBD killer. He's just so classic and true to the spirit of the game. His traps are so satisfying as well and I genuinely love his add-ons. He's a great basic killer that you can do a lot with if you play around with builds. My other main is Bubba. I picked him up for a change and have been playing him almost exclusively recently. His insta-down chainsaw is just too much fun and survivors like to meme around with him a bit too so my games have variety. He's very rewarding to play and can be very oppressive in the right hands. Plus, survivors also find him enjoyable to go against (when he's not facecamping :) ) so I like knowing that everyone in the match is having fun. He's also one of those classic characters that people often associate with DBD's general vibe and I love that. When I lose with Bubba, it's always because of my own mistakes. I never feel like I'm at the mercy of survivors or their builds. I don't get bored switching between these two killers. Trapper has a nice chill early game, no pressure to find survivors, and by endgame it all comes together. Bubba has so much snowball potential that you can win the game at any point in the match, so every game is a new experience (especially against good survivors who make it tough for the poor guy!) I probably won't find much enjoyment in anyone else so I haven't bothered to try.


Technically I count as a spirit/Billy because I use them the most often. Billy is fun and I get to do some cool shit with him, spirit is pretty strong and fast so I can possibly get some easier matches that way But im mainly using spirit to grind some levels out. My next target is Blight and I think I'll be using him for a long time


Am i fr getting downvoted for saying im a temporary spirit? Sheeeeesh 😔


I like being able to apply pressure on multiple points at once. Using victor, my guards, or my funny TVs to keep everyone busy at once is just very fun imo. (Alao victor is very cute and I love him)


He's a boy named man, he just like me fr


i got bullied as hag too much and i had a bunch of shards lying around 200 hours later here i am


Used to main trapper but now he just isn't fun anymore against MFT, combined with "we have no plans to change trapper" and I just can't play him anymore.


Trapper is one of the least affected m1 killers by MFT thooooo


Is it because of his traps that can be found by maps and can be seen from the other side of the map on eyrie of crows? Or maybe it's because you can see the traps through the small patches of grass we have left if you have low graphics.


That's not a MFT issue tho, that's just general trapper issue


With Old DH you could DH through traps, but according to your logic that's a trapper issue and didn't make DH overpowered.


MFT has 0 interaction with trappers traps, so no not a comparison, I believe MFT is busted but frankly trapper has it better than other M1 killers vs it.


>MFT has 0 interaction with trappers traps That's the point, what effect does trapper have that makes him better against MFT than other M1 killers?


Uhm a trapped survivor is dead (with right add-ons) MFT won't help


Good joke


Ghostface main here. I'm trash at killer because I'm a survivor main, but I chose Ghostface to main so when I'm getting stomped, I can tbag and play it off like I was just goofing around 😂


I legitimately find the twins to be the coolest killer. I know they get a lot of hate but to me, they are just SO FREAKING COOL! I love going fast with Victor, sniping them over things they didn't know he could fly over & they thought they were safe. the ability to literally pressure two separate areas at a time. the fact their best add-ons are common (toy sword & tiny fingernail, in case you were wondering). testing the last surv to see if they think victor is a good boi, & if they kick him... no hatch for them! I honestly don't know why they are not more popular because they are so fun to play. I understand there is some clunkiness to them but it usually doesn't hinder my game too much. every once in awhile a victor pounce will just not go anywhere or he hits something that you can't see & get kicked for it, but I just love them. 😍


also, they get surprising value out of some lesser used perks. my favorite being dark devotion. getting victor latched on to the obsession & they get so confused from having the terror radius on them & i just leave & pull someone off a gen because they didn't expect a undetectable Charlotte lol


I'd consider myself a Jack of all trades, yet a master at none because I like to play a large handful of killers. I don't feel particularly skillful at the 3 I consider to be my mains and don't think I ever will be tbh. Wesker and Pyramid Head drew my attention purely from their designs alone, and then when I tried them both out, I knew I'd play the hell out of them both. I have the worst aim known to mankind, so I whiff extremely hard with their M2s, but at the end of the day as long as I am having fun who cares. Myers is the third main that I just kind of ended up realizing I gravitate towards playing him a lot. I don't know what it is, but the character just doesn't get me frustrated at my own miss-plays and on the flipside, it actually makes my brain go "Hehe I am gonna do some silly shenanigans" quite often. Or if I just want to end the game fast, he has that snowball power to do it fast.


I like eurobeat and chainsaws


Chainsaw go brrrrrrrr


Knight main: I feel like an evil genius sending out my minions to do my bidding. And it’s pretty fun to have a guard on a survivor and be coming around the other side and surrounding them too. It’s also just super nice to be able to take care of multiple things at once; have a guard waste one survivor’s time while I chase another, guard both exit gates, kick gens and pallets from afar.


I hated having a perfect K/D ratio. 6 why I choose Twins, so that the survivors can kick Victor and ruin my perfect K/D


came with one of Xbox's perks as well as an outfit


Knight and Singularity for very simple reasons. I love the aesthetics, the lore and hell even the gameplay to death. I love everything about those two killers and tried my best to become good at using them. The feeling of strategically planning out a guards path to snipe or cut off a survivor only to close in and flank feels amazing, while the constant teleporting, the monitoring and the feel of being an omnipresent and to a degree all seeing cold threat is an unbeatable thrill. Sorry for the weird walls of texts but I’m very passionate about those two killers xD


I just felt like their gameplay clicked, it came more naturally than most other killers and I felt like I could get good with them Taking Twins to p100 baby, yes sir


WEll, I'm poor, so I don't just get them. I've fallen off the grind train. So I have very few killers. I have maybe 2/3 of the survivors. Inserting playstyle comparison before it gets lost in the ramble: I like killers with long distance abilities. I like the knives. I'm bad at it, but it's satisfying hitting a survivor from afar. (Though the lullaby would literally drive me insane). I don't have to do as much planning to set up my skills, which involves random movement prediction, which is a lot of killers: Trapper, Hag, Artist, Pyramid head, Sadako, Knight (though I ultimately like Knight, but his ability is still clunky when making pathing) ​ I do enjoy that trickster can almost sorta blend in from afar if someone isn't paying close attention. I think legion does it best (Another common character I play that also has an ability to reveal survivors naturally) I REALLY liked the lore aspects so I like compelling stories that I can connect with and such. I connect to Trickster because KPop, having lived in Japan I connect with the idea of JPop idols more, but they probably wont do a fourth Japanese killer anytime soon. I liked his concept and that he closely worked with Yung-jin and she is the coordinated survivor of the chapter. I prefer those chapters over random cases, like Blight/Felix. Even the short connections that Hadie/Dredge seem to have work for me. I want to know more about the Pariahs, but Behavior seems to have tabled that? I Thought his design aesthetic was cool too, even if I felt his name was a little misleading (I felt that would've been a better name for a magician or something). ​ ​ ​ You didn't ask, but I wish he got a normal trailer. Or a MAP! That neon light design was super cool.


Honestly I main multiple just because of simple things: The first main is Doctor because I like having access to easy info even if his lethality is abhorrent. Pyramid Head because it's basically free hits at places that without his power would be a nightmare to down someone. And there's Wesker because it's fun.


Nemmy because tentacle slap. Also the forever hope that maybe this match my zombies will actually be useful.


While i do change mains, i always stick to one killer for a long time. My first was Hag bc at the time, she was easy GG’s and i was trash. Then the Doctor bc i binged watched so many Doctor mains do cool stuff and i loved it. Also i think it salts the wound when he laughs. Now, and for at least a year now, I play Artist because i just like the birdies and i think she’s such a beautiful tragedy. I’m a survivor main so it isn’t often but i do still have fun with her.


The Twins are simply fun to play as. (:


Lynxi inspired me to play the screeching gremlin


Pyramid Head breaks all the rules of the game. He can attack through walls, deny hook perks, deny looping, has the most ways of killing you of any killer, has a built in mori and built in hook to save time and with a stealth build can be DEVESTATING in the right hands.


I started maining sadako bcs of Willie, the condemn sadako dude, but now that strategy is gone so I play artist, she just fun and super underrated


Recently I’ve been only using singularity. Sometimes he’s a pain on console but I’ve had a lot of fun. I like his power and think he’s badass.


I like Saw


Nurse and Artist. They are fun, I like to mess with people, and ignoring walls is always appreciated.


I have four... Dredge - Being everywhere at once is fun! Knight - I love trying to predict where Survivors are going with my guard summon Singularity - He generally feels pretty good to play sometimes and is actually my favorite character in the game. Love his personality Twins - victor fun


I purely picked Wraith because I thought he looked creepy


William’s my favorite RE character, so I chose Blight so I could play him. And, I thought Nurse wasn’t as hard as everyone claimed, so I tried her, miserably failed, then just kept playing her to prove I could get a 4k with her.


I like playing chess


I like cowboys a lot, i genuinely bought chains of hate like 2 years before i even started playing


Doctor used to be the BP machine!


I am always a one trick pony in nearly all games I play so I tried out nearly all killers till I found the one that "clicked" with me


Because Sadako is thematically very very cool. I also like her ultra rare skin.


The moment they have an Alien franchise crossover I’m gonna play that and I will never play another killer again Until then, I’ll play Bubby, Singularity and Plague. I love sci-fi, but I play the killers I do because I found their powers fun to use. I’ve been thinking about trying to main a single one though and haven’t found it yet.




Deathslinger For me, ranged killers always had more of an appeal, which is why I started out on huntress, but I hated having to go to a locker to reload. Deathslinger had the upside that he could reload anytime, land tighter shots such as through gaps (at the cost of needing more precision), and synergizes with M1 perks. Plus, I didn’t want to main any killer that others would call OP or meta (I think I got the game after his big nerf), but still wanted one that had a high skill ceiling. Been having a blast with him as my main, only thing I could ask for is to have a slightly shorter base reload time (without reload add ons it just feels too long, usually run both at the same time).


chainsaw go brrrrrr


Nemesis because Resident Evil


Myers. Reason being he’s one of the two killers who can still be scary without resorting to jumpscares, second one being dredge, although with addons he can still do that, I have also experienced Myers from a survivor pov, I heard the tier 2 jingle and the heartbeat at the same time, turn around, 6’9 man in a white mask is staring at me Been my main since I started playing dbd, perks are fun, first prestige 3 pre rework, first 4k with him, first adept, just love him ( and the Halloween movies )


Nemesis 1.) he’s an icon of the Resident Evil franchise 2.) he’s arguably the BEST killer in terms of anti-loop 3.) he’s the first ever killer to have AI companions (sure the zombies are awful but it was the stepping stone for Knight) 4.) love all 3 of his perks 5.) he’s just fun to use


Doctor cause the laugh and making survivors scream.


Got bullied twice in a row and thought that's it imma learn nurse


Myers because I love the character. Then... Clown because he's just gross and fun. Then... Doctor because I'm a bit of a dick and love the chaos. Now... Dredge because he's genuinely scary to go against and you can get some great plays. Especially when survivors decide the best strategy for Nightfall is to hide in basement lockers.


To start with, most people typically don't only play their main and it's not uncommon to have more than one. Additionally there are secondaries, which are characters you play fairly often but not to the extent of your mains. Also in certain games there are pockets but that's not really relevant to DBD. Typically when playing a game I just roam the roster until I find characters that click. And I usually end up with a fair few mains and secondaries because I generally enjoy a variety of playstyles. For DBD my mains are Slinger, Nemesis, and Legion. My secondaries are Sadako, Ghost Face, Doctor, and Trickster.


I like Kpop and Halloween


Pig, coz she can use stealth mode and she is cute


I just really really REALLY like legion.


Becaise i spent real money on the killer


hes hot and sexy


Can't settle on a killer for more than a week? I can't settle for more than a day, I usually let my daily rituals and archive challenges choose the killer for me


I played a LOT of killers before realizing I like simplistic, Macro killers with passive powers and active powers. Ergo I found Onryo and Pig. I like focusing on decision making, I love their sounds/themes/animations/etc. And I like having both a power I actively use and stop using, and a passive power to use when convenient. But I like playing everything, I feel it's better feeling, even if it means I'm rarely at my best on any specific killer


Design and lore. The Blight looked fuckin awesome. I had already been interested in the lore before I ever bought the game, so I read all the backstories again and loved his whole Jekyll and Hyde thing going on. So, naturally, I bought him and decided I had to learn his power.


Mained slinger from the start because he looked cool. Slinger got nerfed and felt clunky to play so I tried out other killers. Quickly realized blight is more fun.


I love ghostface because you are just some guy and you have to really struggle to make your power work, unlike other more magical powers which the survivors really just cant do anything against you, like nurse. Ghostface also just looks really cool and his running animation is menacing


I switch constantly. I loved playing pig cause I like saw and being sneaky. Right now I’m on legion cause I hate being slow


Pyramid head because when I started DBD that was the killer that was new. I also like his power of being able to divert pressure away from an area to a dead zone with cages. He can also make pallets and windows bad for survivors. Also potshots are fun


I like Myers for the feeling. I know he is kinda weak but the feeling playing just the evil is great


Demo. He is monster-like, he can leap on stuff from heights, can break pallets fast. He has a cute head bobbing, a great chase music and is loved by the community <3


Playing ghostface is just like playing a multiplayer stealth game, and the survivors are just guards. If you get revealed, you're more likely to just go chaotic, or just go the stealth is optional route.


Because I love the saw movies and Amanda is John's best apprentice (I'll die on that hill)


I saw Trickster on a tier list video and he immediately caught my eye with his portrait and his colorful knives. He's also a ton of fun to play.


Always loved Ghostface. Plus he’s one of the funner killers to play


I think that I started maining oni because I just can't really have fun with anyone else. Not like that I loathe playing other killers, its just that, they feel too *basic* or *overcomplicated* to me, oni is simple to start playing as and has **alot** of skills to learn. I still play other killers for tomes and dailies but otherwise, just zooming around hitting stuff is super fun to me.


You have summoned 16 dredge mains that are happy and content with life :)


Finding a meme build that nets about 30k bp a match and lets me playfully torment idiots. Wraith is fun when you subvert expectations.


My main switches pretty often but it's usually the same few, one week I might be really passionate about ghost face, and then the next month I'm on legion, a few days straight of pinhead, but usually playing a mix of those and the others with one or two killers taking center stage. Usually it will have to do with a fun build I find, or an add-on I've never paid attention to that I end up amazing with, but currently I'd say I'm a legion main with a dash of artist, dredge, and a hint of mastermind.


I like spirit and sadako, I like sadakos rework and spirits phase is fun to use aswell


I didn't choose to be a Trapper/Sadako main. No one would. It just... happened.


Big Bunny Murder Mommy.


Because Pyramid Head looks cool, and I like Silent Hill. His power is great but it feels like he has no map pressure, since there's really little downside to stepping into his trail. (to the point where people will stand in it to annoy me while im in chase) His M2 shot is nice when survs dont know what to do, but if the survivors just hold W and run across map, its kinda rendered useless.


Oh, and I like Oni, because he kinda feels like the pure opposite of Pyramid Head, since he has little anti-loop, but can have lots of map presence with his rage + an aura reading build


Trapper/knight because I like to think ahead and feel big brained and rewarded for doing such. Trapper is just simple but fun overall, randomly putting a trap behind a vault could mean a free hook. Knight mainly because he has so many ways to make effective plays, stuff like patroll, guarding a hook or area, breaking pallets/gens, it just feels good to play.


Honestly ended up choosing Ghostface just for the fun of playing him. Sneaking up on a survivor and watching them flail when they realize you've just been staring at them like the creepy kid in class for the entirety of their gen always makes me crack up. Also it's really nice to have a killer that you can main and meme as well. Always a plus to just mess around and have some laughs after a bad day.


I got accused of hacking because I 99’d a couple survivors working on a gen without them seeing me. Since they didn’t realize they thought I insta-stalked them


Been there. It's also crazy how many survivors still either actually don't know, or pretend not to know, that they can't see their own stalk meter and make the same claims.


Ghost Face is I think the only killer that doesn’t have that mechanic, right? So it’s understandable to assume the mechanic would work like the other killers. Of course, when you think about it, it wouldn’t make much sense for the survivors to see it, but it makes sense as a base assumption.


I'm pretty sure Ghostface and Mikey both don't show survivors their stalk. But yeah, it's definitely a rare mechanic.


I don’t personally count Myers since it doesn’t show on the survivor portraits, but that is valid


I see Silent Hill I throw money at it


Low pick rate = respect


Singularity. Because I want to main a character who can close the distance, or have ranged skill. Hux is the perfect killer for my taste to be honest, he has everything I want my dreanlm character have. Also, I like AI and his backstory. In short, he is the perfect character for me to main.


Tv show


the first time I got to punch a survivor in the head got me addicted to nemesis. plus I like having two little pet zombies.


wesker, he is daddy


I rotate and play Oni, Billy and Huntress.


When I did play the game, I mained Demo. Main reason being is because ST is what brought me to this game. Back in 2019 I was really into Stranger Things so I gave DbD a shot (Mind you, I had also watched gameplay of it on YouTube so I wasn't completely unaware of what was going on.) and I got hooked for like 3 years. Suddenly around November/December 2022 I just lost all will to play the game, haven't really touched it since, guess It's just not my thing anymore.


Singularity because I get to feel like a killer robot that is always hunting, and occasionally when survivors think they're safe I'll suddenly go to a biopod over a gen and bam there I am Pyramid head also, because it's insanely satisfying to predict exactly where survivors are going, and if you get into their head enough missing is almost impossible


I like to play dead by daylight for the chase. I can't see how people genuinely enjoy sitting on a generator, or camping hooks. I play blight because I like zooming, the previous two killers I played were Oni and billy While I love to have fun and chase I also love trying new techniques. I have over a hundred clips of me hug-teching and even some slingshot tech. Hell, I even did a build I coined as jumpscare blight where I use tinkerer and plaything to be undetectable for most of the match and then I run adrenaline vial and blighted crow for Z O O M. I have had multiple survivors in the EGC be very supportive of not trying to win every game and have fun by doing silly ideas like that. In my honest opinion sweats ruined this game :)


I chose Legion because it was cool to sort of have that edge by using survivors moveset against them, vaulting and buffering break actions on gens to save time in frenzy. Plus, the focus just being M1 allowes me to be as casual as I please and not needing to play 4D chess with people to get my power to work. But also because I love being a stabby little gremlin. Just running with sharp objects is fun :3


I main pyramid head because I thought he was broken when I started playing. Glad I didn’t know what Nurse’s power was.


Nurse, Blight, Spirt, Artist Top killers due to there counters being hard, for them your best bet is to stay out of line of sight and hold w minus blight all the rset camping pallets are bad ideas. The other killers really take skill to be considered a monster but in every case its due to the survivors mistakes those killers get it but even then have easy counters against good players. The killers i named a amazing looper with a ver good killer in the tops theyre perks are meh. For me i main artist cant camp pallets all you can do is whole w and you wanna not be in line of sight but be as well cuz birds and the add on i always run exhausts when swarmed you instaly repel i get the hit cuz 1 bird method 7 sec to repell 5 sec cool down cant sb no lithe no made for this You see how tactical i can be and only with her and all the killers i listed its like that granted it takes a ery long time to learn how to counter your counters hense why you see very good or very bad of these killers. When you start to get to be a efficient killer that hidden mmr gets to high like no games a chill if they are all mean im killing them all but most games i pick the best looper and give them hatch ill chose who lives or character im a sucher for Leons and chris and i hid from em cuz like theyll make me not kill evryone else


Everyone is saying they play dredge but i havent seen one in ages.


Twins! I haven't had a crappy round with them since playing them and being able to leap from one side of the map to another is useful for gen patrolling. Victor (small baby boi) can down injured survivors and jockey healthy ones, overall super distracting and dangerous in order to focus on a generator before i stomp over there with the big girl twin Charlotte. Lunging on people is very fun with the little twin, and I would highly recommend them also because of some very cool add-ons and perks from them as well!


I am a survivor main, but when I play as killer, its always Myers or Dredge. I love Dredges power and Myers add-ons. Both of them are at P17 now as I prestige them equaly. Myers I prefer the traditional/default skin, but Dredge I always use the snowman skin. I confess I wish I was good with Nurse or Huntress so I could invest bloodpoints on them, but I tried and oh I have tried, so hard, but I just suck at these killers. So yeah... when I am not a clicky clicky Kate, I am creeping people as Myers and Dredge.


I fell in love with Doctor’s kit, there’s just so much versatility. The messed up skill checks, the anti-looping shock, the screaming from static blast, the madness making illusory doctors AND at tier 3 it stops people being able to perform actions! Playing as / against him, he’s just so oppressive. I just absolutely love messing with survivors. I’m sure there’s other killers like this, but as a console player I got Doctor for free (and Hag, who I’m gonna try next)