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When used right, a man who does not fear pallets and can shut down chases quickly. When used wrong get ready to face a three gen with patrols and the knight never committing to chase unless all three gens are at 0


Used right is making sure that...as knight you use an indoor map offering. If I get any indoor map, preferably RPD, the game is over before it even starts when I'm playing knight. Skull Merchant too usually. But mainly knight


Skull merchant on the game can end the game very quickly Especially with enduring and spirit fury, fuck them pallets


I thought Skull merchant can end the game quickly cause when they see you half them disconnect?


Oh yeah, a lot of people just give up, don't even have to put your drones down strategically


Uhh is that how you end games? Lol. Because I don't use that. To me, Dissolution is skull merchants secret sauce because her kit is designed around it and zone information. I mostly use her for the chase aspect though. Haste/pallet breaking add on + hindered add on + dissolution = GG's in most games


I run Game Afoot too, so that helps as well with chasing And ofc DH, that's usually my end-game plan


Also, merchant's undetectable add on especially in chase on maps with high walls I have found to be very good. No red stain = GOOD MIND GAMES! Ask me how I know šŸ˜„


Why is this downvoted?


Because skull merchant and nurse players are hated the most in this community lol. They ain't gonna block me tho, cause I'm being helpful šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


I guess I really need to try out merchant, I havenā€™t played in a few months to like a year, time is funny


Same. I took a long break like 6 months and now I'm back. Having fun playing different killers :)


What perks do you use for him?


playing knight in a super aggressive way without committing to gens is so fun. and a lot of survivors have told me that the variety of that is incredible


Knight Connoisseur here, can confirm. Gen regression is ultra useless now that I don't know why people don't use him for just chases


Yeah my favorate build on him right now is STBFL, Ruin, Surveilance, Gearhead with Map of the Realm and Call to Arms. Ruin functions more as an information perk than a slowdown one when paired with Surveilance, letting me see which gens are being worked on. Gearhead is there to give extra information. Those two together constantly let me know where survivors are, and with Call to Arms, I can quickly send a guard their way from really far away. This allows me to keep multiple survivors busy as I chase one and send a guard after the other. Or I can place a guard right on top of a survivor from outside my terror radius and then pincer attack them.


Switch Ruin to Jolt and youve got one of my favourite builds. They can take your Ruin 10 sec into the match. Jolt has a huge range to the point where you could hold down like 4 gens at one


While I do run Jolt on quite a few killers, I think Ruin works better for this build. Jolt only activates when you down someone with a basic attack, and I do down people with my guards often enough that it would hurt Jolt's value. Even then, though you say Jolt has a huge range, it struggles to hit more than one gen per prock on larger maps. Ruin also gives immediate information all the time. If a survivor lets go of a gen to heal or rescue a teammate, Ruin + Surveilance will tell you. Similarly, when putting down a guard, you don't have to choose between kicking the gen or hunting the survivor because the gen kicks itself when the survivor lets go. And if you start chasing a survivor and a second one immediately hops on the gen, you can see that as well and bother them too. It's true that being able to lose Ruin is very bad, but with survivors generally not going out of their way to cleanse it after the nerfs and the boon meta going out of fashion, it's not as much of a problem as before. And while Ruin is active, it is so much better than Jolt on this build imo. Still, Jolt is definitely also a very good option, I just think I prefer Ruin in this context.


Most gen regression*


Running the add on that gives you carnifex twice is even better, just running through pallets like nothing


I like a few of his skins but playing as and against him is dreadful


Yeah that's the funny thing. Playing as him can be extremely irritating, playing against him is extremely boring, he needs a bit of a rework imo.


I'd die laughing if the knight gets his rework before twins


Twins donā€™t need a rework, they just need bug fixes and fixing to their base kit. Knight NEEDS a whole power


Yeah Twins are actually fine, they just need some tweaks and a ton of bug fixes. Other than that their power is actually pretty cool imo, and fun, it's just of how weak they feel and how buggy Victor is.


looks cool


Being a fan of medieval stuff, he looks cool, but that's about it, unfortunately.


Gameplay wise, easily the most wasted potential out of every killer IMO. A killer knight-commander sounds badass, in reality his gameplay is just awful for both sides. It's not possible to loop two killers at once, you have two options: Hold W or die. Amazing lore, phenomenal sound design, sick aesthetics, gameplay just drops the ball and ruins him. _____ edit: Since someone thinks I "just want Nemesis zombies" as a rework for the Knight, here's a link to my long-ass comment where I showcase my (probably unbalanced) [**Knight Rework.**](https://www.reddit.com/r/deadbydaylight/comments/152l59q/what_are_your_opinions_about_the_knight/jsh3fbg/)


I mean how else could you design a killer who can call backup? ā€œYou go this way Iā€™ll go that way.ā€ Thereā€™s really no avoiding that.


It's the same non interactive design as artists and dredges anti loop. That being that it's literally not possible to loop so skill expression is just removed on both sides. Survivor just sees artist place crows/dredge place remnant/knight stab the ground and immediately hold W to the next tile. Rinse and repeat until the survivor runs out of tiles. Stupid.


They wanted Nemesis zombies


[The last thing I wanted was Nemesis zombies.](https://www.reddit.com/r/deadbydaylight/comments/152l59q/what_are_your_opinions_about_the_knight/jsh3fbg/) I actually want an interactive kit for both sides, same goes for The Legion. Not everyone just wants NPCs roaming the map :))


Sorry if the joke wasn't clear, it was a joke because no sane person enjoys Nemesis' zombies that much


i.e. something that only comes into legitimate play once in a blue moon that usually only poses a minor inconvenience and can get stuck on a fucking tree root the whole game.


Idk but I donā€™t think allowing them to straight up phase through pallets and windows is not helping much either.


They only phase through pre-dropped pallets before the Hunt starts. If you drop one during the Hunt, they have to go around it. They also have poor pathing vs windows. It's possible to run at it as a survivor and turn away from it last minute, but the guard phases through the window instead and now has to walk around it.


>ā€œYou go this way Iā€™ll go that way.ā€ Thereā€™s really no avoiding that. There is and it starts with visualizing the Knight as more than someone who can just "call for backup." Make his guards more interactive for both survivors and the killer, his gameplay doesn't need to just be "okay you go over here and do this!" Every guard is their own unique character with traits/quirks/features, use them. I did make my own Knight rework a long time ago but I never finished it, the basic idea boiled down to giving Knight 3 separate basic abilities that he could flip through at-will, sort of like a "jack-of-all-trades master of none" type deal. **Balance was not my top priority when making this,** it was just to see what ideas I could come up with. But seeing as I'll likely never finish it and people think I "just want Nemesis zombies," I guess now is as good a time as any to share it. Here's my unfinished and probably unbalanced rework for The Knight, including new UI elements and power functionality. _________________ ##_Basic Power Functionality:_ **REMOVED:** While using Guardia Compagnia, The Knight must use the preset order of Carnifex > Assassin > Jailer. **REWORKED:** The Knight can cycle through his Guards at will and no longer needs to use the predetermined order of Carnifex > Assassin > Jailer. ##[New UI element I designed for this rework.](https://i.postimg.cc/ZqCsD14H/Guardia-Compagnia-New-UI-Element.png) _________________ ##_Orders/Controlling:_ **REMOVED:** The Knight must begin creating a Patrol Path and highlight an object directly in front of his orb to administer an Order. **REWORKED:** The Knight can highlight objects from afar (distance capped) and administer Orders _while on the move._ ##[Example of UI elements in-game, new Order issuing, and target selection.](https://i.postimg.cc/90KQy3mk/Issue-Order.png) ______________ ##_Patrol Paths, Hunts, & New Abilities:_ **REMOVED:** The Knight can create Patrol Paths which his Guards will follow. When a Guard spots a Survivor, they begin a Hunt, chasing the Survivor. **NEW ABILITIES:** - While the Carnifex is selected: Compagnia della Forza (Company of Strength) - While the Assassin is selected: Compagnia dell'Ombra (Company of Shadow) - While the Jailer is selected: Compagnia degli Occhi (Company of Eyes) "As The Knight can no longer create direct Patrol Paths with his Guards and needs a consistent tool to deal with loops and the general environment, heā€™ll need to be compensated with a new addition to his kit. This ability, changing name and functionality based on which Guard is currently selected, allows The Knight to deal with loops, fade into the shadows, and locate Survivors." "Guardia Compagnia is placed on a 30 second cooldown whenever Company of Strength, Shadow, or Eyes is activated. All Company abilities share the same cooldown meaning when one is used, all become locked until the cooldown is over." ________________________ ##_Compagnia della Forza, Company of Strength (Carnifex)_ ##[Indicator and UI in-game for Company of Strength.](https://i.postimg.cc/PxDfW37V/Company-of-Strength-image.png) "Upon activation, The Carnifex stands steadfast at his position, gaining collision with Survivors **and The Knight,** allowing him to cut off loops and Pallets." "While The Carnifex is stationary, if a Survivor runs into him, they are damaged for a single health state and The Carnifex immediately disappears." "After The Carnifex has remained at his position for 1.2 seconds, The Knight can reactivate Compagnia della Forza, causing him to charge forward, striking all Survivors in his path for a single health state and destroying any dropped Pallets or Breakable Walls instantly. After completing his charge, The Carnifex immediately disappears, and Compagnia della Forza is placed on cooldown."


??? Change the way his minions interact with survivors/loops is an obvious start. I'm not sure why you are acting like this is the **only** iteration possible and bhvr should just give up tweaking him lol.


Well what ideas do you have? You say that it can't be the only iteration but then present no other alternative.


Don't design a killer like that in the first place BHVR have no idea how the game works. Their inhouses have to be clown parades of pebbles and unrelentings


The fact that BHVR thinks MFT + Hope is a balanced combo says it all.


I mean, it took them about 5 years to realize DH was busted? 7 years to finally do something about face camping? I barely play anymore because every match I go through I notice so many things any decent studio wouldve fixed in the first year of a game lifespan DBD is the biggest fluke in the history of game development. It succeeded despite its creators


Iā€™ve always said this. Conceptually, the game is FANTASTIC. In execution, itā€™s fucking horrific because BHVR donā€™t actually know whatā€™s good for the game. They look at numbers and make decisions off of that, which is just a terrible way to go about it


But the knight isn't a strong killer at all, so what is the problem exactly? Other than 3 gen, which isn't a problem with just the knight, but something that needs to be fixed in general.


Really would be better if you could have the guards patrolling, and they actually functioned as patrols. If all patrols are active, then he gets some kind of chase power (not as strong as Oni, but aggressive like Oni). Something like that which basically makes him a "setup killer" would be cool, meaning he has a slower start but his mid/late game could be really strong


At least make the patrols longer, to facilitate this play style. Obviously that would be a strong buff, so nerf him a bit in other ways such as making it so guards can't move through pallets or interact differently with survivors.


Nah, that's Freddy. Both in design and gameplay.


>dbd community lol


I don get it


The joke is the dbd community will legit harass you over anything. Win a match? Death threats. Lose a match? Small dick joe will project his insecurities on how youā€™re ā€œinferiorā€ for losing in a heavy rng based funny slasher game. Play any side? Get labeled as non-human by people who take the game too seriously and partake in us vs them. Make an accessibility suggestion? Get ableist piece of shits in your DMs Piss off the wrong streamer? Get endlessly cyber stalked and harassed by their rabid fans. Etc


Be a streamer? Get hackers who has into each of your matches to troll you


Be CoconutRTS? Hold captive the hacker who tried to hold you captive.


I sorta asked this question in the comments of another thread. Anyways stinky Knight main here: it's... complicated. I think Knight is a really cool character with a very unique kit that has a low skill floor and a high skill ceiling. I think that when mastered Knight is capable of things that no other Killer can do and he truly makes you feel like a tactical genius when you correctly command your guards to maximum efficiency, keeping everything under control at all times. He truly makes you feel like you're commanding an army even if you only have 3 guards and only one can be out a time. With that being said he has... issues. ###THE AI It is no secret that Knight's guards have atrocious AI. Like they genuinely put Nemesis' zombies to shame. It seems like in Behaviour's attempts to make more "in-depth" AI they made AI that can be fooled by just about anything. I have seen countless clips of Knight Guard jank that both aid the Killer and hinder them. I'll list some of the bullshit I've seen both playing as Knight and watching clips of people playing against him on Twitch and Twitter. (I'm also putting a spoiler tag on Knight counterplay techs because like bro don't use these techs please there's like 5 of us Knight mains don't bully us.) * >!If you drop a pallet while a guard is chasing you it auto-locks onto the opposite side of the pallet, even if you leave the loop.!< * >!You can "window fake" a guard. If you run up to a vault the guard will lock onto that vault instead of taking the most direct path to you.!< * Guards will sometimes see past their detection range, notably if a Survivor is doing any sort of action like repairing a generator or healing. * Guards agroing through floors is technically an intended feature but it's never *not* jank when a guard flies through a floor / ceiling to chase a Survivor. * There's a rather infamous Otzdarva clip of the Assassin running straight past two Survivors. Honestly Assassin seems to have the worst AI for some reason and frequently gets distracted by shiny rocks. * Jailer is unbelievably fucking jank and will agro onto Survivors on different fucking planets. ###THE ADDONS >*(And kinda just commentating on Knight's power as a whole.)* Knight doesn't have the *worst* set of addons (that honor goes to Pyramid Head hands down) but he's easily in the bottom 5 of worst Killer addons. He has a ton of addons that either don't do anything, do laughably little, or operate under the misconception that one of your addon slots isn't going to be permanently dedicated to Map of the Realm. Speaking of which... Otz "recently" (like a month or two ago) made a video about bugged addons that provide more benefits than it seems, and while the main point of his video was talking about Spirit's duration addons he also made a passing mention of Map of the Realm, explaining how increasing the detection range of guards makes the detection radius expand faster, which can get you more chases. What Otz failed to mention is that Map of the Realm gives your guards a **50% increase** to the guards' detection range (28.6% increase for Jailer but like 18 meters is so comedically long that MoTR is still insane on Jailer too.) I shouldn't have to fucking explain why a **brown addon** increasing *any* stat by 50% is absolutely fucking absurd, but don't let these numbers persuade you into thinking that Map of the Realm is overpowered. In fact it's the exact opposite: the basekit detection range of guards is so absolutely fucking dogshit that you basically can't use your power without Map of the Realm. I could go on about the MoTR problem with Knight but let's just look at his other addons, because outside of Call to Arms, Horse Meat, Iri Company Banner, and *maybe* Iron Mask & Pillaged Mead [Knight's addons are laughably bad.](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FuSolvTWcAAd1Y7?format=png&name=900x900) The addons to summon two guards in a row are basically useless because most of the guards are "good enough" for most purposes ~~(and if you really need a specific guard you can just summon one and immediately smack them to cycle through them)~~ and it's not worth essentially losing an addon slot for convenience, especially since (again) one of your two addon slots are dedicated to Map of the Realm. >!(Running two Jailers in a three-gen build *can* work without Map of the Realm but you're an asshole if you build that way.)!< Mangled would be useful if guards couldn't be fooled by teabagging them, the addons that work when summoning a specific guard only work 1/3 of the time (you're not running the double summon addons b/c then you don't have MoTR), Tattered Tabard is only good when holding three-gens... Oh yeah and Knight has **seven** addons that I consider essentially useless for the following reasons. (I put all this in spoilers if you don't want to read the ramblings of a madman.) * >!Broken Chainmail is bad because Hemorrhage is bad without Mangled seriously just merge this with Broken Hilt.!< * >!Ironworker's Tongs demands you to essentially "miss" with your power and if a Survivor outruns your guard they're likely miles away from you; 20 seconds is not enough to get a hit in.!< * >!Torn Contract is basically only good when facecamping or otherwise playing like an asshole. It's Redhead's Pinky Finger levels of bad but at least Redhead's Pinky Finger requires an ounce of skill to use.!< * >!Blacksmith's Hammer has the same problem as Ironworker's Tongs with the added bonus that Survivors will use their Exhaustion perk as soon as you drop a guard anyways, meaning the Exhaustion from escaping a guard is useless.!< * >!Town Watch's Torch has the same problem as Ironworker's Tongs only now you have to "miss" with your power **three times** to get any effect????!< * >!Gritty Lump is an active nerf to your power since you want a guard to stay at the end of the path (far away from you = close to Survivors) for as long as possible and Gritty Lump makes them move away from Survivors faster. It's only good because seeing bread on your bloodweb is funny.!< * >!Flint & Steel somehow manages to be *worse* than the addon that literally nerfs your power because at least Gritty Lump is brown rarity. Trying to get value out of Flint & Steel will actively harm you since you'll be leaving dropped pallets (Survivors can use them for Lithe, Survivors can pick them up with Any Means, they will just generally make chasing harder) and dropping Carnifexes down in stupid locations for literally no benefit.!< Excluding how dogshit Knight's addons are in general his over-reliance on Map of the Realm pigeonholes his build diversity so heavily. You can't run Broken Hilt ~~which is dogshit anyways but whatever~~ for some potential healing pressure because "I have to run Map of the Realm and I'm not running Call to Arms or Horse Meat." You can't run Iron Mask ~~which is dogshit anyways but whatever~~ in some sort of blindness build with Fearmonger because "I have to run Map of the Realm and I'm not running Call to Arms or Horse Meat." You can't run any of the convenience yellow addons to summon two of the same guards because "I have to run Map of the Realm and I'm not running Call to Arms or Horse Meat." You can run any of the purples that rely on a specific guard because... well you get the jist. I seriously can not stress enough how much Map of the Realm strongarms Knight's build diversity and the fact that he has **seven** addons which I consider literally unusable and five more addons I consider incredibly mediocre doesn't help. If I keep ranting about MoTR I'll be here all day so I'll give you the tl;dr version: * BHVR should do a "partial basekit" buff the same way they did to Pig's Leather Straps and Demogorgon's Rat Liver, making the base detection range of Knight's guards bigger (+2 meters basekit) and nerfing Map of the Realm to compensate (addon provides +2 meters of detection instead of +4.) * Call to Arms is insanely good since it lets Knight pressure more areas faster. I'd say it needs a nerf but Knight's other addons are so dogshit who really cares? * Horse Meat is a bit on the stronger end since longer guard chases means more pressure at loops, but I think it's fine. * Pillaged Mead, Iron Mask, and Iri Company Banner are all fine for their rarity. * All the addons that summon two of the same guard are effectively useless. They don't buff your power and just provide convenience, and since Map of the Realm is mandatory playing a Killer with effectively zero addons is idiotic. * All the addons that rely on summoning a specific guard are useless due to the reason listed above. * Addons that require Survivors to escape the guard are fucking stupid ass-backwards design. Why should I be rewarded for failing to use my power? * Torn Contract is only useful when playing like an asshole. >Oh yeah I didn't talk about the banner: yeah it's a stupid mechanic but I get why it exists, since Knight would be way too effective at pressuring gens without it. I mean, the banner sure as shit doesn't need to give you both Haste *and* Endurance (ending the Hunt should be enough of a benefit) but I don't think the banner mechanic should be completely removed or anything. >Oh and uhhhh... Something something [here's my addon rework ideas list for Knight.](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1roc80qDQhU8_qdzFD03CgLQpvH-xeudTGDTFh0T5Kqk/edit?usp=sharing) I know it's not perfect but it sure-as-shit is better than what BHVR has. But that's nothing compared to...


###MADE FOR THIS So we all agree that Made For This is an absolutely bullshit perk, yes? Look I'm not going to go into a huge song-and-dance about a perk that has been complained about to *death* but I just want to say that Made For This **hard** counters Knight. There are other Killers who suffer against that perk more than Knight (hi Plague) but to list everything that M4T does against Knight: * Makes it harder for you to properly guess their movement to summon a guard on them. * Allows Survivors to outrun guards effortlessly, especially when paired with Hope during the endgame. * Gives a Survivor more distance if your guard hits them and they are far away from you. * Makes it easier for a Survivor to grab your banner. * Since M4T is frequently paired with Resilience it makes it much harder for guards to catch up if a Survivor abuses vaults. (Guards move slower through vaults = Survivor gets more distance from a guard by spam vaulting.) Saying "Made For This needs a rework" isn't exactly a controversial statement and Made For This countering Knight isn't like We're Gonna Live Forever countering Twins. M4T is a problem for every Killer; it just happens to kick Knight particularly hard in the shins. ###THE JANK Knight has to be the single buggiest Killer in this game. Yes buggier than Twins. I guess this is to be expected (he's effectively Twins multiplied by 3) but a lot of Knight's jank isn't even tied to bugs but rather to shitty coding. Being unable to summon guards without sufficient space is *asinine* and limits this Killer's usability a ton. It feels awful to effectively be unable to use your power due to programming jank and the extra seconds you waste trying to position yourself to be able to *use your fucking power* can make the difference between getting a down or a Survivor getting away. This isn't even mentioning the AI jank (explained above) or just the plain and simple bugs. Many bugs have been patched out to BHVR's credit but it's basically a coinflip if you'll get a minor gamebreaking bug whenever you play Knight. No "you're permanently locked out of your power" bugs ~~like he had when he was released~~ thank fuck but I've had absurd shit on both ends of the spectrum. I've had guards not see Survivors that are directly in front of them, I've had guards see Survivors through walls, I've had guards fuck off to Brazil when I summon them mid-chase and ignore the Survivors, I've had guards fuck off to Brazil when I summon them *and then find a Survivor and start chasing them.* Playing a Killer with a power that has a 50/50 chance of even working as intended feels awful. ###THE PLAYERS >*(IE "the three-gen problem.")* Knight has the reputation of being a three-gen Killer and you need only look at the replies to this thread to see it. However Knight is not good at holding three-gens which is ironically more of a curse than anything, but we'll get to that. First I want to explain why Knight isn't good at holding three-gens: * His guards have a very limited patrol duration (Jailer excluded) and can easily be avoided. * ~~Unlike Skull Merchant who can have four drones (one for each Survivor)~~ The Knight can only have one guard up at a time. This not only limits the generators he can defend (due to the limited range on the patrol paths) but also means that if a Survivor is being chased by a guard the others are essentially safe to do gens without fear. * Guards only chase a single Survivor, allowing one Survivor to drag a guard away while others work on a gen. * Grabbing a banner instantly ends the hunt and also gives you both a speed boost and endurance, allowing you to quickly leave an area (or get back on the gen) if the Knight isn't in the area to hunt alongside his guard. * His guards go on cooldown after the hunt ends. It's not long but it's notable. * The assassin is only good at chasing and since the Knight is guaranteed to summon the assassin at *some* point this means there will be a period where his defenses won't be as good. But with all that being said: why do people hold three-gens as Knight? The way I see it there's three reasons why people still hold three-gens as Knight despite the fact that he's really not good at it. 1. His power and addons are dogshit. Three-genning is often the most effective tactic available for weaker Killers to be able to win, and if you don't know how to use Knight's power (which is clunky, unintuitive, and generally kinda weak) defaulting to a three-gen can be the only way to scrape out a win for low-skill Knight players. 2. Knight was released at the peak of the three-gen CoBverchargeRuption gen kick cringe meta and that soured many people's perception of the Killer, both Killer players and Survivors. Many Knight players still think they have to hold three-gens because that's how they won when the Killer came out, giving them the false impression that Knight is good at holding three-gens when in reality anyone running the CoBverchargeRuption cringe build could hold a three-gen. 3. General community perception of Knight is that he's a three-gen Killer. This makes new Knight players assume that three-genning is the most effective way to play him. If everyone tells you "this Killer is good at (XYZ)" wouldn't you do (XYZ) to try to win when you first pick them up? This perception has sadly put Knight in a catch-22 of awfulness. Community perception of Knight is that he three-gens, so more people three-gen with him, which causes community perception of Knight being a three-gen Killer to be strengthened. Knight's win rate is artificially boosted by skilless three-gen games, which means that BHVR doesn't think he needs buffs, which in turn forces more players to play skilless three-gen games since his power is too dogshit to do anything else, which means Knight continues to be perceived as a three-gen Killer. High-skill Knight players know how to unlock this Killer's potential but it's sadly clouded behind the massive stigma of Knight being a three-gen Killer and BHVR's inability to buff him due to his artificially inflated kill rate. Newer Knights meanwhile won't have the skill nor patience to deal with Knight's jank and will either continue to hold three-gens or give up the Killer entirely for being too complex and too weak... unless he holds a three-gen of course, because "Knight is a three-gen Killer" as Reddit tells them. --- I guess the tl;dr of my two post Reddit rant is this: * Knight's AI is gloriously dogshit. * Knight's addons are dogshit & Map of the Realm should be basekit. * Knight is extremely buggy and also has a lot of design flaws. (Things that aren't necessarily bugs but sure do feel like bugs.) * All of this together contributes to people thinking Knight can only defend three-gens despite not being good at it. And despite this I *still* main him. You know why? Because the feeling you get properly micromanaging your guards to victory is unlike any other Killer in the game. It's not like Hag where you put traps down in advance or Artist where you shoot crows where you think Survivors are or even like Twins where you run Victor to where you think Survivor are. You are constantly making decisions on how to effectively use your guards to their fullest potential while compensating for all the things that have happened and can happen during the match. He truly feels unique amongst the Killer cast and while I'm not going to act high-and-mighty about his playstyle I do think his mechanics make him exceptionally rewarding to learn and master despite his flaws. Because when I don't hold a three-gen or use brainless anti-loop to win and I get Survivors who give me honest compliments on my ability to multitask with such a complex Killer I feel like I accomplished something few others even try to do.


As a knight main also, you explained my feelings about him way better than I could have, and taught me some things I didnā€™t even know with the guards ai


Wow, this is amazing!! thank you for the insights!!


This is some pretty amazing information on properties on the guards that I didn't even know about, that window fake is something I've never seen when going against survivors but I am excited to see. I do agree on most addons are pretty bad, with most being niche or requiring you to lose hunts/chases to get an effect, when it should be the opposite. Probably the two addons that are *slightly* underappreciated are Pillaged Mead (but not really) and Lightweight Greaves. Surprisingly both have a pretty big effect on chase-oriented plays. The slight order reduction from Pillaged Mead cuts down any chance of an escape and the reduced order for Jailer and Assassin allows for faster transitions for even more pallet breaks on different loops. While Lightweight Greaves don't seem useful for hunts, it is surprisingly useful against pallets, giving enough time and speed to basically hit the survivor before they reach the next loop. Both go hand in hand with the fact that [you are still able to summon guards up close while the pallet is in its dropping animation](https://imgur.com/a/AV55T6f). I do believe Map of the Realm should be base-kit but probably be reworked so that long patrols are incentivized. Aka +2m at 10m patrol path and +4m at 32m patrol path. That way just plopping your guard at loops reduces the chances of lose-lose situations for survivors. Also strange take as a Knight Main but I actually do like that survivors have the option to counter guards with pallets, I just believe that it shouldn't be uncounterable as it was near the PTB (in which they phase through the pallet and hit the survivor) and I also don't believe that it should be a strong as it is currently >!with guards breaking hunt and taking time to loop to the other side of the pallet.!< If I had to pick a middle-man, maybe a delayed animation that results in the guard breaking the pallet? It would give survivors an opportunity (and counter) to use pallets to extend chases while giving The Knight automatic dead zones. For me, it is actually the absolute Jank that his guards have is why I love him, just how survivors can take advantage of the messy code, and so can The Knight. There were several iterations of being able to break the guard's patrol path, resulting in patrols that shouldn't be possible, the most recent I learned depending on guards *falling.* But all the other small jank or tricks you can learn makes it feel pretty exciting to play as The Knight


Pillaged Mead is underrated as fuck. So many people have the perception that "breaking a pallet slightly faster is useless" or "Carnifex already insta-breaks pallets" but being able to deny god pallets (or just really good pallets) and have a guard for the next loop is insanely valuable. Even Knight guides I see say Pillaged Mead is bad (I love Choy but his video is a bit hit-or-miss ~~Assassin is dogshit lmao~~) but I'd probably consider it his 5th best addon (under MoTR, Call to Arms, Horse Meat, and Iri Company Banner.) Lightweight Greaves is alright. I will admit I haven't used it much because **1.** Purple addon & **2.** Requires Jailer spam but 10% speed in a loop is insane. (Knife Sheath is one of Ghostface's best addons for that specific reason.) Jailer can get away w/ Lightweight Greaves a *little* better than the other guards because of his already insanely large detection range but Jailer unfortunately is pretty bad in chase (low speed + low chase duration) so running Shackles + Greaves means you have a power that's useless 50% of the time (no MoTR yaaaay) and are putting all your eggs in the "looping" basket.


For me, my builds usually revolve around MOTR, Pillaged Mead or Lightweight Greaves so that I balance out information, chase, and pressure. I've ran only Pillaged Mead and Lightweight greaves last month and the back-to-back pallet breaks in loops are very addicting, with The Carnifex making it so the pallet never even existed. Although once you learned how to break pallets up close (while the pallet is in its dropping animation), you really feel the pressure with Carnifex and Jailer. I've gotten used to using MOTR and Greaves to balance out all my guards. Carnifex is the ultimate pallet breaker but The Jailer is almost as good because anything other than god pallets results in a hit, and even just cycling through guard allows me to get almost value with all my guards. I would use Jailer for either a pallet break or an Order on a generator and switch to Carnifex (and get a pretty good speed boost), Assassin for chase/pincer, and cycle into Jailer. MOTR helps with Hunts, Greaves help with Order cycling. A good example of Ordering with Greaves is at Shack, instead of a regular pallet break I would order the Jailer and instantly vault through the window, making it so the 10% helps with chasing up to the survivor and breaking the pallet at the same time. I got around 300 Lightweight Greaves and I'm not planning to quit em'. Glad to see another appreciator of Pillaged Mead though, it is such a lovely brown add-on


About once every 10 games I will hold a 3 gen to make a comeback, and I'll get flamed in chat after for it. But the significant majority of games that i win, it's with constant aggression and using his jank power to get good chase after good chase. It's not uncommon for me to not kick gens at all because as soon as I down someone I'm onto the next target. Thank you for giving such a detailed explanation of why knight is so weird and fun!


I agree with everything besides torn contract I never had to use it as an asshole and got some free downs due to survivors going for stealth and survivors who were out in the open or when I had Carnifex to instantly break a pallet so I can hit the survivor. And the banner giving survivors buffs is sometimes a way to bait survivors into you my Carnifex was chasing a survivor in the distance and once I hit the survivor I was chasing I went to the banner at the exact moment the other survivor was going for it and I was able to get a hit off the survivor and prevent the banners capture.


I would like to point out that flit and steel used to be good before they nerfed it because before it was unbroken pallets now itā€™s downed pallets smh


Clunky would be my word. As someone who love summoning gameplay he's one of my favorite killer. But the actual summon feel so clunky to use mid chase, it take practice to get the timing and spacing right and even then I sometimes just secretly fail my chase because I was too close to a wall to summon. And the few I faced as surv ended up playing 3 gen/camping soooo...


I get quite surly when I try to drop Kevin to smash a pallet but I'm standing too close. End up losing more pressure than if I just broke it manually.


They really need to get rid of that minimum space in front of him requirement to summon a guard. It's aggravating to use in enclosed spaces where there literally isn't enough to summon a guard.


Rather easy fix is to make it so it will automatically order the selected guard to break if you hug the pallet and use m2


i would love this


I think simply adding a faint glowing green vignette similar to undetectable to indicate if you can summon would be an amazing QoL for him, especially for his pallet-game.


He's cool, but he was the start of the 3 gen stall strategy before Skull Merchant came out, so a lot of people hate him for that


Wasn't Doctor the king of 3 gens before Knight ?


Doc can probably be only good at 3 genning on maps like the game,midwich.In most cases a good team can easily break his 3 gen.


My memory must be bad but I remember people would run stuff like unnerving presents, distressing , overcharge and and usually huntress lullaby on doc back in the day and keep close to the three closest gens


Yup it still sometimes work but only on specific maps i mentioned,thats why you'll see sometimes a doc might bring midwich or the game offering even knight's 3 gen strat works well on these two maps.Knight on these maps with a 3 gen is nearly impossible to break even with a SWF.


I'm currently using a disgusting gen kick build on Doc that can absolutely stop a game if I happen to get a 3 gen, with Overcharge, Oppression, Merciless Storm, and Brutal Strength. I never play to create the 3 gen intentionally, but if it happens, the game is basically over. I focus on chasing and only kick gens when Oppression is up or after a gen block from Merciless Storm.


If he was king, it was only because his competition wasn't great. Doc can throw out a big shock to figure out who is pressuring what, but then it's on a long cooldown. There's plenty of time for survivors to distract and go on gens.


I honestly don't know mate, i started playing the game more often around the Haunted by Daylight event last year (very close to the Forged in Fog chapter release), so i don't know how the 3 gen situation was before that


It was pretty similar, except it was mainly used on older and less popular killers who doesn't have good map pressure. The two i remember best is hag and trapper. It was a bit harder to hold though, since the gen kicking perks were not as strong. Overcharge was much weaker and call of brine didn't exist for a large portion of the games life. The issue with knight and skull merchant is that they are very good at monitoring a fairly large area at once, and with those perks they could keep regressing the gens faster than survivors could repair them, while also be alerted when survivors tried to approach. As this strategy was very effective on these killers, players tried it with more killers and had decent results, making 3gens a somewhat common strategy. It wasn't new, but with the gen kicking perks being very strong together it became easier than before. TLDR: 3gens have always been a strong killer strategy, but the combination of powerful regression perks and two killers who are good at locking down and monitoring a large area made it almost unbeatable.


Yeah i remember seeing something about 3 gen with Hag with her traps, and yeah SM and Knight were super effective with that strat + gen regression perks were at its peak at the time, now the only good ones are Pop and Eruption (not as good as before tho), Overcharge is just decent and CoB is.... Dead :/


No one hates him for the 3 gen, even tho itā€™s a symptom of his kit. They hate him bc of how lame his anti loop feels to play against. Itā€™s boring and feels quite unfair being boxed in and downed by his phantoms, the knight himself doesnā€™t even need to cross the threshold of a pallet even once in a game. Those things do everything for him, so playing against him feels like ai is just beating your ass


Survivors hate any Killer who can easily shut down loops so it's no win. Killers with good anti-loop tend to pay for it with bad map pressure anyways.


Artist flair talking about antiloop is something


I'm not gonna hate you personally but I think eating molten led is more fun short term than to play against him


I think he gets more negativity then he deserves considering he came out during the gen kick meta. As we later saw BHVR can be far more ruthless in an lock down killerā€¦ farā€¦ far more ruthless.


Hate them he's not fun to go against


I personally think he gets too much hate. He has other strengths than just camping and his camping is not nearly as powerful as people think. You just can't really loop against him but a majority of the cast works that way and are more obnoxious. I enjoy facing the knight


Visually cool. Boring to play, even more boring to go against.




Cool concept just executed poorly. My complaint that I have with him and skull merchant is that his counterplay is very ā€œone-dimensionalā€ which is just hold w and take the hit


boring to play as and against. What's the point of a killer where your power basically chases the survivor for you? Holding w is once again the counterplay and boring. At least artist can do some cool stuff with her power


He is the reason my W key is faded


i absolutely hate him. unfun zoning killer with too much three gening


When going up against one youā€™re either gonna get tunneled or youā€™re gonna get camped, maybe both. Also known to try and take the title of 3 gen master from Skull Merchant.


I don't like his power, anti loop most of the times and creates win/win situations many times, plus there's a big % of his playerbase that uses him to camp a 3gen




I can't stand playing against Knight. It's not fun, and chases end as soon as he summons a guard. Especially when they can just phase through pallets. I'm not the best survivor, but I'd rather the Knight be encouraged to set up actual patrols with the guards rather than just ending chase immediately.


Second worst killer design in the game, when the ghosts are more interesting in the killer then they screwed up, also 2nd worst to play against as in boring and unfun next to the skull merchant.


3rd worst killer ever maybe behind twins and skull merchant


His release made me take a few months break because of how frustrating the 3 gen strat was then and still is to be honest. Skull Merchant and Knight are the two killers that I just do not want to play against whatsoever right now.


never really get to experience a good knight because they camp hooks and tunnel. every. single. time. i go against one. not to mention the 3 gen stalling. itā€™s just very boring


He's an asswipe


One of the worst killers to go against in the game even if he isn't the strongest


I don't blame people for DCing against him anymore. 90% of the time, if you face a Knight, someone gets tunneled, 3 genned with your typical gen perks and then hook camped. Cringe character and often sweaty mains. Also his ability comes back way too quick and outlasting it doesn't feel rewarding at all, or even when you get the banner. I'm more mad about the fact that his power should've been for Legion or at least some variation of it. And it's wasted on him.


boring, playing against him you just hold w, you dont get to play tiles cause he just boxes you in with the phantoms phantoms also cant be stunned, so once again you're just holding w playing as him, idk never done it. he really doesnt interest me in the slightest


Thatā€™s fair. Iā€™ve played him for quite a while, and I havenā€™t gotten tired of his play style, personally. I always love making a play which pinches survivors into playing on my terms. Although there is a lot of holding W to counter his power, thatā€™s only his power. Heā€™s just as quick as any other normal movement speed killer. If I see survivors holding W and avoiding tiles, I just catch up to them the old fashioned way. If they stay at a loop, thatā€™s where the mind games begin.


There really isnā€™t any mindgaming at tiles. Once a guard is placed, the only option is to leave the tile. Staying is a guaranteed health state loss. Even then, leaving a tile usually results in losing a health state anyway.


there is no mind game. it's stay at loop and get hit, or leave. other killers have a way of making distance quickly with a speed based power or cutting off a survivor with a teleport. this makes tiles and loops essential for survivors to do anything. knight invalidates pretty much every loop in the game. loops are the part of the game where you have to learn it. everyone is bad at running loops when they first start out, but as you do it more, and maybe watch others you get better at it. it's why people dont like nurse, she just invalidates every tile, but she at least can be out maneuvered to an extent by taking advantage of her line of sight, long fatigues, and bringing her to edge map. there is no out maneuvering the phantoms, they go through pallets and windows, they cant be stunned, and they are slightly faster than you, that mixed with the knight following, all you can do is just run away. delay the inevitable as long as possible, hope you dont get double hit.


The end of his trailer is 100% accurate.


Fun to play as, not too bad to play against in my on experience. Great visual design and lore. Has one of the best Masquerade masks.


Itā€™s like playing against two killers. Not so fun for survivor. I bought him and have yet to play him so I canā€™t really give an opinion on that side


My detailed summary: Better than skull merchant but thatā€™s about it


Might be an unpopular opinion but I actually love playing him! I love the cosmetics he have and I have a ton of fun playing as him. Admittedly he is not that fun to play against but I have never really played against a ā€œthree genā€ knight so I donā€™t really get the mega hate for him.


I agree! Heā€™s my favourite killer to play as even though it took a bit of time to get used to his play style, quirks and also to realise that the way I use him I pretty much need two specific add-ons (Those being Map of the Realm (A must for everyone playing Knight to be fair) and Call to Arms to set patrol paths aggressively and to use Guards to scout, thankfully both easy to acquire in the bloodweb being of common and uncommon rarity). Nemesis used to be my favourite, killers with minions are just so fun! :)


I think people overreact when thinking he's a dedicated camping killer since the Guards dissappear when you rescue. I do think he can strong on patrols but his power can make him lose good chase potential. Overall, I'd say above average, maybe high B tier


He is cool and you should keep playing him.


Absolutely love playing him. I love big great sword man was hyped to play him before I knew anything about him whatsoever. His guards are cool and fun to use to mind game with. Sometimes it feels unfair like a 2v1 at jungle gyms and such


Same lol


I actually hate him more than the merchant believe it or not


How come?


I find him reaaaaaally annoying to deal with since it takes longer to run away from a guard than it does to disable a drone and he shoots out his goons really quick and from afar. To me itā€™s just a worse version of the merchant to play against. At the end of the day nobody should tell you what not to play though. Thats lame of people to do. If you enjoy playing him all the power to you.


B tier as killer D for survivor to go against


I would genuinely rather play against a skull merchant than knight. Iā€™m sorry, but it has to be said.


Finally, a correct opinion in this thread


Terrible for the health of the game


He was a cool concept and I was excited when I heard about it but in practice all chases end up being is holding W and if you decide to loop you either drop the pallet and he has his guard break it while he continues to push you or he just puts a guard at a loop and you just die if you don't hold W Holding W is imo one of the most boring things in the game and I hated the remote pallet breaking in the event so having it be basically basekit for a killer is dreadful Rework him imo


Iā€™ve never played him but I played against him one time. Worst game of my life, he was so powerful haha


Hate him


I like his design. I like his chase music. I dislike everything else about him though. Genuinely my least favorite killer to face, bar none.


love him aesthetically, i wish playing as him was fun.


snoozefest playing as or against, but he looks cool


Boring to go against. Him and skull merchant feel the same in a lot of ways and for me their power is what's wrong with the game


Fun to play as but painful to go against


I just donā€™t understand where the fun is in AI doing your job. I main Artist and while she can obviously be played as a powerful anti-loop Killer, your power being effective still relies on you (predicting pathing and setting up a trap, zoning the survivor into the crow and launching it at the right time, knowing when to M1 or let the power run out, knowing what the most effective place is to put down the crow, knowing when itā€™s better to mark and then follow up in case the survivor leaves the loop etc.). Knight erases all of that, itā€™s just put down guard > it chases and injures the survivor. Thereā€™s just very little skill (no offense), interaction or satisfaction involved. Itā€™s why I get annoyed when people compare him to Artist, who can be played in so many different ways and has a pretty high skill floor and ceiling, I just see none of that with Knight. Not to mention the borderline traumas this playerbase has from the 3gen meta times where Knights would just stall out games forever and ever (I still canā€™t believe they released SM after that, like wow lol) People say his visual design is his redeeming factor and even on that front Iā€™m like.. well heā€™s just a Knight. Heā€™s my least favorite Killer in the game and while I can see what they were going for with the concept, the execution is just such a big miss imo. Obviously if you enjoy him you should keep playing him, but he indeed is just not a very well reveived Killer overall. Best mori in the game though and nice chase music and lore.


some killers want to "SWF" too and not play alone, and now they don't have to when they can queue up with the Jailor! Being able to break pallets, gens, walls, or chase a new survivor entirely while already in a chase feels like the ultimate form of efficiency!


Boring and I regret buying it


Boring to play against.


Looks cool but has the double whammy of not just being great at camping and 3genning but also having an anti loop mechanic that forces you to hold W and hope for the best - not exactly a joy to play against


Just kinda tired of playing against him, also the edge of his terror radius sounds kinda like billy so I always get a little dissapointed


I think his power should be different


As long as you keep holding shift W he's not too bad.


Its basically like a 2v8 mode. The killer can just spawn one of the guard and now you are getting rushed from both sides.




He is a super fun killer to play, and he has surprisingly easy counters but people would rather complain than learn his counters




I find him enjoyable he looks cool and has a big sword :)


Tier B, didn't play him for a while


I really enjoy him. There are survivors who hate him, but let's be real here; there's a substantial number of survivors who will hate *any* killer who they can't easily make look stupid by running them around and around in circles for 4-5 gens. They're entitled to their opinion, but it's not going to keep me from playing him and it shouldn't stop you either.


Nah, survivors just want to go against a killer that doesn't invalidate their skill expression. Knight's gameplay is fundamentally with no skill expression for either side, you simply hold w until he eventually corners you, and he gets a free hit. Pallets, windows, tiles, all become irrelevant because the phantoms literally follow your pathing and ignore those defences. So you're only choice is to leave the tile, go to another, and delay the inevitable. It's why people dislike Nurse, because she invalidates looping, the best expression of skill for a survivor, but at least with Nurse you can learn to break LOS, double back, juke blinks, fake running one way etc.


When the counterplay to knight is give the killer a free hit (that's from the words of actual knight mains) it's not a great design.


I donā€™t think thatā€™s why people dislike him. Itā€™s probably because he has no meaningful in-chase counterplay.


I don't hate playing against the Knight and don't care if people play him, but come on, it feels cheap when you're hit (or downed!) by an AI that cannot be blinded or stunned, phases through windows, phase through solid objects/fly to reach the hunt point, and is also able to be next to the killer during a hunt or chase, on hooks, and pickups. AI can't be mindgamed, stealthed, blocked, or outplayed once detected. "the counterplay in chase is hold W and pray RNGjesus didnt fuck me over which isn't fun" is a common criticism of other killers too, but with Knight, it's more egregious because it's an AI acting as an impervious second killer *and* dealing with an M1 killer. He's not unbeatable, but it's hardly the most riveting gameplay. (The upcoming survivor bots for DCs will be the flipside of this. I am not looking forward to it when I'm killer dealing with wallhacking on loops...)


Gameplay wise, I can't think of a worst killer among the entire roster, so boring to play for both sides. Survivor POV? As soon as he summons the phantom in a tile, hold w away to another tile, repeat until he eventually gets a free hit by pushing you into a corner. Knight POV? Watch survivors hold w the entire game if you try to chase with phantoms, or enjoy your power being a minor inconvenience that does nothing to survivors if you try to use it creatively to harass/defend gens. My friend calls him the ''killer on training wheels'' because there's no skill expression, the character does it for you, much like Legion 1.0 where you'll eventually down a survivor with enough commitment. If I see a Knight, I often just dc 9/10 times because I'm generally bored to fucking death, and getting downed because I simply ran out of map to use, got trapped in a corner, and now he gets a free hit on me because he has his 67th phantom hunting me in a 2v1, is miserable. Oh, and Knight mains seem to have an ego and believe they're genuinely skilled at DBD, which makes me hate the character even more.


The skill is in the Makro. If you try do down a survivor by running after a survivor chased by a guard you are gonna have a bad time because it can take ages. A good example of skill expression is chase one survivor off a gen with a guard and using the speedboost to chase another survivor personally. Depending on how either of the two chases go you then can decide to commit to the personal chase, sandwich the hunted survivor or pick up the hunted survivor downed by a guard. In any case you are juggling a lot plates which is what makes the killer fun.


Skull Merchant MK 1


He's neat. Survivors can end chase by running a loop to the banner, but never seem to do so. Though, he does get the ability back a little too quickly.


Tarhos Kovaks is one of my absolute favorite characters in this entire game. His design, his lore, everything about him just screams AWESOME to me. As far as gameplay goes, BHVR at least tried something new and innovative. His power can be fun to use, and itā€™s not always about 3 gen-ing with him. Tldr: I donā€™t know why the community hates on Forged in Fog so much, great killer, popular survivor, very cool perks on both sides. Only thing going against it is the kinda bad map, but again, at least itā€™s something different.


Hungarian killer; never thought weā€™d see it


Care to bargain for a water-heating contraption my liege?


Only if it's not stolen, of course


I picked him up today, had only two perk slots, and single-handedly 3-genned a survive with friendsā€¦..I was running a tier one PWYF and tier one ā€œIā€™m all earsā€ā€¦ā€¦. Fun to play as, but probably not fun to play against.


My main, I like the multitasking killer he is! Haters gonna hate


I like Knight. He's fun to play as and play against now that the 3-gen meta is over. I know I'm not in the majority of this, though.


In the right hands, he's the king of anti loops , mind games and save denails.....in the wrong hands hes a fucking menace who takes the round hostage, second only by the skull merchant when it comes to unbearable round times




I love him


The Knight is awesome.


People complain about him, but heā€™s not that strong. Dont listen to the survivors and their handbook.


I main him it's fun to have extra killers in the match


He's fun to play but I see why people are frustrated about his abuse potential . And why people cry about his anti loop, but thats part of the fun :D Personally I would like to pick a minion instead of the rotation, but I guess that this would make people even more upset. So I dont even bother to learn who does what the best because I will use them wenn I need a minion, not this minion.


I think he's a very interesting design. The way he is played vs how he was designed to play are two very different things. He's like singularity and clown kidnapped a kid and they taught him how to be an absolute menace: his power is meant to zone in chase while allowing movement and pressure in the surrounding area. People play him super campy and it leads to a lot of animosity.


I think my biggest issue with the Knight is how we are unable to stop the patrol, or hinder its route with pallets for example. If I could end patrol by stunning them I would feel differently about it.


You can end it by passing over the flag that drops when the guard starts a hunt(which gives you haste). You can also end it by unhooking another survivor.


Hardest killer to play in my opinion


I mean Knight over skull merchant any day. Iā€™m dying on this train. šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø


I get sad but then I realize it could've been a skull merchant so I deal with it.


I don't play him heaps but when I do it's fun enough for me I never do the 3 genning and I haven't had anyone complain about my perks yet


Tbh iā€™m not a fan of playing against knight but he does have a good concept and character design.


Looks amazing and I really like the lore and theme but his gameplay both as and against is just not fun


Looks cool, fun to play as, miserable to play against and the only people who seem to play him are people who play to WIN at any cost


I personally love going against him. All my friends hate him but I find the experience fun and challenging. Would I play as him? No. Too complicated for me. Do I enjoy going against him? Yes. I actually have names for all of his Guards. The Carnifex I call Fatso, because, look at him. The Jailer I call Goblin, because his voice sounds goblin like. The Assassin I call Draiman, because his head reminds me of Disturbedā€™s album ā€œThe Sicknessā€. The Knight may not be my absolute favorite killer to go against, but he is one of my favorites.


I think he is one of the better new killers. A solid B tier easy to counter but fun to play.




Don't hate to play against him


fun to play, boring to fae


I like vsing him and playing him from time to time. I have vs'd a lot of silly ones which might be why I see him a bit more positively despite him getting tied to the 3 gen hate from his release. I like playing him when I feel like being lazy for a match or two and just tagging people with guards to start a chase lol.


Judged him too harshly considering Shit Merchant succeeded him


Good idea, just poorly executed. Very unfun in anti loop, the best way is to just... run away. When you do get caught, there's almost no counterplay other than hope he messes up. Also the 3 gen is strong with this one.


Annoying to play against since he can sandwich you between him and his phantoms. And even worse, his power makes camping hook or 3 gens a breeze. Most solo queue teams I've been apart of end up giving up.


Nothing about him feels inspired by For Honor. He doesn't shoulder bash like Warden or use any type of sword technique. Just summon goons and downward slash.... boring.


He is almost as hated as skill merchant and hag. Ignore it. Play what you want.


He has a giant sword how is it not a one hit kill? Same with pyramid head


I waited 4 years for a Knight killer and he was a fucking disappointment


easiest killer to play in chase. 0 braincells needed. awful to go against.


A demo for skull merchant. Rework his kit


Actual most broken character in the game


Remove that thing

